EGALITARIAN TEAM 2014/2015 E-PAST QUESTIONS DOWNLOADABLE FOR FREE! EGALITARIAN!! EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL FEDERAL COLLEGE OF DEPARTMENT OF FIRST SEMESTER EDUCATION (T) EDUCATIONAL 2.011/2012 AKOKA, LAGOS FOUNDATIONS SESSION COURSE CODE: EDU 111 COURSE TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO HISTORY OF EDUCATION YEAR: NCE 1 TIME ALLOWED: 1½ HRS INSTRUCTION: ANSWER All QUESTIONS IN SECTION A AND ANY TWO IN SECTION B. SECTION A 1. State any 3 objectives of traditional/indigenous education in Nigeria. 2. Identify the 3 stages of Islamic education. 3. Western Education came to Nigeria in .... . 4. Mention three achievements of the missionaries. 5. The process of giving money to the mission schools by colonial government is known as 6. The history of Western Education can be divided into periods. Identify any 3 of such periods. 7. The Ashby Commission was set up in the year .............................. . 8. Mention three problems facing education in Nigeria. 9. Give the full meaning of the following: A) N. P. E. ............................... B} U. B. E ............................... ................ SECTION B 1. Differentiate between Western Education and Indigenous Education. 2. Briefly discuss the major recommendations of the Asquith Commission on Education appointed in August 1943. 3. Distinguish between education and culture. 1|Page FEDERA.L COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL) AKOKA FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2012/2013 DEPARTMENT: EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS COURSE TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO HISTORY OF EDUCATION COURSE CODE: EDU 111 INSTRUCTION: ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS IN SECTION A AND ANY TWO IN SECTION B TIME: 1HR 30 MINUTES SECTION A 1. The general aim of is to make an individual function or be useful to himself and the.............. 2. List any three (3) objectives of Traditional/Indigenous Education in Nigeria. 3. Western Education came to Nigeria in through the................. 4. The people who brought Islamic Education to Nigeria were .............................. 5. Identify the three (3) stages of Islamic Education in Nigeria. 6. The process of giving money to the missions' schools by the colonial government is known as....................... 7. The Education Commission that submitted two reports in 1943 was known as commission. 8. State the three (3) forms of Education you know. 9. Phelp-stokes Commission was set up in 10. According to missionary curriculum of instruction, the 4Rs stands for (a).............(b).................... 11: Give the full meaning of the following: (a) V.P. E. ...............................(1976) (b) U. B. E.............................(1999) Total 20 mks. SECTION B 1. Define the concept "Education". What is the difference between an educated person and illiterate? 2. Discuss .the states and features in each state of Islamic Education. 3. Expatiate on the terms of reference, recommendations and significance of Ashby Commission to the educational development in Nigeria. 2|Page FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL) AKOKA FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2013/2014 DEPARTMENT: EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS COURSE TITLE: HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN NIGERIA COURSE CODE: EDU 111 TIME: 1:30MINS INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN SECTION A AND ANY TWO IN SECTION SECTION A B SECTION A 1. Identify five (5) objectives of traditional/indigenous education in Nigeria. 2. Western Education was introduced to Nigeria in the.............................. 3. The Europeans who brought Western Education to Nigeria were called....................... List the three (3) stages or levels of Islamic Education. Identify the two (2) Commissions that was established in 1943 on Education. State three (3) demerits/disadvantages of Islamic Education. Identify four (4) periods to which Western Education can be divided. Ashby Commission was set up in ........................ The process of giving money to the Mission Schools by the Colonial Government is known as .................... The education that takes place outside the classroom setting is known as . State three (3) short comings/limitations of Traditional Education 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 3|Page SECTION B 1a. Describe the origin/introduction of education in Nigeria b. List five (S) contributions of the Missionaries to Education growth in Nigeria. 2. Discuss the purpose, terms of reference and recommendation of the Phelp- Stokes commission on Education. 