Chapter 4 Worksheet Definitions & root words : Adenosine triphosphate Amino CarboCarbonyl Carboxyl Enantiomers Function Functional groups Geometric isomers Hydrocarbons Hydroxyl Isomers Methyl Organic chemistry Phosphate Structural isomers Structure Sulfhydryl Valence Name___________________________ Section: __________________ Short answer: 1. Would you expect the image on the left or the right to be hydrophilic? ________ Why? _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. How are glucose and fructose like each other? __________________ _____________________________ How are they different? ___________ _______________________________Is there a name for this kind of relationship? ___________________ Name the functional groups they contain and number of each. _____________________________________________ 3. In linear glucose the carbonyl group is attached at the end of the carbon chain, making glucose a ___________ sugar. Fructose is an ___________ sugar. 4. Alpha and beta glucose are pictured at right. What is their relationship? ____________________ Would you expect them to function identically in the biological world? _______ 5. What is the molecular formula for the saturated fatty acid below? _________________ What is the molecular formula for the unsaturated fatty acid below? __________________ Are they isomers to each other? ________ Why or why not? __________________________ In what way do their bonding patterns differ? __________________________________ What effect does that have on structure? ______________________________________ Why do you expect that to influence function? __________________________________ 6. What is the relationship between 1-propanol and 2-propanol? _____________________ Name the functional group they contain. ___________________________________ Would you expect them to dissolve better or worse in water than the three carbon compound without the functional group? _______ Why or why not? _____________________________________________________________________ 7. Name the functional groups found in the compound below. _______________________________ What is this type of compound called? __________ Look in your textbook. How many different versions of this compound do you see? ________ What would the compound be called if the R group was replaced by the methyl functional group? ____________ What about hydrogen instead of the R group? _______ Which of these contain sulfur? _________________________ How many have rings? _____ How many contain nitrogen? ______ How many contain phosphorus? ________ What groups can you form based on the properties of their R groups? ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Fill in the blank: 1. ___________ compounds are the basis of life. The variety of molecules available is stunning and due to the ______-valence of the _________ atom. Carbon can form bonds in _____, ______, or _______ directions. 2. Groups that impart certain sets of properties to organic compounds are called _____________ groups. When carbon covalently bonds with hydrogen the bonds are __________ (choose polar or nonpolar) and consequently the resulting compound is _____________. This can be ________by the addition of functional groups. 3. In ATP, adenosine triphosphate, the P indicates the presence of the ____________ functional group and the T indicates that there are _______ of them. In ADP, __________ _________, the D indicates that there is/are _____ (#) _________ groups and in AMP, _________________________, the M indicates that there is/are _____ (#) ____________ group. 4. An organic acid is a compound containing a ___________l group. Ketones and aldehydes are compounds contain the __________ functional group. The __________ have that functional group attached at the end of the carbon chain and the __________somewhere other than the end. 5. A compound containing an –-OH group is called an _________. A compound containing an –NH2 group is called an _______. A compound containing a –-COOH group is called an _____________. A compound containing a –-SH group is called a ______ which will be more capable of bonding with another _________. A compound containing an –-CH3 group is called a ______________________ which will be __________ (choose more or less) soluble than without the functional group. A compound containing an –-OPO32- group is called an _________________ which will be __________ (choose more or less) reactive than without the functional group. Match the functional group to its influence on organic molecules (there may be more than one answer): 1. _____ Instability A. Amino 2. _____ Stability B. Carbonyl 3. _____ Hydrophobic C. Carboxyl 4. _____ Hydrophilic D. Hydroxyl 5. _____ Acidic E. Methyl 6. _____ Basic F. Phosphate 7. _____ Solubility G. Sulfhydryl 8. _____ Binding with more like self Identifythe functional groups found in each of the following compounds (there may be more than one answer): 1. _____ Acetone A. Hydroxyl 2. _____ Adenosine Triphosphate B. Sulfhydryl 3. _____ Alpha-ketoglutaric acid C. Ketone 4. _____ Amino acid D. Aldehyde 5. _____ Butanal E. Amino 6. _____ Butanone F. Carboxyl 7. _____ Cholesterol G. Phosphate 8. _____ Cortisol H. Methyl 9. _____ Cortisone I. Carbonyl 10._____ Gylcerol 11._____ Lactic acid 12._____ Methanethiol 13._____ Methanol 14._____ Para-aminobenzoic acid 15._____ Pentanal 16._____ Pyruvic acid 17._____ Retinal 18._____ Testosterone 19._____ Trans-fatty acids Identify which of these elements (HONCPS) are contained in the functional groups: 1. ________Amino 2. ________Carboxyl 3. ________Carbonyl 4. ________Hydroxyl 5. ________Methyl 6. ________Phosphate 7. ________Sulfhydryl Name the functional groups in the figures to right: A. ________________ B. ________________ C. ________________ D. ________________ E. ________________ Identify the following as organic or inorganic compounds: 1. ________Water 2. ________ Glycine 3. ________ Oxygen gas 4. ________ Methane gas 5. ________ Glycerol 6. ________ Glucose 7. ________ ATP 8. ________ NaOH KEY Short answer: 1. Left is hydrophilic. Polar and ionic substances are hydrophilic. Hydrocarbons are hydrophobic. 2. Glucose and fructose are both simple sugars with the same molecular formula, but the elements are arranged differently on the carbon skeleton. They are structural isomers of each other. They both contain three hydroxyl and one carbonyl functional groups. 3. Aldehyde. Ketone. 4. Entantiomers. No. 5. Alcohols. One hydroxyl in each of this set of structural isomers. 6. C12H24O2. C12H18O2. No, their molecular formulas differ. Double bonds in unsaturated fatty acid. Unsaturated is bent wherever there is a double bond. Structural changes result in functional changes 7. Structural isomers. Hydroxyl. Better. They are polar with addition of hydroxyl group. 8. Amino, carboxyl. 20. Alanine. Glycine. Cysteine, methionine. Four. All. Zero. Nonpolar, polar, electrically charged, acidic, basic. Fill in the blank: 1. Organic, tetra, carbon, two, three, four. 2. functional, nonpolar, hydrophobic, altered. 3. phosphate, three, adenosine diphosphate, two, phosphate, adenosine monophosphate, one, phosphate. 4. carboxyl, carbonyl, aldehydes, ketones. 5. alcohol, amine, organic acid, thiol, thiol, methylated compound, less, organic phosphate, more. Match: 1. F 2. E 3. E 4. Not E 5. C 6. A 7. Not E 8. G Identify: 1. C, I 2. G 3. C, F, I 4. E, F 5. D, I 6. C, I 7. A 8. A 9. C, I 10.A 11.F 12.B 13.A 14.E, F 15.D, I 16.F 17.D, I 18.C, I 19.F Identify: 1. NH 2. COH 3. CO 4. HO 5. CH 6. PO 7. SH Name the functional groups A. Hydroxyl B. Carbonyl C. Carboxyl D. Amine E. Sulfhydryl Identifythe following electrolytes as acids, bases or salts: 1. Salt 2. Acid 3. Acid 4. Salt 5. Acid 6. Base 7. Acid 8. Base Identify the following as organic or inorganic compounds: 1. Inorganic 6. Organic 2. Organic 7. Organic 3. Inorganic 8. Inorganic 4. Organic 5. Organic