interview questions

Co-Op Handbook of assignments for January 2008
Students will have opportunity to research and prepare for possible job
interview questions that may be asked of them at a real interview setting.
Students should answer the list of question below as if they were actually
answering them in person.
Elaborate, on your Yes or NO answers.
Type your answer below the question and submit for grading.
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What do you feel is the most effective strategy you use to relieve stress?
3. Do you prefer to work with people around or in isolation?
4. Given the choice, is climate an important factor in seeking employment?
5. What factors other than salary do you consider in seeking employment?
6. Do you prefer to work with equipment or people?
7. Do you work well with constant supervision or do you prefer to be self-directed?
8. What distinguishes you from other applicants?
9. Do you feel that good communication skills are important? Why?
10. What one word best describes you, and why?
11. What are your major strengths and weaknesses?
12. Describe your greatest challenge to date. What lesson/s did you learn from it?
13. Tell me about the job you are applying for and what you think it involves.
14. How do you feel about working overtime?
15. In what activities do you participate?
16. What types of leadership roles/positions have you had?
17. How do you feel your courses have helped prepare you for this job?
18. Do you have any volunteer or community service experience you would like to tell us
more about?
19. What are your immediate career goals? What are your long-range career goals?
(Interviewers may ask follow-up questions.)
20. What do you see yourself doing in ten years?
21. Tell me about a project you have successfully completed and how you got the work done
Co-Op Handbook of assignments for January 2008
JOB 2—Letter
Directions: Key the following letter based on the Co-Op Style Reference Manual criteria, located on Page
13 of handbook.
The letter is from Julie Smith, Human Resources Department Manager, and goes to Mr. James C. Johnson,
Johnson Associates, 435 Turner Road, Cleveland, OH 32456. The subject of the letter is HUMAN
We would like to hire your organization to replicate CDs which will contain our Human Resources Manual.
This CD will be provided to each of our 1,200+ employees and will replace the paper version we now use.
We will need an estimate of the cost for your services as well as the length of time you anticipate the
project will take. Two of your former clients have given high marks to your organization for providing
them with reliable replicated CDs.
Our managers have finished their revisions of the current handbook. We are awaiting the Board’s approval
before we begin production. Our Board meets on April 3. I will send the final version to you as soon as
possible after their approval of the new handbook.
Please contact me so we can arrange a meeting to review the details of your contracted services. My e-mail
address is or you may call me at 1-800-342-5800.
Co-Op Handbook of assignments for January 2008
. JOB 3—Memorandum
Directions: Key the following memo using Co-Op Style Reference Manual memorandum standards. The
memo will go to All Employees from Julie Smith, Human Resources Department Manager. The subject of
the memo is Human Resources Manual. Use the current date.
We have recently contracted with Johnson Associates to replicate our new Human Resources Manual on
CD. This CD will replace the paper manual currently in use at this time. We have found putting the
manual on CD is more cost effective than producing a paper version.
All department managers have given their input on revisions to the current version of the manual, and the
new version is on the Board’s agenda April 3. We anticipate no problems with their approval. Johnson
Associates has assured us they can have the CDs replicated and to us in time to implement a June 1
effective date for the new manual.
If you have questions regarding our new Human Resources Manual after its distribution, please contact me
at or call me at Ext. 234.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Co-Op Handbook of assignments for January 2008
Job 4 Table
Directions: Key the following table using the Co-Op Style Reference Manual table format. Center the
table vertically on the page. Tables should be double spaced and printed without borders.
Number of Employees by Department
Full Time
Part Time
Human Resources
Public Relations
Co-Op Handbook of assignments for January 2008
Job 5 Report
Directions: Key the following report from Julie Smith, Human Resources Department Manager, to All
Employees, Human Resources Department, using Co-Op Style Reference Manual standards. The title of
the report is Ethical Conduct.
Ethical conduct is a subject which has received a great deal of attention in recent years. Many businesses
have developed written codes and have taken steps to ensure employees of the business and the public are
aware of these codes. Making people aware of the codes is a company’s way of renewing its commitment
to ethical practice.
A major purpose of a code of ethics is to relay a company’s values and business standards to all its workers.
Each worker must realize he or she is required to apply these standards in all relations with co-workers,
potential and current customers and suppliers, and the public at large.
Employees must be able to combine personal standards with those of the business to adhere to the code.
This mixture is important because each job has an ethical aspect and each employee has a responsibility to
carry out the functions of the job in an ethical and proper manner.
Additionally, our department has the added responsibility of confidentiality of employee information. It is
imperative that each member of the Human Resources Department understand we, in this age of using
technology for identity theft, place a high importance on keeping personal information about our employees
Co-Op Handbook of assignments for January 2008
Job 6 Outline
Key the following outline using Co-Op Style Reference Manual Outline format. The title is Tactical
Marketing Plan.
