最新文献报导 - 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所

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2007 年第 4 期(总第 17 期)
2007 年 10 月
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2007 年 10 月
《最新文献报导》2007 年第 4 期
目 次
光电跟踪 ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
光纤激光陀螺 ................................................................................................................................................. 5
飞秒激光脉冲 ................................................................................................................................................. 8
水听器 ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
紫外探测 ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
半导体材料与器件 ....................................................................................................................................... 17
太阳电池 ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
成像光谱 ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Femtosecond and Attosecond Pulse .............................................................................................................. 27
High-Power Laser and Solid-State Laser ...................................................................................................... 33
Laser Application .......................................................................................................................................... 38
Crystal Fibres ................................................................................................................................................ 44
Nonlinear Optics ........................................................................................................................................... 46
Space Optical System .................................................................................................................................... 50
Imaging Spectrometry ................................................................................................................................... 54
Tracking of The Moving Target .................................................................................................................... 61
Ultraviolet Imaging \Detection...................................................................................................................... 66
X-Ray Imaging .............................................................................................................................................. 69
Optical tweezers/ Photochromic .................................................................................................................... 74
Fiber Amplifier.............................................................................................................................................. 79
Optic Communication ................................................................................................................................... 83
Large Aperture Mirror................................................................................................................................... 92
XIOPM latest Documents Report
1【题 名】低角度目标跟踪中野值的影响与滤除
【作 者】唐吉[1,2] 解锋[1] 尹明[1]
【机 构】[1]海军工程大学电子工程学院,武汉 430033 [2]东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室,南京 210096
【刊 名】仪器仪表用户.2007,14(4).-103-104
【文 摘】在低角度目标跟踪系统中.由于杂波的存在.往往使跟踪观测数据中含有大量野值.这些野值的出
于 Kalman 自适应滤波的滤波方法.它们均可有效地剔除野值、提高跟踪系统的跟踪精度。
2【题 名】红外目标识别与跟踪系统的硬件设计
【作 者】王尊严 黄伟志 王秀荣 沈虹
【机 构】天津工业大学信息与通信工程学院,天津 300160
【刊 名】仪器仪表用户.2007,14(3).-155-156
【文 摘】本文设计并实现了一种基于 DSP 的实时处理的红外图像识别跟踪系统。该系统以高速数字信号处理
器 TMS320C6416 作为核心器件.并与 CPLD 相结合.满足了实时性要求。
3【题 名】目标跟踪下的 Kalman 算法与 IMM 算法性能比较
【作 者】严超
【机 构】西安电子工程研究所,陕西西安 710100
【刊 名】科技情报开发与经济.2007,17(15).-229-231
【文 摘】介绍了 Kalman 滤波算法原理和 IMM 滤波算法原理,并进行了两种算法的仿真与性能比较。
4【题 名】面向目标跟踪的传感器网络分布式组管理机制
【作 者】申兴发 李鸿斌 赵军 王智 孙优贤
【机 构】浙江大学工业控制技术国家重点实验室,杭州 310027
【刊 名】仪器仪表学报.2007,28(6).-966-972
【文 摘】移动目标跟踪是无线传感器网络中的重要研究课题和研究热点之一。分布式组管理机制是移动目标
式组管理机制,从组的构建和组的维护 2 个方面对其工作机理进行了详细阐述,并针对系统运行时可能出现的
各种异常状况给出相应的解决方案。本文最后给出了组管理机制在 TinyOS 平台上的具体实现,以及在实际中
5【题 名】一种新的基于数值积分的粒子滤波算法
【作 者】梁军利[1,2] 杨树元[1,2] 曲超[1,2] 高丽[1,2]
【机 构】[1]中国科学院声学研究所,北京 100080 [2]中国科学院研究生院,北京 100039
【刊 名】电子与信息学报.2007,29(6).-1369-1372
【文 摘】该文提出了一种新的用于非线性非高斯系统状态估计的粒子滤波算法。首先通过基于数值积分的差
6【题 名】一种基于机动目标跟踪预测理论的卫星定位接收机终端定时方法研究
【作 者】苗健 郭群山 马剑
【机 构】军械工程学院导弹工程系,石家庄 050003
【刊 名】科学技术与工程.2007,7(11).-2647-2649
【文 摘】研究了实现卫星定位接收机终端时间与卫星系统时间保持实时同步的一种异步数据融合方法。该方
7【题 名】DSP/BIOS 实时内核在视频目标跟踪系统中的应用
【作 者】张玲 张烽 何伟 周继光
【机 构】重庆大学通信工程学院,重庆 400030
【刊 名】重庆大学学报:自然科学版.2007,30(5).-58-61
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【文 摘】介绍一种 TMS320DSP 的实时内核——DSP/BIOS,并阐述其启动过程和基于 DSP/BIOS 内核开
发实时目标跟踪系统。结合统一建模语言(UML)技术对系统进行分析和设计。通过 DSP/BIOS 实时内核管
8【题 名】图像跟踪系统中机动目标预测的实现
【作 者】罗诗途 张玘 罗飞路 王艳玲
【机 构】国防科技大学机电工程与自动化学院,湖南长沙 410073
【刊 名】火力与指挥控制.2007,32(5).-19-23
【文 摘】针对装甲车上的图像跟踪系统,提出了一种机动目标预测方法。将目标的运动分解为两部分,即全局
9【题 名】几种机动目标运动模型的跟踪性能对比
【作 者】肖雷[1] 刘高峰[1] 魏建仁[2]
【机 构】[1]海军工程大学,湖北武汉 430033 [2]91526 部队装备部,广东湛江 524000
【刊 名】火力与指挥控制.2007,32(5).-106-109
【文 摘】机动目标跟踪是目标定位与跟踪领域研究的难点问题之一。在分析 S inger 模型、“当前”统计模
10【题 名】舰炮武器系统对大目标跟踪精度评估修正方法
【作 者】徐国亮[1] 冷述振[2]
【机 构】[1]江苏自动化研究所,江苏连云港 222006 [2]解放军 92941 部队,辽宁葫芦岛 125001
【刊 名】火力与指挥控制.2007,32(5).-125-128
【文 摘】随着技术的发展,舰炮武器系统的精度水平越来越高。在真实目标环境下一些影响系统精度评估的因
11【题 名】复杂背景下运动目标跟踪技术
【作 者】沈娟 杜宇人 高浩军
【机 构】扬州大学信息工程学院,江苏省扬州市 225009
【刊 名】电子工程师.2007,33(5).-49-51
【文 摘】运动目标分割技术是计算机视觉研究的热点。介绍了一种常用的 K im 目标分割方法,并针对其不足,
对 K im 方法进行了改进,将连续两帧的差分图像和背景差分图像直接相乘得到灰度图像,然后对该灰度图像进行
12【题 名】基于模糊数据融合的自主式火炮控制策略研究
【作 者】余少辉 费新元 刘士军 余玲
【机 构】炮兵学院,安徽合肥 230031
【刊 名】传感器与微系统.2007,26(5).-27-29
【文 摘】自主式火炮能够在多变的环境中瞄准目标,并在最短的时间内摧毁目标,实现自身的防御保护,在
13【题 名】一种应用于大型综合实验的运动目标识别与跟踪方法
【作 者】闫雪梅
【机 构】北京理工大学电子工程系,北京 100081
【刊 名】实验技术与管理.2007,24(5).-39-40,129
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【文 摘】介绍了一种基于 NMI 特征的目标识别与跟踪算法,与基于图像灰度的跟踪算法相比,该算法利用
运动目标的 NMI 特征值,避免了背景亮度变化对目标识别和跟踪的干扰,具有实时性好、抗干扰性强的特
14【题 名】航天地面设施、技术保障
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】中国学术期刊文摘.2007,13(10).-255-256
【文 摘】机载光电稳定平台检测技术的研究,一种用于光电目标跟踪的非线性滤波算法.
15【题 名】遮挡情况下多目标跟踪的一种新方法
【作 者】田伟 罗予频 华成英
【机 构】清华大学自动化系,北京 100084
【刊 名】计算机工程与应用.2007,43(13).-33-36
【文 摘】多目标追踪一直是视频处理中的重要问题,目标互相遮挡的情况下观测置信度的计算是多目标追踪中
16【题 名】光电经纬仪的粒子-卡尔曼联合目标跟踪算法及仿真
【作 者】贾庆莲[1,2] 乔彦峰[1] 邓文渊[1,2]
【机 构】[1]中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春 130031 [2]中国科学院研究生院,北京
【刊 名】光电技术应用.2007,22(2).-66-70
【文 摘】针对系统状态方程是线性,观测方程是非线性的被动光电测量问题,分析了常用的 EKF 法(扩展
卡尔曼滤波法)、PF 法(粒子滤波法)、UKF 法(无迹卡尔曼滤波法)的优缺点,提出了以 PF 法与 EKF 法
相结合的方法作为光电经纬仪的目标跟踪算法.为解决单台光电经纬仪的不可观测性问题,采用 2 台交汇的观
PF-EKF 法在交汇光电经纬仪的目标跟踪中精度较高,而 EKF 算法的实时性较高.
17【题 名】“空中盾牌”-35“阿海德”防空系统
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】兵器知识.2007(6).-7-7
【文 摘】这是瑞士厄利孔-康特拉夫斯公司最新一代地面防空系统,集成了光电探测设备和 X 波段段/跟踪雷
达,采用 2 座 35 毫米隐身无人炮塔,必要时也可加入 2 座 8 单元防空导弹发射装置。
18【题 名】舰载光电系统粗跟踪分析
【作 者】吕隽[1] 张世英[2] 王国刚[3]
【机 构】[1]解放军 92941 部队,辽宁葫芦岛 125001 [2]海军装备研究院,北京 100073 [3]海军驻 716 研究所军代
表宅,江苏连云港 222006
【刊 名】指挥控制与仿真.2007,29(3).-105-107
【文 摘】针对舰载激光武器光电跟踪系统对精度要求很高的问题,对光电跟踪系统粗跟踪误差源进行了详细
19【题 名】方位角测量跟踪系统设计及实验
【作 者】肖影[1,2] 金龙旭[1]
【机 构】[1]中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春 130033 [2]中国科学院研究生院,北京
【刊 名】光学精密工程.2007,15(5).-741-745
【文 摘】为了使跟踪设备快速、准确地跟踪飞行目标并精确测量目标方位角,设计了一种测量跟踪系统,该
系统根据跟踪设备发出的方位角偏差信号推动带有跟踪设备的伺服转台,驱动子系统采用 H 型双极模式 PWM
XIOPM latest Documents Report
和速度曲线以及其他实验结果。实验结果显示,系统随动精度为 0.1(°)/s,最大跟踪速度为 38.3
(°)/s,最大跟踪加速度为 23.5(°)/s^2,满足了技术指标和设计要求。
20【题 名】光电经纬仪伺服系统动态高型控制
【作 者】邢启江[1] 董二宝[2] 陈娟[3] 姜永华[1]
【机 构】[1]海军航空工程学院电子信息工程系,山东烟台 264001 [2]中国科技大学,合肥 230000 [3]中国科学院
长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,长春 130033
【刊 名】电光与控制.2007,14(3).-140-143
【文 摘】光电经纬仪伺服系统一般是位置、速度双闭的随动系统,其跟踪精度和动态响应能力是衡量系统性
一些具有独创性的结论。最后进行了动态Ⅲ型系统的跟踪能力 Matlab 仿真。当目标为最大加速度 60(°)/
s^2、最大速度 60(°)/s 的等效正弦时,稳态跟踪误差达 1.3″,对于最大加速度 120(°)/s^2、最大
速度 120(°)/s 的等效正弦,仿真稳态跟踪误差达 24″。
21【题 名】光电跟踪伺服参数设计与跟踪算法误差分析
【作 者】时成文 杨飞
【机 构】东北电子技术研究所,辽宁锦州 121000
【刊 名】光电技术应用.2007,22(2).-12-14
【文 摘】针对运动目标跟踪,介绍了一种光电跟踪角速度、角加速度计算方法,给出了控制系统拉格郎日多
22【题 名】光电经纬仪的粒子-卡尔曼联合目标跟踪算法及仿真
【作 者】贾庆莲[1,2] 乔彦峰[1] 邓文渊[1,2]
【机 构】[1]中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春 130031 [2]中国科学院研究生院,北京
【刊 名】光电技术应用.2007,22(2).-66-70
【文 摘】针对系统状态方程是线性,观测方程是非线性的被动光电测量问题,分析了常用的 EKF 法(扩展
卡尔曼滤波法)、PF 法(粒子滤波法)、UKF 法(无迹卡尔曼滤波法)的优缺点,提出了以 PF 法与 EKF 法
相结合的方法作为光电经纬仪的目标跟踪算法.为解决单台光电经纬仪的不可观测性问题,采用 2 台交汇的观
PF-EKF 法在交汇光电经纬仪的目标跟踪中精度较高,而 EKF 算法的实时性较高.
23【题 名】速度/加速度误差补偿对光电跟踪系统稳定性影响分析
【作 者】郭光荣 薛斌
【机 构】中国兵器工业第五八研究所军品部,四川绵阳 621000
【刊 名】兵工自动化.2007,26(4).-70-70,73
【文 摘】高速高精度光电跟踪控制系统采用速度/加速度误差补偿控制策略后,虽降低了系统跟踪误差,对
系统稳定性有所影响,但提高了系统跟踪精度。通过 Matlab 对比加入速度、加速度误差补偿控制策略前后,在
24【题 名】预测轨迹修正单检测型复合轴控制方法
【作 者】王强[1,2] 傅承毓[1] 陈科[1] 汪红熳[1]
【机 构】[1]中国科学院光电技术研究所,四川成都 610209 [2]中国科学院研究生院,北京 100039
【刊 名】光电工程.2007,34(4).-17-21,38
【文 摘】提出并实现了基于实时预测轨迹修正的单检测型复合轴控制方法。利用一个目标探测与处理系统即
25【题 名】速度/加速度误差补偿对光电跟踪系统精度影响分析
【作 者】陈娇[1] 郭光荣[2]
【机 构】[1]驻绵阳地区军代室,四川绵阳 621000 [2]中国兵器工业第五八研究所军品部,四川绵阳 621000
【刊 名】兵工自动化.2007,26(3).-72-73
【文 摘】高速高精度跟踪控制系统,其速度和加速度误差环节的加入对系统的速度和加速度品质因数均有影
响。通过 Matlab 对比加入速度和加速度误差补偿控制策略前后的系统跟踪误差,可得出速度和加速度误差补偿
XIOPM latest Documents Report
能提高光电跟踪系统跟踪精度。在跟踪以最大速度 50°/S、最大加速度 30°/s。的等效运动目标时,最大跟
踪误差小于 0.2mil.
26【题 名】舰载视轴稳定系统的变结构控制研究
【作 者】王辉华[1] 刘文化[2] 张世英[2] 刘淼森[2]
【机 构】[1]海军工程大学,湖北武汉 430033 [2]海军装备研究院,北京 100073
【刊 名】光电工程.2007,34(3).-26-29
【文 摘】为了消除舰船摇摆对舰载光电跟踪设备稳定精度的影响,提高系统视轴稳定性能,根据舰船摇摆对
以减弱系统抖振。利用 AR 序列预测估计方法,实现视轴偏差预测估计,完成视轴稳定滑模变结构控制律的求
取,并利用 matlab 仿真软件,对视轴稳定滑模变结构控制律进行数字计算。仿真结果表明,该控制方法能有效
【题 名】某光电跟踪产品电磁兼容设计及应用
【作 者】闫琳 邹斌阳 高淑慧 李洪波
【机 构】中国空空导弹研究院,河南洛阳 471009
【刊 名】航空兵器.2007(2).-19-21
【文 摘】以某光电跟踪产品为研究背景,从电磁干扰三要素出发,按照分层设计的思路完成了某光电跟踪产
28【题 名】基于虚拟仪器技术的光纤陀螺参数测试系统设计
【作 者】于旭东 宋章启
【机 构】国防科技大学光电科学与工程学院,长沙 410073
【刊 名】仪器仪表用户.2007,14(4).-23-25
【文 摘】建立了基于虚拟仪器技术的光纤陀螺参数测试系统.介绍了系统的硬件、软件结构以及在虚拟仪器
29【题 名】基于 DSP 的光学探测陀螺稳定系统的设计与实现
【作 者】仇海涛 韩永根 杨涛 吕妍红 徐海刚
【机 构】北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院,北京 100083
【刊 名】电子技术应用.2007,33(6).-82-84,87
【文 摘】设计了一种以 DSP 为处理核心的高精度的光学探测陀螺稳定系统。介绍了以 CCD 图像和旋转变压
30【题 名】谐振式光纤陀螺环路锁频技术研究
【作 者】杨雪锋 郑阳明 马慧莲 金仲和
【机 构】浙江大学信息与电子工程系,杭州 310027
【刊 名】传感技术学报.2007,20(5).-990-993
【文 摘】谐振式光纤陀螺(Resonator Fiber Optic Gyro,R-FOG)是基于 Sagnac 效应产生的谐振频率差来测
量旋转角速率的一种新型光学传感器.对基于调相谱检测技术 R-FOG 系统中的环路频率锁定技术进行了研
31【题 名】摆式陀螺寻北仪的积分测量方法
【作 者】王缜 申功勋
【机 构】北京航空航天大学宇航学院,北京 100083
【刊 名】光学精密工程.2007,15(5).-746-752
【文 摘】提出了摆式陀螺寻北仪双次积分测量方法。在粗寻北阶段采用步进法,通过施加外作用消耗系统原
XIOPM latest Documents Report
角。进行了一系列相关实验,结果表明:双次光电积分法有效地改善了 JT15 试验样机的寻北测量精度,使由
于测量周期变化造成的寻北误差减小了 10 倍以上。本方案缩短了摆式陀螺寻北仪的寻北测量时间,提高了寻
32【题 名】小波神经网络用于光纤陀螺漂移误差辨识
【作 者】李颖 陈兴林 宋申民
【机 构】哈尔滨工业大学航天学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001
【刊 名】光学精密工程.2007,15(5).-773-778
【文 摘】提出了采用小波消噪和小波神经网络两个模型对光纤陀螺漂移误差进行辨识。应用小波分析方法消
大地减少了计算量,提高了小波神经网络的实时性能,仿真结果表明辨识误差在 1.5%以内。
33【题 名】光纤陀螺惯性平台数字稳定回路设计
【作 者】孙宁 刘洁瑜 周小刚 赖小明 蔚国强
【机 构】第二炮兵工程学院,西安 710025
【刊 名】电光与控制.2007,14(3).-131-135
【文 摘】为了延长某型导弹训练惯性平台的使用寿命,提出了组建光纤陀螺惯性平台稳定系统的设计方案。
络,给出了基于 DSP 的数字校正网络的实现方法。Simulink 仿真结果表明,该数字稳定回路具有较好的动态性
34【题 名】小波分析法在光纤陀螺随机误差补偿中的应用
【作 者】高伟[1] 刘晓庆[2] 李蓓[2] 苏游[2]
【机 构】[1]哈尔滨工业大学电气工程及自动化学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001 [2]哈尔滨工程大学自动化学院,黑
龙江哈尔滨 150001
【刊 名】传感器与微系统.2007,26(5).-82-85
【文 摘】光纤陀螺随机漂移是惯性导航系统产生误差的重要因素。尽量降低陀螺仪的漂移率是进一步提高惯
35【题 名】巧做三色陀螺
【作 者】刘爱军
【机 构】山东省东营市河口区胜利第三十九中,257200
【刊 名】实验教学与仪器.2007,24(5).-47-47
【文 摘】按照图 1 所示制作 3 个硬纸圆盘,分别涂满红、绿、蓝 3 种颜色(或者分别贴上 3 种彩色的纸)。
颜色要浓且纯正,尽量接近光谱颜色。按照图 1 所示,沿半径切开 1 个槽。把 3 个圆盘沿着槽口交错地插在一
起,套在陀螺上。这时候在陀螺上应该能露出红、绿、蓝 3 个扇形面积,如图 2 所示。分别拨动圆盘,可以调
节这 3 个扇形面积的大小。
36【题 名】光源光功率和偏振度对闭环光纤陀螺的影响
【作 者】徐小斌 徐宏杰 冯丽爽 张春熹
【机 构】北京航空航天大学光电工程系,北京 100083
【刊 名】光电工程.2007,34(5).-62-66,108
【文 摘】在建立闭环光纤陀螺光路数学模型的基础上,结合检测电路的闭环算法,分析了光源光功率、偏振度
37【题 名】小波分析在光纤陀螺信号处理中的工程应用
【作 者】丁杨斌 申功勋 王缜 满顺强
【机 构】北京航空航天大学宇航学院,北京 100083
【刊 名】光电工程.2007,34(5).-121-125
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【文 摘】光纤陀螺作为敏感角速度信息的元件对其精度要求较高,仅在硬件方面提高它的精度会极大的增加成
38【题 名】光纤陀螺温度和标度因数非线性误差建模研究
【作 者】王新国 李家垒 许化龙 李爱华
【机 构】第二炮兵工程学院,陕西西安 710025
【刊 名】系统仿真学报.2007,19(9).-1922-1924
【文 摘】分析了开环光纤陀螺(O-FOG)的温度和非线性特性,以时间、温度和输入角速率为参量得到 OFOG 的温度和标度因数非线性误差的混合模型,并设计了一种能够同时辨识这些参数的实验方法和数据处理方
法,通过大量温度速率实验,辨识出 O-FOG 的温度和非线性混合模型,利用该模型对陀螺进行补偿验证,结果表明,
补偿后的 O-FOG 克服了温度和非线性对其测量精度的影响,使它在全温度和全速率下的测量精度得到了极大提
39【题 名】改善激光陀螺输出特性的随机噪声注入方法
【作 者】高玉凯 林玉荣 邓正隆
【机 构】哈尔滨工业大学控制科学与工程系,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001
【刊 名】中国激光.2007,34(4).-481-484
【文 摘】为消除机械抖动激光陀螺的动态闭锁误差,基于闭锁误差累积角特性的分析和研究,提出了多抖动
零偏稳定性提高 2~4 倍。
40【题 名】Er-doped fiber ring laser gyroscopes operating in continuous waves
【作 者】钱景仁 苏觉 王许旭 朱冰
【机 构】Department of Electronics Engineering and Information Science, University of Science and Technology of
China, Hefei 230026
【刊 名】中国光学快报:英文版.2007,5(4).-229-231
【文 摘】
41【题 名】光纤陀螺稳定平台调平系统设计
【作 者】赖小明 刘洁瑜
【机 构】第二炮兵工程学院,陕西西安 710025
【刊 名】计算机测量与控制.2007,15(3).-363-365
【文 摘】文章简要介绍了光纤陀螺的原理及国内外发展状况;重点讨论其在平台调平系统的应用,对调平系
统的组成、传递函数的阶次和系统的动态性能进行了分析和研究,提出了 PI 加超前校正的校正网络进行校正
42【题 名】基于双正交小波的稳定平台系统中陀螺信号滤波应用研究
【作 者】杨蒲 李奇
【机 构】东南大学自动化研究所,江苏南京 210096
【刊 名】测控技术.2007,26(4).-32-36
【文 摘】针对陀螺稳定平台系统中光纤陀螺信号噪声的非平稳性特点,分析并讨论了光纤陀螺输出信号模型
于双正交小波的改进模平方阈值滤波方法。同时,结合 3σ准则和不同的分解尺度,采用了可变阈值选取规
则。实际应用表明,该滤波方法能够对光纤陀螺噪声信号起到明显的抑制作用,滤波效果优于一般 IIR 滤波和
43【题 名】机载光电侦察稳定平台系统分析
【作 者】邹志峰 闫峰
【机 构】华中光电技术研究所,武汉 430074
【刊 名】机械工程师.2007(4).-39-40
【文 摘】介绍了机载光电侦察稳定平台的几种框架形式,从稳定原理方面分析了各自的优缺点,并指出随着光
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44【题 名】SAW 陀螺效应声光衍射角度及其微小变化的 CCD 检测系统
【作 者】刘骏跃 陈明
【机 构】西北工业大学自动化学院,西安 710072
【刊 名】传感技术学报.2007,20(4).-800-804
【文 摘】声表面波(SAW)陀螺效应表现为 SAW 介质旋转角速度Ω对 SAW 波速的调制作用,以及对布拉
格衍射角的调制作用.因此,通过测量声光布拉格衍射光的偏转角度,可以反推被测 SAW 介质的旋转角速度
制的布拉格衍射角,关系到 SAW 陀螺效应声光探测和检测方案的成败.在扼要说明了Ω调制布拉格衍射角的
物理原理后,初步设计了布拉格衍射角的 CCD 测量系统并讨论了影响其测角精度的若干关键技术.
45【题 名】光纤陀螺信号误差分析与滤波算法的研究
【作 者】姬伟[1] 李奇[2]
【机 构】[1]江苏大学电气信息工程学院,江苏镇江 212013 [2]东南大学自控系,南京 210096
【刊 名】传感技术学报.2007,20(4).-847-852
【文 摘】针对光纤陀螺信号漂移误差和噪声的影响,采用 Allan 方差法对光纤陀螺的各项随机误差成分进行
用 Allan 方差法能够有效地分离和辨识陀螺零漂信号中的各项噪声源随机误差系数和误差大小,采用的小波变
46【题 名】He-Ne 气体压强和比例对塞曼激光陀螺偏频特性影响
【作 者】张金红
【机 构】西北工业大学自动化学院,陕西西安 710072
【刊 名】光电子.激光.2007,18(3).-319-321
【文 摘】进行了 He-Ne 气体对激光陀螺偏频特性影响的理论与实验研究。理论推导发现,激光陀螺内部 HeNe 气体对其偏频量有重要影响,He-Ne 气体比率一定时,偏频量与其内部压强成线性关系。在不同气压下对激
47【题 名】水工结构
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】中国学术期刊文摘.2007,13(4).-235-237
【文 摘】光纤传感技术在土木工程健康监测中的应用;基于 ABAQUS 平台的混凝土坝温度应力计算程序的开
48【题 名】I-FOG 用光电二极管的温度特性研究
【作 者】丁坤 刘军 马晓雷
【机 构】解放军军械工程学院,石家庄 050003
【刊 名】科学技术与工程.2007,7(5).-833-835
【文 摘】光纤陀螺对温度变化比较敏感,其探测器的温度特性也是值得探索的课题。着重分析全保偏数字闭
环光纤陀螺(I-FOG)中的探测器——半导体 PIN 光电二极管的温度特性以及其对整个光纤陀螺系统的影响,
49【题 名】用飞秒激光制作高精度微光学器件的研究进展
【作 者】梁静[1] 吴志华[1] 杨秀峰[2] 吕福云[1]
【机 构】[1]南开大学物理科学学院,天津 300071 [2]天津理工大学电子信息与通信工程学院,天津 300191
【刊 名】激光与红外.2007,37(6).-493-497
【文 摘】文中介绍了飞秒激光与透明介质材料相互作用的多种机理和理论,重点综述了飞秒激光在制作波导、
50【题 名】两种方法进行薄瓣 LASIK 手术矫正高度近视的临床观察
【作 者】李海燕 孙同 谭勇
【机 构】上海爱尔眼科医院,200336
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【刊 名】眼科.2007,16(3).-201-205
【文 摘】目的比较应用飞秒激光(IntraLase)和微型角膜刀(Morla M2,90μm 刀头)进行薄瓣准分子激光
近视患者 148 例(274 眼),其中飞秒激光组 76 例(134 眼),微型角膜刀组 72 例(140 眼)。方法飞秒激光
组应用 IntraLase 飞秒激光仪制作角膜瓣,微型角膜刀组应用 Moria 90 微型角膜刀制作角膜瓣。两组均应用
VISX Star S4 准分子激光设备行 LASIK 手术。术后第 1 天、1 周、1 个月和 3 个月行视力、屈光、波前像差等
检查。主要指标视力、屈光状态、波前像差、泪液分泌试验(Schirmer 试验)、泪膜破裂时间(BUT)。结果
飞秒激光组术后 3 个月检查,达到或超过术前最佳矫正视力者(BSCVA)108 眼(80.6%),与微型角膜刀
组(116 眼,82.9%)无显著性差异(P=0.642);等效球镜为(-0.49±0.70)D,与微型角膜刀组(0.56±0.83)D 无显著性差异(P=0.448);Schirmer 试验结果为(9.5±4.0)mm,与微型角膜刀组
(9.5±7.2)mm 无显著性差异(P=0.950);BUT 结果(7.9±4.3)秒,与微型角膜刀组(8.1±
5.5)秒无显著性差异(P=0.867);高阶像差 RMS 值为(0.480±0.133)μm,低于微型角膜刀组
(0.578±0.169)μm,差异有统计学意义(P=0.034)。结论应用飞秒激光或微型角膜刀进行薄瓣 LASIK
51【题 名】飞秒激光诱导 Dy^3+掺杂玻璃的上转换发光
【作 者】张松敏 李倩 朱斌 周时凤 邱建荣
【机 构】浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室,杭州 310027
【刊 名】武汉理工大学学报.2007,29(E01).-327-330
【文 摘】研究了飞秒激光诱导 Dy^3+掺杂 ZnO-B2O3-SiO2 玻璃的上转换过程,通过分析 800nm 飞秒激光泵
52【题 名】飞秒光参量放大技术原理及应用
【作 者】邱娉 王青圃 张行愚 李永富
【机 构】山东大学信息科学与工程学院,山东济南 250100
【刊 名】量子电子学报.2007,24(3).-273-282
【文 摘】飞秒光参量放大技术是一种获得宽带飞秒脉冲的有效手段。首先介绍了飞秒光参量放大技术的基本
周期量级脉冲产生方面的研究进展,并介绍了 Baltuska 等设计的可以产生 3.9fs 脉冲的非共线光参量放大装
53【题 名】Phase evolution of the reemitted field in the semiconductor quantum wells under the femtosecond pulse
train intersubband excitation
【作 者】罗建 龚尚庆 钮月萍 宋晓红 钱军 李儒新
【机 构】State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800
【刊 名】中国光学快报:英文版.2007,5(5).-304-307
【文 摘】
54【题 名】Aluminum film microdeposition at 775 nm by femtosecond laser-induced forward transfer
【作 者】杨丽[1,2,3] 王清月[2,3] 倪晓昌[2,3] 巫殷忠[2,3] 贾威[2,3] 柴路[2,3]
【机 构】[1]School of Science, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300 [2]Ultrafast Laser Laboratory,
School of Precision Instruments and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072 [3]Key
Laboratory of Optoelectronic Information Technical Science, Ministry of Education of China, Tianjin 300072
【刊 名】中国光学快报:英文版.2007,5(5).-308-310
【文 摘】
55【题 名】飞秒激光微加工:激光精密加工领域的新前沿
【作 者】何飞 程亚
【机 构】中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所强场激光物理国家重点实验室,上海 201800
【刊 名】中国激光.2007,34(5).-595-622
【文 摘】飞秒激光微加工技术具有加工精度高、热效应小、损伤阈值低以及能够实现真正的三维微结构加工
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56【题 名】改进的高功率飞秒脉冲系统理论研究
【作 者】王春灿 张帆 耿蕊 童治 宁提纲 简水生
【机 构】北京交通大学光波技术研究所,北京 100044
【刊 名】中国激光.2007,34(5).-655-660
【文 摘】理论分析了由掺镱光纤放大器、高非线性光纤(HNLF)和光栅对组成的高功率飞秒脉冲产生系
57【题 名】飞秒激光诱导波纹状微突起结构
【作 者】韩泽华[1,2] 周常河[1] 戴恩文[1]
【机 构】[1]中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所,上海 201800 [2]中国科学院研究生院,北京 100039
【刊 名】中国激光.2007,34(5).-715-718
【文 摘】利用飞秒激光振荡器产生的脉冲对镀有铬层的玻璃和石英基片进行微加工,发现两种样品表面均有波
纹状的微突起结构产生。这些微突起结构离开样品表面的高度为 10~300nm 不等,并且随着激光功率的增大而
通过化学方法证明了这些微突起结构是由玻璃和石英的主要成分 SiO2 组成的,并非样品表面的铬元素。此外,通
58【题 名】飞秒时间分辨光抽运探测技术及进展
【作 者】曹宁 傅盘铭 张治国
【机 构】中国科学院物理研究所光物理重点实验室,北京 100080
【刊 名】物理.2007,36(5).-395-398
【文 摘】文章简要介绍了飞秒时间分辨光抽运探测技术以及作者所在实验室的最新研究进展.灵敏度和信噪
59【题 名】泵浦光波形和脉宽对飞秒激光对比度的影响
【作 者】马再如[1] 冯国英[2] 陈建国[2] 朱启华[3] 曾小明[3]
【机 构】[1]西华大学理化学院应用物理研究所,成都 610039 [2]四川大学电子信息学院,成都 610064 [3]中国工
程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川绵阳 621900
【刊 名】强激光与粒子束.2007,19(4).-571-576
【文 摘】采用宽带数值模型,应用四阶龙格-库塔数值算法对三波耦合方程进行数值分析,研究了泵浦光的波形
60【题 名】飞秒激光-等离子体相互作用中快电子能量分布
【作 者】蔡达锋[1,2] 谷渝秋[2] 郑志坚[2] 周维民[2] 焦春晔[2] 温天舒[2] 淳于书泰[2]
【机 构】[1]内江师范学院物理系,四川内江 641112 [2]中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川绵阳
【刊 名】强激光与粒子束.2007,19(4).-598-602
【文 摘】采用不同量程的电子谱仪与 LiF 热释光探测器相配合,测量了飞秒激光-等离子体相互作用中产生的
快电子能谱在低能处产生凹陷是由于冷电子的回流产生的;几种加速机制共同作用是能谱在 100-350keV 范围内
61【题 名】飞秒激光沉积β-FeSi2/Si 半导体膜及光学性能研究
【作 者】周幼华[1,2] 陆培祥[1] 杨光[1] 杨义发[1] 郑启光[1]
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【机 构】[1]华中科技大学激光技术国家重点实验室,武汉 430074 [2]江汉大学物理与信息工程学院,武汉
【刊 名】无机材料学报.2007,22(3).-545-549
【文 摘】采用飞秒脉冲激光沉积法在 Si(100)和 Si(111)单晶基片上制备了均匀的单相β-FeSi2 薄膜;用 X
构、组分、表面形貌和光学性能.观察到了β-FeSi2 在 Si 单晶基片上的生长与晶面取向有关的证据,并在室温
(20℃)下观测到β-FeSi2 薄膜的光致发光,其发光波长为 1.53μm;在氩离子 514nm 激光的激发下,在 192.0 和
243.9cm-1 等位置观察到β-FeSi2 的拉曼散射峰.
62【题 名】无线电物理
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】中国学术期刊文摘.2007,13(9).-53-53
【文 摘】圆偏振飞秒激光脉冲与低压氙气体靶相互作用软 X 射线辐射实验研究,Pr^3+:Y2SiO5 晶体中电磁
63【题 名】飞秒激光制备 CdS 薄膜滤波器的研究
【作 者】童杏林 刘恋 姜德生 刘忠明
【机 构】武汉理工大学光纤传感技术与信息处理教育部重点实验室,武汉 430070
【刊 名】半导体学报.2007,28(5).-717-721
【文 摘】采用脉冲飞秒激光沉积方法,在石英衬底上制备了 CdS 薄膜滤波器.研究显示衬底温度在 100~600℃
范围内变化对 CdS 薄膜衬底的结构及光学特性有重要影响,在 450℃的衬底温度下所生长的 CdS 薄膜具有较好
的结构质量,该薄膜在 500nm 附近具有较陡的吸收带边及良好的光学滤波性能.
64【题 名】PPLN 晶体差频测量飞秒激光脉冲的载波包络相移
【作 者】韩海年[1,2] 赵研英[1] 张炜[1] 朱江峰[1] 王鹏[1] 魏志义[1] 李师群[2]
【机 构】[1]中国科学院物理研究所北京凝聚态物理国家实验室,光物理实验室,北京 100080 [2]清华大学物理
系原子分子与光物理研究所,北京 100084
【刊 名】物理学报.2007,56(5).-2756-2759
【文 摘】在飞秒激光频率梳系统中,通常采用自参考技术测量飞秒激光脉冲的载波包络相移,但该技术需要
的发展.采用 PPLN 晶体差频法测量了宽谱钛宝石振荡器输出的 7fs 激光脉冲的载波包络频移,得到了大于
30dB 的拍频信号,为研制无光纤的新一代高稳定度光学频率梳奠定了基础.
65【题 名】飞秒钛宝石光学频率梳的精密锁定
【作 者】韩海年[1,2] 张炜[1] 王鹏[1] 李德华[1] 魏志义[1] 沈乃澂[1] 聂玉昕[1] 高玉平[3] 张首刚[3] 李师群[2]
【机 构】[1]中国科学院物理研究所北京凝聚态物理国家实验室,光物理实验室,北京 100080 [2]清华大学物理
系原子分子与光物理研究所,北京 100084 [3]国家授时中心,临潼 710600
【刊 名】物理学报.2007,56(5).-2760-2764
【文 摘】经相位锁定后的飞秒钛宝石光学频率梳已经广泛用于绝对光频的测量,这是光频标领域一个革命性
的突破.在自建的 90MHz 飞秒钛宝石激光器的基础上首先采用光子晶体光纤将其光谱展宽到一个光倍频程,
接着利用锁相环技术分别将重复频率和载波包络频移同时高精度地锁定到一台稳定度为 6×10^-14 的 Cs 钟上,
66【题 名】利用空心光纤探测飞秒脉冲在氩气中成丝过程中的光谱演变
【作 者】曹士英[1] 张志刚[1,2] 柴路[1] 王清月[1] 杨建军[3] 朱晓农[3]
【机 构】[1]天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院超快激光研究室,信息技术科学教育部重点实验室,天津
300072 [2]北京大学信息科学技术学院,量子信息与测量教育部重点实验室,北京 100871 [3]南开大学现代光学研
究所,光电信息技术科学教育部重点实验室,天津 300071
【刊 名】物理学报.2007,56(5).-2765-2768
【文 摘】采用 420μm 纤芯直径、18cm 长的空心光纤作为探测器,在强飞秒激光在氩气中成丝的条件下,研
成丝的不同位置时所获得的光谱展宽也不尽相同.在成丝长度范围内的特定位置可以将 50fs 入射脉冲最窄压缩
至 24.8fs.
67【题 名】与 794nm 飞秒激光精确同步的无直流背底的 1064nm 脉冲光的产生
【作 者】翟惠 徐世祥 许智雄 蔡华 杨旋 吴昆 曾和平
【机 构】华东师范大学光谱学与波谱学教育部重点实验室,上海 200062
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【刊 名】物理学报.2007,56(5).-2821-2827
【文 摘】基于非共线光参量放大(NOPA),以宽带 794nm 飞秒激光的倍频光为抽运光,以连续的 He—Ne
激光为信号光,产生了与宽带 794nm 飞秒激光精确同步的无直流背底的 1064nm 的脉冲光.实验结果显示该
1064m 的光脉冲可作为光参量啁啾脉冲放大系统的抽运激光链的种子光,从而实现用全光学方法实现 OPCPA
系统抽运光和信号光的精确同步.还将非共线光参量放大器置于经特殊设计的 He—Ne 激光腔内,也同样成功
得到了无直流背底的 1064nm 的光脉冲.经一次光参量放大后所得到的 1064nm 光的光谱和空间啁啾特性与非
共线光参量放大器置于 He—Ne 激光腔外时得到的 1064nm 的光脉冲相同,而其单脉冲能量约为腔外 NOPA 的
10 倍.
68【题 名】飞秒激光控制的分子量子动力学研究:(Ⅰ)三维二能级系统
【作 者】李宏[1] 张永强[1,2] 程杰[1,2] 王鹿霞[1,4] 刘德胜[1,2,3]
【机 构】[1]山东济宁学院物理系,曲阜 273100 [2]山东大学物理与微电子学院,济南 250100 [3]山东大学晶体材
料国家重点实验室,济南 250100 [4]北京科技大学物理系,北京 100083
【刊 名】物理学报.2007,56(5).-3010-3016
【文 摘】结合 MCDTDH 方法和优化控制理论,以吡嗪分子为例,模拟了在给定不同的目标态下具有 3 个振
69【题 名】光子晶体光纤在飞秒激光技术中的应用
【作 者】苏红新 崔建华 王坤 郭庆林
【机 构】河北大学物理科学与技术学院,河北保定 071002
【刊 名】光通信技术.2007,31(5).-61-64
【文 摘】简要介绍了光子晶体光纤的基本结构、导光机制和主要特性,系统综述了光子晶体光纤在锁模光纤
70【题 名】飞秒 Z 扫描技术测量材料光学非线性的研究
【作 者】韩亚萍[1,2] 陈炳才[3] 叶红安[2] 杨延强[4] 吴文智[4] 曹言[1]
【机 构】[1]东北林业大学理学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150040 [2]黑龙江大学电子工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150080 [3]
哈尔滨工程大学计算机科学与技术学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001 [4]哈尔滨工业大学物理系凝聚态科学与技术研究
中心,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001
【刊 名】黑龙江大学自然科学学报.2007,24(2).-219-222,227
【文 摘】介绍了用飞秒脉冲光 Z 扫描技术测量材料光学非线性的方法。指出了用飞秒 Z 扫描技术测量材料的
光学非线性时出现的溶剂非线性问题(在波长 800nm 下,测得了空玻璃比色皿池充满常用的溶剂去离子水和乙
醇后的非线性折射率系数 n2 值分别为 1.61×10^-14esu 和 2.26×10^-14esu);材料出现非线性折射及非线
71【题 名】飞秒脉冲制备纳米颗粒
【作 者】慢光(编译)
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】激光与光电子学进展.2007,44(4).-13-14
【文 摘】研究人员发现了一种利用低功率、稳定飞秒激光脉冲制备大小均匀纳米颗粒的方法,而且只要改变
72【题 名】利用飞秒激光器进行精密加工的研究动向与未来展望
【作 者】王玉英
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】光机电信息.2007,24(3).-21-24
【文 摘】1 引言 在利用连续振荡激光器或纳秒激光器进行材料加工时,主要是通过加热和熔化实现加工。近
73【题 名】使用飞秒激光刀制作角膜瓣行 LASIK 的像差分析
【作 者】蒋炎云 胡燕华 张青松 雷晓华
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【机 构】华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院眼科,武汉 430022
【刊 名】眼科研究.2007,25(3).-215-217
【文 摘】目的 比较飞秒激光刀与普通自动角膜板层刀制作角膜瓣行准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)后
眼球的像差变化.方法 将行 LASIK 的患者 21 例 42 眼分别使用飞秒激光刀(16 眼)与普通自动角膜板层刀(26
眼)制作角膜瓣后,在同一机型下行激光切削,术后 10 d、1 个月、3 个月分别对两组患者的像差进行分析.结果
O.05).结论 使用飞秒激光刀制作角膜瓣行 LASIK 在一定程度上可抑制手术造成的像差增加,对提高 LASIK 术
74【题 名】飞秒激光场下 NH3 分子光电子能谱的理论研究
【作 者】李荣 蔡爱敏 张文文 孟庆田
【机 构】山东师范大学物理与电子科学学院,济南 250014
【刊 名】山东师范大学学报:自然科学版.2007,22(1).-56-58
【文 摘】模拟了 NH3 分子在飞秒激光场下通过中间快速预解离态五的共振增强多光子电离光电子能谱
75【题 名】飞秒激光与硅样品作用生成纳米光栅结构
【作 者】王海旭[1] 金峰[1] 黄伟其[1] 吴克跃[1] 许丽[1] 刘世荣[2] 秦朝建[2] 蔡绍洪[1] 胡林[1]
【机 构】[1]贵州省光电子技术与应用重点实验室,贵州贵阳 550025 [2]中科院地化所,贵州贵阳 550003
【刊 名】贵州大学学报:自然科学版.2007,24(2).-150-154
【文 摘】我们用脉冲宽度 120fs、波长 800nm、能量密度从 0.1J/cm^2~0.5J/cm^2 的激光束照射硅样品
和锗硅合金样品表面能够生成各种低维形貌结构。特别是将飞秒激光束散焦至直径为 100μm 的束斑,并以每
秒 1000 个脉冲照射硅样品表面两秒钟时(能量密度在熔融阈值 0.2J/cm。附近),能生成周期间隔为
400nm 的浮雕光栅状的一维微结构。我们用飞秒激光与其诱导的等离子体波的相干模型解释了光栅状微结构的
形成机理。还发现这种结构有很强的 PL 发光,PL 峰的中心约在 719nm 处。该飞秒激光加工技术既简捷叉稳
76【题 名】产生和测量阿秒及飞秒软 X-射线脉冲方法
【作 者】葛愉成
【机 构】北京大学技术物理系,教育部重离子物理重点实验室,北京 100871
【刊 名】科学通报.2007,52(4).-388-393
【文 摘】报告了产生和测量阿秒及飞秒软 X-射线脉冲的方法,研究了高次谐波产生与激光相位之间的关系。
得到阿秒及飞秒软 X-射线脉冲的时间结构,而不需要预先假设脉冲的频率分布和强度分布形状,也不需要与实
验测量数据进行拟合计算.这些方程和方法是超快速测量的基础,能用于评估超短 X-射线脉冲光源的技术参
理、化学及生物学新的研究高潮.同时,对阿秒和飞秒 X-射线脉冲的应用及测量方面的理论和技术难题作了简
77【题 名】σ形腔自起振被动锁模掺铒光纤激光器
【作 者】魏莹 闫晗 费爱梅 王肇颖 贾东方 李世忱
【机 构】光电信息技术科学教育部重点实验室,天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院,天津 300072
【刊 名】科学技术与工程.2007,7(7).-1316-1319
【文 摘】分析了利用非线性偏振旋转效应进行被动锁模的原理,并利用该方法搭建了σ形腔自起振被动锁模
掺铒光纤激光器。实验稳定输出重复频率 6.25MHz,脉冲宽度,691.2fs,中心波长 1561.5nm,谱宽
21.7nm 的被动锁模脉冲。
78【题 名】1kHz-0.1TW 高效率钛宝石激光放大器
【作 者】刘军 李小芳 陈晓伟 姜永亮 李儒新 徐至展
【机 构】中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所,强场激光物理国家重点实验室,上海 201800
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【刊 名】物理学报.2007,56(3).-1375-1378
【文 摘】介绍了一种高重复频率掺钛蓝宝石飞秒激光多通高效率放大系统.在抽运功率为 23W,入射功率为
660mW 时,获得 7.2W 的放大输出,放大效率达 30%.经压缩器压缩后,获得单脉冲能量 4.5mJ,脉冲宽
度为 38fs,重复频率为 1kHz,峰值功率大于 0.1TW 的超短超强激光脉冲.
