________________________________________________________________________________________________ CAMPUS BUILDINGS, ABBREVIATIONS & THEIR DEPARTMENTS (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER) BUILDING ABBREVIATION DEPARTMENT LOCATION (Main Ext.) Aquinas Hall AQUIN Philosophy, School of Sociology University Development 100 116 106 (x5259) (x5445) (x6910) Caldwell Hall CALD Biblical Studies, Department of Caldwell Auditorium Caldwell Chapel Canon Law, School of Catholic Biblical Association Church History, Department of Hispanic Liturgy, Institute for House, The (Resident Ministers) Seton Wing Campus Ministry Residence- Grad. Students Student Life Facilities Theology and Religious Studies School of 113 (x5683) 345 433 (x5492) (x5519) History, Department of Housing Services, Office of Judicial Affairs and Ethical Development, Office of Residence Life, Office of Cardinal Hall CARD Centennial Village CV Residence Hall Camalier House Engelhard House Magner House McDonald House Quinn House Reardon House Unanue House Walton House Columbus Law School LAW Academic Affairs Admissions Budget Administration Building Services Career and Professional Development, Office of (OCPD) Clinical Programs Commerce and Legal Services Community Legal Services Computer Services (Help Desk) Columbus Community Legal Services 4.3 My CUA Career Book | The Catholic University of America – Quick Reference Guide (x6450) (5578) Ground Floor (x5575) (x5850) 113 (x5683) 105 160 (x5484) (x5615) 160 160 (x6631) (x6631) (x5720) 342 340 451 448 (x6478) (x5151) (x6196) (x5037) 163 312 (x5132) (x6191) 315 (x4444) 150 (x6788) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUILDING ABBREVIATION Columbus Law School (Cont.) Conaty Hall DEPARTMENT LOCATION (Main Ext.) Dean’s Office Faculty Support Services Financial Aid Institutes and Special Programs Institutional Advancement Law Library Circulation Media Services Public Services Technical Services Law Review Lawyering Skills Program Student Bar Association Student and External Affairs Student Life and Special Events 337 400 314 342 339 (x5139) (x5140) (x5143) (x6081) (x5670) (x5155) (x5156) (x6254) (x6284) (x5547) (x5159) (x5140) (x6728) (x5491) (x6126) Residential Hall (x5521) (x2500) Curley Court CURL Residence Hall Curley Hall (South) CURL Residence Hall Edward M. Crough Center CRO For Architectural Studies Architecture and Planning, School of Koubek Auditorium Eugene I. Kane Student Health and Fitness Center Fitness Center Student Health Center Facilities Service Center 224 235D 235 329 247 480 110 343 341 101 (X5518) FSC Flather Hall Residence Hall (x5740) (x5850) Gibbons Hall GIBB Residence Hall Gowan Hall GOW Auditorium School of Nursing 125 (x5400) Herzfeld Auditorium Physics, Department of Vitreous State Laboratory 200 400 (5315) (x5327) Callan Theatre Drama, Department of 105 (x5367??) (x5358) 116 LL60 230 LL40 (x5373) (x5041) (x6446) (x5044) Grounds (See FSC) GRNDS Hannan Hall HAN Hartke Theatre HART Keane Hall (see MCG) KEANE Renamed McGivney Hall Leahy Hall LHY Academic Technology Services Accounts Payable Budget Administration Business Services 4.3 My CUA Career Book | The Catholic University of America – Quick Reference Guide ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUILDING ABBREVIATION Leahy Hall (Cont.) DEPARTMENT Computer Center (24 hour) 117 Contracts and Grants LL53 Controller’s Office 162 CPIT 200 Information Systems and Services 200 Information Technology 200 Help Desk Outcomes Assessment 200 Planning and Institutional Research 200 Credit Union 180 CUA Press Equal Opportunity Office General Accounting General Counsel, Office of Human Resources Identification (Photo I.D. Authorization) Internal Auditor Payroll Property Management Public Safety (Bus Service) Purchasing and Risk Management Student Accounts Treasury Management Vice President for Finance and Treasury Maintenance Shop MAINT Maloney Hall MAL Marist Hall 4.3 LOCATION MAR Auditorium Chemistry, Department of Life Cycle Institute Anthropology, Department of Irish Studies, Center for Comparative Literature Program English, Department of Library and Information Science, School of Media Studies National Capital Area Writing Project Politics, Department of Program in Media