Class of 2011 - Academy for Future International Leaders

AFIL Class 2011
Hilary Albrecht
Political Science
Hilary Albrecht is a junior political science major from Boerne, Texas. She also has
minors in business and history, is pursuing a Certificate in International Relations in
Political Science, and will graduate with Foundation, University, and Liberal Arts
Honors. With her degree, Hilary hopes to attend law school and pursue a career in
international law.
Hilary has been involved in a number of organizations during her time as an
undergraduate at Texas A&M, including the Student Government Association, Class
Councils, Greek Life, and the Memorial Student Center. On campus, Hilary currently
serves as the Speaker of the 63rd Session of the Student Senate. Her role has given her the
opportunity to be involved in the decision-making processes of the University as an advocate for student opinion
legislated in the Student Senate. In Student Government she also served as a Student Senator for the two sessions
prior to the 63rd, first representing Northside residents in the 61st Session and later Off-Campus residents in the 62nd
Beyond Student Government, Hilary also served as the Class of 2012 President during her freshman and sophomore
years, helping to put on tradition-based class events such as Fish Fest and Pull-Out Day, as well as Maroon Out. She
is also a member of Greek Life as a member of the Delta Omega chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta at Texas A&M. In
addition, Hilary also served during the past academic year as a Director of MSC Development, helping to edit,
design, and compile The Extra, which is a newsletter distributed to former students of the Memorial Student Center.
In addition to her student involvement, Hilary also works in the College of Liberal Arts Undergraduate Student
Services office as a student worker, and worked this past summer in the Call Center at the Association of Former
Through her leadership roles Hilary has had many opportunities to give input into various student and University
initiatives. From April to September of 2010 Hilary served on the Commandant Search Committee appointed by
University President Dr. Loftin, and as a member of the committee strove to represent the needs and opinions of
students in the selection process. During the past two academic years she also served as a student government
representative on the Student Fee Committee reviewing student fee increase requests, on the Evans Library Student
Advisory Committee giving student input on the library, and on other University Committees representing student
Her involvement in leadership roles has given Hilary a perspective on student involvement in University decisionmaking that calls for increased accountability, responsibility, communication, transparency, and diligence on behalf
of the Student Government Association and the student body. As a member of Student Government she has seen the
opportunity for students to challenge the status quo and stand for student needs, wants, and initiatives.
Hilary has had multiple experiences abroad, including both the 2010 Qatar Spring Leadership Exchange to the Texas
A&M campus in Doha, Qatar, and the Cornerstone Honors Program capstone trip to Brussels, Belgium, in 2009. As
a member of the Academy for Future International Leaders, Hilary hopes to develop a leadership project that will
allow more students to take advantage of opportunities to interact, learn, and grow in an international setting.
Amy Aldrich
Electrical Engineering
Born and raised in a small town in Texas, Amy’s roots come from close and supportive
family, friends and community. Now as a senior at Texas A&M University, she could not
be more excited about the direction her life is headed. Amy entered A&M as an electrical
engineering major and mathematics minor with the hopes of developing a strong ability for critical thinking and
problem solving. She later added a minor in Arabic language and studies because of her interest in international
affairs, particularly the Middle East. Amy has proven to be a strong student, having received important scholastic
honors including multiple Distinguished Student Awards, an Academic Excellence Award, ongoing participation in
both the University Honors Program and Electrical Engineering Honor Society (Eta Kappa Nu), and various other
Over the last few years Amy has had a broad range of experiences that added to her desire to work in an
international environment in the future. Some of the most notable include a semester long study abroad in Doha,
Qatar; an internship with Sandia National Laboratories; an undergraduate position as a researcher for the Nuclear
Security Science & Policy Institute; and now the opportunity to participate in the Academy for Future International
Leaders Class of 2011.
Although still undecided which route she will take, Amy plans to further her education after completing her
undergraduate work by either pursuing a graduate degree in International Law, Arabic, or Electrical Engineering or
some combination of all three. She is considering doing volunteer work in the Middle East at some point in the
future, but ultimately sees herself in a career with the United States government in a role that ideally integrates both
foreign affairs and engineering. As Bono once said, “When the story of these times gets written, we want it to say
that we did all we could, and it was more than anyone could have imagined.” This is Amy’s mentality as she strives
to make a difference in the world.
Matthew Altendorf
International Studies
Matthew Altendorf is a junior international studies major focusing on international
politics and diplomacy. He was born and raised in College Station, Texas, but has always
had an interest in traveling and exploring new cultures. While Matthew is a bit undecided
about his future, he is sure he would like to pursue a graduate studies degree in
International Affairs.
While at Texas A&M University, Matthew has engaged in several significant
organizations that have helped develop his leadership and personal skills. As a freshman,
he actively participated in the Leadership Living Learning Community. In this
organization he learned about leadership and put it into action by organizing a school
supply drive that benefited several elementary schools throughout the world. That same year he joined MSC FISH, a
Freshman Leadership Organization, and has been active in it for three years. Currently he serves as the Vice Chair,
assisting with staff development, program production, and utilizing MSC resources.
Matthew has also been a part of the L.T. Jordan Institute for International Awareness by assisting in organizing
programs covering the Haitian Earthquakes and AIDS awareness. Also, as a facility supervisor of the Student
Recreation Center, he has learned a great deal about communication skills, managing others, and being a responsible
Although he has had limited international experience, Matthew has made the most out his travels. His first trip
overseas was to Italy on what proved to be a cultural shock and spark for his international interests. Functioning
mainly as a cultural learning experience, the trip covered many tourist sites, but introduced him to a world of
exploration. He was lucky enough to attend the same trip four years later with his family. He has also been to Costa
Rica twice with MSC FISH in a service-learning experience the past two Spring Breaks. Matthew and 25 other
students facilitated English classes at a local school, collected samples in the rainforest, and built goals at the
school’s soccer field. This excursion not only gave him insight on his passion in life, but also confirmed his need to
change his major to International Studies from Biomedical Science. He is looking forward to the upcoming trip this
Spring Break and the opportunities it brings.
As a member of the AFIL Class of 2011, Matthew is eager to learn and analyze the world from a variety of
viewpoints that he was unaware of before. He is hoping that his time in the Academy for Future International
Leaders will help him to realize more accurately what he would like to accomplish in life. He is also enthusiastic
about having the opportunity to connect with people with similar ambitions, but with diverse perspectives.
