Notes from DB2 9.5 SQL Procedure Developer exam 735 prep, Part 1: SQL Procedure Language and Notes from DB2 9.5 SQL Procedure Developer exam 735 prep, Part 2: SQL Procedure Language ( Declare variable Local variable declaration Declare variable_name null|constant data_type Default Do not name variable same as column name or parameter DECLARE v_descrition VARCHAR(80); DECLARE v1, v2 INT DEFAULT 0; As of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. V9.5 array data types are supported. First create data type in database Declare it in the procedure Arrays transient values that can not be stored in tables Should be defined with schema and be unique on current server LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, XML and userdefined types not supported 1 based indexing Specifying size of array is optional, but if used specifies maximum elements allowed in the array 8. Create Type 2147483647] array_name as data_type Array[. -> DDL to define to database CREATE TYPE numbers as INTEGER ARRAY[100]; CREATE TYPE names as VARCHAR(30) ARRAY[]; CREATE TYPE MYSCHEMA.totalcomp as DECIMAL(12,2) ARRAY[]; CREATE PROCEDURE PROC_VARRAY_test (out mynames names) BEGIN DECLARE v_pnumb numbers SET v_pnumb = ARRAY[1,2,3,5,7,11]; SET mynames(1) =’MARINA’; … END Variable assignment There are several methods to assign a value(s) to a variable 1. Set variable_name = value|expression|null; SET var1 = 10; SET total = (select sum(c1) from T1); SET v_numb(10) = 20 SET v_numb = ARRAY[1,2,3,4]; -- fill up array with values 2. Use VALUES INTO or SELECT (or FETCH) INTO VALUES 2 INTO v1; SELECT SUM(c1) INTO var1 FROM T1; VALUES CURRENT DATE INTO cdate; Cursors Declare cursor_name Cursor for Select ….. Without hold|with hold without return|with return To caller|to client DECLARE v_dept CHAR(3) DEAFULT ‘ ‘; DECLARE myres_set CURSOR FOR SELECT empno, lastname, job, salary, comm. FROM employee WHERE workdept = v_dept; Note no ‘:’ before the use of v__dept (not like Cobol) To return open cursor from procedure use ‘Dynamic Results Sets n’ in procedure definition CREATE PROCEDURE emp_from_dept() DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 1 P1: BEGIN DECLARE c_emp_dept CURSOR WITH RETURN FOR SELECT empno, lastname, job, salary, comm. FROM employee WHERE workdept = ‘E21’; OPEN c_emp_dept; END P1 Conditional Statements Two conditional statements supported IF and CASE IF (condition) THEN SET ….; -- note ‘;’ used at end of statement ELSEIF (condition) THEN SET … ; -- and here ELSE … ; -- and here END IF; CASE WHEN (condition) THEN SET … ; -- again ‘;’ used WHEN (condition) THEN SET … ; ELSE SET …; END CASE; Iteration 4 types of iteration via LOOP, WHILE, REPEAT, FOR 1, A simple loop L1: LOOP -- L1 is label SQL statements; LEAVE L1; -- leave L1 Loop END LOOP L1; 2. WHILE - a check condition on entrance WHILE condition DO SQL statements END WHILE; 3. REPEAT – a check before exit (repeat UNTIL) REPEAT SQL statements; UNTIL condition END REPEAT; 4. FOR loop – an implicit loop over result set FOR loop_name AS SELECT … FROM -- open/fetch done implicitly -- values from select accessible via -- reference loop:name.column_name so no local -- variable definition needed. DO SQL statements; SET …; -- etc END FOR; Exception handling User named conditions can be specified for later use in the compound statement it is declared in DECLARE condition_name CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE (VALUE)| string_constant DECLARE FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE ‘23503’; DECLARE overflow CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE '22003'; Condition handlers are declared to define the logic to be taken by a procedure in the event of a SQLException or non SQLCODE=0 condition DECLARE CONTINUE|EXIT|UNDO HANDLER FOR Specific_condition|general_condition