Contractualism Quiz

Contractualism (Kantian Ethics) Quiz
Kant, Hobbes, and Rousseau all believed that moral laws are commands of reason. T/F
Hobbes thinks reason is merely prudential (or instrumental) whereas Kant thinks reasoning can be nonprudential. T/F
Kant believed the moral law applied to all rational agents
a. Hypothetically (conditionally)
b. Categorically (unconditionally)
Kantian ethics is
a. Teleological (ends based)
b. Deontological (duty based)
Kant’s Formula of Universal Law is supposed to show that
a. When we act immorally we are trying to act irrationally
b. When we act immorally we are try to act in a way that harms others
c. When we act immorally we are attempting to break a rule that we need or want everyone else to
d. When we act immorally are actions have no moral worth
Kant’s Formula of Humanity requires that we never treat other rational agents
a. In a way that causes them suffering
b. Creates more harm than good
c. Inhumanely
d. Merely as a means to an end
Kant’s Formula of Realm of Ends
a. Requires that we pursue our ends in a way that is compatible with all other rational agents
pursuing their ends
b. Requires that we pursue our ends in a rational way
c. Requires that we pursue only the ends of others to the complete exclusion of our ends so as to
increase overall happiness in society
d. Requires an agent to act to bring about a perfect realm of ends
Kantian ethics shares the same fundamental value with utilitarianism
Kant believed that a mother caring for her child out of love and sympathy was had no moral worth and
was wrong. T/F
Allen Wood rejects the criticism that Kantian Ethics is too rigid because
a. Kant provides a system for determining which duty one ought to perform when there is a conflict
of duties
b. Although Kantian ethics is not a consequentialist theory it does make room for considering
consequences through our imperfect duty to charity or benevolence
c. Kantian ethics requires us to reason consequentially when determining our moral duties
d. Despite its rigidity it is nevertheless the best theory we have
Kant says the only thing that is ultimately good is pleasure. T/F
“If you want to be healthy eat a low fat plant based diet and get plenty of exercise” is a categorical
command of reason. T/F
Kant believed that animal were members of the moral community because they could feel pain. T/F