Minutes 10 September 15

The Meeting of the Council held on Thursday 10th September 2015 at 6.00pm in the Town Council
Office, Fourways 2, 6 Dilston Terrace, Amble.
PRESENT: Cllrs C Weir (Chair), R Arckless, K Cassidy, J Dargue, I Hinson, H Lewis, K Morrison and J
Watson with the Clerk, Miss Brown.
2 members of the public were present.
80. Mr KARL BRUNTON – Presentation re: Marina Fence – Mr Brunton presented potential plans
to extend the Marina fence. The Marina Ltd had recently purchased an area of the Braid which
included part of the village green. If proposals were to proceed, he would go through the official
planning process to extend the Marina fence; this would require the partial removal of village green
He planned to revisit the small development plans at the Marina in the future. The plans, which
were currently an evolving document, made provision for an area of town centre car parking,
changes to the boundary and layout of the Coquet Street car park, improved access to the Coastal
Members thanked Mr Brunton for providing this information, noting that they would not provide
comment at this stage as they did not wish to prejudice themselves in the future. They encouraged
Mr Brunton to return to a future Town Council meeting when the design plans were agreed.
81. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME: (maximum 15 minutes) None.
82.1: The minutes of the meeting held 13 August 2015 were agreed as a true record.
RECOMMENDATION – That the Council noted the contents of the report and considered
actions were necessary.
83.1: ‘Revamp of website – The Clerk was still in the process of pursuing quotations.
83.2: Parking and Traffic regulations; notes of meeting held 19 August 2015 – the notes of the
meeting had not yet been provided.
83.3: Hallbank Well – NCC ongoing
83.4: Trees for Acklington Road – Have been ordered and are to be planted later in the year.
83.5: Town Trail Signage – A report was provided under agenda item 90.6.
83.6: Highways signage – A report was provided under agenda item 90.7.
83.7: Paddlers update - The Clerk informed that all of the concrete, including the blue is now in,
the contractors have some pointing, tidying and cleaning up to do on the concrete and sets.
The bases for the outdoor fitness equipment and picnic tables should be in by the end of the week,
meaning the fitness equipment can be installed next week. RoSPA will inspect once the fitness
equipment is in. The Town Council would need to confirm when the picnic tables would be collected
so that the contractors can install them
The tarmac overlay on existing footpaths, planting and amphitheatre grading are still to do; a
timescale is to be requested from the contractor.
The table tennis table is scheduled for delivery next week.
The Town Council would need to confirm the site boundary for the agency agreement.
The majority of works are expected to be complete by 18th September. The next meeting of the
project group would take place on 21st September.
83.8: Fireworks for 2018 update – It was agreed to pay a £500 deposit to book a firework display
to take place on 11th November 2018 as the centenary of the end of WW1.
83.9: Local Democracy update - due to the poor response from local schools, Councillors
reluctantly decided not to plan visit this year. Members appreciated how very busy schools are, but
would still like to retain a link and would suggest that they attend a School Council meeting in the
83.10: Section 278 Agreement (of the Highways Act 1980) with Persimmon Homes – The
agreement, to fund the roundabout and associated works, was completed on the 2nd July 2015.
Persimmons have agreed to pay £8,526.00 for the cost of two shelters. In addition, NCC secured a
commuted maintenance sum, to cover the additional maintenance liabilities the Council incurs
resulting from the highway improvements, and this includes the sum of £10,774.75 for bus shelter
maintenance (the typical average for cleaning and re-glazing over a 5 year period). So a total of
£19,300.75 will be due to Amble Town Council. This amount would need to be ringfenced for this
specific purpose.
As Arriva had recently announced that they would not be re-routing buses passed the Persimmons
site, the Clerk would query how long this sum wound need to be held ring fenced for this purpose.
83.11: CiLCA update – The Clerk explained that the submission deadline was 31st August which
she had failed to meet. She had however arranged a 3 month extension at a cost of £50 which she
had paid for personally. Members agreed in principle to contribute 50% towards the cost of the
extension although with would need to be ratified at the October meeting.
