Law on Adult Education (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 55/2013) I.BASIC PROVISIONS Subject Matter of the Law Article 1 This law shall govern adult education and lifelong learning within the unified education system in the Republic of Serbia, specifically: principles and objectives, competences, qualifications and qualification standard, adult education activities, the term “adult”, use of language, quality assurance and improvement of adult education, organization and delivery of adult education, records and public documents, adult education plans and programmes, attendants and candidates, employees and persons engaged in adult education sector, annual adult education plan, supervision, delegating activities of state administration to an autonomous province, penal provisions and other matters of significance to adult education. The terms provided in this law in the masculine grammatical gender shall be construed to include masculine and feminine natural gender. Adult Education Article 2 Adult education shall constitute a part of the unified education system of the Republic of Serbia, which provides adults with lifelong acquisition of competences and qualifications needed for personal and professional development, work and employment, as well as for socially responsible behaviour. Adult education shall be delivered as formal education, informal education and informal learning. Formal adult education shall include primary and secondary education. Formal adult education shall mean, for purposes of this law, organized learning processes which are delivered based on primary and secondary curricula and syllabi, and based on other forms of vocational education programmes tailored to the adults` needs and competences and to the labour market needs, in accordance with the law. Informal adult education shall mean, for purposes of this law, organized learning processes for adults based on special programmes for acquisition of knowledge, values, attitudes, competences and skills focused on personal development, work, employment and social activities of adults. Informal adult learning shall mean, for purposes of this law, a process of independent acquisition of knowledge, attitudes, capabilities and skills related to daily life, work and social environment. Principles of Adult Education Article 3 Adult education shall be based on the following principles: 1) lifelong learning – acknowledgment of needs and competences of adults for lifelong learning and development in all areas of life; 2) individuality – acquisition of education based on experience, needs, interests, social and life roles and developmental characteristics of adults; 3) relevance – basing education and learning on requirements and needs of the environment and an individuals; 4) availability – equal conditions for acquiring general and vocational education and inclusion in all levels, types and forms of education and learning; 5) integrity – equal rights and opportunities for acquiring education for development of personality, social capacity and roles, employability, professional development and progress; 6) variety of offer – freedom and autonomy in selection of manner, contents, forms, means and methods of adult education; 7) equal opportunity – inclusion and education acquisition regardless of age, gender, developmental impairments and disabilities, disability, racial, national, social, cultural, ethnic or religious background, language, sexual orientation, place of residence, financial or health status and other personal traits; 8) cooperation in adult education – of relevant state administration bodies in charge of education activities, economic development, employment, work, social policy, health, youth policy and other areas, relevant institutions and other organizations in charge of development, provision and quality improvement of education and employment, scientific research organizations, autonomous provinces bodies and local self government units, as well as other social partners – chambers of commerce, representative associations and local self government units and professional associations of employers, representative unions, associations and individuals; 9) professionalism and ethics – professional and moral responsibility of persons delivering adult education programmes; 10) equal evaluation and social recognition of learning outcomes – regardless of form, type and method of learning and education acquisition; 11) guarantee of quality – for development of mechanisms for setting standards in various adult education activities; 12) respect for personality and dignity of any person taking part in adult education. Objectives of Adult Education Article 4 Adult education shall ensure: 1) improvement of education and qualification structure and advancement of employment opportunities of the population; 2) provision of a basis for sustainable socioeconomic development of the Republic of Serbia; 3) increase in professional mobility and flexibility of the working population; 4) poverty reduction, provision of equality, social inclusion and intergenerational solidarity; 5) improvement of life quality – personal, family, natural and social environment; 6) development of democracy, interculturality and tolerance; 7) integration into the European social and economic area by adherence to the European education frameworks. Competences and Qualification Article 5 Competences shall mean, for purposes of this law, the ability to apply acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes in different life situations. Key competences shall mean, for purposes of this law, the ability to apply acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for personal, social and professional development and further learning. Professional competences shall mean, for purposes of this law, the ability to apply acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for performance of work activities. Qualification shall mean, for purposes of this law, the formal recognition of acquired key and professional competences as provided by standards, in accordance with this law. Competences and qualifications may be acquired through formal and informal education and informal learning. Qualification Standard Article 6 Qualification standard shall include, for purposes of this law, key competence standard and professional competence standard and conditions for achieving such standards. Key competence standard shall include, for purposes of this law, general achievement standards and special achievement standards in primary and general secondary and art education of