
English B1-B5
Name: ___________________
Class: ___________________
No: ____________________
I. 綜合測驗
It's your first day at senior high, and you are probably excited and worried __1__. Well, you have __2__
to be. A new life is about to start for you, and things are going to be quite different __3__. It might not be a bed
of roses, but it will __4__ be interesting.
Lots of questions will __5__ come up. Will you like the teachers? Will you be able to make new friends?
What will your classmates __6__ you? And, of course, will you __7__ in your new classes? No one knows the
answers __8__ these questions for sure, but you shouldn't worry too much. It isn't hard to get off to a good start.
The moment __9__, so let your dreams be wings and, in the words of a popular song, just raise your hands and
__10__ to your new life.
( ) 1. (A) that in mind
(B) all around the world
(C) at the same time
(D) the hour of destiny
( ) 2. (A) something new
(B) no problem
(C) that moment
(D) every reason
( ) 3. (A) from now on
(B) at that time
(C) not again
(D) in the way
) 4. (A) nearly
) 5. (A) even if
) 6. (A) get to
(B) hardly
(B) so much
(B) think of
(C) kindly
(C) no doubt
(C) meet up
(D) certainly
(D) as well
(D) be with
) 7. (A) do well
) 8. (A) to
) 9. (A) coming
)10. (A) fade away
(B) show off
(B) of
(B) to come
(B) leave behind
(C) pass by
(C) with
(C) was come
(C) wave hello
(D) go now
(D) on
(D) has come
(D) follow with
Hi, __1__! My name is David Lu, and I'm sixteen years old. I guess __2__ of you are the same age __3__
me. I live in Gaoxiung, __4__ is the second biggest city in Taiwan. I have two pets at home, a cat and a dog. I
spend a lot of my __5__ time playing with them, or playing games on my __6__. In school, I like to __7__ math
and science, but I __8__ English is difficult. I don't like any sports except swimming. I really __9__ going
swimming in the summer. I also love eating ice cream. My __10__ flavor is chocolate chip.
(A) as (B) computer
(F) free (G) most
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) enjoy
(H) study
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) everybody
(I) think
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) favorite
(J) which
) 5.(
) 10.(
III. 閱讀測驗
When we are young, there is a beautiful new world waiting for us to explore. Before we begin, however,
we need to make sure we are strong enough to do so. The world can be a hard place. We first need to develop a
good personality so that we can face the future. One place where we can do this is senior high school. While we
are here, there are two things we will need. These are hard work and a willingness to learn new things. With
them, we can take the opportunities that come to us in our new school. And afterwards, we will be ready to face
the world.
So, here we are. It's time for us all to leave behind the comfort of childhood and build our own futures.
We must depend on ourselves if we want to do well. But we should also listen carefully to the people who teach
and guide us. We must believe in ourselves too. We must know we have the power to reach our goals. And
finally, we should let our dreams lead the way. In the words of a famous song, "Let your dreams be wings that
fly as far as the stars."
( ) 1. What is this passage for?
(A) To encourage new high school students.
(B) To show students that life can be hard.
(C) To describe daily life at high school.
(D) To advise students leaving high school.
) 2. What can make you strong enough to face the future, according to the passage?
(A) A comfortable life.
(B) A famous song.
(C) A hard world.
(D) A good personality.
) 3. The passage says that two things we need to do in senior high school are to _______.
(A) make friends and study hard
(B) study hard and want to learn
(C) learn things and take exams
(D) be good and face the world
) 4. The passage does NOT say that we should _______.
(A) listen to our teachers' words
(B) try not to depend on ourselves
(C) prepare ourselves for the future
(D) have strong belief in ourselves
) 5. What do the words from the song tell us to do?
(A) Love birds and animals.
(B) Look at the night sky.
(C) Don't believe in dreams.
(D) Follow our dreams.
It’s time that S Ved
1. 該是你忘卻你過去的日子的時候了。
as adj/adv as…
2. 我希望我能像泰瑞莎修女一樣,對需要幫助的人很慈愛。
In most cultures, people celebrate the arrival of a new baby with __1__ ceremony. This is often religious
and may take place __2__ the baby is already a few weeks old. __3__, parents in Korea have a traditional
ceremony __4__ the 100th day of the child's life. In Mexico, people dress new babies in nice clothes __5__
them to church.
In the United States, __6__ also some interesting traditions with new babies. Parents often decorate the
front door of their house with pink balloons __7__ a girl, or blue __8__ if it is a boy. __9__ they put the news of
their baby in the newspaper. The report will have their own full names and the baby's __10__.
( ) 1. (A) the kind of
(B) the first of
(C) any day of
(D) some type of
( ) 2. (A) when
(B) which
(C) about
(D) from
( ) 3. (A) At first
(B) For example
(C) At the same time
(D) Right now
( ) 4. (A) at
(B) as
(C) in
(D) on
( ) 5. (A) take
(B) taking
(C) and take
(D) have taken
) 6. (A) they are
) 7. (A) for
) 8. (A) one
( ) 9. (A) Even
( )10. (A) first name
II. 文意選填
(B) there are
(B) by
(B) ones
(C) it has
(C) because
(C) others
(D) these have
(D) since
(D) kind
(B) Whatever
(B) own decision
(C) Once more
(C) common things
(D) Sometimes
(D) first impression
Though she doesn't know much about babies yet, my oldest sister is about to become a __1__ for the
first time. As our mom says, my sister is going to find out that __2__ a parent is not easy. There are many things
she needs to __3__. She has already decided that __4__ will be the healthiest choice for both the baby and
herself. Doing that __5__ shouldn't be too difficult. However, changing __6__ properly might take some
practice, and how to __7__ the baby is another thing she needs to know. Also, __8__ him will be like wrapping
up __9__ china, according to Mom. My sister will soon see that taking __10__ of a baby is hard work.
(A) bathe
(F) dressing
(B) being
(G) expensive
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) care
(H) learn
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) correctly
(I) mother
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) diapers
(J) nursing
) 5.(
) 10.(
Last week, some classmates and I decided to choose English names for ourselves. __1__ It also gave the
meaning of each name. After looking in the book, our class leader took the name Charles. __2__ These are
qualities a leader should have, he believed.
Another classmate wanted to have the same name as her favorite movie star. __3__ This is the female
form of Nicholas, which means "the winner among the people." We all thought this name was good for her.
__4__ When my classmates asked me to choose a name, I told them I didn't need the book. I want an English
name that is both meaningful and uncommon. __5__ I don't care if people laugh at me.
(A) So, she chose the name Nicole.
(B) He said it was because the name means "strong and of noble spirit."
(C) That's why I have decided to call myself "Super."
(D) Someone brought a book that had lots of boys' and girls' names in it.
(E) After all, she has been school tennis champion for two years.
Lots of people around the world now have their own Internet sites. Some use them as online diaries.
These are called "weblogs", or just "blogs". Blogs are common on the Net. Now, "baby blogs" are becoming
one of the most popular types.
Baby blogging began as a way to let faraway family members know about a new baby. It does not just
mean putting pictures of a child on a website. Parents write about the events in a baby's life, such as when he
got his first tooth or she said her first words. Some parents report almost everything the child does every day.
It is not just family members who visit these sites. Complete strangers become big fans of some baby
blogs. And there is already a network of links between baby blogs in different parts of the world. Parents who
are stuck in the house with the baby all the time have created an online community.
Why do people go to a website to read about a stranger's baby getting its diaper changed? For some, it is
nice to know that other parents are having the same experiences as themselves. And for parents, writing such
details can help them relax at the end of a hard day spent taking care of a baby.
( ) 1. What is a "blog"?
(A) A new computer program.
(B) A news report about babies.
(C) A type of personal website.
(D) Pictures on the Internet.
) 2. According to the article, more and more people are _______.
(A) making websites about their children (B) writing about other people's children
(C) no longer using computers to write on (D) sending their children to live abroad
) 3. If you look at a baby blog, you probably won't see _______.
(A) pictures of a small child playing
(B) news of a baby learning to walk
(C) photos of faraway family members (D) stories from the television news
) 4. What does the passage say about people who look at baby blogs?
(A) They are always parents themselves.(B) They are often not related to the baby.
(C) They do not want to have children. (D) They almost never go outside the house.
( ) 5. One reason in the passage for making a baby blog is that it _______.
(A) helps bored people keep busy (B) helps tired parents to relax
(C) can make you a lot of money (D) can teach you to change diapers
V. 翻譯
V-ing…+ V
have… in common
2. 我很少跟Gina講話,因為我們完全沒有共通之處。
I. 綜合測驗
J.K. Rowling wanted a challenge. That's __1__ she wrote Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the
__2__ in the Harry Potter series. She had always liked writing, __3__ her first story when she was just six years
old. In fact, __4__ was probably the first reason __5__ her success. As an adult, she worked as an English
teacher, __6__ her free time to write. Later, Rowling was a single mother, __7__ a small apartment, and life
was hard. She was still __8__ finish her book, however. She wrote with __9__, having no money to buy a
computer, and worked in cafes __10__ her apartment was cold. But she never forgot her goal.
( ) 1. (A) then
(B) about
(C) why
(D) what
( ) 2. (A) only story
(B) first book
(C) hard road
(D) big secret
( ) 3. (A) had written
(B) written
(C) having written (D) was writing
( ) 4. (A) enjoying that she did
(B) doing as she enjoying
(C) something to be enjoyed
(D) doing something she enjoyed
( ) 5. (A) that
(B) for
(C) to
(D) how
) 6. (A) and used
) 7. (A) having had
) 8. (A) divided from
) 9. (A) hand and book
) 10.(A) where
(B) she used
(B) once had
(B) divorced from
(C) but was used
(C) living
(C) determined to
(D) to use
(D) living in
(D) decided to
(B) pen and paper
(B) before
(C) hot and cold
(C) so that
(D) good and bad
(D) because
Noel wants to live a happy life. To achieve this __1__, he believes he will need to make a lot of money.
He __2__ to think that nobody can be happy __3__ he isn't rich. The most __4__ people, he says, are also the
happiest. I have __5__ Noel to change his ideas. In my opinion, the __6__ of happiness is not money. It is
enjoying __7__ you do. It sounds __8__, but it is true. My friend Claire is the __9__ person I know, and she is
just a teacher. Her job is very __10__, and that's why she loves it.
(A) advised (B) challenging (C) goal
(D) happiest
(E) if
(F) secret
(G) seems
(H) simple (I) successful (J) what
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
Back in the 19th century two brothers had an idea. This idea turned into a dream that eventually took over
their lives. Their determination to realize this dream also changed the world.
The dream was planted in the two boys' minds by their father. In the autumn of 1878, he gave them a toy.
He came home one evening and threw something into the air in front of them. Instead of falling to the floor, it
flew across the room till it hit the wall. This simple toy made of wood and rubber bands fascinated the brothers.
Their lifelong interest in human flight began.
The brothers, Wilbur and Orville Wright, enjoyed learning new things. When they grew up, they spent
many hours building and testing machines. Their goal was to build one that could carry humans through the air.
On Friday December 17, 1903 at 10:35 a.m., the Wright brothers achieved their dream. This amazing
achievement took place at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on a cold windy morning.
The next time you travel in a plane, remember where it began. It was a simple idea in the minds of two
young men who never finished high school. They succeeded because they never gave up. We should all try to
do the same.
) 1. The Wright brothers' dream began _______.
(A) more than 100 years ago
(B) during the last century
(C) on December 17, 1903
(D) early in the 19th century
) 2. What did the brothers' father give them?
(A) A wooden doll.
(B) A rubber ball.
(C) A toy that could fly. (D) A machine he made.
) 3. According to the passage, the Wright brothers' interest in flight _______.
(A) did not last very long
(B) made them very rich
(C) was begun by their father
(D) started in high school
) 4. When did the Wright brothers succeed in making a flying machine?
(A) The second time they built a plane.
(B) After they had tried many times.
(C) During the autumn of 1878.
(D) Before they left high school.
) 5. The passage suggests that _______.
(A) Wilbur and Orville Wright were very lucky to be successful
(B) Wilbur and Orville Wright's father taught them how to fly
(C) people who do not finish high school can never succeed
(D) we should show determination like the Wright brothers did
S + V…, V-ing/Ven….
Ving/Ven, S V
1. 離婚之後,她發現過單親媽媽的生活比她想像的簡單多了。
…lies in
2. 他成功的秘訣在於他對成功的堅持。
I 綜合測驗
Dave loved basketball and dreamed __1__ on the school team. Although he could pass and dribble the ball
__2__ as any other kid, the coach still __3__ him play. The problem was that Dave had no legs, __4__ shooting
baskets was hard for him. Also, he moved slowly __5__ the court.
When Dave was six, he lost __6__ his legs in an accident. That didn't stop him from doing the things
__7__, however. Despite his __8__, he learned to play lots of sports. When he plays basketball, he uses one of
his hands to __9__ around the court, while dribbling the ball with __10__.
( ) 1. (A) he can play
(B) playing
(C) to play
(D) of playing
( ) 2. (A) as good
(B) as well
(C) better than
(D) better
( ) 3. (A) wouldn't let
(B) would make
(C) didn't get
(D) hadn't chosen
( ) 4. (A) but
(B) that
(C) so
(D) because
( ) 5. (A) in and out
(B) to and from
(C) back and forth
(D) up and down
) 6. (A) both
(B) two
) 7. (A) to love
(B) he loved
) 8. (A) challenge physically
(C) all
(D) which
(C) that loved
(D) was loved
(B) physically challenged
(C) challenges physically
( ) 9. (A) moving himself
(B) move himself
( ) 10. (A) the other
(B) another
II. 文意選填
(D) physical challenge
(C) his moves
(D) his body moves
(C) others
(D) the others
I enjoy sports, but I don't have a lot of time to __1__ them. If I did, I would do __2__ from hiking and
baseball to scuba __3__ and skiing. Sometimes at school, however, I can play badminton and __4__. Last year I
also did the long __5__ in the school sports competition.
One thing I would really like to do is __6__ horseback riding. After I graduate, my mom says she will
__7__ me go to America to learn English. While there, I hope to go __8__ in the mountains sometime. Maybe I
will get the chance to ride a horse as __9__. But first, __10__ the exams coming soon, I need to study hard.
(A) camping (B) diving (C) everything (D) go (E) jump
(F) let
(G) play
(H) volleyball (I) well (J) with
) 2.(
) 7.(
III. 篇章結構
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
The Paralympic Games have always taken place in the same year as the Olympic Games. ___1___ In
2001, the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee got together and
signed an agreement. ___2___ The agreement says that the Paralympic Games, from 2008 on, will always take
place soon after the Olympic Games. ___3___
The last Paralympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, from 17 to 28 September 2004. ___4___ The
Italian city of Turin will host the 2006 Paralympic Winter Games. After that, the Summer Paralympics of 2008
will be held in Beijing, China. The Summer Paralympics now include 22 sports. ___5___
(A) It is aimed at making sure the Paralympic Games have a good future.
(B) Nineteen of them are part of the Olympics as well.
(C) About 4,000 athletes from 130 countries competed in the Athens Paralympics.
(D) They will also use the same sports facilities.
(E) Since 1988, they have also been held in the same city.
The ancient Olympic Games lasted for about 1000 years. They first took place in Greece in 776 BC. The
Games were held in a place called Olympia. It was a village located in a valley 500km from Mount Olympus,
where the gods were supposed to live. Olympia was a very important place to the ancient Greeks.
Zeus was the father of the gods that the ancient Greeks believed in. The Olympics probably began as a
special event to honor him. The Greeks thought that both the body and the mind needed to be strong, and they
could honor Zeus by showing their strength in the Olympic Games. These were held every four years, and only
Greeks could compete.
Ancient Greece was divided into independent states. These states often had wars with each other. During
the Olympics the wars were stopped, and athletes could travel safely to and from the Games. Anyone who broke
this agreement was punished by death.
One of the most famous athletes at the ancient Olympics was called Milo. He came from a part of Italy
that was under the control of Greece then. He first won a boys' wrestling event in 540 BC. Eight years later, he
returned to fight in the Games again, and won in the next five Olympics.
) 1. Which of these could be the date of the last ancient Olympic Games?
(A) 500 BC (B) 125 BC (C) AD 225 (D) AD 500
) 2. What was the name of the home of the gods of ancient Greece?
(A) Mount Olympus.
(B) Olympia.
(C) Mount Zeus.
(D) Milo.
) 3. The ancient Greeks started the Olympic Games _______.
(A) because Zeus asked them to
(B) about 1000 years ago
(C) to compete with other countries
(D) as part of their religion
) 4. We know from the passage that the ancient Olympics _______.
(A) included events in which people were killed
(B) only took place during times of war
(C) were believed to be more important than war
(D) were held at least once a year
( ) 5. How many different Olympics did Milo compete in?
(A) Four. (B) Six. (C) Seven. (D) Ten.
V. 翻譯
..from… to…
1. 湯姆熱愛運動;從籃球到足球他什麼都玩。
With + N, S +V
2. 夏天即將到來,我打算買些新衣服。(With…)
Amanda's class was doing the school play this year. There were only three days __1__. But Amanda
didn't think the children would even __2__ in three months. They just wanted to fool around. Harry was __3__
play Robin Hood, but he __4__ the wrong hat. Robin Hood __5__ wore a green hat, but this was a red one.
Then Christopher came __6__ stage. He was playing a rich merchant about __7__ by Robin Hood. Amanda told
him to __8__, but he just shuffled __9__ the stage making a noise like a train. Amanda saw the head teacher
passing by and hoped he __10__ notice.
( ) 1. (A) to be left
(B) leaving
(C) going
(D) to go
( ) 2. (A) be ready
(B) could do
(C) able to
(D) shall be
( ) 3. (A) choose to
(B) hoped to
(C) know how to
(D) supposed to
( ) 4. (A) is worn
(B) was wearing
(C) was putting
(D) had put
( ) 5. (A) before
(B) always
(C) must
(D) though
( ) 6. (A) to
(B) for
(C) on
(D) at
) 7.
) 8.
) 9.
(A) to be robbed
(A) speak her turn
(A) away
) 10. (A) will not
(B) get robbed
(B) say his lines
(B) against
(C) robbery
(C) kind of you
(C) across
(D) the robber
(D) stare at me
(D) above
(B) has not
(C) had not
(D) would not
(2) When I look back on my primary school days, some good __1__ come to mind. One of the __2__ is about
my classmate Christopher, __3__ was always doing strange things. One time, he got into trouble for __4__ a
noise like a train in the middle of an exam. Also, he was often __5__ in other kids' ears. My best moment was
when I was in the school __6__. It was the first time I ever __7__ on a stage. Of course, I was so nervous that I
got my __8__ wrong. It didn't matter, though, because almost everyone __9__ did the same. The next day, back
in the __10__, we all had a good laugh about it.
(A) classroom
(F) memories
(B) else
(G) play
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) funniest
(H) stood
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) lines
(I) whispering
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) making
(J) who
) 5.(
) 10.(
A few years ago I decided to attend a class reunion at my primary school. Although it was nearly 25 years
since I had seen many of my classmates, I could still remember many names. However, the faces that
belonged to those names were no longer so clear in my mind. The teachers, on the other hand, were different; I
could remember their faces but not their names. I wondered if any of them would still be teaching at the same
school twenty-five years later.
I arrived at the school in a taxi. My car was a ten-year-old Toyota and, to be honest, I felt a little ashamed
of it. Outside the school was a line of expensive, new-looking cars. I was glad I’d arrived by taxi. An old
woman stood outside the school. She looked familiar. I gave her my invitation, which had my name on it.
“Welcome Frank,” she said. “I used to be Miss Robinson. Do you remember me?” I did remember her. She
used to have long golden hair and we all thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Now she
looked old and tired. “I’m the head here now,” she said.
Seeing how much she had changed made me want to go home. I remembered how she used to run so
quickly in the teachers’ race on Sports Day. After that, everything was a blur. I met many old classmates and I
didn’t recognize any of them. David, the “fat kid,” looked like a millionaire in an expensive suit. Alison, who
was the prettiest girl in school, now looked older than my mother. Gary, who was really stupid at school, was
now a successful doctor. And, the worse thing was, they all recognized me immediately! “Frank,” they said.
“We knew it was you. You haven’t changed a bit.”
________ 1. The best title for this passage is ________?
(A) What a life!
(B) A Class Reunion
(C) How Time Flies! (D) Primary School Days
________ 2. Which is NOT true about Miss Robinson?
(A) She used to be a beauty with blond hair.
(B) She could run very fast.
(C) She had been retired for years.
(D) She had been admired by her students.
________ 3. Why didn’t Frank drive his car but took a taxi instead?
(A) His car was out of order.
(B) It was more convenient to go by taxi.
(C) His car was too old to drive.
(D) His car was an inexpensive one.
________ 4. What does the phrase felt ashamed mean?
(A) felt embarrassed
(B) felt surprised
(C) felt satisfied
(D) felt interested
________ 5. How did Frank feel when he was quickly recognized?
(A) Proud. (B) Excited. (C) Uncomfortable. (D) Confused.
N(P), who…
1. J.K. Rowling,小說<哈利波特>的作者,曾是一位英文老師。
If S + V-ed/were…, S + would + V…
2. 如果我是個有錢人,我將試著幫助窮人。
Everywhere you look, __1__ signs. Go to __2__ any city, and you will see store signs, street signs, and
traffic signs all over it. They tell you which way __3__ and where to find __4__ you are looking for. You may
be in a country where you __5__ the language. But many of the signs will use images instead of words, so you
__6__ help but understand them. Nowadays, __7__ people are
traveling to other countries, so international signs __8__ increasingly important. They are often found in __9__
train stations and airports. You will also come __10__ them on important roads.
( ) 1. (A) there is
(B) there are
(C) it has
(D) having
( ) 2. (A) almost
(B) usually
(C) also
(D) most of
( ) 3. (A) go
(B) gone
(C) going
(D) to go
( ) 4. (A) that
(B) them
(C) how
(D) what
( ) 5. (A) can know
(B) don't speak
(C) do not
(D) haven't said
) 6. (A) cannot
) 7. (A) all in all
) 8. (A) would become
(B) don't
(B) every one
(B) to become
(C) aren't
(C) more and more
(C) have become
(D) won't
(D) one and another
(D) becoming
) 9. (A) such as
) 10. (A) about
(B) places like
(B) into
(C) those places
(C) with
(D) where are
(D) across
Welcome to Big Rock Wildlife Park. We hope that you enjoy your visit. First, however, we would like to __1__
some of the __2__ that you must follow while you are here. Unless you are in one of the picnic __3__, you must
stay inside your car at all times. The roads in the park are __4__, so please drive slowly and carefully. Please
also notice the __5__ signs, and do not try to feed the __6__ or any other animals. These regulations are __7__
for your safety. More information about the park is __8__ in the Park Office, as __9__ as pictures of some of
the interesting animals you may come __10__.
(A) across (B) areas (C) available (D) deer (E) mention
(F) narrow (G) necessary (H) regulations (I) warning (J) well
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
III. 閱讀測驗
Most countries put traffic signs or road signs next to roads to give information to road users. Language
differences can lead to problems in understanding. Therefore, international signs using symbols instead of
words have been developed and are now used in most areas of the world.
Long ago, early road signs gave directions. The ancient Romans, for example, put up tall stones all over
their empire. These stones showed the distance and way to Rome. Road signs became more important with the
development of cars. Now there are many different types of road signs. Some warn of danger, while others tell
you what you must and cannot do, or tell you the location of something. Different colors are used according to
the type of sign.
In North America, signs use colors in various ways. For instance, green signs with white letters on them
give information such as directions, distances, and places. Parks, forests, and historic sites are brown with white.
Signs showing regulations, such as for parking or speed limits, are usually white with red or black letters. And
warning signs for things such as dangerous curves in the road are yellow with black letters and symbols.
) 1. International signs were developed so that they would _______.
(A) show people the way to different places
(B) stop problems with understanding signs
(C) allow people to travel to other countries
(D) use more words instead of all symbols
) 2. Why did the Romans put tall stones by their roads?
(A) To show people which way North America was.
(B) To let people know how far they were from Rome.
(C) To make things easier for road users to understand.
(D) To tell people where parks and other things were.
) 3. When did road signs become more important?
(A) When the Romans built more roads.
(B) When there were many different kinds.
(C) When cars first appeared on the roads.
(D) When roads became more dangerous.
) 4. The passage does NOT mention signs that tell people _______.
(A) what they must do
(B) not to do something
(C) how fast they can go
(D) that they must stop
( ) 5. In North America, what color is a sign that tells you how far it is to the next city?
(A) Green and white.
(B) Brown and white.
(C) White and red.
(D) Yellow and black.
IV. 翻譯
indirect question: S V wh S V
1. 想知道這標誌表示什麼意思,你不需懂得說另一種語言。
While 表對比
2. 在我的一些朋友喜歡這計劃的同時,另一些朋友則認為它是個壞主意。
I. 綜合測驗
Do you have problems cooking? __1__ boiled an egg and the egg shell has cracked __2__ the egg is ready?
This is because there is an air bubble at the __3__ of the egg. __4__ the water boils, this air __5__, and it
expands and cracks the shell. If you make a __6__ in the bottom of the egg first, the expanding air __7__ escape.
Of course, you probably learned about expanding air in your science class.
There are many ways in which the science __8__ in school can help you in the kitchen. Science plays a
__9__ there, and you can often see how something works just by __10__ closely at it. So study more science,
and become a better cook!
( ) 1. (A) Could you
(B) Do you know
(C) Have you ever
(D) Is it hard
( ) 2. (A) before
(B) about
(C) causing
(D) therefore
( ) 3.(A) other side
(B) wrong place
(C) split open
(D) fat end
( ) 4. (A) So
(B) When
(C) But
(D) How
) 5. (A) heating
) 6. (A) big piece
) 7. (A) could not but
(B) heat
(B) cutting board
(B) will give
(C) is heated
(C) small hole
(C) would allow to
(D) was heated
(D) physics lesson
(D) will be able to
) 8. (A) you learn
) 9. (A) big role
) 10. (A) taking
(B) was done
(B) big pile
(B) looking
(C) take a class
(C) good use
(C) making
(D) that study
(D) few things
(D) having
I used to think cooking was too difficult for me. I didn't even know how to __1__ an egg. My mom often
said she would teach me some simple __2__, but I always said no. At school, however, we started studying the
__3__ and chemistry of cooking during our science __4__. This made me more interested in __5__ how to
prepare food. Gradually, I found out more and more about what makes food __6__ good, and how to choose
good __7__ to make a dish. I even made a few meals for my family, and they __8__ my cooking very much.
Now, when I say I'm going to cook __9__ new for them, they can't wait to try it. As for me, I am happy to
discover more about the skill and the "__10__" behind good food.
(A) class
(B) boil
(C) enjoyed
(D) ingredients
(E) learning
(F) magic (G) physics (H) something (I) taste
(J) dishes
III. 閱讀測驗
We depend upon chemistry to live. Chemical reactions are all around us. In nature there are millions and
millions of chemical reactions happening all the time. Humans use chemical reactions to make lots of different
substances used in foods, medicines, and materials.
Examples of natural chemical reactions are when an apple starts to turn brown after being bitten, and when
green plants use sunlight to make food. Chemical reactions also take place when we make plastics from oil, or
when gas burns inside a car to make the engine run.
In a reaction, you start with things called reactants. The new things formed in the reaction are called
products. The atoms in the reactants all end up in the products, so nothing is lost or gained. So why do we get
something new? It is because the atoms have arranged themselves into new compounds. Another thing reactions
produce is energy, often in the form of heat. They may need some energy to be put in so that they can take place.
So, in a chemical reaction, there is a movement of energy.
( ) 1. The passage says that chemical reactions _______.
(A) are usually difficult to see
(B) are only found in nature
(C) do not take place very often
(D) are very important to us
) 2. Which two types of chemical reaction are described in the passage?
(A) Electrical and physical.
(B) Natural and man-made.
(C) Large and small.
(D) Common and rare.
) 3. When plants use sunlight to make food, it is ______.
(A) because they have started to turn brown
(B) because their atoms have been destroyed
(C) an example of a natural chemical reaction
(D) very like the way a car engine burns oil
) 4. After a chemical reaction takes place, the end result is always a _______.
(A) reactant
(B) plastic
(C) product
(D) medicine
) 5. What does the passage tell us about heat?
(A) It is sometimes needed for a chemical reaction.
(B) It is always the product of a chemical reaction.
(C) It is needed to change the atoms in a material.
(D) It does not affect chemical reactions in any way.
..put… to good use
1. 今天我將在校所習得的學以致用。
It is/was…that…
2. 是平底鍋中的熱使得肉裡產生反應變化。
Do you remember what it feels like to watch leaves __1__ in the wind, or to swing on a swing? __2__ we
are children, we all know __3__ fun life can be. It's easy to forget this as we __4__ and get busy. But __5__ is a
way to remember the joys __6__ childhood. We just need to __7__ our minds wander and imagine what it's like.
Another way is to read children's poetry. It can remind us of the __8__ in life. If you want to remember how
special __9__ to be a child, just read some of the poems that were __10__ a part of your life.
( ) 1. (A) are blown
(B) blowing
(C) blows
(D) to blow
( ) 2. (A) So
(B) When
(C) How
(D) About
( ) 3. (A) it's great
(B) how very
(C) how much
(D) that much
( ) 4. (A) grow up
(B) go after
(C) get over
(D) wait for
( ) 5. (A) it
(B) there
(C) he
(D) that
( ) 6. (A) by
(B) for
(C) of
(D) to
( ) 7. (A) want
(B) allow
(C) let
(D) leave
) 8. (A) simple things
) 9. (A) you can
) 10. (A) once
(B) green gardens
(B) there was
(B) as
(C) ladies skirts
(C) you are
(C) while
(D) high kites
(D) it is
(D) soon
I had a great day last Saturday. Lisa, one of my friends, __1__ me and a few others to her home. It was
raining, so we stayed indoors all day __2__. We drank coffee and talked about our memories of __3__. Shirley
read out a funny __4__ that reminded her of some of the __5__ things she used to do as a child. Then we
listened with great __6__ as Marco told us about his life in the countryside. We laughed when he talked about
the time he fell off the __7__ of his house and landed in a __8__ full of cattle. We stayed at Lisa's home
__9__ eleven o'clock that night. All in all, it was one of the __10__ days I have spent in a long time.
(A) childhood (B) delight
(F) pleasantest (G) poem
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) field (D) invited (E) long
(H) roof (I) silly
(J) till
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
There is a popular children's poem called The Swing. ___1___ He begins the poem by asking the reader
how he or she feels about going up in a swing. ___2___ In the second verse, the poet describes what he sees. He
swings high enough to see over the wall. ___3___ There are rivers, trees and cattle to look at.
The poem has three verses. ___4___ He looks down on the green garden and the brown roof. Then he
goes flying up in the air once more. This poem captures the fun and joy of being a child, when you have so
much time to play. ___5___
(A) He thinks that is a pleasant thing for a child to do.
(B) He can see all over the countryside.
(C) In it, the poet is remembering what it is like to be a child.
(D) It is not surprising that it is such a popular poem.
(E) In the last one, the child is swinging down again.
) 2.(
) 3.(
) 4.(
) 5.(
A Child's Garden of Verses is a popular book by Robert Louis Stevenson. This writer first became
famous when he wrote a story called Treasure Island. It appeared in separate parts in a children's magazine in
1881-82, and later came out as a book.
In Treasure Island, the hero is a boy called Jim Hawkins. He lives near the sea in England. Jim meets an
old pirate called Billy Bones, who has a map showing the location of Captain Flint's treasure on an island far
away. After Bones dies, Jim finds the map. He takes a ship to the island with Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesey,
and Captain Smollett. Jim discovers that there are pirates among the crew of the ship. They are led by a
one-legged man named Long John Silver, who is the ship's cook. The pirates try to take the ship from Jim and
his friends. After many adventures the pirates are defeated, and the treasure is found. Jim and his friends sail
back to England as rich men. But Long John Silver escapes with some of the gold.
Though more than a hundred years old, Treasure Island is still a well-loved story. It has been made into
movies several times, and both children and adults enjoy this exciting adventure.
( ) 1. Which of the following is true about Robert Louis Stevenson?
(A) He was writing at the end of the last century.
(B) His books only became famous after he died.
(C) He became famous for writing a book of poems.
(D) He wrote both children's poems and stories.
) 2. We know from the passage that Jim Hawkins is _______.
(A) a writer of children's poems
(B) the captain of a pirate ship
(C) a good friend of Captain Flint (D) younger than Billy Bones
) 3.Who are Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesey, and Captain Smollett
(A) Dangerous pirates.
(B) Friends of Jim.
(C) Famous writers.
(D) People in a poem.
) 4. What does NOT happen at the end of Treasure Island?
(A) Long John Silver is killed. (B) The pirates are defeated.
(C) Jim Hawkins becomes rich. (D) The treasure is discovered.
( ) 5. We can guess that Treasure Island is still popular because it is _______.
(A) an old story
(B) a good movie
(C) a true story
(D) an exciting story
…on one’s own ….
1. 你應該開始自己探索童詩的樂趣。
what it is/feels like to V…
how adj + it is to V…
2. 記得當小孩子有美好嗎?
At the start of each day, you have __1__ 86,400 seconds. How are you going to use it? If you don't use it,
you will have to __2__, because the balance will not be carried __3__ to the next day. Every second that you
fail to use __4__ will be lost. That is to say, there can be __5__ against the tomorrow, so you must live in the
present. That is why you must make the __6__ of the time you have. You must invest it __7__ give yourself
health, happiness, and success. In other words, treasure every moment __8__ you have. And __9__ one thing.
Your time will become __10__ special if you share it with someone you care about.
( ) 1. (A) the account for
(B) the remains of
(C) a credit for
(D) a deposit of
( ) 2. (A) take it back
(B) write it off
(C) let it out
(D) turn it over
( ) 3. (A) out
(B) back
(C) in
(D) over
( ) 4. (A) to good purpose
(B) not at all
(C) on the whole
(D) around the world
( ) 5. (A) not drawn
(B) no drawing
(C) not to draw
(D) no draws
( ) 6. (A) last
(B) top
(C) much
(D) most
) 7. (A) so as to
) 8. (A) as
) 9. (A) to remember
( ) 10. (A) not so
II. 文意選填
(B) if not to
(B) than
(B) it remembers
(C) unless you
(C) that
(C) remember
(D) except you
(D) what
(D) remembering
(B) best of
(C) but also
(D) even more
There can be no __1__ that time is important. Just look at all the different ways we use the word in
English. For __2__, did you know that time __3__? We say that when time seems to be passing quickly. If it is
going __4__, then we say time drags. If you are hurt, don't worry, because time __5__ all wounds. When
working, you will probably agree that it is better to be ahead of time than __6__ time, but it is even better to
finish a job in __7__ time. And if you have a deposit account, or even an __8__, you will know for sure that
time is __9__. Isn't that a good __10__ reason to treasure the time that you have?
