TUFTS CROSS-REGISTRATION PETITION PLEASE PRINT: Last Name: ______________________________________________ First Name: ______________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Phone #: _______________________ SIS ID #: _____________________ Degree Program (circle one): LLM Semester: _______________________ MA MAHA MALD MIB PHD Exchange Year: _____________________________ HOST SCHOOL (check one): o Tufts - Arts, Sciences & Engineering Tufts - Friedman School of Nutrition Tufts - Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences ************************************************************************************************************** Cross-Registration at all of the Harvard schools must now be done online. Please see separate Harvard Cross-Registration sheet for additional information. ************************************************************************************************************* SIS Class Number Course Call # & Section Course Title Instructor Name Credit or Audit (circle one) # of Credits Instructor Signature CREDIT AUDIT CREDIT AUDIT Student Signature Required: I am a current full-time student at the Fletcher School. I AM NOT IN A JOINT/DUAL DEGREE PROGRAM. I have read the relevant rules on cross-registration and wish to enroll in the course(s) listed above. I understand that I must meet the earliest cross-registration or add/drop/change deadline and must abide by the policies of both the Fletcher School and the host school. I certify that the course(s) listed above do not conflict with my courses at the Fletcher School. I recognize that I will not be considered officially enrolled in the course(s) listed above until this petition is properly filed with the Registrar’s Office of the school offering the course and the course appears in my enrollment for the term in iSIS. Student Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Home School Signature: Host School Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________ THE FLETCHER SCHOOL TEL: 617-627-3055 FAX: 617-627-4028 STUDENT ACADEMIC PROGRAMS/REGISTRAR’S OFFICE – GODDARD 212 PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING CROSS-REGISTRATION. *PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING* CROSS-REGISTRATION INFORMATION The attached Cross-Registration Petition has been pre-signed by the Fletcher Registrar. It is your responsibility to know the rules governing cross-registration. Please refer to your current Student Handbook and the information on Non-Fletcher Courses and Cross-Registration that is included in the Academic Policies and Procedures section. It is assumed that by completing a cross-registration, you have read, understand, and agree to comply with these policies. Please also note the following: It is your responsibility to know the cross-registration deadlines at each of the Tufts Schools and abide by the earlier deadline. Students completing exchange or joint degree programs are not eligible to cross-register. If you are a first year student considering participating in an exchange or a joint degree you should refrain from cross-registration. MALD, MIB, MA, LLM, and External Admit PhD students can meet up to 25% of their program requirements with non-Fletcher courses (incl. both cross-registered and transferred courses). Exchange Students (those visiting FL) may take one course outside of Fletcher during their term at Fletcher. A maximum of 2 course credits may be taken by cross-registration in any one term. This is assuming that the student is enrolled in four courses in a given term. In other words, no more than 50% of a student’s program for the term can be taken outside of Fletcher. All courses taken via cross-registration must be graduate level courses. The only exception is foreign language classes. Foreign Language Courses: Students cross-registering to take a language class for credit must also submit a petition to CSAP requesting approval for language study. The language study must be relevant for the student’s academic program and/or professional goals. Students cross-registering to take a language class for audit must use the Language Audit form and not this form. Winter Term Courses: All courses taken during the winter term will be counted toward the spring term – no exceptions. Grades: Courses taken through cross-registration must be taken for letter grades. Grades of B(minus) or above are considered passing at Fletcher, even if a grade below B- is considered passing at the host school. Although Fletcher does not compute or report GPA’s for external use, students should note that non-letter graded courses are not factored into a student’s GPA when applying to the PhD program at Fletcher nor can they be considered when students compute their own GPA for external purposes. Dropping a Cross-Registered Course: If you want to drop a cross-registered course, you must begin by notifying Fletcher (your home school), but you must also observe the deadlines for both the home or host school, whichever comes first, and also inform the host school promptly. Failure to do this will result in a permanent withdrawal code of “W” being recorded on your official transcript for the course.