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Computer Fundamentals - HOMEWORK
CIS 101
Declare yourself… a CIS major or minor
Ramona R. SantaMaria
Fall 2006
1). Homework – Due Wednesday 8/30
a. Creative nametag – name on BOTH sides.
b. Read & know about netiquette – quiz on Friday 9/01
 (Basic) http://www.kidsdomain.com/brain/computer/surfing/netiquette_kids.html
 (Tips for a professional email) http://careerplanning.about.com/od/communication/a/email_tips.htm
 (Workforce rules – look at #’s 117) http://www.yourbusinesscoach.net/email-etiquette.html
c. Syllabus will be distributed to students on Wednesday 8/30, but you can begin studying by going to
Click on the link that says: CIS 101 Syllabus
2). Next week - Wednesday 9/06 –
a. Quiz on the FULL Syllabus – 30 questions – multiple choice.
***Some questions from the netiquette readings may be included.
Due –
Barebones Complete lessons 1-->10
On the Internet go to the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or web address listed below:
 Complete lessons 110 . ***Note you will be quizzed on this information.
For each lesson –summarize what you have leaned from each lesson in your notebook. In your summary
focus on the specific skill(s) includes in the lesson. Tell which search engines you used , how many results
were returned. Include your observations from the assignment (what you learned from this activity). Make
sure to include the answer to the assignment in your summary. Each summary should be no more than 1
short paragraph – remember this is a summary.
Get going and Good Luck!
Computer Fundamentals - HOMEWORK
CIS 101
Declare yourself… a CIS major or minor
Ramona R. SantaMaria
Fall 2006
1). Homework – Due Wednesday 8/30
a. Creative nametag – name on BOTH sides.
b. Read & know about netiquette – quiz on Friday 9/01
i. (Basic) http://www.kidsdomain.com/brain/computer/surfing/netiquette_kids.html
ii. (Tips for a professional email) http://careerplanning.about.com/od/communication/a/email_tips.htm
iii. (Workforce rules – look at #’s 117) http://www.yourbusinesscoach.net/email-etiquette.html
c. Syllabus will be distributed to students on Wednesday 8/30, but you can begin studying by going to
1. http://facstaff.buffalostate.edu/santamrr/
2. Click on the link that says: CIS 101 Syllabus
2). Next week - Wednesday 9/06 –
a. Quiz on the FULL Syllabus – 30 questions – multiple choice.***Some questions from the netiquette readings may
be included.
b. Due – Barebones Complete lessons 1-->10
i. On the Internet go to the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or web address listed below:
ii. Complete lessons 110 . ***Note you will be quizzed on this information.
1. For each lesson –summarize what you have leaned from each lesson in your notebook. In your
summary focus on the specific skill(s) includes in the lesson. Tell which search engines you used ,
how many results were returned. Include your observations from the assignment (what you learned
from this activity). Make sure to include the answer to the assignment in your summary. Each
summary should be no more than 1 short paragraph – remember this is a summary.
Get going and Good Luck!