(A) behind
(F) instance
(B) denying
(G) money
(C) enough
(H) no
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) flies
(I) overdraft
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) heals
(J) slowly
) 5.(
) 10.(
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster is a classic children’s book. It tells the story of Milo—a kid who
is always bored. School is boring and so are weekends. In fact, he thinks his whole life is boring. He spends his
days just “killing time.” One day he receives a mysterious package. He unwraps the package and inside finds a
small automatic gate (a tollbooth) and a coin. He deposits the coin, the gate opens and Milo is able to drive his
toy car into a wonderful new world.
Once in the new world, Milo meets a variety of interesting and sometimes frightening characters. He
relearns the joy in being alive that he felt as a small child and discovers the magic of words and numbers. He
learns that the world is only as exciting as you make it and that wasting time doing nothing is the worst thing
you can do.
Although the book has a moral—don’t waste time—the reader never feels like he or she is being “taught”
something. The story moves quickly, is often very funny, and the ending is exciting. Anyone who read and
enjoyed the Harry Potter books would certainly get a lot of fun out of The Phantom Tollbooth.
_____1. What is the best title for the reading?
(A) A Book Review (B) A Boy’s Adventure (C) A Magic World (D) Time Is Valuable
_____2. We can infer from the reading that before Milo visits the magic world, _________.
(A) he enjoys his school life a lot
(B) he can make the best of his time
(C) he’s busy with activities on weekends
(D) he enjoyed the fun of life when he was little
_____3. How does Milo enter the magic world?
(A) By sending out a mysterious package. (B)With the help of some weird characters.
(C) By inserting a coin in a tollbooth.
(D) By reading a book to kill time.
_____4. What has Milo learned from his adventure?
(A) Time and tide wait for no man. (B) It is your choice to make your life exciting.
(C) No adventure, no gain.
(D) With strong faith, dreams will finally come true.
_____5. According to the reading, what’s best about this book?
(A) Readers enjoy the fun of reading and also get some food for thought.
(B) There are clear morals to be drawn from reading the book.
(C) The story is interesting and can hold young kids’ attention.
(D) The story is fantastic and helps to fire children’s imagination.
IV 翻譯
so as (not) to V
so that S V
(adj/adv) enough (N) to V
Little Penguins behave in interesting ways, especially when they are angry __1__ each other. When two
of them are angry, each will stare at __2__. If one of them __3__ angry, it will walk away from the angry one
with its head __4__. On the other hand, if you see one bird __5__ another, there is no anger. It means that the
penguin likes the other and __6__ its boyfriend or girlfriend. It may even clean the other penguin's feathers. If
they decide to stay __7__, the two penguins will dig a burrow and make a nest __8__ grass inside it. Then the
mother will lay eggs, and both parents will __9__ to keep them warm. Little penguins really are fascinating, and
__10__ wonder that so many tourists travel a long way to watch them.
) 1. (A) with
) 2. (A) another
) 3. (A) will be
) 4. (A) held low
(B) to
(B) the other
(B) is not
(B) stood up
(C) on
(C) other
(C) was
(C) handed out
(D) for
(D) other one
(D) weren't
(D) put off
) 5. (A) imitates
) 6. (A) was not
) 7. (A) along
) 8. (A) out of
(B) imitated
(B) would be
(B) together
(B) by the
(C) imitating
(C) would not have
(C) sometimes
(C) it's from
(D) to imitate
(D) wants to be
(D) including
(D) to use
(B) take place
(B) there's not
(C) take turns
(C) it's not
(D) go away
(D) it's no
( ) 9. (A) sit on
( ) 10. (A) there's
Karen was not happy. She had been trying to lose __1__ for ages. In fact, she lost three __2__ in a month,
but then she __3__ put them back on again after going to a dinner party. To make things worse, she was angry
with her __4__, George, as well. At the party, he spent the whole time talking to an __5__ girl. Karen said she
was not happy with his __6__, but he just laughed and told her not to be so silly. Now, it would soon be __7__,
and they were planning to go on vacation __8__. Karen was afraid she would be the fattest __9.__ at the beach,
and everyone would laugh at her waddling around. She __10__ how she could make herself thinner in time.
(A) attractive
(B) behavior (C) boyfriend
(F) summertime (G) together (H) tourist
) 2.(
) 7.(
III. 篇章結構
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) kilograms (E) suddenly
(I) weight
(J) wondered
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
Ask someone to name an animal from Australia, and they will probably mention the kangaroo. ___1___
Altogether, there are 47 kinds of kangaroo. ___2___ And they can go more than nine meters with one hop.
Kangaroos have powerful back legs, short arms, and long tails. ___3___ They are not able to walk backwards.
Kangaroos eat mostly grass and leaves. ___4___ In fact, they can go for months without drinking. Female
kangaroos usually give birth to one baby at a time. ___5___ When born, it weighs just a few grams. After birth,
the joey crawls into its mother's pouch, where it grows and develops.
(A) The biggest ones can move at up to 80 kilometers an hour.
(B) They use their tails to help balance themselves.
(C) A baby kangaroo is called a joey.
(D) That is because it is easily the most famous creature in the country.
(E) They need very little water.
IV 閱讀測驗
Different kinds of birds build different kinds of nests. Birds build in all sorts of places, from
on the ground to high up in trees and on the sides of mountains. Some birds make nests that float on water in
wet areas. The material birds use to build nests depends on the surrounding area.
The reason birds make nests is to have a protected place to lay their eggs in and take care of young birds
after they hatch. When building a nest, birds try not to be seen. They do not want dangerous animals to see
where their eggs are. However, if you watch closely, you may be able to see birds carrying twigs and other
things to build their nests with.
Most birds nest during the spring and early summer of each year. They raise their babies in quite a short
time. They lay the eggs, then keep them warm for 3-4 weeks. After they hatch, many young birds learn to fly in
as little as 10 days. Some birds return to the same nest year after year if they have successfully raised young in
it. Often, there are old and new nests in the same tree. This confuses animals looking for baby birds to eat.
( ) 1. The passage does NOT say that birds make nests _______.
(A) on the sides of mountains (B) that can float on water
(C) near the tops of trees
(D) in holes next to rivers
) 2. We know from the passage that birds will always build their nests _______.
(A) in different places every year (B) close to a large river or lake
(C) where there are other birds
(D) using things they find nearby
) 3. What word describes the way birds act when making nests?
(A) Quickly.
(B) Carefully.
(C) Dangerously.
(D) Strangely.
) 4. The passage mentions _______ as material that birds use to build nests.
(A) twigs
(B) grass
(C) water
(D) stones
) 5. When do birds use an old nest?
(A) When there are young ones in it.
(B) When the summer has ended.
(C) When there are animals around.
(D) When they have used it before.
with + O + OC
1. 你不應該張著嘴咀嚼你的食物。
one…the other
2. 我的其中一隻寵物狗樂於獨處,另一隻則需要他人許多的注意。
Sue and Joanna were artists with a studio in Greenwich Village. One November, the cold weather __1__
to their neighborhood. Joanna became very ill __2__ pneumonia. She could only lie on her bed, __3__ through
the window. The doctor thought Joanna had __4__ to die. Joanna told Sue she wanted to __5__ everything. She
said she would die __6__ the last leaf fell from the ivy vine outside. Sue said she had never heard __7__, but
was very worried about her friend. She went to speak to Mr. Behrman. He was an old painter __8__ lived
beneath them. He was always going to paint a masterpiece, but __9__. He spent __10__ his time drinking
instead of painting.
( ) 1. (A) made people ill
(B) brought the ill
(C) made them sick
(D) brought sickness
( ) 2. (A) with
(B) for
(C) by
(D) about
( ) 3. (A) looking
(B) looked
(C) looks
(D) was looking
( ) 4. (A) made her mind
(B) made up her mind
(C) had her mind made
(D) making her mind up
) 5. (A) come back to
) 6. (A) as soon
) 7. (A) it was nonsense
(B) let go of
(B) also
(B) to speak nonsense
(C) take away from
(D) put on top
(C) after
(D) again
(C) she spoke nonsense (D) of such nonsense
) 8. (A) he
) 9. (A) still did
) 10. (A) much of
(B) what
(B) never did
(B) the most
(C) who
(C) was not
(C) a lot
(D) while
(D) he did
(D) too much
"Hi. How's the painting going?"
"Not bad. A bit slowly. I had a cold, but I've __1__ now. I hope to finish it soon."
"I'm surprised you didn't die of __2__, standing outside in that __3__ wind, just to paint a mountain! Why
don't you make your extra room into a __4__ and paint there?"
"My __5__ might not agree. Anyway, I like painting outside, and breathing fresh air as __6__. It's the
only way you can paint things like mountains and __7__. The only problem is when the weather is bad, and I
need to __8__ paints."
"I wish I were __9__ enough to learn how to paint. But I'm no good at art."
"__10__! Anybody can learn to paint, even if they'll never do a masterpiece."
(A) buildings
(B) icy
(F) pneumonia (G) recovered
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) mix
(H) roommate
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) nonsense
(I) studio
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) patient
(J) well
) 5.(
) 10.(
Greenwich Village, which is also called the West Village and sometimes just the Village, is a great place
to get lost on a sunny afternoon. The streets wind around each other, and wandering around Greenwich Village
makes you feel as if you've escaped from New York. It's kind of like being in a small European city.
When you've had enough of tall buildings and crowds of people, Greenwich Village offers a nice change
from normal city life. The lower buildings allow more sunshine to reach the streets as well. Many of the streets
are lined with shops. And there are plenty of interesting cafes and restaurants to discover, as well as small
gardens and art galleries. Outdoor art shows are often held in the area.
Greenwich Village is known for being home to many artists, writers and musicians. In fact, the area has
attracted writers and artists since the early 20th century. Some interesting old buildings from the early and
mid-1800s are still there, although there is an increasing number of modern apartment buildings. Washington
Square Park is a popular meeting place in the village. It is surrounded by the campus of New York University.
( ) 1. What is NOT a name for the place described in the passage?
(A) The West Village. (B) The Village. (C) European Village. (D) Greenwich Village.
) 2. We know from the passage that Greenwich Village is _______.
(A) filled with tall buildings
(B) a noisy and crowded place
(C) in an old European city.
(D) a part of New York City
) 3. The passage does NOT say that Greenwich Village is a good place to _______.
(A) go to a restaurant
(B) go shopping
(C) look at paintings
(D) play sports
) 4. When did Greenwich Village first become known as the home of artists?
(A) At the end of the last century.
(B) Around one hundred years ago.
(C) After it became a crowded place. (D) In the early and mid-1800s.
) 5. The passage tells us that New York University is _______.
(A) close to Washington Square Park (B) the largest building in New York
(C) not located in Greenwich Village (D) full of interesting old buildings
S + find + O + OC
1. 當Smith先生被發現有罪時,每個人都很震驚。
(,) where…
2. 那個垂死的病人渴望能回到他出生的城市。
The Sky Lantern Festival __1__ in Pinghsi, in northern Taiwan. It is a special __2__ celebrating the
Lantern Festival at the end of Chinese New Year. Thousands of paper lanterns are sent __3__ into the night sky.
They create a peaceful scene that moves people __4__ they watch the lanterns going up __5__ the heavens.
Launching a paper lantern is, for many people, __6__ sharing a gift with __7__ the world. Writing messages or
wishes __8__ the lantern is a way to make the gift more special. The lanterns were a traditional __9__ in
Pinghsi, and this idea has not been lost __10__ the festival gets bigger every year.
( ) 1. (A) holds
(B) holding
(C) is held
(D) held
( ) 2. (A) way of
(B) way to
(C) place to
(D) time that
( ) 3. (A) washing
(B) waving
(C) fixing
(D) floating
( ) 4. (A) as
(B) who
(C) that
(D) for
( ) 5. (A) forward
(B) toward
(C) backward
(D) away
( ) 6. (A) with
(B) are
(C) like
(D) than
) 7. (A) all the people
) 8. (A) to
) 9. (A) festival mood
(B) whatever
(B) at
(B) sign of peace
(C) the rest of
(C) from
(C) village bandit
(D) many of
(D) on
(D) sense of danger
( ) 10. (A) even though
(B) just as much
(C) once more
(D) even with
Last year, on the Moon __1__, I went up to the mountains with two friends. We drove through a small
__2__ and stopped to sit on the grass. It was evening, and we were enjoying the peaceful __3__. May looked up
at the __4__ and pointed to a star __5__ across it. She said we should all make a __6__ on the star. Daphne
wished she could be a model and wear beautiful __7__ all the time. May wished for an end to __8__ in the
world, and a better life for all its __9__. I said I hoped my family would always be __10__ from danger.
(A) clothes (B) Festival
(F) sky
(G) victims
) 2.(
) 7.(
III 篇章結構
(H) village
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) scene
(I) war
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) shooting
(J) wish
) 5.(
) 10.(
The first fireworks were made in China around 2000 years ago. ___1___ The bamboo pieces would burst
with a loud noise when heated. ___2___ Fireworks were traditionally used at religious ceremonies in China.
___3___ That's when they were us ed to frighten away evil spirits.
The explorer Marco Polo brought firecrackers to Europe in 1292. ___4___ Many new fireworks were
made for the first time. Missiles used in war were changed to make bursts of gold and silver sparks in the sky.
___5___ Kings and queens used them to show their wealth and power at religious festivals, weddings, and other
(A) Special firework shows soon became popular all over Europe.
(B) So, people called them 'firecrackers'.
(C) Firecrackers also became popular at Chinese New Year.
(D) In the next two centuries, the Italians began to develop fireworks into an art.
(E) They were made from pieces of bamboo.
) 2.(
) 3.(
) 4.(
) 5.(
IV 閱讀測驗
England is a country of many strange and unusual festivals. However, some of the strangest festivals are the
various “cheese races” that take place around the country, usually in May.
At a place called Cooper’s Hill, crowds gather to watch men and women wildly chase a huge round cheese
down a very steep hill. The first one down the hill wins the cheese. Every year people are hurt but the race has
been held annually for the past two hundred years and there are no signs of it stopping soon. A similar, but
slightly more peaceful event takes place in a town called Stilton. Here, teams of people, often dressed in
unusual clothing, race to push a giant round cheese through the streets. And there’s more cheese chasing in a
small village called Ide Hill, where women only are allowed to chase a cheese that is launched down the hill in
the middle of the village.
Nobody really knows why this kind of festivals originally started. Some people think it was a kind of
fertility festival—a festival to encourage crops to grow better. Others say that it was just to protect the rights of
ordinary people to use these areas of land. Anyway, whatever the original reason was, nowadays it is just an
excuse to have some fun in the sun.
______1. Cheese festivals in England are usually held ______.
(A) in spring (B) in winter (C) in fall (D) all year round
______2. Which of the following statements about the Cheese Festival in Cooper’s Hill is true?
(A) Only men are allowed to chase the cheese. (B) It’s very safe.
(C)It will be stopped soon.
(D) It has been around for two centuries.
______3. What was the original purpose for holding Cheese Festivals?
(A) To encourage crops to grow better.
(B) To protect the rights of ordinary people to use the land.
(C) To have some fun in the sun.
(D) No one is sure about that.
______4. In Stilton, ______________________.
(A) only women are allowed to chase the cheese
(B) teams compete against each other
(C) contestants are dressed in their work clothes
(D) the cheese is chased down the hill
V 翻譯
1. Whichever/Whatever/Whoever…
1. 無論他多努力地嘗試,麥特還是不能自己一個人搬動鋼琴。
2. appeal to..
2. 這有許多活動;你可以選擇一樣吸引你個性的活動。
I. 克漏字測驗
Have you ever seen a butterfly trying to get __1__ its cocoon? It must struggle through a very __2__.
Sometimes it takes several hours __3__ its body out. It might look __4__ it isn't making any progress, but that
doesn't mean it needs help. In fact, the butterfly __5__. As it goes through the tiny hole, fluid is forced from its
body __6__ its wings, making it ready for flight __7__ it has achieved its freedom. __8__ this fluid, the
butterfly would spend its life __9__ around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It __10__ be able to fly.
( ) 1. (A) up to
(B) out of
(C) along with
(D) away for
( ) 2. (A) new obstacle
(B) much time
(C) small opening
(D) large room
( ) 3. (A) to force
(B) forced
(C) forces
(D) to be forced
( ) 4. (A) so much
(B) so that
(C) as if
(D) as much
( ) 5. (A) supports this progress
(B) expects this help
(C) remains this way
(D) requires this struggle
( ) 6. (A) for
(B) into
(C) about
(D) with
) 7. (A) before
) 8. (A) Without
) 9. (A) to crawl
(B) although
(B) Against
(B) crawling
(C) once
(C) Because
(C) crawled
(D) even
(D) Neither
(D) crawls
( )10. (A) could soon
(B) can also
(C) should have
(D) would never
Debbie was a single mother. For years, she had been struggling to __1__ her two children and herself.
They lived in a __2__ apartment, and Debbie worked long hours so __3__ she could pay the rent and buy food.
Her mother was kind and __4__ to help, but Debbie would not take money from her. She wanted to be __5__
independent as she could. Besides working, she also studied law part-time. She took a course at university,
which __6__ her to go to classes for __7__ hours each week. Sometimes, it __8__ like she was trying to do the
impossible, but Debbie never gave up. She slowly made __9__ in her studies and overcame all the __10__ in
her way. Debbie graduated from college and became a lawyer.
A. as B. eager C. obstacles D. progress
F. seemed G. several
H. support
I. that
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 3.(
) 8.(
E. required
J. tiny
) 9.(
) 10.(
Did you know there are more kinds of insects on earth than any other creature? About 90% of all animals
are insects, and there are probably more than 10 million different kinds. Some kinds of insects have lived on our
planet for 350 million years. Insects are amazing and special creatures.
One of the things that make insects special is called metamorphosis. Metamorphosis means "change" ,
and it refers to the way that insects develop, grow, and change their form. Unlike other animals, most adult
insects look very different from their babies. This is because around 88% of insects go through complete
Complete metamorphosis has four stages. The first is the egg laid by the adult female. When an insect
hatches from an egg, it usually has a worm─like shape, and is called a larva. The best known type of larva is
probably a baby butterfly, or caterpillar. A larva eats a lot until it is fully─grown. Then it forms a cocoon.
Inside the cocoon, its body develops into an adult shape with wings and legs. This change can take from four
days to many months, according to the kind of insect it is. When it is ready, the adult insect breaks out of the
cocoon and begins the last stage of its life.
) 1. What does the passage say about insects?
(A) They are the oldest of all living creatures.
(B) They make up 10% of the world's animals.
(C) There used to be more insects in the world.
(D) Most of the world's animals are insects.
) 2. The passage says that insects are special because _______.
(A) some of them change their form
(B) most of them grow very quickly
(C) there are 10 million different kinds
(D) they are 350 million years old
) 3. Which of these is a result of complete metamorphosis?
(A) 90% of insects do not grow very big.
(B) 88% of insects do not change form
(C) Adult insects look nothing like their babies.
(D) A larva always hatches from an egg.
) 4. At what stage of metamorphosis is a caterpillar?
(A) The first.
(B) The second.
(C) The third. (D) The fourth.
) 5. It is possible for an adult insect to have spent _______ inside a cocoon.
(A) one day
(C) one year
(B) one month
(D) all its life
…so that/ in order that + S + may/might
1. 我決定辭掉我的兼職工作以便能有更多的時間來讀書。
as if + S + p.t./were or had + p.p.
At American weddings, __1__ a tradition for the bride to dress according __2__ an old saying:
"something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue". The bride wears __3__ something old,
for example, a piece of jewelry that __4__ her grandmother. It symbolizes a __5__ the past. Something new,
most __6__ the wedding dress, is meant to bring good luck for the future. The bride will also borrow something
from friends or family __7__ her that they can help her __8__ she needs them. Finally, she wears something
blue, __9__ a garter on her leg. The blue object is a __10__ loyalty and faithfulness.
( ) 1. (A) it has
(B) there were
(C) it would
(D) there is
( ) 2. (A) to
(B) for
(C) as
(D) that
( ) 3. (A) but carries
(B) or carries
(C) and carrying
(D) she carries
( ) 4. (A) belonged to
(B) made for
(C) presented by
(D) given to
( ) 5. (A) reception of
(B) recipient of
(C) time for
(D) connection with
( ) 6. (A) usual
(B) common
(C) often
(D) like
) 7. (A) remind
) 8. (A) then
) 9. (A) which was
(B) to remind
(B) while
(B) can be
(C) reminded
(C) if
(C) maybe in
(D) reminds
(D) for
(D) such as
( ) 10. (A) variety of
(B) symbol of
(C) jewel of
(D) letter of
The success of something we do is related to how much time we spend working on it. ___1___ When a
couple first get together, their relationship is the most important thing in their lives. ___2___ They have
children and work harder to support them. As a result, they spend less time together. ___3___
Spending time with each other also means communicating. ___4___ It's the only way a couple can tell
each other what they want. Communication means saying openly and honestly exactly what we think and feel.
A. But as time goes by, life gets busier.
B. Good communication is necessary for a healthy marriage.
C. And if they don't regularly spend time together, they may start to drift apart.
D. It also means listening to each other.
E. This is also true in the case of marriage.
After her mother died, Brenda looked through her things. There were several __1__ of jewelry there,
including her mother's __2__ ring. There were also lots of clothes and __3__ other objects that Brenda's mother
had collected over the years. Brenda found some old photographs of her mother, taken on the day she got __4__.
She was wearing a beautiful white __5__, and gloves made of fine __6__. This picture of her mother __7__
Brenda of her own wedding day, when she had __8__ the same gloves herself. She still kept them, along with a
white silk __9__ her mother had given her when she was a little girl. These objects __10__ the close connection
between Brenda and her mother. Seeing these photos again made Brenda feel both happy and sad.
A. dress B. handkerchief C. items
D. lace
E. married
F. reminded
G. symbolized H. various
I. wedding J. worn
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
Three wedding traditions in Western Europe involve cakes, honeymoons, and confetti. Wedding cakes
have been around since Roman times, when people shared one during the ceremony. Later, in England, it
became a custom to break small round cakes into little pieces over the bride's head. This was believed to
increase her chances of giving birth. These days, a wedding cake is much larger. It usually has three parts, one
on top of another. The bride and groom cut it together, and may save the top section for when they have their
first child.
The word "honeymoon" is thought to date back to the Middle Ages. If the parents of a young woman did
not agree to her choice of husband, the couple would run away and hide together. They got married in secret
and remained in hiding for a full cycle of the moon. During this time, they drank wine with honey. Now, of
course, a honeymoon is a trip that newlyweds take together.
Confetti is an Italian word meaning candy. In Italy, candies are thrown over the couple when they come
out of church. In other countries, flowers were thrown in the past, but little pieces of colored paper, which are
called confetti in English, are used nowadays. They are supposed to bring happiness and wealth to the
( ) 1. According to the passage, the three wedding traditions described _______.
(A) all started in England
(B) all date back to Roman times
(C) all involve food or drink
(D) are all connected to children
) 2. Why did a bride have cakes broken over her head?
(A) So that she would be more likely to have children.
(B) So that she could share them with other people.
(C) Because it was thought unlucky to eat the cakes.
(D) Because wedding cakes used to be too large to eat.
( ) 3. What do people do with the top part of a wedding cake nowadays?
(A) Give it to poor children.
(B) Save it for a later time.
(C) Break it into small pieces. (D) Cut it into three parts.
( ) 4. How long did the first "honeymoons" usually last?
(A) One full day.
(B) About a week.
(C) About a month.
(D) A whole year.
( ) 5. Which of these has NOT traditionally been thrown over a newlywed couple, according to the passage?
(A) Paper.
(B) Flowers.
(C) Candy.
(D) Honey.
V 翻譯
although vs but
1. 雖然Dan工作十分努力,但他從未賺過大錢。
have/get/make + O + V/(被動) p.p.
I. 克漏字測驗
In Japan, people love baseball. __1__ you go to a game there, you may be surprised by the __2__. They
are really loud, and the noise they make continues __3__. They cheer, chant, bang on drums and blow trumpets
__4__ the game, even if their team __5__ badly. Going to a baseball game is a __6__ in Japan.
It is also exciting in Taiwan, __7__ fans can be just as loud. Here, fans cheer their team __8__ using air
horns. These can really __9__ if you are sitting close to them. Taiwanese fans also like to yell a lot __10__ and
encourage the players.
( ) 1. (A) Though
(B) Because
(C) When
(D) However
( ) 2. (A) behavior of the fans (B) popular tradition
(C) hot dogs and popcorn
(D) stuffed animals
( ) 3. (A) in common
(B) in time
(C) different
(D) nonstop
( ) 4. (A) throughout
(B) forever
(C) everywhere
(D) all about
( ) 5. (A) was lost
(B) been losing
(C) is losing
(D) losing
( ) 6. (A) new rule
(B) big fan
(C) lot of time
(D) lot of fun
) 7. (A) who
) 8. (A) to
) 9. (A) hurt your ears
( )10. (A) exciting
(B) where
(B) for
(B) be with friends
(C) which
(C) on
(C) be similar
(D) there
(D) in
(D) throw you out
(B) which excite
(C) for exciting
(D) to excite
I can still remember my first __1__ of baseball. I was ten years old, and my brother took me to play with
his friends. I had already learned some __2__ basketball skills, but I soon found out that baseball is a very
__3__ kind of sport. My brother asked me if I wanted to try batting or __4__. I chose to bat, and I played quite
__5__. I made one big hit, and ran to third __6__. After the game, I sat with my brother and his friends. They
__7__ the game we had played and taught me more about the __8__ of the sport. I was very interested, and
ended up playing baseball __9__ that summer. I learned to love the sport, and now I can say I am a true __10__
of baseball.
A. analyzed B. base
F. game G. pitching
) 2.(
) 7.(
C. basic
H. rules
D. different
E. fan
I. throughout J. well
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 9.(
) 10.(
III. 閱讀測驗
The history of Asian players in American Major League Baseball goes back to 1964, when Masamori
Murakama came from Japan and pitched for the San Francisco Giants for two seasons. After Murakama, it was
another thirty years before another Asian played in the Majors. In the last ten years, however, more than forty
others, from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and elsewhere, have made it to the big show.
Probably the best known Asian players in recent years have been Hideo Nomo and Ichiro Suzuki, both
Japanese. Nomo has been a successful pitcher with the Los Angeles Dodgers since 1995. Suzuki joined the
Seattle Mariners in 2001 and became the American League batting champion. He was also voted Most Valuable
Player in the league that season. He has done much to increase awareness of Asian baseball talent by American
Among the latest targets for US Major League teams are players from Taiwan. Although Taiwan has
done well in the Little League World Series over the years, its professional baseball league is still very weak.
Many of the best players go to Japan, and now the US as well. For example, in 2005 twenty-five-year-old
pitcher Chien-ming Wang made an excellent start to his new career with the New York Yankees.
) 1. When was the first time an Asian played in American Major League baseball?
(A) In 2001.
(B) In 1995.
(C) About 10 years ago.
(D) Over 40 years ago.
) 2. The passage does NOT say that players from _______ have played in the US Major Leagues.
(A) China
(B) Taiwan
(C) Japan
(D) Korea
) 3. Who has played for the Los Angeles Dodgers, according to the passage?
(A) Masamori Murakama.
(B) Hideo Nomo.
(C) Ichiro Suzuki.
(D) Chien-ming Wang.
) 4. Which of the following is true about Suzuki?
(A) He played in the US before Hideo Nomo.
(B) He has won two top awards in baseball.
(C) He plays on the same team as Chien-ming Wang.
(D) He was the first Japanese to pitch in America.
) 5. What does the passage say about Chien-ming Wang?
(A) He played Little League baseball in the past.
(B) He first played professional baseball in Japan.
(C) He has played for the Seattle Mariners before.
(D) He is a pitcher for the New York Yankees.
IV 翻譯
so adj/adv that
1. 貝瑞兒有許多的工作需要做,以致於她待在辦公室直到晚上十點。
the reason (why/that) S + V… is that…
2. 和客戶做生意是我爸爸打高爾夫球的主要原因。
It may sound strange, but the English language is slowly losing some words. They are words __1__ too
much emphasis on gender. Words ending in "-ess", __2__, are being used less and less. This is because they
may __3__ disrespectful to women nowadays. As society changes, __4__ the language we use. Saying
"waitress" and "stewardess" is not politically correct, __5__ PC. It can even be offensive.
Politically correct language goes __6__ gender. A word such as "handicapped" can also offend __7__ it
implies that someone is helpless. People now __8__ "disabled" and "physically challenged." Many non-PC
words are still frequently used, __9__. It takes time to change language, and many people __10__ being told
what words they must use.
( ) 1. (A) that put
(B) that are
(C) they are
(D) they put
( ) 2. (A) no more
(B) according to
(C) for example
(D) reason why
( ) 3. (A) consider
(B) considering
(C) be considered
(D) being considered
( ) 4. (A) as yet
(B) and too
(C) but also
(D) so does
) 5. (A) but
) 6. (A) beyond
) 7. (A) although
(B) or
(B) throughout
(B) another
(C) for
(C) along
(C) which
(D) with
(D) about
(D) because
) 8. (A) hear the difference
) 9. (A) however
)10. (A) will not
(B) prefer the terms
(B) whenever
(B) would like
(C) stop to say
(C) whatever
(C) don't like
(D) have had enough
(D) otherwise
(D) doesn't like
There is more to learning another language than studying grammar and vocabulary. ___1___ It brings the
person learning it in contact with a new culture as well. All languages have their own special terms. ___2___ It
may even be impossible. This is because some ideas are only expressed in the culture that speaks the language.
So, language learning can be difficult. ___3___ It opens up new worlds, and increases understanding of
other cultures. It is also a good way to break down the obstacles between countries. ___4___ Children pick up
new words and sounds faster than adults. ___5___
A. It can be hard to translate some of these terms into other languages.
B. They also have a better chance of understanding cultural differences in the future.
C. Every language represents a different view of the world.
D. But it is worth the effort.
E. And beginning early is a good idea.
) 2.(
) 3.(
) 4.(
) 5.(
Fred was on an airplane, and he was not feeling happy. It was his first __1__, even though he was an old
man. He found the seat to be __2__ comfortable, but one of the flight attendants seemed to be __3__ with him.
He had made the mistake of calling her a __4__. Fred did not know that he was being __5__. He had not meant
to __6__ her, but he was old and did not know much about __7__ correctness. Fred hoped that the attendant
would not __8__ him badly during the flight. "I need to start changing with the __9__," Fred told himself, "or
people might stop __10__ me altogether."
A. disrespectful
B. fairly C. flight D. irritated
F. political G. serving H. stewardess
I. times
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
E. offend
J. treat
) 5.(
) 10.(
IV 閱讀測驗
Having cultural rules of polite behavior allows people to get along with each other. But rules of politeness
vary from place to place. Some cultures put more emphasis on being formal and using the right words than
others do. Visitors to a country who do not follow local rules of polite behavior may seem rude, even if they do
not want to be.
In England, for example, using the words "please" and "thank you" is very important. In some other
cultures, please and thank you are not used when speaking to people who are doing their job. Leaving them out
is not considered impolite. A person from such a culture might seem rude when buying something from a store
in England.
In Switzerland, many people greet each other and shake hands when they meet and when they part,
especially the first time each day. Colleagues shake hands when they arrive and when they leave work. In
English culture such greetings are less common, especially at work. This would probably seem impolite to the
Where we have different languages and cultures, it is easy to misunderstand other people's personalities
or attitudes. We often cannot help reacting to the way people speak and behave, and our reactions are decided
by our own culture.
) 1. What does the passage say about rules of polite behavior?
(A) People usually do not follow them. (B) People cannot get along with them.
(C) They are not the same everywhere. (D) They were more common in the past.
) 2. According to the passage, foreign visitors have problems if they _______.
(A) try to use the right words all the time (B) do not want to be rude to local people
(C) don't understand local rules of politeness (D) put too much emphasis on being formal
) 3. You could be thought rude in England if you _______.
(A) say "please" to someone who is working (B) do not use polite words often enough
(C) do not leave out certain words when speaking (D) say "please" and "thank you" too many times
) 4. What difference between England and Switzerland is described in the passage?
(A) People shake hands more often in Switzerland.
(B) People say "thank you" more often in Switzerland.
(C) People greet each other more often in England.
(D) People are generally more polite in England.
) 5. The passage does NOT mention misunderstandings caused by different _______.
(A) rules of politeness
(B) attitudes
(C) cultural backgrounds
(D) types of work
V. 翻譯
wh-(NP) + to V
may/might have p.p.
Do you have a true friend? Do you really know __1__? A true friend should be many things. She is __2__
will always walk by your side __3__ you need her. You will be able to __4__ her, no matter whether times are
__5__. That's because she is always there, __6__ when she is miles away. She is ready to laugh at your jokes
and __7__ your tears. With her, you can always __8__. There is a poem about friendship that says friends are
__9__. That means they are precious, and should occupy a special place __10__ your life.
( ) 1. (A) who is friends
(B) how is your friend (C) what a friend is
(D) what about friends
( ) 2. (A) someone who
(B) person who
(C) anybody
(D) nothing but
( ) 3. (A) but
(B) with
(C) until
(D) when
( ) 4. (A) stand on
(B) belong to
(C) sorry for
(D) depend on
( ) 5. (A) good or bad
(B) right or wrong
(C) in or out
(D) back or front
( ) 6. (A) already
(B) even
(C) over
(D) once
) 7. (A) step aside
) 8. (A) do yourself
) 9. (A) as good
( )10. (A) in
II. 文意選填
(B) call out
(B) be herself
(B) like gold
(C) wipe away
(C) do herself
(C) than silver
(D) think over
(D) be yourself
(D) new wine
(B) on
(C) to
(D) of
"What's that you're reading? A story?"
"No, it's a __1__. It's very interesting, and it's given me something to think __2__."
"I thought you hated poetry. You once __3__ at me for reading it!"
"Well, I'm more mellow and __4__ now. So you can listen while I tell you about it. Or you can go away
and leave me __5__."
"OK, OK! Calm __6__! There's no need to get __7__. What's the poem about?"
"Friendship. It tells us why we should __8__ it. It's very important to have a friend by your __9__,
especially when you feel down. They can really help you __10__ feelings of sorrow."
"Sounds like a useful piece of advice."
