The Market Revolution (1815

Dr. Unger
US History & Government – 11
The Market Revolution to Antebellum Reform Movements
Most Incorrectly Answered Questions Worksheet
7. The Adams administration proposed the __
under which the government would support
internal improvements.
17. former slave and spokesperson at
antislavery and women's rights meetings
18. Lucretia Mott and __ organized the first
convention to discuss the question of women's
c. American System
r. Sojourner Truth
t. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
22. In the early 1800s, most cities in the
a. had adequate sewage systems.
b. provided excellent social services.
c. were unable to support the growing
d. consisted of mostly middle-class
24. All of the following changes occurred during
the Market Revolution except
a. work became a commodity.
b. families became more self-sufficient.
c. capitalism began to flourish.
d. more Americans became entrepreneurs.
27. Which of the following was least important to
southern plantation owners in the early 1800s?
a. slave labor
b. access to markets
c. large amounts of land
d. urban centers to process their crops
30. Which of the following best describes
employers in the early 1800s?
a. They often provided free housing and meals
instead of wages.
b. They did not feel morally or socially obligated
to their workers.
c. They were very involved in their workers'
personal lives.
d. They usually provided health care and
retirement programs.
38. Under the leadership of Chief Justice John
Marshall (1801-1835), the United States
Supreme Court issued decisions that
a. declared racial segregation laws
b. gave states the power to tax the Bank of the
United States
c. increased the ability of Congress to limit the
powers of the president
d. established the supremacy of federal laws
over state laws
39. President Jackson directly ignored a
Supreme Court decision when he
a. upheld the spoils system.
b. ordered the removal of the Cherokee people.
c. terminated the national bank.
d. sponsored the Force Bill in 1833.
42. When South Carolina nullified the Tariff of
1828, President Jackson
a. repealed the measure.
b. applauded the action as a step toward greater
c. forced South Carolina to comply but reduced
some import duties.
d. declared that all states had the right to nullify
corrupt laws.
44. From 1820 to 1865, the debates over
nullification, protective tariffs, and the spread of
slavery into the new territories concerned the
constitutional issue of the
a. balance of power between the federal and
state governments
b. balance between the rights of individuals and
the need to maintain order
c. protection of the rights of ethnic and racial
d. separation of power between the executive
and legislative branches
45. What was one effect of the rapid growth of
cities in the early 1800s?
a. Poverty declined sharply.
b. Social services improved dramatically.
c. The unemployment rate decreased.
d. The gap widened between the rich and poor.
31. The Adams-Onís Treaty (1819) added which
new territory to the United States?
a. Maine b. Alabama c. Illinois d. Florida
Dr. Unger
US History & Government – 11
The Market Revolution to Antebellum Reform Movements
47. Reformers believed that temperance would
help prevent all of the following except
a. employee absenteeism.
b. moral decay.
c. domestic violence.
d. illiteracy.
48. Why did most African American abolitionists
oppose colonization?
a. They wanted to be completely free of United
States control.
b. They wanted to remain in the United States.
c. They wanted the same rights as Native
d. They considered themselves American and
wanted to maintain the same standard of living
that they had enjoyed hitherto.
49. Which of the following had the greatest
influence on woman suffragists in the 1840s?
a. utopian communities
b. the temperance and abolition movements
c. the underground railroad
d. the cult of domesticity and Transcendentalism