79【题 名】超快激光技术研究进展——记天津大学超快激光研究室
【作 者】柴路 王晓峰
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】激光与光电子学进展.2007,44(2).-73-76
【文 摘】天津大学超快激光研究室位于天津大学敬业湖畔的北洋科学楼内,隶属于精密仪器与光电子工程学
院,始建于飞秒激光诞生的 20 世纪 80 年代初。20 多年来,该研究室在学术带头人王清月教授的领导下,一直
用领域,正在开展光子晶体光纤激光器、基于光子晶体光纤的飞秒激光频率变换器、超快 Thz 波时域光谱仪与
80【题 名】超短光纤大功率多用途激光系统
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】光学仪器.2007,29(1).-51-51
【文 摘】不久前,中国科学院综合计划局组织专家对西安光机所承担的“超短光纤大功率多用途激光系统”
81【题 名】干涉型光纤水听器的数字化解调
【作 者】于晓之 赵旭宏 朱雪峰
【机 构】哈尔滨工程大学信息与通信工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001
【刊 名】应用科技.2007,34(6).-18-22
【文 摘】分析了干涉型光纤水听器相位载波(PGC)调制解调原理,给出了由载波信号生成 2 倍混频信号的
82【题 名】光纤光栅水听器拖曳线列阵湖上动态拖曳试验研究
【作 者】黄俊斌[1,2,3] 顾宏灿[1,2] 谭波[1,2] 李日忠[1,2] 高璇[1,2] 周祖德[3]
【机 构】[1]海军工程大学兵器工程系,湖北武汉 430033 [2]水下信息处理与控制国家重点实验室,陕西西安
710075 [3]武汉理工大学光纤传感技术研究中心,湖北武汉 430070
【刊 名】鱼雷技术.2007,15(2).-45-47
【文 摘】为评估光纤光栅水听器拖曳线列阵基本声学性能及其抗加速度和抗流噪声能力,研制了光纤光栅水
水听器拖曳线列阵在动态拖曳条件下,接收的单频信号具有 40dB 左右的信噪比,展现了在鱼雷等小平台上实
83【题 名】一种改进的 WSF 算法在单矢量水听器多目标方位估计中的应用
【作 者】杨秀庭 孙贵青 陈新华 李启虎
【机 构】中国科学院声学研究所,北京 100080
【刊 名】声学技术.2007,26(2).-165-168
【文 摘】文章针对单个矢量水听器的多目标方位估计,提出了一种基于加权子空间拟合(WSF)的算法,该算
法首先对单个矢量水听器接收数据作一任意的时间延迟,而后仿照 ESPRIT 算法的思路求解阵列响应矩阵,从中抽
取各目标的波达方位。该算法在保留 WSF 算法分辨力高、估计方差小的优点的同时,通过结合 ESPRIT 算法的
思想,克服了 WSF 算法计算量大,需迭代求解的缺点。由于该算法和声源频率无关,因而可直接应用于宽带声源的
XIOPM latest Documents Report
测向,并避免了传统 ESPRIT 算法中因估计延时相位而导致的频率-方位模糊问题。文中通过数值仿真和推导
Cramer-Rao 下界,给出了该算法的性能评价,数值仿真和湖试实验结果也充分验证了该算法的有效性。
84【题 名】基于遗传算法的单矢量水听器多目标方位估计
【作 者】孟春霞[1,2] 李秀坤[1] 杨士莪[1] 胡园[1]
【机 构】[1]哈尔滨工程大学水声工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001 [2]大连测控技术研究所,辽宁大连 110613
【刊 名】声学技术.2007,26(2).-169-172
【文 摘】矢量水听器能同时获得声场中某一点的声压标量和质点振速矢量,获得了比常规声压水听器更多的信
85【题 名】脉冲声测量技术在光纤水听器测量中的应用
【作 者】王泽锋 胡永明 倪明 罗洪
【机 构】国防科技大学光电科学与工程学院,长沙 410073
【刊 名】应用声学.2007,26(3).-190-192,F0003
【文 摘】本文介绍了脉冲声测量技术在非消声水池中光纤水听器测量中的应用。理论上分析了脉冲宽度的选
86【题 名】直流漂移对 PGC 解调结果的影响
【作 者】赵旭宏 于晓之 朱雪峰
【机 构】哈尔滨工程大学信息与通信工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001
【刊 名】应用科技.2007,34(4).-9-12
【文 摘】在实际的相位生成载波(简称 PGC)解调输出中,直流漂移会使解调结果产生失真.为此,对其影
响进行了理论分析,并对分析的结论进行了仿真验证,研究了实际数字化实现 PGC 解调原理中消除这种影响
87【题 名】工程测量技术
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】中国学术期刊文摘.2007,13(10).-53-54
【文 摘】基于重要系数提升的遥感图像压缩,光纤 Bragg 光栅水听器特性及实验研究,液晶相息图用于光学检
88【题 名】单矢量水听器多目标方位估计的算法研究
【作 者】孟春霞[1,2] 李秀坤[1] 杨士莪[1]
【机 构】[1]哈尔滨工程大学水声工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001 [2]大连测控技术研究所,辽宁大连 110613
【刊 名】舰船科学技术.2007,29(2).-123-126
【文 摘】矢量水听器可有效抑制各向同性的背景噪声干扰,能同时共点地拾取声场的声压标量和振速矢量信
89【题 名】光纤水听器传感技术及应用
【作 者】沈洪[1] 罗辉[2]
【机 构】[1]核工业西南物理研究院工程师,610041 [2]西南技术物理研究所助理工程师
【刊 名】传感器世界.2007,13(4).-27-29
【文 摘】光纤水听器是在传统的水听器的基础上,从一个全新的光纤技术出发,实现传统的水声传感和声纳数
90【题 名】基于光频调节的干涉型光纤水听器相位补偿检测方法
【作 者】王泽锋 罗洪 熊水东 倪明 胡永明
【机 构】国防科技大学光电科学与工程学院,长沙 410073
【刊 名】光学学报.2007,27(4).-654-658
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【文 摘】提出了一种基于光源频率调节的干涉型光纤水听器主动相位补偿的信号检测方法。详细介绍了该方
编写了实时的信号采集、处理程序,对某一干涉型光纤水听器的声压灵敏度进行了测试。在频带 20Hz~
1.3kHz 上,平均声压灵敏度为-162.2dB(0dB=1rad/μPa),波动小于±0.8dB,与采用相位载波调制解
91【题 名】一种配置混沌振子的光纤水听器
【作 者】孟克 刘鹏 陈辉 任海刚
【机 构】哈尔滨工程大学信息与通信工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001
【刊 名】哈尔滨工程大学学报.2007,28(3).-335-338
【文 摘】在海洋中,海水的流动噪声很大,水听器接收到的被测船体的信号往往是信噪比很低的微弱信
92【题 名】低压下苯介质阻挡放电产生等离子体的探测
【作 者】朱爱国[1] 王晶[2] 田振玉[2] 张泰昌[2] 李玉阳[2] 崔执凤[1] 齐飞[2]
【机 构】[1]安徽师范大学物理系,安徽芜湖 241000 [2]中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室,安徽合肥
【刊 名】中国科学技术大学学报.2007,37(4).-586-590
【文 摘】利用同步辐射真空紫外单光子电离技术和分子束取样,研究了低压下苯的介质阻挡放电产生的低温
93【题 名】监测紫外线的微型探测器
【作 者】W.EC
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】军民两用技术与产品.2007(5).-29-29
【文 摘】中国科学院上海技术物理研究所研制成功的超微型“氮化镓(GaN)紫外探测器”。这种小似一粒
94【题 名】监测紫外线的微型探测器
【作 者】高
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】化学分析计量.2007,16(3).-61-61
【文 摘】中国科学院上海技术物理研究所研制成功超微型“氮化镓(GaN)紫外探测器”。该探测器比一粒
95【题 名】太阳紫外辐射光谱的光学多道探测与分析
【作 者】赵晓艳 何捷 左浩毅 梁慧敏 杨经国
【机 构】四川大学物理系,四川成都 610064
【刊 名】光谱学与光谱分析.2007,27(5).-846-849
【文 摘】报道了自行研制的紫外 CCD 光学多道分析器及其在太阳紫外辐射光谱探测中的实际应用。紫外多
道分析器光谱探测范围 200-1100nm,光谱分辨率 0.1nm,光谱探测灵敏度 0.02 lx。进行了成都地区 UVA 和
UVB 波段太阳紫外辐射光谱的实时探测,与常规的太阳紫外辐射探测仪器测量结果进行了比对,得到很好的相
角(SZA)变化呈相反相关。UVB 和 UVA 波段内不同波段的辐射量不同,长波段的辐射量一般比短波段的辐
96【题 名】The simulation of temperature dependence of responsivity and response time for 6H-SiC UV
【作 者】张义门 周拥华 张玉明
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【机 构】Key Lab of Ministry of Education for Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices,
Microelectronics Institute, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China
【刊 名】中国物理:英文版.2007,16(5).-1276-1279
【文 摘】
97【题 名】微型紫外线探测器问世
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】发明与创新.2007(5).-23-24
【文 摘】中国科学院上海技术物理研究所研制成功超微型“氮化镓(CaN)紫外探测器”。它比一粒米还
98【题 名】高响应度 GaN 肖特基势垒紫外探测器的性能与分析
【作 者】刘宗顺 赵德刚 朱建军 张书明 段俐宏 王海 史永生 刘文宝 张爽 江德生 杨辉
【机 构】中国科学院半导体研究所集成光电子学国家重点联合实验室,北京 100083
【刊 名】半导体学报.2007,28(4).-592-596
【文 摘】制作了反向饱和电流为 5.5×10^14 A/cm^2,势垒高度为 1.18eV 的 GaN 肖特基势垒紫外探测
应度在波长 358.2nm 处达到了 0.214A/W.利用波长 359nm 光束横向扫描探测器的光敏面,测量了探测器
在不同偏压下的空间响应均匀性,相应偏压下的光响应在光敏面中央范围内响应幅值变化不超过 0.6%.光子
能量在禁带边沿附近的光束照射下,GaN 肖特基势垒紫外探测器存在势垒高度显著降低现象,这种现象在肖特
基透明电极边沿及其压焊电极附近表现得更为突出.探测器在 368 和 810nm 波长光一起照射时的开路电压比只
有 368nm 光照射时的开路电压大,而零偏压下两者的光电流近似相等.利用这种开路电压变化效应估算了探测
器在 368nm 光照射下,表面被俘获空穴的面密度变化量约为 8.4×10^10cm^-2.
99【题 名】吉时利针对先进半导体器件测试发布新版功能增强型脉冲与脉冲 I—V 测试解决方案
【作 者】无
【机 构】吉时利仪器公司
【刊 名】国外电子测量技术.2007,26(5).-80-80
【文 摘】吉时利(Keithley)仪器公司(NYSE 代码:KEI)日前发布获奖产品——4200-SCS 半导体特征分析
系统的最新硬件和软件升级版本,本次升级引入 4200-SCS 新一代脉冲测试功能。实验室系统的应用将集成直
100【题 名】方形扁平无引线 QFN 封装的研究及展望
【作 者】陈建明 翁加林 陈学峰 吾玉珍
【机 构】苏州固锝电子股份有限公司,江苏苏州 215011
【刊 名】半导体技术.2007,32(3).-185-187
【文 摘】方形扁平无引线(QFN)封装是方形扁平封装(QFP)和球栅阵列(BGA)封装相结合发展起来的
先进封装形式,是 SMT 技术中产品体积进一步小型化的换代产品。讨论了 QFN 技术的改进及工艺自动化发展
101【题 名】半导体器件的贮存寿命
【作 者】张瑞霞 徐立生 高兆丰
【机 构】中国电子科技集团公司第十三研究所,石家庄 050051
【刊 名】半导体技术.2007,32(3).-252-254
【文 摘】从失效机理出发,探讨了半导体器件的贮存寿命,提供了三种美国军用半导体器件长期贮存的实
102【题 名】半导体光刻设备、材料的新动向
【作 者】无
【机 构】《电子工业专用设备》编辑部
【刊 名】电子工业专用设备.2007,36(4).-5-7
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【文 摘】当前,在半导体器件生产中,用于 65nm 制程的器件已进入量产,而用于 45nm 制程也已成熟,即
103【题 名】归类废硅料
【作 者】马寅岚
【机 构】上海海关审单处
【刊 名】中国海关.2007(5).-36-37
【文 摘】硅材料是电子工业制造过程中必不可缺的原材料,其制成的硅片一般有两种:一是电子级硅片,二
到 11N(99、999999999%);太阳能级硅片是制作太阳能电池的主要元件,一般硅纯度为 6N(99、9999%)
104【题 名】基于表面响应法的半导体器件热阻网络技术研究
【作 者】曾理[1] 丁晓鸿[2] 杨邦朝[1] 蒋明[1] 陈文媛[1] 谢诗文[1] 滕林[1]
【机 构】[1]电子科技大学微电子与固体电子学院,四川成都 610054 [2]深圳振华富电子有限公司,广东深圳
【刊 名】微电子学.2007,37(2).-155-159
【文 摘】热阻网络是在扩展传统内热阻定义的基础上,将计算机模拟的全模型采用优化方法简化而得到的。
一种新的独立于边界条件的热阻网络模型,并运用表面响应法,建立 VCM(Valid Chip Model)的热阻网络模
105【题 名】宽带隙半导体器件仿真中收敛性问题的分析
【作 者】罗小蓉 周春华 陈壮梁 詹瞻 张波 李肇基 雷磊
【机 构】电子科技大学微电子与固体电子学院,成都 610054
【刊 名】实验科学与技术.2007,5(2).-14-16
【文 摘】针对宽带隙半导体器件仿真中常见的不收敛性问题,通过分析数值求解算法与宽带隙半导体材料的
固有特性知道,其原因是少子浓度过低,从而提出 3 种引入平衡或非平衡少子的解决方案。ISE 仿真结果表
106【题 名】提速发展多晶硅产业正逢其时
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】可再生能源.2007(2).-108-108
【文 摘】多晶硅被称为“微电子失厦基石”,是当代人工智能、自动控制、信息处理、光电转换等半导体器
107【题 名】FSTM250-7TAN 塑料封装压秒的基本工作原理
【作 者】黄振忠 杨燮斌
【机 构】汕头华汕电子器件有限公司,广东汕头 515041
【刊 名】电子元器件应用.2007,9(5).-76-78
【文 摘】半导体器件生产过程中的树脂注射成型设备主要应用在半导体器件生产过程中后道工序的封装工
作,树脂注射成型设备是一种可将预热的 EMC(环氧树脂)以一定的速度和压力注入模腔,并保压一定时
108【题 名】吉时利针对先进半导体器件测试发布新版功能增强型脉冲与脉冲 I-V 测试解决方案
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】电子与电脑.2007(5).-54-54
【文 摘】美国吉时利(Keithley)仪器公司日前发布 4200-SCS 半导体特征分析系统的最新硬件和软件升级版
本.本次升级引入 4200-SCS 新一代脉冲测试功能。实验室系统的应用将集成直流和脉冲测量功能与完整的应
生产和研究者们提供强大新功能。新升级版本不仅增强了吉时利 4200-PIV 工具包功能.还提供两种新版应用
109【题 名】北京晶川电子技术发展有限责任公司
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】UPS 应用.2007(5).-76-76
【文 摘】北京晶川电子技术发展有限责任公司是德国优派克(eupec)公司功率半导体器件中国一级代理,
是中国工业领域内 IGBT 模块应用的开拓者,帮助很多领域内的半导体器件客户从晶闸管时代迈进了 IGBT 时
代。在中国领域 IGBT 模块自 2001 年以来的销售额第一。晶川电子的客户群覆盖了电气传动、电焊机、逆变电
源、机车牵引等多个领域,地域达全国 30 个省、自治区、直辖市。晶川电子将继续帮助企业更好的应用 eupec
110【题 名】在玻璃上涂覆液体制造半导体器件
【作 者】杨英惠(摘译)
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】现代材料动态.2007(4).-12-12
【文 摘】加拿大多伦多大学教授用液体涂覆技术在玻璃上制成了半导体器件。在一个装有超纯油酸(这是橄
转涂布法令液滴均匀涂布成光滑而连续的半导体薄膜。将薄膜置于甲醇中 2h,而后使甲醇挥发,生成厚度为
800nm 的半导体薄膜。在室温下,用涂覆法制成的光探测器,其灵敏度为目前军用夜视仪和医用成像仪中使用
的传感器的红外线灵敏度的 10 倍左右。
111【题 名】半导体器件的温度测量
【作 者】马志凌 郑学仁
【机 构】华南理工大学物理科学与技术学院,广州 510640
【刊 名】科学技术与工程.2007,7(8).-1695-1700,1706
【文 摘】测量正在工作的半导体器件温度有很多种方法。这些方法大概可以分为三类:电学方法、光学方法
112【题 名】碲铟汞晶体的生长研究
【作 者】王领航 董阳春 介万奇
【机 构】西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室,西安 710072
【刊 名】人工晶体学报.2007,36(2).-253-255
【文 摘】以高纯 Hg、In、Te 单质为原料,在摇摆合料炉中成功地合成了 HgInTe 多晶原料,并且利用该多晶
原料,在特殊设计的坩埚中,成功地生长了 HgInTe 单晶体。X 射线衍射分析证明,所生长的 HgInTe 晶体为缺
113【题 名】中电集团四十六所:半导体材料研究的前锋
【作 者】李宝珠
【机 构】中国电子科技集团公司第四十六研究所,天津 300220
【刊 名】天津科技.2007,34(2).-20-22
【文 摘】中国电子科技集团公司第四十六研究所(原信息产业部电子 46 所)是电子材料专业研究机构,是
国内最早从事半导体材料和光纤研究开发的单位之一,始建于 1958 年。40 多年来不断发展壮大,技术力量日
益雄厚,技术装备优良,历年来取得的各类科研成果 200 多项,其中国家级奖励 20 多项,获国际大奖 2 项。
“半导体照明及显示用砷化镓材料产业化”项目是 2006 年启动的我市创新专项资金项目,通过项目研究,填
补了国家多项空白,突破的关键技术为提高砷化镓单晶质量、降低生产成本创造了有利条件。“HVPE 法制备
氮化镓同质衬底材料技术研究”是 2006 年承担的国家“863”项目,目前刚刚投入研究,预计该项目完成后,
各项指标将达到国际先进水平,可以满足紫外 LED 及激光二极管的要求。
114【题 名】环境友好半导体材料 Ca2Si 的研究进展
【作 者】肖清泉 谢泉 杨吟野 张晋敏 任雪勇
【机 构】贵州大学电子科学与信息技术学院,贵州省贵阳市 550025
【刊 名】山西科技.2007(2).-106-107,113
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【文 摘】Ca2Si 是由两种丰富且无毒的化学元素构成,被认为是很有前景的新型环境半导体材料之一。文章
综述了近年来 Ca2Si 的晶格特性、光电性质及其制备方法的研究进展,并着重对两步法制备 Ca2Si 薄膜进行了
介绍,最后展望了 Ca2Si 的应用前景,探讨了当前 Ca2Si 研究领域中存在的问题。
115【题 名】开发高效 4 端机械迭层太阳电池
【作 者】邓志杰(摘译)
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】现代材料动态.2007(3).-2-4
【文 摘】目前,可再生能源供应主要是水力发电和风能。但过去 10 年来,太阻电池产量持续增长,其增长
率每年为 25%-70%。2005 年,太阳电池产量达 1.7GW。目前,地面应用的太阳电池主要是 Si 平板电池组
116【题 名】半导体材料技术动向及挑战
【作 者】陆向阳
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】电子产品世界.2007(2).-108-110
【文 摘】引言
117【题 名】未来纳米电子器件构筑基元——简评《硅纳米线分析》
【作 者】严小涛
【机 构】湖南大学出版社,长沙 410082
【刊 名】科技导报(北京).2007,25(3).-78-78
【文 摘】由于传统的“自上而下”的微电子工艺受经典物理学理论的限制,依靠这一工艺来减小电子器件尺
寸将变得越来越困难,但摩尔定律指出.在微处理器中晶体管的数量在 18 个月内就要翻一番.且晶体管的面
118【题 名】生物拟态法合成纳米半导体材料的研究进展
【作 者】王娜 苏慧兰 董群 张获
【机 构】上海交通大学金属基复合材料国家重点实验室,上海 200030
【刊 名】中国材料科技与设备.2007,4(2).-1-3,9
【文 摘】综述了生物拟态法制备纳米半导体材料的研究概况,结合最新的研究成果阐述了这种新的制备技术
119【题 名】日本 2006 年上半年度化合物半导体材料发货情况
【作 者】杨晓婵(摘译)
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】现代材料动态.2007(2).-16-17
【文 摘】据日本新功能化合物半导体恳谈会统计,日本 2006 年上半年度(4 曲月)化合物半导体材料发货金
额为 263 亿日元,比上年同期(234 亿日元)增加 12%。GaAs 系、GaP 系和 InP 系均有所增加。下半年度,因
季节因素,在电子器件、LD、LED 方面的需求有所缓和。但预计 2006 年度整体将有两位数增长。
120【题 名】半导体材料 LED 与太阳能蓄电池
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】现代材料动态.2007(2).-22-23
【文 摘】早在 1907 年,人们就发现了半导体材料通电发光现象,真正商用的 LED 是上世纪 60 年代,当时只
能发红光,而且发光效率也很低,影响 LED 产业发展的高亮度白光 LED 在 1997 年。节能、环保和长寿是
LED 区别于传统白炽灯的三大优势,LED 是有名的“冷”光源,它不依赖灯丝发热来发光,能量转化效率非常
高,理论上可以只有白炽灯耗能的 1/10,相比普通荧光灯也要节能 1/2。
121【题 名】美国工程师合成 P 型 ZnO 纳米线
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【刊 名】现代材料动态.2007(2).-25-25
【文 摘】美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校的工程师们合成了长期寻求的半导体材料-P 型 ZnO 纳米线,为价格更
122【题 名】聚焦离子束研制半导体材料光子晶体
【作 者】许兴胜[1] 熊志刚[2] 金爱子[2] 陈弘达[1] 张道中[2]
【机 构】[1]中国科学院半导体研究所光电子集成国家重点实验室,北京 100083 [2]中国科学院物理研究所,北
京 100080
【刊 名】物理学报.2007,56(2).-916-921
【文 摘】介绍了利用聚焦离子束设备在多种半导体材料上成功研制的近红外波段二维光子晶体,给出了相关
123【题 名】钛基纳米金刚石涂层场发射阴极
【作 者】翟春雪[1,2] 张志勇[1] 王雪文[1] 赵武[1] 阎军锋[1]
【机 构】[1]西北大学信息科学与技术学院,电子科学与技术系,西安 710127 [2]西北大学光子学与光子技术研
究所,西安 710069
【刊 名】光子学报.2007,36(1).-30-33
【文 摘】设计了一种新的金刚石场发射阴极工艺.用旋涂法在金属钛片上涂覆纳米金刚石涂层,经过适当条
渡层,金刚石纳米颗粒为场发射体的场发射阴极.样品的阈值场强可达 6.3V/μm,场发射电流密度在 21V
/μm 场强下可达到 60.7μA/cm^2.提出了样品的结构模型,并分析了其电子输运方式.样品的 FOwlerNordheim 曲线基本为一直线,根据经典场发射理论,可以证实其电子发射机制为场发射.观察到在获得稳定的
124【题 名】我国多晶硅将不再依赖进口
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】可再生能源.2007(1).-94-94
【文 摘】日前,河南省迅天宇科技有限公司建设的太阳能电池等级多晶硅项目一期工程建成竣工。该工程是
125【题 名】高考和竞赛的新热点——硅
【作 者】杨学军
【机 构】江苏省兴化市文正实验学校,225700
【刊 名】数理化解题研究:高中版.2007(3).-59-62
【文 摘】硅,重要的半导体材料,在电子工业中有广泛的用途,“硅是信息技术革命的催化剂”,许多高科
126【题 名】用于可印刷电子的新型导电材料
【作 者】Aaron Hand
【机 构】Semiconductor International 执行主编
【刊 名】集成电路应用.2007(5).-26-26
【文 摘】传感器、光伏电池、RFID 标签和 OLED 等许多器件的生产.都有望大大受益于与刻蚀等传统技术
127【题 名】关于贯彻《可再生能源法》促进光伏产业发展的战略思考
【作 者】解晓南
【机 构】无锡尚德太阳能电力有限公司
【刊 名】中国建设动态:阳光能源.2007(3).-3-4
【文 摘】2006 年我国实施《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》后,中国的可再生能源事业进入了新的历史发展
时期。以光伏产业为例,2006 年中国光伏电池产量超过 400 兆瓦,仅次于日本和德国,未来 3 年可望成为世界
第一。我国还有 2000 多万人口没有用上电,60%以上的有电县严重缺电,能源需求和缺口巨大,可再生能源
XIOPM latest Documents Report
128【题 名】独立光伏电站铅酸蓄电池容量恢复的措施
【作 者】张蔚宏 张永忠
【机 构】青海新能源(集团)有限公司
【刊 名】中国建设动态:阳光能源.2007(3).-36-38
【文 摘】通过对独立光伏电站阀控式蓄电池运行现状的分析,提出了完善蓄电池的日常管理、解决独立光伏
129【题 名】通威集团强势进军光伏产业
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】饲料博览.2007(8).-58-58
【文 摘】2007 年 2 月 10 日,是一个值得纪念的日子。通威集团投资建设的 5000 吨产能规模的三氯氢硅装置
顺利点火开车,并且一次性试生产成功,产品纯度高达 99.45%。三氯氢硅是生产多晶硅的核心原材料,多晶
130【题 名】日本开发成功用于光伏发电的纳米同轴电缆
【作 者】杨晓婵(摘译)
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】现代材料动态.2007(5).-8-8
【文 摘】日本 JST 公司开发出能利用光进行发电的纳米同轴电缆。作为清洁能源的太阳能电池,力求达到重
131【题 名】中国光伏企业首次进入世界十强
【作 者】李家鸣
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】功能材料信息.2007,4(1).-41-41
【文 摘】据有关媒体报道,瑞士一家行业调查机构最近调查显示,无锡尚德公司晶体硅太阳能电池产能居世
界第 10 位,这是中国光伏企业首次进入世界十强,标志着中国光伏企业实力、地位大幅提升,得到国际权威
132【题 名】太阳能级多晶硅制备技术与工艺
【作 者】冯瑞华 马廷灿 姜山 黄可
【机 构】中国科学院国家科学图书馆武汉分馆
【刊 名】新材料产业.2007(5).-59-62
【文 摘】多晶硅是制备单晶硅和太阳能电池的原材料,是全球电子工业及光伏产业的基石。按照硅含量纯度
计到 2008 年太阳能级多晶硅的需求量将超过电子级多晶硅。
133【题 名】2007:中国光伏产业寒冬将至
【作 者】顾列铭
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】管理与财富.2007(2).-33-35
【文 摘】截止 2006 年年底,我国光伏企业猛增到 400 家左右,这股投资热潮仍在继续,国家发改委世行项
目组办公室主任吴达成介绍,2006 年巾国大陆的太阳能电池产能将比 2005 年增长近 10 倍。
134【题 名】2010 年我国光伏发电产品产量可突破 1000MW
【作 者】陈玉明
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】可再生能源.2007(2).-93-93
【文 摘】据《中国新能源产业年度报告(2006)》预计.2010 年我国的光伏发电产品产量可能突破
135【题 名】提速发展多晶硅产业正逢其时
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】可再生能源.2007(2).-108-108
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【文 摘】多晶硅被称为“微电子失厦基石”,是当代人工智能、自动控制、信息处理、光电转换等半导体器
136【题 名】支链带有富勒烯的聚噻吩和齐聚噻吩及其光伏电池研究进展
【作 者】何有军[1,2] 侯剑辉[2] 范慧俐[1] 李永舫[2]
【机 构】[1]北京科技大学化学系,北京 100083 [2]中国科学院化学研究所有机固体重点实验室,北京 100080
【刊 名】化学通报.2007,70(4).-248-256
【文 摘】可溶性聚噻吩和富勒烯(主要是 C60)及其衍生物,是聚合物太阳能电池中被广泛使用的给体和受
137【题 名】发展绿色能源 占领欧美市场 津能电池加快光伏产业在津发展步伐
【作 者】念安
【机 构】《天津科技》记者
【刊 名】天津科技.2007,34(2).-7-7
【文 摘】近两年来,光伏产业发展速度惊人,增长率达到 70%以上,在世界各种能源增长速率中名列第一,
2004 年德国光伏发电市场更是同比增长了 235%。这项朝阳产业不仅对开发利用洁净、可再生能源起到了巨大
138【题 名】Ⅲ—Ⅴ族化合物半导体整体多结级连太阳电池——光伏技术的新突破(续)
【作 者】陈文浚
【机 构】中国电子科技集团第十八研究所(天津电源研究所)研究员级高级工程师
【刊 名】电源技术.2007,31(4).-259-262
【文 摘】前面已提到,与 Ge 晶格匹配的 GaInP2/Ga(In)As/Ge 三结电池材料系统无论对于空间还是地面
阳光,都不是最理想的选择。图 8 给出了三级子单纯的外量子效率光谱响应及 AM0/AM1.5G 阳光下光生电
流密度按单位光子能量绘制的光谱分布曲线㈦。由于在 Ga(In)As 的吸收限(约 880nm)以外,太阳光谱中
仍有相当丰富的红外光可以被 Ge 底电池所利用,使其短路电流密度远远高于电流匹配的 GaInP2/GaInAs 两级
顶电池。为了更有效地把太阳光能转变为电能,可以通过改变 In/Ga 组分比,调低 GaInP2/GaInAs 两级顶电
池的带隙宽度。当 GalnAs 中间电池带隙宽度为 1.23eV 左右,而 GaInP 顶电池与其晶格匹配且Ⅲ族亚晶格完
全无序时,GaInP2/Ga(In)As/Ge 二三结电池的 AM0 理论效率最高。但此时,GaInP2/GalnAs 两级顶电池
已与 Ge 衬底严重晶格失配,失配率接近 1%。于是,GaInP2/Ga(In)As/Ge 三结电池的研究者们,在沿着
139【题 名】国内首个小区太阳能发电系统在慈溪启用
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】中华建设.2007(3).-55-55
【文 摘】国内首个在住宅小区内应用太阳能发电的项目在慈溪启用。在小区屋顶深绿色的瓦片上,覆盖着一
这些薄薄的“钢板”就是用来发电的太阳电池板,用硅制成,共有 249 块。这些硅板吸收了太阳能后,将能量
转化成直流电,再通过变电器将直流电逆变成交流电。这 200 多块硅板,理论上它们每天可以发电 300 多度,
不过受天气因素的影响,目前每天只能发电大约 150 度,全部用于地下车库照明。
140【题 名】我国光伏产业和市场的发展概况
【作 者】赵玉文[1] 吴达成[2] 励旭东[3] 宋爽[3]
【机 构】[1]中国可再生能源学会光伏专业委员会 [2]世界银行办公室 [3]北京太阳能研究所有限公司
【刊 名】太阳能.2007(3).-7-10
【文 摘】在世界市场的拉动下,我国光伏产业近年来发展迅速。太阳电池/组件年产量 2002 年以前长期徘
徊往世界份额的约 1%左右.近年来快速发展,2005 年达到世界份额的 8%,仅次于日本、欧洲,已成为世界
XIOPM latest Documents Report
141【题 名】太阳能光伏电池综述
【作 者】成志秀 王晓丽
【机 构】中国乐凯胶片集团公司,保定 071054
【刊 名】信息记录材料.2007,8(2).-41-47
【文 摘】近几年来,由于能源减少和环境污染的双重压力,使得光伏产业迅猛发展。详细叙述了薄膜光伏电
142【题 名】风光互补发电系统简介
【作 者】杜荣华 张婧 王丽宏 张兆祥
【机 构】华北电力大学控制科学与工程学院,河北保定 071003
【刊 名】节能.2007,26(3).-36-38
【文 摘】利用西部地区风、光资源,设计一风力发电机组和太阳能光伏电池为一体的风光互补发电系统。通
143【题 名】我国硅单品生长设备的现状与发展
【作 者】李留臣
【机 构】常州华盛天龙机械有限公司,江苏常州 213200
【刊 名】电子工业专用设备.2007,36(3).-5-7,13
【文 摘】在世界太阳能光伏发电产业发展的带动下,我国的太阳能光伏发电产业得到了高速度的发展,相关
144【题 名】光伏:21 世纪的清洁能源
【作 者】邓志杰(摘译)
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】现代材料动态.2007(3).-1-2
【文 摘】过去 20 年来,传统 Si 材料(单晶、多晶和薄膜)的进展使太阳电池成本不断下降;转换效率不断
提高。Si 太阳电池板占到总产量和销售量的 90%.过去:5 年中,其市场增长率在每年 30%以上。部分由于光
伏(PV)市场的快速膨胀,造成 Si 原料的短缺从而限制了 PV 市场的增长。虽然 PV 市场上以 Si 基电池和组件
为主,但三种薄膜 PV 材料科学和工艺得到长足发展,并在 PV 市场上也充当了重要角色。薄膜 PV 材料的应用
145【题 名】超级电容器蓄电池混合储能独立光伏系统研究
【作 者】唐西胜[1,2] 武鑫[1] 齐智平[1]
【机 构】[1]中国科学院电工所,北京 100080 [2]中国科学院研究生院,北京 100039
【刊 名】太阳能学报.2007,28(2).-178-183
【文 摘】建立了混合储能系统的数学模型,对系统性能的提升进行了定量分析。提出了一种无源式并联储能
146【题 名】2010 年我国太阳能发电成本有望与常规发电相当
【作 者】观潮
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】华东电力.2007,35(2).-90-90
【文 摘】日前召开的可再生能源规模化发展国际研讨会上,中国工程院院士张耀明表示,我国自 20 世纪 80
年代光伏工业起步以来,太阳能电池成本持续下降,到 2010 年,我国太阳能光伏发电成本有望降至 1 形
147【题 名】Ⅲ—Ⅴ族化合物半导体整体多结级连太阳电池——光伏技术的新突破
【作 者】陈文浚
【机 构】中国电子科技集团第十八研究所
【刊 名】电源技术.2007,31(2).-97-102
【文 摘】从 1954 年第一只光电转换效率达到实际应用水平的硅太阳电池在美国贝尔实验室诞生起,光伏技
术已有了 50 多年的发展历史。在上个世纪 70 年代引发的能源危机刺激下,在空间飞行器能源系统需求的牵引
XIOPM latest Documents Report
148【题 名】葡萄牙修建世界最大太阳能发电站
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】能源与环境.2007(1).-28-28
【文 摘】葡萄牙修建的世界最大太阳能发电站计划于 2007 年 1 月投产。谊太阳能发电站占地 32hm^2,设 52
万组太阳能光伏电池,总投资为 6100 万欧元。正式启用后将能生产 11MW 电力,可供 8000 户家庭的日常用
149【题 名】我国太阳能电池专利状况分析及对策
【作 者】周芳
【机 构】信息产业部电子知识产权中心咨询部
【刊 名】电子知识产权.2007(5).-52-56
【文 摘】太阳能电池是利用光生伏打效应直接将光能转变为电能的半导体器件,故又称光伏电池。随着能源
阳能电池的技术工艺水平节节提高,市场需求不断扩大。预计 2030 年光伏屋顶、乡村发电、个人消费等领域
的太阳能电池组件产量将达 300GW,市值达 2000 亿欧元。
150【题 名】几种光伏系统 MPPT 方法的分析比较及改进
【作 者】徐鹏威 刘飞 刘邦银 段善旭
【机 构】华中科技大学,湖北武汉 430074
【刊 名】电力电子技术.2007,41(5).-3-5
【文 摘】在光伏发电系统中需要对光伏电池的最大功率点进行跟踪。分析了 4 种常见的最大功率跟踪
(Maximum Power Point Tracking,简称 MPPT)方法,比较了其优缺点。针对 MPPT 启动过程中特性较差的问题,
提出了一种改进启动特性的 MPPT 方法,并通过实验验证了该方法的有效性。
151【题 名】2010 年我国将成为世界最大的光伏电池生产国
【作 者】丁敏
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】功能材料信息.2007,4(1).-41-41
【文 摘】据媒体报道,全国工商联新能源商会日前发布的《中国新能源产业年度报告(2006)》预计,2010
年我国的光伏发电产品产量可能突破 1000 兆瓦,将成为世界最大的光伏电池生产国。
152【题 名】光谱成像混合体可控性影像分解及应用分析
【作 者】罗顿[1] 贾晓光[1] 郭海萍[1] 张赏[2]
【机 构】[1]广东警官学院技术系,广东广州 510232 [2]广东阳江市阳西县公安局,广东阳江 529800
【刊 名】中国人民公安大学学报:自然科学版.2007,13(2).-31-34
【文 摘】扫描仪扫描所得影像或太阳光下拍摄的影像,实际上是含有被摄体对各种入射波长射线光学综合反
153【题 名】一种空间运动部件的设计
【作 者】雷松涛 张宝龙
【机 构】中科院上海技术物理研究所,200083
【刊 名】科技咨询导报.2007(13).-151-151
【文 摘】本文对空间应用的中分辨率光谱成像仪扫描驱动机构进行了设计。然后对驱动机构的运动稳定度进
154【题 名】基于独立成分分析法 ICA 的多光谱重建
【作 者】张小燕[1,2] 杨卫平[1] 周洪涛[4] 戴志福[3] 张培[3] 冯洁[1]
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【机 构】[1]云南师范大学物理与电子信息学院,昆明 650092 [2]北京工业职业技术学院,北京 100042 [3]红河学
院,云南蒙自 661100 [4]山东省机动车配件质量监督检验中心,烟台 264001
【刊 名】光学技术.2007,33(3).-390-394
【文 摘】构造了一个 6 通道,8-bit 多光谱相机(Msc)模型作为图像采集装置(包括一个三色数码相机和一
相机的响应值得到物体的光谱反射比。使用独立成分分析法来进行数据压缩,光谱重建结果分别用 CIE1976 色
差,光谱反射比 RMS 误差和反射比相对误差进行评价。20 例训练样本的平均 CIE1976 色差为 0.1579,平均
反射比均方差为 0.0099,平均反射比相对误差为 0.0107;12 例待测样品的平均 CIE1976 色差为 0.7150,
平均反射比均方差为 0.0309,平均反射比相对误差为 0.0312。结果说明,基于独立成分分析法的光谱重建
155【题 名】基于迈克耳逊干涉仪的空间调制型干涉成像光谱仪
【作 者】唐义 倪国强 廖宁放 张丽君 崔德琪
【机 构】北京理工大学信息科学技术学院,北京 100081
【刊 名】光学技术.2007,33(3).-427-429
【文 摘】试制了一台基于迈克耳逊干涉仪的空间调制型干涉成像光谱仪原理样机。样机将迈克耳逊干涉仪光
156【题 名】多传感器成像系统
【作 者】顾聚兴
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】红外.2007,28(5).-35-35
【文 摘】Cinelex 公司展出一种名为 V14 Magnum 的多传感器成像系统。该成像系统包含一架配有长焦距透
用于高空监视和战术成像。其中的高清晰度摄像机具有 220 万个像素,其横向分辨率可达 1000 条电视线,并
具有长变焦能力和很好的万向稳定性。红外传感器采用 320-256 元的致冷型 InSb 焦平面列阵,覆盖 3μm-5μm
157【题 名】基于宽光谱光学遥感图像的细分光谱光学遥感图像的模拟
【作 者】陈方[1,2] 牛铮[1] 覃驭楚[1,2] 付安民[1,2]
【机 构】[1]中国科学院遥感应用研究所遥感科学国家重点实验室,北京 100101 [2]中国科学院研究生院,北京
【刊 名】光电工程.2007,34(5).-89-96
【文 摘】本文分析了现有遥感图像模拟方法的特点,介绍了地物波谱知识库的建立情况与应用意义,论述了光
学传感器的成像特点及地面实测数据与遥感反演数据之间的转换关系。本文在对 TM 图像的光谱波段进行细划
158【题 名】光谱重建中 ICA 和 PCA 的对比
【作 者】张小燕[1,2] 杨卫平[1] 冯洁[1] 李宏宁[1] 孙波[1] 杨晓莉[1] 段剑金[1] 石俊生[1]
【机 构】[1]云南师范大学物理与电子信息学院,云南昆明 650092 [2]北京工业职业技术学院,北京 100042
【刊 名】云南师范大学学报:自然科学版.2007,27(3).-28-35
【文 摘】一个光谱数据集可以表示成几个主要光谱成分的线性组合。主成分分析法(PCA)是提取光谱数据
实现光谱数据压缩。文章分别使用 ICA 和 PCA 对 50 例 Munsell 色卡的光谱反射比和 50 例桦树叶的光谱反射比
进行特征光谱的提取。利用多光谱成像技术和光谱重建算法,采用三组滤光片,每组分别为 2、3 和 4 片,选
取 3-15 维子空间,重建了 150 例 Munsell 色卡和 150 例桦树叶的光谱反射比。重建结果用 CIELAB1976 色差和
光谱重建误差来评价。在 150 例桦树叶光谱重建中,ICA 的重建结果明显好于 PCA 的重建结果;而 150 例
Munsell 色卡用 ICA 和 PCA 重建结果相差不大。最后,根据重建结果,对子空间维数、滤光片数与重建色差和
159【题 名】一种新的卫星多光谱图像自动配准算法
XIOPM latest Documents Report
【作 者】马广彬 章文毅 刘定生 陈甫
【机 构】中国科学院中国遥感卫星地面站,北京 100086
【刊 名】遥感技术与应用.2007,22(1).-95-100
【文 摘】针对小卫星独立相机多光谱成像系统波段间配准的非线性误差问题,提出了一种多光谱图像波段间
自动配准算法,该算法综合利用互信息、遗传算法和 MQ 几何校正模型进行多光谱图像的自动配准。在算法
成搜索并获得整体的最优解;利用 MQ 几何模型可以精确的建立图像之间的几何关系。试验表明该算法对于多
160【题 名】美研制出等离子体“超级透镜”
【作 者】无
【机 构】不详
【刊 名】光学仪器.2007,29(2).-35-35
【文 摘】美国加州理工学院的研究人员在 3 月 23 日的《科学》杂志上表示,他们成功构建了对蓝绿可见光
161【题 名】多光谱探测与激光多光谱探测技术的进展
【作 者】张宇 赵远 吴晓敏 陈钟贤 孙秀冬
【机 构】哈尔滨工业大学物理系,哈尔滨 150001
【刊 名】激光技术.2007,31(2).-188-191
【文 摘】主要介绍了多光谱探测及激光多光谱探测技术的发展及现状,并着重探讨了激光多光谱扫描成像系统
Femtosecond and Attosecond Pulse
Author(s): Serbanescu, CG; Chakera, JA; Fedosejevs, R
Title: Efficient K x-ray source from submillijoule femtosecond laser pulses operated at kilohertz repetition rate
We report an efficient Cu K x-ray source produced by focusing submillijoule, 120 fs Ti:sapphire laser pulses on a solid
copper target to a spot diameter of few microns. The experimental results show strong emission of K x-rays from solid
targets from microplasmas created by p-polarized 0.2 0.3 mJ laser pulses at 1 kHz repetition rate. We have demonstrated
K x-ray point source emission rates of 6.7 109 photons s into 2 sr at 1 kHz repetition rate. The source has an x-ray
conversion efficiency into Cu K line emission of 3.2 10 5. The source has a measured size of 8 m. Such a high repetition
rate K x-ray source can be very useful for time resolved x-ray diffraction and radiographic applications.
Author(s): Ortac, B (Ortac, B.); Schmidt, O (Schmidt, O.); Schreiber, T (Schreiber, T.); Limpert, J (Limpert, J.);
Tunnermann, A (Tuennermann, A.); Hideur, A (Hideur, Ammar)
Title: High-energy femtosecond Yb-doped dispersion compensation free fiber laser
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (17): 10725-10732 AUG 20 2007
We report on a mode-locked high energy fiber laser operating in the dispersion compensation free regime. The sigma
cavity is constructed with a saturable absorber mirror and short-length large-mode-area photonic crystal fiber. The laser
generates positively-chirped pulses with an energy of 265 nJ at a repetition rate of 10.18 MHz in a stable and selfstarting operation. The pulses are compressible down to 400 fs leading to a peak power of 500 kW. Numerical
simulations accurately reflect the experimental results and reveal the mechanisms for self consistent intracavity pulse
evolution. With this performance mode-locked fiber lasers can compete with state-of-the-art bulk femtosecond
oscillators for the first time and pulse energy scaling beyond the mu J-level appears to be feasible. (c) 2007 Optical
Society of America
Author(s): Vendan, M (Vendan, Monica); Molian, P (Molian, Pal)
Title: Femtosecond pulsed laser microfabrication of SIC MEMS microgripper
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Source: JOURNAL OF LASER APPLICATIONS, 19 (3): 149-154 AUG 2007
We report the capability of an ultrafast laser to pattern an electrostatic-comb-drive microgripper in the chemically
difficult-to-etch 3C-SiC thin films. A microgripper with overall dimensions 1.2 mm X 0.35 mm and a gap of 20 mu m
was designed and fabricated for the purpose of grasping and transporting microscale objects in hostile and harsh
environments. Atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition was used to deposit thin films (similar to 2 mu m) of
3C-SiC on (100) silicon substrates. A Ti:sapphire laser with 120 fs pulse width, 800 nm wavelength, and 1 kHz
repetition rate was then used to perform "nonthermal" micromachining of thin films. Subsequent KOH anisotropic
etching was used to dissolve the silicon substrate and release the gripper structures. The influence of laser pulse energy
on the etch rate and quality of microfabricated grippers was examined and illustrated. (c) 2007 Laser Institute of
Author(s): Mullan, C (Mullan, Claire); O'Connor, GM (O'Connor, Gerard M.); Favre, S (Favre, Sebastian); Ilie, D (Ilie,
Diana); Glynn, TJ (Glynn, Thomas J.)
Title: Estimating spot size and relating hole diameters with fluence and number of shots for nanosecond and
femtosecond laser ablation of polyethylene terephthalate
Source: JOURNAL OF LASER APPLICATIONS, 19 (3): 158-164 AUG 2007
The relationship between focused spot size, pulse energy, and ablated hole diameter was explored using 266 nm
nanosecond pulses and 775 nm femtosecond pulses on polyethylene terephthalate. The spot size of a Gaussian laser
beam can be deduced from the diameters of holes machined with single shots at different pulse energies but the results
can be influenced by such issues as the thickness of the material and the range of fluence chosen. These limitations of
the method were investigated. Multiple shot craters were also measured but gave an overestimation. of spot size,
particularly in the femtosecond case. A model was developed to predict the diameter for a given energy and number of
shots. Tests of the model gave results that agreed well with the predicted values. It was found that for the same total
energy smaller holes can be obtained by decreasing the pulse energy and increasing the number of shots. An effective
spot size for multiple shots was determined. (c) 2007 Laser Institute of America.
Author(s): Matulewski, J (Matulewski, J.); Raczynski, A (Raczynski, A.); Zaremba, J (Zaremba, J.)
Title: Recombination of an atomic system with a short-range potential in the presence of ultra-strong attosecond laser
The dynamics of laser- induced recombination by attosecond pulses has been numerically investigated in two spatial
dimensions for a system with a short- range binding potential. A comparison with analogous one- dimensional
simulations reveals that in the former case the phenomenon of a non- monotonic field dependence is probably absent.
Author(s): Kong, Y (Yan Kong); Chen, XF (Xianfeng Chen); Xia, YX (Yuxing Xia)
Title: Frequency conversion of femtosecond laser pulses in an engineered aperiodic poled optical superlattice
Source: APPLIED OPTICS, 46 (23): 5698-5702 AUG 10 2007
We theoretically propose a procedure based on a cascading genetic algorithm for the design of aperiodically quasiphase-matched gratings for frequency conversion of optical ultrafast pulses during difference-frequency generation. By
designing the sequence of a domain inversion grating, different wavelengths at the output idler pulse almost have the
same phase response, so femtosecond laser pulses at wavelength 800 nm can be shifted to other wavelengths without
group-velocity mismatch. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Choi, HW (Choi, H. W.); Farson, DF (Farson, D. F.); Bovatsek, J (Bovatsek, J.); Arai, A (Arai, A.);
Ashkenasi, D (Ashkenasi, D.)
Title: Direct-write patterning of indium-tin-oxide film by high pulse repetition frequency femtosecond laser ablation
Source: APPLIED OPTICS, 46 (23): 5792-5799 AUG 10 2007
Ablation of indium oxide doped with tin oxide (ITO) from glass substrates is described. Laser pulse energy and focus
spot size were varied in single-pulse, single-spot ablation tests and for ablation of linear features with scanned multiple
pulses. The single-pulse ablation threshold of ITO was smaller than that of the glass substrate so the entire thickness of
XIOPM latest Documents Report
ITO could be removed in a single pulse or with overlying multiple pulses without the possibility of substrate ablation.
Linear features could be created at much higher scanning speeds using a high repetition frequency (100 kHz) Yb fiber
amplified laser as compared to a lower repetition frequency (2 kHz) laser. An analysis showed that incubation effects
lowered ITO ablation thresholds when pulse frequency was high relative to scanning speed, contributing to large
feasible scanning speeds for high pulse frequency lasers. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Takahashi, H (Takahashi, Hidetomo); Hasegawa, S (Hasegawa, Satoshi); Hayasaki, Y (Hayasaki, Yoshio)
Title: Holographic femtosecond laser processing using optimal-rotation-angle method with compensation of spatial
frequency response of liquid crystal spatial light modulator
Source: APPLIED OPTICS, 46 (23): 5917-5923 AUG 10 2007
Holographic femtosecond laser processing performs high-speed parallel processing using a computer-generated
hologram (CGH) displayed on a liquid crystal spatial light modulator. A critical issue is to precisely control the
intensities of the diffraction peaks of the CGH. We propose a method of compensating for the spatial frequency
response in the design of CGH using the optimal-rotation-angle method. By applying the proposed method, the
uniformity of the diffraction peaks was improved. We demonstrate holographic femtosecond laser processing with twodimensional and three-dimensional parallelism. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Kibler, B (Kibler, B.); Fischer, R (Fischer, R.); Lacourt, RA (Lacourt, R-A.); Courvoisier, E (Courvoisier,
E.); Ferriere, R (Ferriere, R.); Larger, L (Larger, L.); Neshev, DN (Neshev, D. N.); Dudley, JM (Dudley, J. M.)
Title: Optimized one-step compression of femtosecond fibre laser soliton pulses around 1550 nm to below 30 fs in
highly nonlinear fibre
Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 43 (17): 915-916 AUG 16 2007
Optimised compression of ferntosecond fibre laser pulses in highly nonlinear fibre is demonstrated. Specifically
reported are compressed pulse durations below 30 fs using a simple Setup where a single sub- 10 cm segment of highly
nonlinear fibre is directly spliced to the output pigtail of a commercial ferntosecond fibre laser. The compressed pulse
quality is confirmed through frequency resolved optical gating measurements.
Author(s): Kudryashov, SI; Mourou, G; Joglekar, A; Herbstman, JF; Hunt, AJ
Title: Nanochannels fabricated by high-intensity femtosecond laser pulses on dielectric surfaces
Direct scanning electron microscopy examination reveals a complex structure of narrow, micron-deep, internal
nanochannels within shallow, nanoscale, external craters fabricated on glass and sapphire surfaces by single highintensity femtosecond laser pulses, with nearly the same intensity thresholds for both features. Formation of the
channels is accompanied by extensive expulsion of molten material produced via surface spallation and phase explosion
mechanisms, and redeposited around the corresponding external craters. Potential mechanisms underlying fabrication of
the unexpectedly deep channels in dielectrics are considered.
