2008 Undergraduate Academic Advising Awards

Call for Nominations
2008 Undergraduate Academic Advising Awards
North Carolina State University
Division of Undergraduate Academic Programs
To honor exemplary academic advising practitioners, four awards will be given:
The Barbara Soloman award
In recognition of Barbara Soloman’s tireless contributions over many years of
service to NC State students, this award is given to a professional adviser
(primary role academic advising) who exhibits a commitment to advocacy for
The New Adviser award
This award is given to honor an academic adviser who has shown exemplary
service but has been employed at NC State for three years or less. Primary role
can be either professional adviser or faculty adviser.
The Faculty Adviser award
This award is to recognize an adviser with primary responsibility as a
teaching/researching faculty member. The winner will have shown exemplary
service and commitment to students through his or her advisory responsibilities.
The Advising Administrator award
This award is to recognize an administrator whose primary responsibility is
overseeing an advising program. The administrator can also advise students,
but the majority of time must be in managing and directing. The winner will have
shown an exemplary commitment to supporting advisers and to student success.
The process for nomination will be slightly different from the previous years and
the guidelines for nomination are as follows:
Nomination packets should include:
A nomination form (attached)
A personal statement on advising philosophy from the nominee
Letters of support, giving concrete evidence of the criteria for evaluation
(see below)
o including at least one letter from a student advisee for Barbara
Soloman, New Adviser and Faculty Adviser awards
A summary of nominee’s qualifications framed by evaluation criteria
All nominators are encouraged to address and highlight nominees
experiences with outreach surrounding advising.
Some examples of advising outreach might include:
 Professional presentations (campus, local, regional or national
conferences) regarding best advising practice,
 Service on campus committees focused on improving advising
 Authoring or co-authoring advising related white papers or articles
Award specific criteria:
Barbara Soloman, New Adviser, and Faculty Adviser awards:
 Nominee’s knowledge, use, and promotion of NC State’s policies to
promote student success
 Nominee’s commitment to professional development
 Nominee’s commitment to improving advising practices on campus
 Nominee’s commitment to helping students:
o Assess interests and abilities
o Clarify educational and career goals
o Make use of educational resources and services
Advising Administrator award:
 Nominee’s knowledge of advising literature and learning and
development theory
 Nominee’s articulation of appropriate vision for advising program
 Nominee’s commitment to communicating advising issues on campus
 Nominee’s commitment to assessing advising practices and supporting
program improvement
Nomination packets will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on April 4, 2008.
Incomplete packets will not be evaluated and careful attention to eligibility
for each award and to the criteria is encouraged.
Previous winners are not eligible for nomination.
Previous award winners:
Barbara Soloman Award: Joyce Hatch, Phil Dail, Andrea Irby, Mary Alice
Tetro, Cecilia Townsend, Mindy Sopher
Faculty Adviser Award: Risa Ellovich, Debra Laefer, Clarence Smith, Michael
Pause, Sandra Paur
Advising Administrator: Phillip Moses, Marcia Gumpertz, Sandy Stallings,
Sharron Carrey, Carrie Leger
New Adviser: Jenny Ellerbe, Anita Flick, Jennie LaMonte
Please direct all nomination packets and inquiries to:
Erin Robinson
Assistant Director
Office of Advising Support, Information and Services
(919) 513-0292