3a. Define the concepts "Education' and "Traditional Education". b. What is the difference between Traditional Education and Western Education. State any five 4. Discuss the meaning of Education and Traditional Education 4|Page FEDERAL COLLEGE OFEDUCA TION(T) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY COURSE CODE: EDU 112 COURSE TITLE: CHILD DEVELOPMENT PSYCHOLOGY CANDIDATE MATRIC. INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ANY THREE (3) QUESTIONS - TIME 2HRS AKOKA1 LAGOS NO. 1. Discuss any five relevance of educational psychology to the teacher education programme in Nigeria. 2. Explain any five basic principles of human growth and development. 3. Examine yourself in a mirror. Discuss any five main differences between you and your classmates. 4. Discuss the importance of heredity and environment in the personality development of the Nigerian adolescents. 5. Discuss any five factors that affect the prenatal stage of child development. 5|Page FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2013/2014 DEPARTMENT: EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY COURSE TITLE: CHILD DEVELOPMENT PSYCHOLOGY COURSE CODE: EDU 112 TIME: 2 HRS INSTRUCTION: ATTEMPT THREE QUESTIONS IN ALL (TECHNICAL) AKOKA la. Carefully attempt the discussion of the following: i) Psychology ii] Educational psychology ill) Developmental psychology b. Justify the relevance of educational psychology in teacher professional training. 2 Clearly explain the roles of the following professionals in practice of educational Psychology: i) Counseling psychologist ii) School psychologist ill) Health psychologist iv) Drug counselor 3. Carefully explain the process of the growth development at pre-natal stage arid factors that affect the stage. 4. Identify and explain five principles of human development 5. What is human personality? State and discuss (S) factors influencing human personality development. FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2010/2011 DEPARTMENT: CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTIO,'\I 6|Page (TECHNICAL) AKOKA COURSE TITLE: PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF TEACHING COURSE CODE: EDU 113 NCE I TIME: 1 HR 30MINS INSTRUCTION: Attempt Question one and any other TWO Questions 1. Write a detailed lesson plan on a particular topic in your subject area for a basic seven class. 2a. Who is a teacher? b. State five characteristics of a Good teacher 3. You have just been posted to a class which is notorious for its high level of Indiscipline. Discuss the steps you will take to maintain discipline in such a class. 4. Write short notes on anyhow of the following. State their advantages and disadvantages. a. Discovery method. b. Lecture method c. Project method, 5. Outline five (5) ways by which effective classroom management can be 7|Page achieve FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF BUSINESS EDUCATION NCE YEAR 2 FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2012/2013 SESSION Course Title: Business Education Practicum (TECH) AKOKA Course Code: BED 215 Time: 2 hrs. Instruction: Answer Question one (1) and any other two questions l. Business Education is the total educational programme that provides practical acquisition of skills, knowledge understanding, and attitudes needed to perform in business world. Based on your knowledge of practicum, justify the inclusion of practicum in Business Education Curriculum. ' 2. (a) Enumerate the physical signs of stress in an individual's life (10mks) (b) List strategies you can adopt to manage your time effectively in the place of work (l0 mks) 3a. Explain the types of leadership styles (10mks) (b) Outline five qualities of a good leader (10 mks) 4. Briefly explain the following: (a) Business education practicum (b) Transformational Leadership (c) Career Plans (d) Social Cognitive Theory of Career Development 8|Page FEDERAL COLLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL) AKOKA 1ST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2012/2013 DEPARTMENT: CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTIONS COURSE TITLE: PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF TEACHING ads COURSE CODE: EDU 113 . Instruction: ANSWER ALL questions IN SECTION A BY CIRCLING THE . Correct option FROM A - D AND ANY THREE QUESTIONS IN SECTION B TIME: 2 HRS 1. It major purpose of education is to: (a) Foster social survival (b) Preserve people’s jobs (cl Enhance society's image (d) Guarantees victory over all-evils. 2. One of the following is an underlying teaching principle (a) Teaching is an open ended activity (b) Learners in the kindergarten class have no previous knowledge(c) Learners in the same age range think and act alike (d) Teacher should ensure that learners are ready for what is to be taught. 