MEMORANDUM FALL 2015 MATH ________ TO: FACULTY AND GRADUATE STUDENTS FROM: Rita Sears DATE: July 20, 2015 THIS ATTACHED SHELL IS SUITABLE FOR: MATH 1190, 1350, 1351 or 1650 SACS accreditation standards require that teachers furnish to their students a written syllabus and that these be kept on file. Please make a "syllabus" for each of your courses with the following minimal information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Your name Your office room number Your office hours (along with the statement "Students unable to see me during these times may request an appointment.") The course number Prerequisite(s) for the course (must adhere to catalog) Text Attendance policy Grading policy Statement regarding disabled students: It is the responsibility of students with certified disabilities to provide the instructor with appropriate documentation from the Dean of Students Office. Final exam date and time NOTE: Instructors who choose to drop students with a “WF” for non-attendance MUST have a written attendance policy stated on their course syllabus. Instructors should make certain that students understand that a “WF” will be factored into their GPA as an “F.” In order for students to receive a “W,” they must initiate the drop on their own within the appropriate drop period. TEACHING FELLOWS: Please announce during the first week of class that you do not have an office phone number. Students should exchange names and phone numbers among themselves in order to secure missed assignments when they are absent. COURSE/Section #: COURSE TITLE: MATH INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE: OFFICE PHONE: OFFICE HOURS: CLASS MEETS: TEXT AND ONLINE COURSE DELIVERY PLATFORM: FINAL EXAM DATE AND TIME: MATH LAB WEB SITE: The UNT Math Lab is located in GAB 440 EMAIL: CLASS WEBSITE: Fall 2015: August 31 – December 4, 2015 Monday – Thursday: 7:00 am – 8:00 pm Friday: 7:00 am – 4:00 pm Saturday: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm Closed Sundays and holidays ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP TEST POLICIES: Academic Dishonesty: GRADING POLICY: A grade of C or better in the prerequisite course or consent of department is required to enroll in this course. Final grades online access:; access with your EUID and password. STUDENT EVALUATION OF TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS (SETE): The SETE is a requirement for all organized classes at UNT. This short survey will be made available to you at the end of the semester, providing you a chance to comment on how this class is taught. Please be sure to complete this important survey for all of your classes. It is the responsibility of students with certified disabilities to provide the instructor with appropriate documentation from the Dean of Students Office. NOTE: Students are responsible for meeting all university deadlines (registrations, fee payment, prerequisite verification, drop deadlines, etc). See online Schedule of Classes and Undergraduate Catalog for policies and dates. S/MATH/WWW/Instructor/syllabus1190,1350,1650_1158.doc