Elizabeth Andrasi
Elizabeth Andrasi is a senior psychology major from Austin, Texas. In addition to her
interest and study of psychology, she is also minoring in Russian. Elizabeth will graduate
in December of 2011 and plans to pursue a career in either international orphan aid and
awareness or education in underrepresented areas.
During her time at Texas A&M University, Elizabeth experienced incredible outlets for
personal growth as she aided in the growth of others. Elizabeth served as the chair to
MSC Freshmen in Service and Hosting (FISH) for the 2009-2010 academic year. In this
role, she helped guide the development of 80 freshmen, 16 sophomores, and 6 juniors.
This experience allowed for many opportunities to explore different leadership styles,
encourage integrity, and ignite the passion of service to a group of phenomenal students. This position and the work
produced led to her acquisition of the MSC Director’s Award, the James R. Reynold’s Award, and the honor of
MSC Committee Chair of the Year Runner-up. As a result of this involvement, Elizabeth continues to have
opportunities to work in partnership with the Department of Student Activities in implementing Student Leader
Learning Outcomes across Texas A&M organizations as well as to engage with universities as far away as Japan in
pursuit of this resource.
One of her favorite aspects of leadership in MSC FISH was the privilege of leading 30 students on the second
annual Spring Break Costa Rica Service Learning Trip. Elizabeth is passionate about helping people realize their
impact on others, and this trip allowed students to become truly immersed in and begin an understanding of the
Costa Rican culture through instructing local school children in English, engaging in service, and interacting with
A major highlight of Elizabeth’s life and experiences thus far has been her participation in the Buckner International
Missions Summer Internship in St. Petersburg, Russia. For the duration of June 2009, Elizabeth spent time in four
orphanages providing leadership in Bible study, humanitarian aid, and encouraging hope for the children’s futures.
This was by far her most challenging experience, both emotionally and culturally, but as a result has had the greatest
impact on her long term aspirations and self-understanding. She has a great love for Russian culture and shares her
firsthand experiences whenever possible.
This year, in addition to the Academy, Elizabeth will serve as MSC Director of Development. She will have the
opportunity to work directly with Former Students and donors while encouraging MSC Committee members to learn
appropriate fundraising tactics and hone their interaction skills in professional settings.
Elizabeth is very grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Academy and is looking forward to the promise of
stimulating subjects, interaction with experts and peers, and continuing to broaden her worldview as she prepares for
a future in a continually globalizing world.
Ilse Barrios Perez
Bioenvironmental Sciences
Ilse Barrios Perez is a member if the Texas A&M Class of 2012 working towards a
bioenvironmental sciences degree as well as a French minor. She was born and raised in
Chihuahua, Mexico, to a Panamanian engineer and Mexican nurse and now possesses
citizenship in both countries. After an independent study abroad to Montreal, Canada, she
came to the United States specifically to attend Texas A&M University.
Throughout her time at Texas A&M, she has been involved in the international
community as both a member of the Mexican and Panamanian Student Associations and
as a mentor and Human Resources officer in the International Student Mentor
Association. Although limited, her international experiences have taught her that
multicultural awareness as well as exposure is essential to leadership in a globalized world. She has come to believe
these experiences can be found everywhere you care to look for them. Fluent in English, Spanish, French and with
working knowledge of Italian, Ilse aspires to continue developing her passion for languages by learning Russian or
Her interest in community service began during high school, where she coordinated volunteer tutors in an orphanage
in Chihuahua, Mexico. She is currently trying to combine this interest in community service with her concerns about
environmental awareness through her involvement in the Environmental Issues Committee.
During her academic career, she has taken advantage of different opportunities that have shaped her education--from
the federal scholarship in middle school that allowed her to meet the Mexican President, to the financial aid that
makes it possible for her to attend A&M. She is the proud recipient of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
scholarship, the Lamar Fleming Scholarship, and the Texas-Mexico education waiver.
After graduation in December of 2012, she plans to continue her education by attending graduate school and doing
research in the areas of natural resource conservation and agricultural sustainability. She hopes this will enable her
to return and make a positive difference in her future society.
Diganto Choudhury
Electrical Engineering
Diganto Choudhury is a junior electrical engineering major with a minor is business and
mathematics. He was raised in Lagos, Nigeria. His parents moved from New Delhi, India,
to Nigeria when he was 3 months old. He was been to many places around Africa and is
proud of his diverse cultural upbringing.
Diganto has always been interested in widening his horizon for learning. He has always
tried to get involved in activities that promote leadership and unity. His decision to obtain
a degree from the United States was motivated by the intention to gain a wider cultural
and academic experience. He wanted to interact with different people belonging to
different culture. The traditions at Texas A&M inspired him to chase his dreams here. He
is enthusiastic to learn about different international mores.
Initially, when Diganto came to Texas A&M University, he was in a state of culture shock. Everything was so
different here. But his willingness to learn about the American, Texan, and Aggie traditions helped him quickly
adjust to the way of life here.
Over the years Diganto has been involved in many organizations. He has been a treasurer in “Child’s Right and
You”; a Director of the fellows program in Memorial Student Center (MSC) LT Jordan Institute for International
Awareness; a member of the Eta Kappa Nu Electrical Engineering Honors Society and the Lambda Sigma
Sophomore Honors Society; and a part of the India Association and Hindu Student Association. He is currently the
Vice-President of Services and Facilities in the MSC Resource Area and a mentor in the International Student
Mentor Association.
Diganto has also taken part in several leadership development programs offered at Texas A&M University. In May
2010, he attended a six day leadership camp called LEADERSHAPE organized by the department of Student
Activities. During this program, he extended his idea of leadership and also gained insights into skills that leaders
should possess. He attended a similar program called the Fall Leadership Conference organized by the MSC for
student leaders at Texas A&M University.
In the spring break of 2010, Diganto had the wonderful opportunity to go to the Texas A&M Qatar campus as a part
of the Study Abroad Spring Leadership Exchange Program. Through this experience, he learned the importance of
being a global leader in today’s ever shrinking world. This trip enhanced his interest in global issues and policies. As
a project, he got to work with student leaders in Qatar to develop, in their own words, a definition for leadership.