adults. Professional competence standard shall include, for purposes of this law, special achievement standards (learning outcomes) in professional education and training. Conditions contemplated by paragraph 1 of this Article shall refer to: adults involved in educational activityies, facilities, equipment and personnel of organizations where competences and qualifications are acquired or recognized, and procedures for recognition of prior learning. Adult Education Activities Article 7 Adult education activities, for purposes of this law, shall mean: 1) adult education which ensures acquisition of primary and secondary education (formal education); 2) acquisition of competences and qualifications for performance, improvement or change of profession, work, work position or work operation (formal and informal education); 3) adult education which improves knowledge, skills and abilities, for the purpose of personal and professional development and socially responsible behaviour, improvement of life quality, general education and culture (informal education and informal learning); 4) recognition of prior learning by assessing knowledge, skills and abilities obtained through education, life or working experience and thereby enabling further learning and increasing competitiveness in the labour market; 5) carrier guidance and counselling by providing professional support to adults in personal and professional development and employment. Adults Article 8 Adults acquiring primary education in accordance with the law governing primary education, based on adult education programme, shall be persons over 15 years of age. Adults acquiring secondary education in accordance with the law governing secondary education, shall be persons over 17 years of age. Adults shall mean, for purposes of this law, persons included in adult education activities contemplated by Article 7, items 2)-5), being over 18 years of age. Language Article 9 Adult education shall be delivered in Serbian language. For the members of national minorities, adult education shall be delivered in their native language or bilingually, if no less than 50% of attendants or candidates choose so, upon their enrolment into the programme. A member of a national minority, having been included in the procedure for recognition of prior learning, shall elect whether the procedures shall be conducted in his/her native language or Serbian language. Education of candidates and attendants using sign language or special script or formats, shall be delivered in accordance with the Law. II. ENSURING AND IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF ADULT EDUCATION Parties Ensuring and Improving the Quality of Adult Education Article 10 Parties ensuring, supervising and improving the quality of adult education shall include the following: National Education Council, Council for Vocational Training and Adult Education, ministries responsible for the affairs of education, economy, employment, labour, social and youth policy, regional development and other ministries, Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation, Institute for the Improvement of Education, organization responsible for employment, other bodies and organizations, in accordance with the law. The relevant national council of a national minority shall participate in ensuring, supervising and improving the quality of adult education, if such education is delivered in a language of a national minority. National Education Council Article 11 The National Education Council shall define general achievement standards and special achievement standards in primary education and general secondary and art education of adults (hereinafter: key competence standards). Council for Vocational Training and Adult Education Article 12 The Council for Vocational Training and Adult Education shall propose to the minister responsible for educational affairs (hereinafter referred to as the Minister) special achievement standards for secondary vocational education of adults (professional competence standards), qualification standards for secondary vocational education level, professional improvement and other forms of adult vocational education. The Council for Vocational Training and Adult Education shall form sector committees as its standing committees. Sector committees shall be professional bodies formed with respect to relevant working sector, according to the Uniform Classification of Activities. The members of sector committees shall be representatives of legal entities operating in the area for which such committees has been formed, representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, professional chambers, employer associations, experts in vocational education and adult education, organizations responsible for employment, representatives of ministries responsible for the affairs of: education, economy, employment, work, social and youth policy, representatives of association of vocational schools, representative unions and representatives of higher education institutions for which such sector committee has been formed. Sector committees shall: 1) analyze existing and define required qualifications for a specific work area (hereinafter: sector); 2) identify the qualifications that need to be modernized; 3) identify the qualifications that no longer conform to sector needs; 4) establish proposal of qualification standards within a sector; 5) provide opinion on expected outcomes of knowledge and skills within a sector; 6) promote dialogue and direct cooperation between the working and education sector; 7) promote opportunities for education, training and employment within a sector; 8) identify opportunities for adult training within a sector; 9) consider implications of national qualifications framework to qualifications within a sector; 10) define work standards for jobs within a sector; 11) propose a list of qualifications, based on levels and types, acquired by recognition of prior learning. Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation Article 13 Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation shall perform expert activities related to development of general achievement standards in education and special achievement standards in primary, general secondary and art education of adults and it shall evaluate adult education experiments. Institute for the Improvement of Education Article 14 Institute for the Improvement of Education, in cooperation with the organization responsible for employment, shall also perform the following activities: 1) developing standards contemplated by Article 12, paragraph 1 of this law; 2) defining a list of qualifications, based on levels and types, that can be acquired by recognition of prior learning; 3) maintaining records of legal entities and entrepreneurs, who are not organizers of adult education activities, but who perform practical work; 4) preparing instruments and standards for recognition of prior learning; 5) participating in preparation of annual adult education plan as requested by the ministry responsible for education (hereinafter: the Ministry). Activities contemplated by paragraph 1, items 2 and 3 of this Article shall be performed by the Institute for the Improvement of Education, as delegated activities. For the purpose of providing professional assistance with respect to performance of activities contemplated by paragraph 1 of this Article, the Institute for the Improvement of Education may form special committees and teams, out of experts in education and employment, or it may engage scientific research institutions, with the Ministry’s consent. Adult Education Councils Article 15 For more efficient monitoring and delivery of adult education, local self government units may establish adult education councils (hereinafter: the Council), to be funded by such units, or as parts of existing local socioeconomic councils or local employment councils. A number of local self government units may establish a common adult education council (regional council) for the purpose of monitoring and achieving aims and performing activities of importance to adult education. The Council members shall be representatives of the local self government unit, organization responsible for local self government employment, employers, unions and associations. The Council shall: 1) analyze and monitor the condition of human resources development, employment and adult training within its respective area; 2) identify labour market needs and adult education priorities within its respective area in cooperation with the Regional School Administration Office; 3) submit proposals for preparation of adult education programmes to the relevant Ministry; 4) propose to the relevant Ministry and relevant local self government unit body, the priority adult education programmes funded from the budget of the Republic of Serbia or the budget of the local self government unit. III. ORGANIZATION AND DELIVERY OF ADULT EDUCATION ACTIVITIES Adult Education Activity Organizer Article 16 Adult education activity organizer (hereinafter: the activity organizer), for purposes of this law, shall be: 1) a primary school and a secondary school; 2) other institution, public agency, public enterprise, organization responsible for employment activities, employment agency, legal entity, professional rehabilitation organizations, entrepreneur, union organization, association, professional association, adult education organization (community college, technical college, open university, senior citizen university, etc.), centres and organizations for professional improvement, for learning foreign languages or information and communications technology, for human resources training and development, for drivers training, chamber of commerce, carrier guidance and counselling centre, association of employers, culture and education centre, culture centre, as well as other entities registered for educational activity, as provided by activity classification regulations (hereinafter: other organization). Publicly Recognized Activity Organizer Article 17 A primary or a secondary school shall be a publicly recognized activity organizer if it meets relevant conditions for such activity and if it holds a verification decision issued by the Ministry, in accordance with the law governing the foundations of the education system (hereinafter: the Law) and this law. Any other organization may acquire the status of a publicly recognized activity organizer, for informal adult education activities contemplated by Article 7, item 2) of this law and for activities contemplated by items 3) and 5) of the same Article, if such organization is registered for educational activities and if it complies with relevant standards and pursuant to the Ministry’s approval in accordance with this law. Notwithstanding paragraph 2 of this Article, state administration bodies and institutions performing professional improvement and other adult education activities in accordance with the relevant law, shall have the status of publicly recognized activity organizer. The approval contemplated by paragraph 2 of this Article shall be issued to any other organization meeting the relevant conditions for organization of adult education activities with respect to programme, personnel, facilities, equipment and teaching tools and materials. More detailed conditions with respect to programme, personnel, facilities, equipment and teaching tools and materials, including the conditions for ensuring accessibility of classes and programmes to persons with disabilities, shall be provided for by the Minister. Procedure for Issuing Approval to other Organization Article 18 Procedure for issuing approval to other organizations for acquiring status of a publicly recognized activity organizer shall be initiated upon submitting an application to the Ministry. The application shall include: name, activity and seat of the organizer and its proposal of a programme for adult education activities. The proposal of the programme for adult education activities shall include adult education plan and programme and mode of their delivery, conditions for performance of adult education activities, referring to the place of performance of such activity, necessary equipment and materials, and the number of necessary professionals to be engaged for the performance of adult education activities. The proof of compliance with the relevant conditions and the proof of payment of the administrative fee shall be enclosed within the application. The Ministry shall forward to the Institute for the Improvement of Education, the part of the application related to the adult education plan and programme and to the method of implementation thereof, in order to obtain the Institute’s opinion. After the Institute for the Improvement of Education has issued a positive opinion, the application shall be delivered to the education inspector of the Ministry for the purpose of establishing compliance with other conditions necessary for issuing approval. Based on the findings of the education inspector, the Minister shall make a decision on the application for issuing approval within three months from the date of application. The decision on the