CV: Shuen-git Natasha Chow

Design conception of 3D Virtual World to real world Architectural sculptures; scenarios; Painting
and Drawing; story telling; comic books; film reviews
Research-Creation, Exhibition, Conference, Live Demo graphics-music :
> "花 魁 HuaHui MobileMusic", BenQ Mabuville Sculpture Symposium talk + live demo,
installation; Taiwan. Oct2010. Bilingual catalogue text and images.
> "花 魁 HuaHui MobileMusic", talk+live demo, Graduate school,
Tainan National University of the Arts 臺南藝術大學, Tainan, Taiwan; Oct.2010
> "花 魁 HuaHui MobileMusic", talk+live demo, Arts Centre, Zendai University
成功大學藝術中心 Tainan, Taiwan; Oct.2010
> slactions2010, International Virtual World Conference, University of Manchester,
exhibition at School of Business, Virtual World campus.
> "花 魁 HuaHui" , using pre-printed graphics as color pixels for monumental scale painting
work, an installation of a wall section and a picture, 53rd Venice Biennale, Italy, 21March2010 –
> "Digital Guqin Museum : Science Sim land grant, for 2D to 3D Painting research”, grant by IBM,
for CNAM enass (Conservatoire National des arts et métiers) for Digital Guqin Museum Project,
Paris, France; at “Science Sim”, 3 Feb 10 – June 2010 (see attachment at end of cv, page 4)
> "Digital Guqin Museum design from Virtual World to Real World”, International conference
slactions09, Virtual World research conference, Best paper award, forth coming publication in
Virtual World Research Journal , Sept 09
> "Magic Flying Machine" + "Digital Guqin", sculpture + music, E6 Gallery, Shenzhen, China 2June2Aug.07
> "Zamek Chateau, Poznan International Sculpture Triennial : Sensitivity", Oct 10-31, 2006,
MOBILE MUSIC" a walk-in sculpture, "fmttm: a 24/7 Digital Guqin music installation"
> "Museum and the Web", mars.2006, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Refereed conference. invitation
for demonstration + paper. Digital Guqin research on web
> Solo exhibition : Zhu QiZhan art museum, Shanghai. 2005, "Digital Guqin + Fly me to the Moon",
installation: walk-in sculpture, music installation, Prototype of a Guqin for Traveling, "Fly me to
the Moon" hot air ballooon plans and details, talk : "Digital Guqin". 18Oct-7Nov.05
> Monumental walk-in Sculpture "Fly me to the Moon" 2005, in copper with a perpetual digital
music installation: "1> Pale Ink, 2> Zebrafish, and 3> Flowing Water" with Guan PingHu, 4>
"Jukebox"; YueYuanYuan Park. Dimensions: 6m. high, 5m. wide. Shanghai,
> National Foundation of Graphics Art, l'Hotel Salomon de Rothschild, Paris, 2005, group
exhibition, live demo of "Pale Ink" and "Zebrafish" : 25april-8may05
> "Zebrafish and Chinese Music" an interactive graphic play to Active Score Music 2004 " (from a
ludic History of Drawing to a guqin jukebox). Collaborators: software engineer Etienne Durand,
and master guqin player Prof. WANG Duo. Co- investigator of Muli-disciplinary research :
Biology(Prof Cheng SukHan) + computer science (Prof Horace Ip) + School of Creative Media;
School of Creative Media part is a research-creation project; research grant $117,000hk, City
University of Hong Kong, 2004. . Output: interactive music score games; “Zebrafish and Chinese
Music”; publication, live demo and presentation at many conferences. I.e. Comic-Conference,
San Diego 2004
> “Theatre, performer and Digital Guqin”; Principal investigator for a research-creation project;
research grant $212,000hk, Strategic Research Grant, City University of Hong Kong, 2004.
Output:1// interactive music score games “Pale Ink and Guqin”; 2// international presentations
at many conferences, talk and live demo, “Using digital media for the Promotion, preservation,
development of the Guqin instrument an intangible heritage of humanity, 2003, Unesco”. “Pale
Ink and Guqin” is an interactive graphic play to Active Score Music (from the culture and graphic
representations of musical notations to a digital Guqin instrument), Collaborators: software
engineer Etienne Durand, and guqin player/researcher TEO Kheng Chong. Live demo and talk
Presented: First International Symposium and Exhibition of Media Arts, Beijing Millennium Tower
2004, CHIME conference on improvisation of Chinese music, Paris, 2004, University of Sorbonne,
Comic conference, Convention centre 2004, San Diego, NAGA, North American Guqin Association,
2004, San Francisco, USA.
