Year 9 Research Task – Life In Nazi Germany

Theme 1
Discover Something New
As Davros and the Daleks threaten the entire universe, you - the Doctor’s
companions, must join forces. The Doctor has become confused about
the order of time because of his constant time travelling. He needs to be
able to identify a period of time quickly so that he can relate to the
people and know what resources are at his disposal. He has given you the
mission of constructing a timeline to help him with his time travels.
Each group must produce a timeline on a theme in History.
 Your timeline must show the important changes that have taken
place and put them in chronological order.
 Your timeline should include lots of detailed information, including
images, and key words.
All the members of your group must help research the topic and must
contribute to the timeline.
You will not be given any specific homework during this project but you
will be expected to carry out individual research and preparation for the
timeline in your own time and bring it into lessons.
When the Tardis lands in the
lesson, the Doctor will give you
more specific details about
your mission and what he
wants in his timeline.
Watch out for possible Dalek
attacks! Throughout your
mission you will be given small
tasks to complete as a group
to ward off a Dalek attack.
Your group has been given the task of researching…
You must cover the following points:
When did the King/Queen (monarch) rule England( and Wales in
some cases)?
Did this monarch make any great changes during their reign? (E.g.
William the Conqueror introduced the Domesday Book?)
Was the power of the monarch strengthened or weakened during
this period. Were there any threats to the monarch’s power during
this time? (e.g. Poor old King Charles faced a Civil War)
Is this monarch famous for anything? (e.g. Henry VIII is famous for
his 6 wives)
Did anything interesting happen during this monarchs reign? (e.g.
The famous Battle of Hastings took place during Harold
Godwinson’s reign)
Is there anything interesting or gruesome about this Monarchs
death (e.g. King Harold was killed during the Battle of Hastings
after being shot through the eye with an arrow)
Medieval Times (1000-1500) – Edward the Confessor, Harold Godwinson,
William the Conqueror
Sixteenth Century – The Tudors = Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I
Seventeenth Century – the Stuarts =James I, Charles I and Charles II
Eighteenth Century – Hanoverians
Nineteenth Century – Queen Victoria
Twentieth Century – The Windsor’s including our Queen Elizabeth
You have 5 lessons to research your topic and gather information for your
You then have 4 lessons to create your timeline. The Doctor wants a
detailed timeline. He needs to know some information about the Kings
and Queens of England and Wales as well as when they ruled the
country. In order to do this you need to base your research around the
above key questions.
There will be a prize for the timeline that the Doctor thinks is the most
helpful for each theme.
Here are some resources to help you with your research: Websites
1. History Learning Site =
2. History on the net =
3. Spartacus Educational
4. History of the Kings and Queens of Britain =
5. Kings and Queens through time =
6. History of the British Monarchy website =
7. BBC British History =
Library books
Medieval Britain – The Norman Conquest by Peter Chrisp
Who? What? When? Tudors – By Bob Fowke
The Tudors by Robert Hull
What they don’t tell you about the Tudors by Bob Fowke
History of Britain – Elizabeth I by Andrew Langley
Charles I and Oliver Cromwell by John Guy
Britain through the Ages – Stuarts by Dr Anne Millard
Kings and Queens by Tony Robinson (General overview of the British
9. Queen Victoria by Lesley Young
Departmental History books
Medieval Realms 1066-1500 by J F Aylett especially. pgs. 4-5, 30.
Medieval Britain by Robert Unwin especially chapters 16, 29 and 30.
Wales and Britain by Mathias especially from. pgs 10, 26 and 32
In search of History by J F Aylett (Red book) especially from pgs. 6,
38, 40 and 82.
The Tudors by Jon Nichol especially pgs. 4-5,8-9, 10-11, 16-17, 2223, 25-29 and 36-37.
Crown and Country Britain 1500-1750 especially pgs 4-15, 40-42
The Making of the United Kingdom by Peter Hepplewhite and Neil
Tonge (relevant throughout)
The Making of the Uk (purple SHP book) especially pgs 62-94 (on the