2012-2013 Classroom Policies for Spanish 3 Ms. Boehm, sonja.boehm@mgschools.net Tel. 221-7666, ext. 2181 Ms. Ramirez, kiley.ramirez@mgschools.net Tel. 221-7666, ext. 2183 Welcome to Spanish class! I am confident that you can all do well in this class. Please see me if you have any questions, problems or comments! Rules: MG Eagles SOAR! *****Be Scholarly! Be Organized! Be Accountable! Be Respectful! 1. Respect yourself, others and materials in the class. Inappropriate language or offensive behavior will not be tolerated. Everyone should feel he or she belongs and contributes to our class. 2. Stay on task and respect others while they are working/learning. Engage your brain! 3. Keep backpacks, hats, coats, food/drink, and cell phones out of sight. 4. Please be in your assigned seat with materials when the bell rings. 5. At the end of the class, please stay seated until the teacher dismisses you. If you choose not to follow these rules you may expect a verbal warning, contact with your parents, and/or an after school detention. Grading: You are expected to use our on-line grading book system to be responsible for your grade and missing work. 100-93 92-90 89-87 86-83 82-80 79-77 76-73 72-70 69-67 66-63 62-60 A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D D*The semester exam is 15% of the semester grade.* 59-0 F KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS-75% o Performance Tasks: Interpretive, Presentational, Interpersonal (one of each per unit) A rubric with detailed expectations will be provided for all projects. o Quizzes: (grammar and vocab) **RETAKE POLICY: You will receive the AVERAGE of the two quiz/assessment grades. You may choose to retake any quiz throughout the year, as long as you: o Complete the retake within 3 weeks of the original quiz date o Turn in any outstanding homework assignments—Overtime will be assigned! o Restudy the material and schedule a time to come in and make corrections, explaining why your correction is the best answer. World Languages Department policy states that a student MUST retake a quiz if they earned under a certain percentage o Spanish 1—under 70% o Spanish 2—under 75% o Spanish 3, 4, 5—under 80% EFFORT-25% Homework: Expect daily assignments. 1-4 points = based on how much of the assignment was completed, (even with mistakes) 0 points = did not do assignment at the time it was due o Late assignments will not be accepted for credit Participation in Class: speaking Spanish in class Aim to be called on at least twice a day Points will be tallied and entered as a grade at the end of 5 class periods **If you are absent or uncomfortable speaking in class, you may come in and have a conversation in Spanish with me to earn your points—UP TO 3 PTS ONLY!! **Cheating will not be tolerated. You will receive a “0” on the work and parents/guardians will be contacted. Please see your student handbook for policies regarding cheating and plagiarism. Absences: Check the “¿Qué pasó?” binder to get copies of handouts, homework, etc. See me at an appropriate time (not when the second bell is ringing) with questions and I will be glad to help you. It is your responsibility to find a time to make up missed quizzes and homework. Please turn in work from an absence in the correct folder on the teacher desk. * You are expected to submit projects/assignments in advance of a planned absence on time. Absences for school-sponsored activities do not extend deadlines. Tardies: After one unexcused tardy (per semester) you will receive one hour of after-school detention. Additional tardies will result in contacting parents and school administration. CLASS MATERIALS (needed daily) A binder [see me if this is an issue—I have extras] Divider tabs for your binder Spanish-English pocket dictionary is a great classroom resource, but is not required (You will not receive a textbook) *Keep all COLORED worksheets, as well as old quizzes. They will be useful in the future! Use of translators: Just don’t use them! You will do much better using your brain and using what you already know! Think of a way to simplify what you want to say. We can guarantee it will make your life (and mine) easier. Translators often create illogical sentences. Ask a friend or see us if you need help. Use of a translator on a written assessment is considered cheating. EXTRA CREDIT o You can receive 1 point extra credit for creating flashcards before any vocabulary quiz. o Pay attention, as there will be other extra credit opportunities throughout the semester. o HALL PASSES You will be given 2 hall passes per quarter that… -must be turned in before you leave the classroom (bathroom, locker, drink of water), then take out the red pass -may not be used for the first or last 20 minutes of class. *Unused hall passes may be turned in at the end of each quarter for 2 points extra credit each! EXTRA HELP: I want you to succeed in Spanish class! Please set up a time to see me before / after school for help. o --If your effort grade is low, you will be assigned to “Overtime” and I will contact your parents. o There will be student/teacher volunteers in Overtime each day to help you. Overtime hours: Tues, Weds, Thurs 3:30-4:30 in IMC TEACHER WEBSITES: Ms. Boehm: http://www.mononagrove.org/faculty/S_Boehm Ms. Ramirez: http://www.mononagrove.org/faculty/K_Bohen Hall Pass for ___________________ Please, I urgently need to be allowed to leave class and will return as soon as possible. Hall Pass for ___________________ Please, I urgently need to be allowed to leave class and will return as soon as possible. Thanks. Thanks. Hall Pass for ___________________ Please, I urgently need to be allowed to leave class and will return as soon as possible. Hall Pass for ___________________ Please, I urgently need to be allowed to leave class and will return as soon as possible. Thanks. Thanks. Hall Pass for ___________________ Please, I urgently need to be allowed to leave class and will return as soon as possible. Hall Pass for ___________________ Please, I urgently need to be allowed to leave class and will return as soon as possible. Thanks. Thanks. Hall Pass for ___________________ Please, I urgently need to be allowed to leave class and will return as soon as possible. Hall Pass for ___________________ Please, I urgently need to be allowed to leave class and will return as soon as possible. Thanks. Thanks. I have reviewed the guidelines for Spanish class and understand the behavior and work that is expected in class. _________________________________ Student Signature __________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature Name of Student: _________________________________________________________________ Name of Parent or Guardian: ______________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Email: ________________________________________________________ Daytime phone number ____________________________________ Preferred means of daytime communication E-mail Phone Any comments? _________________________________________________________________ I have reviewed the guidelines for Spanish class and understand the behavior and work that is expected in class. _________________________________ Student Signature __________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature Name of Student: _________________________________________________________________ Name of Parent or Guardian: ______________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Email: ________________________________________________________ Daytime phone number ____________________________________ Preferred means of daytime communication E-mail Phone Any comments? _________________________________________________________________