> “How to write and draw your own comic book”; Principal investigator for a teaching
development grant; research-creation grant $80,000hk; successful and declined. City University
of Hong Kong, 2004. Proposed Output: comic books created by students. The research was
further developed following a highly successful cross campus pilot course of the same name.
> Assistant Professor: visual arts, City University of Hong Kong 2000-2004
> Monumental Walk-in sculpture "Tell the Moon", 1999, steel and stainless steel, 6m diameter,
4.5m high, Guilin, China. "Yuzi Paradise Sculpture Park"
> "Festival de la Lumiere", Chateau de Luxembourg, 1995 Neo Ming style lantern bed,
performance of Chinese tea drinking culture, contemporary lantern workshop for children, sky
lantern as ritual
> "Beijing-l’Hiver 86", Festival d’automne de Paris, Theatre National de Chaillot, Paris. 1986,
projection 90mn, installation : text and image,
> Solo exhibition: "Beijing 85-87", The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture,
1987, Art Gallery, Hong Kong. Painting, Photo, Fiction.
Digital Guqin Museum from a virtual world to the real world: Mobile Music :: 2007-2010
Secondlife Immersive Virtual World creation of environment :: painting, texture creation from 2D
to 3D :
> "花 魁 HuaHui, live demo, "CHIME Meeting" , Museum of Musical Instruments, Brussels,
Brussels, Belgium (MIM) from 18 to 22 November 2009
> " Digital Guqin Museum in the Virtual World " at "『古 琴、音樂 美 學 與 人 文 精 神 』
」 跨 領 域 、跨 文 化 」國 際 學 術 研 討 會
2009, Interdiciplinary, Intercultural International Conference on Guqin, Aesthetics and
Humanism ", TaiChung, co-hosted by ChaoYang University and CUHK, HK;Taiwan, 25April.09
> publication : Conference proceeding in color, 400pages
> "Avatar Parade: Digital Guqin demo" at "Dans la nuit des images, Grand Palais", Grand Palais,
Paris, 22Dec.08
> "Digital Guqin Installation: Mobile Music House, sitting group, playable instrument" at "Within
Ten Years Exhibition, on Water sim, University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam, Netherland,
2008, 10Dec08
> "Digital Guqin Live Demo + Talk", installation of "Mobile Music", at "Mixed-Reality
Transmusicale Festival", Metalab sim and real life Rennes, France, 2008, 3Dec08
> "Digital Guqin Museum : Mobile Music Blog Book" : Online blog from 31Aug07 to 27Nov08,
handmade book by avatar BD Haiku, cloth bound, stitched, one copy, 600 pages, 20Dec08
> "Digital Guqin Museum : Graffitti Wall Fashion", digital fashion outfits, collaboration with
School of Computing and the School of Construction at the University of Southern Mississippi,
Professor Sturtevant ; online white board technology with Digital Guqin Graffitti Wall scultpure,
fashion design creation with avatars. 2008, 7Dec08
> "Digital Guqin Museum live demo : land grant inauguration" gift by virtual world expert
WangXiang Tuxing, at "Daiyu Island, Secondlife", Paris, France, 3Dec08
> "Digital Guqin Live concert" at "Owl Bay Chinese Culture Festival" , Owl Bay Island,
Secondlife, Online invitation by Portugal Group, 3 Sept08
> "Digital Guqin Instrument Live Demo : University of Southern Mississippi campus”, at “Linden
Lab Campus, Secondlife”, online visitors: USA+Chile+Paris, 3Jan08
> "Digital Guqin Museum : Linden Lab Campus program”, land grant by Linden Lab for CNAM
enass (Conservatoire National des arts et métiers) for Digital Guqin Museum Project, Paris,
France; at “Linden Lab Campus, Secondlife”, San Francisco, USA, 3Jan08
> "Digital Guqin Museum : Swannjie Postal Service" postcards sent from orders received in
Secondlife to Real life, at "Digital Guqin Club House", Secondlife Nimue sim, 3Nov07 ongoing
Other details, prizes, research grants :
> Learnt Final Cut Pro 7, for machinima + real life film project, 2010. Certificate.
> Film research reviews of mixed reality feature length film; machinimas. Ongoing.