A. about B. alone
C. cherish D. down
E. laughed
F. mad G. overcome
H. poem
I. refined
J. side
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
As children, Maggie and Judith were inseparable. They were born in the same hospital in the same week.
They lived on the same street, and went to the same kindergarten. All through primary school, they played
together, and spent lots of time in each other's homes. The few arguments they had were always quickly
When they left junior high school, Maggie and Judith went their separate ways. They no longer attended
the same school, and when Judith was fifteen her family moved to another town. The girls kept in touch by
phone and letter at first, but contact between them became less frequent. They made new friends and found new
interests, and their lives took different directions.
Maggie graduated from college and got married. At the age of twenty-six, she had her first child. Maggie
and her husband delayed naming their daughter until after she was born. In the hospital, they were discussing
the name one morning. They heard a voice from behind the curtain hiding the bed next to Maggie's. "Why not
call her Judith?" said the voice. Suddenly, the curtain opened, and Maggie saw her childhood friend for the first
time in years. Judith had just given birth to a baby girl in the same hospital!
( ) 1. This is a story about two girls who _______.
(A) lived in the same house as children
(B) worked together after leaving school
(C) met again after spending years apart
(D) were teachers at the same high school
) 2. What does the passage tell us about Maggie and Judith?
(A) They got along well with each other.
(B) They were often having big arguments.
(C) They separated during primary school.
(D) They did not like each other at first.
) 3. Why did Maggie and Judith stop spending time together?
(A) They found new friends.
(B) They didn't like school.
(C) They were always arguing.
(D) They lived too far apart.
) 4. The passage does NOT tell us that _______.
(A) Judith went to college
(B) Maggie went to college
(C) Judith had a daughter.
(D) Maggie had a daughter.
) 5. Based on the end of the story, Maggie and Judith are most likely to _______.
(A) have an argument
(B) renew their friendship
(C) go back to college
(D) find new interests
IV 翻譯
..stand the test of time…
1. 我們有時仍會爭執,但我們的友誼經得起時間的考驗。
someone who(m)…
2. 消防員是把人從著火的建築中救出來的人。
I. 克漏字測驗
Farmers around the world need to produce food __1__. The world's population may be __2__ twelve
billion by the middle of this century. That's a lot of people __3__, so can the farmers do it?
__4__ the help of scientists, it seems they can. __5__ the early 1980s, methods have been developed of
changing the __6__ of some plants. Foods from plants produced __7__ are known as genetically modified, or
GM, foods. And they may become the __8__ to the problem of feeding a growing population. GM foods are not
perfect, __9__, and some people do not think they are natural. It is feared that people could become ill __10__
eating GM foods.
( ) 1. (A) very slow
(B) more quickly
(C) lot faster
(D) and sooner
( ) 2. (A) not less
(B) almost as
(C) as much
(D) as high as
( ) 3. (A) to feed
(B) feeding
(C) it feeds
(D) been fed
( ) 4. (A) For
(B) As
(C) About
(D) With
( ) 5. (A) Until
(B) Since
(C) Although
(D) When
) 6. (A) human diseases
) 7. (A) in a season
) 8. (A) best answer
( ) 9. (A) throughout
( )10. (A) according to
II. 篇章結構
(B) genetic material
(B) at a cost
(B) big advantage
(C) whole crop
(C) in this way
(C) certain kind
(D) strong feelings
(D) for this time
(D) last minute
(B) anywhere
(B) made by
(C) hardly ever
(C) because of
(D) however
(D) in spite
Look in the mirror and you will see something special. __1__ This mixture has never existed before.
__2__ The two sets of genes you received from your parents have come together in a unique way. It is almost
impossible to repeat it, unless you have an identical twin.
Your genes are not the only things that make you special, however. __3__ Everything you have
experienced in your life has influenced the person you are. __4__ In other words, nobody can say their life has
been the same as yours. __5__ It is different from every other human life.
A. To sum up, your genes make you special, but so does your life.
B. So do your experiences.
C. Therefore, genetically speaking, you are a new invention.
D. In a way, we all live in different worlds.
E. You will see a unique human being with a unique mixture of genes.
III. 文意選填
Professor Madder is waiting for the results of his latest __1__ experiment. He has been trying to __2__ a
new kind of banana. He has __3__ the genes of ordinary bananas to produce one that, he __4__, will grow in
any part of the world. Usually, bananas only grow in warm __5__. They are sold to colder countries after being
__6__. Professor Madder believes that his banana crop will not fail no matter how __7__ the temperature is.
Later, he hopes to do the same with other food __8__. His dream is that one day human __9__ will be able to
produce any kind of food where they live. They will not need to buy it from other countries. Professor Madder's
friends think his idea would be bad for the world's __10__. What do you think?
A. beings
F. low
B. climates
G. modified
) 2.(
C. develop
H. picked
) 3.(
D. economy
I. plants
) 4.(
E. hopes
J. scientific
) 5.(
) 7.(
) 8.(
) 9.(
) 10.(
In some parts of the world, farmers are producing more GM foods than ever. In fact, the area of land used
to grow GM crops is thirty times as much as it was six years ago. The United States grows the most. The rest is
mainly shared by Canada, China, and Argentina.
In Africa, many scientists see GM food as the answer to the problem of feeding the millions of hungry
people there. For example, in East Africa there is a GM sweet potato whose seeds could increase the crop by up
to eighty percent. But large-scale development of this and other GM crops faces difficult obstacles.
Traditional farmers keep some seeds from a crop to plant again the next year. However, companies that
produce GM seeds make farmers buy new ones every year. It costs the companies millions of dollars to research
and develop a GM plant, so they focus on areas where they can get this money back. Poor farmers in Africa and
other developing areas are not a good market for them.
Developing countries are making their own GM crops, like the sweet potato mentioned above. But they
still cannot afford to produce enough for everyone. GM foods offer hope to the world's poor, then, but there is
still a lot of work to do.
( ) 1. The passage is mainly concerned with the _______.
(A) countries that produce GM foods
(B) costs of producing GM foods
(C) advantages of producing GM foods
(D) difficulties of producing GM foods
) 2. Which country produces more GM foods than any other?
(A) Canada.
(B) The USA.
(C) China.
(D) Argentina.
) 3. Which of these is stated in the passage?
(A) Most new GM crops are grown in Africa.
(B) Africans eat more GM foods than anyone else.
(C) GM crops are grown on a large scale in Africa.
(D) GM technology is welcomed in Africa.
) 4. Companies that produce GM seeds _______.
(A) make most of their money from research
(B) give most of them to African farmers
(C) don't sell many products to Africans
(D) don't make American farmers buy new seeds
) 5. The writer of the passage believes that GM foods _______.
(A) can make the world's farmers very rich
(B) should only be grown in rich countries
(C) will never be useful to poor countries
(D) could solve the problem of hunger one day
V 翻譯
NP + be to + V
Since 過去時間 / for 一段時間
2. 我的祖母自從她出生後一直住在同一間房子。
I. 克漏字測驗
Mr. Cho looked at his goldfish. He thought there was __1__ with them. They had very little energy, and
__2__. Also, there were red patches __3__ their skin. They looked as if they __4__ unless he could cure them
of their sickness. However, __5__ taking them to a veterinarian, Mr. Cho decided to give them his own
He stuck acupuncture needles into his fish, and left them __6__ for several minutes. He did the same
thing every day __7__ a week. To Mr. Cho's relief, the fish began to look __8__. They were soon swimming
around energetically __9__. Were they cured by the acupuncture treatment? Mr. Cho thinks __10__.
( ) 1. (A) anything bad
(B) something wrong (C) feeling sick
(D) nothing about
( ) 2. (A) weren't eaten
(B) weren't eating
(C) not eating
(D) had been eaten
( ) 3. (A) to
(B) at
(C) on
(D) of
( ) 4. (A) surprised to find
(B) should be alive
(C) afraid they would die
(D) wouldn't last long
) 5. (A) according to
) 6. (A) there
) 7. (A) since
( ) 8. (A) very sick
( ) 9. (A) anymore
( )10. (A) they were
II 文意選填
(B) about to
(B) that
(B) about
(C) because of
(C) where
(C) from
(D) instead of
(D) this
(D) for
(B) much better
(B) otherwise
(B) so that
(C) a lot more
(C) again
(C) so often
(D) too bad
(D) aside
(D) it was
Curtis was not feeling well. He had a headache and a __1__, and was feeling tired. He was a bit __2__
when he looked in the mirror and saw his __3__. He looked old and sick, as if he were __4__ from a chronic
disease. He thought he had better see a doctor.
The doctor asked Curtis about his __5__ and sleeping habits, then told him he was getting too __6__
sleep. The doctor also said Curtis had a slight __7__. It was very common, and the __8__ was a simple injection.
Curtis was nervous about having a __9__ stuck into his arm, but was relieved when he found it didn't __10__ at
all. The doctor said he would soon get better and told him to go home.
A. appearance
B. eating
F. needle
G. stomachache
) 2.(
) 7.(
C. hurt
H. suffering
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
D. infection
I. treatment
) 5.(
) 10.(
E. little
J. worried
III 閱讀測驗
Feelings and thoughts can have a powerful effect on the human body. When you are afraid, for example,
your heart beats very fast, and you sweat a lot. On the other hand, pleasant feelings can help you relax and make
you feel healthier. This means there is probably a connection between the chemicals in our brains and our
Many doctors believe that positive feelings are important for good health, and that it is also important to
express our feelings in the right way. Research has shown that people who keep bad feelings such as anger
inside are more likely to get diseases like colds, flu, and heart problems. However, it is possible to manage
anger and other negative feelings and to keep yourself calm.
When you feel tension or anger building in your body, you can make an effort to relax your muscles,
especially those in your hands, shoulders, and face. Take several deep breaths, and count slowly count to ten. If
your anger is related to tiredness, take a break. Above all, try to be patient with others and forgive them if they
do something wrong. Knowing how to keep anger out of your mind and body is one way of becoming a
healthier and happier person.
) 1. The passage discusses the way our bodies _______.
(A) control how we think and feel
(B) react to how we think and feel
(C) are affected by the food we eat
(D) get sick from the environment
) 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(A) A fast heartbeat. (B) A relaxed feeling. (C) Better health. (D) Cold weather.
) 3. The passage says it is bad for your health if you _______.
(A) don't express your feelings in the right way
(B) don't relax when you have positive feelings
(C) catch a cold when you are not feeling angry
(D) control anger and other negative feelings
( ) 4. What is the third paragraph mostly about?
(A) Suggestions for managing anger.
(B) What to do when you get sick.
(C) How to slow down your heartbeat.
(D) Different kinds of medical problems.
( ) 5. The passage does NOT advise us to _______.
(A) breathe deeply (B) avoid anger (C) forgive people
IV 翻譯
…not…. Instead, S V…. = S V…instead.
Instead of + NP…, S V… = S V…instead of NP
1. 媽媽並沒有為我們煮晚飯而是帶我們上餐館。
To V…, S +V…
(D) be impatient
I. 克漏字測驗
My mom got breast cancer when I was __1__ college. She had to have a mastectomy, but afterwards
__2__ surgery to reconstruct her breast. The experience was a terrible __3__ for Mom, but she did have Dad to
help her. He was a real __4__, despite his worry. Mom knew that, __5__ what happened, Dad would always be
__6__ for her and for the rest of us.
Now, Mom is healthy again. But Dad still __7__ when she goes away anywhere, because it makes him
think about __8__ life would be like without her. He makes me think __9__, and I understand how important
they have both been __10__ my life.
( ) 1. (A) on
(B) for
(C) to
(D) in
( ) 2. (A) decided against (B) decided not to
(C) not decided
(D) decided to
( ) 3. (A) freedom
(B) afraid
(C) traumatic
(D) trauma
( ) 4. (A) special role
(B) pillar of strength
(C) great effect
(D) reflection of her
( ) 5. (A) no matter
(B) never say
(C) not without
(D) no difference
) 6. (A) these
) 7. (A) is a hard man
) 8. (A) how
( ) 9. (A) it
( )10. (A) shaped
(B) that
(B) has a hard time
(B) what
(C) where
(C) would not like
(C) which
(D) there
(D) can be glad
(D) even
(B) about
(B) they shape
(C) too
(C) in shape
(D) many
(D) in shaping
Cancer is a very common disease. __1__ Many of them will die from cancer. But nowadays a large
number of people overcome the disease. __2__ This is because cancer isn't just one disease, but many.
__3__ They all have some things in common. However, each also has its own special features. __4__
Also, the causes of cancer vary from person to person. __5__ Although cancers begin in a similar way, their
development is different in different people. That's why cancers can be so difficult to cure.
A. Others live for many years with cancer in their bodies.
B. So does the way the disease can grow and spread.
C. In fact, one in three people will be affected by it at some time in their lives.
D. There are more than 200 types of cancer.
E. These depend on the type and location of the cancer.
III. 文意選填
I have always thought Ken and Barbie are the perfect example of a __1__ couple. Their relationship
__2__ very strong to me. Every time Ken talks about Barbie, it is to __3__ her. In return, she __4__ him in
everything he does, from working for his __5__ to playing his favorite sports. You could not imagine either of
them __6__ the other.
Therefore, when Sara told me that Ken and Barbie were breaking up, I found it __7__. I thought she must
be wrong, and told her so. She suggested I __8__ Ken and ask him myself if I didn't believe her. __9__ being a
good friend of Ken's, I don't want to do that. I am sure he will __10__ the situation to me sooner or later. I hope
Sara is mistaken, but I can't help feeling worried.
A. call
F. explain
B. company
G. incredible
) 2.(
) 7.(
C. criticizing D. despite E. encourages
H. loving I. praise J. seems
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
Dear Gloria:
I love my children, but being a parent can be so hard! I sometimes get angry with my kids, and often feel
very frustrated. I wonder if this is normal. Also, is it OK to hit my children when they do something wrong? I'd
really like to be a good parent, but I don't know how.
Worried in Washington
Dear Worried:
Being a parent can be a great joy, but it's also a tough job. Children take a lot of time and energy. No
parent is perfect. We all make mistakes. Even loving parents sometimes do things they don't mean to, like hit a
child. Being a parent is even harder if you have other problems in your life, such as worries about your job or
money. To be a good parent, you have to take care of yourself.
Everyone needs a break from being a parent once in a while. If you have a husband or wife, take turns
getting away from the house. For example, your partner can stay with the children while you visit friends. If you
are a single parent, ask friends or relatives to watch your child while you go out. As for hitting children, that is
not the best way of teaching them right from wrong. It is much better to try to make children understand why
they are wrong and take responsibility for their actions.
) 1. Based on the passage, what is most likely to be true about Gloria?
(A) She works for a magazine or newspaper. (B) She does not have any children of her own.
(C) She is 'Worried in Washington's' best friend. (D) She had a lot of problems in childhood.
) 2. What can we NOT infer from the passage?
(A) 'Worried in Washington' is a parent. (B) 'Worried in Washington' is a woman.
(C) Gloria wants to help the letter writer. (D) Gloria thinks parenting is important.
) 3. The writer of the letter to Gloria thinks that _______.
(A) hitting children is the best way to teach them (B) getting children to behave well is difficult
(C) it is normal to get angry with children often (D) it is not so important to be a good parent
) 4. What makes being a parent more difficult, according to Gloria?
(A) Having work or money problems. (B) Having more than one child.
(C) Wanting to be a perfect parent.
(D) Spending too little time with children.
) 5. Gloria says that every parent should _______.
(A) not try to tell children what is right or wrong
(B) send the children out of the house sometimes
(C) hit their children when it is necessary
(D) have a rest from being a parent sometimes
V 翻譯
S + suggest/ insist/ order/ recommend/
urge/ propose/demand/ask/request
that S + (should) + V
1. 李先生的朋友推薦他去找一位好的律師。
2. 如果你感到疲倦的話,我建議你休幾天的假別去工作。
Between Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico is an area of ocean that is __1__ the Bermuda Triangle. This
area is famous __2__ strange events happening there. Hundreds of ships, airplanes, and people have
disappeared, __3__ without warning. Wreckage and bodies are almost never __4__, and these mysterious
disappearances __5__.
The strange events go __6__ as the time of Christopher Columbus. __7__ through the area in 1492, he
saw strange lights in the sky. It was __8__ 1964, however, that it received the name 'Bermuda Triangle'. __9__
that time, many vessels had vanished. The most famous disappearance is probably __10__ of Flight Nineteen.
In 1945, five U.S. Navy Planes and the pilots were lost.
( ) 1. (A) someone calling
(B) called by
(C) called now
(D) sometimes called
( ) 2. (A) as
(B) when
(C) for
(D) that
( ) 3. (A) all the times
(B) in most cases (C) up to then
(D) just as often
( ) 4. (A) recovered
(B) recovering
(C) to recover
(D) to be recovered
) 5. (A) remain unexplained
) 6. (A) back to
) 7. (A) Sailing
( ) 8. (A) until
( ) 9. (A) About
( )10. (A) what
(B) still to explain (C) remain being explained
(B) a long way
(C) as far back
(B) Sailed
(C) He sailed
(D) still being explained
(D) to the past
(D) To sail
(B) not until
(B) As
(B) that
(D) not since
(D) By
(D) those
(C) since
(C) In
(C) why
Andy was feeling uncomfortable. He was on __1__ a ship in the Atlantic Ocean. A member of the __2__
had made an error in the compass __3__, and they had no idea of their exact location. Also, they were sailing
through a bad __4__. Huge waves made the ship roll from side to side. Some of the men were praying; __5__
were hoping another ship would come to __6__ them.
Suddenly, the sea went calm and a bright light appeared above the ship. Andy looked up and saw a
strange looking __7__ floating towards him. A tall, green __8__ looked out of one of its windows and waved to
him. "Oh no!" said Andy. "I'm going to be __9__." "No, you're not. You're going to school," said the creature.
Andy woke up and saw his brother standing __10__ him, wearing a green T-shirt.
A. abducted
F. over
B. alien
G. reading
) 2.(
) 7.(
C. board
H. rescue
) 3.(
) 8.(
D. crew
I. thunderstorm
) 4.(
) 9.(
E. others
J. vessel
) 5.(
) 10.(
III. 閱讀測驗
Atlantis is the name of a mysterious island that, according to old stories, was the location of a lost city.
There is no proof that the island ever existed, but it was supposed to have been somewhere in the Atlantic
Ocean. The stories say that Atlantis was destroyed by an earthquake, or possibly a huge ocean wave.
The first person to write about Atlantis was the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who died in 348 BC. He
described the city as being almost a perfect society. Although Plato wrote only a few hundred words about
Atlantis, he provided details about its physical appearance and its political system. He also described the
destruction of Atlantis as if it were a fact of history. He said the event took place about 9,000 years before his
own time.
Since then, many stories have been told about Atlantis. All kinds of theories have been put forward,
including one that the city's population were originally aliens from space. Some experts believe there never was
such a place as Atlantis, however, and that Plato invented it. He was interested in politics, they say, and used the
story to show what might happen to such a society. This view has not stopped many believers in Atlantis from
using their imaginations just as well as Plato did.
( ) 1. According to the passage, we do not know for sure that _______.
(A) Plato was a real person
(B) Atlantis was a real place
(C) there are stories about Atlantis
(D) a perfect society is possible
) 2. What do Plato's writings tell us about Atlantis?
(A) It had a highly developed society.
(B) It still exists somewhere in the world.
(C) It was a city in ancient Greece.
(D) The Atlantic Ocean was named after it.
) 3. When was Atlantis destroyed, according to Plato?
(A) In 348 B.C.
(B) One thousand years ago.
(C) Less than 5,000 years ago.
(D) Over 11,000 years ago.
) 4. The passage says it is possible Plato wrote about Atlantis because _______.
(A) he wanted to express a political opinion
(B) he had been there and wanted to describe it
(C) he wanted to prove it did not really exist
(D) it was an important place during his time
) 5. The last sentence implies that the writer of this passage _______.
(A) has not read any of Plato's work
(B) has lived in a perfect society
(C) does not believe Atlantis existed
IV 翻譯
(D) is a strong believer in Atlantis
…theories of wh-…
2. 對於這麼多的船隻為何消失一事存在著許多說法
I. 克漏字測驗
One day in 1821, a former soldier __1__ Charles Barbier visited the Royal Institution for Blind Youth in
Paris. He went there to talk about __2__, his new invention. It was a __3__ raised dots that let soldiers on the
battlefield send information to each other __4__ having to speak. Unfortunately, it was __5__ for most of them
to learn, __6__ for a twelve-year-old boy at the school.
Louis Braille had become blind __7__ at the age of three. He was always eager to learn things, but __8__
everything just by listening. At the Royal Institution, there were only a few books with letters that __9__ so that
he and the other students could read them. Barbier's invention gave Louis an idea for a new way __10__ books
for blind people.
( ) 1. (A) call
(B) calling
(C) named
(D) naming
( ) 2. (A) write at night
(B) night writing
(C) night write
(D) written at night
( ) 3. (A) piece of
(B) code of
(C) kind of
(D) pair of
( ) 4. (A) just
(B) only
(C) without
(D) because
) 5. (A) too hard
) 6. (A) even if
) 7. (A) by accident
(B) very good
(B) as if
(B) as a result
(C) hard enough
(C) at least
(C) only once
(D) too many
(D) but not
(D) according to
) 8. (A) wasn't known
) 9. (A) went wrong
)10. (A) producing
(B) was able to
(B) turned out
(B) to produce
(C) wouldn't like
(C) stood out
(C) can produce
(D) couldn't learn
(D) got around
(D) produced
The first book in Braille was published in 1829. __1__ People that could see did not understand how
useful it could be. The principal at Louis Braille's school would not allow the children to learn it. __2__
Eventually, even sighted people realized the benefits of the Braille system. Blind people could use it to read.
__3__ They used a simple tool to make the dots.
So what happened to Louis Braille? He finished his studies at the school. __4__ His students admired and
respected him. __5__ His health was not good, and he died in 1852 at the age of 43.
A. Later he became a teacher there himself.
B. But the new system was not immediately popular.
C. Unfortunately, Louis never lived to see his system spread around the world.
D. In addition, they could write it themselves.
E. This seemed to encourage them, however, and they began learning it in secret.
III 文意選填
"Have you ever been to France?"
"Not yet, but a friend and I are planning to go there after we __1__ from college next year."
"Can you speak __2__?"
"No, but we plan to learn some __3__ we go, and take classes there as __4__. My friend wants to go to school
in Paris, but I'd rather stay in a small __5__."
"I envy you. Most languages are very __6__ for me, and anyway I'm too __7__ to learn them. But I love
traveling. I hope to go all __8__ the world."
"But doesn't traveling to another country __9__ you to learn some of its language?"
"I guess it would make it easier to get __10__. It's just that I hate studying!"
A. around
B. before
C. difficult
D. French
E. graduate
F. impatient
G. motivate
H. over
I. town
J. well
IV. 閱讀測驗
Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the most famous names in the history of music. He was born in 1770 in
Bonn, Germany. As a boy, Ludwig was forced to practice the piano by his father, who dreamed of his son
becoming the next Mozart, but punished him badly when he made mistakes. By the time he was twelve, Ludwig
was supporting his family by playing and composing music.
At the age of twenty-two, Beethoven went to live in Vienna, where he studied under another of classical
music's great composers, Haydn. He quickly became successful as a pianist, and his performances brought him
financial support from some of Vienna's rulers. Despite becoming famous, however, Beethoven was never a
wealthy man, and struggled with money problems all his life.
Beethoven never married. He proposed to many women, who refused him because he wasn't good
looking and had a bad temper. His angry personality was partly a result of his loss of hearing, which began
around 1802. Despite being completely deaf by the age of 50, Beethoven continued to write music until his
death. That came on March 26, 1827, and his funeral was seen by 10,000 people. They were looking beyond the
unpleasant man at the genius who gave so much to music.
) 1. Ludwig van Beethoven began playing the piano because _______.
(A) he loved the sound of it
(B) it was popular in Germany
(C) his father made him learn
(D) he had a dream about it
) 2. How old was Beethoven when he started making money from music?
(A) Six. (B) Twelve. (C) Twenty-two. (D) Fifty.
) 3. According to the passage, Haydn was _______.
(A) a good friend of Mozart
(B) one of the rulers of Vienna
(C) Beethoven's employer in Vienna (D) Beethoven's music teacher
) 4. Which of the following is NOT true about Beethoven?
(A) He never wanted to get married.
(B) Women did not find him attractive.
(C) He didn't make much money from music. (D) Many people enjoyed his music.
( ) 5. The passage tells us that people respected Beethoven _______.
(A) despite his unpleasant personality (B) because he was kind and generous
(C) because he was a deaf musician
(D) even though he was not a rich man
V 翻譯
As long as…, S V
1. 如果你存有強烈動機,你便能成就不可思議的事。
by the time (when) S + V
2. 她曾答應會等我,但在我到達時她早已離開了。
I. 克漏字測驗
Twenty years ago, William was a poor young man. He __1__ in Paris and earning very little money. A
girl he knew asked him __2__ he would take her to lunch. She said she wanted to __3__ with him. William
agreed, but the girl suggested __4__ to Foyot's. Foyot's was __5__ an expensive restaurant that William __6__
of going there before. However, he was still young, and had not yet learned to __7__ to a woman. He thought
they would be able to get lunch __8__ fifteen francs at Foyot's. And he could then manage for the rest of the
month as long as he __9__ coffee. But at the restaurant, William found out that the prices were __10__ he had
( ) 1. (A) lived
(B) had lived
(C) was living
(D) lives
( ) 2. (A) if
(B) that
(C) can
(D) how
( ) 3. (A) make an order (B) a simple lunch
(C) afford caviar
(D) have a chat
( ) 4. (A) they'll go
(B) they go
(C) should go
(D) go
( ) 5. (A) such
(B) so
(C) much
(D) really
) 6. (A) has not even wanted
(C) was never even able
) 7. (A) ask for
(B) go away
(B) had never even thought
(D) could not even want
(C) say no
) 8. (A) as
(B) on
) 9. (A) ironed out
(B) went out
)10. (A) not as much
(C) a lot more expensive
II. 文意選填
(C) by
(C) cut out
(B) much higher than
(D) too much more than
(D) jump up
(D) for
(D) put out
I'm glad we came to this __1__, Andrew. The food here is wonderful. You should try the __2__. It's
always very fresh, and it's best if you have it with the __3__ asparagus, although it is not in __4__ at the
moment. That's probably a good thing, as you probably shouldn't __5__ your stomach by eating too much. In
fact, you should never eat __6__ than one thing for lunch, you know. You'll become horribly fat __7__ you
control the amount you eat...oooh...look at those cakes! I'm going to have two of those. I __8__ if they have any
other kinds. Anyway, it's nice to go out for lunch with you at __9__. I've been waiting ages for this chance.
Usually, I can't __10__ to eat in such an expensive place. I hope you brought enough money with you.
A. afford
F. restaurant
B. giant
G. fish
) 7.(
C. last
H. season
) 8.(
D. more
I. unless
E. overload
J. wonder
) 9.(
III. 閱讀測驗
Lenny's opened just over a month ago on Harrison Avenue, and it is already famous for its good food and
relaxed atmosphere. In fact, such is the popularity of the place that the owners are already talking about building
an extension at the back with room for a further ten tables. For the time being, however, it is recommended you
book a table in advance, especially on weekends.
At present, Lenny's is simply decorated but comfortable. It is a bright, cheerful place with tables of
various sizes to serve both big groups and people dining in pairs or alone. The many plants and flowers around
the room give it a fresh, natural air, almost as if you are in an indoor garden.
What really makes Lenny's worth a visit, however, is the food. There is a large and varied menu, ranging
from simple salads and pasta dishes to elaborate fish and steak dinners cooked in some amazing sauces. There
are even some vegetarian choices. All the meats and vegetables are exceedingly fresh and full of flavor, and
many dishes are served with fresh bread baked in the kitchen. Follow up your meal with one of the delicious,
reasonably priced desserts chosen from the display case. All in all, a visit to Lenny's should be on everyone's list
of things to do.
) 1. What do we know about Lenny's from the passage?
(A) It hasn't been open long.
(B) It is an expensive place.
(C) The food is not good there.
(D) Not many people go there.
) 2. The passage implies that Lenny's will _______.
(A) probably close down
(B) soon have a new owner
(C) move to a new location
(D) be bigger in the future
) 3. Which of the following is true, according to the passage?
(A) There are both big and small tables at Lenny's.
(B) There is a large flower garden outside Lenny's.
(C) The tables in Lenny's are all for couples only.
(D) There are many fancy decorations at Lenny's.
) 4. What kind of food is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(A) Salad.
(B) Soup.
(C) Fish.
(D) Pasta.
) 5. You can find good food at Lenny's _______.
(A) but it is sometimes not fresh
(B) but don't order the desserts
(C) even if you don't eat meat
(D) only if you pay lots of money
IV 翻譯
S V…unless S V…
too adj/adv to V…
2. 那家店太貴了以致於我從未想過到那。
Advertising firms get paid a lot of money to __1__ slogans and jingles. An effective catchphrase or jingle
is one that people can't __2__. They will remember it even __3__ they first heard it. And, when it comes to
making people __4__ to buy a product, things such as slogans, catchphrases, and jingles definitely __5__.
These methods sell products, but __6__ famous faces. If a celebrity tells you he or she buys a product,
you __7__ it yourself. At least, that's what companies think, and they spend millions of dollars __8__. This
money goes to sports stars, pop stars, and movie stars __9__ endorse products in the media. __10__ a famous
person recommend a product encourages more people to buy it.
( ) 1. (A) make from
(B) think up
(C) go on
(D) laugh at
( ) 2. (A) get out of their heads
(B) be eager to help
(C) change with the times
(D) take as an example
( ) 3. (A) several times
(B) long since
(C) much later
(D) years after
( ) 4. (A) more likely
(B) as far as
(C) look up
(D) by accident
) 5. (A) working
) 6. (A) so as
) 7. (A) were used
(B) to work
(B) so do
(B) will use
(C) works
(C) same as
(C) have used
(D) work
(D) they do
(D) are used to
) 8. (A) at last
) 9. (A) who
)10. (A) With
(B) that's why
(B) for
(B) Because
(C) as a result
(C) they
(C) Having
(D) most cases
(D) whose
(D) There is
Companies use advertising agencies to advise them on how to advertise their products. __1__ Then they
plan which kind of media the ads should appear in. __2__
Besides agencies, companies use public relations, or PR. __3__ PR has two main areas. __4__ Research
tries to find out what people think about the company and its products. Companies communicate with people
through media announcements, advertising, and sponsorship. __5__ This makes the company better known
among those who watch or attend such events.
A. These are research and communication.
B. Finally, they prepare the client's advertisements.
C. With sponsorship, the company arranges or supports activities such as sporting events.
D. Advertising agencies begin by doing market research.
E. The purpose of PR is to improve a company's image among the people who buy its products.
III 文意選填
My friend Daisy wants to be famous. She believes she would enjoy being a __1__. Daisy is a person who
likes to be the center of __2__. She loves acting, and I have seen her play some __3__ roles in school plays and
other events. Every __4__ I see her on stage, I can't __5__ feeling that she is going to be a big star one day.
However, I am not so sure that Daisy would be able to handle all the __6__ that a movie star gets. Even
though they earn lots of __7__, they find it difficult to get free time to themselves. Still, I can easily __8__
Daisy acting in movies or __9__ some new product in a TV commercial. She has the confidence to succeed.
Does she have the talent. You __10__!
A. attention
F. imagine
B. bet
G. money
) 2.(
C. celebrity
H. pressure
) 3.(
) 8.(
D. convincing
I. promoting
) 9.(
E. help
J. time
) 10.(
IV 閱讀測驗
"The one I like best is for a soft drink. You'll know which one I mean, because it's on TV all the time. It
shows some young people hiking in the mountains. They cross a river on a narrow rope bridge, and everyone is
feeling hot. On the other side, one of them hands out the soft drinks. Nothing special, you may think. But it is
special to me, because I'm in it. I'm the last kid crossing the bridge."
Roy (17)
"I love the ad for that new shampoo, Sparkle. In the ad, a girl is taking a dance class. The music is cool,
and I love the clothes she puts on after taking a shower, using the shampoo of course. I want to be a dancer, so I
identify with the girl. And I've started using the shampoo. I guess the ad has worked on me."
Selena (16)
"For me, the best ads are for cars. I love cars and can't wait till I get one. I like ads that show cars on
lonely roads in the mountains. Of course, I realize that driving a car is not like that for most people. You are
more likely to be stuck in traffic on a city street. But these commercials are always beautifully filmed, with
great scenery that makes driving seem so cool and romantic."
David (18)
) 1. What question are these people answering?
(A) Do you spend a lot of time watching TV?
(B) Have you ever worked in advertising?
(C) What is your favorite TV commercial?
(D) What do you think of Internet advertising?
) 2. Why does Roy like the soft drink ad so much?
(A) Because it has some nice scenery. (B) Because he appears in it himself.
(C) Because it is his favorite drink.
(D) Because it has pretty girls in it.
) 3. Which of the people does not describe a particular advertisement?
(A) All of them. (B) Roy.
(C) Selina.
(D) David.
( ) 4. What is NOT a reason why Selina likes the shampoo commercial?
(A) The cool music. (B) The girl dancer. (C) The nice clothes. (D) The low price.
( ) 5. David understands that the car ads he likes _______.
(A) are for toy cars, not real ones (B) do not show common situations
(C) are mostly filmed on city streets (D) show people driving too fast
V 翻譯
VP…, and/ or …
The more …/ -er …, the more …/ -er…
2. 你運動得越多,你的身體便越強壯。
(1) Being a good parent is a big challenge. All parents try to give their children everything that they need.
However, some children have problems later in life, not because their parents did not give them what they
needed, but because they tried to give them too __1__. Parents want the best for their children. __2__, parents
sometimes go too far. Some parents give their children a lot of __3__ because they want them to study hard all
the time. But is it wise to make a child study __4__ dawn __4__ dusk? Children who __5__ take time out to
relax and have fun often grow up to become very serious adults with no sense of humor. Some parents do
everything for their children. Children __6__ parents have done everything for them grow up not knowing how
to do things for themselves. They never have to face life's little problems __7__. As a result, they become meek,
not __8__ to do anything without mommy or daddy being there to help them. How can children learn to master
their __9__ if their parents are always trying to make everything perfect for them? Learning how to __10__
difficulties is an important lesson in life. So what makes a good parent? The foundation stone of being a good
parent is knowing when to teach one's children and when to let them learn for themselves.
