NRES 310: Wildlife Ecology and Management 6 October 2008 Population Ecology Lecture Biotic Potential – the innate capacity for increase under ideal conditions. Example: house fly lays 120 eggs/generation About 120 generations / year 1 pair can produce 6 trillion flies in 7 years. Example: Bobwhite quail Breed first at one year of age – breed once per year Average clutch size of 14 eggs. Year 1 2 (8)(14) 3 (64)(14) Young 14 112 896 + Adults +2 +16 + 128 Total 16 128 1024 Thus, 1 pair of bobwhite produce 1024 quail in 3 years Biotic Potential (doesn't include mortality and assumes all are breeding) housefly quail sparrow N rabbit deer Time Differences in biotic potential occur between species. Rate of increase is faster for some species than others. However, not all offspring live to reproduce. 1 NRES 310: Wildlife Ecology and Management 6 October 2008 Population Ecology Lecture 2 Factors that affect populations : as defined by Aldo Leopold in Game Management. 1. Decimating Factors – Kills animal directly hunting diseases / parasites predation accidents 2. Welfare Factors – Where deficient predispose an animal to death food water cover (escape cover and thermal cover) special factors grit for birds dust baths for rabbits tree holes for nests (wood ducks) and many others. Always more efficient to manage welfare factors. Difficult to manage decimating factors (except hunting, that is only by setting bag limits) LIMITING FACTORS Loss to predators Loss because of inadequate food supply N Death from winter storms due to lack of cover Hatching of young in spring. Spring Summer Fall Winter NRES 310: Wildlife Ecology and Management 3 6 October 2008 Population Ecology Lecture Limiting Factor—factor which is most limiting to growth of population. Usually occurs in some hierarchy. This means that death from winter is the limiting factor. So if you manage for predator losses or food supply losses you will still wind up low because of deaths from winter storms because there's not enough cover to maintain the population. (i.e. that is all that the habitat can support so you should manage for the most limiting factor first.). Density Independent population growth. Population models for density independent species. dN / dt = r N dN / dt = change in numbers over change in time r = intrinsic rate of increase N = population size or number of organisms N Increases toward infinity TIME Classic J-shaped curve. Little intraspecific competition, Some environmental perturbations causes the population to crash Compensatory Mortality ? Surplus – Leopold termed the "harvestable surplus" – true if mortality is compensatory N Refuge Effect T Population doesn't fall below a given point. NRES 310: Wildlife Ecology and Management 6 October 2008 Population Ecology Lecture 4 Population crashes before reaching K. Is mortality compensatory or additive? Is mortality from harvest added to natural mortality? Additive --(Ducks - redheads) Or can one type of mortality be substituted for another? Compensatory -- (upland game birds bobwhite quail) 1) Density Independent – the rate of mortality does not increase with population size. or No Relationship Mortality Rate b=0 MR Population Size TIME POPULATION SIZE 1 100 2 200 3 300 4 400 5 500 J – shaped growth curves. Population Size MORTALITY 10 20 30 40 50 Population crashes before being limited by resources. Insects – killing frost RATE 10 % (i.e. the rate doesn't change with increasing pop size. NRES 310: Wildlife Ecology and Management 6 October 2008 Population Ecology Lecture DENSITY DEPENDENCE 5 Mortality rate increases with population size. K N Inflection point Logistic or S - shaped Curve T Exponential growth curve dN / dt =rN Modification of exponential growth to include concepts of K and logistic growth K = carrying capacity – max. no. animals that the habitat can support dN / dt = rN (K-N) K At K dN / dt = 0 because N = K Rate of increase declines with increasing population size. Change in rate of increase operates through nutritional constraints because intraspecific competition increases with increasing population size. Intraspecific competition Natality Nutrition Mortality Mortality rate increases with population size Mortality Rate Population Size NRES 310: Wildlife Ecology and Management 6 October 2008 Population Ecology Lecture Mortality most often occurs among the poorest competitors. 1. young 2. old 3. sick 4. infirm The greater the value of r the more likely that a population is to overshoot K. Overshoot of K may damage habitat causing an actual reduction in K (meaning damage to habitat results that is can support fewer animals). Problems with the logistic 1. cannot handle time lags – produced by delays in age at first breeding. 2. You must know K beforehand (this is very rare) 3. It assumes r is a constant, but mortality changes with population density, r=0 at K. 4. It assume population growth is symetrical. 5. If K/2 is the inflection point, why work equation? r and K selection. Different evolutionary strategies. r – from intrinsic rate of increase density independent growth of populations K – from carrying capacity, density dependence growth of populations Characteristics of each – handout I (man) Log No. surviving II (song birds) III (Oysters) Age 6 NRES 310: Wildlife Ecology and Management 6 October 2008 Population Ecology Lecture 7 Survivorship curves. Iteroparity – organisms with > 1 reproductive attempt during lifetime. straight line implys equal mortality with respect to age (type II) semelparity – organisms with one reproductive cycle during its life time. R and K selection r – strategists r-strategy is to make full use of habitats which because of temporary nature, keep many of the populations at any given moment on the lower, ascending parts of the growth curve. Species adapted to life in a short-lived, unpredictable habitat. After timber harvest or fire Species succeed best if 1) discover habitat quickly 2) reproduce rapidly 3) disperse in search of new habitat as existing ones become unfavorable ex. annual plants, some small mammals. K-strategists Species live in stable habitats, so its advantageous to confer competitive ability. Ex. climax old growth forest K-selection could result in increased specialization or increased territorality K-strategists are able to maintain the densest populations at equilibrium. Continium, rather than discrete categories must have two animals to compare. Bacteria are r-selected and deer are K-selected. Deer are r-selected compared to bighorn sheep. NRES 310: Wildlife Ecology and Management 6 October 2008 Population Ecology Lecture 8 Table 5.4 Some of the correlates of r and K selection Climate Mortality Survivorship Population Size Intra- and interspecific competition Selection factors Length of life r selection Variable and/or unpredictable; uncertain Often catastrophic, nondirected, density independent Often Type III Variable in time, nonequilibrium; usually well below carrying capacity of environment, unsaturated communities or portions thereof; ecologic vacuums; recolonization each year Vairable, often lax K selection Fairly constant and/or predictable; more certain More directed, density dependent 1. rapid development 2. high maximal rate of increase, rmax 3. Early reproduction 4. Small body size 5. Single reproduction 6. Many small offspring 1. slower development 2. greater competitive ability 3. delayed reproduction 4. larger body size 5. repeated reproduction 6. fewer larger progeny Short, usually less than 1 year Leads to Productivity Stage in succession Early Source: After Pianka (1970) Usually types 1 and 2 Fairly constant in time, equilibrium, at or near carrying capacity of the environment; saturated communities; no recolonization necessary Usually intense Longer, usually more than 1 year Efficiency Late, climax