application for issuing approval to other organization for acquiring status of a publicly recognized activity organizer shall be final upon administrative proceedings. The approval shall be issued for a five year period. Other organization shall submit a request for the approval amendment in the event of the change of its status, seat or facility, or in the event of introduction of a new adult education activity. Revoking Approval Article 19 The approval shall be revoked if other organization, as a publicly recognized activity organizer, no longer meets the conditions for issuing approval or if it performs adult education activities contrary to this law, based on the record of the education inspector of the Ministry or on the education advisor`s report. The approval shall also be revoked in the event that, while performing its activities, other organization commits a minor offence or a crime with respect to performance of adult education activities. The decision on revocation of the approval issued to other organization as a publicly recognised activity organiser, shall be made by the Minister. The decision contemplated by paragraph 3 of this Article shall be final. The publicly recognized activity organizer whose approval has been revoked for reasons specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 may reinitiate the procedure for issuing approval for acquiring status of a publicly recognized activity organizer, after two years from the date of revocation of its approval. Delivery of Adult Education Article 20 Adult education shall be delivered through lectures, training, courses, seminars, workshops, discussions, counselling and other forms of learning and education. Adult education may be performed through: regular classes, consultation and instruction activities, correspondence and consultation courses, practical activities, distance learning and other appropriate means. Adult education shall be delivered by: 1) persons delivering adult education programmes (teacher, lecturer, trainer, facilitator, instructor, etc.); 2) professional associates; 3) associates; 4) pedagogical and andragogical assistant. Implementation of Adult Education Programme Article 21 The implementation of adult education programmes, sequence of classes of specific subjects, modules or relevant areas, modes and types of knowledge tests, progress and other aspects, shall be adjusted to specific traits, needs and competences of attendants and candidates. Persons with disabilities attending adult education programmes shall be provided with programme accessibility and necessary individualized reasonable adjustments. Schedule for adult education activities on an annual basis, as well as educational activities on a daily and weekly basis, shall be provided by internal regulations of an activity organizer. Publication and Presentation of Programme Article 22 The formal adult education programme shall be published in the “Education Gazette”, in accordance with the Law. The publicly recognized activity organizer shall present its adult education activity programmes and organization of its work and, on the occasion of enrolment it shall make attendants and candidates familiar therewith. The publicly recognized activity organizer shall publish its education programme in such manner as to make it available to all interested citizens and media (publications, website etc.), no later than one month prior to the start of enrolment of attendants and candidates. The publicly recognized activity organizer shall, no less than twice a year, publish dates of exams within adult education programmes it delivers. Grading and Exams Article 23 Grading for acquisition of primary and secondary adult education shall be performed in accordance with the regulations providing for such areas of education and in accordance with this law. An attendant of a formal adult education programme shall take an exam at the end of the programme he/she enrolled, in accordance with the Law. Methods of Acquiring Qualifications Article 24 An adult may acquire a qualification or a portion thereof, key competences or professional competences, in accordance with the established standard from a publicly recognized activity organizer. An adult may acquire a qualification or a portion thereof, key competences or professional competences, in accordance with the established standard and under a procedure for recognition of prior learning, from a publicly recognized activity organizer holding a decision for the performance of activities contemplated by Article 17, paragraph 1 of this law. Procedure for Recognition of Prior Learning Article 25 Upon request of an adult, employer or organization responsible for employment activities, the publicly recognized activity organizer holding a decision for the performance of activities contemplated by Article 17, paragraph 1 of this law shall, within a special procedure, assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired through education, life or work experience, in accordance with the qualification standard or regulations provided for under this law. The request contemplated by paragraph 1 of this Article may refer to recognition of prior learning which corresponds to key competence standard or professional competence standard or qualification standard. A candidate may file a complaint to the Ministry, with respect to the procedure for recognition of prior learning, within eight days from the date of receiving results of the procedure for prior learning recognition. Standards and method of the procedure for prior learning recognition shall be provided for by the Minister. Cooperation between Publicly Recognized Activity Organizers Article 26 The publicly recognized activity organizer may perform individual approved programme independently, in cooperation with other publicly recognized activity organizers or with legal entities and entrepreneurs performing practical work, which is included in the records maintained by the Institute for the Improvement of Education. Model Centre Article 27 The publicly recognized activity organizer may acquire the status of a model centre in the event that: 1) it has taken part, as an experimental centre, in a scientific research project which introduced innovations in the practices for delivery of adult education, or which developed a new model of adult education plans and programmes; 2) it complies with personnel and space requirements. