curriculum vitae - Cardiff University

PhD, University of Durham
University of Durham, postgraduate student in political
theory. PhD dissertation on the relation between Hegel
and Marx, examined by W H Walsh and Raymond Plant.
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Postgraduate
Research Student, University of Heidelberg.
B.Sc. (Econ), London
University College, London.
Upper Second Class
Honours in Economics and International Relations.
Ardwyn Grammar School
Aberaeron County School.
Llwyncelyn County Primary.
Academic Career
2011Semester 1/2
2006 Spring Term
2004 Summer
2004 Spring
2002 -2004
1999 –2004
1987- 2001
Visiting Professor, Darmstadt University
Visiting Fellow, Stanford University
Visiting Professor, Krakow University
Visiting Fellow, Stanford University
Visiting DAAD Fellow, Humboldt University, Berlin
External Examiner, Oxford Brookes, Masters degree
External Examiner, University of Glasgow
Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, Halle
University, Germany
Visiting Scholar, Dept of Philosophy, Wilfrid Laurier,
University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
External Examiner, History of Political Thought,
University of Durham
External Examiner, University of Southampton.
Professor, Award of Personal Chair in Political Theory,
University of Wales Aberystwyth.
British Academy Research Fellow, Prague, Bratislava
Academy of Sciences.
Reader, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
External Examiner, MA University of Durham.
Senior Lecturer, University College of Wales,
External Examiner, University of Southampton, for a
PhD thesis in the Department of Politics on Nietzsche.
Secretary/Treasurer of the Hegel Society of Great Britain.
Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Studies,
University College of Wales, Aberystwyth.
External Examiner, University of Exeter for a PhD thesis
in the Department of Politics on the Frankfurt School.
Member of Senate, Council and Policy & Resources
Committee of the University College of Wales,
Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, Frankfurt
University, British Academy Award.
DAAD Visiting Research Fellow, Philosophisches
Seminar, University of Mainz.
SSRC Visiting Research Fellow, Geschwister School
Institut, University of Munich.
SSRC Visiting Research Fellow, University of
Heidelberg, West Germany.
Lecturer in Political Theory, University College of
Wales, Aberystwyth.
Lecturer in Social and Political Studies, Department of
Extra-Mural Studies, University College of North Wales,
Researcher, Department of Education, Univeristy of
North Wales, Bangor.
Conference/Seminar papers given at (selection) :
Stanford; Krakow; The Hague; Athens; San Sebastian;
Berlin; Halle; Oxford; Bristol; Essex; Frankfurt;
University of Wales (Gregynog); Southampton; New
School of Social Research; Vassar College;; Albany;
Yale; Boston College; Amsterdam, Bratislava, Prague;
Tübingen, Mainz, Graz, Vilnius.
Journal referee for: Ethics; History of Political Thought,
Political Studies, Political Theory; Review of Politics;
American Political Science Review;
Review of
International Studies, International Theory; Journal of the
History of Philosophy, etc.
Reader for the Cambridge University Press; University of
Wales Press; University of Manchester Press; Oxford
University Press; Basil Blackwell; Cornell U.P.
Journal Editor: Kantian Review
Editorial Board: Politics; Politike Vedy. Slovak Journal
of Politics; Contemporary Political Theory
Exeter; Southampton (twice); Birmingham; Nottingham
Trent; Warwick; Open University; Manchester (twice);
London School of Economics; Glasgow University;
Melbourne University; Warwick University; Cardiff
University; Nottingham Trent; Kent University; Oxford
Brookes (pending); and Wroclaw University (pending)
4 most recent: A. Preda, Manchester University, 2006; J.
Moosleiter, Southampton, 2007; K. Budde, Cardiff,
2008; U. Muehe, Kent University, 2009
First year undergraduate module:
Continuity and Revolution in Political Philosophy - an introduction to political
philosophy and theory
Second and third year modules:
Political Theory - a discussion of the history of political thought, contemporary
ideologies: nationalism; liberalism; conservatism; fascism; anarchism; socialism
Classical Theories of International Relations - a critical survey of international
relations thinking within political theory with particular emphasis on Hobbes and
Political Philosophy and Modernity – a detailed and critical examination of the
political philosophies of Hegel and Marx.
