K. Leach Paine’s article “Food Web Complexity and Species Diversity” explored a number of topics, including resource partitioning, species diversity, predator-prey relationships, and population dynamics. His main statement of the paper held that, “Local species diversity is directly related to the efficiency with which predators prevent the monopolization of the major environmental requisites by one species” (Paine 1966, pg. 65). His hypothesis extended to include that “the proportion of predatory species is known to be relatively greater in certain diverse situations” (Paine 1966, pg. 65). In testing his hypothesis, measures of local diversity were approximated rather than measured quantitatively. In three different geographical locations, Baja California, Mukkaw Bay, and Costa Rica, “subwebs”, or smaller divisions of the food web in a community, consisting of small intertidal herbivores were studied in relation to species diversity (Paine 1966). He concluded that local species diversity appears to be directly correlated to predation intensity, there was no direct correlation between predator density and latitude, and that if predation has the ability to prevent monopolies, the positive feedback mechanism should increase species diversity until some limitation is reached. Limitations could include space, as they often do in marine communities, such as for barnacles, or it may simply be the removal of prey by other predators that causes exclusion of a particular consumer. Paine’s study illustrated a key element in the maintenance of species diversity, the function of predators (Paine 1966). A paper published in 1979 written by Anthony J. Krzysik and entitled, “Resource allocation, Coexistence, and the Niche Structure of a Streambank Salamander Community,” extended Paine’s work by elaborating on the types of resources that influence species diversity (Krzysik 1979). Paine’s study dealt mostly with the partitioning of food between predators in order to sustain species diversity, but Krzysik used more advanced quantitative methods to investigate resource partitioning and the development of community organization. His methods included investigating four aspects of microhabitat, which were “substrate, substrate moisture, proximity to surface water, and size/type of cover utilized” (Krzysik 1979, pg. 173). The streambank community was chosen because of the small number of necessary resource dimensions, which are able to be studied quantitatively and the relationships between the dimensions are apparent. Salamanders were chosen because of the wide range of species, body sizes, and habitat preferences amongst them. Over 4000 of six species of salamanders were selected and studied over a 2 yr period to determine in which ways they utilized the microhabitats. The collected data was the analyzed and computed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Services) programs (Krzysik 1979). Of the many qualitative and quantitative results found throughout this study, an important implication was that the salamander community appeared to be well-adapted due to the following findings: “total niche overlap is low, therefore minimizing competitive interactions, Interspecific predation could not be documented and must be minimal, and demographic strategies are consistent in all macrohabitats regardless of congeneric composition” (Krzysik 1979, pg. 173). It is clear that in Krzysik’s study, several elements, rather than just predator-prey allocation, are influencing species diversity. Another important factor influencing species diversity is the presence or absence of other species, as explained in Tore Slagsvold’s paper “Habitat Selection in Birds: On the Presence of Other Bird Species with Special regard to Turdus pilaris” (Slagsvold 1980). In this study, data from repeated surveys, “a total of 498,” taken at four different forest locations in Norway was collected to determine the correlation between habitat preferences of some birds and the presence of Turdus pilaris (Slagsvold 1980). Sought after questions included whether or not the nesting positions of other bird species changes with changes in the nesting positioning of the protector species, Turdus pilaris in this case, and also whether or not the population size of the protector species was correlated with the population size of other bird species (Slagsvold 1980, pg. 523). The results of the study found that some bird species, especially Fringilla montifringilla held close association with the protector species and the annual distribution changes were positively correlated due to reliance on the protector species. Other species, such as Acanthis flammea were positively correlated with the protector species due to their being social species. Some species that were expected to fit the trend did not and this could be accounted for by the decreased population of crows, which increased interspecific competition. Species that were dependent upon the protector species also seemed to use the protection as an advantage, increasing breeding and nesting frequencies. The final conclusion of the paper held that the “Presence of Corvus corone seemed to increase bird species diversity of the community whereas the reverse was found if Turdus pilaris was present” (Slagsvold 1980, pg. 523). Therefore, this study underscores the relationship between the types of species in a community and its species diversity. An article entitled “Activity and Prey Election in the Sea Otter: Influence of Population Status on Community Structure,” describes the influence of population density on species diversity. The authors describe how when studying the population dynamics of a system there are two main perspectives, depending on whether you are viewing a system from the “top down,” or the way in which the consumers influence the prey populations, or viewing a system from the “bottom up,” which studies the influence of prey quality on the consumers (Estes et al. 1982). The papers discussed thus far have mostly held the top down perspective, focusing on the consumers. The Estes et al. paper attempts to combine the two perspectives in the study of sea otters in three different locations, including Armchitka Island, where the sea otter population has been approximately at equilibrium for the past 30 years, Attu Island, and Blanco Reef Oregon, for which the otter population of the latter two locations is well below equilibrium due to recent reestablishment of colonies (Estes et al. 1982). The oceans surface was scanned via binoculars and telescopes to determine sea otter activity, which was classified as either “foraging, resting, grooming, traveling, or interacting” (Estes et al. 1982). Careful measures were taken to reduce bias by observing at several locations, to ensure that the observed area included locations where all activities were performed, and ensuring that the locations were completely visible (Estes et al. 1982). The results of the study were that the sea otters in Armchitka spent “55% of daylight hours foraging…and fish made up over 60% of their overall diet,” and “At both Attu and in Oregon, sea otters spent 17% of daylight hours foraging…and herbivorous macroinvertebrates made up their entire diet” (Estes et al. 