As hobbies, Diganto loves playing soccer. After graduation, he plans to spend two years working with an
engineering firm and then proceed to get a MBA in management or go to graduate school in engineering. He plans
to use his degree to aid in the development of modern technology in the developing nations. He believes that the
Academy of Future International Leaders (AFIL) will help him prepare a framework for achieving his goals.
Mary Tess Eggebrecht
Mary Tess Eggebrecht is a senior Spanish major minoring in Russian. She has lived in
College Station since the age of three and is proud to call Aggieland home. She is a
second-generation Aggie; her father obtained his Master Degree at Texas A&M and her
brother graduated in 2008 with a B.S. in visual studies.
Through Texas A&M University, Mary Tess has gained invaluable international
experience. Before her freshman year she had the privilege to go to Italy for three weeks
with the Champe Fitzhugh Jr. Honors International Leadership Seminar, an experience
that fueled her passion for other cultures. Although she entered the University as an
aerospace engineering major, she decided to change her education path to focus on Spanish and other languages
after studying abroad in Mexico during the summer after her freshman year. Since then she has spent time looking
for other opportunities to travel abroad and learn about other cultures. After graduating from Texas A&M University
in December of 2011, she hopes to be able to spend the next six months traveling and volunteering in Spain.
In the fall of 2011, Mary Tess plans to attend medical school somewhere in Texas. Her career ambition is to work
for Doctors Without Borders abroad as an emergency relief doctor. Her specific medical interests include oncology
and surgery, but she trusts that God will lead her toward the best path. Along with Spanish and Russian, Mary Tess
also has plans to learn French and Arabic to be better able to communicate around the world.
Mary Tess has gotten involved with many student organizations while at Texas A&M. She is a member of the Corps
of Cadets, Company V-1. Through the Corps she has participated in O. R. Simpson Honor Society, Color Guard,
and Cadet Leadership Council. As a senior she serves her outfit as Company Commander. Outside of the Corps she
is heavily involved in Student Senate as an Off-Campus Senator and Caucus Leader and is a delegate to the
Transportation Services Advisory Committee. She is a University Scholar and a member of Phi Kappa Phi. Mary
Tess is also Executive Vice President of the Bleed Maroon Memorial Blood Drive, a blood drive that serves military
personnel and their families.
Laura Emery (Kate)
Civil Engineering
Kate Emery is a junior civil engineering major from San Antonio, TX, with a specialty in
environmental engineering. Kate is also is completing a minor in business administration.
Graduate school for a Masters in environmental engineering is in her plans for the future
as well as completing an MBA program. Civil engineering became her area of choice
because she knew that it could give her a general engineering perspective. Her love for
other countries drove her decision to pursue a major that would present many
opportunities in many different fields. International infrastructure is a booming industry
and she aims to be a part of that after she graduates. Although she does not know what
country she will be in or what company she will work for, Kate hopes to be somewhere in
Africa or Central America working in civil engineering.
International exposure has been a part of her life for many years now. After a Europe trip and many mission trips to
Mexico during high school years, Kate decided that serving others internationally is a genuine passion. Since she
started college, she has been on numerous trips to Costa Rica and even a mission trip to Uganda. These experiences
have shown her that when people cry out for help, she can be there to give them that help. Throughout her whole
life, Kate has been a firm believer that, in every aspect of my life, God will lead her to where she is meant to be.
Throughout college Kate has been involved in MSC FISH (Freshmen in Service and Hosting), Impact (Christian
Fish Camp), ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), and EWB (Engineers Without Borders). EWB has
definitely impacted her the most. This organization gives engineering and non-engineering students a chance to have
hands-on experience in creating sustainable infrastructure for countries around the world. Specifically, in Costa
Rica, her team completely designed and constructed a computer center with bathrooms for a local school. After a
year of calculations and two implementation trips, she and her team finished the project in August 2010. It was a lot
of hard work and was frustrating at times, but it provided Kate experiences that she would never have gained
anywhere else. EWB has shown her what it is like to work with other engineers in serving the global community.
Through AFIL Kate hopes to gain a better global perspective than she already has. She is ecstatic about the chance
to work with a professional mentor and develop her own international project. She hopes to take as much from this
amazing organization and opportunity that she possibly can.
Nicole Gaither
Biomedical Science
Nicole Gaither is a junior biomedical science major and neuroscience minor from
Southlake, Texas. She plans on pursuing a duel PhD/DVM program through Texas A&M
and then studying zoonotic diseases. After veterinary school, Nicole wants to work
overseas and eventually become a fully commissioned member of an international health
agency like the World Health Organization in Switzerland.
An avid cyclist and backpacker, Nicole loves traveling and experiencing new cultures. In
2007, she participated in a backpacking expedition across Costa Rica with 15 girls from
around the world. Along their way across the country, they stayed in the homes of local
villagers, built a school, and participated in every day activities (like milking cows). She
also had opportunities to repel off waterfalls, white-water raft down the Savagre River, surf, and climb rainforest
trees barefoot. It was truly a life changing experience, and the lessons she learned during her time in Costa Rica
continue to inspire her interest in learning about as many cultures as she can. In 2008 she backpacked, white-water
rafted and abseiled around Switzerland and the northern part of Italy. In 2009, she returned to Italy as part of the
Champe Fitzhugh International leadership seminar for National Merit students. Nicole feels that there is no better
way to truly develop an understanding for a subject than to experience it firsthand, and spending time in other
countries has allowed her to grow intellectually and personally.
At Texas A&M, Nicole attempts to take full advantage of the many opportunities to apply her passion for animals
and the environment. She is a proud member of the Aggie Feral Cat Alliance of Texas, Pre-Vet Society, and
volunteers for local animal shelters as often as she can. Volunteering at the Dallas Zoo and the Save the Tiger Fund
during elementary, middle, and high school formed the core of her personality and really opened her eyes to
everything that she could experience in the world. These opportunities have inspired her to become involved in local
communities in order to increase the availability of outdoor experiences for the youth of today. She wants assist
young people get involved in learning about and preserving our world, and believes that it is fundamentally
important to educate future generations on the environment so that they may better take care of it. It is for this
reason that she recently developed and implemented a youth volunteer program for the Bob Jones Nature Center.