To receive the communications and report of the Chairman pertaining to Council Business: The Chair had presented Tinywoods Academy and Walking with the Would with donations, he had
also presented the JCSC WW1 Commemorative banner to Acklington Parish Council. He had
attended a meeting of the Town and Parish Council Liaison Working Group.
85.1: County Councillor Arckless circulated his report as attached.
Arckless Sept 15.pdf
85.2: County Councillor Watson informed that he had received a complaint from a resident
regarding the litter on Queen Street from the August bank holiday weekend, claiming their were
bottles, beer cans, food trays, cig butts everywhere. It was noted that the Town Council had
already queried the cleansing arrangements for that time and had since replaced a further two of
the bins on Queen Street with larger capacity gull proof bins. The last remaining blue bin on Queen
Street is still to be replaced. The priority cleansing zones in the town was to be discussed with NCC
and amendments suggested. The Council would also suggest via LMAPS that NCC make
representations to the licensees to remind them of their responsibilities.
Cllr Watson informed that he was extremely disappointed that someone has stolen the begonias
from the planter at the entrance of the High School.
Cllr Watson would reiterate the Town Council priorities for the Local Transport Plan submission
once they had been agreed.
He also stated his concern of potential increased to fly tipping of rubble and building materials
following the introduction of the new NCC waste permit ‘pay as you go’ scheme.
Cllr Dargue attended a meeting of Northumberland Association of Local Councils. A copy of the
minutes are attached.
NALC CC Mins 11 Jul
Cllr Weir attended a meeting of Amble Youth Project, a copy of his notes are attached.
87.1: To consider the accounts for payment, and note receipts for information (Appendix 2).
The Payment of the month were agreed and receipts noted for information.
87.2: Update on YTD, earmarked funds and bank reconciliation (Appendix 2 i)The reports
were accepted for information.
87.3: Consideration of requests for donations/grants (Appendix 2 ii)
Amble Darts Open – Pursuant to Local Government Act 1972, Section 137
Members agreed to donate £50.00
87.4: To consider the Financial Regulations (Appendix 2 iii) The Financial Regulations were
accepted with the suggested amentments.
87.5: To consider the Financial Risk Assessment and Management policy (Appendix 2 iv) –
The Financial Risk Assessment was accepted with suggested amendments.
87.6: To consider review of Statement of Internal Control (Appendix v) – This item was
deferred pending receipt of the Completed audit.
87.7: External Audit – Notice of Qualification – The Clerk informed that the Audit would be
returned as Qualified for the following reasons:
 Internal Control System not in existence - council stated “no” on s2
The council have stated that they have not maintained an adequate system of internal control,
because of a lack of control over the bank. No reconciliations were performed during the year due
to the absence of the clerk and other staffing issues.
 Answered "no" to question 3 in Section 2
The council has answered "no" to question 3 in the Annual Governance Statement (section 2) which
states "we took all reasonable steps to assure ourselves that there are no matters of actual or
potential non-compliance with laws, regulations and proper practices that could have a significant
financial effect on the ability of the council to conduct its business or on its finances", due to the
non-performance of bank reconciliations during the year.
Members noted that bank reconciliations for the current financial year were being presented on a
monthly basis, when the requirement as per financial risk assessment was bi-monthly.
88.1: Report of Culvert CCTV investigations and to consider future actions – This was noted
at the August meeting of the Council.
89.1: Planning decisions made:
15/01042/FUL | Retrospective application for conservatory to rear of dwelling. | 72 Acklington Road
Amble Morpeth Northumberland NE65 0NG – APPLICATION PERMITTED.
15/02358/FUL | Restrospective application for the erection of play area | Land At North East Of
Amble Links Holiday Park Links Road Amble Northumberland – APPLICATION PERMITTED.
15/01252/COU | Retrospective - Change of use to coffee shop and supply washing and ironing
service - No objections, however would like to comment that planning permission should be sought
before a business opens, as this business has been trading without consideration to local planning
laws - unlike other local businesses. – APPLICATION PERMITTED.