3. A major shortcoming of indoctrination is (a) Learners' active involvement, (b) Appeal to learners' mental ability (c) Violation of learners' fundamental right to differ (d) Impartation of knowledge through rational Learners 4. Which of these can be effective for gaining learners' attention? (a) Increasing one's voice-for better voice projection (b) Constant use of questions (c) Banging the table for silence (d) . Maintenance of eye contact with a particular learner 5. Which of the following Information is not necessary about Learner? (a) Learners' names' . (b) Learners' ethnic background (c) Learners’ religious .sentiments (d) Learners’ socio-economic background 6. By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to state the characteristics of a living thing. This behavioural objective is not (a) Vague (b) Time-bound (c) achievable measurable 7. All except one of the following influence the teacher’s choice of objectives: (a) The attitude of the learners (b) The time available for-the lesson (c) The age of the instructional materials (d) The nature of the subject 8. The advantages of demonstration method include all except one of the following: (a) It encourages the physically-impaired learners (b) It ensures Learners’ mastery skill (c) It gives the teacher immediate feedback (d)It makes learners actively-involved. 9. A major demerit of using case study method of teaching is that a. The teacher is no longer the primary source of information for learners b. Learners are no longer passive 9|Page c. It can be time and resources d. It takes the learners out of the familiar classroom environment, .. .; 10. Through which of the following ways cart a teacher make lecture method more learner friendly and result - oriented: a. The teacher should speak fast in order to cover much ground b. The teacher should ask the students questions at regular intervals while teaching c. The teacher should stay permanently in front of the class while teaching d. Delay the checking of learners' comprehension till the end of the lesson 11. Whole group discussion a. Allows the teacher to check on what are retaining b. Reduces teacher's control over classroom activities c. Is least appealing-to auditory learners d. Limits interaction between teacher and learners, 12. "What would you do if you were the teacher?" is an example of a/an a. Speculating question b. Probing question c. Hypothetical question d. Clarifying question 13. Which of the following can make the planning of a field trip successful? a. Delegate arrangements for-the trips to subordinate offices' b. Decide ahead of time the dates for the field trip . c. Make phone calls to all the parents for their consent d. Prepare just a copy of the participants in the trip and keep this to yourself. 14. The major activity in simulation method is (a) Imitation (b) situation (c) insinuation (d) fabrication 15. Writing the lesson plan is important because a. It makes the class interactive b. It takes little effort to prepare c. It enhances logical presentation d. It proves that the lesson was actually taught. 16. In discovery teaching method, the teacher a. Explore (b) facilitates (c) experiments (d) manipulates 17. One of the following is not a challenge facing the application of individualized instruction in Nigeria a. Reluctance of parents to embrace the method b. Many teachers have no practical training 1;1 individualized instruction c. There is paucity of individualized instructional materials d. The examination-oriented nature' of education in Nigeria 18. Using computer assisted-instruction in the class a. Makes learning non-interactive :.i b. Makes learners dependent on others for c. Produces similar achievement as conventional instruction: d. Makes feedback on learners performance instantly available 19. The lesson plan is a. Designated for one contact period 10 | P a g e their learning progress b. The record of what the teacher has taught c. A teacher's private document d. A guarantee of a successful lesson delivery 20. Conducive learning environment is a. Individualized b. Friendly but firm c. Tidy but disorderly d. Discourages exchange of ideas 21. Which of the following is advisable when ordering the components of a lesson? a. Put learners in groups before you explain their tasks to them b. Consider learners' heights before you pair them up c. Jet Think about transitions from one part of the lesson' d. Always give assignments well before the lesson ends. 22. What type of evaluation does the teacher conduct to determine the success of a lesson? a. Summative evaluation' b. Intermediate evaluating c. Preliminary evaluation d. Promotion evaluation 23. Which of the following is not crucial for effective use of instructional material in the classroom? a. A preview of the instructional material b. Information about how the material was produced c. Prior provision for when and how to use the material d. Ensuring that the classroom is conducive. " 24. Which of the following is an evidence of hurried task in the works of early finishers? a. Tidy presentation, (b) legible handwriting (c) detailed explanation (d) spelling errors 25. Which of the following is not a 'purpose serv1d by continuous assessment? a. To determine eligibility for admission b. To measure the effectiveness of the teaching strategy c. To provide bases for guidance arid counselling d. It provides a measure of standards 26. Which of the following is not among the management duties of a teacher? a. Establishing and enforcing rules and procedures b. Carrying out disciplinary actions c. Reporting serious offenders to law enforcement agents. d. Maintaining effective teacher and learner relationships. 