Author(s): Gra fe, S; Kiefer, W; Engel, V
Title: On the limitations of adiabatic population transfer between molecular electronic states induced by intense
femtosecond laser pulses
The possibility to perform a stimulated Raman adiabatic passage process in molecules on the ultrafast time scale is
investigated theoretically. Motivated by recent experiments, the B X electronic transitions in molecular iodine are
studied as a prototype example with the goal to selectively induce a population transfer employing two intense and timedelayed ultrashort laser pulses and different coupling schemes. For the purpose of interpretation, the coupled multilevel
vibronic problem is reduced to a quasi-three-level system by averaging over the vibrational degree of freedom. It is
shown that the vibrational dynamics becomes essential at high field intensities. Considering a 2-dimensional parameter
space (intensity and delay time of the femtosecond laser pulses), a strong-field control landscape is constructed.
Author(s): Chong, A (Chong, Andy); Renninger, WH (Renninger, William H.); Wise, FW (Wise, Frank W.)
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Title: All-normal-dispersion femtosecond fiber laser with pulse energy above 20 nJ
Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 32 (16): 2408-2410 AUG 15 2007
We report a study of the scaling and limits to pulse energy in an all-normal-dispersion femtosecond fiber laser.
Theoretical calculations show that operation at large normal cavity dispersion is possible in the presence of large
nonlinear phase shifts, owing to strong pulse shaping by spectral filtering of the chirped pulse in the laser. Stable pulses
are possible with energies of tens of nanojoules. Experimental results from Yb-doped fiber lasers agree with the trends
of numerical simulations. Stable and self-starting pulses are generated with energies above 20 nJ, and these can be
dechirped to <200 fs duration. Femtosecond pulses with peak powers near 100 kW are thus available from this simple
and practical design. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Liu, W (Liu, W.); Bernhardt, J (Bernhardt, J.); Theberge, F (Theberge, F.); Chin, SL (Chin, S. L.);
Chateauneuf, M (Chateauneuf, M.); Dubois, J (Dubois, J.)
Title: Spectroscopic characterization of femtosecond laser filament in argon gas - art. no. 033111
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 102 (3): 33111-33111 AUG 1 2007
We report a spectroscopic approach to measure the plasma density and electron temperature inside a filament created by
an intense femtosecond laser pulse in atmospheric pressure argon gas. The technique relies on the proportionality
between the Stark broadened argon fluorescence line width due to electron impact and the plasma density, while the
electron temperature is determined from the well known Boltzmann plot. The obtained maximum plasma density is
about 5.5 X 1016 CM-3, and the electron temperature is about 5800 K. Our method provides a promising and
convenient way to characterize the filament for further understanding the fundamental physics and potential applications
of filamentation. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Ballihaut, G (Ballihaut, Guillaume); Claverie, F (Claverie, Fanny); Pecheyran, C (Pecheyran, Christophe);
Mounicou, S (Mounicou, Sandra); Grimaud, R (Grimaud, Regis); Lobinski, R (Lobinski, Ryszard)
Title: Sensitive detection of selenoproteins in gel electrophoresis by high repetition rate femtosecond laser ablation.
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Source: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 79 (17): 6874-6880 SEP 1 2007
A laser ablation-ICPMS method using an infrared (1030 nm), low-energy (39 mu J/pulse), high repetition rate (10 kHz),
femtosecond laser was developed to improve the sensitivity of detection of heteroatom-containing proteins in 1D
polyacrylamide gels. A 2-mm-wide lane was ablated by ultrafast (10 cm s(-1)) back-and-forth movement of a 20-mu m
laser beam parallel to the protein bands while the gel advanced perpendicularly. Ibis procedure resulted in a
considerable increase in detection sensitivity (> 40-fold) compared to the nanosecond 266-mn laser ablation-ICPMS,
mainly because of the much larger amount of ablated material introduced into the plasma on the time scale of the dwell
time of the mass spectrometer. The method was applied to the specific detection in the gel of formate dehydrogenase
expressed in Escherichia coli and of selenoproteins in Desulfococcus multivorans with detection limits at the lowfemtomolar levels.
Author(s): Lan, PF (Lan, Pengfei); Lu, PX (Lu, Peixiang); Cao, W (Cao, Wei); Li, YH (Li, Yuhua); Wang, XL (Wang,
Title: Carrier-envelope phase-stabilized attosecond pulses from asymmetric molecules - art. no. 021801
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 76 (2): 1801-1801 AUG 2007
High-order harmonic generation from asymmetric molecules is investigated, and the concept of phase-stabilized infrared
ultrashort laser pulses is extended to the extreme ultraviolet regime. It is shown that the ionization symmetry in
consecutive half optical cycles is broken for asymmetric molecules, and both even and odd harmonics with comparable
intensity are produced. In the time domain, only one attosecond pulse is generated in each cycle of the driving field, and
the carrier-envelope phases of the attosecond pulses are equal. Consequently, a clean attosecond pulse train with the
same carrier-envelope phase from pulse to pulse is obtained in the extreme ultraviolet regime.
Author(s): Ghebregziabher, I (Ghebregziabher, Isaac); Walker, BC (Walker, Barry C.)
Title: Effect of focal geometry on radiation from atomic ionization in an ultrastrong and ultrafast laser field - art. no.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 76 (2): 3415-3415 AUG 2007
We use a tunneling-Monte Carlo model to calculate the dynamics and emitted Larmor radiation from electrons ionized
in an ultrashort and ultrastrong pulsed laser focus over the intensity range from 10(17) to 10(20) W/cm(2). We find the
spatial variation of a laser field affects the radiation and can no longer be neglected at laser intensities leading to
relativistic effects. We identify three regimes for the interaction as a function of the ratio of the single cycle quiver
amplitude of the photoelectron to the laser focus waist. Adopting a one-dimensional or plane wave approximation when
the laser driven excursion of the photoelectron exceeds the focus waist overestimates the total radiated energy by as
much as an order of magnitude. Despite this, the spectral amplitude of the highest-energy photons from ionization in a
laser focus is comparable to the plane wave case for excursions up to the beam waist since the laser focus imparts an
extra boost of speed for electrons exiting the focus. Full spatial and temporal integration that includes the ionization of
charge states before the peak of the pulse do not differ significantly from results that include only the radiation from
ionization of the charge state at the peak of the laser field.
Author(s): Bragheri, F (Bragheri, F.); Faccio, D (Faccio, D.); Couairon, A (Couairon, A.); Matijosius, A (Matijosius,
A.); Tamosauskas, G (Tamosauskas, G.); Varanavicius, A (Varanavicius, A.); Degiorgio, V (Degiorgio, V.); Piskarskas,
A (Piskarskas, A.); Di Trapani, P (Di Trapani, P.)
Title: Conical-emission and shock-front dynamics in femtosecond laser-pulse filamentation - art. no. 025801
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 76 (2): 5801-5801 AUG 2007
We investigate both experimentally and numerically the space-time dynamics of an ultrashort laser pulse during selffocusing and nonlinear propagation in water by means of a time-gated angular-spectrum characterization. The results
identify the formation of shock fronts on both trailing and leading edges of the wave packet that are due to the formation
of subluminal and superluminal group velocity intensity peaks, sustained by conical emission.
Author(s): Yu, TJ (Yu, Tae Jun); Hong, KH (Hong, Kyung-Han); Choi, HG (Choi, Hyung-Gyu); Sung, JH (Sung, Jae
Hee); Choi, IW (Choi, Il Woo); Ko, DK (Ko, Do-Kyeong); Lee, J (Lee, Jongmin); Kim, J (Kim, Junwon); Kim, DE
(Kim, Dong Eon); Nam, CH (Nam, Chang Hee)
Title: Precise and long-term stabilization of the carrier-envelope phase of femtosecond laser pulses using an enhanced
direct locking technique
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (13): 8203-8211 JUN 25 2007
We demonstrate a long-term operation with reduced phase noise in the carrier-envelope-phase (CEP) stabilization
process by employing a double feedback loop and an improved signal detection in the direct locking technique [Opt.
Express 13, 2969 (2005)]. A homodyne balanced detection method is employed for efficiently suppressing the dc noise
in the f-2f beat signal, which is converted into the CEP noise in the direct locking loop working at around zero carrierenvelope offset frequency (f(ceo)). In order to enhance the long-term stability, we have used the double feedback
scheme that modulates both the oscillator pump power for a fast control and the intracavity-prism insertion depth for a
slow and high-dynamic-range control. As a result, the in-loop phase jitter is reduced from 50 mrad of the previous result
to 29 mrad, corresponding to 13 as in time scale, and the long-term stable operation is achieved for more than 12 hours.
(C) 2007 Optical Society of America
Author(s): Mizunami, T (Mizunami, Toru); Kizaki, N (Kizaki, Naoya); Nagaiwa, K (Nagaiwa, Kenzo)
Title: Microprocessing and microplasma generation by femtosecond laser pulses generated by figure-of-eight erbiumdoped fiber-laser amplifier system
A high-power femtosecond fiber-laser system for microplasma generation and microprocessing was developed. A 115 fs
pulse train was generated by a passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser. The pulses were near the Fourier
transform limit. The pulse repetition rate was 12.2 MHz, the average power was 2.2 mW, and the peak power was 940
W. From the fiber-laser output, a small number of pulses were extracted using a lithium mobate optical modulator. The
extracted pulses were amplified by an erbium-doped fiber amplifier with a small-signal gain of 400. The pulse was
amplified with a net gain of 18 for a repetition rate of 1 MHz. The generation of micropl.asma from an amorphous
carbon film was observed by irradiation of the output of the fiber laser system. The generation of the microplasrna was
XIOPM latest Documents Report
continuous when the position of irradiation was scanned. The diameter of the microplasma was 14 gm. A microablation
trace of 15 mu m width was obtained on the film.
Author(s): Guo, ZY (Guo, Zhongyi); Qu, SL (Qu, Shiliang); Ran, LL (Ran, Lingling); Liu, ST (Liu, Shutian)
Title: Modulation grating achieved by two interfered femtosecond laser pulses on the surface of the silica glass
Source: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (21): 8581-8583 AUG 31 2007
Modulation grating has been achieved by two interfered femtosecond laser pulses on the surface of the silica glass. The
modulation grating formed at the middle of each bulge of the common grating and was attributed to the higher-order
modulation arising from second-harmonic generation (SHG) of the femtosecond laser pulse incident to the surface of
silica glass. The periods and depths of the fundamental grating and the modulation grating have been observed by using
an atomic force microscopy (AFM). Experimental results show that the average depth of the modulation grating is
nearly a half of the depth of the fundamental grating (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Eversole, D (Eversole, D.); Luk'yanchuk, B (Luk'yanchuk, B.); Ben-Yakar, A (Ben-Yakar, A.)
Title: Plasmonic laser nanoablation of silicon by the scattering of femtosecond pulses near gold nanospheres
We present the fabrication of nanostructures ablated on silicon(100) by the plasmonic scattering of 780 nm, 220 fs laser
pulses in the near-field of gold nanospheres. We take advantage of the enhanced plasmonic scattering of ultrashort laser
light in the particle near-field to ablate well-defined nanocraters. Gold nanospheres of 150 nm diameter are deposited
onto a silicon surface and irradiated with a single laser pulse. We studied the effect of laser polarization on the
morphology of ablated nanostructures and estimated the minimum fluence for plasmonic nanoablation. When the
polarization of the incident radiation is directed at a 45 degrees angle into the substrate surface, a near-field
enhancement of 23.1 +/- 7.6 is measured, reducing the required silicon ablation fluence from 191 +/- 14 mJ/cm(2) to 8.2
+/- 2.9 mJ/cm(2). Enhancements are also measured for laser polarizations parallel to the substrate surface when the
substrate is angled 0 degrees and 45 degrees to the incident irradiation, giving enhancements of 6.9 +/- 0.6 and 4.1 +/1.3, respectively. Generated nanocrater morphologies show a direct imprint of the particle dipolar scattering region, as
predicted in our theoretical calculations. The measured near-field enhancement values agree well with the maximum
field enhancements obtained in our calculations. The agreement between theory and measurements supports that the
nanocraters are indeed formed by the enhanced plasmonic scattering in the near-field of the nanoparticles.
Author(s): Wang, XL (Wang, Xinlin); Lu, PX (Lu, Peixiang); Dai, NL (Dai, Nengli); Li, YH (Li, Yuhua); Liao, CR
(Liao, Changrui); Chang, YX (Chang, Yanxiao); Yang, G (Yang, Guang); Zheng, QG (Zheng, Qiguang)
Title: Morphology and oxidation of Zr-based amorphous alloy ablated by femtosecond laser pulses
Femtosecond laser ablation of an amorphous alloy in air, including single-pulse ablation, multi-pulse drilling and
trenching has been investigated. Laser-induced ablation and related effects were examined by means of scanning
electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction.
Oxidation was observed in the multi-pulse ablation region surface. With selected parameters, molten trace, spatter and
crystallization can be avoided in the vicinity of the machining area. The results show that femtosecond laser ablation
with selected parameters is a promising method for micromachining amorphous alloys.
Author(s): Zheng, HY (Zheng, H. Y.); Lam, YC (Lam, Y. C.); Sundarraman, C (Sundarraman, C.); Tran, DV (Tran, D.
Title: Influence of substrate cooling on femtosecond laser machined hole depth and diameter
Substrate temperature was observed to affect the machined hole depth and diameter during Ti:sapphire femtosecond
laser machining of a copper substrate. We studied the blind holes drilled on copper specimens by multiple femtosecond
laser (fs) pulses under two temperature conditions, namely the liquid nitrogen temperature (similar to 77 K) and the
atmospheric temperature (similar to 298 K). Compared to the atmospheric temperature condition, we found that the
diameters of the holes are smaller and the depths of the holes are deeper under the liquid nitrogen temperature condition.
We attribute the reduction in diameter to the faster heat dissipation of the cooler substrate. We calculated multiple beam
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reflections in a channel and attribute the increased depth of the cooler substrate to the enhanced multiple laser beam
reflections inside the laser drilled hole.
Author(s): Hu, A; Rybachuk, M; Lu, QB; Duley, WW
Title: Direct synthesis of sp-bonded carbon chains on graphite surface by femtosecond laser irradiation
Microscopic phase transformation from graphite to sp-bonded carbon chains (carbyne) and nanodiamond has been
induced by femtosecond laser pulses on graphite surface. UV/surface enhanced Raman scattering spectra and x-ray
photoelectron spectra displayed the local synthesis of carbyne in the melt zone while nanocrystalline diamond and transpolyacetylene chains form in the edge area of gentle ablation. These results evidence possible direct writing of variable
chemical bonded carbons by femtosecond laser pulses for carbon-based applications.
Author(s): Yazawa, H; Shioyama, T; Suda, Y; Yamanaka, M; Kannari, F; Itakura, R; Yamanouchi, K
Title: Controlling the dissociative ionization of ethanol with 800 and 400 nm two-color femtosecond laser pulses
Ethanol molecules were irradiated with a pair of temporally overlapping ultrashort intense laser pulses (1013 1014 W
cm2) with different colors of 400 and 800 nm, and the dissociative ionization processes have been investigated. The
yield ratio of the C O bond breaking with respect to the C C bond breaking was varied in the range of 0.17 0.53
sensitively depending on the delay time between the two laser pulses, and the absolute value of the yield of the C O
bond breaking was found to be increased largely when the Fourier-transform limited 800 nm laser pulse overlaps the
stretched 400 nm laser pulse, demonstrating an advantage of the two-color intense laser fields in controlling chemical
bond breaking processes.
High-Power Laser and Solid-State Laser
Author(s): Ohtomo, T (Ohtomo, Takayuki); Kamikariya, K (Kamikariya, Koji); Otsuka, K (Otsuka, Kenju); Chu, SC
(Chu, Shu-Chun)
Title: Single-frequency Ince-Gaussian mode operations of laser-diode-pumped microchip solid-state lasers
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (17): 10705-10717 AUG 20 2007
Various single-frequency Ince-Gaussian mode oscillations have been achieved in laser-diode-pumped microchip solidstate lasers, including LiNdP4O12 (LNP) and Nd: GdVO4, by adjusting the azimuthal symmetry of the short laser
resonator. Ince-Gaussian modes formed by astigmatic pumping have been reproduced by numerical simulation.
Author(s): Buchta, Z (Buchta, Z.); Cip, O (Cip, O.); Lazar, J (Lazar, J.)
Title: High-power extended cavity laser optimized for optical pumping of Rb
We present a compact extended cavity laser (ECL) system based on a high- power laser diode optimized for maximum
efficiency of the Rb optical pumping process. The system represents the crucial part of the HpXe (hyperpolarized xenon)
production process. We concentrated on the ECL system optimization - linewidth matching and frequency stabilization for the optical pumping process. We show that the intensity of optical feedback in the ECL laser influences linewidth
and output power and it is possible to find an optimum value for the highest power spectral density coinciding with the
absorption line of desire. At the optimum emission linewidth was reduced approximately ten times with only half of the
total optical power loss.
Author(s): Zhang, DM (Zhang Duan-Ming); Fang, RR (Fang Ran-Ran); Li, ZH (Li Zhi-Hua); Li, G (Guan Li); Li, L (Li
Li); Tan, XY (Tan Xin-Yu); Liu, D (Liu Dan); Liu, GB (Liu Gao-Bin); Hu, DZ (Hu De-Zhi)
Title: A new synthetical model of high-power pulsed laser ablation
XIOPM latest Documents Report
We develop a new synthetical model of high-power pulsed laser ablation, which considers the dynamic absorptance,
vaporization, and plasma shielding. And the corresponding heat conduction equations with the initial and boundary
conditions are given. The numerical solutions are obtained under the reasonable technical parameter conditions by
taking YBa2Cu3O7 target for example. The space-dependence and time-dependence of temperature in target at a certain
laser fluence are presented, then, the transmitted intensity through plasma plume, space-dependence of temperature and
ablation rate for different laser fluences are significantly analyzed. As a result,, the satisfactorily good agreement
between our numerical results and experimental results indicates that the influences of the dynamic absorptance,
vaporization, and plasma shielding cannot be neglected. Taking all the three mechanisms above simultaneously into
account for the first time, we cause the present model to be more practical.
Author(s): Mohr, D (Mohr, Daniel); de Camargo, ASS (de Camargo, Andrea S. S.); de Araujo, CC (de Araujo, Carla C.);
Eckert, H (Eckert, Hellmut)
Title: Local environment of scandium in aluminophosphate laser glasses: structural studies by solid state NMR
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 17 (35): 3733-3738 2007
The first NMR study of a scandium oxide containing glass system is reported. The influence of scandium substitution
for aluminium in the sodium aluminophosphate glass system (NaPO3)(0.83-)( Al2O3)(0.172-x)(Sc2O3)(x) (0 <= x <=
0.11) has been studied in detail by multinuclear high-resolution NMR experiments. Introduction of scandium into this
glass system results in a systematic change in the aluminium speciation: as the substitutional parameter x is increased,
aluminium is successively converted from six-to four-coordination. This result suggests that the scandium ions require
more non-bridging oxygen atoms for coordination than aluminium in these glasses. Sc-45 chemical shifts are consistent
with isolated six-coordinated scandium species. 31 P{45Sc} rotational echo adiabatic passage double resonance
( REAPDOR) curves show a monotonic increase in slope with increasing x, indicating that the number of P-31 - Sc-45
dipole - dipole couplings increases, consistent with a random spatial distribution of scandium. These results rule out the
possibility of rare-earth clustering in these glasses. Both the Sc-45 MAS-NMR spectra and Sc-45{P-31} rotational echo
double resonance ( REDOR) data indicate that the scandium species adopt a constant, compositionally independent
local environment dominated by phosphorus in the second coordination sphere.
Author(s): Davidkova, M (Davidkova, Marie); Juba, L (Juba, Libor); Bittner, M (Bittner, Michal); Koptyaev, S
(Koptyaev, Sergey); Hajkova, V (Hajkova, Vera); Krasa, J (Krasa, Josef); Pfeifer, M (Pfeifer, Miroslav); Stisova, V
(Stisova, Viktorie); Bartnik, A (Bartnik, Andrzej); Fiedorowicz, H (Fiedorowicz, Henryk); Mikolajczyk, J (Mikolajczyk,
Janusz); Ryc, L (Ryc, Leszek); Pina, L (Pina, Ladislav); Horvath, M (Horvath, Martin); Babankova, D (Babankova,
Dagmar); Cihelka, J (Cihelka, Jaroslav); Civis, S (Civis, Svatopluk)
Title: A high-power laser-driven source of sub-nanosecond soft X-ray pulses for single-shot radiobiology experiments
Source: RADIATION RESEARCH, 168 (3): 382-387 SEP 2007
A large-scale, double-stream gas puff target has been illuminated by sub-kj, near-infrared (NIR) focused laser pulses at
the PALS facility (Prague Asterix Laser System) to produce high-energy pulses of soft X rays from hot, dense plasma.
The double-puff arrangement ensures high gas density and conversion efficiency from NIR to X rays approaching that
typical for solid targets. In addition, its major advantage over solid targets is that it is free of debris and has substantially
suppressed charged-particle emission. The X-ray emission characteristics of the source were determined for a range of
gases that included krypton, xenon, N-2 CO and N-2,-CO. A demonstrated application of the xenon-based source is a
single-shot damage induction to plasmid DNA. The yields of single-strand breaks (SSBs) and double-strand breaks
(DSBs) were determined as a function of energy fluence adjusted by varying distance of sample from the source and
thickness of aluminum filters. (c) 2007 by Radiation Research Society.
Author(s): Schwartz, S (Schwartz, Sylvain); Feugnet, G (Feugnet, Gilles); Lariontsev, E (Lariontsev, Evguenii);
Pocholle, JP (Pocholle, Jean-Paul)
Title: Oscillation regimes of a solid-state ring laser with active beat-note stabilization: From a chaotic device to a ringlaser gyroscope - art. no. 023807
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 76 (2): 3807-3807 AUG 2007
We report an experimental and theoretical study of a rotating diode-pumped Nd-YAG ring laser with active beat-note
stabilization. Our experimental setup is described in the usual Maxwell-Bloch formalism. We analytically derive a
stability condition and some frequency response characteristics for the solid-state ring-laser gyroscope, illustrating the
XIOPM latest Documents Report
important role of mode coupling effects on the dynamics of such a device. Experimental data are presented and
compared with the theory on the basis of realistic laser parameters, showing very good agreement. Our results illustrate
the duality between the very rich nonlinear dynamics of the diode-pumped solid-state ring laser (including chaotic
behavior) and the possibility to obtain a very stable beat note, resulting in a potentially new kind of rotation sensor.
Author(s): Wu, B (Wu, B.); Shin, YC (Shin, Y. C.); Pakhal, H (Pakhal, H.); Laurendeau, NM (Laurendeau, N. M.);
Lucht, RP (Lucht, R. P.)
Title: Modeling and experimental verification of plasmas induced by high-power nanosecond laser-aluminum
interactions in air - art. no. 026405
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 76 (2): 6405-6405 Part 2 AUG 2007
It has been generally believed in literature that in nanosecond laser ablation, the condensed substrate phase contributes
mass to the plasma plume through surface evaporation across the sharp interface between the condensed phase and the
vapor or plasma phase. However, this will not be true when laser intensity is sufficiently high. In this case, the target
temperature can be greater than the critical temperature, so that the sharp interface between the condensed and gaseous
phases disappears and is smeared into a macroscopic transition layer. The substrate should contribute mass to the
plasma region mainly through hydrodynamic expansion instead of surface evaporation. Based on this physical
mechanism, a numerical model has been developed by solving the one-dimensional hydrodynamic equations over the
entire physical domain supplemented by wide-range equations of state. It has been found that model predictions have
good agreements with experimental measurement for plasma front location, temperature, and electron number density.
This has provided further evidence (at least in the indirect sense), besides the above theoretical analysis, that for
nanosecond laser metal ablation in air at sufficiently high intensity, the dominant physical mechanism for mass transfer
from the condensed phase to the plasma plume is hydrodynamic expansion instead of surface evaporation. The
developed and verified numerical model provides useful means for the investigation of nanosecond laser-induced
plasma at high intensities.
Author(s): Mercer, CJ (Mercer, C. J.); Tsang, YH (Tsang, Y. H.); Binks, DJ (Binks, D. J.)
Title: A model of a QCW diode pumped passively Q-switched solid state laser
Source: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 54 (12): 1685-1694 2007
We present here a model of a QCW diode pumped passively Q-switched laser. Both numerical and approximate
analytical solutions to the laser rate equations are described for a range of parameter values including output coupler
reflectivity, pump power and doping levels within the saturable absorber. In particular, the conditions that result in a
single output pulse per pump pulse are investigated. Pulse duration and pulse energy are also calculated. The example
case of a QCW diode pumped Cr, Nd:YAG crystal is considered. The model is verified by comparison to experimental
Author(s): Okida, M (Okida, Masahito); Omatsu, T (Omatsu, Takashige)
Title: Direct generation of high power Laguerre-Gaussian output from a diode-pumped Nd : YVO4 1.3-mu m bounce
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (12): 7616-7622 JUN 11 2007
We demonstrate direct production of a high power Laguerre-Gaussian mode from a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 1.3-mu m
bounce amplifier with an asymmetric cavity configuration. A maximum LG output of 7.7 W is obtained. (c) 2007
Optical Society of America.
Author(s): McRobbie, AD (McRobbie, A. D.); Cataluna, MA (Cataluna, M. A.); Zolotovskaya, SA (Zolotovskaya, S.
A.); Livshits, DA (Livshits, D. A.); Sibbett, W (Sibbett, W.); Rafailov, EU (Rafailov, E. U.)
Title: High power all-quantum-dot-based external cavity modelocked laser
Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 43 (15): 812-813 JUL 19 2007
An all-quanturn-dot based external cavity modelocked laser using a quantum-dot gain medium and SESAM is
demonstrated for the first time. This laser produces average powers of up to 27 mW and modelocking has been obtained
over a range of cavity repetition frequencies from 350 MHz to 1.5 GHz. Additional RF modulation has also been used
to further improve the modelocked operation.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Author(s): Unks, BE (Unks, B. E.); Proite, NA (Proite, N. A.); Yavuz, DD (Yavuz, D. D.)
Title: Generation of high-power laser light with Gigahertz splitting - art. no. 083108
Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 78 (8): 83108-83108 AUG 2007
We demonstrate the generation of two high-power laser beams whose frequencies are separated by the ground state
hyperfine transition frequency in Rb-87. The system uses a single master diode laser appropriately shifted by high
frequency acousto-optic modulators and amplified by semiconductor tapered amplifiers. This produces two 1 W laser
beams with a frequency spacing of 6.834 GHz and a relative frequency stability of 1 Hz. We discuss possible
applications of this apparatus, including electromagnetically induced transparencylike effects and ultrafast qubit
rotations. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Dorrer, C (Dorrer, C.); Begishev, IA (Begishev, I. A.); Okishev, AV (Okishev, A. V.); Zuegel, JD (Zuegel, J.
Title: High-contrast optical-parametric amplifier as a front end of high-power laser systems
Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 32 (15): 2143-2145 AUG 1 2007
A high-contrast preamplifier based on optical-parametric amplification with a short pump pulse is demonstrated. Again
larger than 10(5) and measurement-limited contrast higher than 10(11) are obtained over a large temporal range
extending within less than 10 ps of the peak of the pulse, because of the high instantaneous parametric gain provided by
a short pump pulse in a nonlinear crystal. The energy gain and high contrast of this preamplifier make it a good seed
source for high-power laser systems. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Meng, D (Meng, De); Sakamoto, F (Sakamoto, Fumito); Yamamoto, T (Yamamoto, Tomohiko); Dobashi, K
(Dobashi, Katsuhiro); Uesaka, M (Uesaka, Mitsuru); Nose, H (Nose, Hiroyuki); Ishida, D (Ishida, Daisuke); Kaneko, N
(Kaneko, Namio); Sakai, Y (Sakai, Yasuo)
Title: High power laser pulse circulation experiment for compact quasi-monochromatic tunable X-ray source
Laser electron Compton scattering monochromatic tunable X-ray source using X-band (11.424 GHz) electron linear
accelerator and Q-switch Nd:YAG laser is under construction at Nuclear Professional School, the University of Tokyo.
To enhance the X-ray intensity, we installed a laser circulation system. Now, we are performing the circulation
experiment by using a high power laser (1.4 J, 532 nm). We confirmed the laser pulse circulated in the optical circuit
more than 15 times and the laser intensity is enhanced about 3.5 times. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Jovanovic, I (Jovanovic, I.); Shverdin, M (Shverdin, M.); Gibson, D (Gibson, D.); Brown, C (Brown, C.)
Title: High-power laser pulse recirculation for inverse Compton scattering-produced gamma-rays
Inverse Compton scattering (ICS) of high-power laser pulses on relativistic electron bunches represents an attractive
method for high-brightness, quasi-monoenergetic gamma-ray production. The efficiency of gamma-ray generation via
ICS is severely constrained by the small Thomson scattering cross-section. Furthermore, repetition rates of high-energy
short-pulse lasers are poorly matched with those available from electron accelerators, resulting in low repetition rates for
generated gamma-rays. Laser recirculation has been proposed as a method to address those limitations, but has been
limited to only small pulse energies and peak powers. Here we propose and experimentally demonstrate an alternative
method for laser pulse recirculation that is uniquely capable of recirculating short pulses with energies exceeding 1 J.
ICS of recirculated Joule-level laser pulses has a potential to produce unprecedented peak and average gamma-ray
brightness in the next generation of sources. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Qi, HJ (Qi, H.-j.); Liu, XD (Liu, X.-D.); Hou, XY (Hou, X.-Y.); Li, YF (Li, Y.-F.); Sun, YM (Sun, Y.-M.)
Title: A c-cut Nd : GdVO4 solid-state laser passively Q-switched with Co2+: LaMgAl11O19 lasing at 1.34 mu m
Source: LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 4 (8): 576-579 AUG 2007
XIOPM latest Documents Report
We investigated a high power diode-laser pumped passively Q-switched c-cut Nd:GdVO4 solid-state laser, lasing at
1.34 mu m, with a C0(2+) :LaMgAI(11)O(19) saturable absorber. With the optimum output coupler transmission T =
5.5% and pump power of 11.5W, the static output power of 3.01 W was obtained. The passively Q-switching operation
with Co:LMA (initial transmission To = 90%) as saturable absorber, shows that the shortest output pulse width, the
highest output power, the highest pulse repetition and the highest pulse peak power were 32 ns, 266 mW, 277 kHz, and
187 W, respectively.
Author(s): Achtzehn, T (Achtzehn, T.); Lassen, J (Lassen, J.); Bricault, P (Bricault, P.); Albers, D (Albers, D.); Cocolios,
TE (Cocolios, T. E.); Dombsky, M (Dombsky, M.); Hanemaayer, V (Hanemaayer, V.); Lavoie, JP (Lavoie, J. P.);
Lecesne, N (Lecesne, N.); Pearson, MR (Pearson, M. R.); Prime, EJ (Prime, E. J.); Wendt, KDA (Wendt, K. D. A.)
Title: Al-26 beam production by a solid state laser ion source at TRIUMF
Source: HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS, 174 (1-3): 27-32 JAN 2007
Many experiments carried out at radioactive beam facilities require the production of intense, isotopically clean and
isobar free beams of a particular isotope. At TRIUMF the addition of a resonant ionization laser ion source (TRILIS)
enables a multitude of new beams and therefore new experiments to be carried out. Al-26 was one of the first
radioactive ion beams delivered to an experiment using TRILIS. This paper outlines the development of the Al-26 ion
beam for nuclear astrophysics.
Author(s): Vinokurov, DA (Vinokurov, D. A.); Kapitonov, VA (Kapitonov, V. A.); Lyutetskii, AV (Lyutetskii, A. V.);
Pikhtin, NA (Pikhtin, N. A.); Slipchenko, SO (Slipchenko, S. O.); Sokolova, ZN (Sokolova, Z. N.); Stankevich, AL
(Stankevich, A. L.); Khomylev, MA (Khomylev, M. A.); Shamakhov, VV (Shamakhov, V. V.); Borshchev, KS
(Borshchev, K. S.); Arsent'ev, IN (Arsent'ev, I. N.); Tarasov, IS (Tarasov, I. S.)
Title: Saturation of light-current characteristics of high-power laser diodes (lambda=1.0-1.8 mu m) under pulse
Source: SEMICONDUCTORS, 41 (8): 984-990 AUG 2007
Spectral and light-current characteristics of separate-confinement lasers that are based on InAl-GaAs/InP and
InGaAsP/InP alloys and emit in the wavelength range of 1.5-1.8 mu m are studied at high excitation levels (up to 80
kA/cm(2)) in pulse operation (100 ns, 10 kHz). It is shown that the peak intensity in the stimulated-emission spectrum
saturates as the pump current is increased. Further increase in the emitted power is attained owing to the emissionspectrum broadening to shorter wavelengths, similar to lasers on the GaAs substrates (lambda = 1.04 mu m). It is
established experimentally that the broadening of the stimulated-emission spectrum to shorter wavelengths is caused by
an increase in the threshold current and by an increase in the charge-carrier concentration in the active region. This
concentration increases by a factor of 6-7 beyond the lasing threshold and can be as high as 10(19) cm(-3) in pulse
operation. It is shown that saturation of the light-current characteristics in pulse operation takes place in the
InAlGaAs/InP and InGaAsP/InP lasers as the pump current is increased. It is shown experimentally that there is a
correlation between saturation of the light-current characteristic and an increase in the threshold current in the active
region. An increase in the charge-carrier concentration and gradual filling of the active region and waveguide layers
with electrons are observed as the pump current is increased; stimulated emission from the waveguide is observed at
high pump currents.
Author(s): Villate, D (Villate, Denis); Blanchot, N (Blanchot, Nathalie); Rouyer, C (Rouyer, Claude)
Title: Beam breakup integral measurement an high-power laser chains
Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 32 (5): 524-526 MAR 1 2007
We experimentally demonstrate the efficiency of a single-shot method to measure the beam breakup integral (B)
accumulated across a high power chain. The technique uses spectrally shaped strongly chirped femtosecond pulses and
takes advantage of time-to-spectral coupling generated by nonlinear effects. We performed B measurements on
regenerative amplifiers (Ti: sapphire) and on the ALISE 200 J facility currently installed at CEA-CESTA (France). (c)
2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Dammer, O (Dammer, Ondrej); Vlckova, B (Vlckova, Blanka); Slouf, M (Slouf, Miroslav); Pfleger, J
(Pfleger, Jiri)
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Title: Interaction of high-power laser pulses with monodisperse gold particles
TECHNOLOGY, 140 (3): 138-146 JUN 15 2007
The interaction of repetitive nanosecond laser pulses with near-spherical gold nanoparticles, dispersed in an aqueous
ambient and having various mean sizes, was studied for two different wavelengths 355 and 532 nm and various energies
per pulse. From the in situ surface plasmon (SP), extinction measurements combined with ex situ TEM studies of the
irradiated hydrosols, we conclude that the process of laser-induced fragmentation is cumulative with increasing number
of subsequent pulses. Interestingly, irradiation of all parent hydrosols having different mean particle sizes (except of that
one containing nanoparticles with the mean diameter of 5 nm) with laser pulses of the 532 nm wavelength and the same
energy per pulse absorbed in the hydrosol resulted into hydrosols containing nanoparticles of very similar reduced mean
sizes and size distributions. On the other hand, for the parent nanoparticle hydrosol with the initial mean particle
diameter below 5 nm, a small increase of the mean particle size has been detected after irradiation with pulses of the
same wavelength. The mean sizes of Au nanoparticles fragmented by 355 nm pulses were generally smaller than those
fragmented at 532 nm. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Zhang, YP (Zhang Yu-Ping); Zhang, HY (Zhang Hui-Yun); Zhong, K (Zhong Kai); Li, XF (Li Xi-Fu); Wang,
P (Wang Peng); Yao, JQ (Yao Jian-Quan)
Title: High-power diode-side-pumped intracavity-frequency-doubled continuous wave 532 nm laser
Source: CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 24 (8): 2242-2244 AUG 2007
An efficient and high-power diode-sized-pumped cw 532 nm green laser on a V-shaped geometry , and capable of
generating 22.7W green radiation with optical conversion efficiency of 8.31%, has been demonstrated. The laser is
operated with rms noise amplitude of less than 1% and with M-2 -parameter of about 6.45 at the top of the outpower.
This laser has the potential for scaling much output power.
Author(s): Ding, X (Ding Xin); Ma, HM (Ma Hong-Mei); Zou, L (Zou Lei); Zou, Y (Zou Yue); Wen, WQ (Wen WuQi); Wang, P (Wang Peng); Yao, JQ (Yao Jian-Quan)
Title: An all-solid-state high power quasi-continuous-wave tunable dual-wavelength Ti : sapphire laser system using
birefringence filter
Source: CHINESE PHYSICS, 16 (7): 1991-1995 JUL 2007
This paper describes a tunable dual-wavelength Ti:sapphire laser system with quasi-continuous-wave and high power
outputs. In the design of the laser, it adopts a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser as the pumping source, and the
birefringence filter as the tuning element. Tunable dual-wavelength outputs with one wavelength range from 700 nm to
756.5 nm, another from 830 nm to 900 mn have been demonstrated. With a pump power of 23 W at 532 nm, a repetition
rate of 7 kHz and a pulse width of 47.6 ns, an output power of 5.1 W at 744.8 nm and 860. 9 nm with a pulse width of
13.2 ns and a linewidth of 3 nm has been obtained, it indicates an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 22. 2 %
Author(s): Guo, L (Guo, L.); Wang, GL (Wang, G. L.); Zhang, HB (Zhang, H. B.); Cui, DF (Cui, D. F.); Wu, YC (Wu,
Y. C.); Lu, L (Lu, L.); Zhang, JY (Zhang, J. Y.); Huang, JY (Huang, J. Y.); Xu, ZY (Xu, Z. Y.)
Title: High-power picoseconds 355 nm laser by third harmonic generation based on CsB3O5 crystal
Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 88 (2): 197-200 JUL 2007
We report on the high average power third harmonic generation (THG) of a mode-locked picosecond laser in a CsB3O5
(CBO) crystal. The picosecond laser beam at 1064 nm is produced by a home-made 30 W master oscillator poweramplifier (MOPA) Nd:YVO4 laser system. The maximum THG output at 355 nm is up to 5.4 W. We also investigate
the phase matching angle at different temperatures. During high power operation, the temperature of the CBO crystal is
set at a high temperature of more than 100 degrees C. The THG system has shown a fine long-term stability for more
than two months of operation.
Laser Application
Author(s): Zou, SY (Zou, Shiyang); Balint-Kurti, GG (Balint-Kurti, Gabriel G.); Manby, FR (Manby, Frederick R.)
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Title: Vibrationally selective optimal control of alignment and orientation using infrared laser pulses: Application to
carbon monoxide - art. no. 044107
Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 127 (4): 44107-44107 JUL 28 2007
Optimal control methods are used to study molecular alignment and orientation using infrared laser pulses. High order
molecule-field interactions are taken into account through the use of the electric-nuclear Born-Oppenheimer
approximation [G. G. Balint-Kurti , J. Chem. Phys. 122, 084110 (2005)]. High degrees of alignment and orientation are
achieved by optimized infrared laser pulses of duration on the order of one rotational period of the molecule. It is shown
that, through the incorporation of a vibrational projection operator into the optimization procedure, it is possible not
only to maximize the alignment and orientation but also to bring the whole system into a single prescribed vibrational
manifold. Numerical calculations are performed for carbon monoxide using ab initio potential energies computed in the
presence of external electric fields. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Nakamura, S (Nakamura, Shu); Ikegami, M (Ikegami, Masahiro); Iwashita, Y (Iwashita, Yoshihisa); Shirai,
T (Shirai, Toshiyuki); Tongui, H (Tongui, Hiromu); Souda, H (Souda, Hikaru); Daido, H (Daido, Hiroyuki); Mori, M
(Mori, Michiaki); Kado, M (Kado, Masataka); Sagisaka, A (Sagisaka, Akito); Ogura, K (Ogura, Koichi); Nishiuchi, M
(Nishiuchi, Mamiko); Orimo, S (Orimo, Satoshi); Hayashi, Y (Hayashi, Yukio); Yogo, A (Yogo, Akifumi); Pirozhkov,
AS (Pirozhkov, Alexander S.); Bulanov, SV (Bulanov, Sergei V.); Esirkepov, T (Esirkepov, Timur); Nagashima, A
(Nagashima, Akira); Kimura, T (Kimura, Toyoaki); Tajima, T (Tajima, Toshiki); Takeuchi, T (Takeuchi, Takeshi);
Fukumi, A (Fukumi, Atsushi); Li, Z (Li, Zhong); Noda, A (Noda, Akira)
Title: High-quality laser-produced proton beam realized by the application of a synchronous RF electric field
L717-L720 AUG 2007
A short-pulse (similar to 210fs) high-power (similar to 1 TW) laser was focused on a tape target 3 and 5 mu m in
thickness to a size of 11 x 15 mu m(2) with an intensity of 3 x 10(17) W/cm(2). Protons produced by this laser with an
energy spread of 100% were found to be improved to create peaks in the energy distribution with a spread of similar to
7% by the application of the RF electric field with an amplitude of +/- 40 kV synchronous to the pulsed laser. This
scheme combines the conventional RF acceleration technique with laser-produced protons for the first time. It is
possible to be operated up to 10 Hz, and is found to have good reproducibility for every laser shot with the capability of
adjusting the peak positions by control of the relative phase between the pulsed laser and the RF electric field.
Author(s): Milesa, SZ (Milesa, Sreckovic Z.); Eljka, T (Eljka, Tomic); Stank, OM (Stank, Ostoji M.); Jelena, IT (Jelena,
Ilic T.); Nenad, B (Nenad, Bundaleski); Rade, SS (Rade, Sekulic S.); Vlada, M (Vlada, Mlinar)
Title: The application of laser beam diffraction and scattering methods in the measurement of shape and determination
of material parameters
Source: LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 17 (3-4): 179-196 2007
Lasers can be used for many applications including determination of size, in addition to the theory of diffraction and
material dispersion phenomena. In this paper we calculated the corrections in angular intensity for the Gaussian and
uniform particle distributions, the scattering intensity on cylindrical objects. We also evaluated the necessary
mathematical summations. In addition, we analyse and Simulate the special positions of detectors using laser Doppler
anemometric (LDA) methods, which can be used to determine the particle diameter. The dispersion measurements for
actual fibres are given at the end. The geometric and material parameters of these fibres were taken before the
evaluation of the angular scattering intensity.
Author(s): Sarah, G (Sarah, Guillaume); Gratuze, B (Gratuze, Bernard); Barrandon, JN (Barrandon, Jean-Noel)
Title: Application of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) for the investigation of
ancient silver coins
The main characteristic of ancient silver coins lies in the existence of silver surface enrichment that often covers them.
The non-destructive methods used so far to analyze these precious objects do not take into account this phenomenon,
whose importance cannot be estimated without destruction of the coins. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), as a spot method particularly convenient for the analysis of solid samples, has been applied
to ancient silver coins for the first time. This paper presents the LA-ICP-MS analytical protocol developed to
XIOPM latest Documents Report
characterize these objects, whose main innovation lies in the realization of concentration depth profiles for the major
elements (Ag and Cu) and five main minor elements (Zn, Sn, Au, Pb, Bi). The concentrations determined in this way
reflect the composition of the alloy that has not been disturbed by surface enrichment phenomena. Minor and trace
elements are determined by average single spot analysis. The optimal experimental conditions have been defined by
studying both modern alloys and ancient coins. The reliability of the matrix-matched standards and the reproducibility
of the micro-samplings have been checked and the relevance of the protocol developed then verified by a comparison of
the results obtained by LA-ICP-MS and fast neutron activation analysis.
Author(s): Cheng, HY (Cheng, Haiying); Duong, TQ (Duong, Timothy Q.)
Title: Simplified laser-speckle-imaging analysis method and its application to retinal blood flow imaging
Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 32 (15): 2188-2190 AUG 1 2007
Laser speckle imaging (LSI) is widely used to study blood flow at high spatiotemporal resolution. Several papers
recently pointed out that the commonly used LSI equation involves an approximation that could result in incorrect data
analysis. We investigated the impact of such an approximation and introduced a simplified analysis method to improve
computation time. Flow phantom studies were performed for validation. Moreover, we demonstrated a novel LSI
application by imaging blood flow of rat retinas under normal and physiologic-challenge conditions. Because bloodflow abnormality is implicated in many retinal diseases, LSI could provide valuable physiologic, and potentially
diagnostic, information. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Okada, T (Okada, T.); Suehiro, J (Suehiro, J.)
Title: Synthesis of nano-structured materials by laser-ablation and their application to sensors
Source: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (19): 7840-7847 JUL 31 2007
We describe the synthesis of nano-structured materials of ZnO and Pd by laser ablation and their applications to sensors.
The synthesis of ZnO nano-wires was performed by nano-particle assisted deposition (NPAD) where nano-crystals were
grown with nano-particles generated by laser-ablating a ZnO sintered target in an Ar background gas. The synthesized
ZnO nano-wires were characterized with a scanning electron microscopy and the photoluminescent characteristics were
examined under an excitation with the third harmonics of a Nd:YAG laser. The nano-wires with a diameter in the range
from 50 to 150 nm and a length of up to 5 mu m were taken out of the substrate by laser blow-off technique and/or
sonication. It was confirmed that the nano-wires showed the stimulated emission under optical pumping, indicating a
high quality of the crystalinity. Pd nanoparticles were generated by laser-ablating a Pd plate in pure water. The
transmission electron microscope observation revealed that Pd nanoparticles with a diameter in the range from 3 nm to
several tens of nanometers were produced. Using these nano-structured materials, we successfully fabricated sensors by
the dielectrophoresis techniques. In the case of the ultraviolet photosensor, a detection sensitivity of 10 nW/cm(2) was
achieved and in the case of hydrogen sensing, the response time of less than 10 s has been demonstrated with Pd nanoparticles. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Kaminska, A (Kaminska, A.); Sawczak, A (Sawczak, A.); Komar, K (Komar, K.); Sliwinski, G (Sliwinski,
Title: Application of the laser ablation for conservation of historical paper documents
Source: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (19): 7860-7864 JUL 31 2007
Laser ablation was applied for surface cleaning and spectroscopic diagnostic, of historical paper documents and model
samples in the framework of the conservation projects. During cleaning the spectra of ablation products were recorded
by means of the LIBS technique which allowed for nearly non-destructive identification of surface layers such as
contaminants, substrate and pigments. For consecutive laser pulses a strong decrease of band intensities of the emission
lines of Ca, Na, K, Al and Fe ascribed to contaminants were observed. The effect was used for monitoring of the
cleaning progress of stained paper. For surface cleaning and spectra excitation the Q-switched Nd:YAG laser of 6 ns
pulsewidth operating at wavelengths of 266, 355, 532, and 1064 urn and of fluence selected from the range 0.3-0.9
J/cm(2) was applied. The ablation parameters were optimized in agreement with the literature and the results were
confirmed by surface studies and testing of the mechanical and chemical properties, and also by the response to the
ageing process of the paper substrate. In case of the model paper irradiated in the UV range at 266 and 355 nm a visual
inspection revealed local damages of the cellulose fibers accompanied by a decrease of the mechanical strength of the
substrate. The effect was more pronounced after artificial ageing. The best results were obtained for samples irradiated
XIOPM latest Documents Report
at 532 nm and at laser fluence below the damage threshold of 0.6 J/cm(2) which is in agreement with literature. (c) 2007
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Ryu, SP (Ryu, S. P.); Lee, YT (Lee, Y. T.); Cho, NK (Cho, N. K.); Choi, WJ (Choi, W. J.); Song, JD (Song,
J. D.); Lee, JI (Lee, J. I.); Kwack, HS (Kwack, H. S.); Cho, YH (Cho, Y. H.)
Title: Effect of symmetric and asymmetric In0.2Ga0.8As wells on the structural and optical properties of InAs quantum
dots grown by migration enhanced molecular beam epitaxy for the application to a 1.3 mu m laser diode - art. no.
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 102 (2): 23105-23105 JUL 15 2007
In this article, we present an in-depth study of the effects of the structural and optical properties of InAs "dots in an
In0.2Ga0.8As well" (DWELL) and InAs "dots in an asymmetric In0.2Ga0.8As well" (asym. DWELL) grown by
migration-enhanced molecular beam epitaxy. The energy spacing (Delta E-1) between the ground-state and the firstexcited-state transitions increases from 66 meV for the DWELL to 73 meV for the asym. DWELL. These results are
consistent with Delta E-1 measured by photoluminescence excitation and the values of activation energy fitting. The
photoluminescence linewidth of the asym. DWELL (40 meV) is narrower than that of the DWELL (70 meV), which
shows superior uniformity in the former over the latter. The trends of the properties of the DWELL and the asym.