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this Article, a secondary vocational school which, through extended activity, continuously delivers education activities that improve the quality and availability of adult education, may set up a centre for continuous adult education – a model centre. The centre for continuous adult education contemplated by paragraph 2 of this Article shall be an organizational unit and it shall not constitute a legal entity. The decision providing for the status of a model centre contemplated by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be issued by the Minister. More detailed conditions for acquiring the status of a model centre, its mode of operation, funding and other matters of importance for a model centre, shall be provided for by the Minister. IV. RECORDS AND PUBLIC DOCUMENTS Records Article 28 The following adult education records shall be maintained: 1) attendants and candidates; 2) achievement of attendants and candidates; 3) exams; 4) delivery of programmes; 5) persons engaged in adult education. The records related to formal primary and secondary adult education shall be maintained in accordance with the regulations providing for such education level. Records of Attendants and Candidates Article 29 The record of an attendant and a candidate shall include information on their identity (personal information), education, social status and health status, as well as information on recommended and given additional education, health and social support. The personal information of an attendant and a candidate shall be the following: name and surname and a parent`s or legal guardian`s name and surname, personal identity number, gender, date of birth, place, municipality and country of birth, address, place, municipality and country of residence, contact telephone number, e-mail address, identification number, nationality, citizenship, health information which may affect delivery of adult education. Stating ones nationality shall not be mandatory. The information on education of an attendant and candidate shall be the following: information on attainment of attendant or candidate status, information on prior learning recognition, language in which adult education is to be delivered, information on attainment of competences and qualifications, information on dropout, exclusion and withdrawal from educational activity and information on compliance with obligations. The information on social status of an attendant and candidate shall be the information on living conditions (living in an apartment, house, family home, renting an apartment, living in a residential home, etc.) and family information (number of family members, education and employment of family members and receipt of welfare benefits). Such information shall be collected only for adult education programmes funded from the budget of the Republic of Serbia. The information on health status of an attendant and candidate shall be the information on whether such adult is included in primary healthcare system. The information on recommended and provided additional educational, health and social support shall be the information submitted by interdepartmental commission performing the assessment of necessary support and information on delivery thereof. Records of Attendants` and Candidates` Achievement Article 30 The Records of attendants` and candidates` achievement shall be such information which defines the level of attainment of competencies and qualifications and provided public documents. Records of Exams Article 31 The records of exams shall be the information on exams which verifies the attainment of a qualification, key competence or professional competence. Records of Programme Delivery Article 32 The records of programme delivery shall be the records of delivery of adult education programme. Records of Persons Engaged in Adult Education Article 33 The records of persons engaged in adult education shall include the following information: name and surname, personal identity number, gender, date of birth, place, municipality and country of birth, address, place, municipality and country of residence, contact telephone number, e-mail address, level and type of education, information on professional development and acquired titles, information on citizenship, information on ability to work, information on knowledge of a national minority language, information on the type of employment, mode and length of employment engagement, simultaneous engagement in other institutions, information on duties under relevant plan and programme, for the purpose of delivery of adult education programme, in accordance with the law. Method of Collecting Information for the Records Article 34 The information for the records shall be collected based on documentation issued by the relevant authorities, submitted by attendants and candidates of legal age and parents or legal guardians, and based on the statements of attendants and candidates of legal age and parents or legal guardians. Particularly sensitive data shall be processed with the prior written consent of the attendant and candidate of legal age and parent or legal guardian, in accordance with the law governing personal data protection. Maintaining Records Article 35 The collected information shall be the basis for maintaining records. The publicly recognized activity organizer shall maintain records in electronic form, within the Integrated Information System of Education, and in print, on relevant forms. The type, name and contents of the forms and the method of maintaining records shall be provided for by the Minister, who shall approve of their issuing, as well. Records shall be maintained in Serbian language in Cyrillic alphabet, whereas, Latin alphabet shall be used in accordance with the law. In the event that educational activity is delivered in a language of a national minority, records shall also be maintained in the language and writing of such national minority. Records may also be maintained only in the language and writing of a national minority on such form as provided for by the Minister, as a part of subordinate legislation contemplated by paragraph 3 of this Article. Processing Information Article 36 Data for the records shall be collected by a publicly recognized activity organizer. The responsible officer of the publicly recognized activity organizer shall be in charge of and accountable for timely and precise entry of information and for updating of records and data safety, regardless of the method in which such records are maintained. Periods for Keeping Record Information Article 37 Attendants` and candidates` personal data entered into records and information on attendants` and candidates` achievement, which is used for defining the level of attainment