27. Which of these qualities, of a good test is not correctly described? a. Objectivity: The test is multiple choice' b. Validity: The test measures what it is supposed to measure c. Reliability: The test is accurate and consistent d. The test is not too complicated FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL) AKOKA FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2013/2014 DEPARTMENT: CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION COURSE CODE: EDU 113 (PRINCIPLES & METHODS OF TEACHING) TIME: 2 HRS INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN SECTION A AND TWO QUESTIONS ONLY IN SECTION B SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Instruction: Pick the most appropriate answer to the following questions from the alternatives provided. 11 | P a g e The changes that are attributable to education in an individual take place in the person's A) Cognitive effective and psychomotor domains B) Affective, cognitive and psychomotor domains C) Cognitive affective and psychological domains D) Congenial, effective and psychomotor domains 1. 2. A major purpose of education is to ............... a) Preserve people's jobs b) Enhance society's image c) Foster societal survival d) Guarantees victory over all evils 3. Which of these words best describes the informal education? a) Certification b) Socialization c) Literacy d) Manners 4. One of the following options is an example of an input in the teaching and learning process: a) A chart b) A cane C) The class d) The Learners Given ten letters of the alphabet, the learner should be able to form at least five English words. Which of the characteristics of a good objective is highlighted by the underline words in the statement above? a) Simple (b) measurable (c)time-bound (d) achievable 6. One of the following is an underlying teaching principle: a) Teaching is an open ended activity b) Teacher should ensure that learners are ready for what is to be taught. c) Learners in the kindergarten class have no previous knowledge d) Learners in the same age range think and act alike. 5. 7. An authentic teacher/learner relationship will not: a) Make the learners feel safe b) Earn respect from the learners c) Lead to learner's indulgence d) Enhance effective learning 8. By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to state the characteristics of a living thing. The objective is not............ a) Vague b) measurable c) time-bound "d) achievable 9. Which of these is not among the levels of the psychomotor domain? a) Reflex movements b) Basic fundamental movements c} Perpetual abilities d) Skilled movements 10. The following are the major disadvantages of team teaching, except: a) A teacher's deficiency might affect the other teacher's input Each teacher can make reference to the other teacher's notes for increased b) learning c) Unfair comparison might make the learners to learn less d) Wrong assumptions by the teachers may affect effective teaching 11. Group discussion . .................................. a) Limits interaction between teacher and learners b) Allows the teacher to check on what learners are retaining. c) Reduces teacher's control over classroom activities d) Is least appealing to auditory learners. 12. Which of the following can make the planning of a field trip successful? a) Decide ahead of time the dates for the field trip. b) Delegate arrangements for the trips to subordinate officers 12 | P a g e c) Make phone calls to all the parents for their consent. d) Prepare just a copy of the parents for their consent. 13. 'Peer' in peer tutoring refers to a/an: a) Subordinate b) Colleague c) Assistant d) Tutor .................. . 14. All these are true of role playing method except one: a) Learners consciously act out and discuss roles in a group. b) Real life is imitated to teach an aspect of a subject c) Script, costumes and props are made use 0 d) It engages learners in the learning process. 15. One of the following is not a feature of debate method: a) Participatory b) democratic c) motivating d) speculative 16. Simulation method .................................................................... . 