midterm review 2 2

Sra. Rivero
SPEAKING - __________________
You will be required to carry on a normal conversation for approximately 1 minute
with your teacher using vocabulary and grammar skills you have learned this
semester. The following pages will help you prepare for this exam.
Chapter 1A - Act. 12 p. 26, Act. 17 p. 29, Act. 21 p. 32
Chapter 1B - Act. 9 p. 52, Act. 19 p. 59
Chapter 2A – Act. 17 p.84
Chapter 2B – Act. 12 p. 108
Chapter 3A – Act, 11 p. 137, Act. 18 p. 141
WRITING – ___________________
 You are expected to write a 150-200 word essay on a given topic from
chapters 1A to 3A using the present tense in one paragraph and preterite
tense in the following paragraph. Be sure to include an introductory
sentence and finish with a closing sentence.
 To prepare well, you must know the vocabulary and grammar structures
presented from chapter 1A to 3A. Prewriting practice is recommended,
however, it will not be graded by your instructor. Pay close attention to
subject-verb agreement, noun-adjective agreement, correct tense and
punctuation. Make sure your paragraph flows in a logical and coherent
 Compound sentences and added details will improve your score.
CULTURA – ______________________
* You will answer 5 multiple choice questions about the Cultural topics we
discussed in class: Jose Martí, Fernando Botero , Los Jeans , El Día de Muertos &
La Flor de Nochebuena.
EXAMEN - _______________________
Practice listening activities: www.phschool.com, www.studyspanish.com
Testing strategy: Read the questions prior to listening to each section in
order to hone in your listening for the specific information you need. On the
longer sections, take notes as you listen to help you retain more information.
Remember, it is not essential to understand every word you hear but to
grasp the concept of what is being communicated.
Multiple - choice (15 minutes)
 Do the practice tests at phschool.com for chapters 1A – 3A (the blue book)
You will be given short readings and multiple choice comprehension
Use the same strategies you would use for reading comprehension in reading
1. Read the question first.
2. Skim once to get the main idea.
3. Read again for accurate comprehension.
4. Underline important points.
Translations: You will be asked to accurately translate sentences from English to
Spanish. Studying for the vocabulary and grammar sections listed below will
prepare you for this part of the exam.
~ Vocabulary section: This section tests your understanding and knowledge of the
vocabulary in context.
 Read/Study “vocabulario y gramática en contexto” at the beginning of each
section tested.
 Read/Review “videohistoria” from your textbook. This will enhance
vocabulary recognition.
 Review vocabulary lists from your notes.
 Practice vocabulary using the activities on www.phschool.com .
 Study your flashcards or your handouts.
~ Grammar section: The following topics will be covered throughout the exam:
 Present Tense (regular p. 9, Irregular, yo-go & Stem-changing p. 27)
 Affirmative and Negative words p. 31
 Equal and Unequal comparisons p. 53
 Saber vs. Conocer p. 56
 Hace + time expressions p. 58
 Reflexive Verbs p. 80
 Transition words & use infinitives after prepositions (antes de, después
de….) p. 81
 Ser vs Estar p. 86
 Possessive Adjectives long and short form p. 88
 Numbers through one million p. 99
 Regular Preterite p. 110
 -car, -gar, -zar verbs preterite p. 110
Irregular verbs in the preterite (ir, ser,) p. 140
Crazy verbs in the preterite (ver, dar) → notes
Demonstrative Adjectives p. 114
Using Adjectives as Nouns p 116
Direct Object Pronouns (lo, la, los, las only) p. 138
Irregular Preterite (hacer, tener, estar, and poder only) p. 142
Direct Object Pronouns: me, te, nos p. 166
Irregular Affirmative tú commands p. 168
Present Progressive: Irregular forms p. 171
The Preterite of the verbs oír, leer, creer and destruir p.250
Irregular Preterites: venir, poner, decir and traer
Preterite of –ir stem changing verbs p. 302
Other reflexive verbs p. 305
You can also refer to the following websites for further assistance:
www.studyspanish.com ; www.conjuguemos.com ; www.quizlet.com ; or Google the
grammar topic of interest and you will find many other sites.
Book activities:
page 27, activity 14 page 31, activity 19
page 53, activity 10
page 57, activity 16 page 86, activity 19 page 88, activity 22
page 110, activity 13 page 138, activity 12 page 140, activity 15
page 142, activity 19
Use the following web codes for even more practice at www.phschool.com
*stem-changing verbs: jdd-0104
*comparisons of equality: jdd-0114
*saber vs conocer: jdd-0115
*reflexive verbs: jdd-0204
*regular preterite: jdd-0214
*demonstrative adjectives: jdd-0215
*direct object pronouns: jdd-0304
*preterite (ir/ser): jdd-0305
*irregular preterite: jdd-0306
Also, write out the formula for "hace + time" expressions on page 58 to study
Read over the notes on reflexive verbs on page 80
Buena Suerte!!!