1. Content orientation: What knowledge or skills is targeted by the general curriculum? What are the long-range plans for the course? What are the content standards? What other goals do we have for the course? What unit titles of topics will be covered? What textbook or instructional materials will be used? What supplemental resources may be helpful? Do we each have a copy of the standards and teacher’s edition of class materials?
2. Collaboration plans: What days and times will we co-teach? When will we regularly meet to plan proactively for instruction? What format will we use to keep our planning on task and ensure we each know what is being taught and who is doing what each day?
3. Introductions: How will we introduce ourselves to the students? What are the words we will use? How will we make it clear that both teachers have the same status in the classroom? (See Parity Checklist) What if one teacher is pegged as the special ed. teacher? How will parents be informed that their students will be in a co-taught class?
4. Co-Teaching tasks and responsibilities: Who does what? (See page 2)
What are the partnership guidelines or rules? What is acceptable and unacceptable expectations of the adults? Are we planning together and writing it down?
5. Substitute Plans: What happens if the classroom teacher is absent?
What happens if the special education teacher is absent? How will we contact each other? Who is responsible for lesson plans? Who will take the lead instructionally?
6. Room Set-Up: Where will each teacher keep materials and supplies?
How is furniture arranged? How are student desks arranged? What type of
Both teachers’ names on the board.
Both teachers’ names on all letters home and report cards.
Both teachers’ handwriting on student assignments.
Both teachers’ have space for personal belongings.
Both teachers with adultsize furniture.
Both teachers have a lead role in the classroom.
Both teachers talk during instruction.
Both give directions or permission without checking with the other.
Both teachers work with all students.
Both are considered teachers by the students. desk arrangements can be made for going from whole-group to small-group instruction? What is each teacher’s tolerance for student “noise” or freedom to move about the room?
7. Student Considerations: What are the classroom rules or discipline plan? What are student responsibilities and expectations? What are the classroom instructional and organization routines?
(leaving class for water/restroom, late to class, asking questions in class, sharpening pencils, missed assignments, etc.) How can we ensure that students are learning about each other with respect for diversity? How will IEP accommodations/ modifications be monitored? Where will information about student present levels and accommodations/modifications be kept?
Feedback: When will we meet to discuss the positive and negative of our co-teaching? What are the questions we will want to answer? How can we ensure feedback is constructive and not seen as criticism or judgments?
W. Balough, 2012 12 Beaufort, 6-2012
Page 2
Setting goals and outcomes for the class
Planning lessons
Introducing new skills and concepts
Modifying and adapting lessons and activities
Writing out board work
Making study guides or graphic organizers
Collecting papers
Grading papers
Making copies
Instructing individual students or small groups of students
Developing behavior management plans
Disciplining students (target and general classroom students)
Discipline referrals
Bulletin boards
Preparing instructional materials
Locating or developing supplemental materials
Evaluating student class work performance and progress
Recording attendance and maintaining other records
Assigning classroom chores to students
Recording and charting data (progress, behavior, etc.)
Communicating with parents (returning phone calls, e-mails, conferences)
Spec. Ed.
Teacher Both
W. Balough, 2012 12 Beaufort, 6-2012