MOUTH: digestion of food begins (starch)


MOUTH: digestion of food begins (starch)

MOUTH: Cut out the appropriate diagram, and leave in the basket at the station.

ESOPHAGUS: food passes to stomach

ESOPHAGUS: pass food through by peristaltic motion

STOMACH: digestion continues (protein)

STOMACH: Cut out the appropriate diagram, and leave in the basket at the station.

LIVER: creates bile which breaks down lipids; detoxifies the blood

GALL BLADDER: stores bile; emulsifier

LIVER and GALL BLADDER: Cut out the appropriate diagram, and leave in the basket at the station.

PANCREAS: produces insulin, which helps to digest glucose

PANCREAS: Cut out the appropriate diagram, and leave in the basket at the station.

SMALL INTESTINE: continuing digestion & absorption (nutrients)

SMALL INTESTINE: Cut out the appropriate diagram, and leave in the basket at the station.

LARGE INTESTINE: absorption (water & minerals)

LARGE INTESTINE: Cut out the appropriate diagram, and leave in the basket at the station.

RECTUM: remaining food passes to anus

ANUS: exit of undigested food

RECTUM: write your name on the remaining food and deposit in the rectum

ANUS: leave undigested food

Digestive System Walk-through: Questions


When you were moving through the digestive system, which organs did the food pass through?


Which organs were important to digestion, but the food did not pass through?


Make a flow-chart (below) showing the passage of food from the mouth to the anus.