Twentieth Century Political Thinkers – Rawls and Habermas (2005-6; 2007-8);
Hannah Arendt & Carl Schmitt.
These modules were taught in both Welsh and English.
Postgraduate Teaching:
M.Sc in International Politics
Citizenship and Security
This course was taught jointly with Professor Michael Williams
Kant and World Politics
A critical examination of Kant’s contribution to international political theory
Ph.D Supervision
Students (with topics) jointly supervised who have recently completed:
2013 Patrick Thomas
Edmund Burke, Paine and International Relations
2013 Charlie Thame
A Hegelian approach to international theory
2013 Erszebet Strausz
Michel Foucault and the methodology of international
2012 Luis Pedro
The International Theory of Reinhold Niebuhr
Kant and the End of War Palgrave/Macmillan, Houndmills/New York, 2012 vi +
Kant’s Critique of Hobbes University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 2003, 244pp
with D. Sullivan and Gwynn Matthews, Francis Fukuyama and the End of History,
University of Wales Press, Cardiff /Boston, 1997
International Relations and the Limits of Political Theory, Macmillan/St. Martin's
Press, London/New York, 1996, 170pp
International Relations in Political Theory, Open University Press, Buckingham
and Philadelphia, 1991, 143pp. Reprinted 1992, 1993, 1994
Hegel, Heraclitus and Marx’s Dialectic, Harvester, Hemel Hempstead/St. Martin’s
Press, New York, 1989, 280pp
Concepts of Ideology, Harvester Wheatsheaf, Brighton/St. Martin’s Press, New
York, 1988, 130pp. Reprinted in paperback 1989
Kant’s Political Philosophy, Basil Blackwell/St. Martin’s Oxford/New York, 1983,
304pp. Reprinted 1985
Marx, Cyfres y Meddwl Modern, Gee, Denbigh, 1980, 80pp. Reprinted 1990
With Sorin Baiasu & Sami Pihlström Politics and Metaphysics in Kant University
of Wales Press, Cardiff, 2011
with Colin Wight & Norbert Kapferer (eds.) Political Thought and German
Reunification, Macmillan/St. Martin’s Press, London/ New York, 1999
with M. Wright & A. Evans) with M. Wright & A. Evans A Reader in International
Relations and Political Theory, (Open University Press, Buckingham/University of
British Columbia Press, 1993, 334p. Reprinted 1995)
Essays on Kant’s Political Philosophy, (ed.) University of Wales Press,
Cardiff/University of Chicago Press, 1992, 331pp
General editor Political Philosophy Now, University of Wales Press, in cooperation
with Prof. Renato Cristi, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo; Professor S.B. Smith,
Yale University; Professor Wolfgang Kersting, Kiel University; and Dr. Peter
Nicholson, University of York. Over twenty volumes have appeared to date, with
several others commissioned.
With Graham Bird & Richard Aquila Kantian Review, University of Wales Press,
Cardiff, 1997-2011\ Cambridge University Press, 2011 onwards. With the cooperation
of the Kant Society of the United Kingdom and the North American Kant Society.
Guest editor Filozofia 4, 49, 1994, Slovak Academy of Sciences devoted to British
Political Philosophy
‘Natural Right in Hobbes and Kant’ Hobbes Studies Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2012, 66-90
ISSN 0921-5891
‘Towards a Kantian Theory of International Distributive Justice’ Kantian Review, Vol
15/2, 2010, 43-77
‘The Torture Convention, Rendition and Kant’s critique of pseudo-politics’ Review of
International Studies Vol 36, No. 1, January 2010, 195-215
‘Is Just War theory merely for sorry comforters?’ Annual Review of Law and Ethics,
Volume 17, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 195-224
‘Kantian Cosmopolitan Right’ Politics and Ethics Review, Edinburgh University
Press, 2007, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 57-73
‘Back from the USSR: Kant, Kaliningrad and World Peace’, International Relations.