1982). In Armchitka, where sea otter population was at equilibrium, the sea urchin population was low and the macroalgae was abundant and ungrazed. In addition, the abundance of nearshore fishes was relatively higher, so the sea otters utilized this food source for their own diet. However, due to increased population density and thus increased competition, as well as the increased difficulty in catching fish rather than herbivores such as sea urchins, the sea otters had to spend more time foraging in order to survive. However, at the other two locations, the herbivores were abundant, macroalgae was overgrazed or absent, nearshore fishes were scarce, and the competition was decreased due to a decreased sea otter population, which allowed the otters to devote less time to foraging (Estes et al. 1982). This study directly underscores the influence of population density upon species diversity in a community. An article entitled “Associational Plant Defenses and the Maintenance of Species Diversity: Turning Competitors into Accomplices,” not only differs from the four previous articles in that it focuses on plant diversity, but it studies the way in which mutualistic behaviors between species affects species diversity. The author, Mark E. Hay, wanted to determine the extent to which different plant species cooperated rather than competed and when it was in their best interest (Hay 1986, pg. 618). He conducted field work in a lake via underwater quadrats and microcosms, measuring a variety of situations and combinations of palatable and unpalatable plants and in all seasons. Some palatable plants included Ulva, Enteromorpha, Hypnea, and Chondria, and some unpalatable species included Sargassum and Padina. His results were that in the absence of herbivorous fishes and urchins, there is considerable competition between palatable and unpalatable species and that unpalatable species could greatly reduce the number of palatable species, but the palatable species did not have considerable effects on the unpalatable species. However, the palatable plants gained significant protection from insects, fish, and other predators by “associating with abundant competitors that were less susceptible to herbivory” (Hay 1986, pg. 638). Therefore, species diversity, distribution, and abundance in these plant communities was dependent upon their mutualistic competition and cooperation. Due to the wide range of topics focused on in Paine’s papers, it is possible to find a number of studies that can be traced back to his findings. One paper published in 2002, entitled “Food Web Complexity and Chaotic Population Dynamics,” is a complete reiteration and extension of Paine’s findings, as the experimenters use supercomputer simulations to create food web modes and quantitatively describe things that were not technologically possible in 1966, when Paine’s paper was published (Fussman & Heber 2002). One current area of research involves “Diversity, Scale, and Climate-Richness Relationships,” and attempts to analyze the many factors, such as space and time, that affect diversity (The Biodiversity Research Group 2005). Another current researcher is Russell Schmitt, who attempts to “understand general processes and mechanisms that influence abundance and dynamics of populations and…species composition and diversity of communities,” via subtidal field experiments and observations (Schmitt 2005). “The Buell-Small Succession Study” examines the various trends in “community and species relationships in oldfield succession,” (BSS 2005). These ongoing research projects do not even begin to encompass all that is currently happening in the field with these topics. While much progress has been made in extending and analyzing the work done by Paine in 1966, there are still some holes in the research that exist. Some of the holes, he was even aware of. He stated in his paper that it must be known if “resource monopoles are actually less frequent in the diverse area than in comparable systems elsewhere, and, if so, why this is so” (Paine 1966). He went on to say that “we must learn something about the multiplicity of energy pathways in diverse systems, since predation-induced diversity could arise either from the presence of variety of subwebs of equivalent rank, or from domination by one major one” (Paine 1966, pg. 73). These holes in the research still persist as it is difficult to determine what exactly constitutes a diverse area and how to find one that is not diverse to determine the effect of predator-prey relationships on the population dynamics. It is also difficult to keep track of the energy pathways in a system in the wild, as the system is always susceptible to immigration, emigration, as well as disturbance and other factors. Perhaps in the future, if laboratory controlled habitats can be adequately designed to replicate those in the wild, energy flow can be measured more directly and more of the holes dealing with species diversity research will be filled. References Biodiversity Research Group. 2005. School of Geography http://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/research/biodiversity/diversity/. BSS. 2005. The Buell-Small Succession Study http://www.ecostudies.org/bss/research/projects.html. Estes, J. A., R. J. Jameson, and E. B. Rhode. 1982. Activity and Prey Election in the Sea Otter: Influence of Population Status on Community Structure. The American Naturalist 120 (2): 242-258. Fussmann, G. F. and G. Heber. 2002. Food Web Complexity and Chaotic Population Dynamics. Ecology Letters 5: 394-401. Hay, M. E. 1986. Associational Plant Defenses and the Maintenance of Species Diversity: Turning Competitors Into Accomplices. The American Naturalist 128 (5): 617-641. Krzysik, A. J. 1979. Resource Allocation, Coexistence, and the Niche Structure of a Streambank Salamander Community. Ecological Monographs 49 (2): 173-194. Paine, R. F. 1966. Food Web Complexity and Species Diversity. The American Naturalist 100 (910): 65-75. Schmitt, R. 2005. UCSB http://www.lifesci.ucsb.edu/eemb/faculty/schmitt/research/research.html. Slagsvold, T. 1980. Habitat Selection in Birds: On the Presence of Other Bird Species with Special Regard to Turdus pilaris. The Journal of Animal Ecology 49 (2): 523-536. The paper relies heavily on direct quotation. Try to incorporate ideas and discuss concepts in your own words. Further research/more studies would be helpful in actually tracing the research based on Paine’s paper. The development of concepts from your classic paper would be clearer if you discussed the ideas from Paine’s paper and how later research built on them. As it is, there are several summaries of studies put back to back. This paper has been cited in excess of 1880 times since 1980. This is an enormous impact factor. I did not finish your paper with a clear feeling of where all those citations have been taking the field. You spend a bunch of space on Krzysik, yet that paper has been cited only 47 times and is likely only one small offshoot of Paine’s classic. You select and describe well a set of other minor-player papers like Krzysik, but at the end of the day, the reader is left without a clear feeling of the profound impact Pain’s paper had and why it had that impact. 15 B-