? The hip bone is formed by ...: +the ilium, the pubis and the ischium -the ilium and the sacrum -the pubis, the ischium and the coccyx -the ilium, the ischium and the sacrum ? What anatomical structure is formed when bodies of the ilium, the pubis and the ischium join? +the acetabulum -the articular fossa -the femoral fossa -the femoral cavity ? How is articular surface of the acetabulum called? +a lunate surface -an acetabular notch -an acetabular fossa -a femoral surface ? How is the central part of the acetabulum called? +an acetabular fossa -an acetabular notch -a lunate surface -the head of acetabulum ? What anatomical structure made the acetabulum? +an acetabular notch, a lunate surface and an acetabular fossa -an acetabular notch and a process -an acetabular fossa and two processes -a lunate surface, external and internal lips ? What parts has the ilium? +a body and an ala of the ilium -a body and a base -a base and a wing -a body and processes ? The inferior thick part of the ilium is called...: +a body -a base -a wing -a lateral process ? The superior wide part of the ilium is called ...: +a wing -a body -a base -a lateral process ? The superior free part of the iliac wing ends as ...: +an iliac crest -an iliac process -an iliac fossa -an iiac tuberosity ? The auricular surface of the ilium joints with the ...: +the auricular surface of the sacrum -the head of femur -the body of the pubis -the ischial ramus ? What parts has the pubis? +a body and two rami -a body and two processes -a body and a base -a base and two rami ? The symphysial surface joints with ...: +the symphysial surface of opposite side -an ischial bone -an iliac bone -the sacrum ? What part of ischium makes the acetabulum? +a body -a superior ramus -an interior ramus -it doesn't make the acetabulum ? The body of the ischium continuous to ...: +the ischial ramus -the base of the ischium -the body of the pubis -the inferior pubic ramus ? The ischial ramus joints with ...: +the inferior pubic ramus -the superior pubic ramus -the body of the pubis -the body of the ilium ? The obturator foramen is bordered by ...: +the pubic and ischial rami -the bodies of the ilium, the pubic and the ischium -the greater and lesser sciatic notches -the greater sciatic notch and the body of the pubis ? What part has the femur? +a diaphysis and two epiphysis -a diaphysis and processes -a base and an epiphysis -a body and an apophysis ? What anatomical structure ends the proximal end of the femur? +the head of the femur -the greater trochanter -the lesser trochanter -the neck of the femur ? The head of the femur is placed ...: +medialy and upwards -lateraly and upwards -in front and upwards -behind and upwards ? The head of the femur joints with the ...: +the hipbone -the tibia -the pubis -the ilium ? What structure connects the head of the femur with its body? +a neck -a greater trochanter -a lesser trochanter -an intertrochanteric line ? What is located on posterior surfaces of the femur? +an aspera line -an intertrochanteric line -an intertrochanteric tuberosity -a soleal line ? What parts has the aspera line? +lateral and medial lips -a pectineal line and a lateral lip -a lateral lip and a gluteal tuberosity -a medial lip and an intertrochanteric line ? What makes the distal part of the femur? +lateral and medial condyles -the head and the neck of the femur -the greater and lesser trochanters -a patellar surface the greater and lesser tubercles ? What separates the lateral and medial condyles of the femur posteriorly? +an intercondylar fossa -the fovea of the head of the femu -a trochanteric fossa -a patellar surface ? What shape has the patella? +sesamoid -flat -long -irregular ? What parts has the patella? +a base and an apex -a body and an apex -a base and a body -a body and a process ? What part has the tibia? +a diaphysis and two epiphysis -a diaphysis and processes -a base and an epiphysis -a body and an apophysis ? What anatomical structure ends the proximal end of the tibia? +medial and lateral condyles -a head -an articular surface and medial malleolus -an articular process ? What separates the superior articular surface of the tibia? +an intercondylar eminence -an intercondylar fossa -a tibial fossa -a tibial eminence ? What borders has the tibia? +anterior, interosseus and medial -posterior and anterior -anterior, posterior and medial -posterior and medial ? What anatomical structure is located on the anterior border of the tibia in its superior section? +a tibial tuberosity -a soleal line -an anterior intercondylar area -a fibular notch ? What surfaces has the tibia? +medial, lateral and posterior -anterior and posterior -lateral and medial -interior, posterior and lateral ? What anatomical structure is located on the distal end of the tibia medialy? +a medial malleolus -a lateral malleolus -an inferior malleolus -the head of the tibia ? What part has the fibula? +a diaphysis and two epiphysis -a diaphysis and processes -a base and an epiphysis -a body and an apophysis ? What anatomical structure ends the proximal end of the fibula? +the head of the fibula -a lateral malleolus -the condyle -a medial malleolus ? What anatomical structure ends the distal end of the fibula? +a lateral malleolus -the head of the fibula -the apex of the fibula -a medial malleolus ? The articular surface of the head of the fibula joints with the ...: +the tibia -the femur -the patella -the talus ? How many tarsal bones has the foot? +7 -8 -4 -5 ? How are the tarsal bones arranged? +in two rows - proximal and distal -in two rows - medial and lateral -in two rows - anterior and posterior -they are not arranged ? What tarsal bones form the proximal row? +the talus and the calcaneus -the navicular,the cuboid and the cuneiform -the talus,the cuboid and the cuniform -the navicular and the calcaneus ? What tarsal bones form the proximal row? +the navicular, the cuboid and the cuneiform -the talus and the calcaneus -the talus, the cuboid and the cuneiform -the navicular and the calcaneus ? ! What parts has the talus? +a body,a head and a neck -a base and a head -a body and a base -a base and two articular surfaces ? What anatomical structure is located on the top of the body of the talus? +the trochlea of the talus -the head of the talus with articular surface -the trochlea and the head -the base with three articular surfaces ? What anatomical structures are located on the inferior surface of the talus? +anterior, posterior and middle calcaneal articular surfaces, sulcus tali -sulcus tali and groove for the tendon of flexor hallucis longus muscle -anterior and lateral calcaneal articular surfaces -posterior and lateral calcaneal articular surfaces ? The anterior, posterior and middle calcaneal articular surfaces join ...: +the calcaneus -the tibia and the fibula -the navicular and cuboid bones -the calcaneus and cuboid bones ? What anatomical structures are located between the posterior and middle calcaneal articular surfaces of the talus? +sulcus tali -the groove for the tendon of flexor hallucis longus muscle -a posterior process of the talus -the neck of the talus ? What anatomical structure ends the calcaneus posteriorly and downwards? +a calcaneal tuberosity -sustentaculum tali -posterior articular processes -the head of the calcaneus ? What anatomical structures are located on the superior surface of the calcaneus? +anterior, posterior and middle talar articular surfaces -anterior, posterior and lateral talar articular surfaces -lateral and medial talar articular surfaces -superior and inferior talar articular surfaces ? The anterior, posterior and middle talar articular surfaces join ...: +the talus -the tibia and the fibula -the navicular and cuboid bones -the calcaneus and cuboid bones ? What anatomical structure is located on the anterior end of the calcaneus? +the cuboid articular surface -the navicular articular surface -the cuneiform articular surface -the talar articular surface ? What cuneiform bones do you know? +medial, intermediate and lateral -lateral and medial -posterior, anterior and lateral -posterior, anterior and intermediate ? The distal surface of the navicular bone joints with the...: +cuneiform bones -the head of the talus -the distal part of the calcaneus -a cuboid bone ? How many metatarsal bones has the foot? +5 -4 -6 -3 ? What parts has each metatarsal bone? +a base, a body and a head -a body and two heads -a base and two heads -a body, superior and inferior processes ? How is the proximal end of the metatarsal bone called? +a base -a head -a superior (proximal) process -an articular process ? How is the distal end of the metatarsal bone called? +a head -a base -an inferior (distal) process -an articular process ? The heads of the metatarsal bones join.. +the base of the proximal phalanges -the base of the distal phalanx -cuneiform bones -a cuboid bone ? What phalanges have the toes? +proximal, middle and distal -proximal and distal -proximal, middle and inferior -proximal and lateral ? What phalanges has the big toe? +proximal and distal -proximal, middle and distal -proximal, middle and inferior -proximal and lateral ? What parts has each phalanx? +a base, a body and a head -a body and two heads -a base and two heads -a body, superior and inferior processes ?