21, 2006, 27-48
‘Hegel: Cyfundrefn, Ysbryd a Hanes’ Efrydiau Athronyddol, 68, 2005, pp. 30-48
‘Acerca del pensiamento critico’ ADEF, Revista de filosofia, Buenos Aires, Vol XVI,
2002, No 2, pp122-5
(with Mirko Wiscke) ‘Zwischen Widerstandsrecht und starkem Staat – ein Beitrag
zur deutschen Rezeptionsgeschichte von Hobbes’ Politisches Denken Jahrbuch 2004,
Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, pp. 25-42
‘Political Theory and International Relations: the nature of a troubled partnership‘
An interview with V. S. Pedersen, Politologiske, Danish Journal of Political Science,
Vol 17, 2003, pp. 68-77
Political Change in Kant: Metamorphosis or palingenesis?’ Review of Politics, Vol 63,
2001, No. 4, pp.693-722
‘Kant, Rawls, Habermas and the Metaphysics of Justice’, Kantian Review, Vol. 3,
1999, pp. 1-17
‘Hegel and Marx on the End of History’, European Legacy, MIT Journals, Vol. 2,
No. 3, pp557-66
(with C. Bishop and C.Wight) ‘Jurgen Habermas and German Reunification’ German
Politics,Vol 5, No 2, August 1966, pp214-40
‘Kant and Just War Theory: Judgements on War’, Proceedings of the Eighth
International Kant Congress, Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, 1995, pp13851393
‘International Relations and the Reconstruction of Political Theory’ Politics, 14 (1),
1994, pp135-141
‘Political Theory and International Relations’, Australian Journal of Political Science,
Vol 28, 1993, pp347-9
‘Morality or Prudence?’, Kant-Studien, Vol 83, Issue 2, 1992, pp221-5
‘Nietzsche and Fascism’, History of European Ideas, Vol 11, pp893-99
‘Inherited Power and Popular Representation: A Tension in Hegel’s Political Theory’,
(with M. Levin), Political Studies, Vol XXXV, No. 1, pp105-115
‘Heraclitus, Hegel and Dialectic’, Journal of the History of Political Thought, Vol 4,
Issue 3, 1986, pp381-405
‘Feuerbach and Hegel’, Idealistic Studies, Worcester, Mass., 1978, pp135-55
‘Kant’s Concept of Property’, Philosophical Quarterly, January 1977, pp. 32-40
‘Three Types of Rural Welsh Community’, Sociologia Ruralis, XVI, No. 4, 1976,
‘The One Teacher School’, (with R. Nash & M. Evans), British Journal of
Educational Studies, XVI, No. 1, 1976
ARTICLES (Commissioned)
‘Reconsidering Kant’s Political Philosophy’ Enlightenment and Dissent, No. 24,
2008, 71-81
‘Acerca del pensiamento critico’ ADEF, Revista de filosofia, Buenos Aires, Vol
XVI, 2002, No 2, pp122-5
‘Marcus Tullius Cicero: Y Prif Dda a’r Weriniaeth’, Efrydiau Athronyddol 65,
2002, pp.1-15
‘Kant and Garve, theory and practice in the German Enlightenment’, Enlightenment
and Dissent, No. 19, 2001, pp.171-192
‘Die Idee eines liberal-demokratischen Friedens’, Zeitschrift fuer philosophische
Forschung, Band 53, Heft 3, Juli-September 1999, pp 428-39
‘Individualna a obcianska cnost’ v diele I. Kanta’, Politicke Vedy, 3/1998, No. 1,
‘Spravodlivost v jednej krejine?’ (‘Justice in One Country?’), Filosofia, Vol 49, No.
