
Istorija is a periodical scientific publication included into the list of the Lithuanian Scientific
Periodical Publications approved by the Department of Science and Studies under the
Ministry of Education and Science, which is abstracted and indexed in international
databases: Historical abstracts – http://support.ebscohost.com/, C.E.E.O.L. – Central and
Eastern European Online Library – http://www.ceeol.com/, CSA: Sociological Abstracts –
http://www.csa.com/, CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts – http://www.csa.com/,
MLA: Modern Language Association International Bibliography – http://www.mla.org/,
http://www.ebscohost.com/thisTopic.php?marketID=1&topicID=633, EBSCO Publishing:
TOC Premier – http://www.ebscohost.com/thisTopic.php?marketID=1&topicID=144,
includes abstracts of articles in the English language, full tests in Lithuanian (or any other
language of the article) as well as information on authors.
Istorija has been published in Vilnius since 1958. Its founder is the Ministry of Education and
Science. It has been published by Vilnius Pedagogical University since 1991. The total of 4
volumes is released per year. The scope of the journal makes up 10 author’s sheets. It not only
includes scientific articles but sources, reviews, conference reviews, memoirs of historians
and public figures, discussion-based publications on controversial facts and the interpretations
of the most topical events. All the articles of Istorija are reviewed. One review is written by
an independent expert, the other – by a member of the editorial staff. The decision on the
publication of the article is adopted by the meeting of the editorial board.
Istorija is published in two digital media – a compact disc (CD) and a website. The website of
the journal can be accessed at: http://www.leidykla.vpu.lt/?page=periodika&id=3. Issue No.
64 of the journal in 2006 witnessed the first publication of Istorija in the medium of a
compact disc. A special envelope with a CD is attached at the end of each issue. The general
requirements applied to the publication in this media are the same as in a polygraphic variant.
At the request of the author, the compact disc may include a more extensive variant of the
article without limiting the quality and number of illustrations. It may include graphics, video
or other “live” images, musical and other information. Another innovation of the compact disc
is the opportunity to prepare and expand a popular screening of a scientific article. The
editorial office will provide more information on the expanded variant and the screening of
the article.
The article published in Istorija has to comply with the standard of scientific publication. A
full name and surname of the author and the article title has to be indicated at the beginning of
the article. The article is preceded by approx. 200-word abstract (summary) and a list of 5 key
words in the Lithuanian and English languages. The article is divided into chapters. The
introductory chapter formulates the research aim and defines the object; it indicates research
methods, research level and novelty of the topic under analysis; the historiography of the topic
is discussed. The article ends with the conclusions with regard to the questions raised in the
introduction; the summary in the English language is provided at the end.
A brief informative passage on the author is attached to each article. It indicates the research
degree and academic title of the author, institution, address, e-mail, fields of scientific
interests. Articles are published in Lithuanian, English, German, French, Polish and Russian
The sources and literature used in the article are provided at the end of the article following
the standards of bibliographic references (LST ISO 690 and LST ISO 690–2). Articles are to
be delivered to the editorial office in the data storage facility, such as CD-ROM or USB
sticks. The scope of the article makes up 1 author’s sheet (about 40 000 characters). The text
may be created by any text editor of Windows operating system. Font – Times New Roman;
font size – 12 pt. (headings – 16 pt.), line spacing – 1.5 lines.
1. General requirements for article structure:
Author’s name, surname;
Title of the article;
Article abstract in the source and English language (about 200 words) and
key words (max. 5);
Content of the article;
Summary in a foreign language;
The metrics of the article shall specify the date of sending the article to the
editorial staff and the date of publishing the final draft;
Concise information on the author (author’s research degree and academic title,
institution, address, e-mail and fields of research)
2. Bibliographic Requirements for Sources and Literature
Author’s surname, initial name letter. Title of the book. Place of publishing and publishing
house, year, pages.
Gaigalaitė, A. Lietuva Paryžiuje 1919 metais. Kaunas: Šviesa, 1999, p. 123–124.
Source from the archive:
Title of the source. Title of the archive, fund number, digest number, file number, page
J. Basanavičiaus laikas J. Šliūpui, 1888 m. kovo 16 d., Lithuanian Central State Archive
(hereinafter referred to as LCSA), f. 1, d. 4, f. 36, l. 47.
Article from a magazine/journal:
Author’s surname, initial name letter. Title of the article. Title of the magazine/journal, Year
of issue, volume number, pages.
Šetkus, B. Vokiečių pradžios mokyklų Lietuvoje 1918–1940 metais raidos bendrieji bruožai.
Pedagogika, 2000, vol. 40, p. 136–147.
Article from a collection of articles, encyclopaedias, serial publications:
Author’s surname, initial name letter. Title of the article. Title of the publication, editor’s
initial name letter. Surname. Place of publishing and publishing house, year, pages.
Galvanauskas, J. Matematikos užduotys 4 klasėje. Matematika šiandien, ed. K. Alekna. Vilnius:
Šviesa, 2006, p. 15–25.
Electronic publications:
Mcconnell, W.H. Constitutional History. The Canadian Encyclopedia: [CD-ROM]. Toronto:
McClelland, 1993.
Journal of Technology Education [interactive]. Blacksburg (VA.): Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University, 1989- [accessed on 19-02-2006]. Semi-annual. Internet access
at: gopher://borg.lib.vt.edu:70/1jet.
3. Requirements for Illustrations
Tables shall be numbered in Arabic numerals. Table number and title has to
be written above the table on the right margin of the page in a new paragraph, for
Table 2
Radiocarbon Dating of Žemaitiškė 2 Dwelling Site (according to R. Pukienė)
Sample Type of
Že–00 Alder
Turf above
cultural layer
Pole,  8.5 cm
Pole,  4.5 cm
Laboratory Radiocarbon Calibrated date in 1σ
age BP
interval BC
VDU–165 3310+/-50
Schemes, diagrams, photos and other illustrations shall be numbered in Arabic numerals. The
number and title shall be indicated below the scheme, diagram, photo or other illustration on
the right margin of the page, for instance:
Picture 1. Range of Wood Types in Žemaitiškė 2 Dwelling Site (created by R. Pukienė)
4. About the Author
A separate page delivered along with the article shall indicate the details of the author
(author’s date of birth, place, research degree and academic title, professional experience,
scientific area and field, fields of research interests and the major publications in Lithuanian
and English languages. NB: if the summary is written in other language than English, it has
to be accompanied by its translation into the English language).
Sample of reference to the publications:
Šetkus, B. Darbas su istorijos šaltiniais [Work with Historical Sources]. Vilnius: Vaga, 2002,
120 p.
Šetkus, B. Istorijos mokymo Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje tobulinimo kryptys [On
Improvement of History Teaching in Lithuania’s Secondary School], in Istorija, 2002, vol.
53, p. 92–99.
Editorial office address:
Vilnius Pedagogical University, Faculty of History
T. Ševčenkos str. 31–411, LT-03111, Vilnius
Tel.: (8 5) 233 10 44, e-mail: baltproist@vpu.lt