Work Term Report Guidelines for Engineering Co-op Students

General Instructions
The work term report is an opportunity for you to (a) reflect on the growth of your professional
skills, (b) gain more experience in technical writing and professional report writing, and (c) make
a significant addition to your professional portfolio.
We recommend that you ask your supervisor/team leader to read your work term report,
especially the activities section, prior to submitting. This is an opportunity for your supervisor to
approve and provide feedback on the content of the report.
Please follow these guidelines for the report: 4-6 typed, double-spaced pages; standard
essay format; and reflective and analytical, and rich in content. The report should include a
summary and description of your co-op position, as well as discussing the ways in which
you achieved your co-op program learning objectives/goals (identified in the ENG 1EE0
class for Assignment 1 – a copy should have been saved in the Learning Portfolio in your
Avenue to Learn account). See page two for more details.
ANOTHER OPTION for the report: If you prefer, you may hand in a copy of the report that you
complete for the PEO Pregraduation Experience Form (as a substitute for the work term report,
listed above). NOTE: This is NOT an official submission to PEO nor will it be reviewed to
determine if it meets PEO requirements.
Deadline for submission is one month after you return from your work term.
 Work terms completing August: reports are due the first Friday in October
 Work terms completing December: reports are due the first Friday in February
 Work terms completing April: reports are due the first Friday in June
HOW TO SUBMIT: Work Term Reports are to be uploaded to your work term record on
OSCARplus. On your co-op sequence, select the work record for the term just completed.
Click on the “Work Term Report” link on the left-hand side of the page (next to the evaluation
tabs), click Create Record and upload your work term report as a Word or PDF file.
We also ask you to upload your report to your Learning Portfolio on Avenue to Learn to enhance your
professional portfolio. TIP: Consider creating (or adding to) a Co-op portfolio in the Learning Portfolio.
You can keep copies of your Co-op Program Learning Objectives, generic samples of resumes and cover
letters, and work term reports.
NOTE: If your report is not submitted to ECCS, it may result in an incomplete being placed on
your co-op record.
Report Content
1. Context (1-2 pages):
Provide an overview of the organization and department where you completed your work term.
What are the key functions of your team / department? What is the relationship of your team /
department to the overall organization? What were your responsibilities? How did your
responsibilities fit into the team or department? Summarize your key activities and projects
(please do not include any proprietary information about company products or developments).
2. Development of Professional Skills and Competencies (2-3 pages)
B.Eng/Comp Sci/DCP students:
a) Identify four learning objectives you hoped to achieve during your work term. If you have
recently completed ENGINEER 1EE0, use these objectives. If this is not your first work
term, or if you completed ENG 1EE0 more than a year ago, please consider learning
objectives that are specific to your current work term.
(Your consideration of learning objectives should focus on the development of your
technical skills (e.g., field-related software for modeling), plus the development of your
professional competencies (e.g., professional communication skills; managing people
and tasks; managing self including time management, organization and problem solving;
managing change).
b) Reflect on and analyze your success in achieving each of your work term objectives.
c) Provide an overall evaluation of your experience, and describe the impact of your work
term on your skills for when you return as a student and as an engineer-in-training.
Bachelor of Technology (4-year) students:
a) Write about the ways in which the work term helped in developing or improving 2
transferable (soft) skills such as team work and communication skills, and 2 technical
skills, such as software and lab work.
What is the significance of these skills to your professional development?
c) Provide an overall evaluation of your experience, and describe the impact of your work
term on your skills for when you return as a student and upon your future career.
3. Career Plans (1 page or less)
Reflect on how this job has been relevant to your future career plans; i.e. has this job helped
you decide what you want to do when you graduate? If a position was available with this
organization, would you accept it? Would you like to remain in this type of field/industry upon
graduation? Why or why not?