17. When using Individualized Instruction method; the instruction is broken into bits according to: a) The needs of the individual learner b) Capabilities of the individual learner c) Interests of the individual learner d) Parents of the individual learner The lesson plan is ................. a) The record of what the teacher has taught b)A teacher's private document c) Designed for one contact period with a particular set of learners d)A guarantee of a successful lesson deliver 18. 19. a) b) c) d) Which of the following items on a lesson plan is odd? Outline of content Duration of lesson Aim and general purpose Names of learners 20. Which of the following should be considered before selecting an instructional material? a) Universality b) colorfulness c) relevance d) pliability 32. Through which of the following ways can a teacher make lecture method more learners friendly and result oriented a) The teacher should ask the students questions at regular intervals while teaching b) The teacher should speak fast in order to cover much ground c) Delay the checking of learners' comprehension till the end of the lesson d) The teacher should stay permanently in front of the class while teaching. 33. Using computer assisted instruction in the class a) Makes learning non-interactive b) Makes learners dependent on others for their learning progress c) Produces similar achievement as conventional instruction d) Makes feedback on learners instantly available 34. Conducive learning environment is a) Individualized b) Discourages exchange of ideas, c) friendly but firm d) tidy but disorderly a) b) c) d) 35. What type of evaluation does the teacher conduct to determine the success of a lesson. Promotion evaluation Preliminary evaluation Intermediate evaluating Summative evaluation 36. Which of the following is not a purpose served by continuous assessment a) To determine eligibility for admission b) To measure the effectiveness of the teaching strategy c) To provide bases for guidance and counseling d) It provides a measure of standards 13 | P a g e a) b) c) d) 37. Which of these qualities of a good test is not correctly described Objectivity: The test is multiple choice Validity: The test measures what it is designed to measure Reliability: The test is accurate and consistent Usability: The test is not too complicated ,38. Which of this method is least expensive to adopt in the class a) b) c) d) Field trip method Demonstration method Experiment Lecture method 139.Which of the following strategies can prove helpful for coping with a large class a) Engage learners in interactive activities b) Resort to the use of lecture method c) Be an authoritarian teacher d) Concentrate efforts on then fast learners. 40. Which of this is the full-meaning of SMART as the acronym for the qualities of a good behavioral objective. a) Sensible, measurable, achievable, relevant, trendy b} Simple, meaningful, accurate, relevant, time-bound c) Simple, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound d) Short, meager, active, rewarding, true SECTION B: Answer any two questions 1a. List four action verbs appropriate in specifying objectives in the following domain of learning. i) Cognitive ii) psychomotor ill) affective b. Explain the following terms as they apply to teaching i )goal ii) objective c. State with examples, the three parts of a specific objective 2) Explain five reasons why a teacher needs to prepare a lesson plan 3a. Discuss any two methods of teaching b. List any four principles underlying the choice of teaching method FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL), AKOKA GENERAL ENGLISH FIRST SEMESTER 2011/2012 EXAMINATION GSE 111 TIME 1½ HRS SECTION A INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ANY ONE QUESTION IN THIS SECETION A “WEEKENED FLAME” BY UCHE NWANI AND ANSWER ALL OTHER QUESTIONS 1. Give an accurate account of the issues raised in “Weekend Flame” and show how it affects the major characters in the text? 2. 111 your own opinion, what do you consider to be the cause of Helerr’s-downfall or failure in the text? 3. Discuss the twin evils of unfaithfulness and rejection as depicted in "Weekend Flame" using the characters as illustration. SECTION B INSTRUCTION: IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS (1-10) CHOOSE THE WORD THAT IS OPPOSITE IN MEANING TO THE UNDERLINED WORD OR PHRASE 14 | P a g e 1. The irate youth in the community were coerced into negotiating a settlement. A. Driven B. compelled C. persuaded D. pressurized. 2. His father served meritoriously in the army. A. Fugitively B. regularly C. shamefully D. exceptionally 3. It is inconceivable that-the sun shone in the night. A. Credible B. impossible C. unthinkable D. contestable 4. His 8.D.tioailiy affected A. Politics B. loyalty C. hostility D. hatred the growth of his business 5. "I do not trust him" he said, in a rare moment of con dour. A .. Reproach B. frankness C. dishonesty D. fairness 6. Deride has always been described as intelligent. A. 3eautiful B. attractive C. combrotive D. Innocent . . 