Division of Education, Arts & Social Sciences Research Office Magill Campus Educating Professionals • Creating and Applying Knowledge • Serving the Community THESIS PRODUCTION AND BINDING ALLOWANCE CLAIM FORM Student Name: Student ID No: Address: Amount claimed $ (Note: Payment is by reimbursement for original receipts. Maximum claim is $400) I have included (please tick boxes) (Note: Incomplete claims cannot be processed and will be returned to the claimant) Fully completed and signed claim form Original tax compliant receipts for production of my thesis and/or for the binding of my final (hard bound) copies only I certify that I have paid out $ thesis. for the production and binding of my (Please Note: The amount reimbursed will be $400 less any previous claims, or the amount claimed above, whichever is the lesser of the two.) Signed: Date: Your reimbursement will be paid directly into the bank account of your choice: Account Name: Bank Name & Branch: Account Number: BSB: SWIFT Number (international students only): Please forward completed paperwork to: HDR Student Funding, Div EASS Office, Magill, University of South Australia, GPO Box 2471, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001