Issues Assignments Scenario: Issues are problems that have many different components. They require examination by stakeholders who have different expertise. Issues usually have philosophical components as well as specific problems with measurable "facts." Think tanks are groups that study problems from different angles and make recommendations that have potential to reduce the impacts of these problems. In many cases, think tanks are grounded in a specific philosophy, i.e., liberal, conservative, "children first," "labor equality," "minimal taxation," etc. In most cases, think tanks access information, organize it, analyze it, and interpret it. Then they provide strategies to reach outcomes they find desirable. Different think tanks can access the same information and reach different conclusions, in part because their desired outcomes may be different. In this assignment, you will be a member of a think tank that develops positions on two (2) classdetermined issues. To develop your position you will access, evaluate, organize, and analyze information. You will demonstrate your ability to accomplish these tasks by completing worksheets that include data-based questions, thought-provoking essay questions, and a datasupported group position (strategy). Content, presentation, and teamwork will all be considered in the evaluation of this project. The instructor will evaluate the content and presentation of the group submission. Teamwork will be evaluated by peers. It is the group's responsibility to set a time frame for meeting the goals of this assignment. Goals: 1. To answer the ten (10) data-focused worksheet questions with accurate, current, referenced information. 2. To provide thoughtful, data-based answers to two (2) essay questions. 3. To develop a position statement with a data-supported rationale. Procedure: 1. During the seventh week, participants will consider many issues related to world hunger using the class bulletin board. Two of these issues will be selected for class exploration. Think tank groups will be assigned at the end of the seventh week. 2. Class presentations for the seventh week will focus on accessing and using information efficiently and effectively. 3. Issue 1 schedule: 1. Week 8—Groups make work assignments, develop their peer evaluation criteria, and complete initial data searches. Initial data searches are due to instructor for comment via WebCT e-mail on the following Monday by 10:00 AM (Subject line: Issue 1 Data). 2. Week 9—Think tanks discuss essay questions on their bulletin boards and submit draft answers to the instructor for comment by Thursday 10:00 AM (Subject line: Issue 1 Discussion). 3. Week 10—Complete the issues worksheet 1. Groups revise data searches and discussion responses, if needed. 2. Groups develop and write their position papers. 3. Completed worksheets (data, discussion, and position paper responses) are due to instructor WebCT email on Monday of week 11 by 10:00 AM (Subject line: Issue 1 Complete). 4. Issue 2 schedule: 1. Week 11—Groups make work assignments and complete initial data searches. Initial data searches are due to instructor for comment via WebCT e-mail on the following Monday by 10:00 AM (Subject line: Issue 2 Data). 2. Week 12—Think tanks discuss essay questions on their bulletin boards and submit draft answers to the instructor for comment by Thursday 10:00 AM (Subject line: Issue 2 Discussion). 3. Week 13—Complete the issues worksheet 1. Groups revise data searches and discussion responses, if needed. 2. Groups develop and write their position papers. 3. Completed worksheets (data, discussion, and position paper responses) are due to instructor WebCT email on Monday of week 14 by 10:00 AM (Subject line: Issue 2 Complete). 5. Note the following general guidelines 1. Files must be in one of the following formats: .doc, .pdf, .htm, or .rtf 2. One file is submitted for the group. The instructors will use the file in the message with the designated subject line. Use a different subject line for intermediate versions. 6. The assignment will be evaluated using the “Rubric for Grading Issues Assignments” with category weighting described in the “Rating Form for Issues Assignments.” Rubric for Grading Issues Assignments Criteria Excellent (A) 10 points Datafocused questions All questions are answered. Answers are authoritative, current, and referenced appropriately. Essay questions Content Answers to both essay questions are data-based. Data sources are authoritative and current. Data are used in appropriate context. Levels of Achievement Good (B) Fair (C) 8.5 points 7 points All questions are answered. Answers for all except one question are authoritative, current, and referenced appropriately. All questions are answered. Answers for all except 2-3 questions are authoritative, current, and referenced appropriately. Needs Improvement (D, F) 0-6 points Some questions are not answered. Many answers (more than 3) are not authoritative, current, or referenced appropriately. Answers to both The answer to one Answers to the essay questions are essay question is questions are not primarily datadata-based, but the data-based or data based. Data are second question is sources are not generally not data-supported. authoritative or authoritative and Data are generally current. Data may current, although authoritative and not be used in some data sources current, although appropriate context. are not the most some data sources current available. are not the most Data are used in current available. appropriate context. Presentation The essays are The essays have all The essays have The essays are complete and well of the major most of the incomplete. Several organized. The components, but components, but one components are work has been some parts are component is incomplete. The thoroughly spellincomplete. The missing. The organization is checked and organization is organization is disorganized to the proofread. Words generally good, but unclear. There is extent that it are chosen for their some parts seem out more than one prevents precise meaning. of place. There are a spelling or understanding of the For the most part, few spelling and grammatical error content. There are sentences flow grammatical errors. per page. Some frequent misspelled together to express With a few words are used words and serious the intended exceptions, words incorrectly. grammatical errors. meaning. are chosen for their Sentences may not Some words are precise meaning and flow smoothly, sentences flow making the reader together to express try to determine the the intended intended meaning. meaning. used incorrectly. Sentences may not flow smoothly, making the reader try to determine the intended meaning. Position statement and rationale Content The position The position The position The position statement clearly statement clearly statement clearly statement clearly describes the think describes the think describes the think describes the think tank's desired tank's desired tank's desired tank's desired outcome and outcome and outcome and outcome and strategy for reaching strategy for reaching strategy for reaching strategy for reaching the desired the desired the desired outcome. the desired outcome. The outcome. The The rationale outcome. The rationale includes rationale includes includes answers to rationale includes answers to most of answers to most of most of the answers to fewer