7. The circular supersedes all previous correspondence on the matter. A. Supports B. Eliminates C. displaces D. circumvents 8. The stockbroker said it was an astute to sell the a. Bad b. an unprofitable C. a. shrewed D. an insincere 9 . The old woman is suffering from dementic A. Lucidity B. senility C, insanity D. sagacity 10. Since its inception 1986, the newspaper has attracted thousands of readers.. A. . renaissance B. coming C. commencement D. publication In question 11- 20 choose the option that best completes the gap 11. When a car tyre on the way, he did not know what to do. A. Has burst B. had burst C. bursted D. burst 12.It is important that you clear the refuse in front of your house every A. Fourtnight b. forthnight c. Fourthnight d. forthnight 13.Selifat needn't come ,with us, ..........? A. Does she B. will she C. can she D. need she 14. Getting a we paid job nowadays is an ------ task, A. Utmost B. upbest C. uphill D. upfield 15. The school authority dismissed him for ----- but I won't tell you about it yet. A. Certain reason E. a reason C. more reason D. a certain reason Ida asked me .............. A. What time it was B. what is it by my time C. what time is it D. What time is it. Lamidi’s father ------. as a gardner when he 'was young but now he is a driver. A. Has been working B. use to work C. has worked D. used to work 16. 17. 18.The driver inadvertently killed a manin a. crash and was convicted of ------- .. A ... muder B. assault C. menslaughter D. assassination. 19, The president has promised scholarship to all ---- university students. A. Indigent B. extraneous C. illogical D. indispensable 15 | P a g e +, shares then 20.--------- he switches-on the light, the shadow disappears. A. Whenever B. except C. since D. until SECTION: C INSTRUCTION: IDENTIFY THE PARTS OF SPEECH WHICH THE UNDERLINED WORDS BELONG. 6. 1. The wheel went round and round. 2. The officer is now on his daily round duty 3. The earth is round. 4. Try to better your condition. S. Look before you leap. 5. We-stood before the mosque. Sing some of your own songs 16 | P a g e 8. Henry came by the down train. 9. Charles came down at once 10. l0 .Children are going to fair REGISTER In the following passage, the numbered gaps indicate missing Words. Agc.-1nsteach For-each questions, choose the word that is the most suitable to fill the numbered gap in the passage. The computer is fast taking over the jobs once performed by human being. Not only does it perform the job more easily and accurately, the 1 with which it performs the task is astonishing. All you need do is to ~. in your data with the ~,click.-the 1: to give the appropriate 5· and leave the computer to do the rest. It is not only capable of 6 your data, it may 7 the output in an amazingly colourful form that you cannot but marvel at the graphics. The part of the computer that performs tne task is called 8 unit You can see the output of your work on. a device called 2. Make sure you close all programmes you have opened while working before you 10 the computer. 3. FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL) AKOKA FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2013/2014 DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ENGLISH COURSE CODE: GSE 111 TIME: 1 HR 30 MINS INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ONLY ONE (1) QUESTION IN SECTION A AND ALL OTHERS. SECTION A; UTERATURE "After the flood" by Wale Okediran Instruction: Answer only one (1) question from this Section. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Justify the title of the text: After the Flood by Wale Okediran 2. Write short note on the following characters: i) Sade Dada ii) . Beauty ill) Mr. Shelima iv) Dr. Graham v) Stanley. 4. Comment on the theme of tragedy or mishaps and courage in the text. "After the Flood". 5. "Some friends seems decent and devoted but fickle minded foes they turn out to be." Discuss how the above statement is relevant to the text "After the Flood." 20 marks each SECTION B Instruction. Answer all questions in this Section B and C. 17 | P a g e 1. List four (4) problems facing learners of English Language in Nigeria. (8 marks) . 2. Discuss four (4) strategies for efficient listening (B marks) 3. How do you organize a personal study schedule? List them. (B marks) 4. Highlight six (6) types of listening and explain them (6 marks). SECTION C Publishing is a fast growing business and there are therefore many Publishing houses all over the country. When .. 1... is submitted by an author, the publisher sends it to .. 2 ... to know if it is actually publishable. This step is important because the publisher wants to make sure that the book catches the .. 