DWELL deduced from the structural properties are in good agreement with those from the optical properties. From the
results, it is strongly supported that the asym. DWELL is more suitable for application to long wavelength optical
communication than the DWELL counterpart. (c) American Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Chinthaka, SDM (Chinthaka, S. D. M.); Rodgers, MT (Rodgers, M. T.)
Title: Potassium cation affinities of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization matrices determined by threshold
collision-induced dissociation: Application to benzoic acid derivatives
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 111 (33): 8152-8162 AUG 23 2007
Threshold collision-induced dissociation of K+(xBA) complexes with xenon is studied using guided ion beam mass
spectrometry. The xBA ligands studied include benzoic acid and all of the mono- and dihydroxy-substituted benzoic
acids: 2-, 3-, and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and 2,3-, 2,4-, 2,5-, 2,6-, 3,4-, and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid. In all cases, the
primary product corresponds to endothermic loss of the intact xBA ligand. The cross section thresholds are interpreted
to yield 0 and 298 K bond dissociation energies (BDEs) for K+-xBA after accounting for the effects of multiple ionneutral collisions, the kinetic and internal energy distributions of the reactants, and dissociation lifetimes. Density
functional theory calculations at the B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory are used to determine the structures of the xBA
ligands and their complexes with K+. Theoretical BDEs are determined from single-point energy calculations at the
B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,2p) and MP2(full)/6-311+G(2d,2p) levels using B3LYP/6-31G* optimized geometries. Four
favorable binding modes for the K+(xBA) complexes are found. In all complexes to an xBA ligand that does not have a
2-hydroxyl substituent, the most favorable binding mode corresponds to a single interaction with the carbonyl oxygen
atom. Formation of a 4-membered ring via chelation interactions with both oxygen atoms of the carboxylic acid group is
found to be the most favorable binding mode for all of the 2-hydroxy-substituted systems except K+(2,3dihydroxybenzoic acid). In these complexes, a hydrogen-bonding interaction between the hydrogen atom of the
carboxylic acid moiety and the oxygen atom of the 2-hydroxy substituent provides additional stabilization. Formation of
a 5-membered chelation ring via interaction of K+ with the oxygen atoms of adjacent hydroxyl substituents is also
favorable and corresponds to the ground-state geometry for the K+(23DHBA) complex. Formation of a 6-membered
chelation ring via interaction of K+ with the carbonyl and 2-hydroxyl oxygen atoms is also quite favorable but does not
correspond to the ground-state geometry for any of the systems examined here. The experimental BDEs determined here
are in very good agreement with the calculated values.
Author(s): Kumar, S (Kumar, Santosh)
Title: Identification of a novel laser dye substrate of mammalian cytochromes P450: Application in rapid kinetic
analysis, inhibitor screening, and directed evolution
The author sought to develop a high-throughput activity screening assay to carry out rapid kinetic analysis, inhibitor
screening, and directed evolution of cytochrome P450 2C enzymes. Initially, of the 9 fluorescent substrates and 10 P450
2C enzymes tested, several P450 2C enzymes showed > 1 nmol/min/nmol P450 activity in cumene hydroperoxide
(CuOOH)-suppoted reaction with a laser dye, 7-dimethylamino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin (C152). A high-throughput
XIOPM latest Documents Report
steady-state kinetic analysis of the human P450 2C8, 2C9, and 2C 19 showed 1) k(cat) = 3 to 6 min(-1), 2) K-m,KCuOOH = 100 to 200 mu M, and 3) S-50, (C152) = 10 to 20 mu in the CuOOH system. In addition, P450 2C9 and 2C
19 showed a very high k(ca) (27 and 38 min(-1), respectively) in the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
(NADPH)-supported reaction. Subsequently, when mammalian P450s from the other subfamilies were tested, P450 2B1
dH,2B4dH,2B5dH, 3A4, and 3A5 exhibited a significant activity in both CuOOH and NADPH systems. Furthermore, a
high-throughput activity screening assay using whole-cell suspensions of the human P450 2C8, 2C9, and 2C19 was
optimized. Overall, the data suggested that C152 can be used as a model substrate for mammalian P450s in CuOOHsupported reaction to perform rapid kinetic analysis, inhibitor screening, and directed evolution.
Author(s): Grossel, A (Grossel, A.); Zeninari, V (Zeninari, V.); Parvitte, B (Parvitte, B.); Joly, L (Joly, L.); Courtois, D
(Courtois, D.)
Title: Optimization of a compact photoacoustic quantum cascade laser spectrometer for atmospheric flux measurements:
application to the detection of methane and nitrous oxide
Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 88 (3): 483-492 AUG 2007
Room temperature (RT) quantum cascade lasers (QCL) are now available even in continuous wave (cw) mode, which is
very promising for in situ gas detectors. Ambient air monitoring requires high sensitivity with robust and simple
apparatus. For that purpose, a compact photoacoustic setup was combined with two cw QCLs to measure ambient
methane and nitrous oxide in the 8 mu m range. The first laser had already been used to calibrate the sensitivity of the
photoacoustic cell and a detection limit of 3 ppb of CH4 with a 1s integration time per point was demonstrated. In situ
monitoring with this laser was difficult because of liquid nitrogen cooling. The second laser is a new RT cw QCL with
lower power, which enabled one to reach a detection limit of 34 ppb of methane in flow. The loss in sensitivity is
mainly due to the weaker power as photoacoustic signal is proportional to light power. The calibration for methane
detection leads to an estimated detection limit of 14 ppb for N2O flux measurements. Various ways of modulation have
been tested. The possibility to monitor ambient air CH4 and N2O at ground level with this PA spectrometer was
demonstrated in flux with these QCLs.
Author(s): Pozniak, KT (Pozniak, Krzysztof T.)
Title: FPGA technology application in a fast measurement and control system for the TESLA superconducting cavity of
a FLASH free electron laser
Source: MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 18 (8): 2336-2347 AUG 2007
Contemporary basic research in physics, biology, chemistry, pharmacology, material technology and other branches
uses methods based on sample penetration (and the effect measurement) with pulsed ultra-short EM waves of very high
beam intensity. This paper is an overview of a free electron laser (FEL) used in such methods. A method for the
stabilization of the EM field in a superconducting 'TESLA' cavity accelerator for electrons is presented. This requires
precise measurements of the field. The SC accelerator is a basic part of the FEL. The given example concerns the
FLASH machine in DESY. The presented, high power EM field stabilization system is based on FPGA circuits with
embedded fast hardware multiplication blocks. Examples of a few families of such new generation practically designed
and constructed system realizations are given. The system is referred to as the SIMCON (from the microwave
superconducting cavity SIMulator and CONtroller). SIMCONs consist of either single-module, multi-module
configurable or multichannel distributed units. The SIMCON system stabilizes the EM field by a very fast feedback
loop with an adaptation process, supplemented with a feed-forward. The following are presented: a parametric hardware
description (firmware) in the form of behavioural VHDL algorithms; implementation results in VirtexIIPro circuits;
examples of measurements of high power EM field stability performed under the nominal conditions of accelerator
Author(s): Mazzetto, MO (Mazzetto, Marcelo O.); Carrasco, TG (Carrasco, Thaise G.); Bidinelo, EF (Bidinelo, Eliana
F.); Pizzo, RCD (Pizzo, Renata C. de Andrade); Mazzetto, RG (Mazzetto, Rafaela G.)
Title: Low intensity laser application in temporomandibular disorders: A phase I double-blind study
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of low intensity laser therapy (LILT) for the control of pain
from temporomandibular disorder (TMD) in a random and double-blind research design. Forty-eight (48) patients
presenting temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain were divided into an experimental group (GI) and a placebo group (GII).
The sample was submitted to the treatment with infrared laser (780 nm, 70 mW, 10 s, 89.7 J/cm(2)) applied in
XIOPM latest Documents Report
continuous mode on the affected temporomandibular region, at one point: inside the external auditive duct toward the
retrodiskal region, twice a week, for four weeks. For the control group, two identical probes (one active and one that
does not emit radiation) were used unknown by the clinician and the subjects. A tip planned for laser acupuncture was
used and connected to the active point of the probe. The parameter evaluated was the intensity of pain after palpation of
the condylar lateral pole, pre-auricular region and external auditive duct, according to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Four evaluations were performed: Ev1 (before laser application), Ev2 (after 4(th) application), Ev3 (after 8(th)
application) and Ev4 (30 days after the last application). Data were submitted to statistical analysis. The results showed
a decrease in the pain level mainly for the active probe. Among the evaluations, the Ev3 exhibited lower sensitivity to
palpation. In conclusion, the results show that low intensity laser is an effective therapy for the pain control of subjects
with TMD.
Author(s): Idris, N (Idris, Nasrullah); Kagawa, K (Kagawa, Kiichiro); Kurniawan, KH (Kurniawan, Koo Hendrik); Lee,
YI (Lee, Yong Inn)
Title: New electrode configuration for measurements of the induced current from a laser plasma and its application to
monitoring laser processing
An electromagnetic phenomenon in terms of the induced current in a laser ablation process has been studied, and its
potential application has been demonstrated. A new electrode configuration for measuring the induced current emerged
due to the interaction between the electric lines of force and the laser-produced plasma has been devised. In this new
electrode configuration, the induced current is detected by employing a circuit of electrodes, supplied with several
hundred DC volts and placed above the sample surface in parallel, which is called the parallel configuration. This
parallel configuration provides a far higher flexibility in comparison with the sandwiched configuration developed in
our previous work. The induced current signal can be detected from various samples of any size, including metals and
nonmetals. We found that the source of the induced current was the outer electrons in the plasma. This induced current
is very useful as a unique monitoring method and promises many applications in laser microprocessing. In this work,
this induced current method was applied for several monitoring purposes in laser material processing, such as for
estimating the ablated amount, monitoring the penetration of a laser beam into processed materials, and determining the
precise tight focusing position of the lens, in real time.
Author(s): Tan, B (Tan, Bo); Venkatakrishnan, K (Venkatakrishnan, Krishnan)
Title: Nd-YAG laser microvia drilling for interconnection application
Interconnect via formation using a diode-pumped solid-state Nd-YAG laser is becoming an important technique for the
high volume manufacturing of microelectronics. However, ablative microvia formation using Nd-YAG lasers suffers
from poor quality at sidewalls and top surface, which affects the subsequent metallization process. In this paper we
examined various parameters to improve the drilling quality. The influence of wavelength (355 nm and 532 nm) on the
machining quality was also studied in detail. A comparative analysis between single-shot and multiple-shot ablation was
tested and discussed at a wavelength of 532 nm.
Author(s): Leconte, Y (Leconte, Y.); Veintemillas-Verdaguer, S (Veintemillas-Verdaguer, S.); Morales, MP (Morales,
M. P.); Costo, R (Costo, R.); Rodriguez, I (Rodriguez, I.); Bonville, P (Bonville, P.); Bouchet-Fabre, B (Bouchet-Fabre,
B.); Herlin-Boime, N (Herlin-Boime, N.)
Title: Continuous production of water dispersible carbon-iron nanocomposites by laser pyrolysis: Application as MRI
Source: JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 313 (2): 511-518 SEP 15 2007
Carbon encapsulated iron/iron-oxide nanoparticles were obtained using laser pyrolysis method. The powders were
processed to produce stable and biocompatible colloidal aqueous dispersions. The synthesis method consisted in the
laser decomposition of an aerosol of ferrocene solution in toluene. This process generated, in a continuous way and in a
single step, a nanocomposite formed by amorphous carbon nanoparticles of 50-100 nm size in which isolated iron based
nanoparticles of 3-10 nm size are located. The effect of using different carriers and additives was explored in order to
improve the efficiency of the process. The samples after purification by solid-liquid extraction with toluene, were
oxidised in concentrated nitric acid solution of sodium chlorate, washed and finally ultrasonically dispersed in 1 mM trisodium citrate solutions. The dispersions obtained have hydrodynamic particle size less than 150 nut and are stable in
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the pH range of 2-11. Finally the shortening of the transversal relaxation time of water protons produced by the
dispersed particles was studied in order to test the feasibility of these systems to be traced by magnetic resonance
imaging techniques. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Crystal Fibres
Author(s): Li, LP (Li, Liping); Li, B (Li, Bin); Tang, F (Tang, Fei)
Title: Influence of flame retardant and glass fibre on non-isothermal crystallisation behaviour of PA66
Source: POLYMERS & POLYMER COMPOSITES, 15 (6): 481-487 2007
The authors studied the influence of melamine polyphosphate flame-retardant (MPP-FR) and glass fibre on the nonisothermal crystallisation behaviour of a polyamide (PA66) by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The glass fibre
reinforced PA66 (PA66/GF) and its reinforced flame retarded equivalent (PA66/GF/FR) were prepared using a twinscrew extruder. The experimental results demonstrated that the MPP-FR increased the crystallisation rate and decreased
the supercooling required for crystallising nucleation. The glass fibres increased the crystallisation rate and the amount
of supercooling.
Avrami analysis showed that the non-isothermal crystallisation of PA66 and its composites followed the Avrami
equation. The activation energy for the transport of macromolecular segments to the growing surface was calculated by
using the Kissinger method based upon DSC data, and the calculated activation energies were 243.5 kJ-mol(-1), 201.1
kJ.mol(-1) and 305.9 kJ.mol(-1) for PA66, PA66/GF and PA66/GF/FR, respectively. The activity of nucleation for GF
and MPP-FR were 0.87 and 0.79 respectively, calculated by Dobreva's method. The results indicate that the MPP-FR
has more effective ability to promote heterogeneous nucleation than GF.
Author(s): Antkowiak, M (Antkowiak, Maciej); Kotynski, R (Kotynski, Rafal); Panajotov, K (Panajotov, Krassimir);
Berghmans, F (Berghmans, Francis); Thienpont, H (Thienpont, Hugo)
Title: Dynamic characteristics of nonlinear Bragg gratings in photonic crystal fibres
Source: OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 39 (4-6): 455-467 MAR 2007
We study numerically the temporal and spatial dynamics of light in Bragg gratings in highly nonlinear photonic crystal
fibre for a CW input signal. Our numerical model is based on the plane wave mode solver and a set of nonlinear
coupled-mode equations which we solve using a variation of implicit fourth order Runge-Kutta method. We observe not
only bistability of the intensity versus transmitted and reflected light but also complex dynamics. We demonstrate that
for values of input intensity above the bistable region the steady state may undergo a supercritical Hopf bifurcation. For
some ranges of the input intensity we also observe a coexistence of two periodic attractors. The dynamics found, in
particular the features in the bifurcation diagram, strongly depend on the parameters of the fibre. Consequently, we
suggest that by proper design of the photonic crystal in the cladding we can adjust such nonlinear features of the Bragg
gratings as the width of the bistable region, the intensity at which the bifurcation occurs and also the characteristics of
the dynamics at high values of input intensity.
Author(s): Butvina, LN (Butvina, L. N.); Sereda, OV (Sereda, O. V.); Dianov, EM (Dianov, E. M.); Lichkova, NV
(Lichkova, N. V.); Zagorodnev, VN (Zagorodnev, V. N.); Sorochenko, VR (Sorochenko, V. R.)
Title: Single-mode crystalline optical fibres for a wavelength of 10.6 mu m
Source: QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 37 (4): 383-384 APR 2007
Single-mode crystalline optical fibres for transmitting the 10.6-mu m CO2 laser radiation with optical losses 4-5 dB m(1) are fabricated for the first time.
Author(s): Esposito, E (Esposito, Elric); Harris, J (Harris, John); Burns, D (Burns, David); McConnell, G (McConnell,
Title: Measurement of white-light supercontinuum beam properties from a photonic crystal fibre using a laser scanning
confocal microscope
Source: MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 18 (8): 2609-2615 AUG 2007
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We report a new non-destructive method for high-resolution measurement and analysis of white-light supercontinuum
source emission properties. We investigate propagation behaviour at multiple wavelengths simultaneously using
confocal laser scanning microscopy. This will include an overview of the experimental geometry used and analysis
methods employed for the measurement of the M-2 value at different spectral regions and an accurate beam waist of the
white-light supercontinuum-based source. With this configuration, we observed that the white-light supercontinuum
output of the PCF possessed M-2 values close to the absolute limit of unity across the visible spectrum, thus confirming
diffraction-limited performance.
Author(s): Chen, MY (Chen, Ming-Yang); Yu, RJ (Yu, Rong-Jin); Zhou, J (Zhou, Jun)
Title: Polarization and leakage properties of rectangular lattice photonic crystal fibres with doped cores
Based on the analysis of birefringence and leakage properties in rectangular lattice photonic crystal fibres (RLPCFs), we
present a simple technique of improving the optical properties of the fibres by the introduction of a doped core. The
advantage of a doped core is firstly investigated by the comparison of the mode profiles of RLPCFs with a pure silica
core, an additional air-hole in the core and a down-doped silica core. The influence of doping level on that of
birefringence and leakage losses of the fibres is also explored. Our numerical simulation indicates, for PCFs with a
anisotropic cladding, increased birefringence and reduced leakage losses can be obtained by a down-doped core. The
proposed technique also has the merit of enlarging the mode field without the reduction of birefringence, therefore,
coupling light to the fibre will become easier.
Author(s): Yatsenko, YP (Yatsenko, Yu P.); Pryamikov, AD (Pryamikov, A. D.)
Title: Parametric frequency conversion in photonic crystal fibres with germanosilicate core
Numerical analysis of dispersion and nonlinear characteristics of photonic crystal fibres (PCFs) with a small number of
hole rings and large (> 20 mol%) concentrations of GeO2 in the core is performed. It is shown that by proper choice of
the fibre design and, in particular, the diameter of a doped core and the GeO2 concentration, it is possible to obtain a
high nonlinearity coefficient simultaneously with the desired dispersion characteristic and to realize efficient parametric
frequency conversion with large Stokes shifts at a pump in the vicinity of 1.1 mu m.
Author(s): Xu, Y (Xu, Y.); Ren, X (Ren, X.); Wang, Z (Wang, Z.); Zhang, X (Zhang, X.); Huang, Y (Huang, Y.)
Title: Flatly broadened supercontinuum generation at 10 Gbit/s using dispersion-flattened photonic crystal fibre with
small normal dispersion
Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 43 (2): 87-88 JAN 18 2007
Supercontinuum generation at 10 Gbit/s using a nonlinear dispersion-flattened photonic crystal fibre is experimentally
demonstrated. The fibre has small normal dispersion with a variation smaller than 1.5 ps nm(-1) km(-1) between 1500
and 1650 nm. The supercontinuum with a flatly broadened spectrum of 92 nm (at 6 dB) in the 1.55 mu m region is
generated by injecting 1545 nm, 1.5 ps optical pulses into an 80 m-long fibre.
Author(s): Hasegawa, H (Hasegawa, H.); Oikawa, Y (Oikawa, Y.); Nakazawa, M (Nakazawa, M.)
Title: 10 Gbit/s 2 km photonic crystal fibre transmission with 850 nm directly modulated singlemode VCSEL
Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 43 (2): 117-119 JAN 18 2007
Described is a 10 Gbit/s transmission at 850 nm realised using a 2 km-long singlemode photonic crystal fibre and a
directly modulated singlemode vertical surface-emitting laser (VCSEL). Power penalty-free transmission was
successfully achieved without an optical amplifier or a modulator.
Author(s): Goschel, U (Goeschel, U.); Lutz, W (Lutz, W.); Davidson, NC (Davidson, N. C.)
Title: The influence of a polymeric nucleating additive on the crystallisation in glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6
Source: COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 67 (11-12): 2606-2615 SEP 2007
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Short glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6 composites compounded with a polymeric nucleating additive based on
polyamide 2.2 of different content (0, 0.1 and 0.2 wt%) and processed by injection moulding have been studied to
characterise the additive effect on the crystallisation kinetics and morphology. Differential scanning calorimetrical and
optical hot stage experiments have shown a significant increase in the overall crystallisation rate as well as the
spherulitic growth, respectively with nucleating additive content. Additionally, the presence of glass fibres is proven to
enhance crystallisation. Atomic force microscopy confirms the existence of a transcrystalline layer in the vicinity of the
glass fibres. The nucleating additives have significantly decreased the spherulitic size from about 15 to 20 mu m
towards less than 5 pm, which leads to an improved fibre-to-matrix contact. Those morphological changes are seen as
the reason for a strong increase in the Martens heat deflection temperature from 145 to 164 degrees C characterising an
improved thermal stability. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nonlinear Optics
Author(s): Yang, G (Yang, Guang); Zhou, Y (Zhou, Youhua); Long, H (Long, Hua); Li, Y (Li, Yuhua); Yang, Y (Yang,
Title: Optical nonlinearities in Ag/BaTiO3 multi-layer nanocomposite films
Source: THIN SOLID FILMS, 515 (20-21): 7926-7929 JUL 31 2007
The multi-layer structure of barium titanate composite thin films containing Ag nanoparticles were grown on MgO (100)
substrates using pulsed laser deposition technique under the nitrogen pressure of 7.4 Pa. The X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy analysis indicated that the samples were composed of metal Ag embedded in the BaTiO3 matrices. The
optical absorption properties were measured from 300 nm to 800 nm, and the absorption peaks due to the surface
plasmon resonance of Ag particles were observed. With the increasing of Ag concentration in composite films, the peak
absorption increased and shifted to longer wavelength (red-shift). Furthermore, the third-order optical nonlinearities of
the films were determined by z-scan method and the nonlinear refractive index, n(2), and nonlinear absorption
coefficient, beta, were determined to be about -1.91x10(-13) m(2)/W and -5.80x10(-7) m/W, respectively. (C) 2007
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Kozlov, NG (Kozlov, N. G.); Bondarev, SL (Bondarev, S. L.); Odnoburtsev, BA (Odnoburtsev, B. A.);
Basalaeva, LI (Basalaeva, L. I.)
Title: Synthesis of arylmethylpyrimidinetriones and pyrimidoquinolinediones with fluorescent and nonlinear-optical
Source: RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY, 80 (7): 1101-1104 JUL 2007
5-Arylmethyl-2,4,6-(1H,3H,5H)pyrimidinetriones and 12-aryl-8,12-dihydrobenzo[f]pyrimido[4,5-b]quinoline-9,11(7H,10H)diones were synthesized, and their spectral-luminescence and nonlinear-optical properties were examined.
Author(s): Manela, O (Manela, Ofer); Segev, M (Segev, Mordechai)
Title: Nonlinear diffractive optical elements
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (17): 10863-10868 AUG 20 2007
We propose diffractive optical elements with a spatially-varying nonlinear refractive index. Such a component acts as a
diffractive optical element whose properties depend on the intensity of the incoming beam. We present a method for
designing such elements, and as specific examples we study three types of nonlinear diffractive optical elements:
Nonlinear Fresnel Zone Plates, Two-foci Nonlinear Fresnel Zone Plates, and Fresnel Zone Plate to Grating interpolator.
(c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Philip, R; Anija, M; Yelleswarapu, CS; Rao, DVGLN
Title: Passive all-optical diode using asymmetric nonlinear absorption
Saturable and reverse saturable absorptions are well-known phenomena, originating from the imaginary component of
the third order nonlinear optical susceptibility. We note that structures with an axially asymmetric nonlinear absorption
can be easily realized from saturable and reverse saturable absorption materials arranged in tandem. In this paper, the
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basic transmission behavior of such a structure is worked out. Detailed numerical simulations demonstrate passive alloptical diode behavior, and the results are verified experimentally. The principle will work for all light polarizations, has
no phase-matching restrictions, and can be extended to a large number of available nonlinear media for possible
Author(s): Jothy, VB (Jothy, V. Bena); Vijayakumar, T (Vijayakumar, T.); Jayakumar, VS (Jayakumar, V. S.);
Udayalekshmi, K (Udayalekshmi, K.); Ramamoorthy, K (Ramamoorthy, K.); Joe, IH (Joe, I. Hubert)
Title: NIR-FT Raman and FT-IR spectral investigations of the nonlinear optical chromophore p-bromoacetanilide
Source: JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, 38 (9): 1148-1158 SEP 2007
Vibrational spectral analysis of the hydrogen-bonded nonlinear optical (NLO) material p-bromo acetanilide (PBA) was
carried out using NIR-FT-Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy. Ab initio molecular orbital computations were performed at
HF/6-31G (d) level to derive equilibrium geometry, vibrational wavenumbers, intensities and first hyperpolarizability.
The lowering of the imino stretching wavenumbers suggests the existence of strong intermolecular N-H center dot
center dot center dot O hydrogen bonding, which was substantiated by the natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis. The
vibrational spectra confirm that the charge-transfer interaction between the -NHCOCH3 group and - Br through phenyl
ring is responsible for simultaneous strong IR and Raman activation of the ring mode 8a. Vibrational analysis indicates
that the lowering of stretching wavenumbers of methyl group due to electronic effects simultaneously caused by
induction and hyperconjugation is due to the presence of the oxygen atom. The presence of blue-shifting H-bonds of CH
stretching wavenumbers, simultaneous activation of carbonyl stretching mode, the strong activity of low-wavenumber
H-bond stretching vibrations and the role of intramolecular charge transfer in making the molecule NLO active have
been analyzed on the basis of the vibrational spectral features. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Author(s): An, H (An, H.); Fleming, S (Fleming, S.)
Title: Effect of annealing on creation of second-order nonlinearity in twin-hole optical fibre of pure silica
Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 43 (17): 913-914 AUG 16 2007
The effect of thermal pre-annealing on the creation of second-order nonlinearity in a pure twin-hole optical fibre
thermally poled at 3.5 kV and 280 degrees C for 30 min has been investigated. In unannealed as-drawn fibres, a SON of
similar to 0. 18 pm/V was induced at the core-cladding interface. The induced SON showed little polarisation
dependence. In fibres pre-annealed at 400 degrees C for 3 h, the induced SON was smaller, decreasing to similar to 0.09
pm/V in magnitude. In fibres pre-annealed at 800 degrees C for 3 h, no detectable SON was found at the core-cladding
interface. Electron-migration along connected existing defects at the core-cladding interface was postulated to be
responsible for the frozen-in space-charge field that generated the effective SON observed. Thermal annealing is
proposed to have caused defect-annihilation, which resulted in a smaller SON.
Author(s): Wang, J (Wang, J.); Sun, J (Sun, J.); Sun, Q (Sun, Q.); Wang, D (Wang, D.); Zhou, M (Zhou, M.); Zhang, X
(Zhang, X.); Huang, D (Huang, D.); Fejer, MM (Fejer, M. M.)
Title: Dual-channel-output all-optical logic AND gate at 20 Gbit/s based on cascaded second-order nonlinearity in
PPLN waveguide
Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 43 (17): 940-942 AUG 16 2007
Proposed and demonstrated is a novel scheme of a dual-channel-output all-optical logic AND gate. Using cascaded
sum- and difference-frequency generation in a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide, 20 Gbit/s logic
AND operation with dual-channel outputs is successfully observed in the experiment.
Author(s): Ma, Y (Ma, Y.); Shieh, W (Shieh, W.); Yi, X (Yi, X.)
Title: Characterisation of nonlinearity performance for coherent optical OFDM signals under influence of PMD
Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 43 (17): 943-945 AUG 16 2007
The first experiment of polarisation-mode dispersion (PMD) impact on fibre nonlinearity in coherent optical OFDM
(CO-OFDM) systems is reported. The optimal Q value at 10.7 Gbit/s has been improved by I dB after introduction of
differential group delay (DGD) of 900 ps.
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Author(s): Luis, JM (Luis, Josep M.); Torrent-Sucarrat, M (Torrent-Sucarrat, Miquel); Christiansen, O (Christiansen,
Ove); Kirtman, B (Kirtman, Bernard)
Title: Variational calculation of static and dynamic vibrational nonlinear optical properties - art. no. 084118
Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 127 (8): 84118-84118 AUG 28 2007
The vibrational configuration interaction method used to obtain static vibrational (hyper)polarizabilities is extended to
dynamic nonlinear optical properties in the infinite optical frequency approximation. Illustrative calculations are carried
out on H2O and NH3. The former molecule is weakly anharmonic while the latter contains a strongly anharmonic
umbrella mode. The effect on vibrational (hyper)polarizabilities due to various truncations of the potential energy and
property surfaces involved in the calculation are examined.(C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Ohnishi, SI (Ohnishi, Shin-ichi); Orimoto, Y (Orimoto, Yuuichi); Gu, FL (Gu, Feng Long); Aoki, Y (Aoki,
Title: Nonlinear optical properties of polydiacetylene with donor-acceptor substitution block - art. no. 084702
Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 127 (8): 84702-84702 AUG 28 2007
The elongation finite-field (elongation-FF) method is applied to donor/acceptor substituted polydiacetylenes (PDAs) for
the estimation of substituent effects on nonlinear optical (NLO) properties. The first hyperpolarizability (beta) and the
second hyperpolarizability (gamma) of PDA with separated donor and acceptor substitution blocks have much larger
values than those of the other substituted PDAs. For the PDAs with donor and acceptor substitution blocks, the
relationship between the NLO properties and the block period is examined. It is shown, from the local density of states,
that gamma of a system with a quantum well structure has a maximum value at a certain block size. This indicates that
by tuning the size of proper block it is possible to achieve the largest gamma value in block polymers. Furthermore, the
through-space/bond interaction analysis is performed to examine the pi-conjugation effects on the NLO properties for
particular substituted PDA. It is demonstrated by our quantitative analysis that beta is affected by electron transfers in
the molecule, and the quantum well structure is critical for gamma improvement. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Sigmundova, I (Sigmundova, Ivica); Zahradnik, P (Zahradnik, Pavol); Loos, D (Loos, Dusan)
Title: Synthesis and study of novel benzothiazole derivatives with potential nonlinear optical properties
The synthesis of new benzothiazole push-pull systems as candidates for NLO-phores is described. Spectral ( UV/VIS
and solvatochromic) and theoretical studies ( electronic properties based on semiempirical AM1 and PM3 methods) of
the prepared compounds were carried out. The structure and physico-chemical parameters affecting the push-pull
character and intramolecular charge transfer ( ICT) of the studied compounds have been investigated and compounds
with enhanced hyperpolarizability beta have been predicted. The benzothiazolium salts were found to be much more
effective NLO-phores in comparison with the corresponding neutral benzothiazoles. The 4-NPh2 group is the most
effective donor. The extension of conjugated bridge improves the studied NLO characteristics. An additional acceptor
group bonded to the heterocycle causes a red shift of lambda(max) but does not increase hyperpolarizability.
Author(s): Xie, RS (Xie Ru-Sheng); Fan, WB (Fan Wen-Bin); Lu, M (Lu Ming); Zhao, YY (Zhao You-Yuan)
Title: Orientation-enhanced nonlinear optical properties and phase-conjugate reflective system of a novel Azobenzene
doped polymer film
Source: CHINESE PHYSICS, 16 (9): 2725-2730 SEP 2007
This paper reports that the nonlinear refractive index of a novel organic optical storage film doped azodiphenylamine
polymer is measured by using the Z-scan technique. The nonlinear refractive index up to 3.7 x 10(-6) CM2/W induced
by thermo-optical effect is obtained. It indicates that the sample has excellent optical nonlinear properties. The physical
mechanism of the great nonlinear optical effect is analysed and the optical conjugate characteristic is also discussed with
degenerate four-wave-mixing. The phase conjugate wave diffracted from the formative refractive index grating in the
sample is acquired and its equivalent reflectivity reaches about 22%. On this basis, the reflective wave phase-conjugated
mirror system was designed, and the image aberration experienced in propagation in the storage experiment is corrected
by using the system.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Author(s): Sivaramakrishnan, S (Sivaramakrishnan, S.); Muthukumar, VS (Muthukumar, V. S.); Sai, SS (Sai, S.
Sivasankara); Venkataramaniah, K (Venkataramaniah, K.); Reppert, J (Reppert, Jason); Rao, AM (Rao, Apparao M.);
Anija, M (Anija, M.); Philip, R (Philip, Reji); Kuthirummal, N (Kuthirummal, Narayanan)
Title: Nonlinear optical scattering and absorption in bismuth nanorod suspensions - art. no. 093104
Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 91 (9): 93104-93104 AUG 27 2007
The authors present the results of optical limiting measurements of similar to 10 nm wide bismuth nanorods suspended
in chloroform. Their Z-scan measurements reveal that optical limiting under 532 nm excitation stems from a strong
nonlinear scattering (NLS) subsequent to nonlinear absorption (NLA) by suspension. On the other hand, the optical
limiting is entirely due to NLA when excited with 1064 nm excitation in the nanosecond regime. The occurrence of
NLS at one wavelength and absence at another is unusual, especially when compared to the behavior of carbon
nanotubes under similar conditions, in which NLS is dominant at both wavelengths.
Author(s): Mathews, SJ (Mathews, S. J.); Kumar, SC (Kumar, S. Chaitanya); Giribabu, L (Giribabu, L.); Rao, SV (Rao,
S. Venugopal)
Title: Nonlinear optical and optical limiting properties of phthalocyanines in solution and thin films of PMMA at 633
nm studied using a cw laser
Source: MATERIALS LETTERS, 61 (22): 4426-4431 SEP 2007
We present our results on nonlinear optical (NLO) and optical limiting properties of Tetra tert-butyl phthalocyanine and
Zinc tetra tert-butyl phthalocyanine studied at 633 nm using a continuous wave laser. We have evaluated the sign and
magnitude of the third-order nonlinearity from the closed aperture Z-scan data while the nonlinear absorption properties
were assessed using the open aperture data. We have observed low power optical limiting, with low limiting thresholds,
based on nonlinear refraction in both the samples. We also present results on the NLO properties of the same dyes
doped in Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). These studies indicate that both the phthalocyanines are potential
candidates for low power optical limiting applications. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.
Author(s): Arora, P (Arora, Poonam); Petrov, V (Petrov, Victor); Potter, J (Potter, Juergen); Tschudi, T (Tschudi, Theo)
Title: Nonlinear properties of an integrated optical filter based on photorefractive gratings in LiNbO3
Source: FREQUENZ, 61 (5-6): 116-119 MAY-JUN 2007
The nonlinear properties of an integrated optical filter based on a photorefractive volume holographic grating in LiNbO3
has been investigated. The spectral response of the filter has been measured for the first three nonlinear spatial
harmonics of the photorefractive grating. The dependence of a Bragg wavelength shift on the order of nonlinearity is
reported, which should be considered for applications based on photorefractive gratings such as optical filters.
Author(s): Shin, H (Shin, Heedeuk); Chang, HJ (Chang, Hye Jeong); Boyd, RW (Boyd, Robert W.); Choi, MR (Choi, M.
R.); Jo, W (Jo, W.)
Title: Large nonlinear optical response of polycrystalline Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 ferroelectric thin films on quartz
Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 32 (16): 2453-2455 AUG 15 2007
We measure the nonlinear susceptibility of Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 (BLT) thin films grown on quartz substrates using the
Z-scan technique with picosecond laser pulses at a wavelength of 532 run. The third-order nonlinear refractive index
coefficient gamma and absorption coefficient beta of the BLT thin film are 3.1 x 10(-10) cm(2)/W and 3 x 10(-5) cm/W,
respectively, which are much larger than those of most ferroelectric films. The results show that the BLT thin films on
quartz substrates are good candidate materials for applications in nonlinear optical devices. (C) 2007 Optical Society of
Author(s): Wang, J (Wang, Jian); Sun, JQ (Sun, Junqiang); Sun, QZ (Sun, Qizhen); Wang, DL (Wang, Dalin); Zhou,
MJ (Zhou, Minjuan); Zhang, XF (Zhang, Xinfiang); Huang, DX (Huang, Dexiu); Fejer, MM (Fejer, M. M.)
Title: Experimental observation of all-optical non-return-to-zero-to-return-to-zero format conversion based on cascaded
second-order nonlinearity assisted by active mode-locking
Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 32 (16): 2462-2464 AUG 15 2007
XIOPM latest Documents Report
We report the experimental demonstration of all-optical format conversion by exploiting the cascaded second-harmonic
generation and difference-frequency generation (cSHG/DFG) in a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide
assisted by the reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA)-based active mode-locking. 10 and 20 Gbit/s format
conversions from non-return-to-zero (NRZ) to return-to-zero (RZ) are successfully observed. Two schemes with either
the NRZ signal or the pump optical clock set at the quasi-phase matching (QPM) wavelength are both verified in the
experiment. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Zhu, Y (Zhu, Yan); Zhu, YZ (Zhu, Yi-Zhou); Song, HB (Song, Hai-Bin); Zheng, JY (Zheng, Jian-Yu); Liu,
ZB (Liu, Zhi-Bo); Tian, JG (Tian, Jian-Guo)
Title: Synthesis and crystal structure of 21,23-dithiaporphyrins and their nonlinear optical activities
Source: TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, 48 (32): 5687-5691 AUG 6 2007
A series of novel 21,23-dithiaporphyrins have been synthesized and determination of their optical nonlinearities
demonstrated that they have much larger nonlinear refractive cross section than normal porphyrins and exhibit reverse
saturable absorption. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Zhang, ZX (Zhang, Z. X.); Li, Y (Li, Y.); Li, KC (Li, K. C.); Song, WD (Song, W. D.); Wang, C (Wang, C.);
Pan, LY (Pan, L. Y.)
Title: Synthesis, structure and third-order nonlinear optical properties of a iodoargentate(I) cluster polymer of
Source: POLISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 81 (7): 1313-1320 JUL 2007
A polynuclear silver(I) cluster polymer [(Et4N)(Ag2I3)](n) 1 with iodo-bridging ligands has been prepared by lowtemperature solid-state reaction. Single crystal X-ray analyses reveal that compound 1 possesses a new type of onedimensional (1-D) structure. The cluster anion of the title compound can be described as polymeric chain with [Ag2I2]
plane. This cluster polymer shows nice third-order nonlinear optical (NLO) absorption and refraction with absorption
coefficient alpha(2) = 9.1x10(-11) m center dot w(-1) and refractive index n(2) = -3.4x10(-17) m(2)center dot w(-1) in a
2.6x10(-4) mol center dot dm(-3) DMF solution.
Author(s): Alatas, H (Alatas, Husin)
Title: Combined solitons in generalized coupled mode equations of a nonlinear optical Bragg grating - art. no. 023801
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 76 (2): 3801-3801 AUG 2007
We discuss the existence of combined dark and antidark soliton forms or combined solitons in the generalized coupled
mode equations of a nonlinear optical Bragg grating. These solitons are not allowed in the conventional coupled mode
equations with uniform nonlinearity and exist outside the linear grating band gap. Their related Hamiltonian phase
portrait was briefly reported by de Sterke [Phys. Rev. E 54, 1969 (1996)]. The explicit expressions for the
corresponding solitons are presented, as well as their bifurcation process. We demonstrate the unstable propagation of
perturbed combined solitons with zero velocity by means of direct numerical integration.
Space Optical System
Author(s): Hadipour, A; de Boer, B; Blom, PWM
Title: Solution-processed organic tandem solar cells with embedded optical spacers
We demonstrate a solution-processed polymer tandem solar cell in which the two photoactive single cells are separated
by an optical spacer. The use of an optical spacer allows for an independent optimization of both the electronic and
optical properties of the tandem cell. The optical transmission window of the bottom cell is optimized to match the
optical absorption of the top cell by varying the layer thickness of the optical spacer. The two bulk heterojunction
subcells have complementary absorption maxima at max 850 nm for the top cell and max 550 nm for the bottom cell.
The subcells are electronically coupled in series or in parallel using four electrical contacts. The series configuration
leads to an open-circuit voltage of 1 V, which is equal to the sum of both subcells. The parallel configuration leads to a
XIOPM latest Documents Report
high short-circuit current of 92 A m2, which is equal to the sum of both subcells. The parallel configuration results in a
much higher efficiency compared to the series configuration.
Author(s): Rokkas, T (Rokkas, Theodore); Kamalakis, T (Kamalakis, Thomas); Katsianis, D (Katsianis, Dimitris);
Varoutas, D (Varoutas, Dimitris); Sphicopoulos, T (Sphicopoulos, Thomas)
Title: Business prospects of wide-scale deployment of free space optical technology as a last-mile solution: a technoeconomic evaluation
Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, 6 (7): 860-870 JUL 2 2007
A technoeconomic evaluation of the business prospects of a wide-scale deployment of free space optical (FSO)
technology as a last-mile solution is carried out. The evaluation is based on a technoeconomic tool that taking into
account network topology, area characteristics, service demand, and price evolution forecasts, estimates key economic
figures-of-merit. It is shown that FSO technology could provide a viable alternative in situations where the duct
availability is limited, and fiber-to-the-home/office or fiber-to-the-cabinet scenarios have negative or less favorable
business prospects. Hybrid fiber/FSO scenarios are also investigated taking into account different FSO coverage
conditions. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Wei, AC (Wei, An-Chi); Gruber, M (Gruber, Matthias); Jarczynski, M (Jarczynski, Manfred); Jahns, J (Jahns,
JUrgen); Shieh, HPD (Shieh, Han-Ping D.)
Title: Plastic planar-integrated free-space optical interconnector
The planar integration of free-space optical (PIFSO) systems on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) substrates was
demonstrated using an example of a fiber-to-free-space-to-fiber interconnector module. This plastic module was
designed to accommodate standard mechanically-tran sferable-(MT-) connected fiber cables and contained a set of two
nested refractive imaging lenses, one of which was used as an off-axis lens. In our experiment, an average coupling
efficiency of -4.4 dB and a crosstalk suppression larger than 33 d13 were measured. The perfortnance, fabrication
tolerances, and operation conditions of this interconnector module as well as the general benefits of plastic materials for
the PIFSO systems were discussed.
Author(s): Stavitski, E (Stavitski, Eli); Kox, MHF (Kox, Marianne H. F.); Weckhuysen, BM (Weckhuysen, Bert M.)
Title: Revealing shape selectivity and catalytic activity trends within the pores of H-ZSM-5 crystals by time- and spaceresolved optical and fluorescence microspectroscopy
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 13 (25): 7057-7065 2007
A combination of in-situ optical and fluorescence microspectroscopy has been employed to investigate the
oligomerization of styrene derivatives occurring in the micropores of coffin-shaped H-ZSM-5 zeolite crystals in a spaceand time-resolved manner. The carbocationic intermediates in this reaction act as reporter molecules for catalytic
activity, since they exhibit strong optical absorption and fluorescence. In this way, reactant selectivity and restricted
transition-state selectivity for 14 substituted styrene molecules can be visualized and quantified. Based on a thorough
analysis of the time- and space-resolved UV/Vis spectra, it has been revealed that two main parameters affect the
reaction rates, namely, the carbocation stabilization effect and the diffusion hindrance. The stabilization effect was
tested by comparison of the reaction rates for 4-methoxystyrene versus 4-methylstyrene and in the series 4-bromo-, 4chloro and 4-fluorostyrene; in both cases less electronegative substituents were found to accelerate the reaction. As to
the steric effect, bulkier chemical groups bring down the reaction rate, as evident from the observation that 4methoxystyrene is more reactive than 4-ethoxystyrene due to differences in their diffusivity, while heavily substituted
styrenes, such as 3,4-dichlorostyrene and 2,3,4,5,6pent afluorostyren e, cannot enter the zeolite pore system and
therefore do not display any reactivity. Furthermore, P-methoxystyrene and trans-p-methylstyrene show limited
reactivity as well as restricted reaction-product formation due to steric constraints imposed by the H-ZSM-5 channel
system. Finally, polarized-light optical microspectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy demonstrate that dimeric
styrene compounds are predominantly formed and aligned within the straight channels at the edges of the crystals,
whereas a large fraction of trimeric carbocations along with dimeric compounds are present in the straight channels of
the main body of the H-ZSM-5 crystals. Our results reinforce the observation of a non-uniform catalytic behavior within
zeolite crystals, with specific parts of the zeolite grains being less accessible and reactive towards reactant molecules.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
The prospects and potential of this combined in-situ approach for studying large zeolite crystals in the act will be
Author(s): Premaratne, M (Premaratne, M.); Zheng, FC (Zheng, F.-C.)
Title: Orthogonal space-time block codes for free-space IM/DD optical links
Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 43 (15): 822-823 JUL 19 2007
Use of orthogonal space-time block codes (STBCs) with multiple transmitters and receivers can improve signal quality.
However, in optical intensity modulated signals, output of the transmitter is non-negative and hence standard orthogonal
STBC schemes need to be modified. A generalised framework for applying orthogonal STBCs for free-space IM/DD
optical links is presented.
Author(s): Alon, OE (Alon, Ofir E.); Streltsov, AI (Streltsov, Alexej I.); Cederbaum, LS (Cederbaum, Lorenz S.)
Title: Multiorbital mean-field approach for bosons, spinor bosons, and Bose-Bose and Bose-Fermi mixtures in realspace optical lattices
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 76 (1): U1138-U1146 JUL 2007
Cold atoms in optical lattices are described in real space by the multiorbital mean-field approach. We consider four
typical systems: (i) spinless identical bosons, (ii) spinor identical bosons, (iii) Bose-Bose mixtures, and (iv) Bose-Fermi
mixtures, and derive in each case the corresponding multiorbital mean-field energy functional and working equations.
The general equations as well as those obtained by explicitly utilizing the translational symmetry of lattices are
presented. We discuss the effects of particle-particle interactions and translational symmetry on properties of the
Author(s): Lubecke, VM (Lubecke, Victor M.); Pardo, F (Pardo, Flavio); Lifton, VA (Lifton, Victor A.)
Title: Polyimide spacers for flip-chip optical MEMS
Multichip integration provides an attractive means to overcome space limitations for large-port-count optical
microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) routing systems by allowing actuation and control wiring to be fabricated
separately on one chip and then attached beneath a second chip that is populated with a densely packed mirror array. In
such systems, vertical as well as horizontal chip alignment is critical when a large but very uniform separation must be
maintained across the extent of the array. A technique for creating a structure that simultaneously provides accurate
large-gap spacing and acts as a chip-bonding agent is presented here. Specialized processing of an 80-mu m-thick
photoimaged polyimide structure for bonding mirror and electrode chips for a 1296-mirror array is described, along with
measurements of height uniformity within +/-1% and structure characterization demonstrating suitability for production
and long-term stability. The process parameters and simplicity of the technique make it suitable for a wide range of
applications where MEMS must be integrated with electronic control circuitry.
Author(s): Selfridge, RH (Selfridge, Richard H.); Schultz, SM (Schultz, Stephen M.); Hawkins, AR (Hawkins, Aaron R.)
Title: Free-space optical link as a model undergraduate design project
Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, 50 (3): 208-215 AUG 2007
An undergraduate design project is described in which a free-space optical communications link is constructed. The
interest and motivation for the students is achieved by using a visible laser and constructing a complete system by using
the digital output of a CD/DVD player and an audio receiver to transmit music over the free-space link. In addition to
providing a high-level technical experience, the project also teaches multi-disciplinary teamwork and emulates a real
working environment; it is relatively low cost, divisible into modules, and adaptable. An overview of the project is
included with representative designs and information.