The O.A.K.S, as they are called, are students ages 11-14 from the local community who are given opportunities to
interact with native wildlife and visitors at the Nature Center's 76-acre park, while receiving hands on education
about the local environment. Today more applications are received than there are slots available and her first
O.A.K.S class has begun applying to be adult volunteers. Nicole plans to continue her involvement in the O.A.K.S,
as well as start similar programs in other cities around Texas (and maybe one day internationally).
Overall, Nicole is eager to gather the knowledge in college, and especially the experiences through AFIL, that will
allow her to achieve the dream she has held so dear since childhood. One day, she hopes to make a difference in the
world through her love for the outdoors and the passion for animals that she has had her entire life.
Ekank Jatwani
Electrical Engineering
Ekank Jatwani is a junior electrical engineering Major with minors in mathematics and
business. He was born and brought up in Faridabad, which is a suburb of New Delhi,
India. After graduating from high school in India, he decided to go abroad for higher
education to expand his knowledge about the world and experience living in a different
culture. He applied to schools in England, Canada, and the USA but finally choose to
come to Texas A&M because of its great engineering program and the subtropical climate
in Texas.
Ekank began his journey at Texas A&M with Fish Camp where he was introduced to this
University’s time honored traditions and core values. Since then, he has fallen in love
with Texas A&M and considers himself very fortunate to be a Texas Aggie. He wanted to take advantage of the
wonderful opportunities available to learn outside the classroom through involvement on campus. He decided to join
MSC Aggie Leaders of Tomorrow. He was a member of the Community Service subcommittee where he
participated and assisted in the planning of events such as Trick or Treat for canned goods, Angel Tree, and a local
Reading Program. He believes that this experience helped him reaffirm his commitment to serve the community.
During his sophomore year, Ekank was accepted to the Spring Break Student Leadership Exchange Program to
Qatar. Through this experience, he learned a lot about the Middle Eastern culture and got to hear the perspective of
the Qataris on their unique culture and beliefs. He also joined Student Government Diversity Commission and MSC
L.T. Jordan Institute for International Awareness, where assisted in the planning of events such as Model United
Nations conference and Aggies Care-an aids awareness program on Campus. He is committed to educate about and
promote diversity in terms of ethnicity, nationality, religion, race, culture, sex, academic major and much more.
Besides his involvement in Academy of Future International Leaders, Ekank will serve as the Director for
Development of MSC L.T. Jordan where he will be raising funds to reduce the cost of the travel programs offered
by L.T. Jordan. He will also be the Director for Marketing of “Child Rights and You,” which is a student
organization that raises money for CRY America. He will also be participating in “MY STORY-A Cross-Cultural
Dialogue,” a biweekly seminar series, where he will be giving a talk about Indian Culture.
With his degree in electrical engineering, Ekank plans to work for a couple of years in the industry and eventually
wants to obtain an MBA in non-profit or finance. After completing his education, he would like to return to India
and set up a non-profit organization, which would work towards solving the problems of the local community. He
seeks to dedicate his life to public service to bring about a positive change in the world. At some point, he also
anticipates a political career in India.
Andrew MacDonald
Molecular & Cell Biology and Spanish
Andrew MacDonald is a sophomore molecular and cell biology and Spanish double
major with a minor in religious studies from Clear Lake, Texas. He hopes to use these
degrees to eventually become a physician in an impoverished area in South America. He
has two brothers and two sisters and is continually supported by his parents, Grant and
Pam MacDonald.
At Texas A&M during his first year, Andrew was a part of the Freshman Leadership
Organization, FLiC (Freshmen Leaders in Christ), and a member of the Texas A&M
Men’s Water Polo Club team, which took second in conference. This year, he is Vice
President of the team and is both coaching and playing to hopefully help his team take the
conference title this November and head to nationals. Within FLiC, Andrew was a part of the Off Campus service
committee, which engaged in meaningful service in everything from dancing with nursing home residents to Bible
studies in Brazos County Jail to sharing meals under bridges with the homeless.
Outside of school activities, Andrew is especially engaged in the Bryan community in several ways. He is an active
participant in Potluck in the Park, an unofficial gathering of the poor and homeless of Bryan as well as more affluent
college students and adults that promotes unity and fellowship across socioeconomic lines. This involvement
involves everything from bringing food to the meetings to taking new friends grocery shopping or out to eat during
the weekdays. Also, Andrew and his roommates have gotten to know a significant portion of the illegal immigrant
population in Bryan by serving them homemade breakfast tacos on Friday mornings on the corners where they wait
to be picked up for day labor. Finally, he volunteers with the HOSTS program tutoring weekly at Neal Elementary.
Andrew has been blessed to have traveled throughout Western Europe with his family, and most recently went on a
self-directed mission trip in Peru this past summer. Despite the exposure to the grandeur of Europe, his interests lie
primarily in visiting the poorer nations and mastering his Spanish, so he hopes to travel to Haiti over Spring break,
Mexico for a study abroad this next summer, and ideally Africa for another service-oriented trip over the summer as
Most important to mention when describing Andrew is his faith in the Lord. This is the source and summit of
everything in his life, from his passion for the poor to his diligence in his studies. To speak of Andrew’s activities
without including his faith is like taking fish out of water; it is the fuel he runs on and the air he breathes.
Samantha Parker
Biomedical Science
Samantha Parker is a sophomore biomedical science major, also minoring in Spanish.
She was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. After graduation, she plans to
continue on to medical school, and eventually move to South or Central America where
she will practice medicine in underdeveloped areas.
During her time here at Texas A&M University, Samantha has given much devotion to
her organizational involvement on campus. She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta
Sorority, an association which aims to foster a nurturing environment providing women
the opportunity to achieve their full potential through life-long commitment to intellectual
growth, individual worth, and service to humanity. As Director of Philanthropic
Fundraising, she planned and coordinated the annual benefit concert, Wing Fling, which raised approximately
$20,000 to benefit Camp For All and Camp Fire USA.
Samantha is the Co-Director of International Outreach of WorldMed, an organization on campus aimed at increasing
global and local health awareness. Through WorldMed, she acts as a resource for those interested in going on
international medical missionary trips. She plans on going for her first international mission trip this year.
