153 RESEARCH OF DETECTION AND TRACING ALGORITHM OF EXTENDED OBJECTS ON RADAR SCENES1 D.G. Khafizov2, I.G. Yakovlev2 2Mari State Technical University, the Regional Reseach Laboratory of Group Point Objects and Point Scenes Image Prosessing, Lenin Sq. 3, 424000 Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation. tel.:(8362) 455412. e-mail: rts@marstu.mari.ru The optimum strobe sizes for tracking the extended objects on radar scenes are defined, the probability characteristics of correct detection and an estimation of extended object parameters are obtained. Introduction Detection, estimation of parameters, tracking and recognition of communication objects of the extended filiform structure, are one of the major purposes of radar images processing. Such objects are roads, rivers, bridges (Fig. 1), etc. tracking and estimation of extended objects parameters proved that when analyzing their efficiency the primary purpose was to obtain their detection characteristics. However there are almost no studies of methods and algorithms dealing with the estimation of determination accuracy parameters of extended objects (length, width and angle), obtained by the results of their tracking. CatEye algorithm Fig. 1. Example of the image with extended filiform objects Characteristic features of such objects are long extension narrowness. The methods of extended objects detection and tracking problems solution are considered in [1-3]. On the basis of these methods the algorithm of program CatEye was developed which allows to find out, track and define the parameters of extended objects. The review of methods of detection, CatEye program algorithm consists of two basic stages of processing: objects detection and tracking the extended object. After object detection the accumulation of image brightness takes place at different angles (for objects with different inclination angle) and definition of gaps in the accumulated brightness line, corresponding to the object parameters. Further by the object points defined tracking and coding of the extended object is carried out. Tracking is carried out on the basis of tcriterion with the use of a round strobe consisting of the lateral zone representing the background and the central zone representing the object. Thus the results of tracking to a considerable degree depend on the parameters of algorithm setting, such as the size of strobe to be tracked, the number of accumulated lines of the image, etc. Therefore before carrying out the research of noise action with the purpose of estimation _______________________________________________________________________ 1 Work is executed under the financial support RFFI, project 07-01-00058а 154 of tracked objects parameters the optimum strobe dimensions providing the best definition of extended filiform objects parameters without noise were defined. Further research of algorithm was conducted on the basis of generated test images-phantoms with the set parameters of brightness noise, width, length and an inclination angle of extended object. Research results As a result of the research conducted the following characteristics were obtained. 1. Dependence of correct detection on standard deviation (SD) of brightness noise for extended objects with various width (Fig. 2). 2. Dependence of inclination angle definition errors on SD of noise for objects with various width (Fig. 3). 3. Dependence of object length definition error on SD of brightness noise for objects with various width (Fig. 4). Width=1 P 1,05 Width=2 Width=3 1 0,95 0,9 0,85 SD 0,8 0 20 40 60 80 100 The obtained characteristics allow to estimate the algorithm accuracy of program CatEye, to define the most reasonable parameters of algorithm work from the point of view of processing accuracy and on their basis to develop more effective methods of detection, tracking and an estimation of extended filiform objects parameters. ΔL 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 Width=1 Width=2 Width=3 20 40 60 80 SD Fig . 4. Characteristics of object length error definition on the SD brightness noise for the objects with various width Conclusion Errors of parameters definition are caused by imperfection of algorithms, presence of noise in the scene, image sampling errors, etc. The importance of this work is that the characteristics of definition accuracy estimate parameters of extended objects (width, length and inclination angle) were obtained for the first time by the results of their detection and tracking on algorithm of program CatEye. 120 References Fig. 2. Characteristics of extended objects correct detection on SD of the brightness noise for objects with various widths Width=1 Width=2 2 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 Width=3 SD 0 20 40 60 80 100 Fig. 3. Characteristics of dependence of inclination angle definition errors on SD of noise for objects with various widths 1. А.А. Popov, T.V. Galkina, T.I. Orlova. 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