How to update from the CBA PX328 to the i3070 or i5100 Terminal

CBA upgrade from PX328 to
i3070 or i5100 terminal
Release 2.3
Dec 08
Revision Record
April 08
May 08
Dec 08
Clinton Dean
Richard Bolt
Richard Bolt
Clinton Dean
Richard Bolt
Richard Bolt
Document Creation
Upgrade Helper update
New installer and i3070
Copyright ©PC-EFTPOS Pty Ltd, 2008. This document
contains information proprietary to PC-EFTPOS Pty Ltd.
Any reproduction, disclosure or unauthorised use of this
material is expressly prohibited except as may be
authorised by PC-EFTPOS Pty Ltd in writing.
1/9a Ponderosa Parade
Warriewood NSW 2102
Phone +61 2 9998 9800
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How to update from the CBA PX328 to the i3070 or i5100 Terminal ....................................... 4
Pre-Requisites ........................................................................................................................ 4
Software Installation ............................................................................................................. 4
CBA i5100 i3070 Upgrade Helper .............................................................................................. 7
Status Tab .............................................................................................................................. 7
Configure tab ....................................................................................................................... 10
TMS Logon tab ..................................................................................................................... 11
Bank Logon tab .................................................................................................................... 12
CBA i5100 Upgrade Helper Utilities......................................................................................... 13
Generate Hidden Password ................................................................................................. 13
Open EFT Control Panel ....................................................................................................... 14
Upload logs .......................................................................................................................... 14
Error Messages ........................................................................................................................ 16
Pinpad errors ....................................................................................................................... 16
TMS Logon errors ................................................................................................................ 17
How to update from the CBA PX328 to the i3070 or i5100
You must have administrative access to the PC to install the update
The PC you are installing on must have a touch screen or mouse attached. A
keyboard is also recommended
You must have a copy of the “5100_Update_P66_PCEFTPOSSetup.exe” that the PC
can access. It is recommended that you have the installer on both a CD and USB
It is recommended that you have a printed copy of both this document and the “CBA
i5100 i3070 Quick Reference Guide”.
If a server with an Argent or P66 is present, then identify which PC it is on. You will
need to install the update this server PC first.
Software Installation
Close the main POS application. How you do this is depends on the POS software.
You may need to ask the POS operator for assistance.
Run the installer from your CD or USB drive
When the installer opens click on the “Next” button.
Click on the “Install” button. The software will begin to install. This may take a few
The installation will then start
Once the installation has completed, if you have a PINpad connected to the PC, then
click on the “Run i5100UpgradeHelper.exe” checkbox and then press the “Finish”
button to start the “CBA i5100 i3070 Upgrade Helper”.
CBA i5100 i3070 Upgrade Helper
Status Tab
Click on the “Status” tab, or press F4 (function key 4).
This tab will be displayed by default when the Upgrade Helper first starts.
Make sure the i5100 or i3070 is connected to the power supply and that the Data
Cable is connected to a COM port on the PC (if you are updating from the PX328 to
the i5100 or i3070 Terminal, you should disconnect the PX328 from the COM port on
the PC and make sure that the data cable from the PINpad is connected to the same
COM port instead). See below for proper connection of the PINpad to the PC.
i5100 connections
If you are installing the i5100 Terminal, then the cable to the COM port on your PC
should be connected through the RS232-1 serial port.
If a Y powered curly cord was provided, you do not need to connect it to the
Telephone Line Connection on the back of the i5100 if your connection to the bank
is through a P66 modem or Argent line. (This connection is only required if you are
to use the internal modem)
i3070 connection
If you are installing the i3070 pinpad, make sure you are using the RS232 serial cable
plugged in to the i3070, rather than the USB cable
Plug the RJ connector of the RS232 data cable in to the back of the pinpad
Plug the power cable in to the power pack and then plug it into a power point
Connect the round power connector into the plug at the end of the RS232 data cable
as shown
Plug the RS232 connector in to the same PC Com Port that will the old PINpad was
plugged in to
Once the i5100 or i3070 pinpad is powered on and connected, wait for the PCEFTPOS client icon (the ‘C’ icon with the square box around it), turns green and then
press the “Go” button, or press F9 (function key 9).
The Upgrade Helper should detect the pinpad and return a “Success: TRUE” status.
Configure tab
Click on the “Configure” tab, or press F5 (function key 5).
Enter in the Terminal ID (TID, or CAT ID) and CAIC ID (Merchant ID, or MID) in to the
appropriate fields and then press the “Go” button, or press F9 (function key 9). The
TID should be 8 digits long, and the CAIC ID should be 15 digits – for the CBA, the
CAIC ID will usually start with 3110000…..
If your PC does not have a keyboard, but does have a touch screen, you can click on
the “Button” icon to the right of the Terminal ID and CAIC ID fields to bring up a
touch screen pad.
The Upgrade Helper should return a “Success: TRUE” status.