> Learned to play the guqin in a summer school program at Zhao JiaJen Guqin Art Centre, Beijing
using the Central Music Conservatory Method, taught by guqin graduate: Zhang MengDan, 2009.
> Private land grant from a benefactor in Virtual World of Secondlife, Digital Guqin Museum is housed
on Penglai Island. June 2011
> Land grant from Linden Lab, in Virtual World of Secondlife, for campus teaching experiments:
Digital Guqin Museum 2007-8
Comic Book / luxury album
> Single panel comic book luxury album –on the making of Digital Guqin Museum in
Virtual World 2D-3D painting research-creation :
Micro Total Art, a book with images 2011
> Digital Guqin Museum in Secondlife : a Micro Total Art piece featuring online concerts,
installation, addition of object collections, fund raising, mixed reality events; real life
online use deploying the application of Secondlife and other Virtual World platforms;
url , list of attachments :
VW+RW sculpture
(attachment doc)
1 4 HuaHuiMobileMusic rlsl
Recent Sculptures
(see attachment jpeg)
2 sg Chow Nogent atel 15May 2011 w marble robot web image page copy
Visual Art
MicroTotalArt: Research-creation VW+RW: book chapter (visuals)
Digital Guqin Museum Virtual World to Real World: Research-creation prize winning paper
Virtual World Journal
3 2 vwrj DGM ongoing 1o28
4 2 vwrj DGM ongoing 2o20
Digital Guqin Museum Virtual World to Real World: Research-creation Virtual World to Real World,
Media art to Professional Guqin player research paper/
Bilingual : Chinese+ English Guqin Conference
5 1 DGM raison detre
6 1 slrl research paper list 10o12
7 1 slrl research paper list 11o12
8 1 slrl research paper list 12o12
Digital Guqin Museum a Comic Book:
Film reviews: daily
Teaching and Research-Creation at CityUniversity of Hong Kong, School of Creative Media:
Assistant Professor 2000-2004
(contract : available asap)
9 sg ID name card SCM cityU 2000 to 2004
Zhu QiZhan Art Museum, Shanghai, PRC, 2006; solo exhibition, talk, Zebrafish and Chinese Music
interactive music play.
(see attachment jpeg)
10 poznan fmttm poster
11 1zqz Toronto fmttm scroll pg1key
Visual History
12 Sg Chow blog Tainan visual history of monumental sculptures April2011 1o3
13 Sg Chow blog Tainan visual history of monumental sculptures April2011 2o3
14 Sg Chow blog Tainan visual history of monumental sculptures April2011 3o3
Maison des Artistes: Professional Artist Organisation 1995-present
15 sg ID maison des artistes
Designed and Handmade a Guqin : Large Handscroll 2006
16 large Handscroll qin
Further links:
Current real time live story telling, story creation,
virtual world live online visit: click here:
Attachment :
Painting 2D to 3D research in Science Sim (IBM land grant):
By Shuen-git Chow, Jan2010
re: Output
To set up an aesthetically high quality sim that deploys basic skills of
sl virtual world sim building – for the purpose of aesthetic enjoyment and
teaching creativity at a University level.
Expected Output:
By using a total art project concept, a “Show Room” of a contemporary
Chinese Themed Sim will be build on an experimental ScienceSim. This
“Show Room” is a scenario for things to happen.
You will see:
One continuous landscaped – for example in black and white ink brush
painting style.
Example Here:
Or, more conventional prim + sculptie built landscapes.
Examples Here:
Or various settings shown here:
The tableaux/sim serves as composites of scenarios based on multiple
famous real life sites /paintings for avatars to walk into, and use as
backdrops, stage sets, backgrounds for fashion shoots with specific themes
(themes changes with each exercise, different level of difficulties).
Using an immersive environment as a basic space/studio for teaching visual
art lessons focused on creativity, many previously limited visual arts
exercises could now be deployed as a continuous learning experience. ie
Painting history (art history), architecture design (color and proportion,
design and establishing users program), collaboration (using
multidisciplinary skills to complete a design project), mock up modelling
for sculptures, color schemes, textures and more over story telling
(creative writing)
What you would see will be a scenario and laboratory set up; ready for
teaching visual arts involving text and image, collaborative cross
disciplinary creations, international liaison and learning in the Virtual
The simulation learning settings would serve as a first step for the real
world and eventually, if its feasible, remain solely for the use of
Virtual Worlds – to prepare avatars for Virtual World goods and services without ever exporting to the real world.