4, pp220-7, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1994
‘Political Philosophy and World History: the examples of Hegel and Kant’, Bulletin
of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, Nos. 23/4, pp51-61
‘Y Wladwriaeth a Rhyddid’, (‘Freedom and the State’), Efrydiau Athronyddol, LI,
1988, pp27-37
‘Dehongli Marx’, (‘Interpreting Marx’), Elfrydiau Athronyddol, XLVII, pp42-62,
‘Marx and Richard Price’, Enlightenment and Dissent, No. 3, 1984, pp91-9
‘Eiddo a Rhyddid’, (‘Property and Freedom’), Efrydiau Athronyddol, XLIII, pp1729, 1980
‘Pwysigrwydd yr ysgol fechan yn y wlad’, Lleufer, 4, 1977, pp17-24
‘Kantian Underpinnings for a Theory of Multirights’ Kantian Theory and Human
Rights, edited by Andreas Follesdal and Reidar Maliks, Routledge, New York and
London, 8-27 forthcoming
‘Athronyddu drwy hanes athroniaeth wleidyddol’ Cenedligrwydd a Chenedlaetholdeb
‘Kant and Libertarianism’ in Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu Kant on Practical
Justification, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, 269-283
‘Metaphysical and not just Political’ in Baiasu, Pihlström and Williams, Politics and
Metaphysics in Kant, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 2011, 215-234
‘Kantian Perspectives on Intervention: Transcending rather than Rejecting Hobbes’
International Political Theory after Hobbes (eds. Raia Prohokvik & Gabrielle Slomp),
Palgrave, Houndmills, 2011, 102-123
With Oystein Lundestad ‘Kant und die humanitaere Intervention‘ (ed. Oliver Eberl)
Transnationalisierung der Volkssouveraenitaet Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 2011,
‘Why Kant is not a Hobbesian’ Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants, Akten
des X Internationalen Kant Kongress, De Gruyter, Berlin, 309-28
‘Liberty, Equality and Independence: Core Concepts of Kant’s Political Philosophy’,
A Companion to Kant (ed. Graham Bird) Blackwell, Oxford, 2006, 364-382
‘Ludwig Feuerbach’s Critique of Religion and the end of moral philosophy.’ The
Young Hegelians, (ed. D. Moggach), Cambridge University Press, 2006, 50-67
‘Kant’s Political Philosophy’ (ed. T. Carver) Continental Political Philosophy,
Palgrave, London, 2005, pp32-44
‘An Enlightenment Critique of the Dialectic of the Enlightenment’, The
Enlightenment World (eds.Martin Fitzpatrick, Peter Jones et al) Routledge, London,
2004, pp. 635-47
‘Philosophie politique et philosophie de l’histoire dans le essai de Hegel sur le Reform
Bill anglais’, Revue germanique internationale, 15/2001, pp. 197-209
‘The idea of a liberal democratic peace’ The Edinburgh Companion to contemporary
Liberalism, (ed. M. Evans), Edinburgh University Press, 2001, pp.241-53
‘Co sie stalo ze spoleczenstwem obywatelskim? Idea wolnosci u Kanta, Hegela I
Marksa’ in Liberalixm u shylku XX wieku ed. J. Miklaszewska, Meritium, Krakow,
1999, pp. 85-123
‘The end of history in Hegel and Marx’ in Hegel & Marx, eds. A. Burns & I. Fraser,
Macmillan/StMartin’s Press, London/New York 2000, pp 198-216
‘A Critique of Richard Rorty’s Liberalism’, Democracy in Central Europe, ed. J.
Miklaszewska, Meritium, Krakow, 1999, pp. 193-214
‘Kant on Virtue (Tugend). Individual and civic virtue in Kant’, in Cnoty Polityczne –
Dawniej I Obecnie, ed. R. Pierkarskiego, Gdansk, 1997, pp213-222
‘Theorist beyond Limits: Kant and International Relations’, (with K. Booth) in
Classical Theories of International Relations, eds. I. Clark and I. Neumann,
Macmillan, 1996, pp. 71-99
‘Kant on the Social Contract’ in The Social Contract and its Critics, eds. D. Boucher
& P. Kelly, Routledge, 1995, pp.132-147
‘Democracy and Human Freedom’ in Human Identity, eds. M. Zagoreskova, T.