Author(s): Li, ZA (Li, Zhong an); Li, PC (Li, Pengcheng); Dong, SC (Dong, Shoucheng); Zhu, Z (Zhu, Zhichao); Li, Q
(Li, Qianqian); Zeng, Q (Zeng, Qi); Li, Z (Li, Zhen); Ye, C (Ye, Cheng); Qin, J (Qin, Jingui)
Title: Controlling nonlinear optical effects of polyurethanes by adjusting isolation spacers through facile postfunctional
polymer reactions
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Source: POLYMER, 48 (13): 3650-3657 JUN 15 2007
With the aim to control nonlinear optical (NLO) effects of polyurethanes, especially to efficiently translate the fixed mu
beta values of the organic chromophore to possibly higher macroscopic NLO activities of polymers, a facile synthetic
strategy, consisting of the postazo coupling and esterification reactions, was developed to prepare a series of secondorder nonlinear optical polyurethanes (P2-P5). And in the polymers, different isolation groups were introduced to the
sulfonyl-based chromophore moieties at the acceptor side. Thus, polyurethane P1 containing aniline groups was
obtained from the copolymerization of 2,4-toluenediisocyanate (TDI) and N,N-2-(2-hydroxyethyl) aniline directly; then
a postazo coupling reaction of p-(2-hydroxyethyl)sulfonylbenzenediazonium fluoroborate toward the aniline ring
afforded the sulfonyl-based chromphore-functionalized polyurethane P2, which underwent the subsequent esterification
reactions between the hydroxyl groups in P2 and different organic acids to link different isolation spacers (changing
from small groups to much larger ones such as carbazolyl groups), to the chromophore moieties at the acceptor side, to
yield polyurethanes P3, P4 and P5. The polymers exhibit good solubility in common organic solvents and are thermally
stable. The maximum absorption appeared at about 436 nm with a cutoff at ca. 570 nm, resulting in a wider
transparency window. The tested NLO properties demonstrate that the resonant d(33) Values of polymers could be
improved about 1.5 times by attaching isolation spacers with suitable bulkiness. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Author(s): Kim, JK (Kim, Jun Ki); Jung, YM (Jung, Yongmin); Lee, BH (Lee, Byeong Ha); Oh, K (Oh, Kyunghwan);
Chun, C (Chun, Chaemin); Kim, D (Kim, Dongyu)
Title: Optical phase-front inscription over optical fiber end for flexible control of beam propagation and beam pattern in
free space
Source: OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY, 13 (3): 240-245 JUL 2007
We report a novel compact all-fiber technique to control the beam propagation and beam pattern in free space. By
coating an azo-polymer thin film layer on the optical fiber end surface, various surface relief grating (SRG) structures
were inscribed over the film using a single step direct exposure of interference patterns to form a novel
organic/inorganic composite fiber optics beam shape converter. The linear and concentric SRGs were experimental
characterized along with numerical simulations. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Kawatsuki, N (Kawatsuki, Nobuhiro); Tsutsumi, R (Tsutsumi, Ryoji); Takatsuka, H (Takatsuka, Hirofumi);
Sakai, T (Sakai, Takeya)
Title: Influence of alkylene spacer length on thermal enhancement of photoinduced optical anisotropy in photo-crosslinkable liquid crystalline polymeric films and their composites with non-liquid-crystalline monomers
Source: MACROMOLECULES, 40 (17): 6355-6360 AUG 21 2007
Thermally enhanced photoinduced reorientation in a photo-cross-linkable liquid crystalline polymethacrylate comprised
of 4-(omega-cinnamoyloxyalkyloxy)biphenyl side groups is investigated by irradiating with linearly polarized
ultraviolet (LPUV) light and subsequent annealing at elevated temperatures. An odd-even effect of the alkylene spacer
length between the cinnamate end group and biphenyl group on the transition temperatures of the polymer,
photoinduced optical anisotropy, and thermal amplification of the in-plane molecular reorientation of thin films are
observed. Because of the higher straight-line characteristics of the mesogenic side groups with an odd number alkylene
spacer, the axis-selectivity of the anisotropic photoreaction of the photoreactive groups is greater than that with an even
number, which leads to a larger photoinduced optical anisotropy and effective molecular reorientation. Finally, the
cooperative reorientation in composites of the polymer and nonliquid crystalline monomer is explored to amplify the
reorientational order of the film. The resultant reoriented composite film exhibits an in-plane order parameter of 0.52
and birefringence at 633 nm of 0.15.
Author(s): Yuan, XC (Yuan, X.-C.); Ahluwalia, BPS (Ahluwalia, B. P. S.); Chen, HL (Chen, H. L.); Bu, J (Bu, J.); Lin,
J (Lin, J.); Burge, RE (Burge, R. E.); Peng, X (Peng, X.); Niu, HB (Niu, H. B.)
Title: Generation of high-quality optical vortex beams in free-space propagation by microfabricated wedge with spatial
filtering technique - art. no. 051103
Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 91 (5): 51103-51103 JUL 30 2007
The authors propose a low-pass 2f spatial filter for improving optical vortex beams in terms of circular geometry
generated by a microfabricated wedge in free space. Compared with a conventional wedge, they are able to realize high-
XIOPM latest Documents Report
quality vortex beams with Q value close to 1 in free-space propagation. Physical mechanism behind the technique is
found that it removes the diffraction artifacts as well as higher spatial frequency components of the quasivortex beams
based on a wedge and hence the filtered beam is reconstructed with minimized distortions. (c) 2007 American Institute
of Physics.
Author(s): Petrov, MP (Petrov, M. P.); Bryksin, VV (Bryksin, V. V.); Lemmer, M (Lemmer, M.); Hilling, B (Hilling,
B.); Wohlecke, M (Woehlecke, M.); Imlau, M (Imlau, M.)
Title: Interactions of optically generated space-charge waves with magnetic fields in semi-insulating InP : Fe single
crystals - art. no. 033202
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 76 (3): 3202-3202 JUL 2007
We report on the interaction of optically generated space-charge waves (SCWs) with magnetic fields with
semiinsulating InP:Fe single crystals as an example. Variations of the SCW amplitude as a function of the applied
magnetic field are revealed and uncover a quadratic dependence. The phenomenon strongly depends on the magnetic
field direction. These results give strong evidence for a major contribution of the magnetoresistance to the discovered
effect. Hence, SCW measurements in a magnetic field provide a precise tool for investigations of the magnetoresistance.
Key advantages for purposes of material analysis are discussed.
Imaging Spectrometry
Author(s): Brancalion, ML (Brancalion, Marcel Luis); Sabadini, E (Sabadini, Edvaldo); Arruda, MAZ (Arruda, Marco
Aurelio Zezzi)
Title: Description of the thermospray formed at low flow rate in thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption
Spectrometry based on high-speed images
Source: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 79 (17): 6527-6533 SEP 1 2007
The mechanism of the thermospray formed at low flow rates using a peristaltic pump in thermospray flame furnace
atomic absorption spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) is described here for the first time. The study was based on magnified
images of the thermospray formed inside the hot tube furnace by using a high-speed CMOS camera. For this purpose
different image acquisition speeds were used (from 1000 to 18000 frames/s), revealing that the thermospray obtained
under such conditions is quite different from those already reported. The frames of the thermospray evolution indicate
that the Leindenfrost effect plays an important role and allow us to propose a mechanism for its formation. The analysis
of the images contributed to calculation of parameters related to thermospray formation, such as pulse incidence average
(110 +/- 10, 320 +/- 50, and 1200 +/- 150 pulses per second) and pulse speed (6 +/- 1, 10 +/- 1, and 14 +/- 2 m s(-1)) for
0.1, 0.4, and 1.0 mL min(-1) flow rate, respectively, for both parameters. Additionally, the evaporation constant (lambda)
of 10(-4) m(2) s(-1) was estimated, and the present thermospray was correlated to the conventional sprays using the
Sauter mean diameter (SMD) parameter, which ranged from ca. 2 to 44 mu m. In order to correlate the information
obtained through images with analytical parameters employing the thermospray, the sensitivities for cadmium
determination at each condition (0.12, 0.11, and 0.069 s L mu g(-1) for 0.1, 0.4, and 1.0 mL min(-1) flow rate,
respectively) were taken into account.
Author(s): Baluya, DL (Baluya, Dodge L.); Garrett, TJ (Garrett, Timothy J.); Yost, RA (Yost, Richard A.)
Title: Automated MALDI matrix deposition method with inkjet printing for imaging mass spectrometry
Source: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 79 (17): 6862-6867 SEP 1 2007
Careful matrix deposition on tissue samples for matrixassisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) is critical for
producing reproducible analyte ion signals. Traditional methods for matrix deposition are often considered an art rather
than a science, with significant sample-to-sample variability. Here we report an automated method for matrix deposition,
employing a desktop inkjet printer (<$200) with 5760 x 1440 dpi resolution and a six-channel piezoelectric head that
delivers 3 pL/drop. The inkjet printer tray, designed to hold CDs and DVDs, was modified to hold microscope slides.
Empty ink cartridges were filled with MALDI matrix solutions, including DHB in methanol/water (70:30) at
concentrations up to 40 mg/ mL. Various samples (including rat brain tissue sections and standards of small drug
molecules) were prepared using three deposition methods (electrospray, airbrush, inkjet). A linear ion trap equipped
with an intermediate-pressure MALDI source was used for analyses. Optical microscopic examination showed that
matrix crystals were formed evenly across the sample. There was minimal background signal after storing the matrix in
XIOPM latest Documents Report
the cartridges over a 6-month period. Overall, the mass spectral images gathered from inkjet-printed tissue specimens
were of better quality and more reproducible than from specimens prepared by the electrospray and airbrush methods.
Author(s): Yin, SM (Yin Shi-Min); Bin, XL (Xiangli Bin); Zhou, JS (Zhou Jin-Song); Min, H (Huang Min)
Title: Real-time data processing of interferential imaging spectrometer based on FPGA
Based on the data processing technologies of interferential spectrometer, a sort of real-time data processing system on
chip of interferential imaging spectrometer was studied based on large capacitance and high speed field programmable
gate array( FPGA) device. The system integrates both interferograrn sampling and spectrum rebuilding on a single chip
of FPGA and makes them being accomplished in real-time with advantages such as small cubage, fast speed and high
reliability. It establishes a good technical foundation in the applications of imaging spectrometer on target detection and
recognition in real-time.
Author(s): Prumper, G (Pruemper, G.); Fukuzawa, H (Fukuzawa, H.); Lischke, T (Lischke, T.); Ueda, K (Ueda, K.)
Title: Combining high mass resolution and velocity imaging in a time-of-flight ion spectrometer using pulsed fields and
an electrostatic lens - art. no. 083104
Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 78 (8): 83104-83104 AUG 2007
We describe a momentum resolving time-of-flight ion mass spectrometer that combines a high mass resolution, a
velocity focusing condition for improved momentum resolution, and field-free conditions in the source region for high
resolution electron detection. It is used in electron-ion coincidence experiments to record multiple ionic fragments
produced in breakup reactions of small to medium sized molecules, such as F3SiCH2CH2Si(CH3)(3). These breakup
reactions are caused by soft x rays or intense laser fields. The ion spectrometer uses pulsed extraction fields, an
electrostatic lens, and a delay line detector to resolve the position. Additionally, we describe a simple analytical method
for calculating the momentum from the measured hit position and the time of flight of the ions. (c) 2007 American
Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Becker, JS (Becker, J. S.); Matusch, A (Matusch, A.); Depboylu, C (Depboylu, C.); Dobrowolska, J
(Dobrowolska, J.); Zoriy, MV (Zoriy, M. V.)
Title: Quantitative imaging of selenium, copper, and zinc in thin sections of biological tissues (Slugs-Genus arion)
measured by laser ablation inductively coupled of plasma mass spectrometry
Source: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 79 (16): 6074-6080 AUG 15 2007
Quantitative imaging analysis of endogenous an exogenous elements throughout entire organisms is required for studies
of bioavailability, transport processes, distribution, contamination and to monitor environmental risks using indicator
organisms. An imaging mass spectrometric technique using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (IA-ICPMS) was developed to analyze selenium and metal distributions in longitudinal sections (thickness,
100,mu m) of entire slugs (genus arion). Slugs were fed with either a placebo or solutions containing 1000 mu g mL(-1)
Se. Samples (raster area, 25 mm x 45 mm) were scanned together with synthetic matrix-matched standards with a
focused beam of a Nd:YAG laser (wavelength, 266 nm; diameter of laser crater, 50 mu m; laser power density, 3 x 10(9)
W cm(-2)) in a large laser ablation chamber. The ablated material was transported with argon as carrier gas to the ICP
ion source at a double focusing sector field ICPMS. Ion intensities of selenium (Se-78(+), Se-82(+)) were measured
together with C-13(+), Cu-63(+), and Zn-64(+) within the entire tissue section. The regression coefficient of the
calibration curve was 0.998. Inhomogeneous distributions for Se but also for C, Cu, and Zn were found. Selenium was
enriched in the kidney (150 mu g g(-1) in Se-treated animals versus 15 mu g g(-1) in the placebo-treated animal,
respectively) and in the digestive gland (200 mu g g(-1) versus 25 mu g g(-1)). Highest Se concentrations were detected
in the gut of Se-treated slugs (250 mu g g(-1)), and additional Se occurred in the skin of these animals. Cu was enriched
in the heart and the mucous ventral skin. Interestingly, in addition to the localization in the digestive gland, Zn was
detected only in the dorsal skin but not the ventral skin. The developed analytical technique allows the quantitative
imaging of selenium together with selected metals in thin sections of biological tissue with limits of detection at the
submicrogram per gram range.
Author(s): Rolles, D (Rolles, D.); Pesic, ZD (Pesic, Z. D.); Perri, M (Perri, M.); Bilodeau, RC (Bilodeau, R. C.);
Ackerman, GD (Ackerman, G. D.); Rude, BS (Rude, B. S.); Kilcovne, ALD (Kilcovne, A. L. D.); Bozek, JD (Bozek, J.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
D.); Berrah, N (Berrah, N.)
Title: A velocity map imaging spectrometer for electron-ion and ion-ion coincidence experiments with synchrotron
We have built a velocity map imaging (VMI) spectrometer optimized for angle-resolved photoionization experiments
with synchrotron radiation (SR) in the VUV and soft X-ray range. The spectrometer is equipped with four electrostatic
lenses that focus the charged photoionization products onto a position-sensitive multi-hit delay-line anode. The use of
two additional electrostatic lens elements as compared to the standard design of Eppink and Parker [A.T.J.B. Eppink,
D.H. Parker, Rev. Sci. Instr. 68 (1997) 3477] provides better focusing of an extended interaction region, which is crucial
for most SR applications. Furthermore, the apparatus is equipped with a second micro-channel plate detector opposite to
the VMI spectrometer, enabling electron-ion coincidence experiments and thereby mass-resolved ion spectroscopy
independent of the time structure of the synchrotron radiation. First results for the photofragmentation Of CO2
molecules are presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Nappi, C (Nappi, C.); Ejrnaes, M (Ejrnaes, M.); Lisitskiy, MP (Lisitskiy, M. P.); De Lara, DP (De Lara, D.
Perez); Esposito, E (Esposito, E.); Pagano, S (Pagano, S.); Cristiano, R (Cristiano, R.)
Title: Injection-detection experiments in all aluminum 1-D imaging spectrometers based on superconducting tunnel
We report on a class of low temperature radiation detectors based on superconducting tunnel junctions (STJs) in which
the incoming radiation is absorbed in a long superconducting strip while the readout operation occurs at the two ends of
the strip, where two STJs are laterally positioned. These Distributed Read-Out Imaging Devices, or DROIDs, provide
spectroscopy, I-D imaging, single-photon sensitivity, and high quantum efficiency, all in one device. Typically these
devices are realized by using Tantalum for the absorber strip and Aluminum for the two STJs. In this way the quasiparticles are created in the Tantalum and subsequently trapped in the Aluminum.
As illustrated here, it is possible to fabricate a DROID using a single superconducting material. This choice gives up the
trapping effect but has the advantage of eliminating the interface between different superconducting materials. Such a
device combines the best quality STJs, large diffusion and lifetime values, with low energy gap for improved energy
and position resolution. We report on measurements of current injection done on prototype devices, which demonstrates
that STJs can serve as quasi-particle sinks and facilitate charge division in DROIDs. For sufficiently high tunneling
rates, DROIDs based on a single material may be able to obtain performances comparable to DROIDs based on two
Author(s): Shimma, S (Shimma, Shuichi); Sugiura, Y (Sugiura, Yuki); Hayasaka, T (Hayasaka, Takahiro); Hoshikawa,
Y (Hoshikawa, Yutaka); Noda, T (Noda, Tetsuo); Setou, M (Setou, Mitsutoshi)
Title: MALDI-based imaging mass spectrometry revealed abnormal distribution of phospholipids in colon cancer liver
LIFE SCIENCES, 855 (1): 98-103 AUG 1 2007
We present the results of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging and direct molecular
identification using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) in colon cancer liver metastasis. Cancer tissue was removed
from a Japanese patient and frozen immediately without any fixations. The sections were sliced to a thickness of 3 mu m.
The matrix for lipid ionization was 2,6-dihydroxy acetophenone. The matrix solution was applied with an airbrush into a
thin uniform matrix layer on the tissue surface. After two-dimensional laser scanning, the images were reconstructed as
a function of m/z from a few hundred obtained spectra. In the obtained images, the existence of molecules was
represented by a pseudo-color corresponding to the signal intensity. In a feasibility study, we picked up a localized
signal, m/z 725 in a cancerous area. The MS/MS result suggested that m/z 725 was sphingomyelin(16:0)+Na. Thus, we
successfully show the feasibility of MALDI imaging as a tool for the analysis of pathological specimens. (C) 2007
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Becker, JS (Becker, J. S.); Su, J (Su, J.); Zoriya, MV (Zoriya, M. V.); Dobrowolska, J (Dobrowolska, J.);
Matusch, A (Matusch, A.)
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Title: Imaging mass spectrometry in biological tissues by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Of all the inorganic mass spectrometric techniques, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LAICP-MS) plays a key role as a powerful and sensitive microanalytical technique enabling multi-element trace analysis
and isotope ratio measurements at trace and ultratrace level. LA-ICP-MS was used to produce images of detailed
regionally-specific element distribution in 20 pm thin sections of different parts of the human brain. The quantitative
determination of copper, zinc, lead and uranium distribution in thin slices of human brain samples was performed using
matrix-matched laboratory standards via external calibration procedures. Imaging mass spectrometry provides new
information on the spatially inhomogeneous element distribution in thin sections of human tissues, for example, of
different brain regions (the insular region) or brain tumor tissues. The detection limits obtained for Cu, Zn, Ph and U
were in the ng g(-1) range. Possible strategies of LA-ICP-MS in brain research and life sciences include the elemental
imaging of thin slices of brain tissue or applications in proteome analysis by combination with matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization NIS to study phospho- and metal- containing proteins will be discussed.
Author(s): McLean, JA (McLean, John A.); Ridenour, WB (Ridenour, Whitney B.); Caprioli, RM (Caprioli, Richard M.)
Title: Profiling and imaging of tissues by imaging ion mobility-mass spectrometry
Source: JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 42 (8): 1099-1105 AUG 2007
Molecular profiling and imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) of tissues can often result in complex spectra that are
difficult to interpret without additional information about specific signals. This report describes increasing data
dimensionality in IMS by combining two-dimensional separations at each spatial location on the basis of imaging ion
mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS). Analyte ions are separated on the basis of both ion-neutral collision cross section
and m/z, which provides rapid separation of isobaric, but structurally distinct ions. The advantages of imaging using ion
mobility prior to MS analysis are demonstrated for profiling of human glioma and selective lipid imaging from rat brain.
Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Author(s): Richter, K (Richter, Katrin); Nygren, H (Nygren, Hakan); Malmberg, P (Malmberg, Per); Hagenhoff, B
(Hagenhoff, Birgit)
Title: Localization of fatty acids with selective chain length by imaging time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry
Localization of fatty acids in biological tissues was made by using TOF-SIMS (time-of-flight secondary ion mass
spectrometry). Two cell-types with a specific fatty acid distribution are shown. In rat cerebellum, different distribution
patterns of stearic acid (C18:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), and oleic acid (C18:1) were found. Stearic acid signals were
observed accumulated in Purkinje cells with high intensities inside the cell, but not in the nucleus region. The signals
colocalized with high intensity signals of the phosphocholine head group, indicating origin from phosphatidylcholine or
sphingomyelin. In mouse intestine, high palmitic acid signals were found in the secretory crypt cells together with high
levels of phosphorylinositol colocalized in the crypt region. Palmitic acid was also seen in the intestinal lumen that
contains high amounts of mucine, which is known to be produced in the crypt cells. Linoleic acid signals (C18:2) were
low in the crypt region and high in the villus region. Oleic acid signals were seen in the villi and stearic acid signals
were ubiquitous with no specific localization in the intestine. We conclude that the results obtained by using imaging
TOF-SIMS are consistent with known brain and intestine biochemistry and that the localization of fatty acids is specific
in differentiated cells.
Author(s): McDonnell, LA (McDonnell, Liam A.); Heeren, RMA (Heeren, Ron M. A.)
Title: Imaging mass spectrometry
Source: MASS SPECTROMETRY REVIEWS, 26 (4): 606-643 JUL-AUG 2007
Imaging mass spectrometry, combines the chemical specificity and parallel detection of mass spectrometry with
microscopic imaging capabilities. The ability to simultaneously obtain images,from all analytes detected, front atomic to
macromolecular tons, allows the analyst to probe the chemical organization of a sample and to correlate this with
physical features. The sensitivity of the ionization step, sample preparation, the spatial resolution, and the speed of the
technique are all important parameters that affect the type of information obtained. Recently. significant progress has
been made in each of these steps for both secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging of biological samples. Examples demonstrating localization of proteins in
XIOPM latest Documents Report
tumors, a reduction of lamellar phospholipids in the region binding two single celled organisms, and sub-cellular
distributions of several biomolecules have all contributed to an increasing upsurge in interest in imaging mass
spectrometry. Here we review many of the instrumental developments and methodological approaches responsible for
this increased interest, compare and contrast the information provided by SIMS and MALDI imaging, and discuss future
possibilities. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Author(s): Becker, JS (Becker, J. Sabine); Zoriy, M (Zoriy, Miroslav); Becker, JS (Becker, J. Susanne); Dobrowolska, J
(Dobrowolska, Justina); Matusch, A (Matusch, Andreas)
Title: Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) in elemental imaging of biological
tissues and in proteomicsw
Of all the inorganic mass spectrometric techniques, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LAICP-MS) plays a key role as a powerful and sensitive microanalytical technique, enabling multi-element trace analysis
and isotope ratio measurements at the trace and ultra-trace level in the life sciences. LA-ICP-MS was used to produce
images of detailed regionally specific element distribution in thin sections of tissue from different parts of the human
brain. The quantitative determination of copper, zinc and other elements distributed in thin slices of human brain
samples was performed using matrix-matched laboratory standards. Imaging mass spectrometry provides new
information on the spatially inhomogeneous element distribution in thin sections of human tissue, for example of
different brain regions (e.g., insular region) or brain tumour tissue. The detection limits obtained for Cu and Zn
determination in tissue sections were in the sub-mg g(-1) range. Possible strategies will be discussed for applying LAICP-MS in brain research and the life sciences, including the imaging of thin slices of brain tissue in order to obtain
element distributions or applications in proteome analysis in combination with MALDI-MS to study phospho- and
metal-containing proteins.
Author(s): Oulie, I (Oulie, Inger); Roed, L (Roed, Line); Toft, KG (Toft, Kim Gunnar); Skodand, T (Skodand, Tore)
Title: Quantification of NC100692, a new tracer for Tc-99m-imaging of angiogenesis, in human plasma using reversedphase liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization ion-trap mass spectrometry
LIFE SCIENCES, 852 (1-2): 605-610 JUN 1 2007
NC100692 is under development as a diagnostic radiopharmaceutical for targeting angiogenesis associated with
diseases, such as cancer and endometriosis. NC100692 consists of a cyclic RGD-containing peptide with an ethylene
glycol chain linked to the C-terminal amino acid and a Tc-99m-binding chelator linked to the N-terminal amino acid.
The present report describes a method for quantification of NC100692 in human citrated plasma. The method is based
on solid-phase extraction followed by reversed-phase liquid chromatography using a gradient of water and acetonitrile
with 0.1% formic acid. The chromatographic system was coupled on-line with an electrospray mass spectrometer. The
analyses were performed by selective ion monitoring of the [M+2H](2+) and the [M+ 3H](3+) ions of NC100692 and
the internal standard, which was identical to NC100692 except for containing twice the length of the ethyleneglycol
chain. The limit of quantification of the method was 0.5 ng NC100692/ml plasma. The calibration curve ranged from
0.5 to 250 ng NC100692/ml plasma and was fitted to a quadratic equation with a weighing factor of 1/y and found to be
highly reproducible. The total precision of the method, expressed as the relative standard error of the mean, was 11.1,
10.8 and 9.7% for the low, medium and high control samples, respectively. The accuracy of the method was 103.4,
111.1 and 107.5% for the low, medium and high control samples, respectively. NC 100692 was stable in human plasma
during at least 3 freeze/thaw cycles, during 48 h on dry ice and at least 8 weeks when stored in a -20 degrees C freezer.
(c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Wiechert, W (Wiechert, Wolfgang); Schweissgut, O (Schweissgut, Oliver); Takanaga, H (Takanaga, Hitomi);
Frommer, WB (Frommer, Wolf B.)
Title: Fluxomics: mass spectrometry versus quantitative imaging
Source: CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY, 10 (3): 323-330 JUN 2007
The recent development of analytic high-throughput technologies enables us to take a bird's view of how metabolism is
regulated in real time. We have known for a long time that metabolism is highly regulated at all levels, including
transcriptional, posttranslational and allosteric controls. Flux through a metabolic or signaling pathway is determined by
the activity of its individual components. Fluxomics aims to define the genes involved in regulation by following the
XIOPM latest Documents Report
flux. Two technologies are used to monitor fluxes. Pulse labeling of the organism or cell with a tracer, such as C-13,
followed by mass spectrometric analysis of the partitioning of label into different compounds provides an efficient tool
to study flux and to compare the effect of mutations on flux. The second approach is based on the use of flux sensors,
proteins that respond with a conformational change to ligand binding. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)
detects the conformational change and serves as a proxy for ligand concentration. In contrast to the mass spectrometry
assays, FRET nanosensors monitor only a single compound. Both methods provide high time resolution. The major
advantages of FRET nanosensors are that they yield data with cellular and subcellular resolution and the method is
minimally invasive.
Author(s): Klinkert, I (Klinkert, Ivo); McDonnell, LA (McDonnell, Liam A.); Luxembourg, SL (Luxembourg, Stefan
L.); Altelaar, AFM (Altelaar, A. F. Maarten); Amstalden, ER (Amstalden, Erika R.); Piersma, SR (Piersma, Sander R.);
Heeren, RMA (Heeren, Ron M. A.)
Title: Tools and strategies for visualization of large image data sets in high-resolution imaging mass spectrometry - art.
no. 053716
Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 78 (5): 53716-53716 MAY 2007
Mass spectrometry based proteomics is one of the scientific domains in which experiments produce a large amount of
data that need special environments to interpret the results. Without the use of suitable tools and strategies, the
transformation of the large data sets into information is not easily achievable. Therefore, in the context of the virtual
laboratory of enhanced science, software tools are developed to handle mass spectrometry data sets. Using different data
processing strategies for visualization, it enables fast mass spectrometric imaging of large surfaces at high-spatial
resolution and thus aids in the understanding of various diseases and disorders. This article describes how to optimize
the handling and processing of the data sets, including the selection of the most optimal data formats and the use of
parallel processing. It also describes the tools and solutions and their application in mass spectrometric imaging
strategies, including new measurement principles, image enhancement, and image artifact suppression. (C) 2007
American Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Lemaire, R (Lemaire, R.); Stauber, J (Stauber, J.); Wisztorski, M (Wisztorski, M.); Van Camp, C (Van Camp,
C.); Desmons, A (Desmons, A.); Deschamps, M (Deschamps, M.); Proess, G (Proess, G.); Rudlof, I (Rudlof, I.); Woods,
AS (Woods, A. S.); Day, R (Day, R.); Salzet, M (Salzet, M.); Fournier, I (Fournier, I.)
Title: Tag-mass: Specific molecular imaging of transcriptome and proteome by mass spectrometry based on
photocleavable tag
Source: JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 6 (6): 2057-2067 2007
MALDI tissue imaging of tissues has become a promising technique for tracking biomarkers while determining their
location and structural characterization. We have now developed specific targeting probes ( oligonucleotides,
antibodies), named Tag-Mass. This approach is based on probes modified with a photocleavable linker coupled with a
tag cleaved and detected using mass spectrometry. Tag-Mass development is the key for a rapid, sensitive, and accurate
approach to correlate levels of expression of different mRNA or proteins in diseases.
Author(s): Palma, CF (Palma, Carolina Font); Evans, GJ (Evans, Greg J.); Sodhi, RNS (Sodhi, Rana N. S.)
Title: Imaging of aerosols using time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry
Source: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (14): 5951-5956 MAY 15 2007
Interest in environmental aerosol chemistry has grown over the last decade as a result of its role in both climate change
and troposheric pollution. in this work, the combination of ToF-SIMS and SEM/EDX was employed to explore the
surface chemistry of aerosols. The capabilities and limitations of ToF-SIMS were investigated using particles of known
composition and size produced by a vibrating orifice aerosol generator (VOAG). Principal component analysis (PCA)
proved to help in the distinction of particles of different types by consolidating the information generated by ToF-SIMS.
(c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): DeKeyser, SS (DeKeyser, Stephanie S.); Kutz-Naber, KK (Kutz-Naber, Kimberly K.); Schmidt, JJ (Schmidt,
Joshua J.); Barrett-Wilt, GA (Barrett-Wilt, Gregory A.); Li, LJ (Li, Lingjun)
Title: Imaging mass spectrometry of neuropeptides in decapod crustacean neuronal tissues
Source: JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 6 (5): 1782-1791 2007
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) of neuropeptides in crustacean neuronal tissues was performed on a MALDITOF/TOF instrument. Sample preparation protocols were developed for the sensitive detection of these highly complex
endogenous signaling molecules. The neuromodulatory complements of the pericardial organ (PO) and brain of the
Jonah crab, Cancer borealis, were mapped. Distributions of peptide isoforms belonging to 10 neuropeptide families
were investigated using the IMS technique. Often, neuropeptides of high sequence homology were similarly located.
However, two RFamide-family peptides and a truncated orcokinin peptide were mapped to locations distinct from other
members of their respective families. Over 30 previously sequenced neuropeptides were identified based on mass
measurement. For increased confidence of identification, select peptides were fragmented by post-source decay (PSD)
and collisional-induced dissociation (CID). Collectively, this organ-level IMS study elucidates the spatial relationships
between multiple neuropeptide isoforms of the same family as well as the relative distributions of neuropeptide families.
Keywords: Imaging mass spectrometry center dot Neuropeptide center dot Cancer borealis center dot MALDITOF/TOF center dot RFamide center dot RYamide center dot Orcokinin
Author(s): McQuaw, CM (McQuaw, Carolyn M.); Zheng, LL (Zheng, Leiliang); Ewing, AG (Ewing, Andrew G.);
Winograd, N (Winograd, Nicholas)
Title: Localization of sphingomyelin in cholesterol domains by imaging mass spectrometry
Source: LANGMUIR, 23 (10): 5645-5650 MAY 8 2007
The location of each lipid in a palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine/18:0 sphingomyelin/cholesterol monolayer system is
laterally resolved using imaging time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) without the necessity of
adding fluorescent labels. This system of coexisting immiscible liquid phases shows cholesterol domains with sizes and
shapes comparable to those in the fluorescence microscopy literature. The results show that SM localizes with
cholesterol and that palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine is excluded. Moreover, the segregation is not complete, and
there is a small amount of both phospholipids distributed throughout.
Author(s): Sherrod, SD (Sherrod, Stacy D.); Castellana, ET (Castellana, Edward T.); McLean, JA (McLean, John A.);
Russell, DH (Russell, David H.)
Title: Spatially dynamic laser patterning using advanced optics for imaging matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization
(MALDI) mass spectrometry
Beam homogenization and spatially dynamic beam patterning optics have been combined to improve the imaging
matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS) experiment. The optical
design was developed to improve upon the spatial resolution limit imposed by the laser beam profile (similar to 25-50
mu m) and to decrease the long analysis times associated with mechanical translation of the MALDI sample stage. This
arrangement consists of: laser beam conditioning optics, laser beam shaping optics via a digital micromirror device
(DMD), and an imaging lens system. Experimental results comparing traditional imaging MALDI-TOFMS and spatially
dynamic imaging MALDI-TOFMS are discussed. The optical system has proven useful for patterning the MALDI laser
beam into user defined beam shapes, can potentially decrease analysis times associated with mechanical movement of
the sample stage, and may be capable of increasing the limits of detection by simultaneously irradiating multiple spots.
(c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Liu, Q (Liu, Qiang); Guo, Z (Guo, Zhong); He, L (He, Lin)
Title: Mass spectrometry imaging of small molecules using desorption/ionization on silicon
Source: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 79 (10): 3535-3541 MAY 15 2007
Development of novel tools to image spatial distribution of small molecules in biological samples is essential in disease
diagnosis and biomarker discovery. To simplify sample preparation and reduce background noise in the low-mass
region, we describe here the use of a matrix-free mass spectrometric imaging method, i.e., desorption/ionization on
silicon (DIOS), for biological surface analysis. The imaging parameters, such as the laser beam diameter and the
translation stage movement, were studied and optimized to improve imaging performance. The use of DIOS imaging to
map small molecules on mouse liver tissues was demonstrated. In addition, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and propidium
iodide (PI) were used as the cell membrane and nucleus markers, respectively, to "visualize" the presence of HEK 293
cells. The reconstructed ion maps of PC and PI were compared with the optical images collected from the same sample
XIOPM latest Documents Report
using bright-field and fluorescence microscopy. A good correlation of the spatial distribution of cells confirmed the
validity of this DIOS imaging approach.
Author(s): Ifa, DR (Ifa, D. R.); Gumaelius, LM (Gumaelius, L. M.); Eberlin, LS (Eberlin, L. S.); Manicke, NE (Manicke,
N. E.); Cooks, RG (Cooks, R. G.)
Title: Forensic analysis of inks by imaging desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) mass spectrometry
Source: ANALYST, 132 (5): 461-467 2007
Desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) is employed in the forensic analysis of documents.
Blue ballpoint pen inks applied to ordinary writing paper are examined under ambient conditions without any prior
sample preparation. When coupled to an automated moving stage, two-dimensional molecular images are generated.
Proof-of-principle experiments include characterization of a simulated forged number and examination of older written
records. This application of DESI has advantages over extractive techniques in terms of speed and sample preservation.
The effects of the desorbing solvent composition, in this case a mixture of methanol and water, and of flow rate, are
evaluated. Results suggest that the solubility of the analyte ( dyes Basic Blue 7, Basic Violet 3 and Solvent Blue 26)
plays an important role in desorption from the paper surface.
Author(s): Atkinson, SJ (Atkinson, Sally J.); Loadman, PM (Loadman, Paul M.); Sutton, C (Sutton, Chris); Patterson,
LH (Patterson, Laurence H.); Clench, MR (Clench, Malcolm R.)
Title: Examination of the distribution of the bioreductive drug AQ4N and its active metabolite AQ4 in solid tumours by
imaging matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry
AQ4N (banoxatrone) (1,4-bis-{[2-(dimethylamino-N-oxide)ethyl]amino}-5,8-dihydroxyanthracene-9, 10-dione) is an
example of a bioreductive prodrug in clinical development. In hypoxic cells AQ4N is reduced to the topoisomerase II
inhibitor AQ4 (1,4-bis-{[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl] amino}1-5,8-dilhydroxyanthracene-9,10-dione). By inhibition of
topoisomerase 11 within these hypoxic areas, AQ4N has been shown to sensitise tumours to existing chemo- and
radiotherapy treatments. In this study the distribution of AQ4N and AQ4 in treated H460 human tumour xenografts has
been examined by imaging matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry. Images of the distribution of
AQ4N and AQ4 have been produced that show little overlap. The distribution of ATP in the tumour xenografts was also
studied as an endogenous marker of regions of hypoxia since concentrations of ATP are known to be decreased in these
regions. The distribution of ATP was similar to that of AQ4N, i.e. in regions of abundant ATP there was no evidence of
conversion of AQ4N into AQ4. This indicates that the cytotoxic metabolite AQ4 is confined to hypoxic regions of the
tumour as intended. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Tracking of The Moving Target
Author(s): Valable, S (Valable, Samuel); Barbier, EL (Barbier, Emmanuel L.); Bernaudin, M (Bernaudin, Myriam);
Roussel, S (Roussel, Simon); Segebarth, C (Segebarth, Christoph); Petit, E (Petit, Edwige); Remy, C (Remy, Chantal)
Title: In vivo MRI tracking of exogenous monocytes/macrophages targeting brain tumors in a rat model of glioma
Source: NEUROIMAGE, 37: S47-S58 Suppl. 1 2007
This study has shown that murine monocytes/macrophages (Mo/Ma) can be labeled simply and efficiently with large,
green-fluorescent, micrometer-sized particles of iron-oxide (MPIO). Neither size nor proliferation rate of the Mo/Ma is
significantly affected by this labeling. The labeled Mo/Ma have been administered intravenously to rats that had
developed a glioma following stereotactic injection of C6 cells. The labeled Mo/Ma were shown to target the brain
tumors, a process that could be monitored non-invasively using T-2(*)-weighted MRI. MRI observations were
confirmed by Prussian blue staining, lectin staining and fluorescence histology. Overall, the results of this study suggest
that the use of Mo/Ma may be envisaged in the clinic for vectorizing therapeutic agents towards gliomas. (c) 2007
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Wu, S (Wu, S.); Hong, L (Hong, L.)
Title: Modelling 3D rigid-body object motion and structure estimation with HRR/GMTI measurements
Source: IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 1 (4): 1023-1032 JUL 2007
XIOPM latest Documents Report
When traditional single-point target tracking algorithms are directly applied to multiplepoint rigid targets, filter
divergence and data association problems occur. By introducing the concepts of global motion, local motion and
structure parameters, and employing motion-induced invariants on local motion and structure parameters, we have
developed several kinematic and measurement models to simultaneously estimate the motion and structure information
of a 3D rigid-body target from high range resolution (HRR) and ground moving target indicator (GMTI) measurements.
To test the ability of the proposed modelling methods in handling false alarms, occlusions and HRR measurements
without correspondence information, several data association approaches are also proposed, that is permutation, comb
ination-perin utation, dummy measurements, and dynamically changing the interested number of scattering centres.
Simulation results have shown that the proposed modelling methods can successfully estimate both the motion and
structure information of an object by using HRR and GMTI measurements with a proper data association method.
Author(s): Blom, HAP (Blom, Henk A. P.); Bloem, EA (Bloem, Edwin A.)
Title: Bayesian tracking of two possibly unresolved maneuvering targets
The paper studies the problem of maintaining tracks of two targets that may maneuver in and out formation flight,
whereas the sensor and measurement extraction chain produces false and possibly unresolved or missing measurements.
If the possibility of unresolved measurements is not modelled then it is quite likely that either the two tracks coalesce or
that one of the two tracks diverges on false measurements. In literature a robust measurement resolution model has been
incorporated within an interacting multiple model/multiple hypothesis tracking (IMM/MHT) track maintenance setting.
A straightforward incorporation of the same model within an IMM and probabilistic data association (PDA)-like
hypothesis merging approach suffers from track coalescence. In order to improve this situation, the paper develops a
track-coalescence avoiding hypotheses merging version for the two target problem considered. Through Monte Carlo
simulations, the novel filters are compared with applying hypotheses merging approaches that ignore the possibility of
unresolved measurements or track-coalescence.
Author(s): Wang, XZ (Wang, Xuezhi); Musicki, D (Musicki, Darko)
Title: Low elevation sea-surface target tracking using IPDA type filters
When detecting a target using radar in the presence of multipath fading, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) at receiver can
be dramatically reduced at certain ranges due to multipath signal cancellation, which leads to a significant drop of the
detection probability at those ranges. The detection of a low elevation sea-surface target (LESST) is one example. For
target tracking, this special case contrasts to the usual situation where we may often assume a constant probability of
detection. Automatic target tracking requires a measure of track quality to discriminate between true and false tracks.
This track quality measure should take both the existence of target and the SNR of the sensor into account, and be
consistent with tracking performance.
This paper investigates automatic target tracking using the integrated probabilistic data association (IPDA) type filters in
the presence of multipath fading. Several existing single-scan probabilistic data association (PDA)-based filters, which
calculate the probabilistic measure of track quality while estimating the track state, are evaluated in the scenario of
tracking a nonmaneuvering LESST in the presence of both multipath fading and clutter. In addition, a variable Markov
chain (VMC) IPDA tracker (IPDA-VMC), which has joint merits of both IPDA and the IPDA with a three state Markov
chain (IPDA-M2), has been designed and evaluated here. In the derivation of track quality measure of both IPDA-M2
and IPDA-VMC, the possibility that a target is present but is temporarily unable to be detected has been explicitly
considered. A tracker using this track quality measure for false track discrimination has significantly improved LESST
tracking performance.
A simulation study verifies that both lPDA-M2 and IPDA-VMC have better capability to handle the LESST tracks and
have an improved tracking performance over other PDA-based tracking algorithms under consideration.
Author(s): McClelland, JR (McClelland, J. R.); Webb, S (Webb, S.); McQuaid, D (McQuaid, D.); Binnie, DM (Binnie,
D. M.); Hawkes, DJ (Hawkes, D. J.)
Title: Tracking 'differential organ motion' with a 'breathing' multileaf collimator: magnitude of problem assessed using
4D CT data and a motion-compensation strategy
Source: PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, 52 (16): 4805-4826 AUG 21 2007
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Intrafraction tumour ( e. g. lung) motion due to breathing can, in principle, be compensated for by applying identical
breathing motions to the leaves of a multileaf collimator (MLC) as intensity-modulated radiation therapy is delivered by
the dynamic MLC (DMLC) technique. A difficulty arising, however, is that irradiated voxels, which are in line with a
bixel at one breathing phase ( at which the treatment plan has been made), may move such that they cease to be in line
with that breathing bixel at another phase. This is the phenomenon of differential voxel motion and existing tracking
solutions have ignored this very real problem. There is absolutely no tracking solution to the problem of compensating
for differential voxel motion. However, there is a strategy that can be applied in which the leaf breathing is determined
to minimize the geometrical mismatch in a least-squares sense in irradiating differentially-moving voxels. A 1D
formulation in very restricted circumstances is already in the literature and has been applied to some model breathing
situations which can be studied analytically. These are, however, highly artificial. This paper presents the general 2D
formulation of the problem including allowing different importance factors to be applied to planning target volume and
organ at risk ( or most generally) each voxel. The strategy also extends the literature strategy to the situation where the
number of voxels connecting to a bixel is a variable. Additionally the phenomenon of cross-leaf-track/ channel' voxel
motion is formally addressed. The general equations are presented and analytic results are given for some 1D,
artificially contrived, motions based on the Lujan equations of breathing motion. Further to this, 3D clinical voxel
motion data have been extracted from 4D CT measurements to both assess the magnitude of the problem of 2D motion
perpendicular to the beam-delivery axis in clinical practice and also to find the 2D optimum breathing-leaf strategy.
Issues relating to the practical calculation of the strategy, including effects on leaf velocity and effects of different
spatial-sampling frequencies, have been investigated, and unattenuated-fluence maps have been produced showing the
effects of the differential motion and tracking. It was discovered that large distances between adjacent leaf-ends could
cause the tracking to fail when there was tissue motion across the leaf channels. To overcome this problem the use of
'synchronized' leaf trajectories, which ensure that adjacent leaf-ends are always close enough to each other to facilitate
tracking, has also been investigated.
Author(s): Xu, QY (Xu, Qianyi); Hamilton, RJ (Hamilton, Russell J.); Schowengerdt, RA (Schowengerdt, Robert A.);
Jiang, SB (Jiang, Steve B.)
Title: A deformable lung tumor tracking method in fluoroscopic video using active shape models: a feasibility study
Source: PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, 52 (17): 5277-5293 SEP 7 2007
A dynamic multi-leaf collimator (DMLC) can be used to track a moving target during radiotherapy. One of the major
benefits for DMLC tumor tracking is that, in addition to the compensation for tumor translational motion, DMLC can
also change the aperture shape to conform to a deforming tumor projection in the beam's eye view. This paper presents a
method that can track a deforming lung tumor in fluoroscopic video using active shape models (ASM) (Cootes et al
1995 Comput. Vis. Image Underst. 61 38-59). The method was evaluated by comparing tracking results against tumor
projection contours manually edited by an expert observer. The evaluation shows the feasibility of using this method for
precise tracking of lung tumors with deformation, which is important for DMLC-based real-time tumor tracking.
Author(s): Zhang, WH (Zhang, Weihong)
Title: A Probabilistic approach to tracking moving targets with distributed sensors
37 (5): 721-731 SEP 2007
Tracking a moving target is a difficult task in a distributed sensor network due to the lack of knowledge of the target's
motion and signal noises. Several existing approaches use only sensory information or may require accurate target's
motion models. In this paper, we present a Markovian approach that combines dynamically estimated target's motion
models with received sensory information. The approach localizes a target by using the estimated motion models and
the provided sensory model. We characterize probabilistic conditions under which the estimation accuracy increases if
more sensors are used, and the estimations converge to the target's real position asymptotically. Our experimental
analysis shows that our approach leads to substantially more accurate and robust location estimations than the previous
approaches using only sensory information, and it is competitive with the standard Markov localization approach.
Author(s): Fang, TH (Fang, Tae Hyun); Choi, JW (Choi, Jae Weon)
Title: Tracking error performance of tracking filters based on IMM for threatening target to navel vessel
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Tracking error performance is investigated for the typical maneuvering pattern of the anti-ship missile for tracking
filters based on IMM filter in both clear and cluttered environments. Threatening targets to a navel vessel can be
categorized into having three kinds of maneuvering patterns such as Waver, Pop-Up, and High-Diver maneuvers, which
are classified according to launching platform or acceleration input to be applied. In this paper, the tracking errors for
three kinds of maneuvering targets are represented and are investigated through simulation results. Studying estimation
errors for each maneuvering target allows us to have insight into the most threatening maneuvering pattern and to
construct the test maneuvering scenario for radar system validation.
Author(s): Ristic, B (Ristic, B.); Morelande, M (Morelande, M.)
Title: Comments on 'Cramer-Rao lower bound for tracking multiple targets'
Source: IET RADAR SONAR AND NAVIGATION, 1 (1): 74-76 FEB 2007
In a recent paper, Ristic et al... 2004, proposed a simple and exact derivation of the theoretical Cramer-Rao lower bound
(CRLB) for tracking multiple targets using intensity maps as measurements. Although the formulation and the
theoretical derivations presented in their work are indeed correct, the analysis of the proposed bound and the
conclusions that follow are wrong. Here, a correct analysis is presented with the key observation that [as opposed to the
claim made in the work of Ristic et al. (2004)], the proposed CRLB reflects the interaction between the targets, even if
their motion is independent. The multi-target CRLB is also compared with the error performance of a multi-target state
maximum likelihood estimator; a remarkable agreement is observed for high signal-to-noise ratio.
Author(s): McMahona, R (McMahona, Ryan); Papiez, L (Papiez, Lech); Rangaraj, D (Rangaraj, Dharanipathy)
Title: Dynamic-MLC leaf control utilizing on-flight intensity calculations: A robust method for real-time IMRT delivery
over moving rigid targets
Source: MEDICAL PHYSICS, 34 (8): 3211-3223 AUG 2007
An algorithm is presented that allows for the control of multileaf collimation (MLQ leaves based entirely on real-time
calculations of the intensity delivered over the target. The algorithm is capable of efficiently correcting generalized
delivery errors without requiring the interruption of delivery (self-correcting trajectories), where a generalized delivery
error represents anything that causes a discrepancy between the delivered and intended intensity profiles. The intensity
actually delivered over the target is continually compared to its intended value. For each pair of leaves, these
comparisons are used to guide the control of the following leaf and keep this discrepancy below a user-specified value.
To demonstrate the basic principles of the algorithm, results of corrected delivery are shown for a leading leaf positional
error during dynamic-MLC (DMLQ IMRT delivery over a rigid moving target. It is then shown that, with slight
modifications, the algorithm can be used to track moving targets in real time. The primary results of this article indicate
that the algorithm is capable of accurately delivering DMLC IMRT over a rigid moving target whose motion is (1)
completely unknown prior to delivery and (2) not faster than the maximum MLC leaf velocity over extended periods of
time. These capabilities are demonstrated for clinically derived intensity profiles and actual tumor motion data,
including situations when the target moves in some instances faster than the maximum admissible MLC leaf velocity.
The results show that using the algorithm while calculating the delivered intensity every 50 ms will provide a good level
of accuracy when delivering IMRT over a rigid moving target translating along the direction of MLC leaf travel. When
the maximum velocities of the MLC leaves and target were 4 and 4.2 cm/s, respectively, the resulting error in the two
intensity profiles used was 0. 1 +/- 3. 1 % and -0.5 +/- 2.8% relative to the maximum of the intensity profiles. For the
same target motion, the error was shown to increase rapidly as (1) the maximum MLC leaf velocity was reduced below
75% of the maximum target velocity and (2) the system response time was increased. (c) 2007 American Association of
Physicists in Medicine.
Author(s): Selen, LPJ (Selen, L. P. J.); Beek, PJ (Beek, P. J.); van Dieen, JH (van Dieen, J. H.)
Title: Fatigue-induced changes of impedance and performance in target tracking
Source: EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 181 (1): 99-108 JUL 2007
Kinematic variability is caused, in part, by force fluctuations. It has been shown empirically and numerically that the
effects of force fluctuations on kinematics can be suppressed by increasing joint impedance. Given that force variability
increases with muscular fatigue, we hypothesized that joint impedance would increase with fatigue to retain a prescribed
accuracy level. To test this hypothesis, subjects tracked a target by elbow flexion and extension both with fatigued and
unfatigued elbow flexor and extensor muscles. Joint impedance was estimated from controlled perturbations to the
elbow. Contrary to the hypothesis, elbow impedance decreased, whereas performance, expressed as the time-on-target,
XIOPM latest Documents Report
was unaffected by fatigue. Further analysis of the data revealed that subjects changed their control strategy with
increasing fatigue. Although their overall kinematic variability increased, task performance was retained by staying
closer to the center of the target when fatigued. In conclusion, the present study reveals a limitation of impedance
modulation in the control of movement variability.
