BIO/101 Principles of Biology – MasteringBiology Access The

BIO/101 Principles of Biology – MasteringBiology Access
The MasteringBiology platform contains multimedia assets, such as audio files, videos, animations, and
virtual tours. Weekly multimedia assets have been identified and are recommended for viewing. Below,
you will find instructions on how to access the weekly multimedia assets.
Accessing Weekly Multimedia Assets
From the student website, click the “MasteringBiology” link.
On the Course Home Page, click the Study Area button.
This will open a new window to the Study Area content.
Week One:
Choose Chapter 1 from the drop down menu. Click on Process of Science: How does Acid Precipitation
Affect Trees.
Choose Chapter 2 from the drop down menu. Click on MP3 Tutor Session: The Properties of Water
Choose Chapter 2 from the drop down menu. Click on Process of Science: Can Exercise Boost your Brain
Choose Chapter 3 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Carbohydrates
Choose Chapter 3 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Lipids
Choose Chapter 3 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Protein Functions
Choose Chapter 3 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Protein Structure
Choose Chapter 4 from the drop down menu. Click on Bioflix: Tour of an animal cell
Choose Chapter 4 from the drop down menu. Click on Bioflix: Tour of a plant cell
Choose Chapter 4 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Comparing Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
Choose Chapter 5 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: The Structure of ATP
Choose Chapter 6 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Overview of Cellular Respiration
Choose Chapter 7 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Overview of Photosynthesis
Week Two:
Choose Chapter 8 from the drop down menu. Click on Bioflix: Mitosis
Choose Chapter 8 from the drop down menu. Click on Bioflix: Meiosis
Choose Chapter 8 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: The Cell Cycle
Choose Chapter 8 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: The Human Life Cycle
Choose Chapter 8 from the drop down menu. Click on MP3 Tutor Session: Comparing Mitosis and
Choose Chapter 9 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Monohybrid Cross
Choose Chapter 9 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Dihybrid Cross
Choose Chapter 9 from the drop down menu. Click on MP3 Tutor Session: Chromosomal Basis of
Choose Chapter 10 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: DNA Replication: An Overview
Choose Chapter 10 from the drop down menu. Click on Bioflix: DNA Replication
Choose Chapter 10 from the drop down menu. Click on Process of Science: What is the Correct Model
for DNA Replication?
Choose Chapter 10 from the drop down menu. Click on Video Tutor Session: DNA Structure
Choose Chapter 9 from the drop down menu. Click on Process of Science: What Can Fruit Flies Reveal
about Inheritance?
Week Three:
Choose Chapter 13 from the drop down menu. Click on MP3 Tutor Selection: Natural Selection
Choose Chapter 13 from the drop down menu. Click on Bioflix: Mechanisms of Evolution
Choose Chapter 13 from the drop down menu. Click on BLAST Animation: Natural Selection
Choose Chapter 14 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Overview of Macroevolution
Choose Chapter 14 from the drop down menu. Click on MP3 Tutor Selection: Speciation
Choose Chapter 14 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Polyploid Plants
Choose Chapter 14 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Classification Schemes
Choose Chapter 14 from the drop down menu. Click on Video Tutor Session: Phylogenetic Trees
Choose Chapter 17 from the drop down menu. Click on Video Tutor Session: Survey of Biodiversity
Choose Chapter 13 from the drop down menu. Click on Process of Science: How do Environmental
Changes Affect a Population?
Choose Chapter 1 from the drop down menu. Click on You decide: What can we do about antibioticresistant bacteria?
Week Four:
Choose Chapter 23 from the drop down menu. Click on Bioflix: Gas Exchange
Choose Chapter 23 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Path of Blood Flow in Mammals
Choose Chapter 23 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Mammalian Cardiovascular System
Choose Chapter 23 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Mammalian Cardiovascular System
Choose Chapter 23 from the drop down menu. Click on MP3 Tutor Session: The Human Circulatory
Choose Chapter 23 from the drop down menu. Click on MP3 Tutor Session: Human Respiration
Choose Chapter 24 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Immune Response
Choose Chapter 24 from the drop down menu. Click on MP3 Tutor Session: The Human Immune System
Choose Chapter 25 from the drop down menu. Click on Bioflix: Homeostasis: Regulating Blood Sugar
Choose Chapter 25 from the drop down menu. Click on MP3 Tutor Session: Homeostasis and the
Endocrine System
Choose Chapter 23 from the drop down menu. Click on Process of Science: How is Cardiovascular
Fitness Measured?
Week Five:
Choose Chapter 18 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Science, Technology, and Society: DDT
Choose Chapter 18 from the drop down menu. Click on MP3 Tutor Session: Ecological Hierarchy
Choose Chapter 18 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Adaptations to Biotic and Abiotic
Choose Chapter 18 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Aquatic Biomes
Choose Chapter 18 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Terrestrial Biomes
Choose Chapter 81 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Water Pollution from Nitrates
Choose Chapter 19 from the drop down menu. Click on BioFlix: Population Ecology
Choose Chapter 19 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Human Population Growth
Choose Chapter 24 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Immune Response
Choose Chapter 20 from the drop down menu. Click on Activity: Energy Flow and Chemical Cycling