the following the following following questions than 6 questions. questions. Specific, questions (at least (at least 6). Specific, Specific, relevant relevant examples 6). Specific, relevant examples examples are not are provided to relevant examples are not provided to provided to illustrate points. are provided to illustrate points. illustrate points. illustrate points. What are the What are the What are the specific What are the specific specific problems specific problems problems associated problems associated associated with the associated with the with the issue? with the issue? issue? What are the issue? What are the What are the primary What are the primary primary causal primary causal causal elements? causal elements? elements? What elements? What What program(s) What program(s) program(s) are currently program(s) are currently are currently in place to are currently in place to in place to alleviate the in place to alleviate the alleviate the problem(s)? alleviate the problem(s)? problem(s)? Are these problem(s)? Are these Are these program(s) Are these program(s) program(s) sufficient? If program(s) sufficient? If sufficient? If not, why sufficient? If not, why not, why not? If not, not, why not? If not, not? If not, what not? If not, what what alternatives are recommende d? What partnerships and resources are needed for the program(s) to work effectively? What are the short-term benefits of the recommende d program(s)? What are the long-term benefits of the recommende d program(s)? Will any groups be disadvantage d by the implementat ion of the recommende d program(s)? If so, how will their needs be addressed? Why are the recommende d program(s) selected over other what alternatives are recommende d? What partnerships and resources are needed for the program(s) to work effectively? What are the short-term benefits of the recommende d program(s)? What are the long-term benefits of the recommende d program(s)? Will any groups be disadvantage d by the implementati on of the recommende d program(s)? If so, how will their needs be addressed? Why are the recommende d program(s) selected over other alternatives are recommende d? What partnerships and resources are needed for the program(s) to work effectively? What are the short-term benefits of the recommende d program(s)? What are the long-term benefits of the recommende d program(s)? Will any groups be disadvantage d by the implementati on of the recommende d program(s)? If so, how will their needs be addressed? Why are the recommende d program(s) selected over other alternatives are recommende d? What partnerships and resources are needed for the program(s) to work effectively? What are the short-term benefits of the recommende d program(s)? What are the long-term benefits of the recommende d program(s)? Will any groups be disadvantage d by the implementati on of the recommende d program(s)? If so, how will their needs be addressed? Why are the recommende d program(s) selected over other programs? programs? programs? Presentation The position statement and rationale are complete and well organized. The work has been thoroughly spellchecked and proofread. Words are chosen for their precise meaning. For the most part, sentences flow together to express the intended meaning. The position The position statement and statement and rationale have all of rationale have most the major of the components, components, but but one component some parts are is missing. The incomplete. The organization is organization is unclear. There is generally good, but more than one some parts seem out spelling or of place. There are a grammatical error few spelling and per page. Some grammatical errors. words are used With a few incorrectly. exceptions, words Sentences may not are chosen for their flow smoothly, precise meaning and making the reader sentences flow try to determine the together to express intended meaning. the intended meaning. Referencing All sources are clearly referenced with appropriate intext citations. A complete bibliography is furnished. Citations follow the APA format. All sources are clearly referenced with appropriate intext citations. A complete bibliography is furnished. Citations generally follow the APA format, but there are minor errors that would not keep the reader from finding the source.. Assignment The group meets all requirements assignment and requirements and deadlines deadlines. programs? The position statement and rationale are incomplete. Several components are incomplete. The organization is disorganized to the extent that it prevents understanding of the content. There are frequent misspelled words and serious grammatical errors. Some words are used incorrectly. Sentences may not flow smoothly, making the reader try to determine the intended meaning. All sources are The assignment is clearly referenced incompletely with appropriate in- referenced. text citations. A complete bibliography is furnished. Citation errors would keep the reader from finding the reference sources. The group does not meet all assignment requirements and deadlines. Peer evaluation Peer evaluation will be completed by group members. Rating Form for Issues Assignments Criteria Datafocused questions Points All questions are answered. Answers are authoritative, current, and referenced appropriately. Points: _____ x 5 Comments: Essay questions Content Answers to both essay questions are data-based. Data sources are authoritative and current. Data are used in appropriate context. Rating: _____ x 3 Comments: Presentation The essays are complete and well organized. The work has been thoroughly spell-checked and proofread. Words are chosen for their precise meaning. For the most part, sentences flow together to express the intended meaning. Rating: _____ x 1 Comments: Position statement and rationale Content The position statement clearly describes the think tank's desired outcome and strategy for reaching the desired outcome. The rationale includes answers to most of the following questions. Specific, relevant examples are provided to illustrate points. What are the specific problems associated with the issue? What are the primary causal elements? What program(s) are currently in place to alleviate the problem(s)? Are these program(s) sufficient? If not, why not? If not, what alternatives are recommended? What partnerships and resources are needed for the program(s) to work effectively? What are the short-term benefits of the recommended program(s)? What are the long-term benefits of the recommended program(s)? Will any groups be disadvantaged by the implementation of the recommended program(s)? If so, how will their needs be addressed? Why are the recommended program(s) selected over other programs? Rating: _____ x 3 Comments: Presentation The position statement and rationale are complete and well organized. The work has been thoroughly spell-checked and proofread. Words are chosen for their precise meaning. For the most part, sentences flow together to express the intended meaning. Rating: _____ x 1 Comments: Referencing All sources are clearly referenced with appropriate in-text citations. A complete bibliography is furnished. Citations follow the APA format. Rating: _____ x 3 Comments: Assignment The group meets all assignment requirements and deadlines. requirements Rating: _____ x 2 and Comments: deadlines Peer evaluation Rating: _____ x 2 Comments: Total points