Author(s): Wang, FL (Wang, Fanglin); Liu, EQ (Liu, Erqi); Yang, J (Yang, Jie); Liu, RM (Liu, Ruiming)
Title: Target tracking based on a hybrid tracker with two hierarchical appearance models
Source: MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 18 (8): 2546-2554 AUG 2007
In this paper, a hybrid target tracking algorithm is proposed based on two hierarchical appearance models. First, the
colour histogram is utilized to roughly localize the object by a mean shift procedure. Then, a more precise eigenspace
appearance model was invoked to infer the final state of the object within a particle filter framework. To deal with the
sudden illumination change, the histogram equalization algorithm was also used to prevent the eigenspace model from
being incorrectly distracted. Moreover, a mean shift algorithm in affine space was designed to address the affine
deformation of the tracked object. Numerous experiments show that the proposed algorithm performs well in the
presence of significant appearance change, large illumination variations and partial occlusions.
Author(s): Stepanyan, V (Stepanyan, Vahram); Hovakimyan, N (Hovakimyan, Naira)
Title: Adaptive disturbance rejection controller for visual tracking of a maneuvering target
This paper presents an adaptive disturbance rejection control architecture for a flying vehicle to track a maneuvering
target using a monocular camera as a visual sensor. Viewing the target's velocity as a time-varying disturbance, the
change in magnitude of which has a bounded integral, a guidance law is derived that guarantees asymptotic tracking of
the target in the presence of measurement noise and an intelligent excitation signal in the reference input.
Implementation of the guidance law is done via conventional adaptive block backstepping. Simulations illustrate the
benefits of the method.
Author(s): Yu, KN (Yu, Kyeong Nam); Lee, SM (Lee, Sang-Myung); Han, JY (Han, Ji Yun); Park, H (Park, Hyunmi);
Woo, MA (Woo, Min-Ah); Noh, MS (Noh, Mi Suk); Hwang, SK (Hwang, Soon-Kyung); Kwon, JT (Kwon, Jung-Taek);
Jin, H (Jin, Hua); Kim, YK (Kim, Yong-Kweon); Hergenrother, PJ (Hergenrother, Paul J.); Jeong, DH (Jeong, Dae
Hong); Lee, YS (Lee, Yoon-Sik); Cho, MH (Cho, Myung-Haing)
Title: Multiplex targeting, tracking, and imaging of apoptosis by fluorescent surface enhanced raman spectroscopic dots
Source: BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY, 18 (4): 1155-1162 JUL-AUG 2007
We have developed multifunctional fluorescent surface enhanced Raman spectroscopic tagging material (F-SERS dots)
composed of silver nanoparticle-embedded silica spheres with fluorescent organic dye and specific Raman labels for
multiplex targeting, tracking, and imaging of cellular/molecular events in the living organism. In this study, F-SERS
dots fabricated with specific target antibodies (BAX and BAD) were employed for the detection of apoptosis. The FSERS dots did not show any particular toxicity in several cell lines. The F-SERS dots could monitor the apoptosis
effectively and simultaneously through fluorescent images as well as Raman signals in both cells and tissues with high
selectivity. Our results clearly demonstrate that F-SERS dots can be easily applicable to multiplex analysis of diverse
cellular/molecular events important for maintaining cellular homeostasis.
Author(s): Adam, T (Adam, T.); Baussan, E (Baussan, E.); Borer, K (Borer, K.); Campagne, JE (Campagne, J-E.);
Chon-Sen, N (Chon-Sen, N.); de la Taille, C (de la Taille, C.); Dick, N (Dick, N.); Dracos, M (Dracos, M.); Gaudiot, G
(Gaudiot, G.); Goeltzenlichter, T (Goeltzenlichter, T.); Gornushkin, Y (Gornushkin, Y.); Grapton, JN (Grapton, J-N.);
Guyonnet, JL (Guyonnet, J-L.); Hess, M (Hess, M.); Igersheim, R (Igersheim, R.); Csathy, JJ (Csathy, J. Janicsko);
Jollet, C (Jollet, C.); Juget, F (Juget, F.); Kocher, H (Kocher, H.); Krasnoperov, A (Krasnoperov, A.); Krumstein, Z
(Krumstein, Z.); Martin-Chassard, G (Martin-Chassard, G.); Moser, U (Moser, U.); Nozdrin, A (Nozdrin, A.);
Olchevski, A (Olchevski, A.); Porokhovoi, S (Porokhovoi, S.); Raux, L (Raux, L.); Sadovski, A (Sadovski, A.); Schuler,
J (Schuler, J.); Schutz, HU (Schuetz, H-U.); Schwab, C (Schwab, C.); Smolnikov, A (Smolnikov, A.); Van Beek, G
(Van Beek, G.); Vilain, P (Vilain, P.); Walchli, T (Waelchli, T.); Wilquet, G (Wilquet, G.); Wurtz, J (Wurtz, J.)
Title: The OPERA experiment Target Tracker
XIOPM latest Documents Report
The main task of the Target Tracker detector of the long baseline neutrino oscillation OPERA experiment is to locate in
which of the target elementary constituents, the lead/emulsion bricks, the neutrino interactions have occurred and also to
give calorimetric information about each event. The technology used consists in walls of two planes of plastic
scintillator strips, one per transverse direction. Wavelength shifting fibres collect the light signal emitted by the
scintillator strips and guide it to both ends where it is read by multi-anode photomultiplier tubes. All the elements used
in the construction of this detector and its main characteristics are described. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ultraviolet Imaging \Detection
Author(s): Urban, PL (Urban, Pawel L.); Bergstrom, ET (Bergstroem, Edmund T.); Goodall, DM (Goodall, David M.);
Narayanaswamy, S (Narayanaswamy, Sreedevi); Bruce, NC (Bruce, Neil C.)
Title: Electrophoretic method for assessment of substrate promiscuity of a heterogeneous biocatalyst using an area
imaging ultraviolet detector
Source: ANALYST, 132 (10): 979-982 2007
We report a new electrophoretic set-up and method for rapid specificity screening of an immobilised enzyme against a
range of substrates present in a mixture. The penicillinase-catalysed reaction is carried out on-the-fly, following
separation of putative substrates and preceding separation of the reaction products. The new active pixel sensor detector
gives an option of using multiple detection windows on a single flow line and enables efficient on-line monitoring of
this heterogeneous biocatalytic process with multiple putative substrates injected simultaneously.
Author(s): Wachulak, PW (Wachulak, P. W.); Marconi, MC (Marconi, M. C.); Bartels, RA (Bartels, R. A.); Menoni, CS
(Menoni, C. S.); Rocca, JJ (Rocca, J. J.)
Title: Volume extreme ultraviolet holographic imaging with numerical optical sectioning
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (17): 10622-10628 AUG 20 2007
Three dimensional images were obtained using a single high numerical aperture hologram recorded in a high resolution
photoresist with a table top lambda = 46.9 nm laser. Gabor holograms were numerically reconstructed over a range of
image planes by sweeping the propagation distance in the numerical reconstruction algorithm, allowing numerical
optical sectioning. A robust three dimension image of a test object was obtained with numerical optical sectioning,
providing a longitudinal resolution of approximately 2 mu m and a lateral resolution of 164 nm.
Author(s): Akiba, N (Akiba, Norimitsu); Saitoh, N (Saitoh, Naoki); Kuroki, K (Kuroki, Kenro); Akiba, N (Akiba,
Norimitsu); Saitoh, N (Saitoh, Naoki); Kuroki, K (Kuroki, Kenro)
Title: Fluorescence spectra and images of latent fingerprints excited with a tunable laser in the ultraviolet region
Source: JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, 52 (5): 1103-1106 SEP 2007
Fluorescence spectra of sebum-rich latent fingerprints were studied with a tunable laser for non-destructive fingerprint
detection without chemical treatment. The tunable laser consists of a nanosecond pulsed Nd-YAG laser and an optical
parametric oscillator (OPO) crystal. The fluorescence spectra and images were measured at various excitation
wavelengths in the ultraviolet region by the time-resolved fluorescence method. We have previously reported that a
typical fluorescence spectrum of fingerprints consists of two peaks located at c. 330 and 440 nm. In order to determine
the wavelength of optimal excitation, excitation spectra were measured at wavelengths ranging from 220 to 310 nm. The
fluorescence intensity of the 330 nm peak became maximal with excitation at 280 nm. The images of latent fingerprints
on white papers were also measured and the clearest image was obtained with excitation at 280 nm. The influence of
continuous irradiation on the fluorescence of fingerprints was measured at the optimal excitation wavelengths. The 330
nm peak was strong at first and decreased with continuous irradiation, whereas the 440 nm peak, which was weak at
first, increased gradually.
Author(s): Casado-Terrones, S (Casado-Terrones, Silvia); Segura-Carretero, A (Segura-Carretero, Antonio); Busi, S
(Busi, Simone); Dinelli, G (Dinelli, Giovanni); Fernandez-Gutierrez, A (Fernandez-Gutierrez, Alberto)
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Title: Determination of tetracycline residues in honey by CZE with ultraviolet absorbance detection
Source: ELECTROPHORESIS, 28 (16): 2882-2887 AUG 2007
We have developed a sensitive CE method to determine eight tetracyclines (TCs) (chlortetracycline, demeclocycline,
doxycycline, methacycline, minocycline, oxytetracycline, TC, and rolitetracycline (RTC)) in honey samples. The
running buffer was 150 mM sodium borate (pH 9.8) and 2.5% 2-propanol with 15 s hydrodynamic injection at 25 W We
have also developed an SPE procedure with a C18 cartridge as a clean-up step. Analytes were detected at 360 nm in less
than 16 min. LODs ranged in honey from 23.9 mu g/kg for TC to 49.3 mu g/kg for RTC. Seven samples of Spanish
honey of different floral origins were examined. None of them showed contamination with these antibiotics using the
proposed method.
Author(s): Ray, D (Ray, Debdutta); Narasimhan, KL (Narasimhan, K. L.)
Title: High response organic visible-blind ultraviolet detector - art. no. 093516
Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 91 (9): 93516-93516 AUG 27 2007
The authors demonstrate a high efficiency visible-blind ultraviolet organic photodetector with a response of 30 mA/W.
The active layer is a blend of N,N'-diphenyl-N, N'-bis(3-methylphenyl)-(1,1'-biphenyl)-4,4'-diamine (TPD) and tris(8hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq(3)). The authors show that the spontaneous as well as the electric field induced
carrier generation efficiencies in the blend are enhanced over its constituents. The spontaneous carrier generation
efficiency measured from total carrier collection measurements is 30% in the blend. The photoluminescence of the
blend shows an efficient energy transfer from the TPD to Alq3 molecule. The mobility-lifetime (mu tau) product in the
blend is 2.2x10(-12)cm(2)/V. The mu tau product is weakly dependent on temperature. (c) 2007 American Institute of
Author(s): Cassinese, C (Cassinese, Ciro); De Combarieu, E (De Combarieu, Eric); Falzoni, M (Falzoni, Mario);
Fuzzati, N (Fuzzati, Nicola); Pace, R (Pace, Roberto); Sardone, N (Sardone, Nicola)
Title: New liquid chromatography method with ultraviolet detection for analysis of anthocyanins and anthocyanidins in
Vaccinium myrtillus fruit dry extracts and commercial preparations
Source: JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 90 (4): 911-919 JUL-AUG 2007
The Vaccinium myrtillus fruits (bilberry) are a well-known anthocyanins source, and their extracts are widely used in
dietary botanicals and pharmaceutical products for the treatment of vascular and vision disorders. Different analytical
methods used for standardization of the bilberry extracts and their preparations are available from pharmacopeias and
from the literature. However, the methods reported in the literature do not allow the detection of free anthocyanidins,
which are markers of poor product quality. A new liquid chromatography method was developed and validated for the
identification and quantification of both anthocyanins and anthocyanidins present in bilberry extracts and products. The
method shows a good reproducibility and, due to its high specificity, is suitable to identify unequivocally the botanical
raw materials used for manufacturing and to evaluate the extract composition, thus ensuring a high degree of product
consistency and quality. Forty typical bilberry preparations belonging to 24 different brands were purchased in the
marketplace and evaluated for their quality by using the developed method. Results revealed marked differences among
the brands despite a common origin and labeling.
Author(s): Harata, A (Harata, Akira); Matuda, T (Matuda, Takashi); Hirashima, S (Hirashima, Satoshi)
Title: Ultraviolet-laser excitation microscopic photothermal lens Imaging for observing biological cells
An ultraviolet-laser excitation microscopic photothermal lens imaging system for observing chemical compounds in
biological cells has been designed and constructed, in which a reflection objective lens is used for focusing an excitation
laser beam at 261 nm and a probe laser beam at 784 nm. Photothermal amplitude and phase images of yeast fungus cells
are successfully obtained; together with a transmitted light image at 784 nm. The amplitude image represents photoabsorption at 2 1 run by the cells. The phase image seems to represent local thermal properties around the cells.
Author(s): Mandalapu, LJ (Mandalapu, L. J.); Xiu, F (Xiu, Fx); Yang, Z (Yang, Z.); Liu, JL (Liu, J. L.)
Title: Ultraviolet photoconductive detectors based on Ga-doped ZnO films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Source: SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS, 51 (7): 1014-1017 JUL 2007
A high-quality Ga-doped ZnO film was epitaxially grown on a R-plane sapphire substrate by plasma-assisted molecularbeam epitaxy. Photoconductor devices with Al/Ti Ohmic contacts were fabricated. Photoluminescence and photocurrent
measurements were carried out to study the emission and absorption properties of the Ga-doped ZnO film. Both spectra
are consistent with each other showing good response in the ultraviolet region and weak response in the green-yellow
band. Peak responsivity of 1.68 A/W at 20 V bias for 374 nm light was obtained in the ultraviolet region. Transient
response of the device is slow due to the presence of the deep levels. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Hartel, PG (Hartel, Peter G.); Hagedorn, C (Hagedorn, Charles); McDonald, JL (McDonald, Jennifer L.);
Fisher, JA (Fisher, Jared A.); Saluta, MA (Saluta, Michael A.); Jr, JWD (Jr, Jerold W. Dickerson); Gentit, LC (Gentit,
Lisa C.); Smith, SL (Smith, Steven L.); Mantriprayada, NS (Mantriprayada, Nehru S.); Ritter, KJ (Ritter, Kerry J.);
Belcher, CN (Belcher, Carolyn N.)
Title: Exposing water samples to ultraviolet light improves fluorometry for detecting human fecal contamination
Source: WATER RESEARCH, 41 (16): 3629-3642 AUG 2007
Fluorometry identifies human fecal contamination by detecting optical brighteners in environmental waters. Because
optical brighteners are sensitive to sunlight, we determined if we could improve fluorometry by exposing water samples
to ultraviolet (UV) light to differentiate between optical brighteners and other fluorescing organic compounds. Optical
brighteners were likely present when the relative percentage difference in fluorometric value of the water before and
after UV light exposure was > 30% (glass cuvettes, 30 min exposure) or > 15% (polymethacrylate cuvettes, 5 min
exposure). in a blind study, we correctly identified the presence or absence of optical brighteners in 178 of 180 (99%) of
the samples tested with a more expensive field fluorometer and in 175 of 180 (97%) of the samples tested with a less
expensive handheld fluorometer. In the field, the method correctly identified two negative and three positive locations
for human fecal contamination. When combined with counts of fecal bacteria, the new fluorometric method may be a
simple, quick, and easy way to identify human fecal contamination in environmental waters. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All
rights reserved.
Author(s): Saussereau, E (Saussereau, Elodie); Goulle, JP (Goulle, Jean-Pierre); Lacroix, C (Lacroix, Christian)
Title: Determination of thiocyanate in plasma by ion chromatography and ultraviolet detection
Source: JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL TOXICOLOGY, 31 (7): 383-387 SEP 2007
Author(s): Guo, W (Guo, Wei); Li, WB (Li, Wenbiao); Guo, GX (Guo, Guixin); Zhang, J (Zhang, Jun); Zhou, BL
(Zhou, Beilei); Zhai, YM (Zhai, Yimin); Wang, CY (Wang, Chuanyue)
Title: Determination of atomoxetine in human plasma by a high performance liquid chromatographic method with
ultraviolet detection using liquid-liquid extraction
LIFE SCIENCES, 854 (1-2): 128-134 JUL 1 2007
A HPLC method with UV detection (210 nm) was developed and validated for the quantification of atomoxetine, a new
medication for the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, in human plasma. Following a two-step liquidliquid extraction with diethyl ether, the analyte and internal standard (maprotiline) were separated using an isocratic
mobile phase of acetonitrile/phosphate buffer (39/61, v/v, pH 6.6) on a reverse phase Inertsil C-18 column. Linearity
was verified over the range of 3.12-200 ng/mL atomoxetinein plasma. The lowest limit of detection is 2.5 ng/mL (S/N =
10). This HPLC method was validated with within- and between-batch precisions of 4.9-14.4% and 4.7-13.1 %,
respectively. The within-and between-batch biases were -1.9 to 1.4% and 0.1-13.8%, respectively. Commonly used
psychotropic drugs and frequently coadministered drugs did not interfere with the,drug and internal standard. This
method is simple, economical and specific, and has been used successfully in a pharmacokinetic study of atomoxetine.
(C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Zhou, MJ (Zhou, Maojin); Chen, XY (Chen, Xiaoyan); Zhong, DF (Zhong, Dafang)
Title: Simultaneous determination of trans-resveratrol-3-O-glucoside and its two metabolites in rat plasma using liquid
chromatography with ultraviolet detection
LIFE SCIENCES, 854 (1-2): 219-223 JUL 1 2007
XIOPM latest Documents Report
A sensitive and selective high- performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for simultaneous
determination of trans-resveratrol-3-O-glucoside (TRG) and its metabolites, trans-resveratrol-3-O-glucuronide (TRN)
and trans-resveratrol (TR) in rat plasma. The plasma proteins were precipitated with acetonitrile and supernatant was
evaporated to dryness. The analytes and internal standard baicalin were chromatographed on a Cls column. The mobile
phase consisted of 25% acetonitrile and 75% H2O adjusted with formic acid to pH 3.5. The flow-rate was 1.0 ml/min
and ultraviolet detection was set at 320 nm. Standard curves were linear over the concentration range of 0.04-40 mu
g/ml for TRG and TRN, and 0.04-10 mu g/ml for TR, respectively. The precision, expressed as the intra-day R.S.D. and
inter-day R.S.D., was below 9.3% for TRG, TRN and TR. The accuracy, expressed as the relative error (RE) was within
7.4% for all analytes. The mean recoveries of TRG, TRN, TR and I.S. were 93.6%, 93.1%. 91.0% and 87.9%,
respectively. This method was successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic study of TRG after an oral dose of 150 mg/kg
to Wistar rats. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Sun, HY (Sun, Hai-Yan); Guan, S (Guan, Su); Bi, HC (Bi, Hui-Chang); Su, QB (Su, Qi-Biao); Huang, WL
(Huang, Wen-Lin); Chowbay, B (Chowbay, Balram); Huang, M (Huang, Min); Chen, X (Chen, Xiao); Li, CG (Li,
Chun-Guang); Zhou, SF (Zhou, Shu-Feng)
Title: Determination of CH330331, a novel 4-anilinoquinazoline inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine
kinase, in human Caco-2 monolayers by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection:
Application to a trans-epithelial transport study
LIFE SCIENCES, 854 (1-2): 320-327 JUL 1 2007
4-Anilinoquinazolines (e.g. Iressa and Glivec) are a class of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase (EGFRTK) inhibitors widely used to treat non-small cell lung cancer and other tumors. However, low clinical response rate,
resistance, and host toxicity of currently available EGFR-TK inhibitors prompt the development of second generation of
TK inhibitors with improved efficacy, selectivity, and less resistance. CH330331 is a recently synthesized novel 4anilinoquinazoline analog with confirmed anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo. To predict its oral pharmacokinetic
behavior and transport nature in the intestine before entering clinical trials, we have developed and validated a high
performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the determination of CH330331 in Caco-2 (a human colon
cancer cell line) monolayers. The developed HPLC method was sensitive and reliable, with acceptable accuracy (90110% of nominal values) and precision (intra- and inter-assay R.S.D. < 10%). The total running time was within 10 min,
with acceptable separation of the target analytes. The lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ) value for CH330331 was 200
ng/ml when an aliquot of 100 mu l sample was injected onto the HPLC. The validated HPLC method was applied to
characterize the epithelial transport of CH330331 in Caco-2 monolayers. The transport of CH330331 across the Caco-2
monolayers from the apical to basolateral side was 8- to 10-fold higher than that from the basolateral to apical side. Coincubation of sodium azide or MK-571, but not verapamil, significantly inhibited the apical to basolateral transport of
CH330331. These findings provide initial evidence that the intestinal absorption of CH330331 is mediated by an active
mechanism. Further studies are required to explore the interaction of CH330331 with ATP-binding cassette transporters
and the possible influence on its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X-Ray Imaging
Author(s): Matsumae, M (Matsumae, Mitsunori); Koizumi, J (Koizumi, Jun); Fukuyama, H (Fukuyama, Haruo);
Ishizaka, H (Ishizaka, Hideo); Mizokami, Y (Mizokami, Yoshihito); Baba, T (Baba, Tanefumi); ATsumi, H (ATsumi,
Hideki); Tsugu, A (Tsugu, ATsusm); Oda, S (Oda, Shinri); Tanaka, Y (Tanaka, Yutaka); Osada, T (Osada, Takamro);
Imai, M (Imai, Masaaki); Ishiguro, T (Ishiguro, Tomoko); Yamamoto, M (Yamamoto, Minako); Tominaga, J
(Tominaga, Jiro); Shtmoda, M (Shtmoda, Masami); Imai, Y (Imai, Yutaka)
Title: World's first magnetic resonance imaging/x-ray/operating room suite: a significant milestone in the improvement
of neurosurgical diagnosis and treatment
Source: JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY, 107 (2): 266-273 AUG 2007
Object. In February 2006, the magnetic resonance/x-ray/operating room (MRXO) suite opened at the authors' institution.
This is the first hybrid neurosurgical procedure suite to combine magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, computed
tomography (CT), and angiography within a neurosurgical operating room (OR). In the present paper the authors
describe the concept of the MRXO as well as their first 10 months of experience using this suite, and discuss its
advantages and limitations.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Methods. In the MRXO suite, the combined OR and angiography (OR-angiography) station is located in the middle of
the suite, and the MR imaging and CT scanning stations are each installed in an adjoining bay connected to the ORangiography station by shielded sliding doors. The surgical, MR imaging, angiography, and CT tables are positioned in
order of use. The patient lies on a fully MR imaging- and radiography-compatible mobile patient tabletop that is used to
move the patient quickly and safely among the tables in the imaging and operating components of the MRXO suite.
Results. The authors performed all interventional procedures safely. The specially designed operating tabletop of the
MRXO suite reduced the limitations on neurosurgeons during standard neurosurgical procedures. This hybrid suite
helps to provide high-quality intraoperative imaging, greatly reducing the risk of unexpected events during the
Conclusions. The MRXO suite, which combines OR and imaging equipment, represents a significant milestone in the
improvement of neurosurgical diagnosis and treatment and other interventional procedures. Another advantage of the
MRXO suite is its cost-effectiveness, which is partly due to its streamlined imaging procedure.
Author(s): Gonzalez, L (Gonzalez, L.); Moro, J (Moro, J.)
Title: Patient radiation dose management in dental facilities according to the X-ray focal distance and the image receptor
Source: DENTOMAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY, 36 (5): 282-284 JUL 2007
Objectives: To determine particular reference values for patient radiation dose management according to the focus-toskin distance and the image receptor type.
Methods: Air-free ionization chambers and solid state detectors built in quality control devices were used to measure Xray tube output in a sample of 2811 X-ray units. The mean exposure time was estimated by the local person responsible
for the quality assurance programme. From this data, mean air kerma values were calculated at the focus-to-skin
distance. To obtain the entrance surface air dose, a backscatter factor of 1.2 was used.
Results: Third-quartile values were 5.3 mGy for old X-ray sets with around 10 cm focus-to-skin distance (FSD); for 20
cm FSD, the values were 4.1 mGy for D type, 3.4 mGy for E/F film type and 1.2 mGy for digital image receptors; and
for 30 cm FSD the values were 2.1 mGy for D type, 1.8 mGy for E/F film type and 0.6 mGy for digital image receptors.
Conclusions: Evidence based on third-quartile values different from those expected justifies the need for particular
reference values taking into account image system and focal distance, as a way to improve patient radiation dose
Author(s): Feldkamp, JM (Feldkamp, J. M.); Schroer, CG (Schroer, C. G.); Patommel, J (Patommel, J.); Lengeler, B
(Lengeler, B.); Gunzler, TF (Gunzler, T. F.); Schweitzer, M (Schweitzer, M.); Stenzel, C (Stenzel, C.); Dieckmann, M
(Dieckmann, M.); Schroeder, WH (Schroeder, W. H.)
Title: Compact x-ray microtomography system for element mapping and absorption imaging - art. no. 073702
Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 78 (7): 73702-73702 JUL 2007
We have designed and built a compact x-ray microtomography system to perform element mapping and absorption
imaging by exploiting scanning fluorescence tomography and full-field transmission microtomography, respectively. It
is based on a low power microfocus tube and is potentially appropriate for x-ray diagnostics in space. Full-field
transmission tomography yields the three-dimensional inner structure of an object. Fluorescence microtomography
provides the element distribution on a virtual section through the sample. Both techniques can be combined for
appropriate samples. Microradiography as well as fluorescence mapping are also possible. For fluorescence
microtomography a small and intensive microbeam is required. It is generated using a polycapillary optic. Operating the
microfocus tube with a molybdenum target at 12 W, a microbeam with a full width at half maximum lateral extension of
16 mu m and a flux of about 10(8) photons/s is generated. As an example of application, this beam is used to determine
the element distribution inside dried plant samples. For full-field scanning tomography, the x-ray optic is removed and
the sample is imaged in magnifying projection onto a two-dimensional position sensitive detector. Depending on the
sample size, a spatial resolution down to about 10 mu m is possible in this mode. The method is demonstrated by threedimensional imaging of a rat humerus. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Hoshino, M (Hoshino, Masato); Ishino, T (Ishino, Toyoaki); Namiki, T (Namiki, Takashi); Yamada, N
(Yamada, Norimitsu); Watanabe, N (Watanabe, Norio); Aoki, S (Aoki, Sadao)
Title: Application of a charge-coupled device photon-counting technique to three-dimensional element analysis of a
plant seed (alfalfa) using a full-field x-ray fluorescence imaging microscope - art. no. 073706
Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 78 (7): 73706-73706 JUL 2007
XIOPM latest Documents Report
A full-field x-ray fluorescence imaging microscope using a Wolter mirror was constructed at Photon Factory BL3C2.
White x rays from a bending magnet were used to excite x-ray fluorescence and to enhance the x-ray fluorescence
intensity. A photon-counting method using a charge-coupled device was applied to obtain an x-ray fluorescence
spectrum at the image plane. The spatial distributions of some specific atoms such as Fe and Zn were obtained from
photon-counting calculations. An energy resolution of 220 eV at the Fe K alpha line was obtained from the x-ray
fluorescence spectrum by the photon-counting method. The newly developed three-dimensional element mappings of
the specific atoms were accomplished by the photon-counting method and a reconstruction technique using computed
tomography. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Marshall, NW (Marshall, N. W.)
Title: Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements for the quality assurance of full field
digital mammography x-ray systems
Source: PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, 52 (18): 5545-5568 SEP 21 2007
Quantitative image quality results in the form of the modulation transfer function (MTF), normalized noise power
spectrum (NNPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) are presented for nine full field digital mammography
(FFDM) systems. These parameters are routinely measured as part of the quality assurance (QA) programme for the
seven FFDM units covered by our centre. Just one additional image is required compared to the standard FFDM
protocol; this is the image of an edge, from which the MTF is calculated. A variance image is formed from one of the
flood images used to measure the detector response and this provides useful information on the condition of the detector
with respect to artefacts. Finally, the NNPS is calculated from the flood image acquired at a target detector air kerma
(DAK) of 100 mu Gy. DQE is then estimated from these data; however, no correction is currently made for effects of
detector cover transmission on DQE. The coefficient of variation (cov) of the 50% point of the MTF for five successive
MTF results was 1%, while the cov for the 50% MTF point for an a-Se system over a period of 17 months was
approximately 3%. For four a-Se based systems, the cov for the NNPS at 1 mm(-1) for a target DAK of 100 mu Gy was
approximately 4%; the same result was found for four CsI based FFDM units. With regard to the stability of NNPS over
time, the cov for four NNPS results acquired over a period of 12 months was also approximately 4%. The effect of
acquisition geometry on NNPS was also assessed for a CsI based system. NNPS data acquired with the antiscatter grid
in place showed increased noise at low spatial frequency; this effect was more severe as DAK increased. DQE results
for the three detector types (a-Se, CsI and CR) are presented as a function of DAK. Some reduction in DQE was found
for both the a-Se and CsI based systems at a target DAK of 12.5 mu Gy when compared to DQE data acquired at 100
mu Gy. For the CsI based systems, DQE at 1 mm(-1) fell from 0.49 at 100 mu Gy to 0.38 at 12.5 mu Gy. For the a-Se
units, there was a slightly greater reduction in average DQE at 1 mm(-1), from 0.53 at 100 mu Gy to 0.31 at 12.5 mu Gy.
Somewhat different behaviour was seen for the CR unit; DQE (at 1 mm(-1)) increased from 0.40 at 100 mu Gy to 0.49
at 12.5 mu Gy; however, DQE fell to 0.30 at 420 mu Gy. DQE stability over time was assessed using the cov of DQE at
1 mm(-1) and a target DAK of 100 mu Gy; the cov for data acquired over a period of 17 months for an a-Se system was
approximately 7%. For comparison with conventional testing methods, the cov was calculated for contrast-detail (cd)
data acquired over the same period of time for this unit. The cov for the threshold contrast results (averaged for disc
diameters between 0.1 mm and 2 mm) was 6%, indicating similar stability.
Author(s): Huang, ZF (Huang, Zhifeng); Kang, KJ (Kang, Kejun); Yang, YG (Yang, Yigang)
Title: Extraction methods of phase information for X-ray diffraction enhanced imaging
X-ray diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI) is one of X-ray phase-contrast imaging methods, which is applied to inspect
internal structures of weakly absorbing low-Z samples. The key problem of the DEI is how to extract phase information
which is expressed by refraction-angle images from a series of DEI images measured in different positions of the
rocking curve of the analyzer. Three effective extraction methods are presented in this paper: the statistical geometricoptics-approximation method, the maximum refraction-angle method and the Gaussian curve fitting method. They are
compared with the existing methods, such as the D. Chapman's geometric optics approximation method and the
multiple-images statistical method. A 2D computer simulation experiment is performed to draw comparisons of these
methods. The experimental results prove that the above three methods have more precision of refraction-angle values
than existing methods. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Author(s): Cho, H (Cho, Hyosung); Choi, S (Choi, Sungil); Kim, J (Kim, Jongguk); Koo, Y (Koo, Yangseo); Kim, T
(Kim, Taewoo); Ro, C (Ro, Changjoon); Lee, B (Lee, Bongsoo); Kim, S (Kim, Sin); Kim, H (Kim, Hokyung)
Title: Performance evaluation of a digital intraoral imaging device based on the CMOS photosensor array coupled with
an integrated X-ray conversion fiber-optic faceplate
As a continuation of our digital X-ray imaging sensor R&D, we have developed a cost-effective, intraoral imaging
device based on the complementary-metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) photosensor array coupled with an integrated
X-ray conversion fiber-optic faceplate. It consists of a commercially available CMOS photosensor of a 35 x 35 mu m(2)
pixel size and a 688 x 910 pixel array dimension, and a high-efficiency columnar CsI(Tl) scintillator of a 90 mu m
thickness directly deposited on a fiber-optic faceplate of a 6 mu m core size and an 1.46 mm thickness with 85/15 corecladding ratio (NA similar to 1.0 in air). The fiber-optic faceplate is a highly X-ray attenuating material that minimizes
X-ray absorption on the end CMOS photosensor array, thus, minimizing X-ray induced noise at the pholosensor array. It
uses a high light-output columnar CsI(Tl) scintillator with a peak spectral emission at 545 nm, giving better spatial
resolution, but attenuates some of this light due to interfacial and optical attenuation factors. In this paper, we presented
the performance analysis of the intraoral imaging device with experimental measurements and acquired X-ray images in
terms of modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). (c)
2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Kazmierczak, M (Kazmierczak, M.); Kumar, R (Kumar, R.); Gopalakrishnan, P (Gopalakrishnan, P.); Ee,
RB (Ee, R. Bane)
Title: Experimental measurement of thermal heating of millimeter sized spheres using IR Imaging subjected to
synchrotron x-ray beam with comparison to theoretical predictions
Author(s): Elliot, TR (Elliot, Thomas R.); Heck, RJ (Heck, Richard J.)
Title: A comparison of 2D vs. 3D thresholding of X-ray CT imagery
Source: CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE, 87 (4): 405-412 AUG 2007
Non-destructive soil constituent analysis has advanced from resin impregnation of intact samples to the utilization of
non-destructive imaging devices (i.e., CT scanners) for 3D composition. A difficulty of CT scanning is the finite
resolution of such devices and the resulting non-definitive boundaries. Isolation of voxels that contain a single
constituent (i.e., low variance voxels) allows for improved segregation of 3D data by histogram thresholding. The
results from proposed 2D and 3D low variance voxel segmentation techniques were compared to establish whether or
not 3D consideration should be used when analyzing CT and intact soil columns. It was determined that 2D processing
in single orientation and as a multiplicative orthogonal process produced dissimilar results to 3D processed data. The
authors encourage further exploration of 3D investigation in soil science, particularly related to soil composition and
Author(s): Newman, CR; Sirringhaus, H; Blakesley, JC; Speller, R
Title: Stability of polymeric thin film transistors for x-ray imaging applications
The effects of x-ray irradiation on the electrical performance of organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) have been
examined up to equivalent lifetime doses for medical digital x-ray imaging backplanes. Transistor performance metrics
have been assessed before and after exposures up to 500 Gy for bottom-gate, bottom-contact OTFTs of p-channel
polytriarylamine and polyfluorene semiconductors. There is no discernible degradation in device performance for either
material and no indication of the creation of additional trap states. In situ measurements indicate that x-ray exposure
tends to reverse undesirable shifts in the threshold voltage due to prolonged atmospheric exposure and bias stress.
Author(s): Betz, O (Betz, Oliver); Wegst, U (Wegst, Ulrike); Weide, D (Weide, Daniela); Heethoff, M (Heethoff,
Michael); Helfen, L (Helfen, Lukas); Lee, WK (Lee, Wah-Keat); Cloetens, P (Cloetens, Peter)
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Title: Imaging applications of synchrotron X-ray phase-contrast microtomography in biological morphology and
biomaterials science. 1. General aspects of the technique and its advantages in the analysis of millimetre-sized arthropod
Source: JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY-OXFORD, 227 (1): 51-71 JUL 2007
Synchrotron-generated X-rays provide scientists with a multitude of investigative techniques well suited for the analysis
of the composition and structure of all types of materials and specimens. Here, we describe the properties of
synchrotron-generated X-rays and the advantages that they provide for qualitative morphological research of millimetresized biological organisms and biomaterials. Case studies of the anatomy of insect heads, of whole microarthropods and
of the three-dimensional reconstruction of the cuticular tendons of jumping beetles, all performed at the beamline fl)19
of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). are presented to illustrate the techniques of phase-contrast
tomography available for anatomical and structural investigations. Various sample preparation techniques are described
and compared and experimental settings that we have found to be particularly successful are given. On comparing the
strengths and weaknesses of the technique with traditional histological thin sectioning, we conclude that synchrotron
radiation microtomography has a great potential in biological microanatomy.
Author(s): Roessl, E (Roessl, E.); Proksa, R (Proksa, R.)
Title: K-edge imaging in x-ray computed tomography using multi-bin photon counting detectors
Source: PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, 52 (15): 4679-4696 AUG 7 2007
After passage through matter, the energy spectrum of a polychromatic beam of x-rays contains valuable information
about the elemental composition of the absorber. Conventional x-ray systems or x-ray computed tomography (CT)
systems, equipped with scintillator detectors operated in the integrating mode, are largely insensitive to this type of
spectral information, since the detector output is proportional to the energy fluence integrated over the whole spectrum.
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate to which extent energysensitive photon counting devices, operated in
the pulse-mode, are capable of revealing quantitative information about the elemental composition of the absorber. We
focus on the detection of element-specific, K-edge discontinuities of the photo-electric cross-section. To be specific, we
address the question of measuring and imaging the local density of a gadolinium-based contrast agent, in the framework
of a generalized dual-energy pre-processing. Our results are very promising and seem to open up new possibilities for
the imaging of the distribution of elements with a high atomic number Z in the human body using x-ray attenuation
measurements. To demonstrate the usefulness of the detection and the appropriate processing of the spectral information,
we present simulated images of an artherosclerotic coronary vessel filled with gadolinium-based contrast agent. While
conventional systems, equipped with integrating detectors, often fail to differentiate between contrast filled lumen and
artherosclerotic plaque, the use of an energy-selective detection system based on the counting of individual photons
reveals a strong contrast between plaque and contrast agent.
Author(s): Fetterly, KA (Fetterly, Kenneth A.); Schueler, BA (Schueler, Beth A.)
Title: Experimental evaluation of fiber-interspaced antiscatter grids for large patient imaging with digital x-ray systems
Source: PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, 52 (16): 4863-4880 AUG 21 2007
Radiographic imaging of large patients is compromised by x-ray scatter. Optimization of digital x-ray imaging systems
used for projection radiography requires the use of the best possible antiscatter grid. The performance of antiscatter
grids used in conjunction with digital x- ray imaging systems can be characterized through measurement of the signalto-noise ratio (SNR) improvement factor (KSNR). The SNR improvement factor of several linear, focused antiscatter
grids was determined from measurements of the fundamental primary and scatter transmission fraction measurements of
the grids as well as the inherent scatter-to-primary ratio (SPR) of the x- ray beam and scatter phantom. The inherent
SPR and scatter transmission fraction was measured using a graduated lead beam stop method. The KSNR of eight grids
with line rates (N) in the range 40 to 80 cm(-1) and ratios ( r) in the range 8: 1 to 15: 1 was measured. All of the grids
had fiber interspace material and carbon-fiber covers. The scatter phantom used was Solid Water ((R)) with thickness 10
to 50 cm, and a 30 x 30 cm(2) field of view was used. All measurements were acquired using a 104 kVp x- ray beam.
The SPR of the non-grid imaging condition ranged from 2.55 for the 10 cm phantom to 25.9 for the 50 cm phantom.
The scatter transmission fractions ranged from a low of 0.083 for the N50 r15 grid to a high of 0.22 for the N40 r8 grid
and the primary transmission fractions ranged from a low of 0.69 for the N80 r15 grid to 0.76 for the N40 r8 grid. The
SNR improvement factors ranged from 1.2 for the 10 cm phantom and N40 r8 grid to 2.09 for the 50 cm phantom and
the best performing N50 r15, N44 r15 and N40 r14 grids.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Optical tweezers/ Photochromic
Author(s): Andersson, M (Andersson, Martin); Madgavkar, A (Madgavkar, Ashwin); Stjerndahl, M (Stjerndahl, Maria);
Wu, YR (Wu, Yanrong); Tan, WH (Tan, Weihong); Duran, R (Duran, Randy); Niehren, S (Niehren, Stefan); Mustafa, K
(Mustafa, Kamal); Arvidson, K (Arvidson, Kristina); Wennerberg, A (Wennerberg, Ann)
Title: Using optical tweezers for measuring the interaction forces between human bone cells and implant surfaces:
System design and force calibration - art. no. 074302
Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 78 (7): 74302-74302 JUL 2007
Optical tweezers were used to study the interaction and attachment of human bone cells to various types of medical
implant materials. Ideally, the implant should facilitate cell attachment and promote migration of the progenitor cells in
order to decrease the healing time. It is therefore of interest, in a controlled manner, to be able to monitor the cell
adhesion process. Results from such studies would help foresee the clinical outcome of integrating medical implants.
The interactions between two primary cell culture models, human gingival fibroblasts and bone forming human
osteoblast cells, and three different implant materials, glass, titanium, and hydroxyapatite, were studied. A novel type of
optical tweezers, which has a newly designed quadrant detector and a powerful 3 W laser was constructed and force
calibrated using two different methods: one method in which the stiffness of the optical trap was obtained by monitoring
the phase lag between the trap and the moved object when imposing a forced oscillation on the trapped object and
another method in which the maximum trapping force was derived from the critical velocity at which the object escapes
the trap. Polystyrene beads as well as cells were utilized for the calibrations. This is the first time that cells have been
used directly for these types of force calibrations and, hence, direct measurements of forces exerted on cells can be
performed, thus avoiding the difficulties often encountered when translating the results obtained from cell
measurements to the calibrations obtained with reference materials. This more straightforward approach represents an
advantage in comparison to established methods. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Basdogan, C (Basdogan, Cagatay); Kiraz, A (Kiraz, Alper); Bukusoglu, I (Bukusoglu, Ibrahim); Varol, A
(Varol, Aydin); Doganay, S (Doganay, Sultan)
Title: Haptic guidance for improved task performance in steering microparticles with optical tweezers
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (18): 11616-11621 SEP 3 2007
We report the manipulation of 4-5 mu m diameter polymer microspheres floating in water using optical tweezers (OT)
and a haptic device (i.e. force-reflecting robotic arm). Trapped microspheres are steered using the end-effector of a
haptic device that is virtually coupled to an XYZ piezo-scanner controlling the movements of the fluid bed. To help
with the manipulations, we first calculate a collision-free path for the particle and then display artificial guidance forces
to the user through the haptic device to keep him/her on this path during steering. Experiments conducted with 8
subjects show almost two-fold improvements in the average path error and average speed under the guidance of haptic
feedback. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): van der Horst, A (van der Horst, Astrid); Campbell, AI (Campbell, Andrew I.); van Vugt, LK (van Vugt,
Lambert K.); Vanmaekelbergh, DAM (Vanmaekelbergh, Danieel A. M.); Dogterom, M (Dogterom, Marileen); van
Blaaderen, A (van Blaaderen, Alfons)
Title: Manipulating metal-oxide nanowires using counter-propagating optical line tweezers
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (18): 11629-11639 SEP 3 2007
Semiconducting nanowires, such as ZnO and Si, are used in the fields of nanophotonics and nanoelectronics. Optical
tweezers offer the promise of flexible positional control of such particles in a liquid, but so far this has been limited to
either manipulation close to the surface, or to axial trapping of nanowires. We show the three-dimensional trapping of
ZnO and silica-coated Si nanowires in counter-propagating line tweezers, and demonstrate translational and rotational
in-plane manipulation, away from the surfaces. The high-refractive index particles investigated-ZnO wires (n similar to
1.9) with varying lengths up to 20 mu m and 6-mu m-long silica-coated Si wires (n = 3.6) - could not be trapped in
single-beam line traps. Opposite surface charges are used to fix the nanowires to a surface. Full translational and inplane rotational control of semiconducting nanowires expands the possibilities to position individual wires in complex
geometries significantly. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Author(s): Yasokawa, T (Yasokawa, Toshiki); Ishimaru, I (Ishimaru, Ichirou); Kondo, M (Kondo, Masahiro); Kuriyama,
S (Kuriyama, Shigeki); Asaki, T (Asaki, Tsutomu); Takegawa, K (Takegawa, Kaoru); Tanaka, N (Tanaka, Naotaka)
Title: A method for measuring the three-dimensional refractive-index distribution of single cells using proximal twobeam optical tweezers and a phase-shifting mach-zehnder interferometer
Source: OPTICAL REVIEW, 14 (4): 161-164 JUL-AUG 2007
This paper describes a method for measuring the three-dimensional (3D) refractive-index distribution in a single cell.
The method can be used to observe the distribution of cell components without fluorescence staining. The twodimensional optical path length distributions from multiple directions are obtained by non-contact rotation of the cell.
These optical path lengths are converted into the line integrals of the refractive index, and the 3D reftactive-index
distribution is reconstructed by means of computed tomography. The refractive-index distribution in a breast cancer cell
can be measured using a phase-shifting Mach-Zehnder interferometer in conjunction with proximal two-beam optical
tweezers. (c) 2007 The Optical Society of Japan.
Author(s): Wei, MT (Wei, Ming-Tzo); Hua, KF (Hua, Kuo-Feng); Hsu, J (Hsu, Jowey); Karmenyan, A (Karmenyan,
Artashes); Tseng, KY (Tseng, Kai-Yu); Wong, CH (Wong, Chi-Huey); Hsu, HY (Hsu, Hsien-Yeh); Chiou, A (Chiou,
Title: The interaction of lipopolysaccharide with membrane receptors on macrophages pre-treated with extract of Reishi
polysaccharides measured by optical tweezers
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (17): 11020-11032 AUG 20 2007
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), one of the cell wall components of Gram-negative bacteria, is recognized by and interacted
with receptors on macrophages. In this paper, we report the trapping of LPS-coated polystyrene particles via optical
tweezers and measured its interaction with murine macrophages (J774A.1 cells) for cells pre-treated with extract of
Reishi polysaccharides (EORP) vs. those without EORP treatment. Our experimental results indicate that the cellular
affinity for LPS increases when the macrophage is pretreated with EORP. We demonstrate for the first time by
conventional biological methods and by tracking the dynamics of optically-trapped LPS-coated particles interacting
with J774A.1 cells, that EORP not only enhances J774A.1 cells surface expression of TLR4 and CD14, two receptors
on macrophages, as well as LPS binding and phagocytosis internalization, but also reduces the adhesion time constant
and increases the force constant of the binding interaction. The application of optical tweezers allows us to study the
effect on a single cell quantitatively in real-time with a spatial resolution similar to 1 mu m within a single cell.
(c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Castelain, Ml; Pignon, Fdr; Piau, JM; Magnin, A; Mercier-Bonin, M; Schmitz, P
Title: Removal forces and adhesion properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on glass substrates probed by optical
In agroindustry, the hygiene of solid surfaces is of primary importance in order to ensure that products are safe for
consumers. To improve safety, one of the major ways consists in identifying and understanding the mechanisms of
microbial cell adhesion to nonporous solid surfaces or filtration membranes. In this paper we investigate the adhesion of
the yeast cell Saccharomyces cerevisiae (about 5 m in diameter) to a model solid surface, using well-defined hydrophilic
glass substrates. An optical tweezer device developed by Piau [J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 144, 1 (2007)] was
applied to yeast cells in contact with well-characterized glass surfaces. Two planes of observation were used to obtain
quantitative measurements of removal forces and to characterize the corresponding mechanisms at a micrometer length
scale. The results highlight various adhesion mechanisms, depending on the ionic strength, contact time, and type of
yeast. The study has allowed to show a considerable increase of adhering cells with the ionic strength and has provided
a quantitative measurement of the detachment forces of cultured yeast cells. Force levels are found to grow with ionic
strength and differences in mobility are highlighted. The results clearly underline that a microrheological approach is
essential for analyzing the adhesion mechanisms of biological systems at the relevant local scales.
Author(s): Akitsu, T (Akitsu, Takashiro)
Title: Photofunctional supramolecular solution systems of chiral Schiff base nickel(II), copper(II), and zinc(II)
complexes and photochromic azobenzenes
Source: POLYHEDRON, 26 (12): 2527-2535 JUL 23 2007
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Preparations, crystal structures, electronic and CD spectra are reported for new chiral Schiff base complexes, bis(N-R-1naphthylethyl-3,5-dichlorosalicydenaminato)nickel(II), copper(II), and zinc(II). Nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes
adopt a square planar trans-[MN2O2] coordination geometry with Delta(R,R) configuration. While zinc(II) complex
adopts a compressed tetrahedral trans-[MN2O2] one with Delta(R,R) configuration and exhibits an emission band
around 21 000 cm(-1) (lambda(ex) = 27 000 cm(-1)). Absorption and CD spectra were recorded in N,N'dimethylformamide, acetone, methanol, chloroform, and toluene solutions to discuss relationships between spectral
shifts of d-d and pi-pi bands by structural changes of the complexes and physical properties of the solvents. Moreover,
we have attempted to investigate conformational changes of the complexes induced by photoisomerization of
azobenzene, 4-hydroxyazobenzene, or 4-aminoazobenzene, in various solutions under different conditions. Weak
intermolecular interactions between complexes and azobenzenes are important for the phenomenon by conformational
changes of bulky pi-conjugated moieties of the ligands. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Lutti, J; Langbein, W; Borri, P
Title: High Q optical resonances of polystyrene microspheres in water controlled by optical tweezers
Using evanescent field coupling via frustrated total internal reflection, we measured whispering-gallery optical
resonances of polystyrene microspheres held in aqueous buffer by optical tweezers, as a function of the distance from
the planar coupling substrate. An intrinsic Q factor of 4 106 was found for a microsphere of 30 m diameter, indicating
the potential of such microresonators for highly sensitive biomolecular detection. These measurements provide an upper
limit of 2 10 7 for the imaginary part of the complex refractive index of polystyrene at 770 nm wavelength.
Author(s): Delgado-Macuil, R (Delgado-Macuil, R.); Rojas-Lopez, M (Rojas-Lopez, M.); Gayou, VL (Gayou, V. L.);
Orduna-Diaz, A (Orduna-Diaz, A.); Diaz-Reyes, J (Diaz-Reyes, J.)
