Mother Fletcher`s Gift

 Cheryl Hamilton
 Grade 6
A policeman in Harlem meets one of the
neighborhood’s most well-known
citizens—the elderly Mother Fletcher.
 Mother Fletcher invites the policeman
and his family to Christmas dinner. The
policeman would rather not go, but his
wife and daughter insist. They have a
wonderful visit, each learning something
new about the spirit of giving.
Characters are the people or animals
that take part in the events of a story.
You can understand the characters by
examining their words and actions. You
can also understand characters by the
way other people speak about them
and act toward them.
 Fixtures
 Flimsy
 Incident
 Subscribe
 Survive
Seemingly; with the appearance of
Things put in place to stay
Easily torn or broken; not strongly made
Something that happens; event
To give your consent or approval; agree
To continue to exist; remain