Master of Science in «Reservoir and Production Engineering Technology» General Information In today's difficult conditions oil production has an increasing need for specialists who know the specifics of production in different countries and regions. And the value of such experts with knowledge of different schools of thought is becoming higher. Two Partners Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Russia, and Texas A&M University (TAMU), USA, have been cooperating in research and teaching maintaining students’ and faculty mobility. This program has been designed to meet the growing industry demand for highest level professionals with an international profile. The master degree program will enable students to draw on: interactive and dynamic learning environment of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas created within the framework of the Federal innovative project ‘Education’; experience of American professionals whose expertise encompasses not only cutting edge theoretical concepts, but also extensive industry experience in hydrocarbon fields development; access to modern and well-equipped facilities in Russia and USA. Two sources Complementing the academic staff, visiting academics and industry managers provide added depth, experience and global diversity to the program. This program might attract professionals interested in theory and systemized practical experience. Two Years Duration of the program is two years. All teaching process will be conducted in English in Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas and Texas A&M University (TAMU, Multiple career openings The main area for job opportunities is oil and gas industry. However, the graduates are to be very well qualified for many attractive job positions in traditional industries. Upon completion of the Master program, participants are expected to be highly competitive for acquiring positions in the international and national upstream oil and gas industry (operators, services companies, governmental agencies), according to the obtained specialty. Students can get a career impulse thanks to close ties between universities and industry, as well as direct contacts with professionals and managers from big companies during their studies and internship. Program description Two diplomas After successful completion of the program all students who fulfill the requirements of two Universities without fail will receive a Master of Science Degree in Petroleum Engineering from Gubkin University – a state accredited diploma, Master’s program “Reservoir and production engineering technology”. In Texas A&M University the students will receive a Master of Science Diploma The program meets all modern European criteria for master degrees. The program consists of a combination of compulsory and elective industry relevant courses. It is designed to provide graduate engineers with the knowledge and skills required to become technology leaders, supervisors and managers not only within their specialty but in adjacent areas, too. Two- year program content To finish the program successfully, each student will be required to complete courses totaling 120 ECTS, including the thesis valued at 30 ECTS. Complete program of one semester corresponds to 30 ECTS. Semester 1 (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas): 1. Probability theory and mathematical statistics 2. Information systems, project management and computer-aided design in reservoir engineering 3. Technical and economic analysis. Offshore oil and gas fields development 4. Oil and gas industry economics and management 5. Disperse systems 6. Mechanics of processes in near-wellbore zones 7. Drilling of oil and gas wells 8. Fluid dynamics of multi phase flows 9. Advanced methods of oil well stimulation. Performance evaluation with elements of fuzzy logic 10. Mathematical modeling in oil and gas industry. Equations of mathematical physics 11. General theory of dynamic systems 12. Decision making and risk analysis 13. Philosophy and science methodology 14. Project design and execution in petroleum industry with emphasis on offshore oil and gas projects 15. Oil production technology and technique by submersible pumps under challenging conditions 16. Hydrodynamic modeling of oil and gas field development with software application 17. On-line oil field control 18. Advanced methods of oil field development control Semester 3 and 4 (Texas A&M University): Education at TAMU is 12 months, the third and fourth semesters, plus a summer semester to prepare and defend a Thesis. Master Thesis Preparation and Defense. Students enrolled in this program must have two academic leaders. The head is from the Russian side and the American side. According to the program the master's thesis should be written in English. Thesis defense is held in the Texas A&M University at the end of the summer term. Admission requirements Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s, engineer’s or Master’s degree related to petroleum and gas industry and proficiency in the English Language, as a rule providing a certificate. To be able to be admitted into Texas A&M University applicants must undergo the tests: GRE и TOEFL или IELTS ( eqDocuments/grad.aspx). Costs Tuition is commercialized. The Tuition Cost in Gubkin University is 495 000 Rubles. The Tuition Cost in Texas A&M University is approximately $50000 and included education expenditures (≈$25000) and USA residence charges ($25000) in the course of year. Admission Procedure 1. Prior to July 15, the documents: application form, certificate of higher-education (transcripts), recommendations from the dean's office, copy of passport, certificate of TOEFL (>80) or IELTS (>6) in electronic form (scanned copy) should be sent to the e-mail: and in paper form in Office 327. 2. Prior to July 31, the presentation of tuition letters (from corporate sponsorship), and the original documents for the enrollment in Master program. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY Texas A&M University (USA) DOUBLE DEGREE JOINT MASTER PROGRAM RESERVOIR AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Master of Science 3. Admission to Master program (with selffinancing) is under Regulation on admission to Master program on time. 4. September 1: studies begin. 2015/2017