15/02121/FUL | Installation of 4no. conservation velux windows in roof. 2no to front and 2no. to rear
| 47 Gordon Street Amble Northumberland NE65 0AT. Members object to the front roof windows on
the property as there are no others of this style in the street. Members would prefer something more
in-keeping with the conservation area. – APPLICATION PERMITTED.
15/02095/FUL | Replace existing 'quarry red' render with new 'light beige monocouche' render by
Weber to whole of property. Gable wall overlooking neighbouring property to Broomhill Street to be
painted to match. Existing illuminated 'Harbour Fish Bar' sign to be replaced with new illuminated
design as shown on attached proposed drawing. Remove all existing cast iron above ground
drainage including guttering, down-pipes and hopper-head to rear gable wall. Provide new PVCu
down-pipes to either corner of rear gable and to connect to existing below ground drainage. All
remaining drainage to be upgraded to new PVCu. | Harbour Fish Bar 1 Broomhill Street Amble
Morpeth Northumberland NE65 0AN. Members had no objections to this application.APPLICATION PERMITTED
89.2: Planning applications pending via Public Access:
15/00434/FUL | Proposed seasonal pop up restaurant serving seafood | Land North Of Harbour
Office Harbour Road Amble Northumberland. This is a welcome addition to the future of tourism
and employment opportunities for Amble. However we still have some concerns:
1. The design statement states 'It is also proposed to install a sanitary block with two toilets for use
of the staff and public' yet the plans only show 1 toilet with very limited space for a second. Would
recommend that a minimum of 2 toilets, allowing for disabled access, be part of the planning
conditions. The revised plans regarding a toilet block only states ?proposed?? As this was the main
reason planning was not passed last year, we would hope the toilet block will be built.
2. Our other main concern is the health and safety aspects of supplying and maintaining all of these
facilities in the area of the harbour where the public have access and there is public parking on the
same site.
3. Although there are hand washing facilities for staff within the server space, there does not appear
to be any allowance for changing facilities, essential to preserve hygiene standards of food
preparation and serving.
4. Is the outside storage facility totally enclosed or will all waste be in enclosed containers as there
is a great problem in this area with seagulls pulling waste from open containers.
5. There is no mention of whether the whole venture will be enclosed and if so what materials will
be used. If the area is not to be enclosed then there is a public safety issue as cars will still come to
park in the immediate area. With no 'barrier' to prevent approach/egress from/to the rear, between
the container type building and the half boat shapes, this will place clientele in possible danger.
15/01983/FUL | Conversion of bungalow to cottage with annexe apartment (holiday let) with
conversion of garage / store, alterations to windows, external fabric and new dormer roof within the
conservation area. | 40 Ladbroke Street Amble Northumberland NE65 0AS - No objections however
Members would welcome a planning condition which enforces that the annexe is for family use and
infrequent short term holiday let and not used for long term residence.
15/02078/DISCON | Discharge of conditions 3, 12, 13 & 15 of planning application 13/02913/REM Reserved matters relating to planning permission A/2010/0203 (Application for extension to time
limit for implementation of outline planning permission for residential development) - layout, scale,
appearance, access and landscaping for the erection of 250 dwellings with associated road
infrastructure, landscaping and car parking | Land West Of A1068 And South Of Marks Bridge
Amble Morpeth Northumberland – No comments were made on this application.
15/02409/FUL | Upgrade sports areas for physical education, including: games area with enclosure,
soft surfacing. | Amble First School Edwin Street Amble Northumberland NE65 0EF
89.3: Planning Applications to be considered:
15/02824/FUL | Reorganisation of existing caravan sales ground to provide replacement sales
office and reception in new moveable building and associated landscaping | Amble Links Holiday
Park Links Road Amble Northumberland NE65 0SD
15/02902/FUL | Balcony extension | 38 Gordon Street Amble Northumberland NE65 0AT
15/02961/VARYCO | Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) relating to planning application
14/00227/FUL - (Demolition of existing on-site ancillary buildings associated with fish and chip
shop/cafe. Construction of new single storey building over footprint of demolished to form new cafe
with external terrace area). | Quayside Chippy Fish Market Broomhill Quay Amble Morpeth
Northumberland NE65 0AB
90.1: Consideration of Pension schemes for auto enrolment – The Clerk had arranged to meet
with a Financial Advisor later in September to discuss pensions.