3 .. when it is actually published. In a good publishing house, there is .. 4 .. section which is concerned with .. 5 .. the manuscript and correcting both the spellings and typing errors. After this, the manuscripts is .. 6 .. in readiness for .. 7 ... The printed .. B .. are then stored in the warehouse and a few of them may be sent to the author as .. 9 .. copies. Since it is not just the aim of the publisher to offset the cost of production but also to make some profit, there is a strong Marketing division which promotes sales. A certain percentage of the cover price of the book is paid to A 1. An article 2. An assessor 3. Market 4. An error-proof 5. Proof-reading 6. typewritten 7.photocopying 8.items 9.complementary 7. royalty B An essay An evaluator audience An editorial Reading over typeset xeroxing Bulleting complimentary honorarium C A book A checker students lithographic scanning Double-spaced Binding copies acknowledgement dividend D A manuscript An examiner shop An evaluator skimming Single-spacer printing specimen sample interest FEDERAL COLLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL) AKOKA 1ST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2012/2013 DEPARTMENT: GENERAL STUDIES COURSE TITLE: introduction TO Library STUDIES COURSE CODE: GSE 112: NCE 1 TIME: 1HR. INSTRUCTION: ANSWER TWO QUESTIONS It,~ ALL (all Questions Carry 1a. List five uses of a library b. Briefly explain how you can take care of library materials. c. Differentiate between Current Awareness Services and Selective Dissemination of information 2a. List and explain five advantages and five disadvantages of library Automation b. Briefly explain how you con take care of library materials. c. Differentiate between CU1Tent Awareness Services and Selective Dissemination of information 3a. What are the functional differences and similarities between a public. Library and an academic library. b. Distinguish between cataloguing end classification 4. List and discuss fully the various units of a library 18 | P a g e FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL), AKOKA NCE ONE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION2013/2014 COURSE TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO LIBRAARY STUDIES COURSE CODE: GSE 112: TIME: IHR INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ALL QUESTION 1. ............................ Section of the Library prepares administrative budgets. A. Technical B. Serials C. Reference D; Administrative 2. ~l:, g ................................................... 0is('1~~:r~5r:g 1S ~~k2T"~:1 ~Q, ,. A. Borrowing and Returning B. Borrowing and not returning C. Borrowing and tearing the books D. Buying and selling of Library books. 3. ........................................................ Audio Visual means . A. Seeing and reading B. Reading and listening C. Seeing and hearing D. Hearing and viewing. 4. ......................................... ISSN means . A. International Science Number B. International School Number --C~ International Standard Serial Number D. International Society Number 5. ............................ The section of the Library houses materials that are high in demand but short in supply. A. Cataloguing and classification B. Serial C .. Reserve book unit. D. Reference E. Automation Unit. 6. The College Library uses the .............. Classification scheme to arrange materials On the shelves A. Bliss B. Colon C. DDC 'D., LC. 7. .......................................................................................................... An academic Library does all of the following except one .................................. . A. Preserve knowledge for posterity B. Dissemination of information C. Supports teaching, learning and research D. Discriminates in buying library materials 8. Clientele can also be referred to as A. Users B. Staff C. Students D. External users 9. .............. . " gives a summary of ideas, facts or topics A. Bibliography B<. Encyclopaedia C. Dictionary D. Gazette 10. ................. . .is not a type of Biography ~A. Bibliography B. Autobiography C. Biography. 19 | P a g e 11. ...................................................................................... Index, dictionary, gazetteers are examples of .......................................................... . A. Serials materialsB .. Reference materials C. Documents 12. ................................................................................... To be a bonafide user of the library, you must be ......................................... . A. Fully admitted B. Fully registered C. Be a Student D. Must be a staff of the College 13. . .. is the number assigned to materials in their order of arrival in the Library A. Acquisition Number B. Serial Number C. Accession Number D, Classification Number . 20 | P a g e