( ) 1. (A) far
(B) much
(C) beyond
(D) little
) 2. (A) Simply
) 3. (A) stress
) 4. (A) as...as
) 5. (A) enough
) 6. (A) those
) 7. (A) in vain
) 8. (A) defeating
) 9. (A) fears
) 10. (A) seek
(B) Compassionately
(B) humility
(B) from...to
(B) seldom
(B) their
(B) in victory
(B) daring
(B) humility
(B) lead
(C) Lately
(C) wisdom
(C) either...or
(C) seriously
(C) whose
(C) on their way
(C) easing
(C) simplicity
(C) overcome
(D) Unfortunately
(D) victory
(D) neither...nor
(D) always
(D) who
(D) on their own
(D) weeping
(D) storms
(D) struggle
(2) When his son was born, General Douglas MacArthur said a prayer for the boy's future. He prayed that his
son would be strong enough to know when he was __1__, and brave enough to __2__ himself when he was
afraid. MacArthur wanted a son whose wishbone would not __3__ his backbone. He did not want a son who
would __4__ a path of ease and comfort. His son should live under the spur of __5__. MacArthur believed it
was important for a man to __6__ up in the storm, yet have compassion for those who __7__. A man whose
heart is clear and whose goal is high will master himself __8__ seeking to master others. He will learn to laugh,
__9__ not forgetting how to weep. In __10__, he will have true strength.
(A) replace
(F) weak
(B) fail
(G) follow
(C) while
(H) stand
(D) face
(I) before
(E) short
(J) challenges
(3) Helen Thayer was born in New Zealand. She has been an adventurer all her life, having climbed her first
mountain when she was nine years old. When Helen was a child, her primary school was visited by Edmund
Hillary, one of the first two men to climb the world's highest mountain, Mt Everest. Impressed by the famous
explorer, Helen set high goals for herself. She too wanted to reach the top of the world.
Helen achieved a major goal in her life in 1988. At the age of fifty, she walked alone to the North Pole.
There were no airplanes, dog teams, or snow vehicles to help her. She walked and traveled on skis, pulling her
supplies behind her. Helen's only companion was a black dog called Charlie, whose job was to walk at Helen's
side and protect her from polar bears. Charlie did his job well, saving her life at least once during the
month-long journey of 586 km.
Later, Helen wrote a book about her journey, called Polar Dream. The introduction was by Edmund
Hillary. Helen is also a photographer, and the book tells the story of her adventures in words and pictures. It
became a best-seller, but her adventures did not end there. She has walked across hot deserts, high mountains,
and frozen wastes in the far corners of the earth. These days, this brave woman gives lectures about her travels.
Her lectures teach people that human beings can face any difficulties and not be defeated by them, as long as
they believe in themselves.
( ) 1. What does the passage tell us about Helen Thayer?
(A) She had her first adventure at the age of fifty.
(B) She was a child when she first climbed a mountain.
(C) She was the first woman to climb Mt. Everest.
(D) She taught at a primary school in New Zealand.
( ) 2. Who influenced Helen to set high goals for herself?
(A) A photographer.
(B) An explorer. (C) A dog. (D) A lecturer.
( ) 3. What was special about Helen's journey to the North Pole?
(A) She made it at a surprisingly young age.
(B) She ran out of supplies along the way.
(C) She made it without help from anybody.
(D) She got there with only a team of dogs.
) 4. One problem Helen faced during her trip was _______.
(A) dangerous animals (B) a lack of food (C) losing her way (D) losing her companions
) 5. The passage implies going to a lecture by Thayer is useful because _______.
(A) we can see her interesting photographs (B) it gives us the courage to accept defeat
(C) we can learn a lot about the North Pole (D) it can encourage us to set high goals
(4) Translation
…not…, but
On his way home one evening, Beethoven heard someone playing his music. He __1__ immediately
that it was one of his works. But it __2__ played very well. He knocked at the door and expressed his
willingness to help.
Beethoven walked into the room, which was so dark that he was __3__ able to see an old piano and a
blind girl __4__ in front of it. The girl __5__ his music in a concert. She told Beethoven that she would never
play well __6__ she could hear good musicians play.
Moonlight covered the room with silver light. Beethoven began to play his music, trying to tell the girl
__7__. The notes filled the room with __8__ sound. __9__ he was finished, the girl whispered, "You must be
Beethoven. __10__ could play so well."
( ) 1. (A) divided
(B) imagined
(C) predicted
(D) recognized
( ) 2. (A) was
(B) would be
(C) was not being
(D) has not been
( ) 3. (A) hardly
(B) recently
(C) completely
(D) fortunately
( ) 4. (A) sat
(B) sitting
(C) is sitting
(D) to sit
) 5. (A) was listening to (B) didn't hear
(C) was playing
(D) had heard
) 6. (A) unless
(B) whenever
(C) and
(D) since
) 7. (A) what did the moonlight look like
(B) how the moonlight was like
(C) what the moonlight was like
(D) the moonlight looked like
( ) 8. (A) flow
(B) flowed
(C) flowing
(D) flown
( ) 9. (A) When
(B) If
(C) Although
(D) However
( )10. (A) Everyone
B) Anybody
(C) No one else
(D) All of us
In some countries, music is used to help treat patients. Mozart's music, especially, has been found to be
remarkable in its ability to __1__ its listeners. It can also increase their perceptions, and help them __2__
themselves more clearly. For example, a tiny premature baby named Krissy, who weighed just 1.5 pounds at
__3__, was on total life support. Doctors thought she had little chance of __4__. Her mother insisted __5__
playing Mozart for Krissy, and thinks it saved her daughter's life. Krissy lived, but she was very small for her
age and __6__ than the average child. At the age of four, she showed an interest in music and her parents gave
her violin lessons. To their astonishment, Krissy was able to play musical pieces from memory that were far
__7__ the ability of an average four-year-old. Playing music helped her __8__ in all areas of her life.
Why Mozart, __9__ than Bach or the Beatles? Any kind of music can have an effect on some people. But
Mozart has more balance. It isn't too fast or too slow; it's just __10__. It's like a nutritionally balanced meal that
brings order and harmony to your body.
(A) express
(F) survival
(B) right
(G) on
(C) improve
(H) beyond
(D) slower
(I) birth
(E) calm
(J) rather
(3) Vienna is a city full of history, culture, art, and music. It has a great many historical treasures and musical
traditions. Not surprisingly, it is a major European tourist destination. Vienna is also a very beautiful city, with
magnificent buildings that date back centuries, and more parks than any other European capital.
As a city of music, Vienna is famous all over the world. No other city has been home to so many well
known composers. Some, such as Schubert and Strauss, were born there, while others, including Mozart, Haydn,
and Beethoven, chose to live there. Nowadays, Beethoven is the composer who is represented most in Vienna.
There are several museums about him, and many other sites in and around the city are associated with him.
Although he was born in Bonn, Germany, Beethoven spent most of his adult life in the Austrian capital.
He rarely stayed in the same house for long. In fact, there is evidence that Beethoven lived in more than 65
different places during his 35 years in Vienna. He was not really comfortable with his fame as a great musician.
He hated being stared at and especially did not like people listening to him play music.
Despite all the moving around and his physical problems, Beethoven produced amazing sonatas,
symphonies and concertos during his time in Vienna. That is why the city is so proud of him. If you walk
around Vienna, you may often see buildings that have small signs saying the great composer once lived there.
( ) 1. Which is NOT one of the reasons that make Vienna famous?
(A) There are many historic buildings. (B) It is a city of music.
(C) It is full of culture.
(D) It is the birthplace of many novelists.
( ) 2. What kind of musician was Beethoven?
(A) Liked to live in private and stay away from people.
(B) Felt comfortable in social situations.
(C) Preferred to stay in the same place forever.
(D) Eager for fame and wealth.
( ) 3. Why is Vienna so proud of Beethoven?
(A) He was very active in political activities.
(B) He wrote fantastic music in Vienna.
(C) He was a poor man and deserved people's sympathy.
(D) He overcame his mental problems in Vienna.
) 4. According to the passage, what can a tourist see in Vienna?
(A) The house where Mozart was born.
(B) The house where Strauss died.
(C) The houses where Beethoven once lived. (D) All of the above
) 5. Which statement about Beethoven is NOT true?
(A) Beethoven lived in Vienna, also his birthplace, for 35 years.
(B) There are many museums about Beethoven in Vienna.
(C) Beethoven is one of the most famous composers in Vienna.
(D) His works include sonatas, concertos and symphonies.
(4) Adv phrase + Vi + S
stop/remember/forget/regret + to V vs Ving
(1) As Halloween __1__, jack-o'-lanterns appear on doorsteps everywhere. This custom started over 2,000 years
ago with the Celts, who lived in __2__ is now France and the British Isles. __3__, October 31 was regarded as a
time of darkness and death. To protect themselves __4__ ghosts, people put candles inside hollowed turnips and
carried them __5__ they went outside. __6__, this custom was brought to America. Since there were no turnips,
pumpkins were used __7__.
__8__ a jack-o'-lantern, a pumpkin has to be cut __9__ at the top. The seeds and pulp are __10__ and a
funny face is carved into the side. Finally, a candle is put inside and the face lights up.
( ) 1. (A) continues
(B) retreats
(C) exclaims
(D) approaches
( ) 2. (A) where
(B) which
(C) what
(D) that
( ) 3. (A) At that time
(B) As a result
(C) In the end
(D) To their surprise
( ) 4. (A) from
(B) with
(C) by
(D) along
( ) 5. (A) because
(B) if
(C) meanwhile
(D) wherever
( ) 6. (A) Sooner or later (B) Therefore
(C) Without doubt
(D) Afterward
) 7. (A) instead
) 8. (A) To make
) 9. (A) open
)10. (A) left inside
(B) effectively
(B) We make
(B) opened
(B) taken out
(C) universally
(C) When make
(C) opening
(C) eaten up
(D) however
(D) Being made
(D) to be opened
(D) fallen down
(2) Most Americans know about the settlers who traveled from Europe in the seventeenth century.
Schoolchildren learn about the ways Native Americans helped the settlers. But not so __1__ is known about
when the Native Americans arrived. Who were the __2__ people to enter North America? How did they get
there? Scientists have __3__ about these questions for a long time.
One theory is that the first Americans traveled from Asia. They did not come by sea, __4__. They walked
across a land bridge that __5__ Asia with America in the far north. It could have happened about thirteen
thousand years ago, __6__ the sea was frozen. If it did happen, it must have been a scary __7__. But when they
arrived, they would have found a land __8__ in animals to hunt and plants to eat. They moved __9__ south over
the years. They also learned to cultivate corn and other foods. This __10__ to be the most popular theory among
(A) connected
(F) used
(B) much
(G) first
(C) journey
(H) however
(D) further
(I) when
(E) rich
(J) wondered
(3) Halloween is a well known festival that takes place near the end of autumn in Britain, the US, and some
other countries. It is mainly celebrated by children, who dress up in scary costumes and walk around saying
"trick or treat". In a village in south-west England, there is a similar festival that occurs around the same time as
Halloween, but which has different origins. It is called "Punkie Night".
Punkie Night takes place on the last Thursday in October in the village of Hinton St. George. On the night,
children carry lanterns made from hollowed-out pumpkins or turnips. The lanterns have faces carved into them,
and the children carry them around the village, collecting money and singing a song called the Punkie Song.
The custom originated long ago. In a nearby town, there was an annual fair. One year, the men of Hinton
St. George went together to the fair. Unfortunately, they drank too much and stayed there very late. Their angry
wives dug up turnips, made lanterns, and came looking for their husbands in the dark. The drunken men saw the
strange lights coming towards them. Thinking they were the spirits of dead children, the men ran away in
Nowadays, it is children who carry the lanterns, or "punkies", which have candles inside them. Everyone
gets together in the Village Hall, where there is a contest to choose the best lanterns. Prizes are given, then the
children walk around the village in a parade. In the past few decades, the tradition has also spread to other
villages in the area.
( ) 1. "Punkie Night" is a time when _______.
(A) children in England make lanterns
(B) children in England play "trick or treat"
(C) children in America wear scary costumes (D) children in America sing funny songs
) 2. In which season does "Punkie Night" take place?
(A) Winter. (B) Autumn. (C) Summer. (D) Spring.
) 3. The passage does NOT say that, on "Punkie Night", children _______.
(A) hollow out pumpkins
(B) get dressed up
(C) collect money
(D) walk in a parade
) 4. Why did the men of Hinton St. George stay out so late?
(A) They were drunk.
(B) They were scared.
(C) They were lost.
(D) They had lanterns.
) 5. A punkie is another name for a _______.
(A) turnip
(B) candle
(C) song
(D) lantern
(4) the way + S + V
not so much …as…
(1) It was noon and the sun was shining. All the animals were waiting for the owl, __1__ they had asked him to
be their leader. When he appeared __2__ them, he walked very slowly, __3__ gave him an air of dignity and
importance. "He is God!" __4__ one of the animals. All the other creatures __5__ the cry.
The animals began to follow the owl __6__ he went. They continued to follow him when he __7__
things. They even followed him __8__ of a concrete highway. The secretary bird reported to the owl that a truck
was coming toward them at fifty miles an hour. " __9__ you afraid?" the bird asked. But the owl did not see the
truck. It __10__, and killed most of the other animals as well.
( ) 1. (A) so
(B) for
(C) that
(D) but
( ) 2. (A) against
(B) among
(C) about
(D) apart
( ) 3. (A) who
(B) what
(C) which
(D) where
( ) 4. (A) it shouted
(B) he shouted
(C) shouted
(D) shouting
( ) 5. (A) took up
(B) served as
(C) set upon
(D) called on
( ) 6. (A) whoever
(B) whenever
(C) however
(D) wherever
) 7. (A) stood up
) 8. (A) in the way
) 9. (A) Don't
)10. (A) ran him down
(B) kept on
(B) on the front
(B) Aren't
(B) picked him up
(C) gave rise to
(C) to the middle
(C) Wouldn't
(C) sent him back
(D) bumped into
(D) from the back
(D) Won't
(D) threw him out
The first time I met Mrs. Epstein, she gave me quite a surprise. I was running to class, __1__ I was
late again. Going through the front door of the school building, I slipped and fell. "Are you all right?" said a
voice. I looked up and saw a short, thin woman. She was wearing glasses and seemed very calm, __2__ gave
her an air of __3__. I started to get up, but found I had __4__ my foot. To my __5__, the short woman lifted
me to my feet with tremendous strength. Two other kids standing nearby were __6__ at me. The woman gave
them such a severe look that they __7__ away immediately. I couldn't walk very well, __8__ the woman helped
me into the school office. She told me her name was Mrs. Epstein, and she was the new school __9__. Mrs.
Epstein helped me to a chair in the office, but I __10__ in pain as I sat down. Mrs. Epstein told me she used to
be a nurse, then lifted my foot so that she could examine it.
A. astonishment
F. laughing
B. dignity
G. secretary
) 2.(
) 7.(
C. for
H. so
) 3.(
) 8.(
D. hastened
I. which
) 4.(
) 9.(
E. injured
J. winced
5 .(
(3) People all over the world know at least some of the fables of Aesop. Through his stories, Aesop shows the
wise and foolish behavior of human beings. He used his stories to teach people morals. Aesop is best known as
a teller of animal stories. But for such a famous person, it is surprising that so little is known about him.
Aesop might have lived in Greece in the 6th century BC. One legend says that he was a slave, someone
who belonged to a master on the island of Samos. His master was so pleased with Aesop's wisdom that he gave
him his freedom. Afterwards, Aesop traveled widely, telling his fables to the people he met. It is thought that he
was murdered during his travels, in a place called Delphi.
There are no records showing that Aesop ever wrote down his fables. He told them as moral lessons for
adults, and they were passed on by word of mouth. The first collection of his stories only appeared in a book
200 years after he died. They became famous around the world after a French writer copied them in the 17th
century. Since then, Aesop's Fables have been translated into almost every language in the world.
It is possible that no such person as Aesop ever existed. If he did, he probably didn't create all the fables
that come under his name. That is to say, he became so famous that many other stories were believed to be by
him. However, the truth will probably never be known.
) 1. The main aim of the passage is to _______.
(A) introduce the fables of Aesop
(B) explain Aesop's moral beliefs
(C) describe the life of Aesop
(D) teach children good morals
) 2. What does the passage imply about Aesop's fables?
(A) Most of them are about animals.
(B) He did not create most of them.
(C) They are all about foolish people.
(D) He got them from other people.
) 3. When did Aesop decide to travel?
(A) After he became famous.
(B) When his life was in danger.
(C) Before becoming a slave.
(D) After receiving his freedom.
) 4. Aesop's fables first spread around because _______.
(A) he wrote them down in a book
(B) they originally had no moral lessons
(C) people told them to each other
(D) they were translated from Greek
) 5. When were Aesop's fables first written down?
(A) In the 6th century BC.
(B) During the 17th Century.
(C) Just before he was killed.
(D) 200 years after his death.
(4) for vs. so
, which
(1) Nature provides __1__ for invention. __2__, Velcro, for example. The handy fastener is an accidental
discovery __3__ in nature. While __4__ a stroll in the woods, a Swiss engineer noticed his pants __5__ burs.
Wondering why these burs __6__ to his pants, he examined one under his microscope and found tiny hooks on
the end of it. His observation became Velcro when __7__ to good use. __8__, the Swiss engineer was not the
only one __9__ to nature to get ideas for invention. Like the inventor of Velcro, many other inventors today are
not looking for what they can take, __10__ what they can learn, from nature.
( )1. (A) transplants
(B) designs
(C) inspiration
(D) application
( )2. (A) Give
(B) Take
(C) Make
(D) Bring
( )3. (A) was made
(B) making
(C) had made
(D) made
( )4. (A) taking
(B) to take
(C) took
(D) was taking
( )5. (A) put on
(B) covered with (C) broken into
(D) flooded with
( )6. (A) sticking
(B) would stick
(C) stuck
(D) to stick
( )7. (A) putting
(B) to put
(C) having put
(D) put
)8. (A) As a result
)9. (A) looking
)10. (A) but also
(B) However
(B) looked
(B) or rather
(C) In addition
(C) had looked
(C) rather than
(D) Instead
(D) was looking
(D) but rather
(2) The natural world is filled with fascinating things. One example is the rain forests of Central and South
America. The wet, __1__ floor of the forest is the perfect environment for many kinds of frog. Among __2__
are the poison arrow frogs. They are very small and have bright and __3__ colors. For example, they can be
green or blue with black patches. These colors __4__ other animals not to eat the frog.
The surface of the frog's skin is covered with tiny holes. From these holes __5__ a dangerous poison. If
an animal even licks a poison arrow frog, it __6__ dies or gets very sick and will never try to eat one again.
These frog poisons are the most powerful animal poisons known. In some of the frogs, only a tiny amount is
__7__ to kill a human being.
Some of the Indians who live in the rain forest find the frog's poison __8__. They put it on the tips of the
arrows they use for hunting the animals they eat. The poison could also be used to make __9__ medicines. In
fact, a drug is being __10__ from the chemicals in the frogs' skin. In tests, it has been much more effective than
other drugs in stopping pain.
(A) muddy
(F) these
(B) enough
(G) warn
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) varied
(H) painkilling
(D) useful
(I) developed
(E) either
(J) comes
) 3.(
) 4.(
5 .(
) 8.(
) 9.(
The lotus is one of the world's most useful plants. It is a water plant that grows from the mud of
shallow ponds and other wet environments, and is native to parts of the Middle East, Asia, and Australia.
Depending on how deep the water is, it can grow up to six meters high. Its leaves, which resemble discs, can be
90 cm across. They float on the surface of the water.
Most parts of the lotus can be eaten. It is grown as a food plant in China, Japan, Hawaii, India and Korea. The
parts most often used in food are the crispy seeds and thick stalks, though the flowers and leaves are also eaten
in some areas. In India, the stalks are put in curry and soup, and the leaves are eaten as vegetables. The Chinese
make lotus seeds into a paste and put it in desserts such as moon cakes.
The lotus has other uses besides food. Several parts of the plant are used in traditional Chinese and Indian
medicine. Lotus flowers are also the source of a valuable perfume called 'lotus perfume', which used to be found
in South Asia. Lotus perfume is still made today, but it no longer contains lotus.
One of the most important roles of the lotus plant is as a religious symbol. The flowers have been sacred
in Asia and the Middle East for over 5000 years. They are often seen in Hindu and Buddhist art, and represent
long life and good fortune. In India, the lotus is also a symbol of heavenly beauty.
) 1. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) The lotus plant is important in traditional medicine.
(B) Human beings use the lotus plant in different ways.
(C) Most countries in the world have used the lotus plant.
(D) There are many different varieties of the lotus plant.
) 2. The leaves of the lotus plant _______.
(A) only grow underwater
(B) are six meters long
(C) look like large discs
(D) are the color of mud
) 3. Where do people eat lotus leaves, according to the passage?
(A) Hawaii.
(B) Japan. (C) Australia. (D) India.
) 4. Lotus perfume was made from lotus flowers, _______.
(A) but lotus seeds are used to make it now
(B) and is widely used in the Middle East
(C) and is sold in every part of the world
(D) but is now made from something else
) 5. What use for the lotus plant is NOT mentioned in this passage?
(A) A type of food.
(B) A cleaning material.
(C) A medicine.
(D) A symbol in art.
(4) something/nothing/anything + adj
數目+times + 比較級adj + than
(1) Emily Dickinson was an unusual person. Great writers are __1__ active, traveling widely and meeting
__2__ of people. Dickinson, however, __3__ left her house, and never married. But she __4__ one of America's
greatest poets, who wrote wonderful poems about life, love, and nature. Always __5__ white, she stayed home
writing thousands of short poems, although only seven of them were published __6__ her lifetime.
Despite being easy to read, Emily Dickinson's poems have __7__. She used simple things __8__ birds,
frogs, wind, and storms to represent emotions such as hope and longing. __9__ wonderful it is that she could
express deep thoughts in such simple words! No wonder so many people think her poems worthy of __10__.
( ) 1. (A) never
(B) namely
(C) seldom
(D) usually
( ) 2. (A) a lot
(B) a part
(C) many
(D) most
( ) 3. (A) almost
(B) hardly ever
(C) rather
(D) would never
( ) 4. (A) considers
(B) considered
(C) is considering
(D) is considered
( ) 5. (A) written in
(B) looking for
(C) wearing in
(D) dressed in
( ) 6. (A) before
(B) while
(C) during
(D) above
) 7. (A) deep meanings
) 8. (A) not
) 9. (A) So
)10. (A) addition
(B) loud tunes
(B) but
(B) What
(B) admiration
(C) little birds
(C) like
(C) That
(C) cultivation
(D) clear statements
(D) without
(D) How
(D) occasion
We recently read three poems by Emily Dickinson in English class. I asked two of my classmates which
one they like most. Henry __1__ the one about hope. He was impressed by how the poet compared hope to a
little bird, a "thing with __2__ ", as the poem calls it. He told me about his interest in birds, and how much he
loved to hear them __3__ their sweet song while perched in a tall tree.
Agnes __4__ reads poems because, she says, she finds most of them quite __5__. However, she did enjoy
the poem called "If I can stop one __6__ from breaking." She felt the poem expressed something very important,
since __7__ wants to feel they have lived in __8__. Agnes believes our most valuable __9__ in life are those
that we take to help other people. __10__ right she is!
A. actions
F. how
B. admired
G. nobody
C. dreary
H. seldom
D. feathers
I. sing
E. heart
J. vain
) 4.(
) 9.(
(3) Richard Cory
E. A. Robinson (1869-1935)
Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him;
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.
And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still, he fluttered pulses when he said,
“Good morning,” and he glittered when he walked.
And he was rich—yes, richer than a king—
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.
So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.
_____ 1. What is the main idea of the poem?
(A) Everyone wants to be somebody.
(C) Being rich doesn’t make one happier.
(B) The poor always envy rich people.
(D) It’s foolish to kill oneself.
_____ 2. What does “from sole to crown” in the first stanza probably mean?
(A) from time to time (B) from the beginning to the end
(C) from morning to night (D) from head to toe
_____ 3. Which of the following statements about Richard Cory is NOT TRUE?
(A) He was very rich. (B) He was a king.
(C) He was unhappy. (D) He was a gentleman.
_____ 4. Richard Cory probably had everything EXCEPT _____.
(A) a wife (B) meat and bread (C) a gun (D) peace of mind
_____ 5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
(A) The town people didn’t like Richard Cory.(B) The narrator was a nobody in town.
(C) Richard Cory was mean to the poor.
(D)Richard Cory wanted to be richer than a king.
(4) adverbs of frequency…hardly ever….
How + adj + (it is) + to V…
(1) In big cities, signs of globalization are everywhere. Just __1__ and you will see them. Have your lunch at
the Indian restaurant __2__, or in the Mexican place __3__ your office. Observe the other customers for a while,
and you will soon realize you could be __4__ in the world. You might see Chinese, Japanese, Western or
African people, some of them __5__ in languages you don't understand.
With the rapid growth of globalization, life has changed in amazing ways __6__. We know __7__ more
interesting things become when there is more variety in our lives. We have more __8__ things, pastimes, and
people from other places. Not everyone likes these changes, __9__. Some are afraid they will __10__ the
disappearance of their culture.
( ) 1. (A) take off
(B) look around
(C) slide out
(D) walk past
( ) 2. (A) up the road
(B) by the way
(C) in the street
(D) on the day
( ) 3. (A) crossing
(B) crossed from
(C) across
(D) across from
( ) 4. (A) nowhere
(B) anywhere
(C) anybody
(D) someplace
( ) 5. (A) chat
(B) to chat
(C) chatting
(D) chatted
) 6. (A) at least twenty years
(C) like a long time ago
) 7. (A) so much
(B) how much
) 8. (A) aspect of
(B) window to
) 9. (A) therefore
(B) however
)10. (A) lead to
(B) end up
(B) about a couple of decades
(D) over the last few decades
(C) much as
(D) how little
(C) access to
(D) growth in
(C) suddenly
(D) although
(C) give up
(D) seem like
The videoconference was a new experience for Vanessa. Of course, she had spoken to people in other
countries many times. In fact, she talked to __1__ from __2__ the world nearly every day on the phone. But
when the president of the company had asked her to do the videoconference two weeks before, she had started
to worry about it. Even though she spoke __3__ English with an American accent, she still made embarrassing
mistakes __4__.
But it __5__ Vanessa had no choice. Nobody else __6__ do the conference, and her boss was relying on
her __7__. As the video link was being set up with Mr. Martens in England, she tried to relax and get herself
ready for the discussion. When Mr. Martens came on screen, Vanessa was __8__ how young he was, much
younger than she __9__. And that wasn't all-he was also very handsome! Vanessa decided that doing a
videoconference might not be so bad __10__.
(A) after all
(B) amazed at (C) seemed that
(F) had thought
(G) as usual (H) customers
(D) around (E) at times
(I)was able to (J) fluent
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 3.(
) 8.(
5 .(
(3) For many people, the company most closely associated with globalization is the Starbucks coffee chain. Its
rapid worldwide growth─its first shop outside the U.S. was only opened in 1996─has roughly paralleled the
global growth of the Internet. And, for many, Starbucks represents the "dark side" of globalization, with its
stores putting local coffee shops out of business and replacing local "culture" with a Western one. For others,
Starbucks is a prime example of the new "politically-correct" companies, which stress that business is about
more than just making profits. The company promotes itself as "being a third place that is neither home, nor
office, but which offers some elements of both."
The first Starbucks was opened in San Francisco in 1971 by three friends who loved fine coffees and
teas. The company spread locally over the next ten years and, in 1982, the three original owners were joined by
Howard Schultz, an entrepreneur. He eventually bought out the others in 1986 and by 1987 Starbucks as we
know it was born. Currently, there are more than 8,500 Starbucks outlets around the world and the company has
an annual turnover of well over US$5 billion.
It is perhaps its amazingly successful expansion plans that have made Starbucks (along with McDonald's)
the Western company to hate among anti-globalization supporters. It has been accused of treating their coffee
growers poorly and also of having unfair labor practices. In fact, Starbucks pays its coffee growers higher rates
than other companies and offers even part-time employees health benefits and stock options.
For its customers, Starbucks has always tried to position itself as more than just a place to get a cup of
coffee. With their comfortable chairs and sofas Starbucks outlets have become "cool" places for young
professionals to hang out and socialize. The company has also been at the forefront of trends like
wireless-Internet access to make it easier for customers to work and play while they drink. Very recently the
company has used its power as a meeting place to sell CDs. In some U.S. stores, customers can now select
songs online and then burn the songs to CD while they drink their coffee. With imaginative thinking like this it
seems certain that Starbucks will continue to flourish.
) 1. The word "paralleled" is closest in meaning to "_______."
(A) resulted in (B) been similar to
(C) been overcome by
) 2. What is the author's purpose in the third paragraph?
(A) To introduce Starbucks' expansion plans.
(B) To compare Starbucks' labor practices with McDonald's.
(C) To defend Starbucks from the accusations against it.
(D) To draw a connection between Starbucks and anti-globalization.
(D) been caused by
) 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an advantage of Starbucks?
(A) Comfortable chairs and sofas.
(B) Wireless-Internet access.
(C) Free CD-burning services.
(D) Health benefits for employees.
) 4. Which of the following statements about Starbucks is TRUE?
(A) It has taken business away from many local coffee shops.
(B) The first Starbucks was opened by an entrepreneur called Schultz.
(C) Every year, each Starbucks chain makes a profit of US$5 billion.
(D) Anti-globalization protests have reduced its profits.
) 5. Which group particularly likes going to Starbucks, according to the passage?
(A) Middle-aged college professors.
(C) People who love music.
(B) High school students.
(D) Young working people.
(4) had + pp
seem + like N / to V / (to be) adj / that 子句
(1) Dreaming of golden beaches, the kids boarded the bus. It rumbled __1__, leaving the gray cold of New
York __2__. A few hours later, outside Washington, the bus __3__ a roadside restaurant. Only one person
stayed on the bus. He was a small, quiet man, dressed in a __4__, ill-fitting suit. Chewing the inside of his lip,
the man seemed __5__ a cocoon of silence.
The young people wondered __6__ the man. Later, back on the bus, __7__ the girls sat beside him and
introduced herself. At first, the man didn't want to talk, but, __8__, he told her his story. For the past four years,
he __9__ in jail, and now he was going back to his wife. But he didn't know __10__ she still wanted him back
after all that time.
( ) 1. (A) to south
(B) south
(C) southern
(D) the south
( ) 2. (A) below
(B) behind
(C) beneath
(D) before
( ) 3. (A) got off
(B) took over
(C) pulled into
(D) came through
( ) 4. (A) plain
(B) covered
(C) personal
(D) right
( ) 5. (A) lost by
(B) taken back
(C) billowed in
(D) frozen into
) 6. (A) about
) 7. (A) only
) 8. (A) for a long time
) 9. (A) would be
)10. (A) if
(B) around
(B) some of
(B) in theory
(B) had been
(B) because
(C) to
(C) all of
(C) after a while
(C) was being
(C) what
(D) with
(D) one of
(D) on the right side
(D) has been
(D) how
(2) Roberto was ready for the challenge. For the __1__ four years, he had been thinking about this moment.
Ever since his uncle had __2__ him to running, he had trained hard to become a top athlete. This year, he had
__3__ the opportunity of a lifetime. He was taking part in the Olympic Games, at the age of nineteen. After he
was chosen, Roberto dreamed constantly of the pride and __9__ he would feel if he could go to the Olympics
and take a gold medal __5__ home with him. He had often imagined his country's flag __6__ in the wind when
he received his medal.
Roberto had always been a __7__ boy who never spoke much, but his uncle had recognized his ability
and believed he could become a world-famous runner. Now, as Roberto made his __8__ to the starting line, his
eyes scanned the crowd, which sat in __9__ excitement, waiting for the race to begin. He saw his uncle, holding
up a __10__ with the words "Win, Roberto, win!" written in black letters. Yes indeed, Roberto felt ready.
A. acquired
F. hushed
B. back
G. introduced
) 2.(
) 7.(
C. banner
H. past
D. billowing
I. shy
E. exultation
J. way
(3) "I'm really still in prison and my love, she holds the key. A simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set me
free." These are lines from a famous song called Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Old Oak Tree. The song is
based on a story called Going Home about a man returning home from jail. Although the song was written in
1972, it remains popular to this day. It has inspired many people over the years. It was the inspiration, for
instance, for a project in Singapore which helps prisoners return to a normal life. The Yellow Ribbon Project is
a songwriting contest which gives prisoners the chance to write about their desire to start a new and better life
when they leave jail. Three hundred jail birds took part in the contest in 2005 and the results were surprisingly
good. One prisoner was considered so talented that a record company agreed to make a CD of his songs. Every
year many of the 11,000 prisoners who leave jail end up back in the can because they can not handle life in
society. Prisoners usually find that returning to society is like going to a second jail because it is so difficult to
fit in. Friends and family often do not want to take them back, and finding a job is a big challenge. Society
holds the 'key' that will let the prisoner out of this second jail. That key is not a yellow ribbon, but a second
) 1. The passage is mainly about _______.
(A) a prisoner discovered by a record company (B) how to help prisoners fit into society
(C) an inspiring song based on a true story
(D) a second chance wanted by prisoners
) 2. In the song lyric, why does the speaker say "I'm really still in prison"?
(A) Because he doubts if his wife will accept a prisoner as a husband.
(B) Because his request for parole has not been granted yet.
(C) Because his wife refuses to give him the key to his house.
(D) Because his wife will not go the prison to take him home.
) 3. The Yellow Ribbon Project _______.
(A) is funded by Singapore government
(B) provides jobs for prisoners out of jail
(C) has helped many prisoners get on with their lives
(D) encourages songwriters to write songs for prisoners
) 4. As used in the passage, "in the can" means "_______."
(A) at home
(B) in jail
(C) in hospital (D) on the street
) 5. The second jail refers to _______.
(A) the workplace that a prisoner hates but has to work in
(B) the place where a prisoner is kept by his family
(C) the jail into which a prisoner is sent again
(D) the society that rejects a prisoner
(4) 分辭構句(兩句S同):S + V…, Ving(主) / pp(被)
獨立分辭構句:S1 + V…, S2 + Ving(主) / pp(被)
(1) There are only about 1500 pandas living in the wild today. One problem they face is __1__ of their natural
habitat, which results from deforestation. __2__ the rapid growth of population, large areas of forest have been
cleared __3__ agriculture and human habitation. __4__ settlers push higher up the mountain slopes, panda
habitat __5__ disappears.
Deforestation also leads to shortage of pandas' food, bamboo. __6__ enough forest area, pandas will not
have enough food to eat. Besides, deforestation causes a greater __7__ of inbreeding. Since the forest is broken
into small areas, pandas __8__ live in small groups. Within these small groups, it's __9__ for them to find
proper mates. __10__, they're more likely to mate with close members from the same family.