Studies Religious Research Association Urban Ethnic Affairs, National Center for My CUA Career Book | The Catholic University of America – Quick Reference Guide (Main Ext.) (x5372) (x5039) (x5031) (x5373) (x5373) (x5373) (HELP) 4357 (x5373) 240 291 LL59 280 170 (x5373) (Speed Dial “# 4”) (x5052) (x6594) (x5013) (x5142) (x5050) 121 297 130 LL40 120 (x5113) (x6731) (x5512) (x5044) (x5111) LL40 140 296 (x5044) (x5036) (x6445) 260 (x5606) 201 302 (x5385) (x5999) 8 321A (x5080) (x5488) 331 323 (x5488) (x5488) 228 105 (x5085) (x5601) 300 105 (x5128) (x5601) 318 (232-3600) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUILDING ABBREVIATION DEPARTMENT Marist Annex MAR ANX Department of Facilities and Planning and Construction 233 Energy and Utilities Management Environmental Health And Safety 231 Facilities Operations Facilities Planning and Construction 233 Materials Handling Facility MATRL McCarthy Building MCC McGivney Hall MCG McMahon Hall MCM McCort-Ward 4.3 MCW Admissions Alumni Relations Arts and Sciences, School of Business and Economics, Department of Catalan Studies Early Christianity, Center for the Study of Enrollment Management Financial Aid Graduate Admissions Graduate Student Services Greek and Latin, Department of Mathematics, Department of Medieval and Byzantine Studies, Center for Modern Languages, Department of Postal Services Provost Publications and Services Public Affairs, Office of Registrar Sponsored Programs and Research Services University Honors Program Center for Advanced Training Cell and Molecular Biology Biology, Department of Discovery Center for Cell and Molecular Biology, The Medical Technology (Clinical Lab Science) My CUA Career Book | The Catholic University of America – Quick Reference Guide LOCATION (Main Ext.) (x5500) (x5123) (x5500) (x5500) (x5515) 102 404 107 (x5305) (x5608) (x5114) 309 208 (x5236) (x5240) 300 110 6 102 116 308 207 (x5795) (x6535) (x5307) (x5305) (x5247) (x5216) (x5221) 300 (x5794) 208 Lower Level 105 311 311 10 (x5240) (x5021) (x5244) (x5600) (5600) (x5300) 213 112A (x5218) (x5220) 311 103 (x5271) (x5267) 3rd Floor (x6148) 111 (x5270) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUILDING ABBREVIATION DEPARTMENT LOCATION (Main Ext.) Millennium North Residential Hall (x2500) Millennium South Residential Hall (x2500) Mullen Library MUL American Catholic Historical Association Christian Oriental Research, Institute for Semitic/Egyptian Languages and Literatures, Department of Semitics/ICOR Library Oliveira Lima Library, The 320 (x5079) 18 (x5084) 38 035 022 (x5083) (x5084) (x5059) Nursing-Biology (Gowan Hall) NB Biomolecular Studies, Institute of 261 Nursing, School of 125 (x5273) (x5400) Nugent Hall NUGT Board of Trustees University President’s Office Executive Offices (x5100) O’Boyle Hall OB Academic Tutoring and Learning Assistance Service (ATLAS) Bio-Communications Laboratory Center for Child Services Cognitive Aging Lab Cognitive Science Laboratory Counseling Center Education, Department of Human Performance Laboratory Media Studies Laboratory Psychology, Department of Reading and Study Skills Laboratory Writing Center Opus Hall (under construction) Residential Hall (Opening 2009) Pangborn Hall Biomedical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering Library Engineering Management Program Intensive English Program 4.3 PANG My CUA Career Book | The Catholic University of America – Quick Reference Guide (x5100) (x5100) 101 (x5018) 100 (x5748) 250 127 209 (x5825) (x5765) (x5800) G-1 314 (x5601) (5750) 111 (x4286) 131 G-12 (x5181) (x5163) 201 102 200 (x5193) (5160) (x5167) 100 324 (x5191) (x5229) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUILDING ABBREVIATION DEPARTMENT LOCATION (Main Ext.) Pangborn Hall (Cont.) Mechanical Engineering Metropolitan College Summer Sessions G-32 334 330 (x5170) (x5256) (x5257) Power Plant POWR (Facilities Service Center) Facilities Maintenance and Operations Building Maintenance Custodial Services Fleet Maintenance Grounds Maintenance 2nd Floor (x5121) Bookstore Campus Information Campus Programs (UCSPE) Career Services Center for Academic Success Dean of Students Dining Services (Aramark) Disability Support Services For Students International Student and Scholar Services