[November 22, 2006] Dear Student, The Office of the Dean of Students has received a report alleging that your behavior may violate one or more of the following violations of the LSU Code of Student Conduct. The specific charges to address are: 5.2, B.23: 5.2, B.33 5.2, B.34: 5.2, B.35: Extreme, outrageous or persistent acts, or communications that are intended or reasonably likely to harass, intimidate, harm, or humiliate another; Violating any rule and/or regulation of the University, including, but not limited to, administrative rules of campus offices; Committing an act or attempting to commit an act on campus that would be in violation of city, parish, state, or federal law. Attempting to commit or assisting with the commission or attempted commission of any of the foregoing listed offenses. Please call the Office of Judicial Affairs no later than December 1, 2006 to schedule an appointment to discuss this matter with a Judicial staff member. The office number is 225-5784307. Failure to contact the office by the above date may result in an additional charge of 5.2, B.16 “Failure to comply…” In accordance with the Code of Student Conduct, Section 9.1A 2, a hold may be placed on your registration, where it will remain until this matter has been resolved. If during that time you need to gain access to your registration, you may contact the Office of Judicial Affairs after the appointment for the Administrative meeting has been scheduled. Remember, a registration hold on your academic record will limit your access to PAWS, so it is imperative that an Administrative Meeting is scheduled as soon as possible to avoid any further disruption or inconvenience of your academic progress. If you have a disability and feel you need accommodations for this meeting, please notify the office when you schedule your meeting so that we can make the necessary arrangements. Lastly, you should reference the Code of Student Conduct at www.lsu.edu/judicialaffairs. Please read this prior to your appointment. You will be expected to be familiar with this document in it’s entirely. Sincerely, Eric M. Norman, Ed.D. Associate Dean of Students and Director of Judicial Affairs Office of the Dean of Students Judicial Affairs 115 Johnston Hall B. R., LA 70803 225) 578-4307