of key competence and professional competence standards, as well as the information on issued public documents and certificates, shall be kept permanently. Other information contemplated by Articles 29-33, shall be kept for 10 years. The information in records of persons engaged in adult education shall be kept for 10 years. Public Document Article 38 The publicly recognized activity organizer shall issue to an attendant or candidate a public document in specified form. Public document, for purposes of this law, shall be issued for: 1) attained key competence standard for primary education level of adults; 2) attained key competence standard for general education portion of secondary vocational education of adults; 3) attained professional competence standard; 4) attained qualification standard in whole. The information from the public document shall be entered in the employment booklet. Name, contents and visual design of the form of the public document contemplated by paragraph 1 of this Article shall be provided for by the Minister. Certificate Article 39 For partial attainment of a key competence or qualification standard, the publicly recognized activity organizer shall issue to the attendant or candidate a certificate in a specified form, in accordance with this law. The information from the certificate contemplated by paragraph 1 of this Article, shall be entered in the employment booklet. Name, contents and visual design of the form of the certificate contemplated by paragraph 1 of this Article shall be provided for by the Minister. Issuing Public Documents and Certificates Article 40 A public document or certificate shall be issued in Serbian language in Cyrillic alphabet, whereas, Latin alphabet shall be used in accordance with the law. In the event that educational activity or procedure for prior learning recognition is conducted in a language of a national minority, the public record or certificate shall also be issued in such language, in accordance with the law. The public document validity shall be certified with a seal, in accordance with the law. A person responsible for the use and safekeeping of the seal shall be appointed under internal regulations of the publicly recognized organizer. Database and the Integrated Information System of Education Article 41 The publicly recognized activity organizer shall maintain a database. Database shall be a collection of all records provided for by the law, which shall be maintained by the publicly recognized activity organizer in electronic form and submitted to the Ministry. The Integrated Information System of Education shall centralize data maintained in a database, from records of all publicly recognized activity organizers. The Integrated Information System of Education shall be established and managed by the Ministry, in accordance with the Law. Register Article 42 The Ministry shall maintain a register of adult education activities and publicly recognized activity organizers with issued or revoked approvals. Contents and method of maintaining the register shall be provided for by the Minister. The register of adult education activities and publicly recognized activity organizers with issued or revoked approvals shall be public and it shall be published on the official webpage of the Ministry. V. ADULT EDUCATION PLANS AND PROGRAMMES Adult Education Plans and Programmes Article 43 Adult education shall be based on adult education plans and programmes, or on parts of appropriate programmes intended for students, based on which adults shall acquire key and professional competences and qualifications needed for their personal and professional development, work and employment and socially responsible behaviour, or based on which adults shall acquire additional knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes with respect to the following: 1) language literacy and mathematical competence; 2) communication in native and foreign languages; 3) scientific competence in natural and social sciences; 4) information and communications technology competence; 5) competence in media; 6) professional work; 7) entrepreneurship and management; 8) creative expression and participation in cultural, art and sporting events; 9) responsible citizenship and respect of human and civil rights; 10) social skills, abilities in problem solving, communication and team work; 11) preservation and protection of the environment; 12) provision of safe and healthy working conditions for the purpose of achievement of physical, psychological and social wellbeing of employees; 13) other knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes. A programme may have a modular structure or it may be organized according to cycles. Adult education programmes shall be adapted to the age, prior education, knowledge, skills and abilities of adults in accordance with the established outcomes, and they shall be intended for: 1) education and training of adults whose right to regular education has lapsed; 2) retraining, additional training and specialist education; 3) education and training of unemployed for labour market needs; 4) professional improvement for the purpose of achieving higher level of professional knowledge and increasing work productivity; 5) education for the purpose of acceptance of democracy and civil society values; 6) education for the purpose of achievement of relevant national minority rights; 7) education of adults with developmental impairment, disability and especially talented individuals; 8) education of separate groups (socially excluded groups). Formal and Informal Education Programmes Article 44 Adult education programmes shall be formal and informal education programmes. Formal adult education programmes shall include: 1) programmes for acquisition of primary and secondary adult education; 2) programmes for acquisition of qualifications; 3) specialist and artisan education programmes; 4) programmes for competence improvement, performance of an occupation or job. Informal adult education programmes shall include: 1) professional work programmes; 2) entrepreneurship and management programmes; 3) science and technology programmes; 4) computer literacy training programmes; 5) foreign language programmes; 6) environmental protection and ecology programmes; 7) programmes for development and maintenance of workplace safety and health; 8) creative and artistic expression programmes; 9) programmes for acquisition or addition of other knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes; 10) programmes created in accordance with requirements and needs of the labour market. Adult