Alpha Phi Omega General Body Meeting Tuesday, May 20, 2008 **Meeting called to order at 7:07 President -Circle K Speaker -Fundraising event, All in for unicef, charity poker tournament, entry fee is $20 -Wed, May 28th @ 8pm, in Cross Cultural Center, Facebook search: All in for unicef -Website is down -Dance Comp Performs!! -Aramark -Not many events up, if you went to training but not to an event, you get 4 hours and fundraising credit, please go to upcoming events if you haven’t attended an event, otherwise the chapter has to pay $20 -Excomm Nominations and DSK Voting -Omega Sigma Accepts our big bro offer!! -Omega Sigma Liaison Nominee’s, so far have 2 pairs -Dance comp email -Be encouraging of Rho Pi, don’t trash talk. Service VP’s -Building Houses Service, fill out paperwork and give it to Cindy -Campus services up for the end of this week -Thursday 4-6pm, Beautification on Campus -Tuesday 4-6pm -Clean the Grill service, Wed. tomorrow -Email if you want to know your credit sheet Fellowship VP’s Family Heads Crazy: T-shirt design, Wed. In n out fellowship, email them if you need family credit. Sexy: Sexy Next Top Model Wed VDC main theater 7:30-9, Capture the Sexy flag moved, Last day to purchase T-shirts is today!! Cool: Tomorrow, Red Mango, Thursday: Guppies -family pt update -3rd place: Cool Family 1808.75, 2nd place: Crazy Family 1883.25, 1st Place: Sexy Family 2635 -Big/Little Appreciation Day, tonight! -Sex in the City, pay by tonight -6 wicked tickets left, $35 Membership VP’s -Last day for pledge parent nominations is tonight at end of GBM -Pledge Parents req’s due by Sunday May 24th -Service pins are $5 -Excomm elections are next week, need quorum to vote. Candidate req’s due next tuesday -Pledge Parents -7 Candidates: -Derek Lee, Will Tien, Mark Arevelo, Cindy Nguyen, Charvy Alacar, Kat Reboton, Debbie Lee and Tanya Tabrizizadeh -Pledge Parent open forum is this Monday @ 1:30pm at Kevin’s house -Excomm Nominations President-Crystal Quiroga, Harry Kong, Will Tien Service VP’s-Cindy Nguyen, Warren Phoung, Lucy V. Fellowship VP’s-Charvy and Kathleen, Derek Lee and Crystal, Jimmy and Eric, Mark and Debbie, Membership VP’s-Angela Vettel and Dephinie Lee, Sarah Chong, Treasurer-Andrew L. Jennifer Fernandes Fundraising Coordinator-Mihir SAA’s-James B.,Brian Hur & Harry K, Vinay, Jimmy and Eric Corresponding Secretary-Andrew N and Karen Castillo, Roxy and Rhonda Historian-Jimmy and Eric, Connie, Wesley, Matt Woo, Czarina & Danielle, Mike T and Diana Peng Recording Secretary-Casey R., Connie H. Wesley S., Jessica G., -Leonardo goes to…Cindy “Service” Nguyen -DSK, Distinguished Service Key Nominations, will find out the winner Week 10. -Kevin Lee, nominated by Debbie Lee -Crystal Q., nominated by Jessica G. -Mark A., nominated Kevin B. -Sara H., nominated by Becky R.. -Heather R., nominated by James B. -Ed. C., nominated by Kelly K. -Michelle W., nominated by Kang H. -Will T., nominated by Cherish Pledge Parents -Friday, May 23rd, Nu Casino night 7-10pm -Banquet, June 7th, tickets are $38 -Last day to pay for banquet is May 29th , 30 left buy them ASAP -T-shirts, $12 till May 27th, after the 27th its $15 -Cha Fellowship, this Wed, 10pm Treasurer -Last day to turn in ink cartridges is May 27th -Pay $20 to Jeff for Composites -Coin wars!! -$120 from Johnny rockets Fundraising Coordinator -Looking for Aramark Services SAA’s -Icereaker next week Corresponding Secretary -Thursday May 22nd, ADT GBM and hangout and chill session after -Saturday May 24th, ABC Bowling and dinner in Alhambra, hosted by Rho Pi -Sunday, at the block @ 3pm, meet your potential little -Region X games on May 31st -Workshop tomorrow at 4:30pm, “How to be corresponding secretary” Historian -Slide show next week Recording Secretary -Joke of the day