Samantha is also part of the University Scholars Program at Texas A&M. Through the program students participate
in many developmental activities which include faculty mentor groups and discussion-based seminars. University
Scholars also serve as ambassadors for the Honors Program, representing the office at outreach events and in
publicity materials. Samantha is currently working under Dr. Paul de Figueiredo on The Invisible Jungle, a radio
program exploring the world of microbes.
During her time off from school, Samantha loves to travel. Destinations have included England, France, Norway,
China, Hong Kong, Belize, and Italy. She also took a four week road trip across the United States to see the many
beautiful things her own country has to offer. She is an avid scuba diver and plans to do at least one dive on every
continent during her lifetime. Other interests include fishing, water skiing, snowboarding, figure skating, and
running. She also enjoys reading and attempting to cook international cuisine.
As a member of the Academy of Future International Leaders, Samantha hopes to become a more knowledgeable
and informed citizen of the world. She is excited about the opportunity to become more active in international issues
and affairs, and hopes to learn from the many speakers, which will enable her to grow into a future international
leader herself.
J. Scott Perry
Accounting and Spanish
Jeffrey Scott Perry, Jr. (aka Scott) was born in Dallas, TX; however, he has lived in many
parts of Texas including McKinney, Lubbock, and New Braunfels from where he
graduated high school. He is the oldest of 6 siblings and therefore became adept at
handling stressful situations at a young age. He spent his high school years working in
Student Council, playing saxophone in the band, and playing sports with friends on the
side. He now attends Texas A&M University, where he studies accounting and Spanish,
along with classes focused on international business practices. He plans on graduating in
May of 2012.
His top interests include music, reading, and outdoors activities. Scott believes music is
one aspect that can bind many different cultures. Music is more than just entertainment, but a way for groups and
individuals to express their deepest ideals and beliefs. Listening to the music of a culture can bring a person closer
to the heart of that culture more than many other activities. His favorite books include Three Cups of Tea by Greg
Mortenson and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Scott has recently become interested in many adventure activities;
specifically kayaking, hiking, and rock climbing.
Throughout college Scott has been regularly involved with many different organizations. He was a part of the
Honors Freshman Business Initiative (HFBI) Program as a freshman, and spent the next two years helping further
develop the program as a peer leader and coordinator. He has also been heavily involved with the Business Honors
Program, where he has worked as a student staff member for the past 3 years. In the spring of 2010 he was able to
participate in the Mays Business Fellows Program and will serve as the Industry Relations Coordinator for the 20102011 school year. Apart from the Business School, he has taken part in community service activities through his
scholarship program, the Terry Foundation, as well as serving as a Big Sibling for the Big Brothers Big Sisters
program. His most proud accomplishment is with the organization called Global Business Brigades. Through this
organization, Scott has traveled twice to Panama to work on small-scale consulting projects with a developing
business in an indigenous region of the country. These experiences have been tough, both mentally and physically,
but have also been the most rewarding aspect of his time at Texas A&M University.
Scott enjoys traveling anywhere and everywhere when the opportunity arises. The summer after his freshman year
of college, Scott took his first trip abroad on a 4-week volunteer trip to Costa Rica. This trip merely plagued him
with the “travel bug” and since then he has not stopped travelling. The next summer he spent 7 weeks in Western
Europe, where he backpacked for 2 weeks through 8 different countries, followed by a 5-week study abroad in
Barcelona, Spain studying business practices within the European Union. The following October he was able to
attend the U.S.-China Relations Conference in Beijing, China as a delegate for Texas A&M University which was
an incredibly valuable and unusual experience. As mentioned earlier, in January and August of 2010, he was able to
travel to Panama with Global Business Brigades. Finally, throughout the summer of 2010 he was able to experience
even more of central and South America through a 5-week accounting internship in the Dominican Republic
followed by 6 weeks of backpacking through Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Peru.
Needless to say his travels hopefully will not end in the near future. Scott hopes to spend the 2011-2012 school year
studying abroad in Spain in order to complete his Spanish degree coursework. On a more professional level, he
hopes to gain an internship in the field of strategic management or technology consulting for the summer of 2011.
Upon graduation, Scott plans on working in the consulting field for several years to gain a solid network of contacts,
some practical problem-solving skills for business topics, and some work experience to take into whatever field he
chooses to pursue following his consulting years. Eventually, he wants to work in the field of international
development, whether it be with a nonprofit, the government, or some other organization/business focused on
economic and development issues throughout the United States and the world. He has also considered a few
alternatives after graduation including the Peace Corps, Language Corps, or some other program to solidify his
Spanish by allowing him to work abroad for a while.
He is excited for this opportunity to network with other students and individuals with internationally focused life
plans. Scott hopes that his many experiences abroad will be of use to his fellow AFIL classmates and that he will
gain a better understanding himself of the global times we are living in today.
Matt Proctor
Matt Proctor is a senior marketing major from Dallas, Texas. Upon graduation from Mays
Business School in May 2010, he will receive his Bachelor of Business Administration as
well as an International Business Certificate. From a young age, Matt assumed the life of
a dilettante; dabbling in painting, choir, theater, comedy, football, track and field,
academics and leadership. Since high school, he has been an active leader in many
different roles including four years as Class President, and Vice President and President
of Student Council. Through it all, the arts have shown through as his fondest hobby and
leadership as his greatest passion.
Three years ago, as a freshman at Texas A&M University, Matt joined Pi Kappa Phi
Fraternity. After holding leadership roles including Secretary, Risk Manager, and Philanthropy Chair, he chose to
participate in what he now deems the most import period of growth in his life. Throughout the summer of 2009,
Matt was a spokesperson and cyclist for an event called the Journey of Hope. This bicycle trek is just one facet of
Push America, a nonprofit organization that advocates empathy, awareness, service and funds for people with
disabilities. Along with the other 100 spokesmen and cyclists for this event, he bicycled 4,000 miles across the
United States from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. and helped raise over $650,000. After each day of riding
eighty miles into a new city, he and his teammates would spend about four to six hours working face-to-face with
people with disabilities and bestow grants to their community organizations to support their needs. One of the
greatest things he learned was how differences must be celebrated. Today, he continues to support the cause of Push
America through advocacy events for people with disabilities.
During the first half of 2010, Matt spent six months living and studying in Madrid, Spain. In addition to the Spanish
language, he studied international business administration and economics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Since
this time, Matt has ventured to eight different countries from Morocco to Norway and through his travels gained
great perspective on intercultural communication and the wealth of valuable knowledge people from different
backgrounds have to share.