education curriculum and syllabus shall provide for detailed: aim, educational tasks and contents, weekly and annual number of classes and other forms of educational activities, mode and types of delivery of such activities. Formal Primary Adult Education Programmes Article 45 Primary adult education shall be organized into grades, from the first to the eighth grade, and shall last for a period from three to five years, as provided by the school programme. Education contemplated by paragraph 1 of this Article may also be organized into cycles, whereas the duration of such cycles and the grades within such cycles shall be provided by adult education programme, in accordance with the law governing primary education. Subjects studied as provided by primary adult education curriculum and syllabus shall be the following: 1) mandatory subjects; 2) mandatory modules. Adults contemplated by paragraph 1 of this Article may acquire primary education by attending classes or taking exams. The number of adults per class or group shall not be less than 15 or more than 20. The relevant period for enrolment and applying for exams shall be provided by the statute of the school delivering primary adult education. An adult shall be deemed to have completed a grade if such adult has received positive numerical marks in all subjects. An adult shall be graded for subjects and modules by receiving descriptive and numerical marks. The evaluation of adults’ achievement in subjects and modules shall be performed for each completed year of education. An adult shall be deemed to have completed a year of education if such adult has received positive numerical marks in all subjects and modules, whereas in the event of any negative marks, the adult shall retake exams for such subjects and modules. Adults who have received any negative marks in specific subjects shall retake exams for such subjects. Adults’ conduct shall not be graded. Issuing Adult Education Programmes Article 46 Formal adult education programmes shall be adopted in accordance with the Law and other relevant law. Informal adult education programmes shall be adopted under approval procedures in accordance with the law. VI. ATTENDANTS AND CANDIDATES Attendants and Candidates Article 47 An adult shall acquire the status of an attendant by enrolment for an adult education activity with a publicly recognized activity organizer, whereas an adult shall acquire the status of a candidate by participation in the procedure of prior learning recognition. An adult may acquire a qualification if such adult has acquired primary education or owns a public document verifying key competences at primary education level. The special requirements and age limit for acquisition of the status of an attendant or candidate shall be defined based on the relevant qualification standard. The status of an attendant or candidate shall terminate by: 1) the acquisition of a competence or qualification; 2) dropping out; 3) the exclusion from adult education activity due to acting in breach of prohibitions provided for by the Law; 4) the withdrawal from educational activity due to unjustified failure to comply with liabilities provided for specific adult education activities. Mutual rights, obligations and liabilities shall be provided for by the agreement between a publicly recognized activity organizer and an attendant or a candidate. Education Costs Article 48 An adult shall not bear the costs of acquisition of primary education and the first employment. The costs of other adult education activities shall be borne by programme attendants and candidates, their employers, organization responsible for employment or other legal entity or natural person stakeholders. VII. EMPLOYEES AND PERSONS ENGAGED IN ADULT EDUCATION Persons delivering adult education programmes Article 49 The task of persons delivering adult education programmes shall be ensuring compliance with the general principles and aims of adult education and ensuring delivery and improvement of adult education programmes. A teacher shall be a person delivering classes and other forms of educational work in a primary and secondary school in accordance with this Law and other relevant law. A lecturer, trainer, facilitator, instructor and others shall be persons having, in addition to appropriate education provided by qualification standard, competencies provided by the relevant adult education activity programme. Professional Associate Article 50 A professional associate`s task shall be improving adult education through advisory and other activities and providing professional help to attendants, candidates and persons delivering adult education activities with respect to matters of importance for delivery of adult education activity. Professional activities within the area of adult education activities shall be performed by an andragogue, psychologist and librarian, in accordance with the Law. In the event that an activity organizer lacks all professional associates required by this law, a verification procedure shall be performed to verify whether such lack is reasonable. Associate Article 51 An associate`s task shall be ensuring improved delivery of adult education activities through their knowledge and advisory and professional work. An associate shall have such qualifications and competences as provided by the relevant adult education activity programme. Pedagogical and Andragogical Assistant Article 52 A pedagogical and andragogical assistant shall provide help and additional support to attendants and candidates in accordance with their needs, cooperate with persons delivering adult education activities and professional associates, associates, organizations and associations and local self government unit, for the purpose of ensuring improved delivery of adult education activities. A pedagogical and andragogical assistant shall have such qualifications and competences as provided by relevant adult education activity programme. Employment Article 53 A person engaged in adult education shall enter into employment with or otherwise engaged by a publicly recognized activity organizer in accordance with the Law and general labour regulations. Professional Improvement Article 54 A person engaged in adult education shall have the right to and obligation of continuous professional improvement, in accordance with the law. VIII. ANNUAL ADULT EDUCATION PLAN Annual Adult Education Plan Article 55 The annual adult education plan in the Republic of Serbia shall: 1) provide for priority educational areas, work areas and activities in adult education; 2) allocate educational