Speech: Persuasive Speech Ms. Price Speech I Due Date: Type of Speech: Persuasive Time Limits: 5-7 minutes Audience: Group of interested peers Assignment Summary: Your assignment is to conduct then organize research into a persuasive message (using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence and persuasive appeals) that provides solutions and action steps to a specific observable problem or need. Purpose: Your previous speeches were designed to give you experience in delivering speeches by focusing on connecting with your audience: verbals, non-verbals, personal “voice”, organization of ideas, organization of research, and effective use of visual aids. Now with the persuasive speech, you are being asked to add persuasive methods and appeals to the speech equation. Objectives: In completing this assignment, each student will: 1. conduct scholarly research using current and relevant sources. 2. use research to develop a persuasive message using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence 3. correctly verbally cite credible sources while speaking. 4. effectively create and use a professional-looking visual aid. 5. use appropriate verbals to deliver a dynamic persuasive message. 6. use appropriate nonverbals to deliver a dynamic persuasive message. 7. behave and speak as a professional. Procedure: 1. TOPIC: Choose an appropriate topic that seeks to change the ACTIONS of your audience. Be sure to follow Ms. Price’s guidelines for choosing an interesting topic that will truly seek to PERSUADE. (i.e. If you’re trying to persuade us about something that is already a commonly held belief, you are NOT persuading) Note: For more information on appropriate/workable topics, watch the youtube video entitled “KP’s Speech Class – Choosing a Persuasive Speech Topic”) 2. RESEARCH: Research your topic; find scholarly & credible sources & information that will support your CLAIM and add credibility to your speech and to you, the speaker. 3. ORGANIZATION OF IDEAS: Create a speaking outline from your research, using persuasive motivational appeals. Note: This speech MUST BE ORGANIZED ACCORDING TO MONROE’S MOTIVATED SEQUENCE. For more info on MMS, watch youtube video entitled “KP’s Speech Class – Monroe’s Motivated Sequence” 4. REHEARSAL: Practice aloud- often!