EEX 7865 SPECIAL EDUCATION INTERNSIHP IN COLLEGE INSTRUCTION Fall 2010 Instructor: Suzanne Martin, Ph.D. and faculty assigned for internship Offices: College of Education 122T Office Phone: 407-823-4260 e-mail: Office Hours: Tuesday 1-4 PM By appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: Supervised experience in design, delivery, and evaluation of a college course in special education or disability services. Accommodations for Religious Observances, Academic Misconduct and Sexual Harassment: University and Department policies will be followed. Specifically the UCF “Golden Rule” will be used to address any issues that arise. Please consult the Website at Attention Students with Disabilities: If you have an identified disability that may affect your performance in this class, schedule an appointment (no later than the second class) so that provisions can be made to insure that you have an equal opportunity to meet all the requirements of this course. The University of Central Florida is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request. Students with disabilities who need accommodations in this course must contact the professor at the beginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations. No accommodations will be provided until the student has met with the professor to request accommodations. Students who need accommodations must be registered with the Student Disability Services, Student Resource Center Room 132, phone (407) 823-2371, TTY/TDD only phone (407) 823-2116, before requesting accommodation from the professor. Grades of Incomplete: A grade of “I” (Incomplete) may be assigned by the instructor when a student is unable to complete a course due to extenuating circumstances, and when all requirements can be completed in a short time following the end of the term. The student is responsible to arrange with the instructor for the completion of the requirements of the course. An incomplete will only be assigned when: 1. You have done satisfactory work in a substantial fraction of the course requirements prior to grading time and provide the instructor with evidence of potential success in completing the remaining work. 2. Extraordinary circumstances, not related to class performance, such as illness or family emergency, have prevented you from finishing the course requirements on time. An Incomplete will not be given to enable you to do additional work to improve a grade. If an emergency arises, please contact your instructor immediately. CREDIT HOURS: 3 Credit Hours COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Identify, sequence, and elaborate content in the area of special education or disability services for delivery in a college course; 2. Select methods and materials to motivate adult learners of diverse cultural groups; 3. Prepare a syllabus and other learning materials for a college course; 4. Select appropriate techniques to present course content, including lecture, discussion, demonstration, media presentations, and guest speakers; 5. Maintain a classroom climate conducive to learning through interactions with students as individuals and groups; 6. Develop formats for assessing student knowledge and skills, including quizzes, exams, and interviews; 7. Develop formats for evaluating course content and instructor effectiveness; and 8. Maintain accurate student records for assignment of course grades. COURSE FORMAT: Co-teaching a course with a faculty member COURSE REQUIREMENTS A. ASSIGNMENTS 1. Design instructional plans that match course objectives, under supervision of a faculty member. 2. Participate in instructional activities under supervision of faculty member. a. administration of tests b. grading of tests, given answer key including key concepts on essays c. identification of supplementary readings d. assistance in preparation of audiovisual and other instructional materials e. assistance in scheduling f. presentation of lecture or leading of group discussion while being observed by faculty member g. observe one colleague in the course while he/she presents a lesson h. assist in the design of assessment strategies and rubrics to evaluate course products, performance and knowledge under supervision of a faculty member. 3. Assist in the development of teaching materials, handouts, and other resources, under the supervision of a faculty member. 4. Prepare instructional plans and teaching of selected course topics, under the supervision of faculty member. 5. Hold a preconference session with faculty prior to instruction and present faculty with instructional objectives, plan and assessment. Develop an observation instrument for faculty to provide you with feedback. 6. Plan and develop a module of instruction for the web to enhance instruction and integrate technology into instruction. 7. Keep a reflective journal focused on your experiences and insights in the instructional design, delivery and assessment of your class. 