Orientation, New Student Radio Station (WCUA) Student Life Student Success Center Visitor’s Information Vice President, Student Life 1st Floor 2nd Floor (x5232) (x5200) 204 202 (x5291) (x5623) 201 353 124 (x5655) (x5619) (x5295) 207E (x5211) 207 353 129 353 103 1st Floor (x5618) (x5619) (x5106) (x5714) (x4744) (x6000) 353 (x5714) Pryzbyla Center Raymond A. DuFour Athletic Center PRYZ Athletic Department (x5286) Regan Hall Residential Hall (x5740) Ryan Hall Residential Hall (x5740) Art Gallery Department of Art (x5282) Residential Hall (x5850) Salve Regina DUFR (x5121) (x5121) (x5121) (x5121) SAL Seton Hall Shahan Hall SHAH National Catholic School of Social Service (NCSSS) Student Health Center (Kane) SHC Student Health Services Spalding Hall SPAL Former Residential Hall 4.3 My CUA Career Book | The Catholic University of America – Quick Reference Guide 100 (x5458) (x5744) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUILDING ABBREVIATION Spellman Hall DEPARTMENT Residential Hall St. Vincent de Paul Chapel STV University Chapel Ward Hall WARD Music, The Benjamin T. Rome School of Recital Hall 4.3 LOCATION My CUA Career Book | The Catholic University of America – Quick Reference Guide (Main Ext.) (x5521) 111 (x5414) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUILDINGS ON CAMPUS AFFILIATED WITH CUA (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER) Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception 400 Michigan Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20017-1566 526-8300 http://www.nationalshrine.com The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is the largest Roman Catholic Church in the United States and North America, and is one of the ten largest churches in the world. It is the nation’s pre-eminent Marian Shrine, dedicated to the patroness of the United States- the Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of the Immaculate Conception. Capuchin College of St. Francis 4121 Harewood Road, NE Washington, DC 20017 (202) 529-2188 http://capuchin.com Established in the 1900’s, Capuchin College is the residence of friars who are studying at area universities, including The Catholic University of America. Dominican House of Studies (College of the Immaculate Conception) 487 Michigan Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20017 (202) 636-1700 (202) 529-5300 http://www.dhs.edu “Dominican Monks in Training” House is associated with the University and has been teaching Dominican friars and others for many years. As the Pontifical Theological Faculty of the Immaculate Conception (PFIC) begins a new century of theological education in the heart of the nation's capital, we remain committed to imparting to our graduate students the capacity for serious scholarship in the Thomistic tradition. With a small student enrollment and a low student-to-faculty ratio, we foster personal formation conducive to preaching, teaching, and pastoral effectiveness. Our students value learning in a house of prayer and the Dominican charism which links study and spirituality. The Dominican House of Studies is an apostolate of the Dominican Friars, Province of St. Joseph. Located in Washington DC, it houses the Priory of the Immaculate Conception and the Pontifical Theological Faculty of the Immaculate Conception Marian Scholasticate 3885 Harewood Rd., NE Washington, DC 20017 (202) 526-8884 4.3 My CUA Career Book | The Catholic University of America – Quick Reference Guide ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUILDINGS ON CAMPUS AFFILIATED WITH CUA (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER-Cont.) Theological College 401 Michigan Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20017 (202) 756-4900 http://theologicalcollege.org Theological College is a national diocesan seminary of the Catholic Church in the United States. It is affiliated with The Catholic University of America, and is owned and administered by the priests of the Society of St. Sulpice. More than 30 bishops and 1, 500 priests have received their priestly formation in the tradition of the Sulpician Fathers of Theological College since the seminary was founded in 1917. 4.3 My CUA Career Book | The Catholic University of America – Quick Reference Guide