areas, work areas and activities in adult education to local self government units, while taking into account the labour market needs, rational use of existing education resources, number of candidates or attendants, particular developmental aspects of specific areas, and aims and principles of adult education; 3) define approximate scope and sources of funds necessary for implementation of annual plan; 4) define the schedule for delivery of planned adult education activities; 5) define the criteria for allocation of funds. Issuing Annual Adult Education Plan Article 56 The annual adult education plan shall be adopted by the Government, upon the Ministry’s proposal, prior to the start of a school year. The annual adult education plan shall be adjusted to the funds allocated therefor in the budget of the Republic of Serbia for the following year. For the purpose of preparation of the annual adult education plan, the Ministry shall collect information on the needs for adult education activities from the autonomous province, local self government units, chambers of commerce, employer associations, representative unions and other entities through regional school administration offices. The information on the need for adult education activities shall be collected from the organization responsible for employment activities, other ministries and other state authorities. With respect to the proposal of the annual adult education plan, the Ministry shall obtain the opinion of the Council for Vocational Training and Adult Education, as well as the approval from the ministry responsible for employment. Implementation of Annual Adult Education Plan Article 57 For the implementation of the annual adult education plan, the Ministry shall publicly announce a competition for delivery of the planned adult education activities. Publicly recognized activity organizers shall be entitled to participate in such competition. Following such publicly announced competition, the Minister shall issue a decision on the selection of publicly recognized activity organizer and on the allocation of funds for implementation of the planned adult education activities. The Ministry shall supervise the implementation of the annual adult education plan and take necessary actions for the performance of the planned adult education activity programmes. IX. PLANNING AND FUNDING ADULT EDUCATION Sources of Funding Article 58 Funding for adult education shall be provided from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, budget of an autonomous province and budgets of local self government units in accordance with the annual adult education plan, directly from attendants and candidates and employers, as well as from other sources. The Republic of Serbia Budget Funds Article 59 The following funds shall be allocated in the budget of the Republic of Serbia: 1) funding of primary adult education programmes and the first employment; 2) other adult education activities provided by the annual adult education plan; 3) financial incentives for providing teaching tools and materials and for development programmes and projects in accordance with the annual adult education plan. Autonomous Province Budget Funds Article 60 The following funds shall be allocated in the budget of an autonomous province: 1) funding of programmes provided by the adult education plan of the relevant province; 2) financial incentives for providing teaching tools and materials and for development programmes and projects in the area of adult education at province level. Local Self Government Unit Funds Article 61 The following funds shall be allocated in the budget of a local self government unit: 1) funding of publicly recognised activity organizers whose founder is a local self government unit, for investment and investment maintenance purposes, as well as for the fixed costs; 2) funding of programmes provided by the local adult education plan; 3) financial incentives for providing teaching tools and materials and for development programmes and projects in the area of adult education at local level; 4) funding of operation of councils. X. SUPERVISION Inspection and Expert Pedagogical Supervision Article 62 The inspection and expert pedagogical supervision of operation of publicly recognized activity organizers shall be performed by the Ministry, in accordance with the Law. Quality Assurance of Operation in Adult Education Article 63 External quality assessment of operation of publicly recognized activity organizers who deliver adult education programmes shall be performed by the Ministry and the Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation, in accordance with the Law. XI. PENAL PROVISIONS Article 64 A legal entity - publicly recognized activity organizer shall be fined in the amount of RSD 100,000 to 1,000,000 for an offence, whereas an entrepreneur - publicly recognized activity organizer shall be fined in the amount of RSD 10,000 to 250,000 for: 1) failing to maintain records or maintaining records contrary to the provisions of this law (Articles 28-37); 2) issuing a public document or certificate contrary to the provisions of this law (Articles 38-40); 3) failing to enter into agreement with an attendant or candidate, or accepting attendant or candidate into adult education activity contrary to Article 47 of this law; 4) charging an attendant or candidate for costs funded from the budget of the Republic of Serbia (Article 48, paragraph 1); 5) engaging persons delivering adult education programmes and other associates contrary to Articles 49-53. A responsible officer of the publicly recognizer activity organizer shall also be fined in the amount of RSD 5,000 to 100,000 for an offence contemplated by paragraph 1 of this Article. XII. DELEGATING ACTIVITIES OF STATE ADMINISTRATION TO AN AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE Article 65 Activities contemplated by Article 18, paragraph 1 (procedure for issuing approval to other organization performing activity and having the seat in the territory of an autonomous province); Article 19 (revocation of approval) and Article 62 (inspection supervision), shall be performed by the relevant body of the autonomous province, as delegated activities. XIII. TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS Article 66 Regulations necessary for the performance of this law shall be passed within six months from the effective date of this law. Article 67 This law shall take effect on the eighth day from the date of its publication in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” and it shall be applicable from 1st January, 2014.