Plan Overview
Name of Campaign
Campaign Manager
Subject Matter Expert
Target Market
Product Demographics
Target Contact Demographics
Message Summary
Call to Action
Desired Outcome
Pull-through Offer
List Development
Prospecting Mechanism
Pre-event Follow-up
Post-event Follow-up
Opportunity Qualification Process and Criteria
Project Plan
Necessary Resources
Metrics and Expectations
Co-Op Handbook of assignments for January 2008
Job 7 Itinerary
Prepare the following itinerary for Roger Meyer, Marketing Department, who is traveling to Cleveland,
Ohio. Travel dates are Monday, November 7, to Thursday, November 10, 2005.
Using the Co-Op Style Reference Manual Itererary standards.
Monday, November 7
7:00 a.m.
Depart Columbus, Port Columbus International Airport (CMH) Delta Airlines, Flight
7:47 a.m.
Arrive Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG).
9:05 a.m.
Depart Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG) Comair Airlines,
Flight 5273.
10:08 a.m.
Arrive Cleveland, Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport (CLE).
12:30 p.m.
Lunch meeting with Yolanda Martinez, Lakeview Restaurant.
Tuesday, November 8
9:00 a.m.
Present Professional Business Associates advertising campaign, Global Business
Conference Room.
1:00 p.m.
Meet with advertising designers.
Wednesday, November 9
11:30 a.m.
Lunch meeting with Global Business Marketing Department.
3:00 p.m.
Meet with distribution manager.
Thursday, November 10
9:05 a.m.
Depart Cleveland, Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport (CLE) Comair, Flight 4989.
10:14 a.m.
Arrive Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG).
10:50 a.m.
Depart Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG) Delta Airlines, Flight
11:39 a.m.
Arrive Columbus, Port Columbus International Airport (CMH).
Co-Op Handbook of assignments for January 2008
Job 8 News Release
Prepare the following news release from Roger Meyer, Marketing Department, regarding a new advertising
campaign by Professional Business Associates, 5454 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH 43231-1234,
phone number 614-555-5555. Use Co-Op Style Reference Manual News Release standards.
The title of the news release is Global Business Advertising Partnership Begins.
Use the current date as the release date.
Professional Business Associates is pleased to announce a new advertising campaign which has been
established with the internationally distributed business magazine Global Business. The first advertisement
will be published in the magazine’s Spring 2006 issue. The two-year advertising contract with Global
Business allows Professional Business Associates to place a full-color add through the Winter 2007 issue.
A preview of the initial advertisement will be on display in the main foyer of the Professional Business
Associates’ building.
Co-Op Handbook of assignments for January 2008
Job 9 Speech
Please type the rough draft of the speech I have been asked to give at the Awards Banquet on June 10. Be
sure to use the guidelines suggested by Co-Op Style Reference Manual Speech standards.
Thanks, Nancy Wells
On behalf of Professional Business Associates, I would like to welcome all of you to the 2006
Awards Banquet. Each of our 200 employees should be very proud of their accomplishments during this
past year. Because of your dedication, Professional Business Associates has grown into one of the most
respected businesses in our field. (¶) I would like to introduce the other members of our management team:
(Please bullet these names)
Harvey Rosen, Financial Services Department
Tom Carlson, Information Technology Department
Julie Smith, Human Resources Department
Roger Meyer, Marketing Department
Edna Renick, Administration Support Department
These individuals have worked hard to make this night one that you will remember. (¶)I would
like to personally congratulate all of our award winners tonight. You have set a fine example for all of the
rest of us. (¶) Now, we invite you to sit back and enjoy your night.
Co-Op Handbook of assignments for January 2008
JOB 10 - Minutes
Please use the notes shown below to prepare the meeting minutes for Professional
Business Associates regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Use proper
grammar and complete sentences as necessary.
December 21, 2005
Regular Meeting
5454 Cleveland Avenue
Columbus, Ohio
9:00 a.m.
Notice sent to all directors in accordance with bylaws
Nancy Wells, CEO
Harvey Rosen, Financial Services Department Manager
Roger Meyer, Marketing Division Manager
Tom Carlson, Info. Tech. Dept. Mgr.
Edna Renick, Admin. Support Dept. Mgr.
Julie Smith, Human Resourses Dept. Mgr.
Nancy Wells, Chairperson, presided
Edna Renick, Assistant Secretary, recorded the proceedings of mtg.
Minutes of last meeting approved.
Mr. Carlson reported a new computer system being installed on July 3, 2006. The
installation plan calls for the server to be down over a long weekend, which will affect
the regular work week. Since this is a holiday week, staff will be given an extra day of
vacation to accommodate the installation.
Ms. Renick reported that twenty-five employees would be participating in the National
Office of Career Preparation all day training on June 1. This opportunity is offered to all
full and part-time employees. Any management personnel who are interested in
attending the training and receiving a certificate of completion should contact Julie Smith
at (314) 555-7890.
Next meeting scheduled July 30, 2006, at 9:00 a.m.
No further business adjourned at 11:00 a.m.