Science Current Events Assignment Name

Science Current Events Assignment
Name _________________
Turn in Date_____________________________
1. Source:
Title of article: ________________________________________
Date of article: _____________ Circle one: Global National Local
Source of article: ______________________________________
2. Summary: What is the article about? What/Who is the subject of
the article?
3. Where and when does the article take place?
4. Why/How is this article related to science?
5. Why did you choose this article?
6. Have you studied this subject before? (explain)
7. What is the summary of the article? (be detailed and specific)
8. What are two questions you have after reading this article?
9. What do you think about this article or topic now that you have
finished reading it? (explain)
Remember :
1. Include the article on a separate sheet of paper ( it can be
photocopied, printed, or the actual article)
2. Is it current within the past month?
Current Events Rubric
I completed all sections of the worksheet
I developed a thoughtful evaluation of my article _________
I prepared a small presentation for the class
My article was science related and more than 3 paragraphs long _______
My presentation was easy to understand and well explained
I used my loudest and clearest voice
My assignment was checked for grammar and spelling errors _______
(every set of five errors will count as one point off the total score)
Overall Total
Sources for articles – magazines, newspaper, quest section, internet ,