TMS Logon tab
Click on the “TMS Logon” tab, or press F6 (function key 6).
Click on the “Go” button, or press F9 (function key 9) to start the TMS Logon.
While the TMS Logon is being performed, the status line will display “Success:
Please wait…”.
Watch the display on your i5100 or i3070 PINpad to confirm that the TMS Logon is
successful. You should see messages such as “TMS Processing”, “TMS initialising”,
and an indicator as the software is downloaded to your pinpad, finally followed by a
“TMS Logoff” and an “Approved 00” message. If you see any other messages at this
point, please record them for the PC-EFTPOS helpdesk.
Once the TMS Logon has completed successfully, the status line will display
“Success: TRUE”.
Bank Logon tab
Click on the “Bank Logon” tab, or press F7 (function key 7), then press the “Go”
button, or press F9 (function key 9).
Once the Bank Logon has completed successfully, the status line will display
“Success: TRUE”.
Details of the Bank Logon should be printed on the receipt printer through the POS.
Your PINpad installation is now complete.
CBA i5100 i3070 Upgrade Helper Utilities
Click on the “Utils” tab, or press F8 (function key 8) to access the Upgrade Helper
Utilities page.
Generate Hidden Password
You may be required to enter your hidden password when modifying your i500
terminal configuration (for example, if you need to change over to use the internal
Record the last 6 digits of your serial number and enter it to the “Generate Hidden
Password” field.
(Your serial number is located under the lid of the printer on your i5100, or on the
back of the i3070. For the i5100 you will need to open up the lid to gain to access it).
Once you have entered the last 6 digits of your serial number, click the “Generate”
button to generate your hidden password and note it down.
Press the OK button to exit back to the Utilities Page.
Open EFT Control Panel
The control panel can normally be activated via the EFT-Client icon on the task bar.
However, sometimes your POS may have disabled this. To access the EFT Control
Panel, you can either contact the POS vendor to find out how to access the control
panel ,or
You can click on the “Open EFT Control Panel” from the “Utilities” tab to access it.
Upload logs
If the installation of the i5100 is not successful, you may be required to upload the
logs to PC-EFTPOS, for further analysis.
Click on the “Upload Logs to PC-EFTPOS” button.
The trace log files will be collected. Press the “Upload to PC-EFTPOS” button to send
them to PC-EFTPOS.
Error Messages
Pinpad errors
If you receive an error during the “Status (F4)” check, saying that the Pinpad is not
communicating with the PC (figs 3 and 4), then ensure that the Pinpad is connected
correctly to a COM port and has been powered on and put in to PC-EFTPOS mode (if
you are unsure how to put the Pinpad in to PC-EFTPOS mode, please contact PCEFTPOS).
Figure 1
Figure 2
If all the connections are correct, then you may have received this error if the EFT
Client software has not completed its initialization (in this case, the EFT Client icon
will usually be yellow).
To resolve this, wait until the EFT Client has completed its initialization and the icon
has turned green (or if you are connecting via the internal modem, then the icon will
be blue).
Try the Pinpad status check again, by pressing the “Go” button, or by pressing F9
(function key 9).
If you still can’t connect the Pinpad, record any response codes or error messages
and contact PC-EFTPOS.
TMS Logon errors
If you receive an error during the “TMS Logon (F6)” check, saying that there was a
“TMS COMS ERROR” or similar error message, then this can be caused by a number
of issues and is generally caused by a modem connection.
Check your connection to the bank (P66 or Argent).
If using the internal modem;
o Check the EFT Client settings “Host Interface Address” reads “NPT”.
o Make sure the terminal is configured to use the internal modem.
o Call PC-EFTPOS to check to see if the TMS settings are correct.
o Try the TMS Logon check again, by pressing the “Go” button, or by pressing
F9 (function key 9).
T31 error (displayed on Pinpad)
o This error can be caused by a number of issues ;
o Check that the Terminal ID (TID) and Merchant ID’s (CAIC ID) have been
inserted and are correct. You can do this through the “Utils (F8)” tab and
press the “Open EFT Control Panel” button and then select the “Setup
(F5)”option to confirm the numbers (fig5). If the numbers are incorrect, you
can either modify them here and press the “Apply” button, or cancel out of
it back to the Upgrade Helper and click on the “Configure (F5)” tab, then
press the “Go (F9)” button (fig6).
Figure 3
Figure 4
Check that all connections are correct and cables secure.
Try the TMS Logon check again, by pressing the “Go” button, or by pressing
F9 (function key 9).
If you are still getting a COMS error and all looks ok, then you should call the
CBA on 1800 230 177 (and select option 6). Ask for a serial number reset (if
this is a new installation) – you will need to provide your Terminal ID (TID)
and store name. Or contact PC-EFTPOS to do this for you.
If you still can’t perform a TMS Logon, record any response codes or error messages
and contact PC-EFTPOS.