Following graduation, Matt plans to work for the Dallas advertising firm, the Richards Group, and apply his cultural
knowledge in novel ways to expose international brands. Further down the road, he one day plans to be a self-titled
Executive Social Ambassador of Social Entrepreneurship, taking businesses beyond their domestic borders and
extending the modern world to places of lesser fortune. By addressing a social problem using entrepreneurial and
business principles, he believes one can create enormous social change. With his background in business, his efforts
are focused on creating community enterprises that add value both financially and socially.
Matt believes that his experience abroad and the incredible opportunity for growth in the AFIL will each add
important momentum to his efforts and encourage more effective results from his future ventures in other countries.
Christopher Ramirez
Biomedical Engineering
Chris Ramirez recently moved to the Dwight Look College of Engineering from Mays
Business School, choosing to focus on biomedical engineering for the purposes of
advancing the welfare of others. A business minor and participant in the University
Honors program, Chris looks forward to pursuing career opportunities in both
engineering and business following graduation in May of 2013.
Education, however, only tells part of the story. Chris entertains a great variety of
interests and has joined various organizations on the A&M campus to cultivate them.
These groups include ASSIST, the Freshman Leadership Organization with a
predominant focus on servant leadership; MSC Town Hall, which brings music and art to campus; Habitat for
Humanity, a small group at Fellowship Church; and now the Academy of Future International Leaders.
Chris recognizes the dire need for servant leadership in the international arena as well as the need to encourage
others not just to a state of awareness, but to action. Consequently, Chris hopes to learn from others and then teach
principles of selfless service in hope of radically changing the way people live their lives for the betterment of self
and communities everywhere.
Passionate about faith, family, friends, learning, and exploring new frontiers, Chris brings a charismatic, positive,
and competitive attitude that can breathe new life into old ideas and ultimately expand them.
Mary Romeo
Construction Science
Mary Romeo is a junior construction science major from Las Vegas, Nevada. She is
attending Texas A&M University with a scholarship based on her standing as a National
Hispanic Merit Scholar. After graduation in May 2012, she hopes to pursue work in the
field of project management in construction, specifically in international commercial
development. In addition to her major, she is pursuing a business minor and hopes to
spend a summer abroad in a region where she can develop a fluency in Spanish.
As a freshman, Mary was involved in MSC Freshman in Service and Hosting (FISH).
The organization provided her with the networking, leadership, and time-management
skills that enabled her to be confident in her transition from home to Texas. Her sophomore year, Mary obtained the
position of Assistant Director in MSC FISH and led the Service subcommittee to provide over 3500 service hours
for the sixty freshmen members of the organization. She was also able to attend the Costa Rica Service Learning
Trip coordinated by MSC FISH over Spring Break her freshman year. She hopes to see that her participation in its
inaugural year will ensure the longevity of the program. Her sophomore year, Mary spent her spring break in Bay St.
Louis, Mississippi, with Habitat for Humanity. During her time there, she worked on a home that was in
construction for a family rendered homeless from Hurricane Katrina. The hands-on experience was an amazing
opportunity not only for her to gain knowledge about her major, but for her to truly give back to a devastated
Mary currently serves as the Chair of MSC Hospitality, a service and hosting organization. Hospitality has
developed many programs, including the Lost and Found Auction, Bonfire Memorial Tours, and Seasons of
Aggieland Bazaar. Her responsibilities include managing nine Executives, over 130 members, and countless events.
As a leader in the MSC, Mary has had the opportunity to develop skills and management concepts that will aid her
in her profession after graduation. Mary has learned something new from each position, job, and project to which
she has been dedicated. Mary is also a member of Maggies, a women’s leadership organization. The organization’s
emphasis on sisterhood and female leadership has enabled Mary to assume her positions in various organizations
with confidence.
Mary’s interest in becoming a part of the Academy of Future International Leaders stems from her desire to better
herself through the exposure of different philosophies, perspectives, and attitudes that the world has to offer. She
leads herself to live by what Diane Arbus once said, “My favorite thing is to go where I’ve never been.” Her
commitment to challenging herself through diversity in opportunity is what makes her passion for the Academy so
James Sawyer
Nuclear Engineering
James Sawyer is a junior nuclear engineering major from Pflugerville, Texas. His family
consists of his parents James and Cheryl, along with his twin sister Amina, younger sister
Simone, and younger brother Jamal. James is thankful to have had the opportunity to
watch his younger siblings develop into great leaders and contributors to their
James has a variety of learning interests and plans to continue with his education in the
future past undergraduate studies. Along with his major, he is minoring in Chinese and
mathematics. After graduating from Texas A&M, James hopes to continue his education
with a graduate degree in either engineering or mathematics. In the future James plans to get his reactor operator
license or work at a national research lab.
Within Texas A&M, James is involved in many organizations and activities that help develop leadership and give
back to the community. Currently, he is a member of Class Councils, which includes students from all across
campus in a variety of majors and fields. He believes strongly in keeping the great traditions here at Texas A&M
going, and setting the bar of excellence higher every year. He is also a member of CARPOOL and the American
Nuclear Society. In his free time James participates in a wide variety of Rec Sport programs including dodge ball,
sand volleyball, basketball and flag football.
Thus far, James hasn’t had many opportunities to study abroad, but he has greatly enjoyed the times he has. He has
made trips to Jamaica, Canada, Cozumel and all over the USA with his family. Through the AFIL program hopes to
continue expanding his horizons and experiencing even more cultures.
James is particularly interested in international policy on nuclear materials and wants to help spread understanding
of the field and its benefits around the globe and hopefully help less developed countries start programs of their
own. He believes AFIL provides a wonderful chance to meet other highly motivated and impassioned leaders on
campus and a forum where great ideas can be formulated through teamwork to solve many of the problems of today.
He hopes the AFIL experience will help him to develop a more internationally sensitive outlook on world issues and
form lifetime friendships with the leaders of tomorrow.