( ) 1. (A) lose
(B) the lost
(C) the loss
(D) losing
( ) 2. (A) Because of
(B) Despite
(C) In advance of
(D) When it comes to
( ) 3. (A) by
(B) for
(C) to
(D) over
( ) 4. (A) If only
(B) However
(C) There are
(D) As
( ) 5. (A) violently
(B) fluently
(C) unexpectedly
(D) gradually
) 6. (A) Living in
) 7. (A) sign
) 8. (A) have to
(B) Thanks to
(B) token
(B) can't
(C) Have
(C) risk
(C) are able to
(D) Without
(D) load
(D) are willing to
) 9. (A) insufficient
)10. (A) To begin with
(B) difficult
(B) At any price
(C) common
(C) As a result
(D) impractical
(D) In the short run
(2) WWF is an international organization that __1__ save life on Earth. __2__ protecting numerous kinds of
animals, it also focuses special attention on endangered species __3__ tigers, giant pandas, and great __4__.
This organization was __5__ by Julian Huxley in 1960. Huxley, a biologist, was shocked by __6__ he had seen
in Africa, including uncontrolled hunting of endangered species and destruction of their habitats. He discussed
the issue with other colleagues and scientists and then decided to establish WWF. __7__ the past four decades,
WWF has not only protected hundreds of species __8__ worked on fighting global problems like climate
change, __9__, overfishing, and the illegal wildlife trade. One of its major accomplishments is assisting the
creation of more than 500 national parks in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Another well-known
accomplishment is the ban on ivory trading. The long-term aim of WWF is __10__ make the world a better
home for all species as well as people.
(A) such as
(F) to
(B) Over
(G) apes
(C) set up
(H) but also
(D) deforestation
(I) aims to
(E) While
(J) what
(3) Everybody who reads newspapers and watches television is aware of the problem of deforestation. We all
know that the world's trees, especially those in tropical rainforests, are being cut down at a very high rate. Not
everyone agrees about the causes of the situation, however, and that means there are no common measures to
solve the problem.
Many governments believe that the biggest threat to forests is the increase in human population. It is true
that population growth is a serious problem, but some people think governments are using it as an excuse to
take no action. Governments imply there is nothing they can do to slow down deforestation because too many
people are searching for places to live and food to eat.
Those who oppose this view say that deforestation is mainly due to unfair international trade and
globalization. They believe the demand for more and more wood means that large companies move into the
rainforests to cut down the trees. People looking for new homes inevitably follow them and settle on the land.
They are not the reason it was cleared in the first place.
The countries with the most rainforests also have serious economic problems. They owe a lot of money to
international banks. So, their governments are under pressure to cut down forests and sell the wood to repay the
money. In addition, forests are cleared to make way for agricultural development and industrial projects such as
mines and dams. According to critics of deforestation, these projects mainly benefit people who live far away
from the forests.
( ) 1. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
(A) The rate of deforestation is slowing down.
(B) Many countries keep deforestation a secret.
(C) The problem of deforestation is widely known.
(D) Not many people are aware of deforestation.
( ) 2. What does the passage say about the causes of deforestation?
(A) People disagree about them.
(B) It is the fault of governments.
(C) The causes are not known.
(D) They are easy to deal with.
) 3. Governments seem to believe that _______.
(A) nobody must be allowed to cut down trees
(B) they cannot prevent trees being cut down
(C) cutting down trees slows population growth
(D) there is no reason to stop cutting down trees
) 4. Who is to blame for deforestation, according to critics of the governments?
(A) Governments.
(B) Companies.
(C) Banks.
(D) Populations.
) 5. Governments allow deforestation to take place because _______.
(A) they need the money it brings them
(C) there is no agricultural development
(B) they need the wood to build houses
(D) the rainforests take too much water
(4) passive voice (被動式)
不定詞片語:to tell (you) the truth/ to be frank (with you)/ to speak frankly/ to make matters worse/
to sum up/ to begin with
(1) Shyness is a feeling of self-consciousness. If you are shy, you __1__ often tremble and feel your heart
pound. Perhaps you are worried about making __2__ on people, so you feel nervous __3__ ill at ease. But your
shyness does not necessarily show __4__. Other people my even think you are being snobbish when, in fact,
you are just afraid of __5__ with them.
Don't worry, you are not alone. It is likely __6__ that shyness affects up to 70 percent __7__ people.
Most of them don't show it, because they are shy __8__. In social situations they appear to be well adjusted. The
number of us who are visibly __9__ with other people is pretty low. Even a few politicians and entertainers are
shy. They are outgoing __10__ seen in public, but actually feel very insecure.
( ) 1. (A) are
(B) were
(C) may
(D) would
( ) 2. (A) a bad impression
(B) a waste of time
(C) a wrong number
(D) a lot of trouble
( ) 3. (A) for
(B) not
(C) but
(D) and
( ) 4. (A) to your face
(B) on the surface
(C) of your tongue
(D) in the middle
( ) 5. (A) being good
(B) making contact
(C) losing time
(D) finding fault
( ) 6. (A) to
(B) than
(C) that
(D) as
( ) 7. (A) at least
(B) by most
(C) in all
(D) of all
( ) 8. (A) privately
(B) normally
(C) easily
(D) statistically
( ) 9. (A) happy to
(B) expected to
(C) perfect with
(D) uncomfortable with
( )10. (A) that
(B) when
(C) since
(D) whereas
Suppose you go to a new place. While there, you meet someone you know from __1__ home. One of
you might say something like "It's a small world". You might also use this __2__ when you find out that
somebody you know knows __3__ person that you know.
If you would like actual __4__ that we live in a small world, you can travel to Disneyland. "It's a small
world" is actually the name of a famous __5__ there. It is a boat ride through a building that is divided into
different __6__ of the world. During the ten-minute ride, you will see doll figures __7__ in clothing from many
different cultures.
"It's a small world" is also the name of a song that is played throughout the boat ride. You will hear it in
English, Spanish, and Japanese, to name a few. Children perhaps find the song, and the ride, __8__. Older kids
and __9__ may feel it is boring. But it is a good place to __10__, if the weather is very hot outside.
(A) attraction
(F) phrase
(B) proof
(G) back
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) adults (D) coo off
(H) dressed (I) entertaining
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) another
(J) regions
5 .(
(3) When you see friends, it is natural to greet them with a smile and a wave. Your face and body work
together to show your friend that you are pleased to see her. In other words, you communicate to her through
your body language. But what if your face and body send different visible messages to someone. Which one
would they be more likely to believe?
When comparing emotions shown by facial expressions and body language, most scientists believed that
the face was more important. To test this theory, researchers in America and Holland showed people of pictures
of faces, and other pictures of bodies with the faces missing. The expressions and body language showed anger
or fear. The researchers also showed pictures in which angry or scared faces were together with angry or scared
Using the pictures, the researchers asked people to quickly press a button to choose the correct emotion:
anger or fear. When looking only at faces, they chose the right emotion eighty percent of the time. But when
they looked at a "mixed" picture, for example a scared face with an angry body, they found it much harder to
guess the emotion on the face.
These results show that people can be confused by mixed messages. Even when someone is paying
attention to your face, your body language can still affect their impression of you. It is important for telling
people how you really feel. If you want to be understood, it is best to avoid sending mixed messages.
( ) 1. What is the author of the passage trying to show us?
(A) That body language is very important. (B) That people don't notice body language.
(C) That facial expressions often trick us. (D) That smiling is a good way to make friends.
) 2. When we are greeting someone we like, we do not usually _______.
(A) send them visible messages
(B) try to show we are pleased
(C) smile and wave to them
(D) give them mixed messages
) 3. What was the aim of the researchers in America and Holland?
(A) To teach people how to understand facial expressions and body language.
(B) To better understand how some people are able to control their emotions.
(C) To show there is no connection between facial expressions and language.
(D) To find out if facial expressions are more important than body language.
) 4. How often did people guess the right emotion from pictures only showing faces?
(A) One out of ten times.
(B) Four out of five times.
(C) Almost never.
(D) Every time.
) 5. The passage advises us to _______.
(A) avoid showing that we are angry
(B) avoid meeting scary people
(C) use appropriate body language
(D) try to hide our real emotions
(4) When/ while/ if /though+ Ving(主) / pp(被)
It + be likely that S + V…
=S + be likely to V…
根據這項研究,害羞很有可能是遺傳來的或是文化決定的(culturally determined)。
(1) Victor Hugo's 1,200-page novel Les Miserables tells the story of Jean Valjean. He leaves prison in 1815.
__1__ his past life as a criminal, Valjean finds it impossible to get work, __2__ he tries very hard. After stealing
silver from a bishop, Valjean __3__ by the police and taken back to the bishop's house. __4__, he is treated
kindly by the bishop, who tells the police he gave the silver to Valjean __5__. After he is released, Jean Valjean
__6__ become honest and help poor people. He raises a little girl as his own after __7__ to her dying mother
that he would take care of her. He also helps a group of students fight __8__ injustice. All through the story,
Valjean's actions strike a chord __9__ of the reader. Les Miserables is a powerful story of poverty and romance
that carries you like a river from __10__.
( ) 1. (A) Because of
(B) Because
(C) However
(D) As a result
( ) 2. (A) even
(B) though
(C) no matter
(D) despite
( ) 3. (A) captured
(B) captures
(C) is capturing
(D) is captured
( ) 4. (A) On his own
(B) In his life
(C) To his surprise
(D) To his regret
( ) 5. (A) as a present
(B) on the top
(C) to the director
(D) of a letter
) 6. (A) makes an impression on
(C) makes up his mind
) 7. (A) striking
(B) waiting
(B) does his best to
(D) works together to
(C) vowing
(D) pursuing
) 8. (A) above
) 9. (A) in the heart
)10. (A) back to front
(C) against
(C) on the whole
(C) around the world
(D) around
(D) to the mind
(D) beginning to end
(B) away
(B) in the middle
(B) inside and outside
(2) In 1789, Louis the Sixteenth was king of France in 1789. He was not a bad man, but he did not understand
how much ordinary people __1__ in the country. His wife, Marie Antoinette, cared nothing for the poor and
__2__ population. The winter had been __3__ hard, and there wasn't much food available. Louis and his
government were short of money, so they made the middle classes pay more taxes, all the __4__ ignoring the
needs of the poor. The injustice of his rule struck a __5__ with the poor and middle classes alike.
On July 14, a large crowd attacked a __6__ building called the Bastille, where many guns were kept. The
common people took control of France. Louis remained king for a while, but his power no longer __7__. He
tried to escape from France, but he was __8__ and caught. Finally, in 1793, Louis and his wife were accused of
"a multitude of __9__ ". They both had their heads cut off. The new rulers of France __10__ that their country
would never have another king.
A. chord
F. prison
B. crimes
G. pursued
) 2.(
) 7.(
C. existed
H. suffered
) 3.(
) 8.(
D. homeless
I. vowed
E. particularly
J. while
) 4.(
) 9.(
(3) Paris is one of the world's great cities and has been a leading cultural, economic and political center for
many years. Since the nineteenth century, it has been called the City of Light. It is also famous for fashion, food,
and the arts, and people around the world have an impression of Paris as a city of romance.
Because of its fine buildings and interesting museums, Paris is the most visited city in the world. Around
thirty million tourists go there each year. Many of them go to the city's famous sidewalk cafés to enjoy a coffee
against the background of landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower. The steel tower was built in 1889 and
immediately became a symbol of Paris. It was the world's tallest building until 1930. These days, it receives
more than six million visitors a year.
The late nineteenth century was a particularly exciting time to be living in Paris. Although there was
widespread poverty and crime, it was a period of great optimism and creativity, especially in the arts. Talented
painters flocked there, while top singers, dancers, actors, and actresses performed in the opera houses and in
theaters such as the Moulin Rouge and the Folies Bergeres.
( ) 1. The first two paragraphs of the passage are mainly about _______.
(A) the cultural history of Paris
(B) why Paris is an interesting city
(C) the famous buildings of Paris (D) where tourists go in Paris
( ) 2. What do many people think about Paris, according to the passage?
(A) It is an expensive city.
(B) It is a romantic city.
(C) It is an ancient city.
(D) It is an old-fashioned city.
( ) 3. When did the Eiffel Tower become a symbol of Paris?
(A) In the early nineteenth century. (B) After many tourists saw it.
(C) As soon as it was finished.
(D) In 1930.
) 4. The passage says that Paris was interesting in the nineteenth century because of _______.
(A) the number of artists there
(B) the many tall buildings there
(C) the crime and poverty there (D) the number of tourists there
) 5. What does the passage say about the people of 19th-century Paris?
(A) They were very afraid of the future. (B) Most of them were rich and happy.
(4) Because + S +V… = Because of NP…
To one’s (情緒) N
Mr. and Mrs. Casey recently went through a terrible ordeal. Their only son __1__ in a road accident.
He had wheedled the family car __2__ his parents and was driving too fast and __3__ crazy chances. The worst
thing for Mr. and Mrs. Casey was when they must go to the hospital and __4__ his body. It was awful for them
to see him __5__, cold and mangled and lying in a drawer.
At the funeral, the boy's parents were __6__. His friends and relatives walked by the casket one after
another, some of them __7__ his hand. His little sister was like a zombie, and __8__ his grandparents. Everyone
moved like robots. Mr. and Mrs. Casey had never been in __9__ pain in their lives before. How they __10__
they had refused their son's request to borrow the car that day.
( ) 1. (A) was dead
(B) was died
(C) was killing
(D) was killed
( ) 2. (A) up to
(B) so as
(C) out of
(D) back to
( ) 3. (A) take
(B) takes
(C) taking
(D) taken
( ) 4. (A) relate
(B) bury
(C) plead
(D) identify
( ) 5. (A) and then
(B) like that
(C) more than
(D) for that
) 6. (A) in a daze
) 7. (A) to touch
) 8. (A) so much
) 9. (A) most
)10. (A) wanted
(B) on fire
(B) touched
(B) so were
(B) his
(B) wished
(C) in hope
(C) were touched
(C) also was
(C) such
(C) would
(D) on a high
(D) touching
(D) were too
(D) so
(D) waited
(2) Sue had an unhappy experience of getting up __1__ this morning. Nothing seemed to __2__. She hadn't
gone to bed until early in the morning. She was sound asleep and didn't hear the alarm clock go off at 6:30.
When she woke up, it was already seven o'clock.
Sue __3__ her uniform and rushed out to take the bus. She spent twenty minutes waiting for the bus,
which was overcrowded. She had great difficulty __4__ it. Of course, there were no vacant seats. She got stuck
in the middle and had nothing to __5__. When the bus came to a sudden stop, she was pushed to the front of the
bus, and someone stepped on her toe. Oh, __6__ it hurt!
The driver had stopped __7__ and gotten off to quarrel with a man __8__ car had hit the bus. Both of
them were turning red with anger and looked ready to fight. Sue looked at her watch, which said 7:40, and
decided to walk. She estimated that she could get to school in less than 15 minutes. In fact, she had no __9__
choice. It never occurred to her that every traffic light would turn red whenever she was about to cross an
intersection. Hardly __10__ the gates of her school when the bell rang. She ran upstairs, fell on a flight of stairs,
and skinned both her knees. Today just wasn't her day.
(A) other
(B) getting on
(F) had she entered
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) how
(G) driving
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) on the wrong side of the bed
(H) go right(I) hold on to
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) put on
(J) whose
) 5.(
) 10.(
(3) Matt, an 18-year-old student, was driving his car. He saw a buddy's car in front, and decided to surprise him.
Matt drove past his friend's car at high speed, but lost control of his own. The result was a terrible accident that
killed Matt's 16-year-old girlfriend. Now, he must live with the pain and sorrow caused by his crazy game.
Matt's girlfriend joined the growing number of young people who are listed as traffic fatalities. Motor
vehicle accidents are the most common cause of death for 15- to 18-year-olds. Many of these accidents could
have been avoided if the victims had been more aware of the risks. And it is not just teenage drivers that are
In one survey, 62 percent of teenagers admitted they had been distracted while crossing the road. They
were talking to friends, chatting on a cell phone, listening to music, or just thinking about something else. The
same teens reported that they had either been in an accident or near miss, or they knew someone who had. A
quarter of all accidents involving teenage pedestrians occur on their way to or from school.
A recent advertising campaign in England aimed to make teenagers more aware of road safety. In a series
of films, young people were shown on their way to success and fame. But their lives were cut short in tragic
accidents. Teenagers everywhere should follow the advice in the films: "Don't die before you've lived."
( ) 1. Which is the main idea of this passage?
(A) People shouldn't listen to music when crossing the road.
(B) Films have been made to teach teenagers traffic rules.
(C) Matt has to live with agony all his life.
(D) Teenagers should be more aware of road safety.
( ) 2. Matt had a car accident because _______.
(A) he drank too much alcohol
(B) he drove too fast
(C) he didn't have a license
(D) there was too much fog
) 3. What happened in Matt's car accident?
(A) His buddy was killed.
(B) He got a ticket.
(C) He lost his girlfriend.
(D) He smashed his friend's car.
) 4. The survey mentioned in the passage shows that _______.
(A) About 40% of car accidents occurred on students' way to or from school.
(B) More than 60% of teenagers did other things when crossing the road.
(C) Few young people had been in an accident or near miss.
(D) Every year many senior citizens are killed in car accidents.
) 5. Which description of the advertising campaign is NOT true?
(A) The campaign was in England.
(B) Films were made to show the importance of road safety.
(C) The campaign taught teenagers a lesson through stories of young people about to achieve success.
(D) The purpose of the campaign is to instruct teenagers how to live in a
meaningful way.
(4) How S wish…
either, neither, too, so
(1) Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa around 1505. It is a portrait __1__ a young woman sitting in
front of a beautiful landscape. Her hands are __2__ her stomach, and there is a mysterious smile on her face.
People have been __3__ by the Mona Lisa for hundreds of years. She seems __4__ other paintings of human
faces. Her expressive eyes and enchanting smile __5__ it almost impossible to look away from her. When you
do, the next time you look she always seems __6__ a little.
The Mona Lisa has a secret. No one knows __7__ the model really was. It is possible that she was a
well-known lady from Florence, but there is no proof __8__. Leonardo did not keep a record of the model's
name, __9__ he wrote down details of his other portraits. Some people think the Mona Lisa is a painting of da
Vinci himself. It has even been suggested that the model was a young boy __10__ a woman.
( ) 1. (A) as
(B) to
(C) of
(D) for
( ) 2. (A) held away
(B) lifted up
(C) crossed over
(D) turned out
( ) 3. (A) captivate
(B) to captivate
(C) captivating
(D) captivated
( ) 4. (A) not as clear
(B) as much as
(C) very different
(D) more alive than
( ) 5. (A) make
(B) let
(C) put
(D) take
( ) 6. (A) changing
(B) like changed
(C) has changed
(D) to have changed
( ) 7. (A) that
(B) who
(C) which
(D) how
( ) 8. (A) of this
(B) that is
(C) is she
(D) there is
( ) 9. (A) so that
(B) even though
(C) as a result
(D) as soon as
( )10. (A) made up
(B) looked like
(C) dressed as
(D) dressing up
While visiting my aunt's house last year, I saw an interesting old photograph. It
was a picture of her husband, __1__ died before I was born. His face was very __2__, full of feeling. He looked
a little surprised and also __3__ to be laughing at something. __4__, my dad, his younger brother, doesn't look
like him at all.
I asked Aunt Ida about the picture, and she told me __5__ about my uncle. She said he was a __6__ man
who had all kinds of skills. He was good at fixing __7__ machines and cars. __8__, on the left side of the photo,
you can see one corner of an old car he had fixed. According to my aunt, he also had a mischievous __9__ of
humor and a charming smile. Hearing what she told me and seeing that picture made me __10__ I never got the
chance to meet my uncle.
(A) Interestingly (B) sense (C) broken (D) alive (E) more
(F) who
(G) appeared
(H) regret (I) brilliant (J) in fact
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
(3) In Europe recently, a major art prize was awarded for a very unusual work. The artist had created an empty
room in which the lights went on and off. Giving him the prize caused a lot of argument. Many people asked
whether it could really be thought of as art. Others responded with an old question: What exactly is art?
It is very difficult to define art. One dictionary says it is the use of skill and imagination in creating
objects and experiences that can be shared with other people. But this only describes the way that art is
made, not what it is. According to the director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, “there is no
single definition of art.”
Long ago, a person who made a picture or decorated a vase was just a skilled worker. During the time of
Leonardo da Vinci, attitudes to art changed in Europe. Landscape and portrait painters received more respect,
and the genius of the best artists was recognized. In the early twentieth century, an artist called Marcel
Duchamp challenged the traditional view. He said that art was anything that an artist produces.
Our view of art has changed over time. One philosopher believes that “you can’t say something’s art
or not art anymore. You might not have the same insight as others.” Most people, though, feel that good art
is definitely something that has beauty. And it is up to each individual to decide what he or she finds
1. Why did people argue about the work of art described in the first paragraph?
(A) The artist did not receive a prize for it.
(B) The artist copied it from someone else.
(C) Some people didn’t think it was real art.
(D) Some people felt it was too expensive.
2. We can infer from the second paragraph that _____.
(A) people don’t agree about the definition of art
(B) skill is not necessary to produce good art
(C) art is only real if it is shared with other people
(D) most modern art is created in New York
3. Marcel Duchamp would be most likely to say, “_____”
(A) Artists do not deserve to be respected.
(B) Leonardo da Vinci was not a real artist.
(C) Only a great painter can be an artist.
(D) This is a work of art because I say it is.
4. What is the opinion of the philosopher mentioned in the last paragraph?
(A) Most people understand art very well.
(B) It is good that art changes over time.
(C) Something has to be beautiful to be art.
(D) It is no longer possible to define art.
1. that 名詞子句
2. make/find/consider/feel/think/believe + it + OC + to V
(1) The harmful effects of global warming and pollution seem to be getting worse every year. As a result,
more and more people want to __1__ in activities that help the environment. There are several eco-friendly
things that people can do in their everyday lives. __2__, many people recycle their household garbage. This is
very important because without recycling, our trash would continue __3__ forever. Some families make their
own electricity with __4__ power. Although they use solar panels __5__ to save money, most people are
pleased to know that they are also helping the environment. In __6__ parts of the world solar panels can create
enough power for an average house. And if the house __7__ the electricity grid, families can even make a little
money by selling any __8__ power they make to an electricity company. Solar panels provide a truly __9__
solution to the problem of making electricity without harming the environment. Most importantly, they can last
__10__ 50 years, which means you can enjoy free, eco-friendly power without worrying about having to fix or
replace them.
( ) 1. (A) set out
(B) fall apart
(C) take part
(D) line up
( ) 2. (A) As a result
(B) For instance
(C) For one thing
(D) In short
) 3. (A) piling up
) 4. (A) wind
) 5. (A) eventually
) 6. (A) northern
) 7. (A) lives up to
) 8. (A) extra
) 9. (A) modern
)10. (A) except for
(B) going up
(B) nuclear
(B) unexpectedly
(B) sunny
(B) sticks to
(B) solar
(B) odd
(B) as early as
(C) growing up
(C) water
(C) primarily
(C) western
(C) is involved in
(C) cheap
(C) elegant
(C) up to
(D) making up
(D) solar
(D) amazingly
(D) dry
(D) is hooked up to
(D) free
(D) costly
(D) no more than
(2) My neighbors the Brights care very much about the environment. They try their best to reduce waste in
__1__ ways. They not only buy products that are made from recycled materials, __2__ buy only what they need.
In addition, they don’t produce much household waste, because they only buy things that have __3__ little
packaging. Most important of __4__, they recycle almost all of the garbage that they do produce.
If the Brights no longer need something, they sell it or __5__. They are __6__ several community groups
that help the environment in various ways. Mrs. Bright organizes __7__ and invites experts to teach her friends
and neighbors how to save energy. The Brights use __8__ for some of their own needs, and they only turn their
air-conditioning system __9__ when it is really hot. Mr. Bright even used the old tires from his car to make a
children’s swing in the garden. In my opinion, the Brights are setting a good __10__ for everyone in the
A. relatively
F. a number of
B. all
G. on
) 2.(
) 7.(
C. involved in
H. solar power
) 3.(
) 8.(
D. get it away
I. example
) 4.(
) 9.(
E. but also
J. workshops
) 5.(
) 10.(
(3) Every year natural disasters, such as earthquakes and typhoons, kill thousands of people around the world.
For the survivors, there is an urgent need for food, medicine and water. If their homes have been destroyed they
also need somewhere to live. In December 2004, the Indian Ocean earthquake caused a deadly tsunami which
left thousands without a home. Many of the worst hit areas were small islands. In 2005 a disaster relief team
working in the Little Andaman Islands felt they needed to do more than just provide food and medicine. They
contacted Earthship Biotecture, an American company that builds environmentally-friendly houses called
earthships, and asked for help. Earthships are made out of natural materials. They make all their own power
from sun and wind, and are designed to catch and recycle their own water. In May 2005, Michael Reynolds
brought an earthship project team to the Little Andaman Islands to teach people there how to build earthships
from local materials. The eight-person team spent 14 days teaching local people how to make an earthship.
Many of the 350,000 people who live in the Andaman Islands faced disease and poverty even before the
tsunami struck. The earthship homes have not only given practical help to many of the islands' families, but they
have also given people hope for a better future.
( ) 1. The passage is mainly about _____.
(A) the cruelty of natural disasters
(B) the contributions of Earthship Biotecture
(C) how earthships benefited people in the Little Andaman Islands
(D) how people in India suffered from the 2004 tsunami in the worst hit areas
) 2. "They" (in line 6) refer to _____.
(A) the areas that suffered the greatest damage
(B) the members of a disaster relief team
(C) the government officials in India
(D) the residents in the Little Andaman Islands
) 3. The passage focuses on the need of disaster survivors for _____.
(A) food (B) medicine
(C) water
(D) shelter
) 4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about earthships?
(A) They are harmless to the environment.
(B) They were originated in America.
(C) They are made from natural material.
(D) They are the average houses in Southeast Asia.
) 5. It can be inferred that life in the Little Andaman Islands _____.
(A) is under threat
(B) is improving now
(C) is poor due to scarcity of natural resources
(D) has faced numerous impacts of natural disasters
(4) When/ while/ if /though+ Ving(主) / pp(被)
複合形容詞 (compound adjectives)
For most of human history, people slept on cloth or leaves on the floor. The Pharaohs in ancient Egypt
were the first to __1__ their beds off the floor. They slept on light beds made of wood. After the year 100,
__2__ the rich had beds. Poor people still slept on the __3__. Therefore, the bed became a __4__ of fortune.
After 1750, beds became beautiful pieces of furniture. They were made of carved wood __5__ usually came
with beautiful curtains, which functioned to __6__ the bed warm. In Victorian times, beds became higher and
higher. Sometimes one had to go up the steps to __7__ the top of the bed. After 1820, beds made of metal
became popular. This new kind of bed was __8__ for health than that made of wood __9__ there were fewer
insects in metal beds. __10__ hospital beds are metal today.
( ) 1. (A) hook
(B) wrap
(C) raise
(D) lay
( ) 2. (A) maybe
(B) only
(C) actually
(D) when
( ) 3. (A) bed
(B) roof
(C) floor
(D) wood
( ) 4. (A) scene
(B) comment
(C) frame
(D) symbol
( ) 5. (A) and
(B) of which
(C) it
(D) X
) 6. (A) keep
) 7. (A) enter
) 8. (A) good
) 9. (A) because
)10. (A) On one hand
(B) protect
(B) leave
(B) more
(B) but
(B) That's why
(C) change
(C) cover
(C) better
(C) so
(C) After all
(D) save
(D) reach
(D) harm
(D) if
(D) It seems that
The ancient Egyptian civilization __1__ for almost 3,000 years and made Egypt one of the richest places
in the world. The Egyptians were ruled by Pharaohs, who were their __2__ and had great power. People
__3__ that the Pharaoh was a descendant of the gods. If they didn't __4__ him, they could be killed.
Tutankhamen was one of the Pharaohs who are best remembered nowadays. That is because his __5__
was discovered in 1922, with enormous fortune inside it. He was just eight years old when he became Pharaoh.
But he didn't make important decisions; instead, it was his mother that __6__ Egypt. Pictures of her were found
in Tutankhamen's tomb.
The Egyptians believed that after they died they had a chance to live __7__ life. When a Pharaoh died, his
__8__ were taken out into jars and his body was dried. The __9__ took three months in total. Then a mask was
placed __10__ his face and everything was put inside one of the huge Pyramids that still stand in the Egyptian
(A) on top of
(F) believed
(B) insides
(G) another
(C) tomb (D) process
(H) emperors (I) lasted
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) took charge of
(J) obey
) 5.(
) 10.(
How well do you sleep at night? If you are not getting a good night's sleep it may be because your bed is not
right for you. Waterbeds offer a good solution to this problem because they are very comfortable to sleep on.
Back in the 1970s waterbeds were very popular, because they were seen as a fun alternative to conventional
beds. But these days people mostly buy waterbeds for practical reasons. Waterbeds are particularly good for
people who have back problems because they allow your muscles to relax completely. There are other
advantages as well. Traditional mattresses need to be changed every three or four years because dust gets inside
and sometimes the springs break. Waterbed mattresses, on the other hand, are very easy to keep clean, and of
course, they do not rely on metal springs to make them feel soft. An average waterbed can be used for up to
twelve years. Another great thing about waterbeds is that you can heat the water inside to keep you warm in
winter. But waterbeds do have some disadvantages. Heating a waterbed is quite expensive. In cold countries an
average waterbed uses about the same power as a refrigerator. And being much heavier than regular beds,
waterbeds are difficult to move. So what's the biggest disadvantage of having a waterbed? Leaks, perhaps? No,
they are rare. The worst thing is probably getting up in the morning. Waterbeds are just too comfortable.
( ) 1. The passage suggests that
(A) an uncomfortable bed is the cause of its user's back problem.
(B) a good night's sleep is expensive.
(C) a comfortable bed can improve the quality of sleep.
(D) a lazy person is not allowed to sleep on a comfortable bed.
( ) 2. As used in the passage, "conventional" means _______.
(A) traditional (B) fancy (C) plain and simple (D) rare and unusual
) 3. In 1970s many people may have bought the waterbed simply for its _______.
(A) beauty (B) novelty (C) endurance
(D) protection against dust
) 4. The waterbed can help relieve your back pain because _______.
(A) its specially designed springs have healing effects
(B) the mattresses do not have metal springs
(C) it can be heated
(D) it is so soft as to let your muscles fully relax
) 5. One drawback of using the waterbed in winter could be that _______.
(A) it leaks
(B) it is too heavy
(C) you don't want to get out of it in the morning
(D) it is as cold as a refrigerator
(4) Fractions (分數)
that’s why/when/where/how
(1) Tom was a smart boy. When Aunt Polly made him whitewash the fence, he tricked some other boys
__1__ doing it for him. He thought he would have to whitewash the fence himself until a clever idea __2__ his
mind. When Ben Rogers came along, eating an apple that made Tom's mouth __3__, Tom decided to try out his
plan. He __4__ that whitewashing the fence was interesting work. He looked at the fence __5__ an artist. As
expected, rather than __6__ fun of Tom for working on such a fine day, Ben suddenly became interested.
Before long, Ben was whitewashing the fence, and Tom was sitting in the shade eating the apple. __7__
little while, more victims walked along to fall into Tom's trap. They all gave Tom things __8__ a chance to
whitewash the fence. As soon as one boy was __9__, another one took his place, and Tom became richer and
richer. He also discovered something important: If you want someone to covet a thing, just make it difficult
( ) 1. (A) with
(B) by
(C) for
(D) into
( ) 2. (A) flashed into
(B) tired out
(C) went on
(D) continued to
( ) 3. (A) watered
(B) to water
(C) watering
(D) water
) 4. (A) ran out
) 5. (A) in the hand of
) 6. (A) have
) 7. (A) Some
) 8. (A) in exchange for
) 9. (A) bought in
)10. (A) to attain
(B) let on
(B) with the eye of
(B) give
(B) After
(B) to compare with
(B) worn out
(B) attaining
(C) took up
(C) on the way to
(C) make
(C) Every
(C) except for
(C) left behind
(C) attained
(D) set down
(D) in the heart of
(D) take
(D) Any
(D) instead of
(D) gone away
(D) will attain
The word "whitewash" has several different meanings in English. First of all, whitewash is a kind of paint.
It is not expensive, and is usually used outside, such as on the __1__ that Tom Sawyer's __2__ made him
whitewash. It is also used on brick surfaces, because it is easily __3__. It contains a lot of chalk that gives it its
__4__ white color. But other colors can be added to this type of paint.
When important people are __5__ to let the public know certain information, they may "whitewash" it. In
politics, when there is a whitewash, mistakes or failures are covered up, and newspapers are __6__ from
reporting them. Politicians who have done bad things often create a whitewash to keep their actions out of
The word is also used in sports, especially when a series of games are being played, such as in basketball,
baseball, and __8__ on. One team may whitewash another by not losing any games. For __9__, the team wins
the series 4-0. Sometimes, a whitewash describes a single game in which the loser scores __10__ points at all.
A. absorbed
B. aunt
C. discouraged
D. example
E. fence
F. no
G. pure
H. reluctant
I. sight
J. so
) 7.(
) 8.(
) 9.(
On the Mississippi River, the steamboat was king for more than a century. As many as 10,000 steamboats
sailed along America's rivers in the 1800s, many of them on the mighty Mississippi. Once America's main
"highway", the great river flows 2,350 miles from Lake Itasca in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. Along the
way, it passes through important cities such as St. Louis, Memphis, and New Orleans.
In the days of Mark Twain, the Mississippi was full of traffic. When it appeared in the second decade of
the 19th century, the steamboat solved the biggest problem of river transportation─that of traveling upstream.
Steamboats were more than just carriers of goods and passengers, however. They became a symbol of a
romantic era in American history.
Mark Twain wrote a book called Life on the Mississippi. The first part of it is about his time as a young
steamboat pilot before the American Civil War. He describes the challenges of sailing on the river. In the
second half, Twain returns years later to travel on a steamboat from St. Louis to New Orleans. He discusses the
new competition from railroads, and the new cities of the South and Midwest.
Today it’s still possible to take a steamboat trip on the Mississippi. A few companies operate boats
carrying tourists who want to experience the Mississippi life of old while traveling at eight miles an hour. It is
even possible to dress in 19th-century clothes on some trips. And you can pay anything from US$500 for three
nights in basic class to $10,000 for a two-week luxury voyage.
( ) 1. How long is the Mississippi River?
(A) Less than 1800 miles. (B) More than 2,000 miles.
(C) At least 5,000 miles. (D) About 10,000 miles.
( ) 2. The word "traffic" in the second paragraph refers to _______.
(A) trains crossing America (B) cars on American highways
(C) various methods of transportation
(D) boats on the Mississippi
) 3. Why were steamboats so important in early 19th century America?
(A) They carried people instead of goods. (B) They made life seem more romantic.
(C) They were a lot cheaper than trains.
(D) They made river travel much easier.
) 4. We can guess from the passage that railroads became important in America _______.
(A) after the American Civil War
(B) when Mark Twain was a boy
(C) before steamboats appeared
(D) in the early 19th century
) 5. What does the passage say about Mississippi steamboats nowadays?
(A) There are about 10,000 of them.
(B) They were built in the 19th century.
(C) They move at eight miles an hour.
(D) They are even faster than trains.
(4) would rather + V ( + than + V)
If S + had pp, S + would/could/should/might + have pp
Steven Spielberg is the best known of all movie directors. He is a __1__ all over the world. Spielberg had
his first __2__ hit in 1975 with Jaws, the story of a man-eating shark that __3__ audiences out of their wits.
__4__ had so many movie-goers been terrorized so effectively. Spielberg continued his success with a series of
__5__ action films, beginning in 1981 with Raiders of the Lost Ark. It earned him an Oscar nomination for best
Having established himself as the most successful director __6__ his generation, Spielberg took the
unusual step of going to college at the age of fifty-four. He said he wanted to __7__ an example for young
people. He completed the degree course and received his __8__ in 2002. It is an honor that the director treasures
__9__. Since then, Spielberg has continued to make movies, entertaining audiences by telling stories __10__
only he can.
( ) 1. (A) movie scene
(B) short film
(C) household name
(D) visual language
( ) 2. (A) single award
(B) space alien
(C) movie prop
(D) box office
( ) 3. (A) scared
(B) was scared
(C) scaring
(D) was scary
) 4. (A) Never
) 5. (A) bluffing
) 6. (A) to
(B) Ever
(B) thrilling
(B) of
(C) Even
(C) ranking
(C) on
(D) Again
(D) flocking
(D) at
) 7. (A) get
) 8. (A) diploma
) 9. (A) mostly
)10. (A) with
(B) take
(B) budget
(B) hardly
(B) as
(C) set
(C) interview
(C) rarely
(C) those
(D) translate
(D) feature
(D) highly
(D) while
(2) For Frank, high school was a place to study, and nothing more. He planned to work hard and finish high
school, __1__ by a college degree and a good job. So, when he was chosen as a role in the end-of-semester
show, he was not __2__ about it at all. He had never __3__ on stage before, and wasn't really interested in
trying. But Olivia was __4__ to persuade him into it, probably because she was the cutest girl in class. "Come to
the meeting after school," she said with a sweet smile, "and we'll talk about your role."
Frank felt excited that he might be playing the leading role __5__ Olivia. That would be something to
__6__! At the meeting, though, things didn't happen __7__ he expected. "Hi, Frank!" said Edward, the show's
director, when Frank arrived. "Just the boy we need. Our main feature in this year's show is a horror story. We
need someone who looks really __8__. You're a big guy. Try this monster mask __9__ and make some noises
that will terrorize people." Poor Frank was very upset when he realized he had been __10__.
(A) opposite
(B) able
(F) followed
(G) as
(C) treasure
(H) on
(D) tricked
(I) performed
(E) enthusiastic
(J) terrifying
) 2.(
) 3.(
) 4.(
) 5.(
) 7.(
) 8.(
) 9.(
) 10.(
(3) Thomas Edison invented a movie camera. It was large and heavy, and difficult to carry. A Frenchman called
Louis Lumiere developed another film camera in 1895. It was the size of a large case, and served as a camera,
film processing unit, and projector all in one. Due to its convenience, it was soon being used all over the world.
The movie industry was born.
About twenty years before Lumiere built his camera, a small agricultural town was flourishing among the
Santa Monica Mountains in Southern California. Bananas and pineapples were grown there. A man called
Wilcox bought some land in the area, which his wife decided to call "Hollywood", though it is not clear why.
Wilcox built homes for wealthy Americans who wanted to retire in sunny California.
In 1911, a company called Nestor opened the first film studio in Hollywood. Film-makers flooded to the
town, drawn by its warm weather and wide open spaces. Movie-making needed many workers, and Hollywood
rapidly grew. Soon, tall commercial buildings replaced the original houses. The wealthy people moved their
homes to a different area called Beverley Hills. The movie stars followed them.
In the 1960s, music studios and offices began moving to Hollywood. Nightclubs and other businesses
sprang up. Hollywood today is a diverse and lively community of mainly modern high-rise blocks. A few
treasured buildings from its past have been preserved, however. And much of the movie industry remains in the
area, whose appearance has changed so much in a hundred years.
( ) 1. According to the passage, what helped the birth of movie industry?
(A) Money supplied by the government. (B) A multi-function film camera.
(C) Good acting techniques of players. (D) Financial support from moviegoers.
( ) 2. Before the movie industry moved in, what did Hollywood look like?
(A) An agricultural town full of vegetables and fruits.
(B) A good place for retired people in South Carolina.
(C) It was a wealthy tourist attraction.
(D) There were many high-rises and nightclubs.
) 3. What drew film-makers to Hollywood?
(A) Fertile land. (B) Low prices of land.
(C) Luxurious buildings. (D) Wide open spaces.
) 4. Which question remains unanswered?
(A) Who invented the first movie camera?
(B) Why did the rich move to Beverley Hills?
(C) When was the first studio opened?
(D) Why was the land called Hollywood?
) 5. Which one is the correct order for the following events?
a: Wilcox built houses in Hollywood. b: Movie-makers moved to Hollywood.
c: Wealthy people moved to Beverly Hills. d: Music offices moved to Hollywood.
(A) a-b-c-d (B) b-a-d-c (C) c-b-d-a
(D) a-d-c-b
(4) Negative adv + aux/be + S (否定副詞倒裝)
the superlative(最高級) +(N) +of/among/in…
+ ever to V…
+that ….
Love is a dangerous thing. Though it can bring great happiness, it should always __1__ with wariness.
Sorrow and regret will come to those __2__ expect love to happen quickly. It is easy for the young to fall in
love, since they are __3__ grasp the chance. They do not yet know __4__ true love takes time to grow. Older
people have already made their own mistakes because they were __5__ young. They can offer good advice
about love.
In a famous poem, a wise old man tells a younger man to give his money away, __6__ his heart. He
should keep his fancy free __7__ suffer "endless rue". But it is no use __8__ to the young man, for he does not
listen. Being young, he has different ideas about life, and he is too __9__ energy to do nothing but wait for love.
By the end of the poem, however, the young man has been made wiser __10__.
( ) 1. (A) approach
(B) approaches
(C) be approached
(D) was approached
( ) 2. (A) who
(B) how
(C) they
(D) their
( ) 3. (A) easy to
(B) ready to
(C) waiting for
(D) acting as
( ) 4. (A) these
(B) that
(C) what
(D) which
) 5. (A) ever
) 6. (A) and so
) 7. (A) in order not to
) 8. (A) he talks
) 9. (A) eager to
)10. (A) than caution
(B) before
(B) or so
(B) in order that he
(B) he talked
(B) kind to
(B) to mature
(C) perhaps
(C) not yet
(C) so that he did
(C) to talk
(C) made of
(C) by experience
(D) once
(D) but not
(D) so as not
(D) been talking
(D) full of
(D) of love
"Look before you leap," as the proverb __1__. It is a saying that warns us to act with __2__ rather than
do things without thinking. For my friend Sam, it is a piece of advice that he should take more __3__. While
walking past a department store one day, he took a __4__ to a pretty young woman who stopped him to ask him
some questions. She seemed very interested in him. __5__, she was only really interested in getting Sam to buy
the health drink she was selling.
Being __6__ and foolish, Sam soon signed his name on the piece of paper she showed him. He didn't
__7__ closely to everything the girl said, and just looked dreamily into her eyes all the time. She talked about
the drink and the money Sam had to pay each month. __8__, she gave him a phone number, and he thought he
could contact her on it. But it was just the company's office. We all make __9__ in life, and we learn most
things __10__ experience. But Sam's mistake ended up costing him all his monthly allowance.
A. Besides
F. However
B. by
G. listen
C. caution
H. mistakes
D. fancy
I. seriously
E. goes
J. young
(3) The period of a child's life when he or she becomes an adult ─the teen years─ is a difficult time for
many parents. As children get older it is natural for them to begin thinking about having a girlfriend or
boyfriend. Whether parents like it or not, most teenagers will want to start dating sooner or later. In some
cultures, dating in the teen years is a taboo. And in some cases their first ever 'date' is when they get married to
someone that their parents have chosen. In the U.S. dating is generally considered to be an important part of
growing up. Going on dates helps teens learn about friendship and love, as well as how to communicate with
others and make decisions by themselves. Parents often worry about all the terrible things that might happen on
a date. However, studies have shown that dating actually helps teens become mature adults. Of course, parents
need to make clear rules. The following is a typical list of basic dating rules: 1.No dating on a school night. 2.
Be home before ten. 3. No alcohol or drugs. Some parents are much stricter than others. A father, for example,
may not even allow his daughter to start dating until she goes to senior high school. How much freedom parents
give their teenaged children to make their own decisions about dating often depends on the teens' age and
( ) 1. "A taboo" is ______.
(A) a religious belief
(B) necessary in child raising
(C) behavior not allowed
(D) part of everyday life
) 2. According to the passage, people who start dating as teenagers may ______.
(A) have a better sense of self-esteem
(B) be more independent of their parents
(C) be in and out of love many times
(D) develop better interrelationships with others
) 3. By setting dating rules for their teenaged children, parents can actually ______.
(A) reduce the possibility of generation gap
(B) help their children become more mature
(C) exert more authority over their children
(D) protect their children from going astray
) 4. The author is ______ when speaking of how much freedom teenaged children are given to make
decisions about dating.
(A) objective
(B) definite (C) showing disapproval
(D) giving advice
) 5. The best title for the passage could be "______."
(A) To Date or Not to Date?
(B) The Joy of Young Love
(C) Dating on the Path of Growth
(D) The First Date
(4) transitional words(語氣轉折詞)
take + sth + easy/hard/seriously/lightly/….
John Newport was going home from his work in the wheat field. Suddenly, a roar in the distance grew
louder, and a snake-like form was coming directly toward the farm. __1__ the danger, he ran at full speed for
the house, shouting as loudly as possible, "Tornado." Soon, the corner of the roof was __2__, and the trees
surrounding their house began to break. Within the next few minutes, the parents rushed their five panic- __3__
children into the cellar below the kitchen. One by one, the children got down to safety. But sadly, when the
parents finally moved toward the refuge, the strong __4__ wind had reached the house. Moments later, when
the children came out, they found themselves __5__ as victims of a ruthless tornado.
( ) 1. (A) To face
(B) Ignoring
(C) Knew
(D) Aware of
( ) 2. (A) picking up
(B) falling down
(C) run down
(D) blown away
( ) 3. (A) strike
(B) stricken
(C) stick
(D) stuck
( ) 4. (A) surging
(B) dangling
(C) swirling
(D) leaping
( ) 5. (A) orphans
(B) orphaned
(C) orphaning
(D) orphanage
Basically, tornadoes are funnels of air rotating as fast as 300 miles per hour. __1__
are their power that they can cause unimaginable damage just in __2__ seconds. Fortunately, not all tornadoes
are so destructive; many more are small storms that form quickly and disappear, __3__ the area they __4__
almost untouched. It is, __5__, the big tornadoes that command our serious attention.
( ) 1. (A) Such
(B) So
(C) They
(D) There
( ) 2. (A) a flock of
(B) a period of
(C) a case of
(D) a matter of
( ) 3. (A) left
(B) to leave
(C) leaving
(D) had left
( ) 4. (A) had
(B) hit
(C) sweeping
(D) had been
( ) 5. (A) therefore
(B) unfortunately
(C) however
(D) indeed
(2) To better understand tornadoes, scientists have developed special heavy-duty vehicles and weather-
equipment that allow them to
close-up observations of these dangerous storms. Radar equipment is put
on trucks and driven near a tornado. Scientists often have to drive the radar hundreds of miles to
3 .a
tornado—a job
can be very dangerous.
In addition, better communication and warning systems are also helping to
deaths and injuries in
many tornado- 6
areas. Radio and television warnings
sirens help to alert people to
danger. Public awareness is also important. When tornadoes do occur, people must act quickly. They should
move immediately to a safe place
a basement or under a strong stairway and cover themselves with
blankets or heavy coats. A tornado can arrive so
that a matter of seconds can mean the difference
between life and death.
(A) such as
(B) potential
(C) unexpectedly
(D) monitoring
(E) make
(F) as well as
(G) that
(H) chase down
(I) prone
(J) reduce
) 2.(
) 3.(
) 4.(
) 5.(
) 7.(
) 8.(
) 9.(
) 10.(
(3) In 1812, the French emperor Napoleon assembled the largest army Europe had ever seen—more than
600,000 men. His plan was to invade Russia. At first, he succeeded, and his soldiers captured Moscow. As soon
as they marched away, however, the Russian winter arrived, and temperatures fell to -40 degrees Celsius. Only
150,000 men returned to France. The rest froze and starved to death. This tragedy essentially marked the
beginning of the end for Napoleon’s empire.
The disaster of 1812 is just one case in which weather has directly affected the course of history. It has
happened over and over. In 1588, for instance, the Spanish king sent many ships to invade England. Violent
storms in the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean blew most of the ships to their destruction. If the weather had been
better, Spain might have succeeded. If it had, perhaps Spanish would be today’s “international language.”
Japan is another country that was unexpectedly saved from attack by the weather. In the thirteenth century,
the Mongol Empire wanted to invade Japan. What stopped it was not one, but two typhoons. In 1945, however,
at the end of World War Two, the Japanese city of Hiroshima was destroyed by a nuclear bomb, and the weather
was partly responsible for its fate. The original target of the American bomber was another city, Kokura. But the
skies over Kokura were too cloudy, so Hiroshima was chosen instead. It was yet another victim of events in
which climate and weather played a key role.
1. The main aim of the passage is to _______.
(A) show that strong winds can affect the results of wars
(B) describe how the French army lost a war with Russia
(C) explain historical differences between Europe and Japan
(D) give examples of weather affecting historical events
2. The passage tells us that, when the French invaded Russia, they _____.
(A) lost 450,000 soldiers
(B) lost their emperor
(C) stayed there all winter
(D) relied on the weather
3. What happened to most of the Spanish ships that attacked England?
(A) They returned safely to Spain.
(B) They landed in France instead.
(C) They were destroyed by storms.
(D) They were sunk by the English.
4. Why wasn’t the city of Kokura destroyed?
(A) There was a typhoon at the time.
(C) The sky over it was too cloudy.
(4) as soon as + S + V
(B) The Mongol Empire was defeated.
(D) The typhoon moved to Hiroshima.
what + (S) + V
(1) A lot of people believe in space aliens. They __1__ that the earth is regularly visited by intelligent beings
from other worlds. In America, __2__ sixty percent of people think flying saucers exist, and that the
government is covering __3__ reports and sightings of them. Many have described what aliens __4__, saying
they have tall, slender bodies and almond-shaped eyes. Some people even say they have been abducted by
similar creatures, and usually describe them as friendly __5__ hostile.
Why are people so interested in aliens? It may be that they are __6__ the problems of the modern world.
Maybe they think alien beings will be able to help us __7__ they are more intelligent. Perhaps creatures from
other worlds could teach us better ways __8__. Skeptics say there is nothing to prove that life exists __9__, and
humans want to believe they are not alone in the universe. But many people think we should keep looking until
we find out what is out __10__.
( ) 1. (A) convince
(B) convinced
(C) are convincing
(D) are convinced
( ) 2. (A) close to
(B) there is
(C) even more
(D) of course
( ) 3. (A) out
(B) up
(C) off
(D) on
) 4. (A) prove it
) 5. (A) as well
) 6. (A) worried about
) 7. (A) that
) 8. (A) to live
) 9. (A) other worlds
)10. (A) them
(B) look like
(B) and neither
(B) touched down
(B) although
(B) can live
(B) outer space
(B) these
(C) want to
(C) rather than
(C) listened to
(C) however
(C) we live
(C) anywhere else
(C) where
(D) send out
(D) not until
(D) given by
(D) because
(D) living
(D) anytime soon
(D) there
(2) In 1947 a newspaper reported that a "flying saucer" had crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. It all started
__1__ a farmer found some shiny material and handed it over to the U.S. army. The army __2__ that a UFO had
crashed. And later the government explained that it was just a weather balloon. But Frank Kaufman, one of the
few people who saw the strange material, said there were alien bodies at the __3__ of the crash. He believes that
the government tried to hide the __4__ from the public. For the next fifty years there were many __5__ about
what Kaufman saw. The media played up his claim and many people __6__ believe that the government was
hiding something. Even people who did not believe in UFOs or aliens started to think that perhaps the
government was not telling the whole truth. Then, in 1997, a U.S. army report finally explained what really
happened. According to the report the dead __7__ that Kaufman says he saw were in fact dummies (假人) that
the army had been using for parachute (降落傘) tests. Some people are __8__ about this explanation because
the army only started using dummies about ten years after the Roswell Incident. Roswell has since become a
tourist town. Every year thousands of people __9__ there to attend the alien festival and talk about the incident.
Many of them pay $15 to visit the place __10__ pieces of the "flying saucer" were discovered.
(A) site (B) where
(C) doubtful
(F) aliens (G) gather
(H) when
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) rumors (E) came to
(I) denied
(J) incident
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
(3) We all know that modern societies are producing too much garbage and that getting rid of it is a problem. In
fact, it is a problem that extends beyond our planet. There is plenty of trash in space as well, in the part of it that
is closest to Earth.
"Space junk", as it is called, is artificial material orbiting the Earth. It could be anything from pieces of
rockets or satellites to tiny chips of paint that have come loose from spaceships. There could be over a million
pieces of space junk currently floating above the Earth. But only about 9,000 of them are bigger than a tennis
The first satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched in 1957. Since then, thousands of spacecraft, satellites and
telescopes have been sent into space. Just as we have created mountains of garbage on Earth, we have also
formed a layer of junk around it. This garbage flies around at speeds of up to 35,000 kilometers an hour. NASA
frequently replaces windows on the space shuttle that are damaged by small objects.
Although most of the garbage in space is small, it is traveling extremely fast. A piece of metal the size of
a tennis ball that is moving very fast could cause serious damage to a spacecraft. In the past, NASA has changed
the flight path of space shuttles at least eight times to avoid space junk. Fortunately, there are junk-free zones in
space, and these are used to figure out the movement of spacecraft.
( ) 1. Which of these would be the best title for the passage?
(A) Societies Produce More Garbage
(B) A Solution to the Garbage Problem.
(C) Space Program Must End
(D) Garbage Piles up in Space.
) 2. How many pieces of garbage are thought to be floating around in space?
About 9,000. (B) Less than 35,000. (C) Over one million. (D) Over ten million.
) 3. Most space junk is _______.
(A) smaller than a tennis ball
(B) too small to cause harm
(C) made of natural materials
(D) from the space shuttle
) 4. Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?
(A) People have placed telescopes in space.
(B) Garbage has broken windows on spacecraft.
(C) Garbage in space can move at high speed.
(D) There is more junk in space than on Earth.
) 5. The garbage floating around in space _______.
(A) has destroyed many spacecraft
(B) causes problems for astronauts
(C) is dangerous to people on Earth
(D) often changes its flight path
(4) rather than
…not… until…/Not until…
(1) Chiufen is a town near the Pacific Ocean. It is a popular tourist destination where visitors can get a feeling
of __1__ Taiwan was like in the past. Chiufen is located on the side of a mountain, and is full of old brick
buildings that __2__ together. Hidden in the alleyways __3__ them are little teahouses and old-style inns. Many
visitors like to sample __4__ like fish dumplings on Chishan Street. Others simply enjoy the atmosphere of a
town that is __5__ history.
Chiufen has an interesting story. Just over a century __6__, it was a tiny, unknown village. Then, in the
1890s, the discovery of gold changed the place almost __7__. Hoping to make a lot of money very quickly,
people __8__ the town. When the gold was all gone, many people abandoned Chiufen. But for artists and poets,
the town was as attractive as __9__. Painters started holding exhibitions there, and the tourists started to arrive.
Now, Chiufen is regarded __10__ a unique cultural treasure.
( ) 1. (A) when
(B) where
(C) that
(D) what
( ) 2. (A) packed
(B) packing
(C) are packed
(D) are packing
( ) 3. (A) without
(B) against
(C) aside
(D) between
) 4. (A) city life
) 5. (A) rich in
) 6. (A) ago
) 7. (A) all night
) 8. (A) began as
) 9. (A) ever
)10. (A) to
(B) local snacks
(B) famous as
(B) away
(B) overnight
(B) strolled along
(B) later
(B) it
(C) nice scenery
(C) gone to
(C) from
(C) one night
(C) flocked to
(C) past
(C) is
(D) gold capital
(D) derived from
(D) then
(D) in the night
(D) derived from
(D) other
(D) as
(2) I had an interesting day last Saturday. I went to see an __1__ of old photographs. Many of them were
taken in Taiwan early last century, during the Japanese __2__ period. Others were of later times, including the
economic __3__ of the 1960s and 1970s. Looking at the pictures took me __4__ in time and made me more
interested in learning about the history of our nation and its __5__, Taipei.
One of the photographs in particular caught my attention. It showed a __6__ street scene in old Taipei.
There was a market in the street, and people were buying __7__ there. A note beside the photograph identified
the location. Until I saw the note, I hadn't __8__ the street as a place I know well. It is very different now.
Actually, if you follow the street to the end, it eventually leads to the __9__ where I live. It was fascinating to
see how a place I know so __10__ has changed over the years.
(A) back
(F) community
(B) boom
(G) exhibition
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) bustling
(H) intimately
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) capital
(I) provisions
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) colonial
(J) recognized
(3) The quiet tourist town of Chiufen in Taiwan has attracted the attention of a number of movie directors
over the years. A City of Sadness (1989), for instance, was filmed there. The movie, directed by Hou
Hsiao-hsien, won first prize at the Vienna Film Festival and achieved considerable commercial success as well.
A City of Sadness tells the story of a family that is torn apart by political troubles. After World War II many
Taiwanese who were considered to be against the government were sent to jail or killed. This was the first time
a director in Taiwan had ever made a movie about difficult topics like the 228 Incident. The film tells a moving
tale. The eldest brother gets killed by a mafia boss, while a younger brother is arrested and goes crazy in jail.
The youngest brother is a photographer who wants to run away to the mountains to join a group that plans to
fight back against the government. At the end of the movie he is the only person in the family who is still alive.
Because he has survived, he is able to tell the story of how his family was destroyed. Hou Hsiao-hsien's movie
is special in many ways. He encouraged the actors and actresses to make up some of their lines as they were
acting and to act in a very natural style in order to make their characters seem more real. The results are truly
impressive. And perhaps best of all, A City of Sadness brought the lovely town of Chiufen back to life.
) 1. The passage is mainly about _______ in Chiufen.
(A) a director born
(B) a movie filmed
(C) a famous filming site
(D) a historical event
) 2. The family featured in A City of Sadness was destroyed _______.
(A) by a natural disaster
(B) because of World War II
(C) for financial reasons
(D) for political reasons
) 3. One of the brothers in the family went crazy because _______.
(A) he was not allowed to pursue his love of photography
(B) he lived alone in the mountains to escape oppression
(C) he was scared to death by the secret police
(D) he was unjustly imprisoned
) 4. Which of the following is NOT true about A City of Sadness?
(A) It won first prize at an international film festival.
(B) It was Taiwan's first movie to be set in difficult war times.
(C) It dealt with a sensitive subject.
(D) It was a box office hit.
) 5. According to the passage, one thing unique about the making of A City of Sadness was that _______.
(A) it was based on a true story
(B) it was filmed in a tourist town
(C) the actors could use lines of their own creation
(D) its director turned a dead town into a living one
(4) define/regard/describe…as
as far as…be concerned
(1) Body language is a form of communication using body movements or gestures instead of verbal language.
About 50% of our message is communicated __1__ body language. Therefore, __2__ how to read and use body
language is important.
While some aspects of body language are __3__ around the word, others vary __4__ culture to culture.
__5__, the North American okay hand gesture means "zero" in France and "impolite" in Brazil. The thumbs-up
gesture, a common sign for "all right" or "hitching a lift", __6__ considered offensive in the Middle East and
thus should be __7__.
__8__ gestures, people also have different attitudes toward personal space. In Italy, people stand very
close to each other, and when they talk, they tend to touch each other a lot and look people in the eye. In the
Middle East, people stand even closer. It is said that you __9__ feel the breath of the other speaker on your face.
This distance, however, may not be acceptable to Japanese __10__ usually stand 90 centimeters away from each
( ) 1. (A) through
(B) to
(C) without
(D) against
) 2. (A) know
(B) knowing
(C) people know
(D) it is
) 3. (A) further
(B) traveling
(C) expressed
(D) standard
) 4. (A) in
(B) toward
(C) since
(D) from
) 5. (A) For example
(B) On one hand
(C) Consequently
(D) Approximately
) 6. (A) when
(B) always
(C) and
(D) is
) 7. (A) confused
(B) avoided
(C) threatened
(D) revised
) 8. (A) Regardless of
(B) As long as
(C) In addition to
(D) With regard to
) 9. (A) should
(B) cannot
(C) rarely
(D) dare to
)10. (A) when
(B) they
(C) , they
(D) , who
Golf is an interesting sport. It has been growing in Taiwan in recent decades. It is now possible to buy
books and magazines __1__ you where you can go to play golf, and what kind of facilities there are. Playing
golf well __2__ a great deal of skill. It is not an easy game for beginners to learn. It feels quite __3__ when you
are trying to hit a little ball into a tiny hole hundreds of meters away. But, as with other games, __4__ makes
__5__ you play golf, it is necessary that someone teaches you a few basic things about hitting the ball.
To begin with, you must stand at the correct __6__ to it. You must bend your head in the right position __7__
lift the golf club correctly. The movement of your hips is very important __8__. All this is quite difficult to
master. So the first time you go on a golf course, it is possible that you will get a poor score. But __9__ you
decide afterwards that golf is not for you, you have not been wasting your time. __10__, you will have gotten
some fresh air and healthy exercise.
(A) practice
(F) daunting
(B) and
(G) even if
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) showing
(H) as well
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) requires
(I) before
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) proximity
(J) at worst
) 5.(
) 10.(
(3) Public speaking is the art of speaking to a group of people in an organized way. Its purpose may be to
provide the listeners with information, persuade them to do or believe something, or to entertain them. Humans
have been making speeches almost as long as they have been able to talk. The first book about public speaking
was written more than 2400 years ago in ancient Greece.
Any effective leader is almost certainly a skillful public speaker. It can even make up for a lack of skills
in other things. Good public speakers can persuade people to do all kinds of things, both bad and good. Adolf
Hitler, the leader of Germany in World War Two, was a talented speaker who led his country down a
destructive path. Martin Luther King, another brilliant speaker, inspired millions with his famous "I Have a
Dream" speech.
Many people try to improve their public speaking skills by joining a club. Some organizations provide
training and opportunities to practice public speaking. Members also learn by observing others speak. They are
taught techniques such as control of the voice, choosing vocabulary, using gestures, and developing a
relationship with the audience. All kinds of people join these clubs.
One aim of the clubs is to help people overcome their fear of speaking to an audience. This fear is a type
of "stage fright," a fear that affects some actors. It is believed to be the most common human fear, and affects
up to 75% of people.
( ) 1. How many reasons are given in the first paragraph for public speaking?
(A) One.
(B) Two.
(C) Three.
(D) Four.
) 2. What does the passage imply about the ancient Greeks?
(A) They considered public speaking important.
(B) Only a few of them received an education.
(C) They wrote books on many different topics.
(D) They did not often allow public speaking.
) 3. The passage describes Adolf Hitler and Martin Luther King in order to _____.
(A) give examples of the good acts that both men inspired in people
(B) demonstrate how speaking makes up for a lack of other skills
(C) point out similarities between their speeches and achievements
(D) show how good speakers can influence people in different ways
) 4. The passage does NOT say that members of public speaking clubs learn to _____.
(A) use gestures (B) make people laugh (C) control their voices (D) use the right words
) 5. How many people are afraid of public speaking?
(A) About half.
(B) Three out of four.
(C) One in ten. (D) About 90 percent.
(4) It’s said/believed/reported/expected/rumored that…
If S were to V, S would/could/should/might V…
Why do so many medical workers volunteer __1__ their time and effort to MSF? Despite the small
amount they are paid to __2__ their cost of living, they feel rewarded __3__ many other benefits that cannot be
achieved __4__. According to one doctor, __5__ medicine in a modern medical center is anything but a
hands-on lesson in the history of medicine, which can only be learned at places like the refugee camp where he
( ) 1. (A) devote
(B) devoted
(C) to devote
(D) devoting
( ) 2. (A) save
(B) cover
(C) bear
(D) avoid
( ) 3. (A) with
(B) for
(C) on
(D) of
( ) 4. (A) therefore
(B) however
(C) likewise
(D) otherwise
( ) 5. (A) developing
(B) consuming
(C) practicing
(D) performing
With the goal to provide __1__ is in urgent need of medical care, a small group of doctors in Paris formed
an organization called Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). __2__ its establishment in 1971, MSF, which means
Doctors Without Borders in English, has grown to the largest nongovernmental organization that __3__ medical
teams wherever it is needed, __4__ locations that receive the most attention to war-ravaged places __5__ have
long been forgotten by the world.
( ) 1. (A) wherever
(B) whatever
(C) whomever
(D) whoever
( ) 2. (A) Despite
(B) With
(C) Since
(D) Owing to
( ) 3. (A) sends
(B) applies
(C) obtains
(D) joins
( ) 4. (A) in
(B) from
(C) at
(D) on
( ) 5. (A) what
(B) where
(C) that
(D) and
(2) Farid is a 16-year-old high school student in London. He comes from Afghanistan, a country in central Asia.
There has been a great __1__ of trouble in Farid's homeland ever since he was born. His older brother was
__2__ while fighting against soldiers who wanted to take control of Afghanistan. Also, his father and some
other __3__ of his large family went missing several years ago. Farid's mother thinks his father was murdered
by __4__ during those terrible times.
A __5__ years ago, Farid and his mother arrived in London with a __6__ of Afghan refugees. His parents
had both wanted him to receive a good __7__. So, Farid learned English as quickly as he could, and started
going to school. Now, he also does __8__ work to help other refugees who have recently arrived in London. He
helps the refugees communicate with the authorities who __9__ housing for them. Farid has begun writing a
book in English about those __10__ as a child in a war-torn country. His dream is to return to a peaceful
Afghanistan one day.
(A) arrange
(F) group
(B) deal
(G) kidnappers
(C) education
(H) members
(D) experiences
(I) voluntary
(E) few
(J) wounded
) 2.(
) 3.(
) 4.(
) 7.(
) 8.(
) 9.(
) 10.(
(3) Malaria is a serious disease. It is caused by a bug that is carried around by mosquitoes. It is not spread from
one person to another like a cold. You catch it by being bitten by a female mosquito carrying the malaria bug.
People with malaria feel very ill. They get a high fever, and other symptoms similar to the flu.
In the past, malaria was a major killer in Europe. It played a big role in the downfall of the Roman
Empire. And there were serious outbreaks of the disease in Italy as recently as the 1950s. Today it is mainly
found in Africa. According to the World Health Organization, 300-500 million people there get malaria each
year. Over a million of them die.
For over a hundred years, science has been fighting this killer disease. And science has still not won.
Every time scientists thought they were winning, the disease came back stronger and more dangerous. Most of
those who die are children. Their immune systems have not fully developed, so it is harder for them to survive a
malaria attack.
Scientists are still trying to find a cure for malaria. Testing of a promising new drug has begun, but a lack
of funds prevents the drug's widespread use. Researchers are also working on a vaccine that will prevent people
from catching malaria. Unfortunately, the malaria bug is very complex, so an effective vaccine is still far away.
( ) 1. How do people catch malaria?
(A) Bitten by any kind of mosquito.
(B) Bitten by a mosquito carrying the malaria bug.
(C) Having physical contact with someone catching malaria.
(D) Touching unclear animals.
( ) 2. In the second paragraph, there refers to _______.
(A) Italy (B) Africa
(C) Roman Empire (D) WHO
) 3. What is the reason that the new drug isn't used widely?
(A) The drug is not effective enough.
(B) There is no sufficient fund.
(C) Governments do not care about malaria. (D) People are afraid of side effects.
) 4. The development of an effective vaccine is not easy because of _______.
(A) the complexity of the malaria bug
(B) the lack of funds
(C) the lack of scientists
(D) the difficulty to get the malaria bug
) 5. Which of the following is not correct?
(A) Malaria seriously hit Italy two centuries ago.
(B) The symptoms of malaria are similar to the flu.
(C) A lot of malaria victims are children.
(D) Scientists haven't fought over malaria yet.
(4) Quantifier(量詞):可數: a large number of 不可數:a great deal of/a large amount of
都可用:plenty of, a large quantity of
Subject-Verb agreement(主詞動詞一致性)
The secret of living a happy life lies in your reaction to events. If that sounds strange, __1__ me explain. Bad
things happen to everyone. For many people, they __2__ constantly happening, preventing them from enjoying
life __3__ the full. In fact, only ten percent of life is __4__ of things that we have no control over. The other
ninety percent is decided by __5__ we react to the things that happen.
Let's look at an example. You harshly scold a member of your family __6__ coffee onto your clothes. As
a result, you get into a __7__ with your family that makes you even angrier. You storm out of your house to go
to school. Because of your anger, you forget the important book that you __8__ picked up from the desk in your
room. You have to go back for it, so you __9__ the bus and arrive late for school. All these bad things resulted
from your reaction to the spilled coffee. A more positive reaction could have __10__ a totally different
( ) 1. (A) let
(B) get
(C) wait
(D) can
( ) 2. (A) seem to be
(B) are likely to
(C) are ready to
(D) want to be
( ) 3. (A) on
(B) with
(C) to
(D) for
) 4. (A) picked up
(B) slipped on
(C) capped off
(D) made up
) 5. (A) what
(B) why
(C) how
(D) who
) 6. (A) by spilling
(B) for spilling
(C) to spill
(D) who spill
) 7. (A) lack of control
(B) verbal battle
(C) secret problem
(D) terrible start
) 8. (A) must have
(B) should have
(C) have to
(D) ought to
) 9. (A) miss
(B) catch
(C) get
(D) leave
)10. (A) got used to
(B) objected to
(C) devoted to
(D) led to
When it comes to good luck, some people don't seem to get any. For my colleague Robert, bad days
__1__ bad days. When he drives to work, every traffic light is on __2__. All the drivers that love to __3__
people off seem to go in the same direction as him. If he is taking a plane, there is sure to be a __4__.
