Unit 7 Answers

Practice Quiz Answers
Unit 7
Question 1
The nurse is working with older adult clients in an extended care facility. To enhance the clients’
gustatory sense, the nurse should:
A) Mix foods together
B) Assist with oral hygiene
C) Provide foods of similar texture and consistency
D) Make sure foods are extremely spicy
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Good oral hygiene keeps the taste buds well hydrated and will enhance the client’s
gustatory sense.
A. Taste perception is heightened if foods are eaten separately.
C. Taste perception is heightened if foods are differently textured.
D. Taste perception is heightened if foods are well seasoned, but not necessarily extremely spicy.
Question 2
The client was working in the kitchen and was splashed in the face with a caustic cleaning agent.
His eyes were affected, and he was brought to the hospital for treatment. After cleansing and
evaluation, his eyes were bandaged. When assisting this client who has temporary visual loss to
eat, the nurse should:
A) Feed the client the entire meal
B) Allow the client to experiment with foods
C) Orient the client to the location of the foods on the plate
D) Encourage the family to feed the client
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A meal tray can be set up as a clock. The visually impaired client can easily
become oriented to the items after the nurse or family member explains each item’s location. This
enables the client to perform self-care (feeding), which is essential for self-esteem.
A. The client should be allowed to feed himself or herself to maintain self-esteem.
B. Allowing the client to experiment with foods is not assisting the client in performing self-care.
D. The client should be allowed to feed himself or herself to maintain self-esteem.
Question 3
A client is legally blind in both eyes. Which of the following is the most appropriate statement for
the nurse to make to the client regarding providing the client with assistance?
A) “I will walk in front of you, and you can hold onto my belt.”
B) “I know that you must need me to be your sighted guide to get around in this facility.”
C) “I will warn you of upcoming curbs or stairs.”
D) “I will get you a wheelchair so that I can move you around safely.”
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: To assist the client who is legally blind, the nurse should warn the client when
approaching doorways or narrow spaces, including upcoming curbs or stairs.
A. To assist the client who is legally blind, the nurse should walk one-half step ahead and slightly
to the side of the visually impaired person. The client can place his or her hand on the nurse’s
B. This is not the most appropriate response. The client may need orientation to the environment
and extra time but should not be made to feel dependent on the nurse. Often sensorially impaired
clients can help themselves, and it is essential that they do so for self-esteem.
D. Placing the client in a wheelchair is not the best response. The client who is able should be
encouraged to ambulate.
Question 4
With advancing age, which of the following normal physiological changes in sensory function
A) Decreased sensitivity to glare
B) Increased number of taste buds
C) Difficulty discriminating vowel sounds
D) Decreased sensitivity to pain
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Older adults experience tactile changes including declining sensitivity to pain,
pressure, and temperature.
A. Older adults have an increased sensitivity to glare.
B. Older adults have a decreased number of taste buds.
C. Older adults have difficulty discriminating the consonants (z, t, f, g) and high-frequency sounds
(s, sh, ph, k).
Question 5
The nurse is working with a client with a moderate hearing impairment. To promote
communication with this client, the nurse should:
A) Use a louder tone of voice than normal
B) Use visual aids such as the hands and eyes when speaking
C) Approach a client quietly from behind before speaking
D) Select a public area to have a conversation
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: To promote communication with the client who has a hearing impairment, the nurse
should use visible expressions, such as speaking with the hands, face, or eyes.
A. A normal tone of voice and inflections of speech should be used when communicating with a
client with a hearing impairment.
C. The nurse should get the client’s attention and not startle the client when entering a room. The
nurse should not approach a client from behind.
D. It is best to select a quiet environment without background noise to facilitate communication
when a client is hearing impaired.
Question 6
The client has experienced a cerebrovascular accident (stroke) with resultant expressive aphasia
(inability to express thoughts). The nurse promotes communication with this client by:
A) Speaking very loudly and slowly
B) Asking open-ended questions so the client can completely respond
C) Using a picture chart for the client’s responses
D) Using hand gestures to convey information to the client
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: For the client with aphasia, the nurse can communicate by using a picture chart or
communication board for the client’s responses.
A. The nurse should not speak loudly and slowly to the client with expressive aphasia. The client
is able to understand; this may seem patronizing to the client.
B. The nurse recognizes the client may need more time to respond to questions. Asking closedended questions may simplify the response for clients.
D. Using hand gestures to convey information to the client may be helpful for the client with
receptive aphasia, not expressive aphasia.
Question 7
Which of the following occupations poses the least risk for sensory alterations?
A) Waiter
B) Welder
C) Computer programmer
D) Construction worker
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The waiter is at least risk for sensory alterations.
B. A welder is at risk for visual alterations.
C. A computer programmer is at risk for peripheral nerve injury.
D. A construction worker is at risk for hearing alterations.
Question 8
An older adult client in a nursing home has visual and hearing losses. The nurse is alert to which
of the following signs that represents the effects of sensory deprivation?
A) Diminished anxiety
B) Improved task completion
C) Hallucinations or delusions
D) Decreased need for physical stimulation
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Hallucinations or delusions are a sign of sensory deprivation.
A. Increased anxiety is a sign of sensory deprivation.
B. Poor task performance is a sign of sensory deprivation.
D. An increased need for physical stimulation is a sign of sensory deprivation.
Question 9
A home safety measure specific for a client with diminished olfactory sense is the use of:
A) Smoke detectors on all levels
B) Extra lighting in hallways
C) Amplified telephone receivers
D) Mild water heater temperatures
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: A reduced sensitivity to odors means that the client may be unable to smell a
smoldering fire. The client should use smoke detectors as a safety measure.
B. A home safety measure specific for a client with diminished vision is the use of extra lighting in
C. A home safety measure specific for a client with diminished hearing is the use of amplified
telephone receivers.
D. A home safety measure specific for a client with reduced tactile sensation is having mild water
heater temperatures.
Question 10
For a client with receptive aphasia (difficulty understanding), which one of the following nursing
interventions is the most effective?
A) Providing the client with a letter chart to use to answer complex questions
B) Using a system of simple gestures and repeated behaviors to communicate
C) Offering the client a notepad to write questions and concerns
D) Obtaining a referral for a speech therapist
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: If the client has problems with comprehension, as in receptive aphasia, the nurse
should use simple short questions, facial gestures, and repeated behaviors to communicate.
A. Providing a client with a letter chart would be more appropriate for the client with expressive
aphasia. Questions should be simple, not complex, to aid comprehension.
C. A notepad would be appropriate for the client with expressive aphasia, not receptive aphasia.
D. Clients with expressive aphasia but not clients with receptive aphasia often require a speech