Chapter 11 Observable Traits of Inheritance Who is the father of Genetics? Mendel’s Experimental Approach ___________________________ suggested that a population could evolve if members showed variation in heritable traits ___________________ that improved survival chances would be more common in each generation –in time, population would change over time or evolve Gregor Mendel used experiments in __________________ and a knowledge of mathematics to form his hypothesis He used green __________________ in his experiment This plant can _________________ itself _______________ (white flowerwhite flower) ---Self Ferilization Cross-fertilized : Mendel crossed-fertilized true-breeding garden pea plants having clearly ___________________ traits (hybrid) Genetic Terms Genes Locus Homologous Chromosome Alleles True-Breeding Hybrid Homologous alleles o Homozygous Dominant o Homozygous Recessive Heterozygous o Heterozygous Dominant Dominant Recessive Genotype Phenotype P Generation F1 Generation F2 Generation Mendel’s Laws of Heredity (Law of segregation) Law of Segregation: Monohybrid Crosses Monohybrid crosses have two parents that are ____________________ for contrasting forms of a trait Self-fertilization: We know now that all members in the second generation are ___________________ F2 Generation: Steps to Monohybrid Cross (Copy from Board) Testcross To support his concept of segregation, Mendel crossed F1 plants with _______________________ individuals A _________________ ratio of recessive and dominant phenotypes supported his hypothesis Mendel’s Law of Inheritance (Law of Independent Assortment) Law of Independent Assortment: Dihybrid Cross: Steps found on the board Incomplete Dominance: Codominance: o Example Multiple Allele System Interactions between gene pairs __________________: One gene pair can influence other gene pairs, with their combined activities producing some effect on phenotype o Examples: Hair Color in Mammals In Labrador retrievers, one gene pair codes for the ______________________ produced while another codes for ______________________ Another ______________________ determines whether melanin will be produced at all Comb Shape in Poultry Sometimes interactions between ___________________ results in a phenotype that neither pair can produce alone Comb shape in chickens is of at least _____________ depending on the interactions of _______________ pairs Regarding the Unexpected Phenotypes Tracking even a __________________________ through several generation may produce results that are different _____________________________ (Immobile, bent fingers) can express itself on both or one hand because a possible gene product is missing Polygenic Traits Traits expressed by more than ____________ __________________________ (Three genes play a role of eye color) Environmental Effects Fur on extremities of certain______________________________ will be darker because the enzyme for melanin production will operate at cooler temperature but is sensitive to heat on the rest of the body. Hydrangea Plants: