Hamlet Lesson Plan #4 Date: March 23, 2004 Objectives: To review and develop further understanding of the plot of Hamlet. To create a visual aid of the plot of Hamlet. To increase understanding of the events in Hamlet by relating story to students personal experiences. Curriculum Expectations: Group skills (Oral and Visual Communication) – L4, L5, L6 Identify and describe elements of stories (plot, central idea, characters, setting) – L4; and how they function – L5; and relate to each other - L6 Describe a sequence of events – L4, L5 Materials: Large map (including Denmark, England and France) – on board Bristol board and markers – on board Group supplies = one marker, sticky tack, paper, student scene descriptions x 3 (not numbered or ordered and cut up) Tableaux photos and large print scene descriptions Sticky tack 4 cards labelled Problem, Complications, Climax, Resolution with sticky tack Mental Set: Discuss setting of play (castle, Elsinore, Denmark) Where is Denmark? Find on map. Show students location of Elsinore, London and Paris. Sharing the Purpose: Going to create a visual timeline of the plot to help us when we study the scenes so we can keep an overall picture of where and when events occurred Method: 1) Put students into groups of 2 or 3 – provide them with descriptions of the 9 scenes o Directions: have students sort scenes in order from start to end – number them 1-9, sticky tack them on the sheet – ALL MUST AGREE ON ORDER Behaviour Expectations – on-task, group work skills, negotiate with group members 2) Take up order of scenes as group – place scenes in order with sticky tack (rotate group answers, have students put scenes in correct order with correct numbers on their scenes) o Have students place tableau pictures on timeline with scene descriptors (give student picture, have them put with scene description) 3) Discuss Plot What is plot? What are the components of a good story? (Problem, Complications, Climax, Resolution) Have students identify the problem scene, the complications, the climax and the resolution. Have students put the 4 cards above each scene. 4) Discuss plot of Hamlet with various questions Sit in circle Explain student led discussion – I pose question, one person answers and picks next student to comment. Listen while others speak, don’t interrupt, put your hand up to comment when the person is done talking, try to let everyone speak. Questions: Why do you think Shakespeare wrote this play? What lessons do you think Shakespeare wanted his audience to walk away with? Why do you think theatres have been staging this play for hundreds of years? Are there any parts of the play that relate to your own experiences or that make you think of something that’s happened to someone you know? Conclusion: Thank everyone for participating. Assessment/Evaluation: Anecdotally observe group work skills: communication, sharing of ideas, listening, cooperation, on-task Assess understanding of plot through observation of group’s ordering of scenes, through discussion questions Self-Evaluation: