Make sure you are logged on remotely first. All of my routers are connected to a switch called vlan_switch or vs for short. By assigning specific vlans I can create links to the routers. Simple Lab to Demonstrate Routing Updates FA 0/1 FA 0/0 R1 .1 VLAN 11 FA 0/0 FA 0/1 .2 R2 .1 VLAN 2 FA 0/1 FA 0/0 FA 0/0 .2 .1 R3 VLAN 3 .2 FA 0/1 R4 VLAN 4 Line 0/1 0/2 0/3 0/4 0/5 0/6 0/7 0/8 0/9 0/10 0/11 0/12 0/13 0/14 0/15 0/16 0/17 0/18 0/19 0/20 0/21 0/22 0/23 0/24 VLAN 12 VLAN_SWITCH Device R1 FA0/0 R1 FA0/1 R1 FA 1/0 R1 FA 1/1 R2 FA0/0 R2 FA0/1 R2 FA 1/0 R2 FA 1/1 R3 FA0/0 R3 FA0/1 R3 FA 1/0 R3 FA 1/1 R4 FA0/0 R4 FA0/1 R4 FA 1/0 R4 FA 1/1 R5 FA 0/0 R5 FA 0/1 R6 FA 0/0 R6 FA 0/1 R7 FA 0/0 R7 FA 0/1 R8 E 0 R8 E 1 Vlan # 2 11 2 3 4 3 4 12 Simple Lab to Demonstrate Routing Updates (Part 2) FA 0/1 VLAN 11 FA 0/0 R1 .1 FA 0/0 VLAN 2 FA 0/1 .2 R2 .1 VLAN 3 FA 0/1 FA 0/0 FA 0/0 .2 .1 R3 .2 FA 0/1 R4 VLAN 4 Line 0/1 0/2 0/3 0/4 0/5 0/6 0/7 0/8 0/9 0/10 0/11 0/12 0/13 0/14 0/15 0/16 0/17 0/18 0/19 0/20 0/21 0/22 0/23 0/24 VLAN 12 VLAN_SWITCH Device R1 FA0/0 R1 FA0/1 R1 FA 1/0 R1 FA 1/1 R2 FA0/0 R2 FA0/1 R2 FA 1/0 R2 FA 1/1 R3 FA0/0 R3 FA0/1 R3 FA 1/0 R3 FA 1/1 R4 FA0/0 R4 FA0/1 R4 FA 1/0 R4 FA 1/1 R5 FA 0/0 R5 FA 0/1 R6 FA 0/0 R6 FA 0/1 R7 FA 0/0 R7 FA 0/1 R8 E 0 R8 E 1 Vlan # 2 11 5 2 3 4 3 4 12 5 In addition, I can use my terminal server as a frame relay switch. By turning frame-relay switching and creating the appropriate frame-relay route statements, I can create a virtual mesh network. Then All I have to do at the routers is turn off frame-relay inverse-arp and configure the dlci’s manually. (see file term_server.txt) Frame Relay Mesh 12 2 R1 5 12 6 12 1 62 226 22 5 R2 1 4 6 R6 6 325 4 42 2 42 3 4 R5 6 52 42 32 523 421 R3 2 1 52 52 32 526 1 32 322 62 4 223 22 622 23 625 22 124 3 12 42 5 R4 You can even prep the routers for labs by preconfiguring them and saving the config as a filename other than startup-config. I have a file named baseline and others named for labs. When I want to wipe out a routers config and go back to a blank screen with a few options (hostname, port speed, descriptions, alias’s, etc) I issue the command “copy baseline startup-config” then I reload and the router is just the way I want it. The same can be done to prep the routers to get them to a state without the student doing hours or redundant work to get to the lesson at hand. Access to s 24 hours student lab could be easily controlled by a radius server. Please feel free to telnet into (password is cisco) and snoop around. (R2 and R5 have an active frame connection ) If you have any question don’t hesitate to ask. Patrick