The Committee on Committees (ConC) charge is to staff the

Committee on Committees 2003-04 Annual Report
To the Academic Senate, Los Angeles Division:
The principal responsibility of the Committee on Committees (ConC) is the nomination, selection,
and appointment of the Chair, Vice Chair, and all appointed members for the twenty-two
standing committees of the UCLA division of the Academic Senate. ConC also nominates
members for statewide Senate committees, administrative, and student committees. ConC
accomplished this charge for approximately 95% of the appointments for the standing Academic
Senate committees.
It is important that faculty have an understanding of our work. We outlined the scope of our
actions. We hope that you will use this information by bringing it to your faculty colleagues and
encouraging them to serve on a shared governance committee.
Academic Senate Standing Committees: Here are the twenty-two Academic Senate
Standing Committees for which ConC has appointed the Chair and members.
Academic Freedom
Council on Academic Personnel
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Education Abroad
Faculty Research Lectureship
Faculty Welfare
Graduate Council
Planning and Budget
Privilege and Tenure
Research – Faculty Grants Program
Rules and Jurisdiction
Undergraduate Council
Undergraduate Admissions and Relations with
Undergraduate Council – Honors, Awards and
University Emeriti and Pre-Retirement Relations
University Extension
Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures
Intercollegiate Athletics
Statewide University Committees: ConC recruited UCLA representatives for the following
statewide University of California committees.
Academic Assembly Representatives
Academic Freedom
Academic Personnel
Faculty Welfare
Graduate Affairs
Information Technology and
Telecommunications Policy
Affirmative Action and Diversity
Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools Planning and Budget
Committee on Committees
Preparatory Education
Editorial Committee
Privilege and Tenure
Education Abroad
Research Policy
Educational Policy
Senate Chair Clifford Brunk notes that UCLA appears underrepresented at the statewide Chair
and Vice Chair level of the committees that comprise the Academic Council. The Chairs of the
University Standing Committees listed below serve on the Academic Council.
Academic Personnel
Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools
Educational Policy
Faculty Welfare
Graduate Affairs
Planning and Budget
Research Policy
It will require a long-term effort to place UCLA faculty as Chairs and Vice Chairs of the
committees that comprise the Academic Council. We appreciate your support and
encouragement of faculty members to consider serving as a Chair/Vice Chair of statewide
Student and Administrative Committees: ConC recruited representatives for the following
Student and Administrative Committees.
ASUCLA Communications Board
ASUCLA Board of Directors
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the
Student Conduct Committee
Student Fee Advisory Committee
Transportation Services Advisory Board
UCLA Alumni Association Board
Wooden Center Board of Governors
ConC also provided nominations to the statewide Senate, Chancellor, and the Executive Vice
Chancellor regarding dean and provost searches, committees and task forces for the following
Anderson Graduate School of Management (AGSM) Dean Search Committee
Faculty Career Development Awards Slate
Gold Shield Faculty Prize Selection Nominations
Slate for the Transportation Services Advisory Board (TASB)
UCSB Chancellor Review Committee Recommendations
We provided nominations for the following five-year administrative reviews.
Chair of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Dean of the Graduate Division
ConC provided nominations to serve on the reviews of the following Organized Research Units.
Center for 17th and 18th Century Studies
Institute for Plasma and Technology
Mental Retardation Research Center
Diversity: ConC believes it is important to ensure that the slates and committee staffing
represent the same diversity as the campus and strives to achieve diversity on committees and
Oliver Johnson Award for Distinguished Leadership in the Academic Senate: The
Oliver Johnson Award is presented biennially to a member of the UC faculty who has performed
outstanding service to the Academic Senate. Its broader goal is to honor all members of faculty
(including Emeriti/ae Senate members) who have contributed their time and talent to the Senate.
The award carries a small honorarium for the faculty member who receives it. ConC nominated
Professor Aimee Dorr, UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. We were
gratified when Professor Dorr was chosen as the 2004 co-recipient of the Oliver Johnson Award.
Academic Senate Reorganization: ConC reviewed the possibility of consolidating several
Senate committees as proposed by a workgroup led by Professor John Edmond, former Senate
ConC voted against combining the Committee on Diversity and Equal Opportunity
(CODEO) and Academic Freedom in a larger Council. ConC strongly believes that Diversity and
Academic Freedom issues require standing focused committees. ConC believes that a larger
Council with diffuse and disparate responsibilities is not necessarily more effective or efficient
than a smaller and focused committee. ConC also voted against combining the Committee on
University Extension with the Council on Planning and Budget. ConC supports the change in
jurisdiction of the Committee on University Extension (UNEX), as proposed by Professor James
Denardo, UNEX Chair. The committee is renamed the Committee on Continuing and Community
Education. The diversity and decentralization of developing programs in continuing education,
together with their growing importance to members of the Academic Senate, suggests that a new
committee can provide important benefits of oversight, coordination, information sharing, and
policy guidance that are hard to achieve under the existing committee’s charter.
We Would like Your Assistance: It is important that the faculty has an understanding of the
breath of ConC’s activities. It is challenging to nominate and recruit faculty members to serve on
the standing committees, statewide committees, student and administrative committees, and on
the slates for the search committees, administrative reviews, and other slates requested of ConC.
We need your help in urging your colleagues to serve. We urge you to speak to faculty members
who may not have been active in Senate committee service and encourage them to serve.
Service on the Committee on Committees: ConC accomplished a high rate of committee
appointments despite operating with six of its own positions vacant during 2003-04. ConC does
not recruit for its membership; the membership is elected by the faculty.
We ask your assistance in encouraging colleagues to run for election and serve on ConC. It is
important that ConC have wide and able representation. The function of ConC is critical to the
Senate. Serving on ConC and other Senate committees is an excellent way to meet colleagues
from throughout the campus and to gain a greater understanding of the operations of UCLA.
Respectfully submitted,
Yoram Cohen (Chemical Engineering)
Edwin Cooper (Neurobiology)
Ellen Dubois (History)
Hany Elsaleh (Radiation Oncology)
Todd Franke (Social Welfare)
Helen Lavretsky (Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science)
Elisabeth Leguin (Musicology)
Ronald Miech (Mathematics)
Vivek Shetty (Oral and Maxfacial Surgery)
Donald Tashkin (Medicine)
Jaime Villablanca (Psychiatry/Neurobiology)
David Wilkinson (Political Science)
Richard Weiss (History), CHAIR