8. Complete a teaching observation of a colleague in EEX 7865 B. ATTENDANCE Attendance is mandatory. If absences occur, additional days may be required at the discretion of the Internship Supervisor. If absences cannot be made up and/or if excessive absences occur (more than 10% of total internship days), the student may be asked to withdraw or will be assigned a grade of Unsatisfactory. C. GRADING POLICIES Grades will be determined as follows: A = 90% - 100%, completion of all assignments with outstanding competency. B = 80 – 89%, completion of all assignments with satisfactory competence C = 70 –79%, completion of assignments with less than satisfactory competency D = 60 – 69%, failure to complete all assignments, unsatisfactory work, F = less than 60%, failure to complete all assignments, unacceptable work The final grade will be determined using the following 60% - Rating of performance of intern by faculty/internship supervisor 20% - Module created for course 20% - Reflective journal documenting both experiences as well as areas of growth D. ASSIGNMENT DUE DATES Assignments are due to your course professor as follows: Week 1 - Copy of course syllabus including supplementary readings, schedule of course meetings Week 2 - Copy of lesson plan for topic to be taught with possible sources of instructional and audiovisual materials needed for the lesson Week 3 - List of dates you will be: 1) presenting a lesson; 2) administering a test; 3) observing a colleague; 4) being observed by faculty co-teacher Week 4, 5, & 6 – Schedule and attend individual meetings with course professor Week 7 – One observation by faculty and professor completed and turned into professor Week 8 & 9 – Co-teach and learn Week 10 – Review your reflective journal and share three insights with class/professor Week 11 – Have second observation completed Week 12 & 13 – Co-teach and learn Week 14 – Happy thanksgivings! Week 15 – Co-teach and learn Week 16 – Co-teach and learn Exam week - grade paper and tests for the course you are teaching; assist faculty in any manner necessary E. REFERENCES: Conderman, G. & McCarty, B. (2003) Shared insights from university co-teaching. Academic Exchange Quarterly Winter 2003: Volume 7, Issue 4 Dieker, L. (2006). The Co-Teaching Lesson Plan Book (3rd edition). Knowledge by Design: Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin. McKeachie, W. J. (2006). McKeachie's Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers (12th ed.). Houghton Mifflin: Boston, MA. Hurst, B. , Wilson, C., & Cramer, J. (1998). Professional teaching portfolios: Too for reflection, growth and advancement. Phi Delta Kappan, 79(8), 587-582. Odell, S. J. and Huling, L. (2000) Quality mentoring for novice teachers. Indianapolis, IN: Kappa Delta Pi. Otis-Wilborn, A. & Winn, J. (2000). The process and impact of standards-based teacher education reform. Teacher Education and Special Education. 23(2). 78-92. Waters, F. & Burcroif. (2010) Promising practice collaborative teaching at the university level: Practice what is preached. The Teacher Educator, 42(4) retrieved 8/12/10 Webb-Johnson, G., Artiles, A.J., Trent, S.C., Jackson, C.W., & Velox,A., (1998). The status of research on multicultural education in teacher education and special education: Promises, pitfalls, and promises. Remedial and Special Education, 19, 715. Williams, M.L.; Paprock,, K. &Covington, B. (1999). Distance learning: The essential guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Faculty Course Internship Supervisor Evaluation Form Faculty Supervisor Completing Form: Doctoral Student: Course Co-Instructed: Please complete the following checklist for the doctoral student who co-instructed in your course. Also please write a letter summarizing the students performance in the course and provide a copy of the letter for the doctoral students’ portfolio along with Objective Identified, sequenced, and elaborated on content in the area of special education or disability services for delivery in a college course; Selected methods and materials to motivate adult learners of diverse cultural groups; Prepared a syllabus and other learning materials for a college course; Selected appropriate techniques to present course content, including lecture, discussion, demonstration, media presentations, and guest speakers Maintained a classroom climate conducive to learning through Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Outstanding Comments Objective Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Outstanding Comments interactions with students as individuals and groups Developed formats for assessing student knowledge and skills, including quizzes, exams, and interviews Developed formats for evaluating course content and instructor effectiveness; and Maintained accurate student records for assignment of course grades Faculty Supervisor PLEASE SUBMIT A WRITTEN SUMMARY IN A LETTER FORMAT OF THE STUDENT’S PERFORMANCE AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER. Doctoral Student Intern PLEASE SUBMIT THIS RATING FORM, A COPY OF YOUR MODULE AND YOUR REFLECTIVE JOURNAL THE FIRST DAY OF FINAL EXAMS.