SQL_procedure_statement WHERE specific_condition_value (SQLSTATE (VALUE) string_constant) |condition_name 1. An example where exception handling causes exit from procedure CREATE PROCEDURE simple_error (IN new_job CHAR(8), IN p_empno CHAR(6), OUT p_state_out CHAR(5),OUT p_code_out INT) SPECIFIC simple_error1 BEGIN DECLARE SQLCODE INT DEFAULT 0; -- locally -- defined DECLARE SQLSTATE CHAR(5) DEFAULT ‘00000’; -- ditto DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION SELECT SQLSTATE, SQLCODE INTO p_sqlstate_out, p_sqlcode_out FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1; -- if update fails handler above puts sqlstate and -- sqlcode into output parms UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET job = new_job WHERE empno = p_empno; END 2. An example where processing continues with exception CREATE PROCEDURE proc1 (IN num int, IN new_status varchar(10)) P1: BEGIN DECLARE SQLCODE INTEGER default 0; DECLARE SQLSTATE CHAR(5) default ‘ ‘; DECLARE v_trunc INTEGER default 0; DECLARE overflow CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE '22001'; -- declare it before it is needed DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR overflow BEGIN INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (num, substr (new_sataus,1,5)); SET v_trunc = 2; END; -- end of handler INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES(num, new_status); RETURN v_trunc; END P1 3. Forcing an exception via SIGNAL SIGNAL (SQLSTATE (value) sqlstate_string_constant|variable_name)| condition_name SET MESSAGE_TEXT = some_message CREATE PROCEDURE sign_test (IN num int, IN new_status varchar(10)) P1: BEGIN DECLARE SQLCODE INTEGER default 0; DECLARE SQLSTATE CHAR(5) default ''; IF length (new_status) > 5 THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '72001' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'INPUT VALUE TOO LONG'; END IF; INSERT INTO TAB1 VALUES (num, new_status); END P1 Execution environment SQL Procedure Language programs reside in the database and execute in the same address space as the DB2 database (eg. NOT FENCED) Other stored procedure languages (Cobol, Java, etc) execute in separate address spaces (FENCED) Procedure definition CREATE PROCEDURE proc_name IN, OUT, INOUT parameters SPECIFIC specific_name DYNAMIC RESULT SETS N MODIFIES SQL DATA|CONTAINS SQL|READS SQL DATA DETERMINISTIC|NOT DETERMISTICS CALLED ON NULL INPUT INHERIT SPECIAL REGISTERS OLD SAVEPOINT LEVEL|NEW SAVEPOINT LEVEL LANGUAGE SQL EXTERNAL ACTION|NO EXTERNAL ACTION PARAMETER CCSID ASCII|UNICODE SQL procedure body - compound statement Compound Statement 1. General Syntax Label BEGIN NOT ATOMIC|ATOMIC Local-variable declaration Cursor-declaration Handler-declaration Assignment, flow control, sql statements,… END label NOT ATOMIC – if unhandled error occurs no SQL statements are rolled back ATOMIC – if unhandled error occurs then all SQL statements executed up to that point are rolled back. ATOMIC can not be nested inside other ATOMIC compound statements 2. Compound statements can be nested or follow one another. 3. Variables are visible only within the compound statement where they are defined OR within a nested compound statement. Calling a procedure Call procedure_name(parm1 parm2 ) variable) (or NULL for null Procedure calls can be nested (one procedure calls another) •Variables and parameters are strongly typed (they must match) Passing back and retrieving return codes •Local variables are matched to the stored procedure by their position •All parameters must have a value •Overloaded procedures are determined by the number of parameters 1. To return from a procedure RETURN; 2. To pass back a return code RETURN 2 (Must be integer) 3. To get the return code within the calling procedure GET DIAGNOSTICS ret_code = DB2_RETURN_STATUS; Reading cursor