BLOOM BALL explanation

Saint Paul College
English Department
Teacher Lidy Vargas
Student’s name: _______________
Section: ___________
II trim Project
The ball represents different levels of thinking and directions are as follows:
A. Knowledge:
Circle 1 (yellow circle)
______On the first circle, write your name, the title and author of the book. Plan the
lettering to use up the entire space and to be attractive. Spell correctly!
Circle 2 (yellow circle)
______On the second circle, use complete sentences to write four facts about your
author. Do some research, but use your own words.
B. Comprehension:
Circle 3 (green circle)
______Describe two main characters in the story. Use two physical characteristics and two
personality traits. Use complete sentences.
C. Application:
Circle 4 (white circle)
______Draw a picture, map or chart that represents setting or another concept from the
book. It must be neatly colored.
D. Analysis:
Circle 5 (white circle)
______On the white circle, draw a picture of the most exciting, interesting, funny, or sad
part of the story. Below the picture(s) write an explanation in complete sentences.
Circles 6, 7, 8 (pink circles)
______ On the first pink circle, include important events or concepts explained in the
book. (4 sentence paragraph)
______On the second pink circle, write about the antagonist and the conflict in the book.
(4 sentence paragraph)
______On the third pink circle, choose an idea about life that is shown in the book.
Describe how this book connects to today. (4 sentence paragraph)
Circle 9 (blue circle)
______On the first blue circle, write a biopoem about one of the characters in the book.
(The format for a biopoem is attached.)
Circle 10 (blue circle)
______On the second blue circle, in five or more complete sentences, write a different
ending to the story.
E. Evaluation:
Circle 11 (orange circle)
______On the first circle, rate your book, make up a scale from 1-5 to rate your book. List
and explain three adjectives about one of the characters or concepts that you admired or
disliked. Use complete sentences. Explain WHY you feel this way.
Circle 12 (orange circle)
______On the second circle, in five or more sentences, write an opinion of the book. Tell
why you would recommend this or not recommend this book to a friend.
Directions for completion:
Your Bloom Ball must be completed either on a computer or handwritten with
legible handwriting.
Number each circle with the appropriate number on the top edge.
A pattern of the circle size is provided; insert text into the pentagon and begin
typing or writing. You may decorate your edges with the computer or by hand.
When you have completed, carefully cut the 12 circles.
Fold each circle on the lines so that the folds are facing up. Decorate the folds
using a theme from the book or another design, do it at this time. (Decorating is
When all circles have been completed, and all the edges have been folded, you
may glue the circles together. Be sure all edges are facing up.
Present your Bloom Ball to the class.
Bio poem format
(First name)(Four adjectives that describe the person)
Son or Daughter of (your parents names)
Lover of (three different things that the person loves)
Who feels (three different feelings and when or where they are felt)
Who gives (three different things the person gives)
Who fears (three different fears the person has)
Who would like to see (three different things the person would like to see)
Who lives (a brief description of where the person lives)
-(last name)