Title: ATR spectroscopy applied to photochromic polymer analysis
Source: MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, 58 (8-9): 771-775 Sp. Iss. SI AUG-SEP 2007
This work reports the use of infrared spectroscopy in the Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) mode to analyze the
interactions between polymeric bases and the spiropyran. Infrared spectroscopy helps to understand the interactions
between the different molecules, spiropyran polymeric base and the solvent. Polymethyl methacrylate and cellulose
acetate as polymeric base and the spiropyran 1, 3, 3 trimethyl indoline-5-nitro benzopyrane were used. Thin films of
different concentrations (0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 5%) of spiropyran were deposited in each type of polymeric base.
The infrared spectra show the frequencies associated with the chemical bonds of each molecule. A decrease in intensity
of absorbance was observed for the C=O stretching mode of the acetate group located at 1720 cm(-1) and for the C=C
and C=N stretching modes at 1642 cm 1 associated with spiropyran. A shift in the intensity of the peaks was also
observed due to solvent and polymeric base effects on the final film. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All tights reserved.
Author(s): Abedin, KS (Abedin, Kazi Sarwar); Kerbage, C (Kerbage, Charles); Fernandez-Nieves, A (Fernandez-Nieves,
Alberto); Weitz, DA (Weitz, David A.)
Title: Optical manipulation and rotation of liquid crystal drops using high-index fiber-optic tweezers - art. no. 091119
Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 91 (9): 91119-91119 AUG 27 2007
We report an optical fiber tweezer based on high-index material for trapping and optical manipulation of microscale
particles in water. The use of a high-index material increases the trapping force with respect to the more common silica,
through tighter focusing of light. We demonstrate the potential of this simple and versatile device by trapping and
rotating nematic liquid crystal drops. We monitor the rotation of the drop by detecting light modulation observed with
the same fiber using backscattered light, which exhibits modulation in intensity due to the rotation of the drop; this
further extends the capabilities of the fiber tweezers. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Author(s): Beugnon, J; Tuchendler, C; Marion, H; Gaetan, A; Miroshnychenko, Y; Sortais, YRP; Lance, AM; Jones,
MPA; Messin, G; Browaeys, A; Grangier, P
Title: Two-dimensional transport and transfer of a single atomic qubit in optical tweezers
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Quantum computers have the capability of out-performing their classical counterparts for certain computational
problems. Several scalable quantum-computing architectures have been proposed. An attractive architecture is a large
set of physically independent qubits arranged in three spatial regions where (1) the initialized qubits are stored in a
register, (2) two qubits are brought together to realize a gate and (3) the readout of the qubits is carried out. For a
neutral-atom-based architecture, a natural way to connect these regions is to use optical tweezers to move qubits within
the system. In this letter we demonstrate the coherent transport of a qubit, encoded on an atom trapped in a
submicrometre tweezer, over a distance typical of the separation between atoms in an array of optical traps. Furthermore,
we transfer a qubit between two tweezers, and show that this manipulation also preserves the coherence of the qubit.
Author(s): Folling, J (Foelling, J.); Belov, V (Belov, V.); Kunetsky, R (Kunetsky, R.); Medda, R (Medda, R.); Schonle,
A (Schoenle, A.); Egner, A (Egner, A.); Eggeling, C (Eggeling, C.); Bossi, M (Bossi, M.); Hell, SW (Hell, S. W.)
Title: Photochromic rhodamines provide nanoscopy with optical sectioning
Author(s): Huang, J (Huang, Jing); Li, Q (Li, Qunxiang); Ren, H (Ren, Hao); Su, H (Su, Haibin); Shi, QW (Shi, Q. W.);
Yang, J (Yang, Jinlong)
Title: Switching mechanism of photochromic diarylethene derivatives molecular junctions - art. no. 094705
Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 127 (9): 94705-94705 SEP 7 2007
The electronic transport properties and switching mechanism of single photochromic diarylethene derivatives
sandwiched between two gold surfaces with closed and open configurations are investigated by a fully self-consistent
nonequilibrium Green's function method combined with density functional theory. The calculated transmission spectra
of two configurations are strikingly distinctive. The open form lacks any significant transmission peak within a wide
energy window, while the closed structure has two significant transmission peaks on both sides of the Fermi level. The
electronic transport properties of the molecular junction with closed structure under a small bias voltage are mainly
determined by the tail of the transmission peak contributed unusually by the perturbed lowest perturbed unoccupied
molecular orbital. The calculated on-off ratio of currents between the closed and open configurations is about two orders
of magnitude, which reproduces the essential features of the experimental measured results. Moreover, we find that the
switching behavior within a wide bias voltage window is extremely robust to both substituting F or S for H or O and
varying end anchoring atoms from S to Se and Te.
Author(s): De Luca, AC (De Luca, Anna Chiara); Volpe, G (Volpe, Giovanni); Drets, AM (Drets, Anna Morales); Geli,
MI (Geli, Maria Isabel); Pesce, G (Pesce, Giuseppe); Rusciano, G (Rusciano, Giulia); Sasso, A (Sasso, Antonio); Petrov,
D (Petrov, Dmitri)
Title: Real-time actin-cytoskeleton depolymerization detection in a single cell using optical tweezers
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (13): 7922-7932 JUN 25 2007
The cytoskeleton provides the backbone structure for the cellular organization, determining, in particular, the cellular
mechanical properties. These are important factors in many biological processes, as, for instance, the metastatic process
of malignant cells. In this paper, we demonstrate the possibility of monitoring the cytoskeleton structural
transformations in optically trapped yeast cells ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae) by tracking the forward scattered light via a
quadrant photodiode. We distinguished normal cells from cells treated with latrunculin A, a drug which is known to
induce the actin-cytoskeleton depolymerization. Since the proposed technique relies only on the inherent properties of
the optical trap, without requiring external markers or biochemical sensitive spectroscopic techniques, it can be readily
combined with existing optical tweezers setups. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America
Author(s): Miniewicz, A (Miniewicz, Andrzej); Kochalska, A (Kochalska, Anna); Mysliwiec, J (Mysliwiec, Jaroslaw);
Samoc, A (Samoc, Anna); Samoc, M (Samoc, Marek); Grote, JG (Grote, James G.)
Title: Deoxyribonucleic acid-based photochromic material for fast dynamic holography - art. no. 041118
Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 91 (4): 41118-41118 JUL 23 2007
The authors report on a biopolymeric material made of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) complexed with the cationic
surfactant cetyltrimethyl-ammonium (CTMA) and doped with the photochromic disperse red 1 dye (DR1) for dynamic
holographic recording. The molar ratio of the DNA-CTMA to the dye is about 5 : 1. They have found that the
photochromic properties of DR1 in the DNA-CTMA matrix are favorably modified in speed of response with respect to
XIOPM latest Documents Report
conventional polymeric matrices. Dynamic holographic gratings which were inscribed in DR1:DNA-CTMA films are
characterized by switching times within a 1-10 ms range. An excellent reversibility of the recording process is reported.
Author(s): Schulzyz, M (Schulzyz, M.); Crepaz, H (Crepaz, H.); Schmidt-Kaler, F (Schmidt-Kaler, F.); Eschner, J
(Eschner, J.); Blatt, R (Blatt, R.)
Title: Transfer of trapped atoms between two optical tweezer potentials
Source: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 54 (11): 1619-1626 2007
Trapped, laser-cooled rubidium atoms are transferred between two strongly focused, horizontal, orthogonally
intersecting laser beams. The transfer efficiency is studied as a function of the vertical distance between the beam axes.
Optimum transfer is found when the distance equals the beam waist radius. Numerical simulations reproduce well the
experimental results.
Author(s): Brau, RR (Brau, R. R.); Ferrer, JM (Ferrer, J. M.); Lee, H (Lee, H.); Castro, CE (Castro, C. E.); Tam, BK
(Tam, B. K.); Tarsa, PB (Tarsa, P. B.); Matsudaira, P (Matsudaira, P.); Boyce, MC (Boyce, M. C.); Kamm, RD (Kamm,
R. D.); Lang, MJ (Lang, M. J.)
Title: Passive and active microrheology with optical tweezers
Efforts at understanding the behaviour of complex materials at the micro scale have led to the development of many
microrheological techniques capable of probing viscoelastic behaviour. Among these, optical tweezers have been
extensively developed for biophysical applications: they offer several advantages over traditional techniques, and can be
employed in both passive and active microrheology. In this report, we outline several methods that can be used with
optical tweezers to measure the microrheological behaviour of materials such as glycerol, methylcellulose solutions,
actin matrices, and cellular membranes. In addition, we quantify the effect that the index of refraction of the solution has
on the stiffness of the optical trap. Our results indicate that optical tweezers force microscopy is a versatile tool for the
exploration of viscoelastic behaviour in a range of substrates at the micro scale.
Author(s): Domachuk, P (Domachuk, P.); Omenetto, FG (Omenetto, F. G.); Eggleton, BJ (Eggleton, B. J.); CroninGolomb, M (Cronin-Golomb, M.)
Title: Optofluidic sensing and actuation with optical tweezers
The optical tweezers effect offers the potential for all-optical control of microfluidic and optofluidic devices. Several
possible means for applying optical tweezers to optofluidics are described including the use of polymers to tether
transversely trapped microspheres and eliminate the need for axial trapping. Also covered is the use of optically trapped
cantilevers to make durable devices and to allow the optically actuated elements to be integrated into the devices during
manufacture. Self-aligning fibre-optic confocal detection of backscattered light is used to measure the position of the
trapped object with respect to the axis of the trap for application to force sensing.
Author(s): Larciprete, MC (Larciprete, Maria Cristina); Dini, D (Dini, Danilo); Ostuni, R (Ostuni, Raffaella); Sibilia, C
(Sibilia, Concita); Bertolotti, M (Bertolotti, Mario); Alvarez-Mico, X (Alvarez-Mico, Xavier); Gomez-Bombarelli, R
(Gomez-Bombarelli, Rafael); Cappeddu, M (Cappeddu, Mirko); Scalora, M (Scalora, Michael); Bloemer, MJ (Bloemer,
Mark J.)
Title: Optical switching of a photochromic bis-phenylazo compound in PMMA films
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 42 (18): 7866-7871 SEP 2007
We present our results on a newly synthesized bis-phenylazo derivative, namely bisperfluoroalkylsulfonylaminoarylazomethylene-triphenyl-phosphorane (BAM-TPP). Thin films of BAM-TPP in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)
matrix were prepared. The films (thickness, d < 60 mu m) were exposed to UV-vis light with variable intensity in order
to stimulate the photochromic reaction of BAM-TPP. The resulting absorption changes of the BAM-TPP/PMMA films
were investigated by spectrophotometry. The absorption spectra reveal that BAM-TPP molecules in PMMA undergo
photoisomerization with resulting decrease of absorbance in the range 500-700 nm. Finally, the time response of film
transmittance at 514 nm under increasing CW light intensity was recorded, showing that the reverse photochromic
XIOPM latest Documents Report
process brings the absorbance back to its pristine value. The obtained films thus proved to be suitable for optical
switching applications.
Author(s): Kurmaz, SV (Kurmaz, S. V.); Kochneva, LS (Kochneva, L. S.); Perepelitsina, EO (Perepelitsina, E. O.);
Korolev, GV (Korolev, G. V.); Grachev, VP (Grachev, V. P.); Aldoshin, SM (Aldoshin, S. M.)
Title: Photochromic transformations of 6-nitrospiropyran in matrices of linear and branched polymers
Source: RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN, 56 (2): 197-204 FEB 2007
Photochromic transformations of 6-nitrospiropyran in matrices of linear polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) and
branched polymethacrylates of various composition and structure were studied by absorption spectroscopy. In the case
of linear polymers the kinetics of bleaching of the colored merocyanine form of 6-nitrospiropyran is determined by
polarity and molecular mobility of the polymer matrix. The kinetic regularities of merocyanine transformations into the
initial spiropyran in the branched polymer matrices are apparently caused by specific features of their architecture,
differences in the degree of branching, and the properties associated with molecular mobility.
Fiber Amplifier
Author(s): Qin, G (Qin, Guanshi); Jose, R (Jose, Rajan); Ohishi, Y (Ohishi, Yastitake)
Title: Design of ultimate gain-flattened O-, E-, and S plus C plus L ultrabroadband fiber amplifiers using a new fiber
Raman gain medium
Source: JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 25 (9): 2727-2738 SEP 2007
By solving the inverse amplifier design problem, gain-flattened 0 (similar to 17.5 THz), E (similar to 15.1 THz), and S+
C+ L (similar to 20.9 THz) ultrabroadband fiber Raman amplifiers (FRA) are designed using a new TeO2-BaO-SrONb2O5-P2O5-WO3 (TBSNWP) tellurite fiber. When increasing the numbers of pump wavelengths from two to eight,
the gain profiles become flatter, and the effective bandwidth becomes larger. Relative gain flatness of similar to 1%
could be achieved over bandwidths of up to 15.1 THz (corresponds to E-band) without any gain equalization devices.
When narrowing the gain bandwidth from the S+ C+ L-band (20.9 THz) to the E-band (15.1 THz), the relative gain
flatness is reduced from 4.51 % to 4.12 %. The effects of the shape of the Raman gain spectra on the relative gain
flatness and the effective bandwidth are also investigated using the TBSNWP glass with one broad Raman shift peak
(full width at half maximum similar to 11 THz) and TeO2-Bi2O3-ZnO-Na2O (TBZN) glass with twin peaks. The
simulation results show that the relative gain flatness and the effective bandwidth of TBSNWP FRA are better and
larger than those of TBZN FRA, respectively. Our results suggest that the TBSNWP glasses are promising candidates
for broadband FRA in photonic systems.
Author(s): Kylemark, P (Kylemark, Per); Ren, J (Ren, Jian); Karlsson, M (Karlsson, Magnus); Radic, S (Radic, Stojan);
McKinstrie, CJ (McKinstrie, Colin J.); Andrekson, PA (Andrekson, Peter A.)
Title: Noise in dual-pumped fiber-optical parametric amplifiers: Theory and experiments
Source: JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 25 (9): 2837-2846 SEP 2007
The noise figure (NF) of a dual-pumped parametric amplifier with copolarized pumps is quantified for the first time to
our knowledge. It is shown that the NF is increased by the noise on the pump sources, in agreement with theory, and
that it gives a uniform NF degradation due to a uniform gain spectrum. The magnitude of the NF degradation increases
with increasing input-signal power. Various aspects of the NF are studied, such as the effects of three idlers generated
by the four-sideband interaction, and Raman-induced losses and excess noise caused by the population of thermal
phonons. It is shown that the use of unequal pump powers only affects the low-power NIT to a minimal degree. Also,
the gain dependence of the NF is studied, as are the wavelength and signal power dependences of the NE It is shown
that at high gain, the NF saturates even when pump noise is an issue. Also, unequal pump powers with fixed gain have a
minor impact on the noise performance of the amplifier. Theory and experiments agree well with each other.
Author(s): Pioger, PH (Pioger, P. H.); Couderc, V (Couderc, V.); Leproux, P (Leproux, P.); Champert, PA (Champert, P.
Title: High spectral power density supercontinuum generation in a nonlinear fiber amplifier
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (18): 11358-11363 SEP 3 2007
XIOPM latest Documents Report
We present an experimental study on supercontinuum generation with high spectral power density by using a
commercial nonlinear fiber amplifier. This new approach consists in the simultaneous combination of the amplification
of a pulsed seed signal at 1.06 mu m and its peak-power-induced spectral broadening as the optical pulse propagates
along the amplifying fiber. A 750-nm broadening from 1 mu m to 1.75 mu m with tunable spectral power density
according to the amplifier gain level is obtained. Spectral power density in excess of 3 mW/nm is demonstrated. (C)
2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Hildebrandt, M (Hildebrandt, M.); Frede, M (Frede, M.); Kracht, D (Kracht, D.)
Title: Narrow-linewidth ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier system with 45 nm tuning range and 133 W of output power
Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 32 (16): 2345-2347 AUG 15 2007
We report on a master-oscillator ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier system with up to 133 W of continuous wave output
power using a tunable narrow-linewidth external-cavity diode laser seed source. Stable tunable high-power operation
was demonstrated from 1040 nm to 1085 nm with more than 12 dB suppression of amplified spontaneous emission. (C)
2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Rapp, L (Rapp, Lutz)
Title: Transient performance of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers using a new feedforward control taking into account
wavelength dependence
Fast electronic control architectures are currently the most economical solution to stabilize the gain of erbium-doped
fiber amplifiers (EDFAs). Commonly, feedback architectures are used since they allow to adjust the gain or output
power to given target values and to compensate for control errors. However, purely feedback based controllers cannot
meet the transient performance requirements for dynamically reconfigured networks. If improved transient performance
is needed, a feedforward controller is added. However, state of the art implementations cannot achieve optimum
performance since they do not take into account the shape of the input spectrum.
In this paper, transient performance achieved with a new approach is investigated. Optimum transient performance is
obtained by taking into account the wavelength dependence of the required pump power without incorporating
additional hardware in the EDFA design. The basic principle behind the approach is explained and limiting effects are
pointed out. In particular, the impact of transition times and sampling rates of digital signal processors are investigated.
In addition, different aspects of the implementation are considered and the new approach is compared with standard
feedforward controllers in view of the overshoots and undershoots arising from adding and dropping of channels.
Author(s): Mizunami, T (Mizunami, Toru); Kizaki, N (Kizaki, Naoya); Nagaiwa, K (Nagaiwa, Kenzo)
Title: Microprocessing and microplasma generation by femtosecond laser pulses generated by figure-of-eight erbiumdoped fiber-laser amplifier system
A high-power femtosecond fiber-laser system for microplasma generation and microprocessing was developed. A 115 fs
pulse train was generated by a passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser. The pulses were near the Fourier
transform limit. The pulse repetition rate was 12.2 MHz, the average power was 2.2 mW, and the peak power was 940
W. From the fiber-laser output, a small number of pulses were extracted using a lithium mobate optical modulator. The
extracted pulses were amplified by an erbium-doped fiber amplifier with a small-signal gain of 400. The pulse was
amplified with a net gain of 18 for a repetition rate of 1 MHz. The generation of micropl.asma from an amorphous
carbon film was observed by irradiation of the output of the fiber laser system. The generation of the microplasrna was
continuous when the position of irradiation was scanned. The diameter of the microplasma was 14 gm. A microablation
trace of 15 mu m width was obtained on the film.
Author(s): Wang, F (Wang, Fei); Chen, HT (Chen, Haltao); Yang, WY (Yang, Wenyan); Wu, ZM (Wu, Zhengmao);
Xia, GQ (Xia, Guangqiong)
Title: Numerical study of amplifier fiber ring a harmonic mode-locked semiconductor optical laser
Source: OPTIK, 118 (9): 430-434 2007
XIOPM latest Documents Report
An improved harmonic mode-locked Semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) fiber ring lasers has been presented and
numerically investigated based on the self-reproduction theory. The numerical result shows that a narrower optical pulse
train with a more symmetrical-temporal shape can be obtained, when the modulation SOA is DC biased on high current,
whereas the gain SOA is DC biased on the low current functions as a gain compensator in the experimental setup. Also,
the system parameters effects on the characteristic of the harmonic mode-locked pulse have been investigated. (c) 2006
Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Heo, J (Heo, Jong); Liu, C (Liu, Chao)
Title: Pbs quantum-dots in glass matrix for universal fiber-optic amplifier
Optical properties of PbS QDs embedded inside glass matrix were investigated for the potential application towards the
fiber-optic amplifiers. Controllability of PbS QDs formation was examined through heat-treatment and modification of
host glass composition. Emission within 1-2 mu m wavelength range was obtained when the sizes of PbS QDs were
tuned by heat-treatment. Modification of host glass composition improved the ability to control the sizes of QDs.
Glasses doped with PbS QDs can provide potentials as robust materials for universal fiber-optic amplifiers.
Author(s): Azami, N (Azami, N.)
Title: Polarization-dependent gain in Raman fiber amplifiers with depleted pumps
Source: FIBER AND INTEGRATED OPTICS, 26 (5): 289-293 2007
Polarization-dependent gain in a Raman fiber amplifier in the depleted pump regime is investigated. Numerical
investigations are realized and show that gain fluctuations are highly reduced when signal and pump interactions allow
pump depletion.
Author(s): Jones, DC (Jones, D. C.); Stacey, CD (Stacey, C. D.); Scott, AM (Scott, A. M.)
Title: Phase stabilization of a large-mode-area ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier
Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 32 (5): 466-468 MAR 1 2007
Measurements are reported on the open and closed-loop phase stability of a large-mode-area ytterbium-doped fiber
amplifier. Phase fluctuations are characterized by a high-frequency low-amplitude jitter superimposed on a slow powerdependent drift. The amplifier may be phase locked to a precision of lambda/20 by using a low-bandwidth feedback
Author(s): Xing, L (Xing, Liang); Zhan, L (Zhan, Li); Yi, LL (Yi, Lilin); Xia, YX (Xia, Yuxing)
Title: Storage capacity of slow-light tunable optical buffers based on fiber Brillouin amplifiers for real signal bit streams
Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (16): 10189-10195 AUG 6 2007
We present a theoretical analysis of the slow-light tunable optical buffers based on fiber Brillouin amplifiers (FBA). Its
storage capacity was discussed for return-to-zero (RZ) and non-return-to-zero (NRZ) bit streams. Gain saturation and
pulse broadening are two key factors which limit the buffer capacity. Gain saturation is an inherent characteristic of the
FBA. Broadening of the amplified pulse always accumulates with increasing gain owing to the dispersion during
stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) process. It is shown that the maximum buffer capacity varies with data bit rate and
for continuous wave (CW) or quasi-CW pump it is 0.53 and 1.04 bit for RZ and NRZ respectively. Also, the optimum
data bit rate to achieve the best storage capacity is obtained. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Fini, JM (Fini, John M.)
Title: Design of large-mode-area amplifier fibers resistant to bend-induced distortion
XIOPM latest Documents Report
As fiber amplifiers and lasers achieve higher power, gain fiber designs are pushing toward extremely large-mode area.
In this regime, bend-induced distortion of fiber modes becomes large and can severely impact amplifier performance.
Previous results describing bend-induced reduction of effective area are reviewed and extended with a numerical
analysis of how bend distortion impacts interaction with the gain. Distortion-resistant designs such as the parabolic fiber
are shown to substantially improve gain-interaction indicators as well as all other performance metrics simulated, and
are predicted to dramatically outperform step-index fibers. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Augst, SJ (Augst, Steven J.); Ranka, JK (Ranka, Jinendra K.); Fan, TY (Fan, T. Y.); Sanchez, A (Sanchez,
Title: Beam combining of ytterbium fiber amplifiers (Invited)
Fiber lasers are well suited to scaling to high average power using beam-combining techniques. For coherent combining,
optical phase-noise characterization of a ytterbium fiber amplifier is required to perform a critical evaluation of various
approaches to coherent combining. For wavelength beam combining, we demonstrate good beam quality from the
combination of three fiber amplifiers, and we discuss system scaling and design trades between laser linewidth, beam
width, grating dispersion, and beam quality. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Li, H (Li, Hao); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Ying); Soh, YC (Soh, Yeng Chai); Wen, CY (Wen, Changyun)
Title: Design and analysis of dynamic erbium-doped fiber amplifier gain-clamping systems with feedback control
We present an accurate and quantitative design scheme for erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) gain control systems.
The proposed design scheme is demonstrated through the design of an eight-channel EDFA gain-clamping system with
an all-optical self-tuning feedback loop. The effect of the time delay in the feedback loop and the selection of feedback
wavelength are theoretically analyzed. Compared with existing electrical-optical EDFA gain schemes, the proposed
design scheme is free from the feedback loop response speed limitation and does not need any predetermined
information of the network traffic variation or operation point estimation. It can efficiently enhance the static and
dynamic performance of the whole system. Furthermore, since the design can efficiently suppress the relaxation
oscillation transient, it provides a cost-effective solution for the gain-clamping problem of a long EDFA chain by
combining it with a fast-link control method. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Schreiber, T (Schreiber, T.); Schimpf, D (Schimpf, D.); Muller, D (Mueller, D.); Roser, F (Roeser, F.);
Limpert, J (Limpert, J.); Tunnermann, A (Tuennermann, A.)
Title: Influence of pulse shape in self-phase-modulation-limited chirped pulse fiber amplifier systems
Our investigation is focused on the influence of the temporal pulse shape in chirped pulse fiber amplifier systems in
which the recompression is limited due to a nonlinear chirp caused by self-phase modulation (SPM). We show that
specific pulse shapes can overcome the usual limit but have to be maintained during amplification, which is not fulfilled
if gain shaping occurs. We analyze numerically the possibility of spectral preshaping in order to prevent gain shaping
and nonlinear distortion due to SPM. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Chong, A (Chong, Andy); Kuznetsova, L (Kuznetsova, Lyuba); Wise, FW (Wise, Frank W.)
Title: Theoretical optimization of nonlinear chirped-pulse fiber amplifiers
The exploitation of nonlinear phase shifts (Phi(NL)) in chirped-pulse fiber amplifiers has been demonstrated recently.
Systematic optimization of the performance of a femtosecond-pulse fiber amplifier in the presence of substantial Phi(NL)
is a challenging multivariable problem. We introduce an approximate theoretical model that is valid as long as the
Phi(NL) is not so large that the spectrum changes substantially. The model allows an arbitrary chirped-pulse
XIOPM latest Documents Report
amplification system to be described by a set of four universal curves. These reveal the scaling of performance and
allow determination of the optimal values of residual group-velocity dispersion and third-order dispersion for a given
pulse duration and energy. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Zhou, JH (Zhou, Junhe); Chen, JP (Chen, Jianping); Jaouen, Y (Jaoueen, Yves); Yi, LL (Yi, Lilin); Li, XW
(Li, Xinwan); Petit, H (Petit, Herve); Gallion, P (Gallion, Philippe)
Title: A new frequency model for the pump-to-signal RIN transfer in Brillouin fiber amplifiers
Source: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 19 (13-16): 978-980 JUL-AUG 2007
In this letter, we propose a novel frequency model to evaluate the pump-to-signal relative intensity noise (RIN) transfer
in stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS). For the first time, the RIN transfer in Brillouin fiber amplifiers has been
numerically determined in the pump depletion regime both in the time and frequency domains. Moreover, an analytical
expression of RIN transfer has been derived from the well-known SBS coupling equations when pump depletion is
ignored. Experimental results are found to be in good agreement with the theoretical analysis.
Author(s): Rui, X (Rui, Xiao); Jing, H (Jing, Hou); Jiang, ZF (Jiang Zong-Fu)
Title: Study of far field-distribution of fiber amplifier arrays
Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 56 (8): 4550-4555 AUG 2007
In this paper, according to the analytical equation of the far-field intensity distribution in coherent combination of fiber
laser arrays, we investigate the influence of fill factor of the laser arrays, elements and phase errors on the far-field
patterns, the energy and angular width of the main lobe. At last, we describe the experimental study of the coherent
combining of three-element fiber-laser arrays based on ytterbium polarization-maintaining single-mode power
amplifiers with the fill factor of 12.5%.
Optic Communication
Author(s): Dogan, K (Dogan, Kaan); Gunalay, Y (Gunalay, Yavuz); Akar, N (Akar, Nail)
Title: Comparative study of limited-range wavelength conversion policies for asynchronous optical packet switching
Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, 6 (2): 134-145 FEB 1 2007
We study an asynchronous optical packet (OP)-switching node equipped with a number of limited range (LR)
wavelength converters shared per output link. We study both circular and noncircular LR-wavelength-conversion
schemes. A wavelength conversion policy governs the selection of the outgoing wavelength for an OP if the incoming
wavelength is in use. Through simulations, we show that the so-called far-conversion policy for which the OP is
switched onto the farthest available wavelength in the tuning range, outperforms the other policies we studied. We point
out the clustering effect in the use of wavelengths to explain this phenomenon. We also provide an approximate
analytical method to find the packet-blocking probability in circular-type LR-wavelength-conversion systems. Based on
the simulation results, the approximate method appears to lead to a lower bound for blocking probabilities for all the
conversion policies we study.(c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Yanson, DA (Yanson, Dan A.); Silver, M (Silver, Mark); Vassalli, O (Vassalli, Omar); Campbell, M
(Campbell, Margaret); Masterton, G (Masterton, Graeme); McDougall, SD (McDougall, Stewart D.); Marsh, JH (Marsh,
John H.)
Title: Development and fabrication of monolithically integrated optical packet switches
Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, 6 (2): 157-165 FEB 1 2007
We report development activities towards realization of fully integrated 1 X 2, 2 X 2, and 4 X 4 cross-point optical
switches for WDM-packet-based data networking. Two enabling technologies, quantum-well intermixing and etched
turning mirrors, are developed and demonstrated in InGaAs/InAlGaAs InP-based material at a wavelength of 1.55 mu m.
We describe the use of both technologies to fabricate switch chips with different port counts. (c) 2007 Optical Society of
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Author(s): Xue, GL (Xue, Guoliang); Zhang, WY (Zhang, Weiyi); Wang, T (Wang, Tie); Thulasiraman, K
(Thulasiraman, Krishnaiyan)
Title: On the partial path protection scheme for WDM optical networks and polynomial time computability of primary
and secondary paths
As a generalization of the traditional path protection (PP) scheme in WDM networks where a backup path is needed for
each active path, the partial path protection (PPP) scheme uses a collection of backup paths to protect an active path,
where each backup path in the collection protects one or more links on the active path such that every link on the active
path is protected by one of the backup paths. While there is no known polynomial time algorithm for computing an
active path and a corresponding backup path using the PP scheme for a given source destination node pair, we show that
an active path and a corresponding collection of backup paths using the PPP schme can be computed in plolynomial
time, whenever they exist, under each of the following four network models: (a) dedicated protection in WDM networks
without wavelength converters; (b) shared protection in WDM networks without wavelength converters; (c) dedicated
protection in WDM networks with wavelength converters; and (d) shared protection in WDM networks with wavelength
converters. This is achieved by proving that that for any given source s and destination d in the network, if one
candidate active path connecting s and d is protectable using PPP, then any candidate active path connecting s and d is
also protectable using PPP. It is known that the existence of PP implies the existence of PPP while the reverse is not true.
We demonstrate a similar result in the case of segmented path protection. This fundamental property of the PPP scheme
is of great importance in the context of achieving further research advances in the area of protection and restoration of
WDM networks.
Author(s): Song, H; Moon, B; Cho, K
Title: Priority-based dynamic bandwidth allocation in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks
received his B.S. degree in Computer Science from Hongik University in 1983 and M.S. degree in Computer Science
from Chung Bok National University Korea in 1996. He is currently a Principal Research Staff and Leader of FTTH
Service Team at ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute). His research interests are in the field
of the FTTH Solutions and Killer Applications including PON and Personalized IPTV technologies. For the past five
years he joined FTTH Project, sponsored by Government, to develop GE-PON and WDM-PON system and design
Broadband Convergence Networks using FTTH technologies. Now he is a project manager of FTTH Service
Experimental Project, which is developing FTTH killer applications and it' s experimental in Gwang-Ju Metropolitan
City, and also he is leader of FTTH area in Korea, and an Expert Member of Cyber Building Emblem System
Committee, which develops the guideline documents and advises for applying of the Emblem System as an advisory
received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Yonsei University and Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea, respectively. He is currently a Engineering Staff with
Electronic and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI), Korea.
received the B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Kyoungpook National University, Taegu, Korea in 1977, and
M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1989 and 1992, respectively.
From 1979 to 1986, he was with TV research center of Gold Star Company in Korea. He is currently a Professor in
School of Electrical and Electronics Eng. of Chungbuk National University, Korea, since August 1992. His research
interests are in the field of the high-speed and low-power circuit design, SoC and Platform design for the
communication system. At 1999 and 2006, he was a visiting scholar at Oregon State University, USA. He is a member
of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE), and Korea Institute Tele-communication Electronics (KITE).
In this article, new Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithms which give high priority to some ONUs
corresponding to important agencies are studied in order to manage emergency cases causing severe network traffic. In
order to deal with such cases, the network state is divided into two states, namely the normal and the emergency states.
We apply the Weighted Round Robin (WRR)-based algorithm to the normal state, and three priority-based DBA
algorithms are applied to the emergency state. These algorithms are different from each other according to the mode of
protecting non-priority ONUs from starving. Each algorithm is analyzed in terms of utilization of the uplink bandwidth
and the average packet delay. Simulation and theoretical results show that the proposed algorithms are working properly
at the emergency state and can satisfy more stringent QoS requirements than WRR algorithms.
Author(s): Yin, Y; Poo, G
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Title: A hybrid cycle bandwidth allocation scheme with differentiated services support in Ethernet passive optical
received the B.Eng. Degree in Information & Electronic Engineering from Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, China, in
1999. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore. His current research interests are in the area of Quality of Service in both highspeed networks and optical access networks.
received the M.S. degree from Imperial College, UK and the Ph.D. degree from University of Leeds, UK. He is
currently an Associate Professor at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore. Previously, he was an Associate Professor at the School of Computing, National University of
Singapore, and a Principal Researcher at the Standard Telecommunication Laboratories in UK. He is the author of more
than 110 technical papers in the areas of communication networks published in international journals, conference
proceedings, and books. His current research interests are in the areas of optical networks, GMPLS, multicast, VPN, and
QoS. Dr. Poo is a member of the Advisory Editorial Board of Computer Communications, an international journal
published by Elsevier Science.
The Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) has emerged as one of the most promising solutions for next generation
broadband access networks. Designing an efficient upstream bandwidth allocation scheme with differentiated services
(DiffServ) support is a crucial issue for the successful deployment of EPON, carrying heterogeneous traffic with diverse
quality of service (QoS) requirements. In this article, we propose a new hybrid cycle scheme (HCS) for bandwidth
allocation with DiffServ support. In this scheme, the high-priority traffic is transmitted in fixed timeslots at fixed
positions in a cycle while the medium- and low-priority traffic are transmitted in variable timeslots in an adaptive
dynamic cycle. A suitable local buffer management scheme is also proposed to facilitate QoS implementation. We
develop a novel feature providing potentially multiple transmission opportunities (M-opportunities) per-cycle for highpriority traffic. This feature is significant in improving delay and delay-variation performance. The HCS provides
guaranteed services in a short-cycle scale for delay and jitter sensitive traffic while offering guaranteed throughput in a
moderately long-time scale for bandwidth sensitive traffic and at the same time maximizing throughput for non-QoS
demanding best-effort traffic. We develop analytical performance analysis on the deterministic delay bound for highpriority traffic and minimum throughput guarantees for both high- and medium-priority traffic. On the other hand, we
also conduct detailed simulation experiments. The results show a close agreement between analytical approach and
simulation. In addition, the simulation results show that the HCS scheme is able to provide excellent performance in
terms of average delay, delay-variation, and throughput as compared with previous approaches.
Author(s): Shenai, R (Shenai, Ramakrishna); Sivalingam, K (Sivalingam, Krishna)
Title: Performance study of IP and SONET grooming in optical WDM mesh networks
Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, 6 (6): 568-583 JUN 1 2007
We study the problem of IP traffic grooming in optical wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) mesh networks. Two
different grooming architectures are considered: (i) IP/MPLS grooming, and (ii) SONET grooming. The IP/MPLS
grooming approach provides a fine level of grooming granularity realized via software-based implementations but has
router-processing-related bottlenecks. The SONET grooming approach is realized in dedicated hardware, but it is more
expensive and typically offers limited grooming granularity choices. We also consider multipath routing as used in
SONET virtual concatenation techniques, and we study the impact of the differential delay constraint. A detailed
comparison of the different grooming options in terms of blocking probability, lightpath utilization, and survivability
issues is presented. The simulation analysis helps quantify the improved performance of finer granularity grooming
approaches over the coarser SONET-based approaches. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America
Author(s): Suzuki, H (Suzuki, Hiro); Fujiwara, M (Fujiwara, Masamichi); Iwatsuki, K (Iwatsuki, Katsumi)
Title: Design and performance of a superdense WDM ring network using multiwavelength generators and tapped-type
optical add/drop multiplexers
Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, 6 (6): 631-641 JUN 1 2007
We describe a superdense wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) metro ring network comprising multiwavelength
generators and tapped-type optical add/drop multiplexers (OADMs) that simply add/drop optical signals through an
optical coupler. This configuration is suitable for a ring network that handles a huge number of wavelengths with
narrow channel spacing, for example, 12.5 GHz. The design guidelines of this superdense WDM metro ring network
using multiwavelength generators and tapped-type OADMs are presented, and its performance is estimated based on
XIOPM latest Documents Report
numerical simulations. Based on the design guidelines, the feasibility is confirmed using the developed prototypes, and
the validity of the numerical simulations is verified over 12.5 GHz spaced, 256 x 1.25 Gbit/s metro ring networks with a
total ring length of 200 km of single-mode fiber. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Bravi, E (Bravi, E.); Cotter, D (Cotter, D.)
Title: Optical packet-switched interconnect based on wavelength-division-multiplexed clockwork routing
Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, 6 (7): 840-853 JUL 2 2007
A crucial part of large-scale high-performance computing systems is the interconnection network. We describe an
optical self-routing network based on a combination of "clockwork" routing and wavelength division multiplexing to
provide low latency and high bandwidth, with large scalability. The optical-layer architecture is described in detail, and
results obtained from full numerical simulations of traffic performance demonstrate scalability to networks as large as
2048 nodes in a flat single-stage network architecture. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Orphanoudakis, T (Orphanoudakis, T.); Leligou, HC (Leligou, H.-C.); Kosmatos, E (Kosmatos, E.);
Angelopoulos, JD (Angelopoulos, J. D.); Kanonakis, K (Kanonakis, K.); Prezerakos, G (Prezerakos, G.); Venieris, IS
(Venieris, I. S.)
Title: Efficient resource allocation with service guarantees in passive optical networks
Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, 6 (7): 884-896 JUL 2 2007
We propose and evaluate a resource allocation scheme for time-division multiplexing passive optical networks (PONs),
which supports multiple service classes; dynamic bandwidth allocation for services with varying (in time) capacity
demand; and bounded quality of service parameters for services with real-time requirements. Although several
algorithms have been proposed in the literature considering several of the above objectives in isolation, our work
focuses on the fundamental problem of trading-off between PON upstream channel utilization and strict delay and jitter
bounds when supporting a dynamically changing mix of services with different requirements. (c) 2007 Optical Society
of America.
Author(s): Rahbar, AGP (Rahbar, Akbar Ghaffar Pour); Yang, O (Yang, Oliver)
Title: Fiber-channel trade-off for reducing collisions in slotted single-hop optical packet-switched networks
Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, 6 (7): 897-912 JUL 2 2007
The next-generation Internet should be based on high-capacity agile alloptical networks. A single-hop time-slotted alloptical packet-switched network is studied as a potential candidate for the ultra-high-speed next-generation all-optical
metro network. This structure is composed of an alloptical wavelength-selective cross-connect core switch and a number
of edge switches connected to the core switch in a star physical topology. Since optical packet switching (OPS) uses
random medium access control, contention is the major problem for this network. Contention resolution techniques are
used to resolve the contention. However, contention resolution hardware such as optical buffers and wavelength
converters are expensive. In addition, optical buffers are complex and bulky. Therefore, we do not use contention
resolution hardware in this network. Instead, we discuss and analyze the contention avoidance issue for such a network.
Using more fibers and using additional wavelength channels to carry the same traffic are two schemes that can be used
to reduce contention in OPS networks. We develop a cost model in order to optimize the number of fibers and additional
channels required to achieve a given loss rate. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Skarmoutsos, N (Skarmoutsos, N.); Velanas, P (Velanas, P.); Syvridis, D (Syvridis, D.); Sphicopoulos, T
(Sphicopoulos, T.)
Title: Capacity enhancement of passive optical access networks using orthogonal modulation schemes
Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, 6 (7): 925-936 JUL 2 2007
An optical transmitter architecture is proposed for the realization of passive optical networks, based on the use of
orthogonal modulation formats. As will be shown, this technique offers an additional downstream channel to an optical
access network without increasing the cost and the complexity of its implementation. The results derived by numerical
simulations show that the combination of the orthogonal bit streams can stand for several networks' bit rate requirements,
providing the ability to support new, highly demanded, broadband technologies as well as rapid increment of the optical
access network subscriber's number. Moreover the proposed architecture exhibits better bandwidth utilization, more
XIOPM latest Documents Report
efficient use of network resources, and cost effectiveness compared with the so-far proposed techniques (WDM,
subcarrier multiplexing, etc.). (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Author(s): Chen, B (Chen, Biao); Guo, CJ (Guo, Changjian); Chen, JJ (Chen, Jiajia); Zhang, LJ (Zhang, Linjian); Jiang,
Q (Jiang, Qiong); He, SL (He, Sailing)
Title: Add/drop multiplexing and TDM signal transmission in an optical CDMA ring network
Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, 6 (8): 969-974 AUG 1 2007
It is shown that a ring topology is better than a star topology for an optical-code-division multiple access ( OCDMA)
network as an optical metropolitan or local area network in terms of security and capacity. Each node in an OCDMA
ring network requires an OCDMA add/drop multiplexer. We present what we believe to be a novel OCDMA add/drop
multiplexer that can simultaneously add and drop multiple code channels, and a proof-of-feasibility experiment is
demonstrated. An OCDMA ring may also adapt code channels for time domain multiplexing and other digital signal
transmission systems. An experiment for the synchronized digital hierarchy ( SDH) signal over a OCDMA link is
demonstrated. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America
Author(s): Joindot, I (Joindot, Irene); Joindot, M (Joindot, Michel)
Title: Impact of cascaded filters-based OADMs in an all optical backbone network
MAY-JUN 2007
In all optical backbone networks, the introduction of Ultra Long Haul (ULH) optical systems associated with Optical
Add Drop Multiplexers (OADM) gives rise to new network architectures and also to new engineering constraints,
because signals suffer effects which do not exist in networks today. The purpose of this paper is to study, through
numerical simulations, the impact on the signal brought by the concatenation Of OADMS. It is usually predicted that
the transmission quality is severely degraded by filtering effects. However the simulations show that by introducing for
example a small amount of non-linearities, degradations do not obligatorily happen.
So as to highlight the effects of some parameters, we have built, in the simulation tool, different components having
particular properties to vary amplitude, frequency and phase of filter group delay ripple. We show how in some
circumstances, the eye widens due to cross phase modulation reduction or due to the interplay between chromatic
dispersion and non-linear effects.
Author(s): Mellah, H (Mellah, H.); Abbou, FM (Abbou, F. M.)
Title: Analytical model for contention resolution in synchronous optical packet switching
Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 28 (2): 155-157 2007
In optical packet switching, contention is a major source of packet loss. Contention resolution is necessary in order to
handle the case where more than one packet tries to leave the switch from the same output link at the same time. This
paper presents a contention resolution scheme based on shared output fiber delay lines in a synchronous optical packet.
The switch is modeled using a Markov chain. The simulations results agree with the analytical model.
Author(s): Nguyen, TN (Nguyen, Thanh Nam); Chartier, T (Chartier, Thierry); Thual, M (Thual, Monique); Besnard, P
(Besnard, Pascal); Provino, L (Provino, Laurent); Monteville, A (Monteville, Achille); Traynor, N (Traynor, Nick)
Title: Simultaneous measurement of anomalous group-velocity dispersion and nonlinear coefficient in optical fibers
using soliton-effect compression
Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 278 (1): 60-65 OCT 1 2007
We present a novel and simple method to measure both the value of the second-order dispersion coefficient and the
nonlinear coefficient in optical fibers. This method is based on the higher-order soliton-effect pulse compression
phenomenon and is valid for dispersion values greater than 0.5 ps/km/nm. A non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber, a
standard single-mode fiber and a highly-dispersive highly-non linear fiber have been measured using this method. (c)
2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Gryspolakis, N (Gryspolakis, Nikolaos); Chen, LR (Chen, Lawrence R.)
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Title: Response of fibre optic parametric amplifiers to channel add/drop in agile all-photonic networks
Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 278 (1): 168-174 OCT 1 2007
Using numerical simulations, we investigate the performance of fibre optical parametric amplifiers (FOPAs) within the
context of agile, multi-wavelength photonic networks. In particular, we study the steady-state and dynamic response of
FOPAs following changes in network operating conditions. These include changes in the gain spectrum (gain tilt) due to
variations in the total input power to the amplifier or as a result of channel add/drop, as well as the characteristics of the
gain transients following channel add/drop. Initially, we examine the worst case scenario where all channels are inphase and exactly equispaced. We compare these results with the ones obtained for random initial phases and inexact
channel spacings. We find that the complex nature of the interactions occurring in a FOPA make it very difficult to
predict their behaviour a priori and their deployment in WDM systems will require special attention. Moreover, we
confirm that unequal spacing can vastly improve the performance of multichannel FOPAs. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All
rights reserved.
Author(s): Sato, K (Sato, Ken-ichi); Hasegawa, H (Hasegawa, Hiroshi)
Title: Prospects and challenges of multi-layer optical networks
This paper investigates the prospects and challenges of hierarchical optical path networks. The merits and issues of
introducing higher order optical paths are elucidated. State of the art of the key enabling technologies are demonstrated
including hierarchical optical cross-connect switch architectures, hierarchical optical path network design algorithms, a
newly developed waveband filter, and waveband conversion technologies.
Author(s): Li, Y (Li, Yi); Xiao, G (Xiao, Gaoxi); Ghafouri-Shiraz, H (Ghafouri-Shiraz, H.)
Title: On the performance of different node configurations in multi-fiber optical packet-switched networks
With the development of optical packet-switching (OPS) technologies, multi-fiber OPS networks will play an important
role in the future data transmissions. In such networks, instead of constructing some extremely expensive node
configurations with strictly non-blocking switching function, a more practical solution is multi-board switches that
contain a number of small-sized switching boards. In this article, we have evaluated the performance of several different
multi-board switches, based on the following two main objectives: (i) better understanding the effects of different
connection schemes between switching boards and optical buffers and (ii) investigating possible schemes for achieving
comparable performance to that of the ideal, strictly non-blocking switches. Extensive simulation results have shown
that unlike circuit-switched networks, multi-board OPS cannot easily perform comparably to the strictly non-blocking
switch by having slightly more fibers per link. Also, such a problem can be tackled by several different approaches. The
most efficient one is to equip the switch with more buffers rather than to increase the switching-board size or to enhance
the buffer sharing between different switching boards.
Author(s): Bravi, E (Bravi, E.); Cotter, D (Cotter, D.)
Title: Low-latency optical network based on wavelength division multiplexed clockwork routing
Optical networks based on the 'clockwork' routing mechanism have significant advantages for high-speed optical packet
switched applications in which latency is critical, such as parallel and distributed computing. The main advantages are
that no optical buffers and no centralized contention arbitration are required. However, the network performance
decreases rapidly with increasing network size. This article proposes the use of wavelength division multiplexing, in
combination with clockwork routing, to provide significant improvements in network scalability and bisection
bandwidth, resulting in higher throughput and reduced latency.
Author(s): Al Sayeed, CA (Al Sayeed, C. A.); Vukovic, A (Vukovic, A.); Yang, OWW (Yang, O. W. W.); Hua, H (Hua,
Title: Low-loss reconfigurable OADM for metro core optical network
Source: IET OPTOELECTRONICS, 1 (4): 178-184 AUG 2007
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs) will play a key role in next-generation dynamically
provisioned wavelength networks. Existing ROADM subsystems, manufactured with different designs and technologies,
are suffering from either high insertion losses, especially for the passing-through (express)-channels, or high
manufacturing costs that are preventing their rapid deployment in networks. An architecture for an ROADM subsystem
that integrates the best features of the latest available ROADM designs is proposed. The proposed ROADM subsystem,
denoted as a Hybrid-ROADM, exhibits a lower insertion loss (similar to 7 dB for express-channels) than existing
ROADMs while offering simplification and cost benefit. A metro network testbed has been configured to demonstrate
and compare the performance of the proposed Hybrid-ROADM module against currently available ROADM
subsystems. The obtained results indicate that our Hybrid-ROADM shows better performance in metro networks than
the latest available ROADM subsystems and will reduce the overall network operating costs.
Author(s): Bouabdallah, N (Bouabdallah, Nizar)
Title: Sub-wavelength solutions for next-generation optical networks
Source: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 45 (8): 36-43 AUG 2007
The recent trend in optical networks is switching packets directly in the optical domain. The aim is to benefit from both
packet flexibility and optical transparency. In this article, we review current optical architectures that try to reconcile
these two requirements. We discuss the challenges encountered in these new architectures and their respective niches.
To meet the requirements of next-generation high-speed optical networks, we also propose a new solution based on the
distribution of the aggregation process in the network. The feasibility of this scheme and the benefit that it provides over
existing solutions are analyzed in this article.