Sedova, & J. Pauer, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1993, pp91-103
Introduction and ‘Kant’s Optimism in his social political theory’ in Essays on Kant
Political Philosophy, University of Wales Press/University of Chicago Press, 1992,
ppiii-xix, pp1-14
‘Political Philosophy and the Philosophy of History in Hegel’s Essay on the English
Reform Bill’, Hegel Studien Beiheft, Bochum, 1994, pp.235-48 (Translated into
French, see above)
‘Kant’s Concept of Federalism’, in A. Bosco and P. King, A Constitution for Europe,
Lothian Foundation Press, London, 1990, pp169-79
‘Rights and Minority Nationalism’, in M. Watson, Contemporary Minority
Nationalism, Routledge, London, 1990, pp166-74
‘Jurgen Habermas and Neo-Marxism’, in L. Tivey and A. Wright Political Thinkers
and Political Ideas since 1945, Edward Elgar, London, 1992, pp. 115-133
‘Politics and Philosophy in Hegel and Kant’ in Hegel’s Critique of Kant, ed. S. Priest,
Oxford University Press, 1986, pp. 193-204
‘The Ends of History’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol 7, No. 1,
March 1999, pp. 102-18
‘Democracy and Right in Habermas’s theory of Facticity and Value’, History of
Political Thought, Vol XV, Issue 2, 1994, pp269-283
S. Houlgate, Freedom, Truth and History, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great
Britain, issue 27/28, 1993, pp60-64
B. Susser, The Grammar of Modern Ideology, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol
22, No. 3, 1992, pp408-410
H.G. Deggau, Die Aporien der Rechtslehre Kants, British Journal for Eighteenth
Century Studies Vol. 7, No. 1, pp135-8
H.C. Lucas & O. Poggeler (eds.) Hegels Rechtsphilosophie, Bulletin of the Hegel
Society of Great Britain, No. 14, 1986, pp37-41
A. Ryan, Political Property and Theory, History of Political Thought, Vol. VI, No. 3,
1985, pp652-59
R. Butts, Kant and the Double Government Methodology, Explorations in Knowledge,
An International Journal in the Philosophy Hegel’s Philosophy of History of Science,
Vol 2
R.L. Perkins (ed.), Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, No. 11, 1985, pp3740
L. Hinchman, Hegel’s Critique of the Enlightenment, Philosophical Books, Vol 27,
No. 1, pp28-31
Thirty six reviews for Political Studies, Times Higher Educational Supplement,
History of European Ideas, Kantian Review, Kant-Studien, Efrydiau
Athronyddol, British Journal for Eighteenth Century Studies e.g.:
‘Making Sense of the World’, review of R. Beiner (ed.) Hannah Arendt: Lectures on
Kant’s Political Philosophy, Times Higher Education Supplement, June 17, 1983, p16
W.J. Booth, Interpreting the World: Kant’s philosophy of history and politics, Journal
of the History of Philosophy, January 1989, pp161-2
P. Dunleavy, Democracy, Bureaucracy and Public Choice, Journal of Rural Studies,
Vol 7., No. 4, 1991, pp469-70
I. Kant (tr. M. Gregor)The Metaphysics of Morals, Political Studies, XL, December,
1992, p808
G.W.F. Hegel, Elements of the Philosophy of Right, History of European Ideas, 1993,
A.Vincent, Political Theory: Tradition and Diversity, International Affairs, Vol 74,
No. 3, July 1998, pp649-50
D. Boucher, J. Connelly, and T. Modood (eds) Philosophy, History and Civilization in
R.G. Collingwood, Welsh History Review, Vol. 19, No. 2, December 1998, pp370-72
Brian Orend, War and International Justice: A Kantian Perspective, Canadian Journal
of Political Science, 34, 3, 2001
Arthur Ripstein, Force and Freedom, Review of Politics, Vol 73, 2011
Robert Louden’s Kant’s Human Being: Essays on His Theory of Human Nature,
Kantian Review, 18 (1):154-157, 2013
22 articles in the journal Y Faner, between March 1977 and April 1981
‘Immanuel Kant ac amlieithrwydd’, Barn, Rhif 453, Hydref 2000, tt.28-30
CONFERENCE PAPERS/Visiting papers (selected)
