English III Syllabus 2015-2016 “I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why.” John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men Teacher: Ms. Whitten, Room 401 E-mail: cwhitten@madisonvillecisd.org Phone: 936-348-2721 Conference: 4th Period Course Description: Eleventh grade English is designed to develop students’ awareness of the major works of American Literature and the development of American culture and society from the pre-Colonial period to the present day. Selected pieces of fiction and non-fiction will be used to practice reading for depth of understanding. Students will enhance their writing skills through in-class and assigned short answers, formal essays, and research. Students will also expand and improve their vocabulary, reading, speech, and grammar. Grading Policy: Daily Assignments (warm-ups, homework, quizzes): Major Grades (tests, major essays, research paper): 40% 60% Late Work Policy: Late work is unacceptable. Work not turned in when I call for it will be considered late work. Late work will receive a maximum grade of 70, IF TURNED IN BY THE END OF SCHOOL ON THE NEXT CALENDAR DAY. After the end of the following school day, late assignments will not be accepted. ***If you know you will miss class for a Dr.’s appointment or extracurricular activity, it is your responsibility to pick up your assignments BEFORE you leave. All work will be due when you return to school. *** Extra Credit: As a rule I do not give extra credit. You will have many opportunities for grades during each 9 weeks. Keeping up with your journal entries is an easy way to boost a lagging average! Classroom Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Listen and follow directions. Use school appropriate language. Respect your classmates and your teacher. Keep, hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Supplies Needed: 1. 2. 3. 4. A pen or pencil (you will need something to write with every day) A 2 inch binder Notebook paper or spiral notebook A composition notebook (journal) Tentative Schedule FALL SEMESTER: I. The Puritan Era: Students will read The Crucible, by Authur Miller and selected Puritan and early American writings. Assignments include: The American Dream project Exam over The Crucible Vocabulary and quizzes II. The Age of Reason: Students will read selected works by early American writers such as, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Abigail Adams, Patrick Henry, and Benjamin Franklin. Assignments include: III. Romanticism: BYOD Allusion Assignement Essay and projects related to the American Revolution Exam over the Age of Reason Vocabulary and quizzes Students will read selected works by Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickenson, Walt Whitman, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and/or James Fennimore Cooper. Major work: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Assignments include: Figurative language and poetry analysis Exam: Of Mice and Men Creative projects relating to Romanticism Vocabulary and quizzes IV. Transcendentalism/Anti-Transcendentalism: Students will read works by various Transcendentalist/Anti-Transcendentalist writers including, but not limited to, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Herman Melville. Assignments include: Projects related to Transcendentalism Persuasive essay Transcendentalism exam Vocabulary and quizzes SPRING SEMESTER: V. Realism, Naturalism, and Regionalism: Students will read selected works by realist, naturalist, and regionalist writers, including Stephen Crane, Kate Chopin, and William Faulkner, among others. Assignments include: Essays and projects relating to Realism, Naturalism, and Regionalism Vocabulary and quizzes VI. The Harlem Renaissance and Modernism: Students will read The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald and selections from Langston Hughes and other significant Harlem and modernist writers. Assignments include: The Great Gatsby compare/contrast essay Vocabulary and quizzes VII. Contemporary American Literature Students will read selected works by post-modern and present day authors. Authors include, but are not limited to: Stephen King, Flannery O’Conner, and Tim O’Brien. Major work: Susan Glaspell’s Trifles. Assignments include: Short story analysis Analytical literary essay Vocabulary and quizzes VIII. Research Unit Students will be expected to complete a 750 - 1000 word research paper on an American author of their choice. The research paper will be assigned mid February 2016 and due mid-March. I have read Ms. Whitten’s English III Syllabus. I understand that I am responsible for the information in the syllabus. I understand that disruptive behavior will not be tolerated in Ms. Whitten’s class. If I choose to be continually disruptive my parents will be notified, and I will receive a referral to the office. _____________________________ Student’s Name __________ Period _____________________________ Student’s Signature __________ Date Dear Parent(s), I look forward to teaching your child this school year. I have high expectations for your child in my class. Communication is the key to your child’s success, and I look forward to meeting each of you. If you will please provide your contact information below, I would greatly appreciate it. _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Name _____________________ Phone number _____________________ E-mail address I prefer to be contacted via _____ e-mail. I prefer to be contacted by _____ telephone. _____________________________ Parent Signature ***This form must be returned by Friday, August 28, 2015***