Author(s): Singh, P (Singh, Paramjeet); Sharma, AK (Sharma, Ajay K.); Rani, S (Rani, Shaveta)
Title: Routing and wavelength assignment strategies in optical networks
Source: OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY, 13 (3): 191-197 JUL 2007
We consider the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problem on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)
networks without wavelength conversion. When the physical network and required connections are given, RWA is the
problem to select a suitable path and wavelength among the many possible choices for each connection such that no two
paths using the same wavelength pass through the same link. In WDM optical networks, there is need to maximize the
number of connections established and to minimize the blocking probability using limited resources. This paper presents
efficient RWA strategies, which minimizes the blocking probability. Simulation results show that the performance of
the proposed strategies is much better than the existing strategy. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Rani, S (Rani, Shaveta); Sharma, AK (Sharma, Ajay K.); Singh, P (Singh, Paramjeet)
Title: Resource allocation strategies for survivability in WDM optical networks
Source: OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY, 13 (3): 202-208 JUL 2007
WDM optical networks are high speed networks and provide enormous capacity. Survivability is very important issue in
these networks. Survivability requires resources for handling the failures. So, efficient resource allocation strategy is
required for survivability. In this paper, we have presented two resource allocation strategies for survivability. These
strategies reserve the resources for the primary lightpaths and backup lightpaths. Then extensive simulations are done on
different networks to evaluate the performance in terms of blocking probability. The results show that the second
strategy performs better than first strategy. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Huang, JF (Huang, Jen-Fa); Chang, YT (Chang, Yao-Tang); Hsu, CC (Hsu, Che-Chih)
Title: Hybrid WDM and optical CDMA implemented over waveguide-grating-based fiber-to-the-home networks
Source: OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY, 13 (3): 215-225 JUL 2007
This paper presents a hybrid wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and optical code-division multiple-access
(OCDMA) scheme over fiberto-the-home (FTTH) networks. Exploiting the periodic free- spectral-range (FSR)
properties of arrayed-waveguide grating (AWG) routers, the total ONU (optical network unit) capacity in the network is
partitioned into different groups based on the subscriber's geographical locations. Maximallength sequence (M-sequence)
codes are taken as signature addresses to take advantage of the cyclic properties of AWG routers. The proposed scheme
is suitable for networks in which the distance between the OLT (optical line terminal) and the individual ONUs varies.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
The influence of the degree of polarization (DOP) on the signal to phase-induced intensity-noise ratio is evaluated. By
introducing a depolarizer in front of the balanced photo-detector, the maximum permissible number of simultaneous
active ONUs can be improved by approximately 20% for a 10(-9) error probability. By exploiting the inherent cyclic
FSR characteristics of AWG routers, the OLT enables a significant reduction in the number of AGW-based network
codecs compared to the previous coded WDM (i.e., OCDMA in spectral domain) scheme. Furthermore, while the
number of AWGs in the proposed scheme is comparable to that of conventional WDM-EPON schemes, the current
scheme is more flexible, confidential, and scalable. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Tsai, CM (Tsai, Chen-Mu); Lo, YL (Lo, Yu-Lung)
Title: Fiber-grating add-drop reconfigurable multiplexer with multichannel using in bi-directional optical network
Source: OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY, 13 (3): 260-266 JUL 2007
A bi-directional reconfigurable scheme of multichannel-selective optical add-drop multiplexer (OADM) is proposed in
this paper. With only small wavelength channel tuned range, the proposal applies fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) and
multiport optical circulators (MOCs) to build a bi-direction reconfigurable OADM which can deal with full channels
without the receiving signal having wavelength-interleaved. Moreover, it is easier and more flexible to extend
wavelength channels by cascading additional FBGs. The magnitudes of homodyne and heterodyne crosstalks are
analyzed for evaluating the performance of the proposed BOADM. Also, the power equalization of each signal in the
add-drop and output ports is managed properly by implementing filters. As a result, the BOADM will be found in wide
applications in dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) optical networks and in multiwavelength
crossconnects (WXCs). (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Author(s): Onofrey, CB (Onofrey, Cassandra B.); Tse, DT (Tse, David T.); Johnson, TE (Johnson, Thomas E.); Neff,
AG (Neff, Ann G.); Dubovy, S (Dubovy, Sander); Buck, BE (Buck, Billy E.); Casiano, R (Casiano, Roy)
Title: Optic canal decompression: A cadaveric study of the effects of surgery
Purpose: To simulate a transphenoidal medial optic canal decompression and determine the anatomic effect on the optic
Methods: A medial optic canal decompression was performed on 5 cadaveric optic canals within 12 hours of death. Two
canals were decompressed under direct visualization and 3 were decompressed by a transphenoidal endoscopic approach.
The optic canal was subsequently removed en bloc, beginning at the annulus of Zinn and extending to the optic chiasm.
Each specimen was processed and examined grossly. Serial coronal step sections of the entire length of the
intracanalicular optic nerve were assessed histologically.
Results: Microscopic examination of the intracanalicular portion of optic nerve revealed incision in an extraocular
muscle at the annulus, incomplete bone removal, fraying of the dural sheath, incomplete dural/arachnoid release, and
incision in the pia and optic nerve.
Conclusions: Transphenoidal medial wall decompression of the optic nerve canal with dural sheath opening may induce
physical damage to the nerve. Any hypothetical value in dural-arachnoid sheath opening must be weighed against the
potential for harm to the optic nerve caused by the surgical intervention.
Author(s): Assi, C (Assi, Chadi); Huo, W (Huo, Wei); Shami, A (Shami, Abdallah)
Title: Multiple link failures survivability of optical networks with traffic grooming capability
Source: COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, 29 (18): 3900-3912 NOV 28 2006
This paper investigates the problem of survivable traffic grooming (STG) in shared mesh optical networks and proposes
different frameworks for improving the survivability of low speed demands against multiple near simultaneous failures.
Spare capacity reprovisioning has recently been considered for improving the overall network restorability in the event
of dual failures; here, after the recovery form the first failure, some connections in the network may become unprotected
and exposed to new failures. Capacity reprovisioning then allocates protection resources to unprotected and vulnerable
connections so that the network can withstand a future failure. In this paper, we propose two different reprovisioning
schemes (lightpath level reprovisioning, LLR, and connection level reprovisioning, CLR); they differ in the granularity
at which protection resources are reprovisioned. Further, each of these schemes is suitable for a different survivable
grooming policy. While LLR provides collective reprovisioning of connections at the lightpath level, CLR reprovisions
spare bandwidth for lower speed connections instead. We use simulation methods to study the performance of these
schemes under two grooming policies (PAL and PAC), and we show that while CLR reprovisions substantially many
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more connections than LLR (i.e., potentially more management overhead) CLR yields a much better network robustness
to simultaneous failures due to its superior flexibility in using network resources. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights
Author(s): Tintor, V; Matavulj, P; Radunovic, J
Title: Analysis of blocking probability in optical burst switched networks
In this article, we study the blocking probability in a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) based asynchronous
bufferless optical burst switched (OBS) network, equipped with a bank of wavelength converters. Our analysis encloses
two wavelength reservation schemes JIT (just-in-time) and JET (just-enough-time), and two-class data rate. The
contribution of our work includes: (i) derivation of an accurate model for blocking probability of lower priority bursts in
case of a non-preempted model; (ii) provision of the analytical model for blocking probability calculation in the OBS
network, which includes these variables: two signaling schemes, partial wavelength conversion, two-class data, traffic
intensity, cross-connect speed, number of wavelengths in WDM fiber, number of fibers in the node, number of
wavelength converters, and number of nodes in the path; (iii) simulation results, which show that partial wavelength
conversion provide quite satisfactory quality of service. We compare performance in a single OBS node, under various
sets of parameter values. The OBS network shows great flexibility in terms of used multiclass data, and there is no
dependence on the used higher layer protocol.
Author(s): Herrera, J (Herrera, J.); Tangdiongga, E (Tangdiongga, E.); Liu, Y (Liu, Y.); Hill, MT (Hill, M. T.);
McDougall, R (McDougall, R.); Poustie, A (Poustie, A.); Maxwell, G (Maxwell, G.); Ramos, F (Ramos, F.); Marti, J
(Marti, J.); de Waardt, H (de Waardt, H.); Khoe, GD (Khoe, G. D.); Koonen, AMJ (Koonen, A. M. J.); Dorren, HJS
(Dorren, H. J. S.)
Title: 160-Gb/s all-optical packet-switching with in-band filter-based label extraction and a hybrid-integrated optical
Source: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 19 (13-16): 990-992 JUL-AUG 2007
An in-band labeling scheme with filter-based label extraction is employed for very high-speed optical packet-switching.
The scheme shows a potentially high scalability, up to 25 labels in a 5-nm bandwidth packet using commercial arrayed
waveguide gratings as the label processor. Switching is demonstrated using packets with two different 9-ns labels, 6.4and 4.6-ns guard times, and 56.8-ns payload at 160 Gb/s. The system uses a tunable optical filter as the label extractor, a
hybrid integrated optical flip-flop, and a high-speed semiconductor-optical-amplifier-based wavelength converter. Errorfree operation is achieved with acceptable error penalties.
Author(s): Gripp, J (Gripp, J.); Winzer, PJ (Winzer, P. J.); Raybon, G (Raybon, G.); Simsarian, JE (Simsarian, J. E.);
Doerr, CR (Doerr, C. R.)
Title: 107-Gb/s serial optical packet switching with 1-bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency for 100-GbE backplanes
Source: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 19 (13-16): 1124-1126 JUL-AUG 2007
We demonstrate 107-Gb/s optical packet switching using electronically multiplexed duohinary signals, fast tunable
lasers, and a 40 x 40 arrayed waveguide grating router. With a spectral efficiency of I bit/s/Hz, the fabric scales to 4Tb/s capacity and is suitable for 100-GbEthernet backplanes.
Author(s): Zhou, XM (Zhou Xian-Ming); Wang, XS (Wang Xiao-Song); Li, SN (Li Sai-Nan); Li, J (Li Jun); Li, JB (Li
Jia-Bo); Jing, FQ (Jing Fu-Qian)
Title: Optical transparency of z-cut LiF, Al2O3 and LiTaO3 single crystals under strong shock compression
Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 56 (8): 4965-4970 AUG 2007
In this paper, a comparative experimental study on optical transparency of z-cut LIF, sapphire and LiTaO3 under 10(11)
Pa shock compression at our two-stage light-gas gun facility is presented. In our experiments, intensity contrast
variation of light emitted from a modified experimental setup of Mallory-type was monitored by a high-speed electronic
camera. The results demonstrated that the LiF under the shock pressure of 102 GPa retains its initial transparency in the
whole observation time interval, which is in good agreement with the common view of good sustained transparency of
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LIF. The LiTaO3 became basically opaque at 139 GPa. Sapphire at 131 GPa shock pressure showed a continuous
transparency degradation till became completely darkened when the shock wave was arriving at the free-surface.
Author(s): Bafna, P (Bafna, Paresh); Gumaste, A (Gumaste, Ashwin); Ghani, N (Ghani, Nasir)
Title: Delay sensitive smoothed round robin (DS2R2) scheduler for high-speed optical networks
Source: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, 11 (7): 628-630 JUL 2007
Smoothed Round Robin (SRR) is an O(1) scheduler that efficiently schedules flows based on flow granularity leading to
short-term fairness. We propose DS2R2 - Delay Sensitive Smoothed Round Robin Scheduler that enhances SRR by
adhering to delay constraints of flows. Scalability and performance issues of DS2R2 for high-speed optical networks are
Author(s): Michaeli, W (Michaeli, W.); Hebner, S (Hebner, S.); Klaiber, F (Klaiber, F.); Forster, J (Forster, J.);
Eversheim, W (Eversheim, W.)
Title: Geometrical accuracy and optical performance of injection moulded and injection-compression moulded plastic
The manufacturing of optical components by injection moulding and injection-compression moulding is a serious
challenge for tool and machine technology as well as for process control. To evaluate the quality of optical parts the
accuracy of the moulded geometry as well as the resulting optical performance has been analysed. At present a
geometrical moulding accuracy in the lower micron range has been achieved for the production of thick-walled lenses.
Overall injection-compression moulded lenses showed a better optical performance than injection moulded lenses. To
further improve the resulting geometrical quality, local material shrinkage can be compensated by precisely modifying
the cavity contour.
Large Aperture Mirror
Beaulieu, M. and R. J. Zielinski
Large aperture mirror testing appts - has first test body which is partially reflective lens with transmissive surface and
concave partially reflective surface of known sphericity, Litton Systems Inc (Lito).
The appts includes an optical lens with its lens focal point and centre of curvature coinciding with the second
focal point F2 of the test optic for testing a first section of the reflective surface of the test optic. A light source is
provided for generating a wavefront of light originating at the lens focal point and directed toward the lens. The
wavefront of the light is centered about an optical axis of the lens extending radially from the lens focal point to the
second focal point F2 of the test optic. The light incident on the lens from the lens focal point is then transmitted
through the lens and appears to originate from the first focal point F1 of the test optic before being retro-reflected back
from the reflective surface of the test optic toward the lens focal point. USE/ADVANTAGE - In prim mirrors of
telescopes. Provision for reusable, relative inexpensive testing appts.
Boone, B. G., J. R. Bruzzi, et al. (2004). Development and testing of an actively controlled large-aperture Cassegrain
telescope for spacecraft deployment. Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes, Pts 1-3. J. C. Mather. 5487:
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is planning future deep space missions requiring
space-based imaging reconnaissance of planets and recovery of imagery from these missions via optical
communications. Both applications have similar requirements that can be met by a common aperture. The Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in collaboration with commercial and academic partners is developing
a new approach to deploying and controlling large aperture (meter-class) optical telescopes on spacecraft that can be
rapidly launched and deployed. The deployment mechanism uses flexible longeron struts to deploy the secondary. The
active control system uses a fiber-coupled laser array near the focal plane that reflects four collimated laser beams off of
the periphery of the secondary to four equally-disposed quad cell sensors at the periphery of the primary to correct
secondary-to-primary misalignments and enable motion compensation. We describe a compensation technique that uses
tip/tilt and piston actuators for quasi-static bias correction and dynamic motion compensation. We also describe
XIOPM latest Documents Report
preliminary optical tests using a commercial Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope in lieu of an ultra-lightweight composite
Cassegrain, which is under development by Composite Mirror Applications, Inc.. Finite element and ray trace modeling
results for a 40 cm composite telescope design will also be described.
Chernin, S. M., A. G. Berezin, et al. (2000). "Multipass large-aperture mirror system for high-resolution spectroscopy."
Journal of Optical Technology 67(10): 900-904.
A V-shaped six-pass optical system is developed with a single spherical mirror which functions as an objective
and as a collective lens. Despite the large relative aperture, the system is almost aberratiod-free. The V-shaped system is
used as the basis for three different multipass cells designed to operate in the infrared for Fourier and diode laser
spectroscopy. (C) 2000 The Optical Society of America. [S1070-9762(00)01210-0].
Chu, Y. (1997). "The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopy Telescope (LAMOST) project." Astrophysics
and Space Science Library 212: 67-72.
The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopy Telescope (LAMOST) is a meridian reflecting Schmidt
telescope with a clear aperture of 4 m, focal length of 20 m and a field of view of 5 degrees. Using the active optics
technique to control its reflecting corrector makes LAMOST a unique astronomical instrument in combining wide field
of view with large aperture. The available large linear size focal plane of 1.75 m in diameter corresponding to its wide
angular field of view of 5 degrees could accommodate up to 4000 fibres, by which the collected light of celestial objects
is fed into the spectrographs, promising a very high spectrum acquisition rate, say, of the order of ten thousands of
spectra per night, or ten millions of spectra every three years. LAMOST will bring Chinese astronomy into the 21st
century with the leading role in the fields of large scale and large sample astronomy and astrophysics.
Cook, L. G. Fore-optical system for reflective telescope having multiple simultaneous viewing functions - has first
reflecting assembly with mirror and apertures for passage of light, and second reflecting assembly, Hughes Aircraft Co
(Huga) Raytheon Co (Rayt).
The system comprises an entrance pupil region (14) and first reflecting assembly (10) for reflecting light from a
viewed scene passing through the entrance pupil region (14) to an exit pupil (16). The first reflecting assembly has an
opening or apertures (28a-28d) for passage of light, and includes at least one mirror (22), taking the form of an afocal
three-mirror anastigmat telescope. A second reflecting assembly (12) reflects light from the first reflecting assembly
(10). The second reflecting assembly (12) is positioned at the exit pupil (16) in such way that the second reflecting
assembly (12) reflects light to a several of viewing regions (34) to enable simultaneous viewing of the viewed scene by
several sensing devices. USE/ADVANTAGE - Provides for correction of spherical aberration, coma, and anastigmatism.
Allows simultaneous functioning of several sensing devices, and minimises space requirements. Provides large aperture
and field of view.
Forno, C. and M. P. Whelan (2001). "Digital moire subtraction in optical engineering." Optical Engineering 40(10):
Conventionally, for the most accurate measurements, interferometer systems are constructed from high-quality
optical elements and include fine controls for precise alignment. In this alternative approach, all the errors of a poor
quality, misaligned system are accepted then eliminated by a simple digital moire process. The method offers the
possibility of devising very large aperture optical systems for traditional and engineering interferometers from
inexpensive and basic components. It can also offer benefits in other measurement techniques, including moire. (C)
2001 Society of Photo-optical instrumentation Engineers.
Gebelein, R. J. and D. Shafer Reflecting telescope correcting lens - has meniscus lens with concave surface closer to
mirror convex surface, GEBELEIN R J (GEBE-Individual).
The correcting lens system for a telescope having a reflecting mirror and having an eyepiece with spherical
aberration, comprises a meniscus lens having a concave surface and a convex surface. A mounting holds the meniscus
lens on an optic axis of the telescope with the concave surface closer to the mirror than the convex surface. This
provides a distance between the meniscus lens and eyepiece which will correct the spherical aberration of the eyepiece.
The mounting moves the meniscus lens along the optic axis to also correct coma aberration of the reflecting mirror.
USE - Corrects large aperture telescopes.
Gorinevsky, D. and T. T. Hyde (2002). Adaptive membrane for large lightweight space telescopes. Highly Innovative
Space Telescope Concepts. H. A. MacEwen. 4849: 330-338.
Large, lightweight telescopes in space will enable future earth science, space science, and reconnaissance. The
state of the art in space telescope is the Hubble Space Telescope launched in 1990 with its 2.4 m primary mirror.
Missions within the decade such as the Next Generation Space Telescope will push this aperture diameter to over 6.5 m.
But truly revolutionary observation in many wavelengths will require increasingly large and lightweight apertures.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Although these telescopes of the future will have low areal mass density, the deployed aperture structures must capture
and hold a surface figure to a fraction of a wavelength in the presence of thermal, slew, and vibration disturbances.
Active control of surface figure is a key technology for the success of gossamer space structures. For structures with
thousands of actuators distributed in the surface, the control hardware and computations should be distributed as well.
This paper discusses how an efficient control of a membrane reflector shape can be achieved using embedded actuators
distributed over the membrane surface. Advanced algorithms using only local information about errors and actuation for
collocated and neighboring positions in each of the distributed computational elements allow achieving required control
performance. Electrostatic actuators implemented on compliant plastic substrates, represent a highly attractive
proposition thanks to their very low areal density. Control, sensing, and communication is distributed and integrated in
the adaptive membrane to provide the imaging surface quality of a thick stiff mirror at an infinitesimal fraction of the
mass. An adaptive membrane with built-in distributed actuators, sensors, and computational elements can be made
scalable to a very large size.
Helms, R. G., C. P. Porter, et al. (1989). "Lightweight composite mirror analysis and testing." Proceedings of the SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering 1114: 426-441.
An increasing number of large aperture telescopes and antennas are designed to meet a wide range of scientific
objectives in both terrestrial and orbital environments. Because of the large scale of these instruments, materials and
structures drive the design of these systems. Mass, surface figure, and overall dimensional stability are critical for most
subsystems. Accordingly, light weight, low cost, structurally stiff materials are the most attractive candidates. To
address these reflector technology challenges JPL has directed research to major technology programs whose objectives
are to evaluate, advance and apply structural composite materials technologies to high precision, thermally stable,
lightweight mirrors. A balanced, iterative approach combines analytical simulation, hardware fabrication, and mirror
performance testing. This paper focuses on the computer models, mirror performance evaluation and correlation.
Herrig, E. Reflecting telescope with two or three slanting mirrors - has equivalent of four mirrors achieved by double
use of two mirrors and one further mirror, HERRIG E (HERR-Individual) LACHMANN S (LACH-Individual).
The first mirror (1,3) in the beam path is always a convex mirror. A four-mirror telescope with a folded beam
course is formed by double use of both mirrors, e.g. two-mirror variant, and one mirror, e.g. three-mirror variant. Image
distortions are compensated by the right selection of focal distances, distances between mirrors, tilt angles and by slight
rotationally symmetrical deformations in the reflection surfaces. Mirror surface rims of non-circular shape or an oval
optical aperture diaphragm are used. USE/ADVANTAGE - The mirror system is compact, structurally simple and has a
relatively large aperture ratio with minimum image errors.
Hickson, P. and K. M. Lanzetta (2003). "Large-Aperture Mirror Array (LAMA) - conceptual design for a distributedaperture 42-meter telescope." Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4840: 273282.
We propose a high-density coherent array of eighteen 10-m liquid-mirror telescopes. Each telescope is
equipped with a reflective corrector system that enables it to point and track within an eight-degree diameter accessible
field of view centered on the zenith. Equipped with adaptive optics, each telescope would deliver a diffraction-limited
beam to a common focal plane. There, a dichroic optical-infrared camera will provide simultaneous imaging in six
wavelength bands from 0.6 to 2.2 mu m. Operating coherently as a Fizeau imaging interferometer, the array would be
capable of achieving 4 mas resolution at 1 mu m and a point source sensitivity of 40 pJy (I/sub AB / = 34.9) in a single
30 min exposure. With incoherent beam recombination it would be capable of 25 mas resolution and a point-source
detection limit of 250 pJy (I/sub AB/ = 32.9) in a single 30 min exposure. The telescope uses established technologies
and could be built in a comparatively short time.
Humphries, C. M., Y. Nevo, et al. (1992). "OPTICAL DESIGN AND TESTING OF A FAST, LARGE APERTURE,
INFRARED SPACE TELESCOPE." Space Science Reviews 61(1-2): 211-232.(好)
An optical design study for a next generation infrared space telescope has been performed. The concept is that
of a passively cooled telescope of minium aperture 2.5 metre with an F/1.2 primary and wavelength coverage from
lambda = 2 to at least 40 mum, and possibly to 100 mum. Compactness, low thermal emission from the optics and
structure, diffraction limited imaging at lambda = 2 mum, and sensitivity to misalignment aberrations and
manufacturing errors were the main considerations for this study. Ray tracing results are presented showing the
characteristics of the various designs considered. A preliminary investigation of stray light properties is also given.
Special emphasis has been placed on the testing of such a fast primary, and optical systems using a lateral shearing
interferometer are described for testing both the primary and the primary/secondary combination.
Hyde, R. A., S. N. Dixit, et al. (2002). "Eyeglass: a very large aperture diffractive space telescope." Proceedings of the
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4849: 28-39.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Eyeglass is a very large aperture (25 - 100 meter) space telescope consisting of two distinct spacecraft,
separated in space by several kilometers. A diffractive lens provides the telescope's large aperture, and a separate, much
smaller, space telescope serves as its mobile eyepiece. Use of a transmissive diffractive lens solves two basic problems
associated with very large aperture space telescopes; it is inherently fieldable (lightweight and flat, hence packagable
and deployable) and virtually eliminates the traditional, very tight, surface shape tolerances faced by reflecting apertures.
The potential drawback to use of a diffractive primary (very narrow spectral bandwidth) is eliminated by corrective
optics in the telescope's eyepiece. The Eyeglass can provide diffraction-limited imaging with either single-band,
multiband, or continuous spectral coverage. Broadband diffractive telescopes have been built at LLNL and have
demonstrated diffraction-limited performance over a 40% spectral bandwidth (0.48 - 0.72 mu m). As one approach to
package a large aperture for launch, a foldable lens has been built and demonstrated. A 75 cm aperture diffractive lens
was constructed from 6 panels of 1 mm thick silica; it achieved diffraction-limited performance both before and after
folding. This multiple panel, folding lens, approach is currently being scaled-up at LLNL. We are building a 5 meter
aperture foldable lens, involving 72 panels of 700 mu m thick glass sheets, diffractively patterned to operate as coherent
f/50 lens.
Kornbluh, R. D., D. S. Flamm, et al. (2003). Shape control of large lightweight mirrors with dielectric elastomer
actuation. Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices. Y. BarCohen. 5051: 143158.
Space-based astronomy and remote sensing systems would benefit from extremely large aperture mirrors that
can permit greater-resolution images. To be cost effective and practical, such optical systems must be lightweight and
capable of deployment from highly compacted stowed configurations. Such gossamer mirror structures are likely to be
very flexible and therefore present challenges in achieving and maintaining the required optically precise shape. Active
control based on dielectric elastomers was evaluated in order to address these challenges. Dielectric elastomers offer
potential advantages over other candidate actuation technologies including high elastic strain, low power dissipation,
tolerance of the space environment, and ease of commercial fabrication into large sheets. The basic functional element
of dielectric elastomer actuation is a thin polymer film coated on both sides by a compliant electrode material. When
voltage is applied between electrodes, a compressive force squeezes the film, causing it to expand in area. We have
explored both material survivability issues and candidate designs of adaptive structures that incorporate dielectric
elastomer actuation. Experimental testing has shown the operation of silicone-based actuator layers over a temperature
range of -100 degreesC to 260 degreesC, suitable for most earth orbits. Analytical (finite element) and experimental
methods suggested that dielectric elastomers can produce the necessary shape change when laminated to the back of a
flexible mirror or incorporated into an inflatable mirror. Interferometric measurements verified the ability to effect
controllable shape changes less than the wavelength of light. In an alternative design, discrete polymer actuators were
shown to be able to control the position of a rigid mirror segment with a sensitivity of 1800 nm/V, suggesting that subwavelength position control is feasible. While initial results are promising, numerous technical challenges remain to be
addressed, including the development of shape control algorithms, the fabrication of optically smooth reflective coatings,
consideration of dynamic effects such as vibration, methods of addressing large-numbers of active areas, and stowability
and deployment schemes.
Krumweide, G. C. (1998). Issues to be addressed in the design and fabrication of ultralightweight, meter class optics.
Space Telescopes and Instruments V, Pts 1-2. P. Y. Bely and J. B. Breckinridge. 3356: 967-972.
There is a growing need for large aperture, ultralightweight, deployable optics (mirrors) for various science,
military and commercial compact satellites (Pleimann 1997(1)). This paper will examine the engineering and
manufacturing considerations that must be addressed in order to satisfy the requirements for these sought after optics. In
order to limit the scope of this paper, only Graphite Fiber Reinforced/Polymer Matrix Composites (GFR/PMC) will be
under consideration because of the potential to satisfy ultralightweight mirror requirements (5 - 10 Kg/m(2)) (Kasl
1997(2)). The requirements associated with specular mirror concepts that Composite Optics, Incorporated (COI) has
proposed to Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/VS) and NASA Langley Research Center for visible range optics
and LIDAR (light bucket) optics, respectively, will also be our interest. Moreover, it is the intent of this paper to
illustrate how COI's proposed design/manufacturing concepts for visible and LIDAR optics have evolved based on
overcoming, or working around, material constraints and/or undesirable characteristics associated with GFR/PMC.
Kuhn, J. R., G. Moretto, et al. (2001). "Concepts for a large-aperture, high dynamic range telescope." Publications of the
Astronomical Society of the Pacific 113(790): 1486-1510.
This paper summarizes concept studies for a large telescope capable of wide-field imaging and of the highest
possible dynamic range for photometry and angular resolution. Point-spread functions (PSFs) and scattered light levels
at large offsets are computed and compared for four telescopes of the same light-gathering power but with different
pupil functions: 1. a reference monolithic mirror telescope with a 17.4 m primary, 2. a segmented mirror telescope
(SMT) with a hexagonally segmented primary, 3. a hexagonal off-axis telescope (HOT) with a distributed aperture made
XIOPM latest Documents Report
of m unobstructed circular 6 x 6.5 mirrors that are identical off-axis sections of a parent 20 m mirror, and 4. a square
off-axis telescope (SOT) whose aperture is made of m off-axis mirrors. 4 x 8. The characteristics of the PSFs are
examined in the diffraction- and seeing-limited regimes, assuming (1) perfect mirror figure and (2) realistic figure errors
(edge defects). The implications of field rotation with an altitude-azimuth mounting are discussed in each case. The
implementation of adaptive optics (AO) and the properties of AO-compensated PSFs having a Strehl ratio of 0.5, and of
coronagraphic imaging, are also discussed for the four configurations. It is shown that, in the seeing-limited regime and
as intuitively expected, the optical performance of all four telescopes is comparable. With higher order adaptive optics
and for coronagraphic observations, the SOT and HOT are superior to the SMT. This distinction becomes larger with
relaxed constraints on mirror edge-polishing requirements. A full optical design is presented for the novel HOT
configuration, and optical fabrication issues are briefly addressed. Finally, science programs and possible
instrumentation layouts with the HOT are briefly explored for different modes of operation. It appears that the natural
"optical bench" configuration of the HOT can provide a remarkably versatile and convenient environment for
instrument deployment.
Lazareva, N. L. and D. T. Puryaev (1983). "Analysis of the errors of an interferometer for testing large-aperture concave
spherical surfaces." Soviet Journal of Optical Technology 50(6): 337-339.
The instrument errors of an interferometer for testing the shape of concave spherical surfaces are analyzed, the
causes of the errors are considered, and ways to eliminate them are indicated.
Lehman, D. H., E. V. Pawlik, et al. (1990). "Precision segmented reflectors for space applications." Proceedings of the
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1271: 191-203.
The Precision Segmented Reflectors (PSR) project represents a first step toward developing the technology
base needed to support future advanced astrophysics missions, especially those that operate at submillimeter
wavelengths. The focus of the effort is to develop a lightweight, low cost option for building large aperture, segmented
reflecting space-based telescopes. The principal driver for PSR technology is the Submillimeter Telescope program
including the proposed 20 meter Large Deployable Reflector (LDR) telescope, and its precursor-survey mission which
is currently in early development and definition. Four major technical areas, reflector panels and materials, structures,
and figure control are under development by PSR. These technical areas are, however, generic in nature and can be
applied to other future missions such as optical communications, optical interferometers, and missions requiring large
diameter, segmented reflectors. Specific project objectives, approaches and significant challenges are described.
Technology development issues encountered are also discussed. Finally, project status is reported.
Li, Z. H. and K. Y. Wu (2005). "Autofocus system for space cameras." Optical Engineering 44(5).
A novel autofocusing technique using a self-imaging approach is developed for a space camera having large
aperture and long focus. Its optical system consists of an emitting system, receiving system, and two pentagonal prisms.
The emitting system has three parts: a light source, bearnsplitter, and aim slit. The receiving system includes a field lens,
two separate lenses, and CCD. Using two little pentaprisms instead of a large planar mirror makes the autofocus system
simple and compact. A defocused signal is acquired by measuring the change of the slit self-image position imaged on
the CCD. The algorithm to calculate the movement of the slit self-image position is analyzed to achieve sub-pixel
position estimation. The results of the experiments show a +/- 10-mu m precision of autofocusing in a range of +/- 5mm defocusing. The system demonstrates high resolution, easy adjustment, and high reliability. Also this method can
meet the requirements of various accurate focus measurement systems. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers.
Liu, H., Z. W. Lu, et al. (2004). "Using curved hologram to test large-aperture convex surface." Optics Express 12(14):
A valid optical system with a computer-generated hologram fabricated on a concave lens surface, for measuring
large-aperture convex surface, is demonstrated experimentally. The CGH employed in this system has been constructed
using a new technology that combines laser direct writing and lithography. This technology allows precise alignment,
superior linear profile and high resolution of the gratings that compose the CGH. The particular characteristics of this
new type of CGH could derive higher accuracy, efficiency and lower cost for testing aspherics in comparison to other
CGH employed previously by other authors. We have designed and fabricated one system and measured a 110 mmdiameter convex surface of errors 300.6 nm P-V after compensating the alignment errors. It is believed that this kind of
system can be used to measure even large aperture convex surface. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
MaierKomor, P., A. Bergmaier, et al. (1997). "An UHV box coater for VUV reflective coatings on mirror substrates of
up to 95 cm in diameter." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers
Detectors and Associated Equipment 397(1): 194-199.(很有用)
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Large mirrors with excellent reflectivity in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) range down to 140 nm are needed for
large area RICK detectors with CsI photocathodes. This demand can only be fulfilled with a thin homogenous
aluminium layer on a substrate with very low surface roughness. Due to the base metal properties of Al an excellent
vacuum is required during the evaporation-condensation process. In addition the Al film needs suitable protective layers
on both surfaces. The setup of pilot plants to investigate deposition parameters are described and the design of an
appropriate box coater is presented.
Meyer, W. W. and R. A. Woodruff Fully deployed space based telescope for astronomical observatory platforms, BALL
NOVELTY - Primary reflector (128) is provided with main segment connected to secondary reflector (132) and
two side segments. Optical elements are completely deployed by deployment of secondary reflector and side segments
which are pivotable about axes parallel to optical axis in launch configuration. USE - For hubble space telescopes, next
generation space telescopes in astronomical observatory platforms. ADVANTAGE - Using single motor, sheets are
deployed after launch and thereby eliminates the need for complex and expensive number of components for full
deployment. Facilitates extra atmospheric positioning of a large aperture telescope using a relatively small launch
vehicle. Enables a large field of view such a 1.2 mrad by 2.9 mrad. The fast primary mirror divide number and pupil
locations permit efficient packaging and high signal to noise ratios. The design of segmented primary mirror facilitates
the use of mirror segments without relying on deployment mechanisms. Since useful data is obtained even in the
absence of light gathering by several mirror sections, the configuration is relatively tolerant of mirror actuator failures.
The substantial scalable design facilitates easy implementation without any fundamental design modification.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION - The telescope is fit within the payload region of the launch vehicle having a diameter of
3.6 m and is smaller than the minimum deployed diameter (6 m) after deployment of the primary reflector. Each of the
segments of primary reflector has eighteen mirror sections and are arranged in two annular surrounding each other. A
bus (116) with a longitudinal axis is extended between a latching end and a solar end and is movable with respect to the
primary reflector between the launch configuration and a deployed configuration. With respect to the movement of the
bus, sheets of a sunshield system are moved with a single motor. The sunshield system is between the primary reflector
and a solar panel plane in the deployed condition. A movable antenna is mounted in the solar panel and the center of
gravity is substantially within the instrument volume. An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is included for deploying a space
based telescope. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) - The figure is the perspective view of a fully deployed space
telescope. Bus (116) Primary reflector (128) Secondary reflector (132)
Minato, A., N. Sugimoto, et al. (1992). "Optical design of cube-corner retroreflectors having curved mirror surfaces."
Applied Optics 31(28): 6015-6020.
The characteristics of retroreflectors that include curved mirror surfaces are theoretically investigated. The use
of curved mirror surfaces in a cube-corner retroreflector is an effective method for diverging the reflected beam,
especially in a large-aperture hollow retroreflector. The effect of curved surfaces is demonstrated for simple examples
that give circular and elliptical wave-front patterns. The method was applied in the optical design of a satellite
retroreflector in space, which is to be loaded on the Japanese polar orbit Advanced Earth Observing Satellite.
Morgan, R. M., G. S. Agnes, et al. (2004). The DART cylindrical, infrared, 1 meter membrane reflector. Optical
Fabrication, Metrology, and Material Advancements for Telescopes. E. AtadEttedgui and P. Dierickx. 5494: 406-417.
The Dual Anamorphic Reflector Telescope (DART) is an architecture for large aperture space telescopes that
enables the use of membranes. A membrane can be readily shaped in one direction of curvature using a combination of
boundary control and tensioning, yielding a cylindrical reflector. Two cylindrical reflectors (orthogonal and confocal)
comprise the 'primary mirror' of the telescope system. The aperture is completely unobstructed and ideal for infrared and
high contrast observations. The DART high precision testbed researches fabrication, assembly, adjustment and
characterization of 1 meter cylindrical membrane reflectors made of copper foil or kapton. We have implemented two
metrology instruments: a non-contacting, scanning profilometer and an infrared interferometer. The profilometer is a
laser confocal displacement measuring unit on an XYZ scanning stage. The infrared interferometer uses a cylindrical
null lens that tests a subaperture of the membrane at center of curvature. Current surface figure achieved is 25 mum rms
over a 50 cm diameter aperture.
Mountain, M. and F. Gillett (1998). "The revolution in telescope aperture." Nature 395(6701): A23-A29.(很有用)
The 40 years that have elapsed since the opening of the Kitt Peak National Observatory have seen several
revolutions in astronomy. One such revolution that is often not recognized is the exponential growth in the total
collecting area of large telescopes. This revolution, although ultimately driven by curiosity, has come about because of
advances in computers, materials and fabrication techniques-these advances have facilitated the construction of
telescopes that are not just bigger, but better as well. The enormous growth in ground-based observational capabilities
that will become available over the next decade, combined with future generations of space-based telescopes, should
XIOPM latest Documents Report
contribute to dramatic changes in our understanding of the Universe. The first hints of this new understanding are
already beginning to emerge, giving new directions to future telescope builders.
Neff, B. W., R. G. Trissel, et al. (1999). Agile beam director system design (ROBS/TCATS optical tracker). Current
Developments in Optical Design and Optical Engineering Viii. R. E. Fischer and W. J. Smith. 3779: 402-412.(有用)
The ROBS (Rapid Optical Beam Steering) tracking telescope was invented and developed at TTC to provide a
high acceleration, large aperture beam steering system for rapid pointing to multiple objects. The optical system consists
of a fast, oversized spherical primary mirror with the 50 cm aperture stop at the center of curvature of the primary mirror
(CCP). A lightweight secondary mirror selects the instantaneous field of view by scanning over the petzval image
surface of the primary mirror. The secondary mirror is gimbaled about the CCP on a rigid, lightweight mast. The
system's symmetry about the CCP simplifies the optical and mechanical design and provides very rapid retargeting over
a 30 degree field of regard for multiple target tracking. Field corrector and pupil relay optics inside the support tube
collimate the light through coude' optics to passive sensors and laser radar optics. The 2-sphere, 2-asphere aplanatic,
anastigmant all-reflective design corrects the 9.1 mr of spherical aberration from the F/1 primary and provides 10
microradian resolution over a 5 mr field of view. The system incorporates near field focus adjustment to provide high
resolution imaging and laser ranging over a large volume of space. Two 50 cm systems have been built and
demonstrated tracking multiple targets in the field. This paper describes the opto-mechanical design and demonstrated
system capabilities.
Nicolas, J., F. Pierron, et al. (2000). "French transportable laser ranging station: scientific objectives, technical features,
and performance." Applied Optics 39(3): 402-410.
Rusinov, M. M. and I. E. Komarova Large aperture mirror lens objective - has aberration compensator made of single
bi-convex lens with correction element deposited on its surface, Leningrad Prec Mech Opti (Leop).
The objective has arranged in series along the light beam path connection component (1) primary main
spherical concave mirror (2) secondary small flat mirror (3) short-focal length (SFL) component (4). Initially,
component (4). Initially, the light beam passes through periphery of the connection component (1), reflected from the
main mirror (2) it twice passes through central zone of the component (1) before-and after from the secondary mirror (3),
then it is converted by the SFL component (4) and focused in the plane of image. The lens has a focal length of 92.7mm
near focal length of 3.15mm, angle of vision 12 deg. Relative aperture of 1.0.8. It is connected for the visible spectral
range. USE/ADVANTAGE - Optical instrumentation in apochromatic mirror lens objectives with large apertures.
Simplified design while maintaining image quality. Bul.28/30.7.85
Schmidt, K. and G. Schnur Large aperture reflecting optical telescope with automatic focussing - has reflector,
comprising many independently adjustable elements automatically adjusted using laser beam reference, SCHMIDTKALER T (SCHM-Individual).
The telescope comprises a reflecting mirror made up of a number of individually adjustable elements (11). An
auxiliary light ray source coupled to sensors is used to maintain the mirror in focus automatically. The light source may
be an intermittently-operated laser. The individual adjustable elements (11) may be segments of a ring in shape and may
be disposed around a central fixed element (10) used as a reference element. Each element may be supported at three
points, each being independently adjustable. Each support may comprise a chamber having elastic walls and filled with
an in compression fluid which is subjected to pressure to provide the adjustment.
Seppala, L. G. (2002). "Improved optical design for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)." Proceedings of the
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4836: 111-118.
Presents an improved optical design for the LSST, an f/1.25 three-mirror telescope covering 3.0 degrees full
field angle, with 6.9-m effective aperture diameter. The telescope operates at five wavelength bands spanning 386.5 nm
to 1040 nm (B, V, R, I and Z). For all bands, 80% of the polychromatic diffracted energy is collected within 0.20 arcseconds diameter. The reflective telescope uses an 8.4-m f/1.06 concave primary, a 3.4-m convex secondary and a 5.2-m
concave tertiary in a Paul geometry. The system length is 9.2 m. A refractive corrector near the detector uses three fused
silica lenses, rather than the two lenses of previous designs. Earlier designs required that one element be a vacuum
barrier, but now the detector sits in an inert gas at ambient pressure, with the last lens serving as the gas barrier. Small
adjustments lead to optimal correction at each band. Each filter has a different axial thickness, and the primary and
tertiary mirrors are repositioned for each wavelength band. Features that simplify manufacturing include a flat detector,
a far less aspheric convex secondary (10 mu m from best fit sphere) and reduced aspheric departures on the lenses and
tertiary mirror. Five aspheric surfaces, on all three mirrors and on two lenses, are used. The primary is nearly parabolic.
The telescope is fully baffled so that no specularly reflected light from any field angle, inside or outside of the full field
angle of 3.0 degrees, can reach the detector.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Stolz, C. J., M. J. Runkel, et al. (2004). "Metrology of mirrors for the National Ignition Facility." Proceedings of the
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5341(1): 114-120.(有用)
The large-aperture (up to 40 cm * 80 cm) mirrors required for the National Ignition Facility have very stringent
specifications. The specifications include requirements for transmitted and reflected wavefront over a wide spectral
frequency, surface quality, laser resistance, spectral characteristics, etc. In order to validate optic performance,
metrology tools were fielded at optic fabrication vendors to assure production control. These tools include
interferometers, large-area conditioning stations, and photometers. Of the 1800 large-aperture mirrors required for the
NIF, approximately 35% have been completed. This presentation will review the types of large-aperture mirrors used on
NIF along with the performance of NIF optics as measured and received from our vendors.
Thibault, S., S. Szapiel, et al. (1997). Development of a telecentric 3D sensor for large volume inspection. ThreeDimensional Imaging and Laser-Based Systems for Metrology and Inspection Iii. K. G. Harding and D. J. Svetkoff.
3204: 126-136.(无用)
In this communication we propose a design combining the advantages of the space invariance of telecentric
triangulation with high relative lateral resolution and large measuring volume at the same time. Because the scan motion
of the laser beam is decoupled from physical transport of the sensor head, this enables the fast scan in large volume.
However we need a large aperture optics as large as the scan areas. We used a liquid mirror as aperture for this scanner.
The surface da spinning reflecting liquid takes the shape of a paraboloid that can be used as a reflecting mirror. This
very old and nearly forgotten concept has recently been revived, with success. Low costs, large sizes, high optical
qualities are the main advantages of liquid mirrors, The main limitation of liquid mirrors come from the fact that the
optical axis must be aligned vertically and cannot be tilted. The prototype involves a stand-off distance of 1.5 meters. a
scan length up to 1 meter (telecentric), a depth of view of 1 meter and a relative depth resolution of 1 mm (can be less).
The design is based on the auto-synchronized scanner and is well corrected for field scanning distortion (f-theta).
Tokumura, K., M. Nakatsuka, et al. Formation of optical surface for lens or mirror - by coating optical glass matrix with
resin, the optical surface having appropriate transmitted or received wave surface, SANENO T (SANE-Individual)
An optical surface is formed by coating a resin for an optical element on the surface of a matrix consisting of
optical glass. The optical surface is formed in a shape directed to an appropriate transmitted wave surface or a reflected
wave surface. USE - The optical surface is used for a lens or a mirror and finds its application in high performance
optical lens, projectors requiring a large aperture optical element, large laser devices or lithographic devices.
ADVANTAGE - The method readily forms a high accuracy non-spherical surface. The optical surface has an
appropriate transmitted wave surface or reflected wave surface.
Tolomeo, J., G. Cross, et al. (2002). Design and test of a prototype DART system. Highly Innovative Space Telescope
Concepts. H. A. MacEwen. 4849: 8-16.
A 1.2-meter prototype Dual Anamorphic Reflector Telescope (DART) system has been built and tested. The
key design feature of the telescope is a pair of membrane mirrors stretched to single curvature parabolic cylindrical
sections. The parabolic figure of the mirrors is controlled by a pair of edge rails at two opposing ends of the membrane.
The flexible edge rails are adjusted to parabolic to very high accuracy and can potentially be easily refigured on-orbit.
The prototype telescope is lightweight and has demonstrated excellent optical performance for the farIR. The design is
readily scalable to larger apertures and for operation at shorter wavelengths. Design and test results are discussed.
INTERFEROMETRIC DATA." Optical Engineering 32(2): 401-409.
Interferometric measurements of real surfaces are combined with computed optical design analyses. To
accomplish this, a special software interface driver was developed to accept serial optical path difference (OPD) data
from a Zygo Mark III interferometer, to apply standard algorithms, and convert the measured data into a CODE V
readable file. Analysis is conducted on a large-aperture developmental optical system containing a fold mirror of
eggcrate construction. MTF performance of the entire system is computed as are the contributions of individual
measured surfaces to overall optical quality. Diffraction effects resulting from the rib structure of the eggcrate mirror are
isolated in the analysis, as are the effects of gravity and figure components of the wavefront. The hybrid analysis
demonstrates the usefulness of coupling interferometry with an optical design program in the analysis of complex
optical systems.
Wuerker, R. F. (1999). "Liquid Mirror Telescope applications." Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for
Optical Engineering 3749: 88-88.
XIOPM latest Documents Report
Summary form only given. The advent of inexpensive large aperture near diffraction limited Liquid Mirror
Telescopes (LMT's) makes possible applications not sensitive to their near vertical viewing nature; such as,
astronomical surveys, space debris surveys, lidar collectors, and laser radiation concentrators, for plasma creation
experiments in the sky. LMTs are easily an order of magnitude less expensive than a polished glass reflectors, which are
only approximations to the naturally perfect parabolic surface created by a rotating liquid. Highly reflecting liquid
mercury is easily cleaned and safe when handled correctly. The UCLA Plasma Physics Laboratory has a 2.7 Meter
diameter (105 inch) Liquid Mirror Telescope at its HIPAS Observatory near Fairbanks Alaska at 64 degrees 52.4'
latitude and 146 degrees 50.6' east longitude.
Yoon, G. Y., T. Jitsuno, et al. (1997). Development of a large aperture deformable mirror for the wavefront control.
Second Annual International Conference on Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion. M. L.
Andre. 3047: 777-782.
A large aperture deformable mirror for correcting the wavefront distortion and controlling the intensity profile
of laser beam is presented. The mirror diameter and thickness are 400 mn and 8 mm, respectively. 37 actuators are glued
hexagonally on the back surface of the mirror. The mechanical actuator has been designed and fabricated for producing
strong force of 300 N in both pushing and pulling process. The initial reflective wavefront of the deformable mirror is
lambda/6 (lambda is 633 nm) in rms value. The application to x-ray laser experiment of the deformable mirror is
successful for a uniform line focus pattern by the wavefront control.
Zhang, J. W., Y. Zhou, et al. (2006). Research on stress-free design of large aperture optical reflector. Proceedings of
the International Conference on Mechanical Transmissions, Vols 1 and 2. Q. Datong, C. Bingkui and L. Chao: 11701173.
Stress-free clamp design is an important measure to decrease deformation of a large aperture reflector caused
by deadweight. This paper analyzes the supporting position by way of a simulating analyze method when a reflector is
supported by two different methods, one method is to support at the bottom and the second method is to support on the
sides. This paper concludes that the position of the supporting point has a great influence on the deformation of the
reflector and. the uniformity of the stress. Considering the deformation of a mirror and the uniformity of the stress, the
best supporting position should be at the center about 2/3 times of the border length in both methods and the inclined
angle of the reflector has the least influence on the system when supported by this way.
Zverev, V. A., A. V. Bakholdin, et al. (2001). "Optical system of a high-aperture telescope." Journal of Optical
Technology 68(6): 381-387.
This paper shows that an afocal system of Keplerian type, consisting of two concave reflecting surfaces, the
first of which is spherical while the second is nonspherical, in combination with a concave reflective surface of
paraboloidal shape, can provide aplanatic correction of aberrations. Using as an example an optical system with a
primary mirror 25 m in diameter, it is shown that successively replacing the reflecting paraboloid with two-mirror and
three-mirror systems makes it possible to increase the angular field of the image and to obtain acceptable image quality
within an angular field of as much as 5 '. (C) 2001 The Optical Society of America.