‘Three levels of law in Kant’s Political Philosophy’ Kant Section, European
Consortium of Political Research, Bordeaux, September 2013
‘A Kantian Justification of Multirights’ Oslo University, September 2012
‘International Right in the first part of Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals – a
commentary’, Seminar on Kant’s Doctrine of Right, Boston College, July 2012
‘Kant as a Critic of Just War theory’, Nijmegen University, Netherlands, February
Paton Lecture, ‘Kant and International Distritbutive Justice’ June 30 2010, Dept of
Philosophy, St. Andrews University
Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 2010 – guest speaker in a conference on Kant and law
Copenhagen, October 2010 invited speaker at the 30th Anniversary conference of the
Danish Philosphical Forum
‘Kant and Libertarianism’ International Kant Congress, Pisa, May 2010
March 2009 Singapore invited speaker on ‘Nationalism as a political ideology’
‘Kant on public Reason - a response’ American Philosophical Association, Pacific
Division, Vancouver, April 2009
Doctoral workshop Trondheim Department of Philosophy August 2009 – guest lecture
Welsh Philosophical Association Conference Gregynog 27 June, 2008
‘Metaphysical and Political: Kantian political philosophy’
Antwerp University, November 2008, ‘The torture convention, rendition and Kant’s
critique of pseudo-politics'
‘The Motif of War in Kant’s Critical Philosophy’, Kant’s Doctrine of Right and
Today’s Political Philosophy’, Tours University, France, October 2007
‘Political and Metaphysical’ Kant Section, European Consortium of Political Research
Conference, Pisa, Italy, September 2007
Nobel Museum, Stockholm, Research Department, March 2006, ‘The contemptible
art of pseudo-Politics’
Södertörns University, Stockholm, March 2006, ‘The concept of the political in
Hobbes and Carl Schmitt’
Knoxville, University of Tennessee, April 2006: Colloquium on Kant and Rawls and
International Justice, principal speaker
Copenhagen, Carlsberg Academy, August 2006 invited speaker on ‘Kant’s Critique of
Just war theory’
Manchester Metropolitan University, September 2006 Political Theory Workshop,
panel on the Kantian Justification of Political Norms: ‘Kant’s Critique of pseudopolitics’
‘Why Kant is not a Hobbesian’ Plenary Address’, 10th International Kant Congress,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, September 2005
‘Politics in the absence of Natural Law: Augustine and Carl Schmitt’, Workshop on
Natural Law, Durham University, March 2005
‘The problem of Carl Schmitt’, Oxford Brookes University, December 2004
‘Hegel yng ngoleini athroniaeth Kant’, Cynhadledd Athronyddol Prifysgol Cymru,
Aberystwyth, September 2004
‘Die internationale Dimension von Rawls politischer Philosophie’, University of
Flensburg, Germany, June 2004
‘Independence as the key concept of Kant’s Political Philosophy’, Krakow Kant
Conference, May 2004’
‘Kant and Hobbes on sovereignty’, Stanford Research Seminar, Stanford University,
April 2004
‘Freedom, Equality and Independence in Kant’s Political Theory’, Manchester
University, September 2003
Mary Gregor Memorial Lecture: American Philosophical Association, Eastern
Division, Cleveland, April 2003
‘Zur deutschen Rezeptionsgeschicte Hobbes’, Berlin, Humboldt University, June 2002
‘Kant’s Millennialism’, UK Kant Society, University of East Anglia, November 2000
‘Whatever happened to civil society?’ Trinity College, Dublin, February, 2001
‘Political Change in Kant: Metamorphosis or Palingenesis’, Internationale Kant
Gesellschaft Congress, Berlin, March, 2000
‘Kant and the idea of liberal democratic peace’, Yale University and University of
Tennessee, December 1998
‘Kant and political change’, University of Western Ontario, October 1998