Somebody else will make a mistake, and Robert will be the one who gets __5__ for it. The god of bad luck has
a list of people he likes, and Robert's name is at the top.
Yet I cannot help envying Robert. Obviously, he has gotten __6__ to dealing with the bad things that
happen to him. He is always __7__, and smiles happily at everyone he sees. Yesterday, someone came to
criticize him unfairly for something. He could have __8__ off in anger. Instead, he listened quietly to the
woman's __9__ attack. Then he patiently explained why it wasn't his fault. The woman eventually walked away
feeling a little embarrassed. She realized she __10__ have shouted at Robert. I often wonder why Robert gets so
much undeserved bad luck.
A. cheerful
F. scolded
B. cut
C. delay D. follow
E. red
G. shouldn't H. stormed
I. used J. verbal
) 2.(
) 3.(
) 4.(
) 5.(
) 7.(
) 8.(
) 9.(
) 10.(
(3) Your self-esteem means the way you see yourself. If you have high self-esteem, you appreciate yourself
and your personal worth. It means that you constantly have a positive attitude and believe in your own abilities.
You see yourself as capable, in control of your life, and able to live life to the fullest. In short, you are a
confident and happy person.
Low self-esteem can cause people to feel discouraged and depressed. Life is not always fair. Even our
best efforts are not enough to make us successful sometimes. But having high self-esteem can help us get
through difficult times. It acts like a cushion for times when we suffer rejection, disappointment, and failure.
The family is a powerful force in the development of self-esteem. The early years are particularly
important. And the more self-esteem parents have, the more likely they are to see it in their children. School is
another place where self-esteem is an important concept. In general, however, high self-esteem is not given to a
person by another person or society. It is "earned" by the individual himself or herself.
People who hold themselves in high esteem are less likely to engage in destructive behavior such as
violence, crime or drug abuse. They are better at problem-solving, as well as communicating their thoughts and
wishes to others. Having high self-esteem isn't just good for you. It's good for those around you as well.
( ) 1. Which word is not associated with high self-esteem?
(A) Independent. (B) Depressed. (C) Positive. (D) Communicative.
( ) 2. Which is less likely to happen to a high self-esteem person?
(A) Having confidence in his ability.
(B) Properly expressing his thoughts to others.
(C) Being able to recover from frustration.
(D) Engaging in destructive behavior.
) 3. Which has influence on the development of self-esteem?
(A) Family. (B) Salary. (C) Horoscope. (D) Diet.
) 4. What does the writer compare high self-esteem with?
(A) Wealth (B) Cushion (C) Music (D) Society
) 5. Which of the following is correct?
(A) Self-esteem is an important concept at school.
(B) High self-esteem parents usually have low self-esteem children.
(C) The writer does not describe low self-esteem people.
(D) The writer describes himself as a high self-esteem person.
(4) should have p.p.
look forward to/be used to/be devoted to/lead to/object to/be opposed to/when it comes to/what do you
say to/be addicted to/be adapted to + N/Ving
(1) Many scientists believe that some animals have the ability to understand new situations and __1__ decisions.
For example, a chimpanzee may __2__ there is no food when his companions are around. After the other
chimpanzees leave, he goes right to the __3__ of the food. __4__, a chimpanzee knows how to trick others.
Another interesting example is the gorilla, which is __5__ to feel sad when his mate and children are taken
away. It __6__ they can fall in love like human beings.
Octopuses provide another unusual instance of animal behavior. In one experiment, an octopus who did
not know how to open a jar __7__ to a crab inside was allowed to watch another octopus who did know __8__.
__9__ the second octopus, the first octopus was able to open the jar himself. Until recently, many scientists
__10__ that only mammals could learn by watching others.
( ) 1. (A) take
(B) make
(C) do
(D) perfect
( ) 2. (A) despise
(B) neglect
(C) remember
(D) pretend
( ) 3. (A) resource
(B) occasion
(C) habitat
(D) location
( ) 4. (A) Annoyingly
(B) Gracefully
(C) Surprisingly
(D) Extremely
) 5. (A) perhaps
) 6. (A) seems like
) 7. (A) and gets
) 8. (A) how
) 9. (A) It observed
)10. (A) are thinking
(B) undoubtedly
(B) seemed that
(B) to get
(B) why
(B) When observed
(B) had thought
(C) dying
(C) had seemed
(C) in order
(C) what
(C) After observing
(C) never thought
(D) likely
(D) seems to
(D) in which
(D) nothing
(D) To observe
(D) will thi
N'kisi ("en-KEE-see") is the name of a remarkable pet parrot that lives with his owner, Aimee Morgana, in
New York. Some parrots are __1__ of speaking a few words, but N'kisi has a vocabulary of over 950 words.
__2__ hours of daily practice with his owner and trainer, N'kisi has become one of the best animal talkers in the
world. He also has an __3__ ability to use grammar like humans, knowing, for example, when to use past,
present and future tenses. When Jane Goodall, a famous chimpanzee researcher, met N'kisi, she said that talking
with him was "an __4__ good example of communication between two different species." But chatting with
humans is not __5__ that N'kisi can do. N'kisi's owner believes that he is also very __6__ at reading her
thoughts. Morgana studied N'kisi's special ability, known as telepathy, with Rupert Sheldrake, an animal
psychologist. Morgana looked at pictures while N'kisi was in a different room. The parrot said 123 comments
during the __7__ and 32 were correct. Morgana and Sheldrake were unable to come up with a scientific __8__
for this amazing result. They came to the __9__ that N'kisi was reading his owner's thoughts. Sheldrake and
Morgana believe that many animals make __10__ of telepathy. Although many scientists are impressed by the
parrot's vocabulary, they do not think N'kisi is really a mind reader.
(A) conclusion (B) impressive
(C) good
(D) thanks to (E) all
(F) capable
(G) explanation (H) use
(I) amazingly (J) experiment
) 2.(
) 3.(
) 4.(
) 5.(
) 7.(
) 8.(
) 9.(
) 10.(
(3) Scientists have known for many years that dolphins are highly intelligent creatures. However, they are still
unsure exactly how smart they are. Recent research at the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in the U.S. has
shown that dolphins may be a lot smarter than we imagined. Dolphins at the IMMS are trained to pick up any
trash that falls into the pool. They receive a fish as a reward for each piece of trash they give to a trainer. One
clever dolphin, named Kelly, figured out that she would get the same reward regardless of the size of the piece
of trash. Therefore, whenever she found some trash she would hide it at the bottom of the pool under a rock.
The next time the trainer came to the pool she would tear off a piece of the trash and give it to the trainer. After
getting her reward she would then quickly swim back down to get another piece of the trash she had hidden, and
so on. Kelly had essentially trained her trainers. On another occasion, Kelly dolphin caught a seagull that had
flown into the pool. It was a large seagull so she was rewarded with many fish. Amazingly, she kept one of the
fish and used it later on to attract another seagull which she caught. She had learned how to "fish" for seagulls
in order to be rewarded with more fish. Kelly's impressive intelligence has shown that we are only just
beginning to understand what dolphins are really capable of.
( ) 1. The passage is mainly about _______.
(A) the eating habit of a dolphin
(B) how a dolphin trains seagulls
(C) the study of a dolphin's behavior (D) how a dolphin gets more rewards
( ) 2. The dolphins at IMMS are trained to _______.
(A) catch seagulls
(B) collect trash in the pool
(C) tear trash into small pieces
(D) remove trash from the pool
( ) 3. Kelly _______.
(A) stole trash from other dolphins
(B) got more fish than she deserved
(C) learned how to measure the size of trash
(D) hid the trash she found from other dolphins
) 4. Kelly learned to attract seagulls using _______.
(A) some leftover fish
(B) dead fish she found
(C) one fish she had kept (D) the fish she didn't like
) 5. Kelly essentially trained her trainers, for she _______.
(A) planned for her trainers to give what she wanted
(B) misinterpreted the message her trainers gave
(C) inspired her trainers to take her seriously
(D) impressed her trainers by playing a trick
(4) either…or/neither..nor
…can’t help but
….can’t help Ving
….have no choice about to V
(1) Lin Hwai-min dreamed of founding a dance company when he was twenty-six. Back then in Taiwan, he
could find few studios __1__. The love of dance __2__ the young choreographer the greatest strength to
overcome all the hardships he encountered in pursuing his dream. __3__ the difficulties, Lin and his dancers
finally performed in public, impressing audiences all over the island. __4__ by Lin as a humble but promising
dance company, the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre has now earned the most praise both at home and abroad.
The themes that Lin's dances often __5__ reflect Asian cultures. One such dance is Legacy. As performed
in the dance, the pioneers' struggle for survival reminds audiences of the highly __6__ belief in perseverance
and self-reliance. Another dance is the Legend of White Snake. Created in 1975, Snake actually drew on Chinese
folklore. __7__ another dance is the Songs of the Wanderers. Rich in peace- __8__ images, the Songs of the
Wanderers shows Lin's reflections on Buddhist philosophy, which takes root in most of the Asian cultures. The
images in these dance shows, like __9__ in many others, also reflect a Chinese traditional sensibility. To sum up,
Lin has achieved great success in combining Asian traditions __10__ modern dance movements.
( ) 1. (A) to be practiced
(B) to practice in
(C) practicing
(D) to practice
( ) 2. (A) can be giving
(B) might give
(C) should have given
( ) 3. (A) No matter where
(B) Whatever
(C) Because of
( ) 4. (A) Set up
(B) Worked out
(C) Made up
( ) 5. (A) base on
(B) make into
(C) lie in
( ) 6. (A) value
(B) to value
(C) valued
( ) 7. (A) Still
(B) Or
(C) Even
( ) 8. (A) inspired
(B) filled
(C) inspiring
( ) 9. (A) what
(B) that
(C) those
( )10. (A) for
(B) into
(C) in
(2) The Firebird is the name of a 1910 ballet. Its music was written by the Russian
(D) must have given
(D) Without
(D) Taken over
(D) deal with
(D) valuing
(D) While
(D) filling
(D) these
(D) with
__1__ Igor Stravinsky. The ballet __2__ different themes from several Russian folk tales __3__ a mysterious
bird that brings both good and bad things to anyone who catches it. The __4__ of the story, Prince Ivan, enters a
chaotic, magical world where he catches the firebird. It agrees to help him, and in so doing __5__ its freedom.
But it also brings death and destruction.
Stravinsky's music from The Firebird also __6__ in a Disney cartoon film called Fantasia 2000. The film
is praiseworthy __7__ its celebration of musical diversity. It includes works __8__ several famous classical
composers, and uses a wide range of historical and traditional ideas. The Firebird section, which is the last part
of the film, is a combination of old and new themes. The serenity of a beautiful forest is destroyed when the
firebird spirit, which lives inside a volcano, is __9__. There is a happy outcome, however, as the forest is
restored to __10__ in a stunning ending to the movie.
(A) wins
(F) awakened
(B) for
(G) hero
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) composer
(H) life
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) combines
(I) by
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) features
(J) about
) 5.(
) 10.(
(3) Alvin Ailey Jr. was one of the pioneers of modern dance in North America. He founded a dance company
that won international fame, and he has been praised for bringing recognition to many African-American and
Asian dancers. His company, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, has helped popularize modern dance
throughout the world with its international tours.
Born in 1931, Ailey developed an early interest in dance. In 1943 he and his mother moved to Los
Angeles, where he studied with the choreographer Lester Horton. Horton's dramatic style and opinions strongly
influenced Ailey's choreography and artistic direction. Alvin later moved to New York and studied dance under
Martha Graham.
He formed the American Dance Theater in 1958, at first with only African-American dancers. Five years
later, the company became multiracial. By this time, Ailey had already become famous for choreographing a
piece called Revelations, and the company had toured East Asia and Australia as part of a cultural program
sponsored by the US government.
Alvin Ailey created about 80 dances before his death in 1989, and Revelations is still considered his
masterpiece. The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater has maintained his legacy. It has performed for an
estimated 21 million people in 48 American states and 71 other countries. Though its founder is gone, the
company, its dancers, and its artistic staff remain highly influential in the world of modern dance.
( ) 1. What can we infer about Alvin Ailey from the passage?
(A) He is more famous in East Asia than in America.
(B) He did not get along with other choreographers.
(C) He and his work are largely forgotten now.
(D) He brought a new dimension to modern dance.
) 2. The passage tells us that Lester Horton was a man who _______.
(A) taught Alvin Ailey much about dance
(B) founded a dance company with Ailey
(C) learned choreography from Martha Graham
(D) owned a dance theater in New York
) 3. When did Ailey's group start using dancers that were not African-American?
(A) In 1943.
(B) In 1958.
(C) In 1963.
(D) In 1989.
) 4. How old was Alvin Ailey when he died?
(A) About thirty
(B) Forty-two.
(C) Fifty-eight.
(D) Over seventy.
) 5. According to the passage, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater _______.
(A) no longer performs outside America
(B) is still an important dance company
(C) stopped performing Ailey's Revelations
(D) closed down after its founder's death
(4) ..must vs. can’t
One…, another, and still another…
(1) Books are an essential role in our lives. They __1__ our creativity and imagination, show us the history as
well as the image of the world, introduce us __2__ new people and places, help us in our difficulties and
comfort us in sorrow and __3__. When we read, we can immediately travel with the writer to a strange place,
__4__ inconvenience or expense. Reading is such an amazing experience that a noted English historian once
said that he __5__ be a poor man with plenty of books than a king who didn't love reading.
A man of sixty can be much younger than a boy of sixteen if his courage predominates
__6__ timidity. __7__ 60 or 16, there is in everyone's heart the love of wonder, the curiosity about __8__ comes
next into life, and the joy of the game of living. Youth is not __9__ age; it's a state of mind. One doesn't grow
old __10__ he abandons his ideals and passion for life.
( ) 1. (A) bind
(B) spark
(C) tighten
(D) clarify
( ) 2. (A) like
(B) to
(C) by
(D) for
( ) 3. (A) honor
(B) moments
(C) suffering
(D) luxury
( ) 4. (A) without
(B) despite
(C) even
(D) besides
) 5. (A) had better
) 6. (A) under
) 7. (A) Whether
) 8. (A) that
) 9. (A) compatible with
)10. A) when
(B) would like to
(B) with
(B) It matters
(B) who
(B) a matter of
(B) as long as
(C) was likely to
(C) over
(C) Neither
(C) something
(C) ideal for
(C) in case
(D) would rather
(D) than
(D) Between
(D) what
(D) dedicated to
(D) unless
Oliver was a king who lived long ago. He had accumulated a large collection of __1__ gold and jewels. His
queen was a great __2__ and admired by everyone. People traveled from far away to marvel at the beautiful
palace the king had built at huge __3__. His fame had spread to distant countries. And yet, despite all these
blessings, Oliver's __4__ of mind was not healthy. He constantly had a deep feeling of weariness, and had no
__5__ for either food or fun. It seemed he had forgotten how to enjoy life.
None of the __6__ men or women around the king could lift him out of his despair or make him feel
__7__ again. One day, Oliver was walking in the palace gardens when he saw a smiling, __8__ old man who
worked there, growing flowers and plants. For some reason, the sight of the old man __9__ Oliver with warmth.
He seemed to possess the secret of happiness. He asked the old man what made him so happy. "When I was
young," said the man, "my desire was to spend my life growing things and making beautiful gardens. I have
never __10__ my ideal."
A. appetite
B. beauty
C. deserted
F. noble
G. priceless
H. state
1.( ) 2.( ) 3.(
) 4.(
) 5.(
) 6.(
D. expense
E. filled
I. vigorous
J. wrinkled
) 7.(
) 9.(
) 8.(
) 10.(
Robert, 41: I am enthusiastic about the marvelous new opportunities I have been given in my life. I have
recently come to realize that, for me, money cannot buy happiness. I am more likely to be happy by widening
my personal experiences. I am enthusiastic about my ability to learn new information and apply it in real
Samantha, 18: There are several things I'm enthusiastic about. Mainly it's my boyfriend, but also my
parents, my sister, and my future. I hope to start college in the fall, and I'm really looking forward to it. I know
that life is full of ups and downs. At present, though, the quality of my life is pretty good.
Edward, 28: I am really excited about a new business I have started with a friend. We are going to sell
our products online. I can work at home and stop worrying about heavy traffic making me late. I will have less
free time, and I'll probably have to stop playing so many sports. But I'm confident that the business will be
Martha, 68: I used to be quiet and timid, but now I'm old, I don't care what others think of me. I have
discovered a new creativity in myself, taken up fashion design, and joined in all kinds of social activities. I am
enthusiastic about discovering more hidden abilities. Most of all, however, I am enthusiastic about my eight
( ) 1. What question have these four people answered?
(A) What do you think most people are usually enthusiastic about?
(B) What do you do when you lose your enthusiasm for something?
(C) Do you know a good way for people to increase their enthusiasm?
(D) Is there anything in your life that you are enthusiastic about?
) 2. Which of the four people is most likely to have quit his/her job recently?
(A) Robert (B) Samantha (C) Edward (D) Martha
) 3. We know from the passage that Samantha will soon _______.
(A) marry her boyfriend
(B) leave high school
(C) change her job (D) start playing sports
) 4. What can we infer about Edward?
(A) He will stop driving to work.
(B) He will lose a lot of money.
(C) He doesn't like to play sports.
(D) He feels he is getting old.
) 5. Martha implies that the most important things in her life are her _______.
(A) hidden abilities
(B) grandchildren
(C) social activities
(D) fashion designs
(4) A is to B what C is to D
Whether … or….
The massive creations of ancient humans exist all over the world. __1__, they point to a mystery for modern
people. We do not know __2__ primitive humans got the inspiration to build such amazing structures. For
example, __3__ estimated that the largest pyramid of ancient Egypt took at least twenty years to build. And we
still do not know __4__ how the massive blocks of stone were put into place __5__ the use of complex modern
The meaning of the giant statues on Easter Island is __6__ a mystery. They are all nearly identical, __7__
some are taller than others. It is difficult for us __8__ how the people who built them could have moved them
from the place where they were quarried. They are thought to date __9__ around AD 300, and may represent
the ancestors of a tribe that lived on Easter Island. One legend says that the tribe was wiped out in a war __10__
during the seventeenth century.
( ) 1. (A) Taken together
(B) Figured out
(C) Associated with
(D) Because of
( ) 2. (A) who
(B) what
(C) that
(D) how
( ) 3. (A) there are
(B) they are
(C) there is
(D) it is
) 4. (A) all over
) 5. (A) by
) 6. (A) also
) 7. (A) in fact
) 8. (A) imagine
) 9. (A) up to
)10. (A) sometime
(B) for sure
(B) with
(B) another
(B) once again
(B) to imagine
(B) away from
(B) sometimes
(C) it all
(C) without
(C) both
(C) except that
(C) is imagining
(C) back from
(C) whenever
(D) as much
(D) against
(D) even
(D) as if
(D) imagined
(D) back to
(D) however
Henry is a wizard. But he is not a very skilful one. Although he always makes an __1__ to do good magic,
the results are often disastrous. One time, for example, Henry's friend Rod showed him a small, beautiful statue
__2__ from wood. It had belonged to a __3__ tribe and was priceless, though a bit dirty. Henry offered to clean
it magically. But he accidentally turned it into a big __4__, which was then eaten by a passing bird. __5__ of
that mistake, Henry had to pay Rod a lot of money.
On another occasion, Henry's neighbors were using metal __6__ to move a massive box. Henry thought
he could use his magic to make their task easier. __7__, he gave the box a set of wheels. The neighbors lost
control of it, and it rolled down the road and onto a busy __8__. Then a truck swerved to avoid it and ran into a
street lamp, knocking it over. "Oh dear," thought Henry, as he looked at the __9__ street lamp and the damaged
truck. Rod suggested that, the next time Henry wanted to help someone, he should do so without the __10__ of
A. because
B. carved
C. effort
D. horizontal
E. insect
F. intersection
G. primitive
H. rollers
I. specifically
J. use
) 2.(
) 3.(
) 4.(
) 5.(
) 6.(
) 7.(
) 8.(
) 9.(
) 10.(
(3) Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Ever since people began farming, they have taken an interest in the
night sky. The seasons were very important to farmers. Different patterns among the stars appear at different
times of a year. So, changes in the positions of stars told farmers when to plant their crops and when to prepare
for winter.
To ancient humans, an eclipse must have been frightening. After they learned to predict the seasons,
eclipse prediction possibly became the next astronomical activity of our ancestors. A twentieth-century
astronomer called Fred Hoyle suggested that the ancient site of Stonehenge in England was used to predict
eclipses, but this is not known for sure.
The ancient Chinese also observed events in the skies, particularly the appearance of moving objects.
Chinese records of the "guest star" that we now call Comet Halley can be traced back to 240 BC. Another guest
star that was bright enough to be seen during the daytime for nearly a month was observed by the Chinese in the
year 1054.
In the Western world, the ancient Greeks were the first to seriously study the heavens. And major
advances in astronomy were made between the 15th and 18th centuries. Galileo and Newton, for example,
understood that mathematics was the true language of science. At different times and in different ways, they
used math to lay the foundations of modern astronomy.
( ) 1. In what way are star patterns associated with farming?
(A) They tell farmers if a typhoon is coming.
(B) They signal the time for sowing.
(C) They can predict if there will be a good harvest.
(D) They tell farmers if the soil has been polluted.
) 2. Which supports the statement that the Chinese started to observe the skies long time ago?
(A) The ancient Chinese were particularly interested in moving objects.
(B) In 1054, a guest star was bright enough to be seen during the daytime.
(C) The Chinese have discovered many comets.
(D) The earliest Chinese record of Comet Halley appeared in 240 BC.
) 3. What did Fed Hoyle suggest?
(A) Stonehenge was used to predict when the moon is between the sun and the earth.
(B) That Stonehenge was used to predict eclipses has not been confirmed.
(C) Eclipse prediction was a common astronomical activity in ancient England.
(D) The ancient English were afraid of eclipses.
) 4. What is Galileo's contribution to astronomy?
(A) He used math to explain astronomical phenomena.
(B) He discovered Comet Halley.
(C) He kept a diary that described star patterns.
(D) He worked with Newtown to lay the foundations of modern astronomy.
) 5. Which statement is not correct?
(A) The ancient Greeks were the pioneers in astronomy.
(B) Many astronomical advances appeared between the 15th and 18th centuries.
(C) The writer of the passage does not agree with Newton's finding.
(D) Fred Hoyle is a twentieth-century astronomer.
(4) It 虛主詞/虛受詞
SC V S 倒裝
(1) When Ed was a boy, his family was one of the first in the neighborhood to get a telephone. He __1__
listen with fascination whenever his mother talked into the receiver. And he was delighted after speaking on
the phone to his father, who was __2__ on business. Eventually, Ed discovered that an __3__ person called
"Information Please" lived inside the phone. There was __4__ know, and Ed would ask her all kinds of
questions. When he whacked his finger with a hammer, she told him how __5__ the hurt. And she even __6__
geography and arithmetic.
Ed stopped calling "Information Please" after his family __7__ the country. He grew up and went to
college. One day, he had __8__ flight connections, and the airport wasn't far from his old home. So, he decided
to call "Information Please" __9__. It was still the same woman. Ed was happy to hear the small, clear voice
that he knew __10__ from his childhood.
( ) 1. (A) used
(B) used to
(C) was used to
(D) was used
( ) 2. (A) away
(B) above
(C) around
(D) ago
( ) 3. (A) unholy
(B) unconsoled
(C) amazed
(D) amazing
) 4. (A) not that she did
) 5. (A) to stop
) 6. (A) with his help
) 7. (A) ran down
) 8. (A) half an hour between
) 9. (A) by now
)10. (A) so good
(B) not that she did not
(B) stopping
(B) with him helping
(B) hung up
(B) a half hour because
(B) how much
(B) so well
(C) nothing she did not
(C) stopped
(C) helped with him
(C) moved across
(C) about half an hour
(C) in advance
(C) so often
(D) nothing she did
(D) she stops
(D) helped him with
(D) reached for
(D) between a half hour
(D) once again
(D) so far
(2) Nowadays, the most powerful tool for finding information is the Internet. The Internet provides a wealth of
knowledge which can be accessed easily with the __1__ of a mouse __2__ the Internet can be reached using
mobile phones, people do not need to be sitting at a computer to find information online. People who frequently
travel __3__ find that being able to search for information on the World Wide Web with a mobile phone saves a
lot of time and trouble. For instance, a businessman on his way to the airport can find out __4__ if there are any
last-minute changes to his flight schedule by checking his airline's website. And, if he wants to quickly find out
a few facts while taking a taxi somewhere, he doesn't have to call different companies and then get annoyed
when they __5__ the phone. The great thing about the mobile web is the convenience of not having to __6__
with a computer. All you need to do is __7__ the address of the website just like a phone number. Because the
latest mobile phones are capable of all surfing the net and doing all kinds of different things, some mobile
phone companies don't even call their __8__ phones anymore. There is one problem with using mobile phones
for online information-battery life. Even the best ones __9__ eventually. But as the mobile web grows in
importance, more and more people will __10__ their mobile phones to surf the Internet, rather than the
old-fashioned mouse.
(A) dial (B) reach for
(F) fiddle (G) hang up
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) run down
(H) devices
) 3.(
) 8.(
(D) click (E) on business
(I) now that (J) in advance
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
Well known international companies receive hundreds of calls every day about their products and
services. Their customer service operators have a tough job. They have to talk on the phone all day long, and
they frequently have to deal with difficult callers. Perhaps the hardest part of the job is staying calm and patient
when callers get mad. This is especially difficult at the end of a long, tiring day. As with any customer service
job, it is important to sound cheerful and friendly even if you are feeling the exact opposite. For this reason
customer service telephone operators at large companies receive training so that they will be prepared for the
challenges they will face. Part of the training involves listening to recordings of angry or confused callers and
learning how best to deal with them. Although people sometimes call in with funny questions, customer service
operators are trained to be professional and not laugh. This can be quite a challenge as in the following
Caller: I've been ringing 0700 2300 for three days and can't get any help.
Operator: That's not our help number. Where did you get that number from, sir?
Caller: It was on the door of your store.
Operator: Those are our opening hours, sir.
Another customer called wanting her money back because the "cup holder" on her computer broke when she put
her coffee cup in it. After asking several question the customer service operator figured out that she was actually
talking about her computer's DVD player.
( ) 1. The passage is mainly about _______.
(A) the job as a customer service telephone operator
(B) how to talk to rude customers calling to complain
(C) how to train customer service telephone operators
(D) a funny conversation between a caller and an operator
) 2. A "difficult" person _______.
(A) gets confused easily
(B) is not easy to deal with
(C) likes to speak in riddles
(D) asks questions difficult to answer
) 3. Professional customer service telephone operators should learn to _______.
(A) say the opposite of what callers say
(B) advertise their products on the phone
(C) explain to callers the uses of their products
(D) hold back any negative feelings caused by callers
) 4. "0700 2300" _______.
(A) is a training program
(B) is a telephone number
(C) shows a store's opening hours (D) represents a type of DVD's player
) 5. The caller who wanted her money back _______.
(A) had broken her cup holder
(B) had bought a third-rate cup holder
(C) made the operator laugh on the phone
(D) complained about her computer's DVD player
(4) Inversion 倒裝
grab 介 the head/arm
Stress is something that we all have. But our stress is unique __1__. What one person finds __2__ may
be stressful to someone else. For example, a person who is used to keeping busy all the time might feel
frustrated when taking __3__ easy. Too much stress can be harmful, so it is important to recognize the early
signs of it and __4__ something about them. If you do not take action to relieve it, stress can seriously affect
your physical and mental __5__.
Physical activity is one way to get rid of uptight feelings and __6__. That is because your body and mind
work together. It is also necessary to __7__ yourself in other ways, such as by eating well and getting enough
rest. See your doctor if you cannot sleep. Also, don't fight things that are __8__ your control. Learn to accept
the situation if there is no way to change it. Sometimes it is helpful to share your stress with other people. __9__
a friend, family member, or counselor can give you good advice. But the best strategy for avoiding stress is to
__10__ relaxation, enjoyment, and health. Above all, be good to yourself.
( ) 1. (A) to each of us
(B) to all us
(C) each one
(D) every one of us
( ) 2. (A) prolonged
(B) prolonging
(C) relaxed
(D) relaxing
) 3. (A) so
(B) some
) 4. (A) doing
(B) do
) 5. (A) to be well
(B) well-been
) 6. (A) turn smiling to frowning
(C) turn into smiles and frowns
) 7. (A) give and take
(B) make a list
) 8. (A) beyond
(B) below
) 9. (A) However
(B) Without
)10. (A) tune out
(B) focus on
(C) the
(D) it
(C) have done
(D) does
(C) well-being
(D) being well
(B) turn your frowns into smiles
(D) frowning instead of smiles
(C) come up with
(D) take care of
(C) beside
(D) between
(C) Perhaps
(D) Instead
(C) keep from
(D) help to
(2) Air traffic controllers have one of the most stressful jobs in the world. They are responsible for the safety of
planes as they make their way through the skies. With so many planes in the air, it can be a very difficult job, so
air traffic controllers have to be capable of concentrating for __1__ periods. And they need to be able to __2__
the noise and activity around them. The job involves high levels of stress because making a mistake could
__3__ the deaths of hundreds of people. Air traffic controllers actually like a certain amount of stress. Doing a
good job __4__ pressure gives them a lot of job satisfaction. This is why many air traffic controllers chose
such a __5__ job in the first place. In fact,__6__ the advice of psychologists, airports will not hire an air traffic
controller who does not enjoy a stressful challenge. But even though air traffic controllers are able to cope with
stress better than most people, the __7__ of the job still affects them. So what do they do to beat stress? One of
the things they are taught to do is to give __8__ to rest and relaxation when they have free time. This is
considered essential for their __9__ health. Taking time to slow down and enjoy life is also good for their
physical health. What's more, air traffic controllers find that reducing stress makes a difference to their job
__10__. And that's good for air safety.
(A) priority
(B) under
(F) demanding (G) prolonged
(C) tune out
(H) on
(D) mental
(I) result in
(E) performance
(J) strain
(3) Laughter is the best medicine, as the proverb goes. Studies have shown that patients who laugh every day
recover quicker. Laughing every day also helps to reduce stress. When Dr. Madan Kataria studied the effects of
laughter on health he became so convinced of its benefits that he founded the Laughter Club in 1995. Since then
he has opened branches in America, Australia and Europe. In all, there are 5000 clubs in 40 countries, including
seven in Taiwan. In Norway, in 2001, over 10,000 people attended one of his laughter sessions. Laughter
sessions are usually held in the early morning in a public area such as a park. They last for an hour and include
warm-up exercises like making faces and taking turns to walk in smaller and smaller circles pretending to be a
chicken. After 45 minutes of this, participants lie on their backs and in just two or three minutes they are all
rolling about laughing uncontrollably. Fans of the unusual therapy say that laughter has not only helped them
fight stress, it has also given them greater confidence and improved their social skills. Dr. Kataria does not
claim that laughter is the cure for everything, but it certainly does seem to help people reduce tension and
anxiety. Dr. Kataria explains: "Children laugh up to 400 times a day, but adults manage only 15 times. If we can
learn to laugh more in daily life, we will feel less "uptight" all the time. It's really that simple."
( ) 1. The passage is mainly to _______.
(A) describe the effects of laugher
(B) explain how laughter cures disease
(C) discuss the science behind laughter (D) show how a club encourages laughter
( ) 2. The Laugher Club _______.
(A) is based in America
(B) was founded by a doctor
(C) hold laughter sessions in the afternoon
(D) has helped over 10,000 patients recover quickly
) 3. In the laughter session participants _______.
(A) lie in small circles
(B) lie laughing like mad
(C) are dressed like a chicken (D) laugh and exercise by turns
) 4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in regard to people who benefit from the laughter therapy?
(A) They feel more confident.
(B) They can handle stress well.
(C) They develop a sense of humor.
(D) They are better at social skills.
) 5. "Uptight" means _______.
(A) sleepy
(B) excited
(C) nervous
(D) satisfied
(4) Without/But for/Were it not for…
protect…. from….
(1)) Around the world many people with disabilities have displayed remarkable courage to rise from their
desperate situations. __1__ such people, Helen Keller is the most extraordinary in my mind. __2__ blind and
deaf as a baby, Keller came to be a spoiled child, __3__ her parents did not know how to teach and discipline a
blind and deaf child like her. Every time little Helen became ill-tempered and uncontrollable, they just let it go
__4__ that __5__ punish their unfortunate daughter, __6__ the loving parents felt deep sympathy. Keller
remained uneducated until a great teacher opened the outer world to her. The teacher was Mrs. Anne Sullivan
Macy, __7__ companionship Keller was to cherish for life. With love and patience Sullivan succeeded in
teaching Keller how to spell and read, increasing her longing __8__ learning everything around her. __9__
Sullivan, Keller, who was __10__ by God the abilities to see and to hear, would not have brought out the full
potential in her and become a writer reminding us to add fullness to life, no matter what adversities befall us.
( ) 1. (A) Of all
(B) Except
(C) But for
(D) Besides
( ) 2. (A) Suffering
(B) Suffered
(C) Striking
(D) Stricken
( ) 3. (A) that
(B) so
(C) for
(D) with
) 4. (A) for
) 5. (A) but rather
) 6. (A) the one
) 7. (A) with her
) 8. (A) in
) 9. (A) Were it not for
)10. (A) granted
(B) at
(B) or rather
(B) who
(B) whose
(B) to
(B) Had it not been for
(B) allowed
(C) with
(C) rather than
(C) in whom
(C) with whom
(C) on
(C) If there should be
(C) denied
(D) to
(D) would rather
(D) for whom
(D) her
(D) for
(D) If there had been
(D) rejected
(2) The Grand Canyon is one of the world's greatest natural __1__. It is truly a fascinating sight. Ever since I
saw pictures of it on TV, I had __2__ a deep longing to visit the place. Last year, when our parents told us we
were going on vacation to America and __3__ see the Grand Canyon, I felt a quiver of pleasure. Looking
forward to such an exciting trip, I could __4__ sleep at all in the days before we left.