Michael Stockert
Political Science
Michael Stockert is junior political science major with a history minor. He is originally a
Chicago native, but now calls San Antonio his home. After graduation Mike plans to
pursue a career in either the foreign service or in law. He first became interested in
international affairs while living with his family in Singapore. His experiences living and
traveling abroad inspired him to become involved with Model United Nations during high
school, and he has continued his involvement in college. This included helping found
Texas A&M’s first Model United Nations team. He hopes the organization can help
showcase Texas A&M and its students by participating in Model UN conferences in the
United States and abroad.
Michael’s international interests extend beyond politics, and he has a passion for developing connections with
students who have different backgrounds and perspectives. His involvement with International Student Cultural
Exchange has allowed him to develop close relationships with foreign exchange students at Texas A&M. Michael is
also a member of Gentlemen Enabling Nations to Succeed (GENTS), a men’s organization that is focused on
international awareness and global service. In the past year GENTS has hosted a world religions roundtable, and
raised money for the Junior Master Gardener program.
This past summer, Michael’s interest in public policy took him to Washington D.C. through Texas A&M’s Public
Policy Internship Program. While in the nation’s capitol, Michael worked for the Texas Office of State-Federal
Relations where he researched various federal policies that affect the state of Texas. He enjoyed learning more
about the legislative process, and the experience increased his desire to have a career in law or public policy.
For the upcoming summer, Michael plans to shift his focus from domestic to international politics. He is interested
in studying abroad and immersing himself in the culture of whatever country he finds himself in. Germany is
definitely one of his top choices for a study abroad destination since he has studied the German language for the past
two years. His goal is to significantly increase his language proficiency and to learn more about Germany’s political
Susana Svojsik
International Studies
Originally from Lima, Peru, Susana Svojsik is a transfer student from the University of
Saint Thomas in Houston. As a Texas A&M junior, Susana is pursuing a degree in
international studies following the politics and diplomacy track and focusing on Latin
America. Her passion is poverty reduction in Latin America, a passion that she plans to
pursue through her career.
During her high school years, Susana was active in the Speech and Debate team and
society at Kempner High School. Holding the position of Vice President for the Debate
club during her senior year, Susana participated in numerous speech and debate
tournaments and qualified for the Texas Forensic Association state tournament in Student
Congress. Her experience in public speaking and debating has enabled her to become a debate tournament judge, an
activity in which she is still involved.
While studying at the University of Saint Thomas, Susana was an officer for the International Studies society.
During this time, Susana was one of the key members of the organizational board for the International Festival at the
university. Also while at St. Thomas, Susana spent two weeks immersed in a Celtic Studies course in Sligo, Ireland.
Susana’s heart belongs in Latin America. Having lived in Peru for fifteen years and witnessing extreme poverty
during that time, Susana wants to dedicate her life to helping eradicate poverty, particularly in Latin America.
During the summer of 2010 Susana spent six weeks volunteering at Horizontes al Futuro - a rehabilitation center for
children at social risk in Comayagua, Honduras. While in Honduras she took on the mother role for the forty-three
residents in the center whose ages range from seven to eighteen years of age.
Living in Peru and volunteering in Honduras have helped shape her passion for poverty reduction in Latin America.
For her poverty is not a statistic: it is a group of people with unique names, faces, and stories. This outlook on
poverty helps her humanize poverty and relate to those living in misery.
Although her focus is Latin America, Susana has a deep interest in affairs across the globe. In 2009 Susana
represented the University of Saint Thomas at the Model Arab League Conference. At this conference she received
an Honorable Mention as the Saudi Arabian delegate in the Joint Defense Council. After transferring to Texas
A&M University, Susana represented the Fighting Texas Aggies at the 2010 Model Arab League conference where
she received an Outstanding Delegation award for the representation of Yemen in the Social Affairs Council.
Susana seeks to dedicate her life to helping others. Her deepest desire is to relieve the pain of those living in
poverty. She longs to give children like the boys she cared for in Comayagua an opportunity. While she
understands that she cannot save the world, she is a firm believer that she can leave an everlasting mark in the lives
of those she helps.
Siddharth Thawrani
Siddharth Thawrani is a junior accounting major in The Transitions program at The Mays
Business School and minoring in economics. He was born and raised in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates. His family consists of his parents Saachi and Ramesh and his younger
sister, Reema, of whom Siddharth is very proud.
Siddharth enjoys travelling around the world, meeting people of different nationalities
and learning about their cultures. Siddharth has a keen interest in mastering Arabic and
Mandarin and travelling to countries in Africa. Siddharth’s future plans include
completing his Masters in finance and an MBA. His interest includes analysis of
investment projects and often helps his father make investment decisions. Upon
graduation he would like to work in the field of financial accounting.
While at Texas A&M, Siddharth has had the opportunity to be a part of several student organizations. He started his
freshman year with Freshman Leadership International, which is a FLO that focuses on developing leaders with an
emphasis on international experience. During his freshman and sophomore years, he was a part of Student Senate
serving as a representative of The Business School. Siddharth has particularly enjoyed his experience in the Student
Senate, since it gave him an opportunity to interact with and understand the needs of students. He was also a
participant in the inaugural Model United Nations at Texas A&M. Siddharth is currently serving as the president of
The India Association, which represents over a thousand students at Texas A&M from India and anyone interested
in Indian culture. As president his focus is on creating opportunities for people at the university and residents of
Bryan/College Station to learn about Indian culture and modern India. Siddharth has enjoyed meeting new students
from India over this summer and helping them settle down in College Station. He really enjoys serving as the
president and feels that it is already turning out to be one of his most enriching experiences.
Siddharth recently spent 10 days on an international field trip to Amsterdam as part of his Business in Western
Europe class. He also had the opportunity to visit The European Commission in Brussels during this trip.
Through his extra-curricular experience at Texas A&M, Siddharth has gained a love for serving the community.
After graduation Siddharth will continue to be a part of voluntary organizations in his community.
Oliver Peter Thoma
Political Science
Oliver Peter Thoma is a senior political science major concentrating on US constitutional
law, globalization and democracy, and the US-China trade relationship. He was born in
McKinney, Texas and resided in Texas until age six. Since living in Texas, he has lived
in Arizona and California, where he graduated high school in Santa Rosa. His aspirations
include law school, international politics and business, and further immersion into the
Chinese culture.
