
Welcome to Your Brain
Task #1
Parts of the Brain Worksheet: 15
0-5: Few or none of the brain parts are labeled correctly
5-10: A moderate amount of the brain parts are labeled correctly
11-15: Most or all of the brain parts are labeled correctly
Neurotransmitter Worksheet: 15
Each of the Neurotransmitters correct is worth one point. The other two points
are for it being done on time and with name and date at the top.
Task #2
Function Paper: 25
10 points the functions each part
10 points for the neurotransmitters
5 points for double spaced and correct usage of English
Task #3
Model of the Brain: _________/50 Total
Basic Shape and Texture: ________/20
0-5: Did not make a model or it is unrecognizable.
6-10: Model is recognizable as a brain, but the different parts are not
11-15: Model is recognizable, and so are most of the parts
16-20: Model is recognizable and so are the majority or all of the parts
Different Parts: __________/20
0-5: None or a few parts are labeled
6-10: A few parts are labeled or many parts are incorrect
11-15: Only the major parts are labeled correctly
16-20: All or most of the parts are labeled correctly
Labels and Key: _________/10
0-2: The label and key is missing or confusing
3-7: The label and key correctly identifies many parts
8-10: All or almost all of the parts are correctly identified and the key is
easy to understand
Presentation: _________/50 Total
Parts of the Brain: Do and Control: ________/10
0-2: Barely talked about parts of the brain or not at all
3-7: Talked about the brain but left out major areas
8-10: Covered parts of the brain with few or no omissions
Neurotransmitters and Special Areas _______/10
0-2: Covered little or nothing about neurotransmitters and special areas
3-7: Covered neurotransmitters and special areas but left out major parts
8-10: Covered neurotransmitters and special areas with few or no omissions
Disease ________/10
0-2: Covered little or nothing about a disease
3-7: Cover a disease, but left major parts out, or disease is not in brain area
8-10: Covered a disease that was in the right area with few or no omissions
Materials ________/10
PowerPoint ________/10
0-2: The PowerPoint is nonexistent or not helpful to the
3-7: The PowerPoint is not enough slides or missing in one or
more areas
8-10: The PowerPoint has enough slides and is helpful to the
Poster ________/10
0-2: The poster is nonexistent or not well made
3-7: The poster is not helpful to the presentation or lacking in
quality or information
8-10: The poster is helpful to the presentation, is well made, and is
Presentation Skills ________/5
The presentation skills are, voice control, volume, correct grammar, and using the
materials effectively.
Time ________/5
0-1: Presentation is under 15 minutes
2-3: Presentation is between 15-18 minutes
4: Presentation is between 18-19 minutes or goes over 20 minutes
5: Presentation is 20 minutes long and does not go over
Group Participation _________/40
These points are based on the group evaluations that each group member does.
Peer Evaluations ________/5
0-3: Little effort in accurately evaluating the other group presentations
4-5: Good to excellent effort in accurately evaluating the other group
Total Score______________/200