The Grand Canyon is over 400 kilometers long and __5__ 15 kilometers wide. In places, it is more than a
kilometer deep. It was a __6__ that we didn't have enough time to go down into the Canyon. But as we stood at
the edge, taking in the panorama, even my father was __7__. He has traveled the world and is accustomed to
__8__ in magnificent surroundings. However, my sister was not impressed by the Grand Canyon. "It's OK, I
guess," was all she said. I couldn't believe she was not touched at all. __9__ me, I will always be grateful to my
parents for taking me to the Grand Canyon. It is __10__ worth going there again, and I plan to do that someday.
(A) up to
(F) pity
(B) as for
(G) would
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) being
(H) wonders
(D) hardly
(I) speechless
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) had
(J) worth
) 5.(
) 10.(
(3) Sheila loved to sing and play the piano. She was studying music in college, and was used to playing in front
of her classmates. Her dream was to play the piano in concerts someday. She believed that music would always
be a part of her life. But things changed dramatically when she was twenty years old.
After falling ill with a mysterious fever, Sheila spent five weeks in hospital and almost died. The
medicine doctors gave her caused her to become totally deaf. She could no longer hear the music she had
always loved. The pleasure she felt when playing the piano had gone.
For a while, Sheila felt that life was
not worth living anymore.
Instead of giving up college, however, Sheila decided to major in English. After graduating, she looked
for a job. She wanted to be independent and work full-time. Luckily, a friend helped her find work as a clerk in
Washington D.C. Her aim was to save money for graduate school. She continued to play the piano in her free
time, despite being unable to hear the music.
At graduate school, Sheila took a Master's degree in counseling. Later she became a professor at the
National Technical Institute for the Deaf, which helps young deaf people to receive technical training. Through
her courage and determination, Sheila has achieved startling success.
( ) 1. Losing her hearing discouraged Sheila a lot because _______.
(A) she wasn't unable to communicate with her parents
(B) she couldn't hear music anymore
(C) she had to give up dancing
(D) she wasn't able to learn a foreign language
( ) 2. What is the reason that caused Sheila to become totally deaf?
(A) The side effect of medicine for fever.
(B) Frequently listening to loud music.
(C) Inappropriate use of headphones.
(D) Lung infection.
) 3. What did Sheila do after graduate school?
(A) She worked as a clerk in Washington D.C.
(B) She played the piano in a pub.
(C) She studied abroad for a doctor's degree.
(D) She became a professor and helped deaf people.
) 4. According to the passage, what contributed to Sheila's success?
(A) Her friend's help.
(B) Her bravery and perseverance.
(C) Support from her parents.
(D) Good education.
) 5. Which statement about Sheila is not correct?
(A) She could not only sing but also play the piano.
(B) She became deaf at the age of 20.
(C) She took a Master's degree in English.
(D) She majored in music before turning deaf.
(4) Restrictive vs. non-restrictive clauses
法國政府贈送的自由女神像(The Statue of Liberty) 已經成為美國的象徵。
Inverted Subjunctive structure
要不是我已經習慣他的工作方式,我一定會大吃一驚。 (...had I not...)
An old farmer and his son were taking their produce to market. They loaded it on to their __1__ cart and headed
for the nearest city. Setting off __2__, they followed the usual road. The son, who was a go-getter type, had
little __3__ with his father, a much more relaxed man. The boy figured that they would arrive at the market
early next morning __4__ they walked all night. That would give them a better chance of __5__ good prices for
their vegetables.
The boy kept urging the ox to get a __6__ by prodding it with a stick. The old man kept telling him to
take __7__ easy so that he would last longer. The old man wanted to take a longer road and visit his brother. To
his son, he seemed to have no __8__ time. He explained to the boy that he wanted to enjoy the journey to __9__.
While the old man appreciated the beauty of nature along the way, the young man was __10__ with the time
and boiling with anxiety.
( ) 1. (A) ox-drawing
(B) ox-drawn
(C) oxen-draw
(D) drawn-ox
( ) 2. (A) long and short
(B) day and night
(C) neat and tidy
(D) bright and early
( ) 3. (A) in common
(B) in advance
(C) on vacation
(D) so close
) 4. (A) that
) 5. (A) gotten
) 6. (A) make up
) 7. (A) what
) 8. (A) aroma from
) 9. (A) the most
)10. (A) preoccupied
(B) were
(B) getting
(B) way down
(B) thing
(B) piece of
(B) the fullest
(B) preoccupying
(C) as
(C) to get
(C) move on
(C) so
(C) respect for
(C) the swiftest
(C) productive
(D) if
(D) get
(D) need for
(D) it
(D) matter to
(D) the latest
(D) producing
(2) My favorite place is the village where my grandparents live. Their house __1__ beside a little river. There is
a patch of ground next to the house. My grandfather grows vegetables there. At the __2__ side of it runs a
shallow ditch, and beyond that __3__ a large meadow which is filled with aromatic yellow flowers in the spring.
Sometimes, you can see an ox or two peacefully __4__ the grass.
Years ago, Grandpa was a hotshot businessman who was always traveling. One day, he went to the village
to visit a friend, and that's __5__ he came across the old house. Grandpa decided he would buy it for when he
got old and wanted to take things easy. He didn't move in for a long time, but __6__, he and Grandma hardly
ever leave the house. Several years ago, a strong earthquake hit the village. But my grandparents' house was not
damaged __7__. I love to go there and sit outside in the summer __8__, listening to Grandpa telling me stories
about his youth. He usually falls asleep, __9__ me to smile at him softly snoring in his chair. His house really is
a __10__ place.
(A) marvelous
(B) when
(C) chewing
(D) twilight
(E) at all
(F) is
(G) stands
(H) now
(I) leaving
(J) other
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
) 2.(
) 7.(
) 5.(
) 10.(
(3) In today's world many people have become accustomed to leading a busy life. But have you ever
wondered why they feel they have to do as much as they can as quickly as possible? Perhaps it is because they
have forgotten how to slow down. A growing number of people have gotten tired of doing everything so fast
day in and day out. They choose to do things at a more relaxed pace. Instead of running around like a busy ant
all day long, they prefer to stop and smell the roses. Why hurry all the time if you do not really need to? More
and more organizations devoted to taking things easy are popping up around the world. In Germany, Professor
Heintel of the Society for Deceleration [Chinese here, please] of Time thinks that society should pay more
attention to the subject of slowing down. In Sweden, the goal of the Slow Society is to provide information for
people who are interested in learning about how to live a slower-paced life. And in England a group called
Slowlondon is helping people in England's biggest and busiest city to find the right balance in life. Now and
then the group organizes special 'slow' events for people to get together and share their experiences - and, most
importantly, to have fun. The aim of these different groups is not to do everything slowly, but to do things at the
right speed in order to enjoy life.
( ) 1. The passage is mainly about _______ today's fast-paced life.
(A) the effects of
(B) ways of adjusting to
(C) a personal comment on
(D) a different lifestyle than
( ) 2. The writer implies that living a busy life is _______.
(A) the norm of modern life
(B) easier than living a relaxed life
(C) a habit people are nearly unconscious of
(D) not only unhealthy but also unnecessary
) 3. Which is NOT true about Slowlondon?
(A) It is in England.
(B) It holds activities that take place slowly.
(C) It is a group helping people live a slower-paced life.
(D) It stresses the balance between hurrying up and slowing down.
) 4. The writer thinks _______.
(A) it is rewarding to admire nature
(B) people hate to hurry for efficiency
(C) people hurry more often than they need
(D) not everything is worth our time and effort
) 5. "Deceleration" means "_______."
(A) taking care
(B) catching up
(C) setting aside (D) slowing down
1. all/both/neither/none of which/whom…..
2. adj., S V
(1) A rural environment can inspire a good poet to create memorable images. Robert Frost, America's unofficial
__1__ for almost fifty years, was particularly talented at describing the rural landscape __2__ simple and direct
language. He observed the details of nature by __3__ walks around his farm in New England. It was Frost's
awareness of the human relationship with nature __4__ brought us his poems of serene beauty. One famous
example is called "__5__ Woods on a Snowy Evening."
The poem is about a horseback rider who is contemplating __6__ to stop and enjoy the scenery or
continue on his way home. He realizes he must fulfill his responsibilities __7__ he can enjoy his freedom.
Although his experience is a common one, it __8__ to a more profound level by Frost's skill as a poet. The lines
are simple. "...I have promises __9__, and miles to go before I sleep," he says. But they reflect the universal
struggle __10__ freedom and duty. And they still touch the hearts of readers around the world.
( ) 1. (A) honorary degree
(B) rural traveler
(C) prose passage
(D) poet laureate
( ) 2. (A) on
(B) to
(C) as
(D) in
( ) 3. (A) making
(B) taking
(C) putting
(D) letting
) 4. (A) it
) 5. (A) Stopping by
) 6. (A) however
(B) that
(B) Tracing back
(B) whether
(C) they
(C) Coming from
(C) about
(D) he
(D) Diverging in
(D) anyway
) 7. (A) although
) 8. (A) elevates
) 9. (A) to keep
)10. (A) under
(B) because
(B) is elevated
(B) keeping
(B) further
(C) before
(C) has elevated
(C) were kept
(C) against
(D) until
(D) elevating
(D) have kept
(D) between
(2) Robert Frost is America's best-loved poet. He was __1__ from 1958-1959 and won the Pulitzer Prize for
poetry four times. Frost's interest in poetry can be __2__ back to his early childhood. He wrote poetry as a
teenager, but it was not until 1915 that his __3__ as a poet was recognized. Many of his poems express his
appreciation of beauty in nature. They also inspire the reader to think about some of life's most serious
questions. Common human experiences __4__ a universal meaning are the __5__ of Frost's poetry. Of all the
poems Frost wrote the two most __6__ ones are The Road Not Taken and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy
Evening. In The Road Not Taken a traveler comes to a fork in a road, which symbolizes an important __7__ in
life. And in Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Frost describes someone traveling home through the
countryside __8__. The rider stops to watch the snow falling in the woods. As he looks at the beautiful winter
scene, he realizes __9__ that he must fulfill his responsibilities before he can enjoy his freedom. By the end of
his __10__ career Robert Frost had become a legend in American literature. It is no wonder that his poems are
as popular today as they were during his lifetime.
(A) turning point
(F) traced
) 2.(
) 7.(
(B) hallmark
(G) talent
) 3.(
) 8.(
(C) to his regret
(H) memorable
) 4.(
) 9.(
(D) poet laureate
(I) on horseback
) 5.(
) 10.(
(E) literary
(J) reflecting
New England is a region in the north-east corner of the United States. It is made up of six states: Maine,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Vermont. In the 18th century, it was one of the
first parts of America to think of independence from Britain. Later, New England was the first region to
organize free public education, as well as the first to show signs of industrial development.
New England's rural geography is diverse. There are many lakes and sandy beaches near the coast, while
further inland are high mountain ranges and grassy hills extending through Connecticut, Massachusetts,
Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. The numerous rivers and streams are a hallmark of the region. The
longest is the Connecticut River, at 655 km.
The climate in New England is also varied. But winter is usually long and cold everywhere, while
summer can be hot and humid. Fall in New England, which comes earlier than in other areas, is known for its
bright colors and is an important tourist season. Spring is generally wet and cloudy.
Some of America's greatest literary talents have come from New England. Many famous authors and
poets were born there, while others chose to live there. Mark Twain wrote some of his masterpieces when living
in Hartford, Connecticut. Robert Frost made his home in Massachusetts. His profound use of New England
settings and themes in his work means that he will always be associated with the region.
( ) 1. In what way is Robert Frost associated with New England?
(A) His parents were from New England.
(B) He was born there.
(C) He once lived there and wrote a lot about the place.
(D) His first book was full of New England settings.
) 2. In New England, when is the best tourist season?
(A) Spring
(B) Summer
(C) Fall
(D) Winter
) 3. The weather in spring in New England is usually _______.
(A) hot and dry
(B) cold and rainy
(C) sunny and warm
(D) humid and overcast
) 4. Which is not one of the geographical features of New England?
(A) It is in the south-east of the United States.
(B) It is made up of six states.
(C) Near the coast are many beaches.
(D) The Connecticut River is the longest in this region
) 5. Which is not included in the glorious history of New England?
(A) It developed into an industrial center very early.
(B) It was an important military base during WWII.
(C) It was the first region to organize free public education.
(D) It was one of the regions to ask for Independence from Britain.
(4) It is not until …that S V
他不承認謀殺了女孩,直到警方出示證據。 (It was...)
N to V
BV L10
Patents are necessary and important. They protect people's ideas __1__ from others who might want to steal
them. It is natural for an inventor __2__to benefit from his or her invention financially. Would you want to do a
lot of hard work __3__ see other people make all the money out of it? As long as your invention is an original
idea, __4__ patented. However, it does not matter if it is something that has been __5__ before. You can patent
an improvement on existing technology, __6__.
It is not difficult to patent an idea. After inventing something, your __7__ is to fill out the required
paperwork. The forms can be long and complicated, so this job is __8__ done by a patent attorney. He or she
can make sure the patents are filed correctly. Once this is done, the patent __9__ to the patent office along with
the registration fee. The whole process is sometimes very slow. __10__, it may take as long as five years to
( ) 1. (A) with
(B) above
(C) for
(D) from
( ) 2. (A) to want
(B) who want
(C) wanted
(D) is wanted
( ) 3. (A) as if
(B) only to
(C) even so
(D) and then
) 4. (A) it has been
) 5. (A) copied from
) 6. (A) such as
) 7. (A) next step
) 8. (A) ever
) 9. (A) submits
)10. (A) In fact
(B) it can be
(B) thought of
(B) for example
(B) new item
(B) usually
(B) is submitted
(B) However
(C) you can be
(C) used in
(C) not yet
(C) give and take
(C) almost
(C) submitting
(C) Instead
(D) you can
(D) made to
(D) but also
(D) time and effort
(D) never
(D) has submitted
(D) Finally
(2) Trevor Baylis is an inventor from London, England. He is best __1__ for inventing a mechanical radio.
Instead of __2__ on batteries or electric power, the radio runs when the user turns a handle for several seconds.
Mr. Baylis started work on his creation in 1991 __3__ listening to a radio program. He wanted to help poor
people in rural Africa to get information more easily. He took out a patent on his idea, but it __4__ him several
years to solve the problem of creating enough power to work the radio. Now, just turning the handle for twenty
seconds is __5__ to make it run for an hour.
In 1995, Mr. Baylis __6__ an agreement with a factory in South Africa. It began to manufacture his
mechanical radio, which became very popular. The success of his invention helped __7__ Mr. Baylis financially
independent. He sold his company and __8__ another one. Now, he spends his time helping people __9__ their
inventions. His company does the necessary paperwork and helps inventors find financial __10__ to develop
their products.
(A) after
(B) make
(F) took
(G) support
) 2.(
) 7.(
(C) made
(H) known
(D) register
(I) relying
) 3.(
) 8.(
) 4.(
) 9.(
(E) formed
(J) enough
) 5.(
) 10.(
(3) When you hear the word “pirate,” you probably think of someone who robs ships at sea. No doubt
you have seen movies with old wooden ships and strangely dressed men with long hair and earrings. Previously,
pirate ships would fly a flag with a skull and crossbones on it. This is a symbol for piracy that has long been
used by movie-makers and toy manufacturers.
Despite its historical image, piracy is still very much alive in some parts of the world. It is estimated that
attacks by modern pirates at sea cause financial losses of up to US$16 billion a year. The majority of incidents
take place in the waters of the Strait of Malacca near Singapore, and off the coast of Somalia in east Africa.
Modern pirates prefer small, fast boats. They take advantage of the fact that cargo ships have small crews
these days. When ships slow down to navigate narrow straits, they are more accessible to attackers. And small
vessels are easy to disguise as fishing boats in order to deceive the authorities. Modern pirates also use a great
deal of technology, including mobile phones, speedboats, and machine guns.
In addition to theft at sea, the word “piracy” refers to the illegal copying and sale of manufactured goods.
Companies that make movies, books, CDs, computer games, and software are the most common victims of
copyright theft. Governments worldwide are fighting a constant battle to prevent such piracy, but it is a
complicated issue in today’s globalized world.
( ) 1. Which of the following is described in the first paragraph?
(A) The traditional image of a pirate.
(B) A famous movie about pirates.
(C) How to identify a pirate ship.
(D) Where pirates used to operate.
( ) 2. We know from the passage that pirates _____.
(A) usually sail larger ships now than previously
(B) are still responsible for major financial losses
(C) no longer attack ships that have gone to sea
(D) prefer to attack ships belonging to Singapore
) 3. What does the passage say about modern pirates?
(A) They don’t attack large cargo ships.
(B) They often pretend to be fishermen.
(C) They are easy to see from a ship.
(D) They only attack far from the coast.
( ) 4. According to the passage, governments are trying to _____.
(A) build faster speedboats
(B) increase software production
(C) prevent globalization
(D) prevent copyright piracy
4. Passive voice: a review
cost, take, spend
Edward 先生花了好幾千塊美金供他的小孩唸完大學。
Answer Key
I.綜合測驗 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.D 10.C
II. 文意選填 1.D 2.G 3.A 4.J 5.F 6.B 7.H 8.I 9.C 10.E
III.閱讀測驗 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.D
1. It’s time for you to leave your old life behind./ It’s time that you left your old life behind.
2. I hope that I can be as loving as Mother Teresa toward people in need.
I.綜合測驗 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.A
II.文意選填 1.I 2.B 3.H 4.J 5.D 6.E 7.A 8.F 9.G 10.C
III.篇章結構 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.E 5.C
IV 閱讀測驗 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.B
V 翻譯
1. Learning to take care of a baby is no easy job./ It is no easy job to learn to take care of a baby.
2. I seldom talk to Gina because we have nothing in common/ don’t have anything in common.
I. 綜合測驗 1.C 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.D
II. 文意選填 1.C 2.G 3.E 4.I 5.A 6.F 7.J 8.H 9.D 10.B
III.閱讀測驗 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D
1. After she got divorced, she found life as a single mother easier than she had expected.
2. The secret of his success is that he was determined to succeed.
I.綜合測驗 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.A
II.文意選填 1.G 2.C 3.B 4.H 5.E 6.D 7.F 8.A 9.I 10.J
III.篇章結構 1.E 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B
IV 閱讀測驗 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B
1. Tom loves sports; he plays everything from baseball to soccer.
2. With the coming/arrival/approach of summer, I plan to buy some new clothes.
I.綜合測驗 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D
II. 1.F 2.C 3.J 4.E 5.I 6.G 7.H 8.D 9.B 10.A
II.閱讀測驗 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C
1. J.K. Rowling, who is the writer/author of the Harry Potter novels, used to be an English teacher.
2. If I were a rich man, I would try to help the poor.
I.綜合測驗 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.D
II.文意選填 1.E 2.H 3.B 4.F 5.I 6.D 7.G 8.C 9.J 10.A
III. 閱讀測驗 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A
IV 翻譯
1. You don’t need to speak another language to know what this sign means.
2. While some of my classmates like the plan, other thought it was a bad idea.
I.綜合測驗 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.B
II. 1.B 2.J 3.G 4.A 5.E 6.I 7.D 8.C 9.H 10.F
III.閱讀測驗 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A
1. Today, I put something/what I learned in school to good use.
2. It is the heat in the pan that causes a reaction in the meat.
I.綜合測驗 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.A
II.文意選填 1.D 2.E 3.A 4.G 5.I 6.B 7.H 8.C 9.J 10.F
III.篇章結構 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.D
IV 閱讀測驗 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D
1. You should begin to explore the delight (fullness) of children’s poetry on your own.
2. Do you remember how wonderful it was to be a child?
I 綜合測驗 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.D
II 文意選填 1.B 2.F 3.D 4.J 5.E 6.A 7.H 8.I 9.G 10.C
III 閱讀測驗 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A
IV 翻譯
1. He deleted the extra ten words so that the article will be simpler and clearer.
2. Is the boy tall enough to reach the hot pan on the stove?
I 綜合測驗 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.D
II..文意選填 1.I 2.D 3.E 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.F 8.G 9.H 10.J
III.篇章結構 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.C
IV.閱讀測驗 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D
1. You shouldn’t chew your food with your mouth open.
2. One of my pet dogs enjoy being alone, but the other needs a lot of attention.
I.綜合測驗 1.D 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A
II. 文意選填 1.G 2.F 3.B 4.I 5.H 6.J 7.A 8.C 9.E 10.D
III.閱讀測驗 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A
IV 翻譯
1. Everyone was shocked when Mr. Smith was found guilty of the crime.
2. The dying patient longed to go back to the city where he was born.
I.綜合測驗 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A
II 文意選填 1.B 2.H 3.D 4.F 5.E 6.J 7.A 8.I 9.G 10.C
III 篇章結構 1.E 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A
IV 閱讀測驗 ADAD
V 翻譯
1. However hard he tried, Matt could not move the heavy piano by himself.
2. There are many activities, and you can choose one that appeals to your personality.
I. 克漏字測驗 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D
II.文意選填 1.H 2.J 3.I 4.B 5.A 6.E 7.G 8.F 9.D 10.C
III.閱讀測驗 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B
IV 翻譯
1. I decided to quit my part-time jot so that I would have more time to study.
2. John was looking on the floor as if he had lost something.
2. wings, fly
I.克漏字測驗 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D
7.B 8.C
II. 篇章結構 1.E 2.A 3.C
4.B 5.D
III.文意選填 1.C . 2.I 3.H 4.E 5.A 6.D 7.F 8.J 9.B 10.G
IV 閱讀測驗 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D
V 翻譯 共出 5 題,每格 2 分,共 20 分
1. Althogh Dan works very hard, he has never made much money.
2. Before the exam, the teacher asked us to get our drawers emptied.
I. 克漏字測驗 1.C
2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A
II.文意選填 1.F 2.C 3.D 4.G 5.J 6.B 7.A
8.H 9.I
III 閱讀測驗 1.D 2.A 3.B
IV 翻譯
1. Beryl had so much work to do that she stayed in the office until 10 p.m.
2.Doing business with clients is the main reason that my father plays golf.
I 克漏字測驗 1.A 2.C 3.C
4.D 5.B 6.A
II. 篇章結構 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.B
III 文意選填 1.C 2.B
4.H 5.A 6.E
IV 閱讀測驗 1.C 2.C
3.B 4.A
V 翻譯
1.When I am making a speech to a group of people, I never know who to look at.
2. You may have offended him without knowing it.
I.克漏字測驗 1.C 2.A
II 文意選填 1.H 2.A
III 閱讀測驗 1.C 2.A
IV 翻譯
6.B 7.C
6.D 7.F
9.B 10.A
1. We still argue sometimes, but our friendship has stood the test of time.
2. A fire fighter is someone who saves people from burning buildings.
I.克漏字測驗 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C
II.篇章結構 1.E 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A
III.文意選填 1.J
3.G 4.E 5.B 6.H 7.F 8.I 9.A 10.D
IV 閱讀測驗 1.D 2.B
V 翻譯
3.D 4.C
1. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss our next project.
2. My grandmother has lived in the same house since she was born.
I.克漏字測驗 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A
II.文意選填 1.G 2.J 3.A 4.H 5.B 6.E 7.D 8.I 9.F 10.C
III 閱讀測驗 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.D
IV 翻譯
1.Mom didn’t cook dinner for us; instead, she took us to a restaurant.
2. In order to be as healthy as I am, you need to change your habits.
I.克漏字測驗 1.D
2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.B
II.篇章結構 1.C
2.A 3.D 4.E 5.B
III.文意選填 1.H 2.J 3.I 4.E 5.B 6.C 7.G 8.A 9.D 10.F
IV 閱讀測驗 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D
V 翻譯
1. Mr. Lee’s friends recommended that he go to see a good lawyer.
2. If you are tired, I suggests that you take a few days off from work.
I. 克漏字測驗 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A . 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.B
II 文意選填 1.C 2.D 3.G 4.I 5.E 6.H 7.J 8.B 9.A 10.F
III.閱讀測驗 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C
IV 翻譯
1. Wreckage and bodies were not recovered until six days after the accident.
2. There are many different theories of why so many ships have vanished.
I 克漏字測驗 1.C 2.B 3.B 4 .C 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B
II. 篇章結構 1.B 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.C
III 文意選填 1.E 2.D 3.B 4.J 5.I 6.C 7.F 8.H 9.G 10.A
IV 閱讀測驗 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.A
V 翻譯
1. If you have a strong motivation, you can do incredible things.
2. She had promised to wait for me, but by the time I arrived she had already gone.
I.克漏字測驗 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.B
II 文意選填 1.F 2.G 3.B 4.H 5.E 6.D 7.I 8.J 9.C 10.A
III 閱讀測驗 1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C
IV 翻譯
1. I’m not going to buy it unless you lower the price.
2. The store is so expensive that I’ve never thought of going there.
I.克漏字測驗 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C
II. 篇章結構 1.D 2.B
4.A 5.C
III 文意選填 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.J 5.E 6.H 7.G 8.F 9.I 10.B
IV 閱讀測驗 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B
V 翻譯
1 Watch the TV commercial closely, or you will miss the slogan again.
2. The more you exercise, the healthier your body will become.
(1) 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C
(2) 1.F 2.D 3.A 4.G 5.J 6.H 7.B 8.I 9.C 10.E
(3) 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D
(4) a. You should judge a person not by his appearance, but by his character.
b. He is an ordinary father whose great wish is to watch his son grow up happily.
(1) 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.C
(2) 1.E 2.A 3.I 4.F 5.G 6.D 7.H 8.C 9.J 10.B
(3) 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A
(4) a. Upstairs he went. He locked himself in the room and played the song from memory.
b. No matter how difficult the situation is, he never stops pursuing his dream.
(1) 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.B
(2) 1.B 2.G 3.J 4.H 5.A 31.I 32.C 33.E 34.D 35.F
(3) 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D
(4) a. The way she treats her employees gave rise to much criticism.
b. Success depends not so much on one’s luck as on one’s effort.
(1)1.B 2.B 3.C
4.C 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A
(2) 1.C 2.I 3.B 4.E 5.A 6.F 7.D 8.H 9.G 10.J
(3) 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D
(4) a. He hastened to return to the cave, for he believed the hungry tiger would attack him any moment.
b. He talked in a cynical tone, which showed his dissatisfaction with the result.
(2) 1.A 2.F 3.C 4.G 5.J 6.E 7.B 8.D 9.H 10.I
(3) 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B
(4) a. I want to apply theories we have learned to invent something useful.
b. According to our observation, spider silk is five times stronger than steel.
(1) 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B
(2) 1.B 2.D 3.I 4.H 5.C 6.E 7.G 8.J 9.A 10.F
(3) 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. B
(4) a. We call those who stay at home and hardly ever go out Otaku.
b. How wonderful it is to be able to relieve one’s pain.
(1) 1.B 2.A 3.D
4.B 5.C
6.D 7.A 8.C
9.B 10.A
(2) 1.H
2.D 3.J
7.G 8.B 9.F 10.A
(3) 1.B 2.C
(4) a. Before the alarm clock went off, he had slid out of the bed.
b. With the rapid growth of globalization, our life seems to undergo great changes.
(1) 1.B 2.B 3.C
5.D 6.A 7.D 8.C
9.B 10.A
(2) 1.H
2.G 3.A
5.B 6.D 7.I 8.J
9.F 10.C
(3) 1.D
2.A 3.C
4.B 5.D
(4) Look around, he found every store has an English name written on the sign.
With the approach of his hometown, he retreated back to silence, his mouth shut tight
(1) 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C
(2) 1.I 2.E 3.A 4.G 5.C 6.J 7.B 8.H 9.D 10.F
(3) 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A
(4) The panda cub can’t adapt to the new environment and is being taken care of by experts.
To be honest, the serious loss is mainly due to your wrong judgment.
(1) 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.B
(2)1.G 2.F 3.E 4.B 5.A 6.J 7.H 8.I 9.C 10.D
(3) 1.A 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.C
(4) Though rejected by the girl he liked, he showed no sign of distress.
According to this research, shyness is likely to be inherited or culturally determined.
(1) 1.A 2.B 3.D
4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.D
(2) 1.H 2.D 3.E 4.J 5.A 6.F 7.C 8.G 9.B 10.I
(3) 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D
(4) Because of her encouragement, he succeeded in writing this inspiring novel.
To our satisfaction, after the performance, all the audience stand up clapping for nearly five minutes.
(1) 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.B
(2) 1.D 2.H 3.E 4.B 5.I 6.C
7.G 8.J
9.A 10.F
(3) 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D
(4) How she wishes that she had not begged him to go with her that day. She can’t bear to hear his complaints
The book is not worth reading, and nether is the one next to it.
(1) 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A
6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C
(2) 1.F 2.D 3.G 4.A 5.E 6.I 7.C 8.J 9.B 10.H
(3) CADD
(4) No matter what you say, I insist on my theory that the disappearing astronauts are kidnapped by aliens.
She felt it unfair to blame everything on her
(1) 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C
(2) 1. F
2. E
3. A
4. B
5. D 6. C
7. J
8. H
9. G
10. I
(3) 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B
(4) If handled properly, this accident will not cause great damage.
Leading a pressure-filled life, I can hardly find time for entertainment.
(1) 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.B
(2)1.I 2.H 3.F 4.J 5.C 6.E 7.G 8.B 9.D 10.A
(3) 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C
(4) Few people back then lived to 60 years old. Four-fifths of people died before 40.
Celebrities have no privacy. This is how they are treated.
(1) 1.D 2.A 3.D
4.B 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A
(2) 1.E 2.B 3.A 4.G 5.H 6.C 7.I 8.J 9.D 10.F
(3)1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.C
(4) He would rather donate all the money to charities than leave it to his sons.
If you had not been too absorbed in computer games, you would have noticed the change in her facial
(1) 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B
(2) 1.F 2.E 3.I 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.G 8.J 9.H 10.D
(3) 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.A
(4) He was scared out of his wits. Barely had he expected there would be so many people.
Parents should set a good example for their children. They are the best teacher that their children can get in
their life.
(1)1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C
(2) 1.E 2.C 3.I 4.D 5.F 6.J
7 .G 8.A 9.H 10.B
(3) 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C
(4) The problem must be taken care of carefully(approached with wariness.) In other words, don’t take it lightly.
When it comes to exams, nobody can take it easy.
(1) 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B
1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.C
(3) DACC
(4) As soon as we collect enough information, we can predict the path of the tornado accurately.
What this commercial tries to get across is that we can prevent the tragedy from happening again through
(1) 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.D
2) 1.H 2.I 3.A 4.J 5.D 6.E 7.F 8.C 9.G 10.B
(3) 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B
(4) According to polls, most of the time spent online is spent in chatting rather than searching for information.
She didn’t suspect his intention at all until he denied seeing her before.
(1) 1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D
(2) 1.G 2.E 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.I 8.J 9.F 10.H
(3) 1.B 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.C
(4) A smile is regarded as the best way to express friendliness. It is a universal language.
As far as artists are concerned, inspirations are everywhere.
(1) 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D
(2) 1.C 2.D 3.F 4.A 5.I 6.E 7.B 8.H 9.G 10.J
(3) 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.B
(4) It’s said that the living standard in China has risen greatly in the last ten years.
If human beings were to disappear from the world, would it be a better place?
(1)1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C
1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C
(2) 1.B 2.J
3.H 4.G
5.E 6.F 7.C
8.I 9.A 10.D
(3) 1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A
(4) Regardless of their income, they are willing to donate a large amount of money to educate teenagers about
the prevention of AIDS.
Fifty percent of graduates believe that what they learn at school can help them find a job.
(1) 1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D
(2) 1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.F 6.I 7.A 8.H 9.J 10.G
(3) 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A
(4) When it comes to group buying, Rod gets excited and is eager to share his experience with everyone.
I should have set my alarm last night, but I forgot.
(1) 1.B 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B
(2) 1.F 2.D 3.B 4.I 5.E 6.C 7.J 8.G 9.A 10.H
(3) 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A
(4). Linda is bored; she wants neither to read nor to watch TV with me.
Though my friend warned me that love is dangerous, I can’t help falling in love with you.
(1) 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.D
(2) 1.C 2.D 3.J 4.G 5.A 6.E 7.B 8.I 9.F 10.H
(3) 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B
(4) His coat looks very cheap; he can’t have spent more than one thousand dollars on it.
As far as I am concerned, you have three choices. One is to tell your friend you saw her cheating, another is to
tell the teacher and still another is to say nothing at all.
(1) 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.D
(2)1.G 2.B 3.D 4.H 5.A 6.F 7.I 8.J 9.E 10.C
(3) 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B
(4) Bags are to women what sports cars are to men. Do you agree with that?
With enthusiasm, whether you are sixty or sixteen, you can enjoy youth.
(1) 1.A 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A
(2) 1.C 2.B 3.G 4.E 5.A 6.H 7.I 8.F 9.D 10.J
(3) 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C
(4) It is likely that the missing pilot will never be found.
Included in the price are two free drinks.
(1) 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B
(2) 1.D 2.I 3.E 4.J 5.G 6.F 7.A 8.H 9.C 10.B
(3) 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.D
(4) Only when you are sick do you understand how important your health is.
The old lady smiled and gave the little boy a pat on the head.
(1) 1.A 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10. B
2) 1.G 2.C 3.I 4.B 5.F 6.H 7.J 8.A 9.D 10.E
(3) 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C
(4) Had it not been for (But for) a kind-hearted farmer’s help, we would have gotten lost.
I am trying to stop my friend from attacking the other car driver.
(1) 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C
(2) 1.H 2.E 3.G 4.D 5.A 6.F 7.I 8.C 9.B 10.J
(3) 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C
(4) The Statue of Liberty, which was a gift from the French government, has become a symbol of America.
I would have been startled had I not been accustomed to his working style.
(1) 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A
(2) 1.G 2.J 3.F 4.C 5.B 6.H 7.E 8.D 9.I 10.A
(3) 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D
(4) Embarrassed and irritated, he stormed out of the room without saying goodbye.
Twenty people, two of whom are Taiwanese, were trapped in the collapsed buildings.
(1) 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10. D
(2) 1.D 2.F 3.G 4.J 5.B 6.H 7.A 8.I 9.C 10.E
(3) 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B
(4) It was not until the police presented the evidence that he admitted murdering the girl.
I hope I can find someone to depend on.
BV L10
(1) 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A
(2) 1.H 2.I 3.A 4.F 5.J 6.C 7.B 8.E 9.D 10.G
(3) 1.ABBD
(4) The movie star felt that she was being followed on her way home.
It cost Mr. Edwards hundreds of dollars to get his car repaired.