At Texas A&M, Oliver has energetically served in a variety of student organizations on
campus. He has been active in the Student Government Association where he serves as
the Student Advocate of Student Services. This position enables Oliver to serve on a
number of advisory committees such as Student Fees, Libraries, Dining Services, Transportation Services, REC
Sports, Financial Aid, and Facilities Services. As an active singer, Oliver participated in the Texas A&M Century
Singers, where he served as President as well as performed a tour in Greece. During his participation in the
Memorial Student Center, he served as the Development Director for the Wiley Lecture Series, where he was
responsible for raising in excess of $50,000.
During the summer of 2009, Oliver travelled to London to serve as a Parliamentary Intern for British Member of
Parliament Bill Wiggin, Opposition Whip. This experience in international politics cemented Oliver’s passion for
foreign affairs and its relation to the prosperity and security of American interests. During his brief tenure as a
Parliamentary Intern, Oliver actively managed constituent casework, dialogued with ministers and civil servants,
and developed a campaign website. Furthering Oliver’s international interests was his participation in the China-US
Relations Conference co-hosted by Texas A&M and the Chinese Government in Beijing during October 2009. As
one of 26 student representatives, Oliver had the privilege of interacting with science, government, and industry
officials from both nations. This visit to China inspired him to refocus his international interests specifically on
Oliver was selected as one of five undergraduates at Texas A&M to represent the university during the 2011 Rhodes
as well as the Marshall Scholarship Competitions. He will be presenting a thesis proposal regarding the effects of
economic liberalization on political liberalization in China. Oliver is currently writing a thesis under the direction of
Political Science Department Head Dr. Rogers on whether the US Constitution was ratified under the understanding
that the US President had primary, albeit not absolute, authority over foreign affairs—primarily, war and treaty
powers. His methodology analyzes 17th and 18th century British constitutional history regarding executive use of
foreign affairs power as well as constitutional developments of executive power within the 13 original American
states prior to the Constitution’s adoption. Additionally, Oliver was selected to represent Texas A&M University as
a Presidential Fellow for the Center of the Study of the Presidency’s Presidential Fellows Program, which consists
of 85 undergraduate and graduate students from across the nation. As a Presidential Fellow, Oliver is composing a
policy proposal for the President in support of further liberalizing trade with China.
Leslye Womack
International Studies
Leslye Womack is a junior international studies major from Mission, Texas. Her primary
focus is politics and diplomacy, specifically in Latin America. She is also a minor in both
Spanish and sociology. In the future she would like to earn a Master in international
development or international affairs. Her highest aspirations are to work for the U.S.
Department of State or a nongovernmental organization such as UNICEF.
Leslye values the leadership opportunities she has encountered outside the classroom.
She was a member of the freshmen leadership organization, Memorial Student Center
Aggie Leaders of Tomorrow (MSC ALOT) where she also served as a sophomore Group
Leader and as the Development Director for the Student Leaders of Tomorrow (SLOT)
Conference. As the SLOT Development Director she helped organize a leadership conference at Texas A&M for
250 high school juniors and seniors. She has also been a Fish Camp counselor for two years, a member of the
International Student Mentor association, and a Staff Assistant for the Big Event. Leslye is currently interning at the
Twin City Mission in Bryan where she writes grants for the organization’s various programs such as The Bridge
emergency homeless shelter and Phoebe’s Home domestic violence shelter.
While at Texas A&M, Leslye has earned several academic honors. She is one of fifteen University Scholars from
the class of 2012. As a University Scholar, Leslye serves as an ambassador to the Honors Program. She is also an
Alexander Hamilton Scholar and a recipient of awards such as the Academic Achievement honors scholarship, the
Texas A&M Opportunity Award, the Association of Former Students Award and Mary O’Brien Memorial
Scholarship. She is also on the Dean’s List and has been inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.
In addition to her experience at Texas A&M, Leslye has studied abroad twice during her college career and will
travel to Argentina this summer for a sociology internship. In the summer of 2009, she participated in the Summer
European Academy and visited Germany, France, Belgium, and Luxemburg to study political science for four
weeks. In the summer of 2010, Leslye spent six weeks in Granada, Spain, studying Spanish. From her experiences
abroad, she has learned invaluable lessons about the importance of fostering international awareness and cultural
Through the Alexander Hamilton Scholars program, Leslye had the opportunity to spend a week of service in
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, in the summer of 2009. Throughout the week, she helped paint a medical clinic and an
elementary school. She also had an incredible opportunity to interact with the local people and gain a better
understanding of their way of life. Her experience in Guatemala honed Leslye’s interest in world cultures and
international development and made a lasting impact on her life.
YuJin Yong
YuJin Yong is a senior marketing major who was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, but raised
in Spring, Texas. Upon graduation she will also have completed a minor in creative
studies and a Certificate in Retailing and International Business.
YuJin has two brothers and is the middle child. She feels that her family has played a
large role in impacting her international curiosity as her parents are from Singapore and
Malaysia. In addition, she has learned much from her extended family members that live
in Asia, Australia, and Europe.
Outside the classroom, YuJin has experienced and engaged in a variety of organizations
and activities. YuJin has witnessed her own personal growth through a holistic combination of leadership, service,
and academics. She has spent over three years as a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority, even serving on the
executive board as Vice President of Formal Recruitment. Since coming to Texas A&M, YuJin has also participated
in the Gilbert Leadership Conference, MSC Development, Business Student Council, and currently serves the
Center of Retailing Studies as a M.B. Zales Scholar. In addition, YuJin is currently employed by Texas A&M
University’s Department of Performance Studies as a graphic designer and by Mays Business School as a student
Even as a young child, YuJin was fascinated with the world of luxury fashion. She is entranced by all aspects of it;
ranging from the designer’s initial inspiration, the influence of the media, the fashion shows and events and, most
importantly, the international business aspect. She has spent summers in New York City taking design and
management courses at the renowned Parsons School of Design. She has also completed internships at Gucci
Group’s French design house, Yves Saint Laurent and most recently Michael Kors. At Yves Saint Laurent, YuJin
interned in the corporate wholesales department. By working during market week and interacting with buyers, she
was able to witness how items from the runways were literally placed in the stores. At Michael Kors’ marketing
department, she was able to focus on global marketing, direct/media marketing, and e-commerce.
With her degree, YuJin plans on continuing to work in the field of fashion. She would eventually like to obtain her
MBA and hopes her career path will enable her to travel and experience the world.