opened in nested procedure 1. Declare a result set locator using the following syntax: DECLARE rs_locator_var1 RESULT_SET_LOCATOR VARYING; 2. Associate this result set locator with the calling procedure: ASSOCIATE RESULT SET LOCATOR( rs_locator_var1) WITH PROCEDURE proc_called; 3. Allocate the cursor that points to the result set from the calling procedure: ALLOCATE cursor1 CURSOR FOR RESULT SET rs_locator_var1; 3. Use fetch as you normally would FETCH cursor1 into var1, var2, …: -- var’s -- previously declared. For example: CREATE PROCEDURE Use_nested_cursor (deptin int, OUT tot_dept_comm DEC(12,2)) BEGIN DECLARE DECLARE DECLARE DECLARE sqlcode int default 0; v_comm DECIMAL(12,2) DEFAULT 0.0; v_name, v_location varchar(20); v_job char(6); DECLARE LOC1 RESULT_SET_LOCATOR VARYING; SET tot_dept_comm = 0; CALL result_from_cursor(deptin); ASSOCIATE RESULT SET LOCATOR( LOC1) WITH PROCEDURE result_from_cursor; ALLOCATE C1 CURSOR FOR RESULT SET LOC1; Global variables FETCH FROM C1 INTO v_name,v_job,v_comm,v_location; WHILE sqlcode = 0 DO SET tot_dept_comm = tot_dept_comm + v_comm; FETCH FROM C1 INTO v_name,v_job,v_comm,v_location; END WHILE; END Global variables are variables defined in a DB2 session but outside of a procedure. The variables can be accessed by any procedure during that session CREATE VARIABLE global_var DATATYPE [DEFAULT value]; Assuming global_var defined as INTEGER CREATE PROCEDURE … BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO global_var FROM … END CREATE PROCEDURE … BEGIN IF global_var > … END Creating a stored procedure 1. Prequistes for creating a stored procedure Must have the privileges required to execute the CREATE PROCEDURE statement Must have the privileges to execute all SQL statements in the stored procedure All database objects (example, tables, views, functions, other procedures) that are referenced in this SQL procedure should exist in the database A successful database connection must be established from the CLP (this can be achieved by using the following db2 command : db2 connect to sample user userid using password ) 2. Put procedure code in file (eg. Number_of_orders.db2 ) and use either a @ or ! as an alternate terminator CREATE PROCEDURE NUMBER_OF_ORDERS ( in_status varchar(10), in_date DATE, out num_of_order int) -- SQL Procedure P1: BEGIN declare v_number INTEGER DEFAULT 0; SELECT count(poid) INTO v_number FROM PURCHASEORDER where ucase(status) = ucase(in_status) and orderdate < in_date; SET num_of_order = v_number; END P1 @ 3. Go into CLP and execute the script to create the stored procedure. db2 -td@ -vf myscript.db2 The general syntax of the command is: db2 -td <terminating-character> -vf <CLP-script-name> -td reset terminating chars with … -v verbose option, display each line -f target of the command is a file 4. Test the procedure Authorizations db2 call number_of_orders('Shipped' ,current date, ?) To create an SQL procedure the user needs 1. BINDADD on the database 2. IMPLICIT_SCHEMA if new schema used 3. Or CREATE_IN on the schema if exists The user implicitly gets EXECUTE and GRANT EXECUTE authority Callers of the sp need EXECUTE authority SQL Access levels NO SQL: no SQL statement can exist in the stored procedure CONTAINS SQL: no SQL statement can modify or read data in the stored procedure READS SQL: no SQL statement can modify data in the stored procedure MODIFIES SQL: SQL statements can both modify or read data in the stored procedure (default) A stored procedure at a lower level access (eg. NO SQL) can not call another SP at a higher level (eg. MODIFIES SQL) Transferring SQL To extract SQL procedure GET ROUTINE INTO file_name FROM (SPECIFIC) PROCEDURE routine_name (HIDE BODY) HIDE BODY will encrypt the procedure To load the SQL procedure PUT ROUTINE FROM file_name OWNER new_owner (USE REGISTERS)