90.2: Consideration of planting arrangements and planters – The Clerk and Cllr Weir were yet
to meet to discuss the above; this item would be deferred to the October meeting of the Council
90.3: Summons to meetings – Consent of Councillors ‘Following the Local Government
(Electronic Communications) (England) Order 2015 which came into force on 30th January 2015 I
confirm that I give my consent for the Clerk and/or any Officers of Amble Town Council to distribute
the ‘summons to members’ (i.e. the agenda and papers) by email, as an alternative to posting hardcopy letters.’ – Members present agreed unanimously to receive documents electronically.
90.4: Consideration of news page content (Appendix 3) – The new page was agreed with Cllr
Cassidy’s ‘Councillors Corner’ included. The consultation on the one way system would be
included in the next newspage.
90.5: Consideration of revamp of Garden Awards and introduction of Community Award
(Appendix 4) – The report was agreed unanimously.
90.6: Consideration of Town History Trail signage and future booklet (Appendix 5) – The
report was agreed unanimously.
90.7: Local Transport Plan consideration of priorities; consideration of potential funding
contribution towards revamp of signage; should this priority be agreed. (Appendix 6) – The
report was considered and Members unanimously agreed to their priorities as follows:
1. Review of signage in the Town – Members also agreed in principle to the Town Council making a
small financial contribution towards this.
2. The creation of a large town centre car park
3.The resurfacing of Bisley Road
The footpaths at Dandsfield Square was also discussed and added to planning as the Committee
would be commenting on a discharge of conditions relating to the recent development.
90.8: Walking with the Wounded – Consideration of mounting US Marine Capt. Bartle’s ID
dog tag with information on how it came to be here inside the war memorial – It was agreed to
arrange for the framing of the items. Members expressed concern over the longevity of the items if
left in the war memorial. It was agreed that if they were to be moved it should be to a publically
accessible place and be done with the permission on Sgt. Ennis.
91.1: NALC – Open letter to Parish and Town Councils (Appendix 7) – This item would be
returned to the October meeting. Cllr Dargue would request further information at an upcoming
NALC meeting.
91.2: Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy-Publication and consultation on the PreSubmission Draft – The Clerk reminded that a consultation on was expected to commence from
14 October 2015 and take place over a six week period until 25 November 2015.
91.3: NALC AGM 17 Oct 2015 – Cllr Dargue would attend this meeting.
The Council noted the following information items.
92.1: A1 in Northumberland Newsletter Issue 1
92.2: Northumberland AOBN Coastal Views August 2015
92.3: Local Councils Update September 2015
93:1 The next Meeting will be on Thursday 8th October 2015 at. 6.00pm. in the Town Council
Office, Fourways 2, 6 Dilston Terrace.
It was agreed that under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and
public will be excluded from the Meeting during consideration of the following items on the
Agenda due to their sensitive nature.
Cllr Weir attended a meeting of LMAPS; his notes would be circulated.
RECOMMENDATION – That the Council notes the contents of the report and consider
actions were necessary. The Clerk informed that she had requested a service of the Town Clock.
A report would be given at the October meeting of the Council.
96: Site appraisal of potential development site – The potential value of the land was still
awaited. This would be chased up by the Clerk.
97. Staffing update – Shortlisting for the Administration Assistant had taken place and interviews
would be held on 22nd September. Cllrs Cassidy, Morrison and Weir would conduct the interviews.
98. High Street land – with a tied vote that required the Chair to use his casting vote, it was agreed
in principle to sell the land. The Clerk would seek clarification on whether the land would need to be
advertised publically as being for sale. The purchaser would be required to meeting the costs of the
valuation and legal fees involved in the sale.
99. Infringement of Lease – Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk would seek legal
advice on behalf of the Council.
100: Interment procedure and letter to Funeral directors
It was agreed that all future interments would be dug in a rectangle shape. All telephone bookings
would only be provisional until the interment form has been received.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm