New Attendee Travel Scholarship Form

NJSA New Attendee
Pork Checkoff Travel Scholarship for the
2016 National Youth Leadership Conference Application
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Birthdate ___________________________________________ Age _____________________
City ____________________________________ State ____________
Zip ______________
Home Telephone Number ________________________________________________________
1. Must be first time attending the NYLC
2. Must utilize money to travel to NYLC in 2016.
3. Must be 14-21 years of age.
4. Must be an NJSA member.
1. (10) $200 travel scholarships will be awarded.
2. Return you scholarship application, by March 16, 2015 to:
or to:
National Swine Registry
Attn: Kaley Bontrager, Director of Junior Activities
2639 Yeager Rd.
West Lafayette, IN 47906
No late applications will be accepted!
3. For more information, contact Kaley Bontrager at 765-463-3594 ext. 109 or at
1) Describe your involvement in the National Junior Swine Association.
2) What is the Pork Checkoff?
3) How have the life skills you have gained from NJSA and/or the swine industry shaped
your life?
4) Why do you want to attend the NJSA National Youth Leadership Conference?
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