1) - YMCA Camp Wewa

YMCA Camp Wewa Returning Staff Interview Questions
Please use a separate piece of paper or e-mail to answer these questions.
Return them along with the Returning Staff Application to Camp Wewa. I
will be calling each of you for a phone interview based on your answers to
these questions.
1) It’s been almost a year since you’ve been at Camp Wewa. Tell us about
yourself now and a little about the experience you had this past summer.
2) As you know scheduling of activities can be tricky. How would you
improve this process?
3) Next season we will have a few new staff members and many returning
staff members, tell us how you would manage to help make the old and
the new become a team.
4) As you know, the days here at Camp Wewa can be long and tiring. What
are some ways you keep focused on the campers?
5) It tends to rain daily somewhere between 3-6:00pm daily here in Florida.
What are some new and different activities that you could do during these
times with your cabin?
6) Please describe two new rainy day all-group activities.
7) What are some new or old Camp Wewa traditions you’d like to see here?
8) Staff works 24 hours a day, over with very little rest. What would you like
to see the time-off schedule look like?
9) Marketing Camp Wewa is everyone’s responsibility, from the mall shows
that the Director does to great customer service that the staff does during
the summer. Tell us about your most original marketing idea.
10) For those of you who are looking to apply to a different position, what are
your strengths and weaknesses in this new position? Why should I hire
you for this position?
YMCA Camp Wewa Returning Staff Interview Questions
YMCA Camp Wewa
Returning Staff Application
Full Name: __________________________________________________ SSN: ______-______-______
Current Address: __________________________________________________________
City: ____________________ State: ______ Zip Code: ___________ Contact from: __/__/__ to __/__/__
Phone (Hm): ( )_____________________ Phone (Other): ( )________________________
Email: ________________________________________________ Occupation: ___________________
Permanent Address: ____________________________________ Phone: ( )____________________
City: __________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: _____________
Are you over the age of 17? ______
Inclusive dates you would be able to work: From _____________ to _____________
Position Applying For:
____ Aquatics Director (at least 21 yrs old)
____ Program Director (at least 21 yrs old)
____ Team Building Director (at least 21 yrs old)
____ Leadership Director (at least 21 yrs old)
____ Program Coordinator (at least 20 yrs old)
____ Senior Counselor (at least 19 yrs old)
____ Jr. Counselor (at least 17 yrs old)
____ Volunteer Staff Aid (at least 17 yrs old)
____ Activity Coordinators (Riflery, Archery, Arts & Crafts, Teambuilding, Chapel, Waterfront, Wewa
Weekend, and Head Lifeguard) (at least 20 yrs old)
____ Camp Nurse (Must have Certification as a RN in Florida)
____ Internships are available for most positions. Please check if you are interested in doing an
internship with YMCA Camp Wewa.
____ Other: _________________________________________________________________
Camp Program Activities:
List the top five camp activities, in order of importance; that you’d like to teach this summer:
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
YMCA Camp Wewa Returning Staff Interview Questions
Work Experience: List any new employment since your last application.
1. Employer/Company ______________________________________ Supervisor __________________________
City, State _____________________________________ Telephone (
) ___________________________
Position _________________________________________ Dates Employed ____________ to ____________
Brief Description of Job Duties _______________________________________________________________
Reason for Leaving ________________________________________________________________________
2. Employer/Company ____________________________________ Supervisor ___________________________
City, State _____________________________________ Telephone (
) ___________________________
Position _________________________________________ Dates Employed ____________ to ____________
Brief Description of Job Duties _______________________________________________________________
Reason for Leaving ________________________________________________________________________
Certificates: Check and list expiration dates of all that apply. If any new certifications have been
aquired, please enclose a copy of the card.
___ First Aid ______________
___ Waterfront Lifeguard____________
___ CPR __________________
___ Canoe Instruction ________________
___ WSI___________________
___ Riflery Instruction _______________
___ Lifeguard ____________
___ Archery Instruction ______________
___ Fitness________________
___ AED ______________________________
___ Other ___________________________________________________________________
Cabin Placement:
Please rank the age group that you prefer to work with at camp (1st-3rd)?
___ 6-9 ___ 10-11 ___ 12-13 ___ 14-16 ___ NO PREFERENCE
Would you like to be responsible for a CIT or LIT this summer? ____ yes
____ no
Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco have NO place at Camp Wewa. Consumption of alcoholic beverages by
minors (under 21) while employed by Camp Wewa is prohibited and is grounds for dismissal. No one
may consume or bring any alcoholic beverages on camp property at any time or return to camp
intoxicated. The use of any illegal substance or the misuse of any prescription drug while employed by
Camp Wewa is absolutely PROHIBITED. Persons violating this policy will be subject to termination of
employment and legal prosecution. Smoking or the use of other tobacco products is strictly prohibited
anywhere on camp property. These policies apply to all staff during their entire contract period.
I certify all statements made by me on this application for employment are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and agree that
if employed any misrepresentations, falsifications, or omissions of facts thereon, shall justify my dismissal.
I understand that YMCA Camp Wewa agents and employees may wish to contact my former employer(s) and references, as indicated on the
application, to inquire into my past work record, so that my qualifications for employment may be reviewed, evaluated and considered.
In signing this WAIVER, I expressly authorize YMCA Camp Wewa agents or employees to make an inquiry of my former employer(s) and
references, as indicated on this application, concerning my work record, job qualifications, and job performance.
Furthermore, I authorize my former employer(s) and references, to furnish YMCA Camp Wewa agents and employees with this information.
Signature __________________________________________ Date ____________________