‘Kant und demokratischer Frieden’, Halle University, June, 1998
‘Kant and Liberalism at the Millenium’, University College of Wales, Swansea, May
'Hegel's history of philosophy and the Philosophy of Right', 21st International Hegel
Conference, San Sebastian/Donostia, October 1996
'Individual virtue and civic virtue in Kant's political philosophy', Conference on
Political Virtues, Gdansk University, Poland, September 1996
'The nature of political philosophy', Centre for Political Thought, University of
Krakow, September 1996
'The political theory of anti-fascism', Department of Philosophy, University of
Wroclaw, Poland, September 1996
‘Kant's critique of Colonialism', International Wittgenstein Conference, Kirchberg,
Austria, August 1996
'Kant and Just War Theory', University of Frankfurt, January 1996
'Zum Ewigen Frieden', Marburg University, January, 1996
‘Hegel and Marx on the End of History’, Society for the History of European Ideas,
Graz, August, 1994
‘Kant’s Political Philosophy today’, Jan Hus Foundation, Prague, Brno, Bratislava,
February 1994
‘Habermas’s new theory of Justice’, Tübingen University, June 1993 (presented in
‘Kant und Internationale Beziehungen’, Centre for Kant Research, Mainz University,
June 1993
Political Studies Association, Leicester: Convenor and paper giver, panel on Hegel’s
political theory, April 1993
‘International relations as political theory’, Seminar on Internatinal Political Theory,
London School of Economics, October 1992
‘Some aspects of Contemporary British Political Thought’, Greifswald University,
Germany, December 1992
‘Political philosophy and the philosophy of history in Hegel’s Reform Bill Essay’,
Hegel-Archiv, Bochum, September 1992
‘Democracy and Freedom’, Slovak Academy, Bratislava, November 1992
‘Political Theory and International Relations’, Charles University, Prague, February
‘Aristotle and International Relations Theory’, Czech Academy, Prague, February
‘Political Philosophy and the Philosophy of History’ Slovak Academy, Bratislava,
February 1992
‘Kant’s optimism in his political theory’, Nitra University, Slovakia, February 1992
Bradley Lecture, Boston College, ‘Kant on Politics and Religion’, October 1990
‘Kant and the protestant ethic’, Department of Government Research Seminar, Yale
University, October 1990
2009-10: £2000 British Academy for the completion of a research project and book on
Kant and War
2004: University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Research Fund £950 for work on Kant’s
philosophy at Stanford University
2002: University of Wales, Research Fund £850 to compile a critical bibliography
of writings on Kant’s political philosophy.
2002: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Advanced Research Fellowship,
Humboldt University, Berlin £3,100
2001: British Academy for Library Research in Germany on Kant and Hobbes
1993: University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Research project on political theory and German reunification
1992: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Political Theory and German Reunification
1992: British Academy Research Fellowship - Eastern Europe
1986: British Academy
Research for a book on Hegel’s political philosophy
1983: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Research on Kant at Mainz University
1980: Social Science Research Council
Research visit to the Geschwister Scholl Institut, Munich University
1978: Social Science Research Council
Research on Hegel and Kant’s political philosophy at Heidelberg University
ESRC advisor in evaluating research proposals
Advisor to the University Funding Council research selectivity exercise: Philosophy
Member Glamorgan County Cricket Club
Member Borth and Ynyslas Golf Club
Kant’s legacy in Political Philosophy